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  • On the Separating Redundancy of Ternary Golay Codes

    Haiyang LIU  Lianrong MA  Hao ZHANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:3

    Let G11 (resp., G12) be the ternary Golay code of length 11 (resp., 12). In this letter, we investigate the separating redundancies of G11 and G12. In particular, we determine the values of sl(G11) for l = 1, 3, 4 and sl(G12) for l = 1, 4, 5, where sl(G11) (resp., sl(G12)) is the l-th separating redundancy of G11 (resp., G12). We also provide lower and upper bounds on s2(G11), s2(G12), and s3(G12).

  • Non-Orthogonal Packet Access Based on Low Density Signature With Phase Only Adaptive Precoding

    Satoshi DENNO  Ryoko SASAKI  Yafei HOU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:3

    This paper proposes non-orthogonal packet access based on low density signature with phase only adaptive precoding. The proposed access allows multiple user terminals to send their packets simultaneously for implementing massive connectivity, though only one antenna is put on every terminal and on an access point. This paper proposes a criterion that defines the optimum rotation angles for the phase only precoding, and an algorithm based on the steepest descent to approach the optimum rotation angles. Moreover, this paper proposes two complexity-reduced algorithms that converge much faster than the original algorithm. When 6 packets are transmitted in 4 time slots, i.e., overloading ratio of 1.5, the proposed adaptive precoding based on all the proposed algorithms attains a gain of about 4dB at the BER of 10-4 in Rician fading channels.

  • Robustness of Deep Learning Models in Dermatological Evaluation: A Critical Assessment

    Sourav MISHRA  Subhajit CHAUDHURY  Hideaki IMAIZUMI  Toshihiko YAMASAKI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E104-D No:3

    Our paper attempts to critically assess the robustness of deep learning methods in dermatological evaluation. Although deep learning is being increasingly sought as a means to improve dermatological diagnostics, the performance of models and methods have been rarely investigated beyond studies done under ideal settings. We aim to look beyond results obtained on curated and ideal data corpus, by investigating resilience and performance on user-submitted data. Assessing via few imitated conditions, we have found the overall accuracy to drop and individual predictions change significantly in many cases despite of robust training.

  • Benchmarking Modern Edge Devices for AI Applications

    Pilsung KANG  Jongmin JO  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E104-D No:3

    AI (artificial intelligence) has grown at an overwhelming speed for the last decade, to the extent that it has become one of the mainstream tools that drive the advancements in science and technology. Meanwhile, the paradigm of edge computing has emerged as one of the foremost areas in which applications using the AI technology are being most actively researched, due to its potential benefits and impact on today's widespread networked computing environments. In this paper, we evaluate two major entry-level offerings in the state-of-the-art edge device technology, which highlight increased computing power and specialized hardware support for AI applications. We perform a set of deep learning benchmarks on the devices to measure their performance. By comparing the performance with other GPU (graphics processing unit) accelerated systems in different platforms, we assess the computational capability of the modern edge devices featuring a significant amount of hardware parallelism.

  • Experimental Verification of SDN/NFV in Integrated mmWave Access and Mesh Backhaul Networks Open Access

    Makoto NAKAMURA  Hiroaki NISHIUCHI  Jin NAKAZATO  Konstantin KOSLOWSKI  Julian DAUBE  Ricardo SANTOS  Gia Khanh TRAN  Kei SAKAGUCHI  


    E104-B No:3

    In this paper, a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) architecture is constructed, and the effectiveness of mmWave overlay heterogeneous network (HetNet) with mesh backhaul utilizing route-multiplexing and Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) utilizing prefetching algorithm is verified by measuring the throughput and the download time of real contents. The architecture can cope with the intensive mobile data traffic since data delivery utilizes multiple backhaul routes based on the mesh topology, i.e. route-multiplexing mechanism. On the other hand, MEC deploys the network edge contents requested in advance by nearby User Equipment (UE) based on pre-registered context information such as location, destination, demand application, etc. to the network edge, which is called prefetching algorithm. Therefore, mmWave access can be fully exploited even with capacity-limited backhaul networks by introducing the proposed algorithm. These technologies solve the problems in conventional mmWave HetNet to reduce mobile data traffic on backhaul networks to cloud networks. In addition, the proposed architecture is realized by introducing wireless Software Defined Network (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). In our architecture, the network is dynamically controlled via wide-coverage microwave band links by which UE's context information is collected for optimizing the network resources and controlling network infrastructures to establish backhaul routes and MEC servers. In this paper, we develop the hardware equipment and middleware systems, and introduce these algorithms which are used as a driver of IEEE802.11ad and open source software. For 5G and beyond, the architecture integrated in mmWave backhaul, MEC and SDN/NFV will support some scenarios and use cases.

  • On the Minimum Number of Pieces for Two-Dimensional Anti-Slide Using T-Tetrominoes

    Kento KIMURA  Kazuyuki AMANO  Tetsuya ARAKI  


    E104-D No:3

    Given a box of some specified size and a number of pieces of some specified shape, the anti-slide problem considers how to pack the pieces such that none of the pieces in the box can slide in any direction. The object is to find such a sparsest packing. In this paper, we consider the problem for the case of a two-dimensional square box using T-tetromino pieces. We show that, for a square box of side length n, the number of pieces in a sparsest packing is exactly $lfloor 2n/3 floor$ when n≢0 (mod 3), and is between 2n/3-1 and n-1 when n≡0 (mod 3).

  • Clustering of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions for Computer-Assisted Marking

    Vu-Tran-Minh KHUONG  Khanh-Minh PHAN  Huy-Quang UNG  Cuong-Tuan NGUYEN  Masaki NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E104-D No:2

    Many approaches enable teachers to digitalize students' answers and mark them on the computer. However, they are still limited for supporting marking descriptive mathematical answers that can best evaluate learners' understanding. This paper presents clustering of offline handwritten mathematical expressions (HMEs) to help teachers efficiently mark answers in the form of HMEs. In this work, we investigate a method of combining feature types from low-level directional features and multiple levels of recognition: bag-of-symbols, bag-of-relations, and bag-of-positions. Moreover, we propose a marking cost function to measure the marking effort. To show the effectiveness of our method, we used two datasets and another sampled from CROHME 2016 with synthesized patterns to prepare correct answers and incorrect answers for each question. In experiments, we employed the k-means++ algorithm for each level of features and considered their combination to produce better performance. The experiments show that the best combination of all the feature types can reduce the marking cost to about 0.6 by setting the number of answer clusters appropriately compared with the manual one-by-one marking.

  • Temperature-Robust 0.48-V FD-SOI Intermittent Startup Circuit with 300-nA Quiescent Current for Batteryless Wireless Sensor Capable of 1-μA Energy Harvesting Sources

    Minoru SUDO  Fumiyasu UTSUNOMIYA  Ami TANAKA  Takakuni DOUSEKI  


    E104-A No:2

    A temperature-variation-tolerant intermittent startup circuit (ISC) that suppresses quiescent current to 300nA at 0.48V was developed. The ISC is a key circuit for a batteryless wireless sensor that can detect a 1μA generation current of energy harvesting sources from the intervals of wireless signals. The ISC consists of an ultralow-voltage detector composed of a depletion-type MOSFET and low-Vth MOSFETs, a Dickson-type gate-boosted charge pump circuit, and a power-switch control circuit. The detector consists of a voltage reference comparator and a feedback-controlled latch circuit for a hysteresis function. The voltage reference comparator, which has a common source stage with a folded constant-current-source load composed of a depletion-type nMOSFET, makes it possible to reduce the temperature dependency of the detection voltage, while suppressing the quiescent current to 300nA at 0.48V. The ISC fabricated with fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) CMOS technology also suppresses the variation of the quiescent current. To verify the effectiveness of the circuit, the ISC was fabricated in a 0.8-μm triple-Vth FD-SOI CMOS process. An experiment on the fabricated system, the ISC boosts the input voltage of 0.48V to 2.4V while suppressing the quiescent current to less than 300nA at 0.48V. The measured temperature coefficient of the detection voltage was ±50ppm/°C. The fluctuation of the quiescent current was 250nA ± 90nA in the temperature range from 0°C to 40°C. An intermittent energy harvesting sensor with the ISC was also fabricated. The sensor could detect a generation current of 1μA at EH sources within an accuracy of ±15% in the temperature range from 0°C to 40°C. It was also successfully applied to a self-powered wireless plant-monitoring sensor system.

  • Mobility Innovation “Another CASE” Open Access

    Koji OGURI  Haruki KAWANAKA  Shintaro ONO  


    E104-A No:2

    The environment surrounding automotive technology is undergoing a major transformation. In particular, as technological innovation advances in new areas called “CASE” such as Connected, Autonomous/Automated, Shared, and Electric, various research activities are underway. However, this is an approach from the standpoint of the automobile centered, and when considering the development of a new automobile society, it is necessary to consider from the standpoint of “human centered,” who are users, too. Therefore, this paper proposes the possibility of technological innovation in the area of “Another CASE” such as Comfortable, Accessible, Safety, and Enjoy/Exciting, and introduces the contents of some interesting researches.

  • Tactile Touch Display Using Segmented-Electrode Array with Tactile Strength Stabilization Open Access

    Hiroshi HAGA  Takuya ASAI  Shin TAKEUCHI  Harue SASAKI  Hirotsugu YAMAMOTO  Koji SHIGEMURA  

    INVITED PAPER-Electronic Displays

    E104-C No:2

    We developed an 8.4-inch electrostatic-tactile touch display using a segmented-electrode array (30×20) as both tactile pixels and touch sensors. Each pixel can be excited independently so that the electrostatic-tactile touch display allows presenting real localized tactile textures in any shape. A driving scheme in which the tactile strength is independent of the grounding state of the human body by employing two-phased actuation was also proposed and demonstrated. Furthermore, tactile crosstalk was investigated to find it was due to the voltage fluctuation in the human body and it was diminished by applying the aforementioned driving scheme.

  • Some Results on Incorrigible Sets of Binary Linear Codes

    Hedong HOU  Haiyang LIU  Lianrong MA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:2

    In this letter, we consider the incorrigible sets of binary linear codes. First, we show that the incorrigible set enumerator of a binary linear code is tantamount to the Tutte polynomial of the vector matroid induced by the parity-check matrix of the code. A direct consequence is that determining the incorrigible set enumerator of binary linear codes is #P-hard. Then for a cycle code, we express its incorrigible set enumerator via the Tutte polynomial of the graph describing the code. Furthermore, we provide the explicit formula of incorrigible set enumerators of cycle codes constructed from complete graphs.

  • Design and Implementation of a Software Tester for Benchmarking Stateless NAT64 Gateways Open Access

    Gábor LENCSE  


    E104-B No:2

    The Benchmarking Working Group of IETF has defined a benchmarking methodology for IPv6 transition technologies including stateless NAT64 (also called SIIT) in RFC 8219. The aim of our effort is to design and implement a test program for SIIT gateways, which complies with RFC 8219, and thus to create the world's first standard free software SIIT benchmarking tool. In this paper, we overview the requirements for the tester on the basis of RFC 8219, and make scope decisions: throughput, frame loss rate, latency and packet delay variation (PDV) tests are implemented. We fully disclose our design considerations and the most important implementation decisions. Our tester, siitperf, is written in C++ and it uses the Intel Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK). We also document its functional tests and its initial performance estimation. Our tester is distributed as free software under GPLv3 license for the benefit of the research, benchmarking and networking communities.

  • Packet Processing Architecture with Off-Chip Last Level Cache Using Interleaved 3D-Stacked DRAM Open Access

    Tomohiro KORIKAWA  Akio KAWABATA  Fujun HE  Eiji OKI  

    PAPER-Network System

    E104-B No:2

    The performance of packet processing applications is dependent on the memory access speed of network systems. Table lookup requires fast memory access and is one of the most common processes in various packet processing applications, which can be a dominant performance bottleneck. Therefore, in Network Function Virtualization (NFV)-aware environments, on-chip fast cache memories of a CPU of general-purpose hardware become critical to achieve high performance packet processing speeds of over tens of Gbps. Also, multiple types of applications and complex applications are executed in the same system simultaneously in carrier network systems, which require adequate cache memory capacities as well. In this paper, we propose a packet processing architecture that utilizes interleaved 3 Dimensional (3D)-stacked Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) devices as off-chip Last Level Cache (LLC) in addition to several levels of dedicated cache memories of each CPU core. Entries of a lookup table are distributed in every bank and vault to utilize both bank interleaving and vault-level memory parallelism. Frequently accessed entries in 3D-stacked DRAM are also cached in on-chip dedicated cache memories of each CPU core. The evaluation results show that the proposed architecture reduces the memory access latency by 57%, and increases the throughput by 100% while reducing the blocking probability but about 10% compared to the architecture with shared on-chip LLC. These results indicate that 3D-stacked DRAM can be practical as off-chip LLC in parallel packet processing systems.

  • A Tighter Correlation Lower Bound for Quasi-Complementary Sequence Sets with Low Correlation Zone

    Bing LIU  Zhengchun ZHOU  Udaya PARAMPALLI  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E104-A No:2

    Inspired by an idea due to Levenshtein, we apply the low correlation zone constraint in the analysis of the weighted mean square aperiodic correlation. Then we derive a lower bound on the measure for quasi-complementary sequence sets with low correlation zone (LCZ-QCSS). We discuss the conditions of tightness for the proposed bound. It turns out that the proposed bound is tighter than Liu-Guan-Ng-Chen bound for LCZ-QCSS. We also derive a lower bound for QCSS, which improves the Liu-Guan-Mow bound in general.

  • Sequences with Low Partial-Period Autocorrelation Sidelobes Constructed via Optimization Method

    Mingxing ZHANG  Zhengchun ZHOU  Meng YANG  Haode YAN  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E104-A No:2

    The partial-period autocorrelation of sequences is an important performance measure of communication systems employing them, but it is notoriously difficult to be analyzed. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to design unimodular sequences with low partial-period autocorrelations via directly minimizing the partial-period integrated sidelobe level (PISL). The proposed algorithm is inspired by the monotonic minimizer for integrated sidelobe level (MISL) algorithm. Then an acceleration scheme is considered to further accelerate the algorithms. Numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithm can effectively generate sequences with lower partial-period peak sidelobe level (PPSL) compared with the well-known Zadoff-Chu sequences.

  • Modeling and Supervisory Control of Blockchain Forks

    Kosuke TODA  Naomi KUZE  Toshimitsu USHIO  


    E104-A No:2

    Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology for recording transactions. When two or more miners create different versions of the blocks at almost the same time, blockchain forks occur. We model the mining process with forks by a discrete event system and design a supervisor controlling these forks.

  • Neural Architecture Search for Convolutional Neural Networks with Attention

    Kohei NAKAI  Takashi MATSUBARA  Kuniaki UEHARA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E104-D No:2

    The recent development of neural architecture search (NAS) has enabled us to automatically discover architectures of neural networks with high performance within a few days. Convolutional neural networks extract fruitful features by repeatedly applying standard operations (convolutions and poolings). However, these operations also extract useless or even disturbing features. Attention mechanisms enable neural networks to discard information of no interest, having achieved the state-of-the-art performance. While a variety of attentions for CNNs have been proposed, current NAS methods have paid a little attention to them. In this study, we propose a novel NAS method that searches attentions as well as operations. We examined several patterns to arrange attentions and operations, and found that attentions work better when they have their own search space and follow operations. We demonstrate the superior performance of our method in experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet datasets. The found architecture achieved lower classification error rates and required fewer parameters compared to those found by current NAS methods.

  • Proposal of Novel Temperature-Independent Zero-Zero-Birefringence Polymer with High Heat-Resistance Open Access

    Kohei WATANABE  Yuma KOBAYASHI  Yasuhiro KOIKE  

    INVITED PAPER-Electronic Materials

    E104-C No:2

    Temperature-independent zero-zero-birefringence polymer (TIZZBP), which exhibits very small birefringence over the wide temperature range, is required to realize real-color images for displays, particularly vehicle-mounted displays. Previously, a TIZZBP was synthesized, but they did not put into practical use because of their too complex composition and low mechanical strength. In this paper, we propose a practical TIZZBP that has high heat resistance, high transparency and sufficient mechanical strength, using a simple binary copolymerization system. Our proposed novel polymer exhibits very low photoelastic birefringence and very low orientational birefringence. Both types of birefringence of this TIZZBP satisfy the negligible levels for displays, which are defined as follows: the absolute values of photoelastic coefficient and intrinsic birefringence are less than 1 ×10-12 Pa-1 and 1 ×10-3, respectively. In addition, temperature dependency of orientational birefringence was very low. Orientational birefringence satisfies the negligible level all over the temperature range from around -40°C to 85°C. This temperature range is important because it is the operational temperature range for vehicle-mounted display. Furthermore, our proposed novel TIZZBP showed high heat resistance, high transparency and sufficient mechanical strength. The glass transition temperature was 194°C. The total light transmittance and the haze value is more than 91% and less than 1%, respectively. The tensile strength of non-oriented films was 35 ~ 50 MPa. These results suggest our proposed novel TIZZBP has high practicality in addition to very low birefringence. Therefore, this TIZZBP film will be very useful for various displays including vehicle-mounted displays and flexible displays.

  • Neural Network-Based Model-Free Learning Approach for Approximate Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems

    Zhenhui XU  Tielong SHEN  Daizhan CHENG  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E104-A No:2

    This paper studies the infinite time horizon optimal control problem for continuous-time nonlinear systems. A completely model-free approximate optimal control design method is proposed, which only makes use of the real-time measured data from trajectories instead of a dynamical model of the system. This approach is based on the actor-critic structure, where the weights of the critic neural network and the actor neural network are updated sequentially by the method of weighted residuals. It should be noted that an external input is introduced to replace the input-to-state dynamics to improve the control policy. Moreover, strict proof of convergence to the optimal solution along with the stability of the closed-loop system is given. Finally, a numerical example is given to show the efficiency of the method.

  • Matching with GUISAC-Guided Sample Consensus

    Hengyong XIANG  Li ZHOU  Xiaohui BA  Jie CHEN  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E104-D No:2

    The traditional RANSAC samples uniformly in the dataset which is not efficient in the task with rich prior information. This letter proposes GUISAC (Guided Sample Consensus), which samples with the guidance of various prior information. In image matching, GUISAC extracts seed points sets evenly on images based on various prior factors at first, then it incorporates seed points sets into the sampling subset with a growth function, and a new termination criterion is used to decide whether the current best hypothesis is good enough. Finally, experimental results show that the new method GUISAC has a great advantage in time-consuming than other similar RANSAC methods, and without loss of accuracy.
