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  • Formalizing Refactoring by Using Graph Transformation

    Hiroshi KAZATO  Minoru TAKAISHI  Takashi KOBAYASHI  Motoshi SAEKI  

    PAPER-Metrics, Test, and Maintenance

    E87-D No:4

    Refactoring is one of the promising techniques for improving software design by means of behavior-preserving structural transformation, and is widely taken into practice. In particular, it is frequently applied to design models represented with UML such as class diagrams. However, since UML design models includes multiple diagrams which are closely related from various views, to get behavior-preserving property, we should get the other types of design information and should handle with the propagation of the change on a diagram to the other diagrams. For example, to refactor a class diagram, we need behavioral information of methods included in the class and should also refactor diagrams which represent the behavior, such as state diagrams, activity diagrams. In this paper, we introduce refactoring on design models as transformations of a graph described by UML class diagram and action semantics. First, we define basic transformations of design models that preserve the behavior of designed software, and compose them into refactoring operations. We use Object Constraint Language (OCL) to specify when we can apply a refactoring operation. Furthermore we implement our technique on a graph transformation system AGG to support the automation of refactoring, together with evaluation mechanism of OCL expressions. Some illustrations are presented to show its effectiveness. The work is the first step to handle with refactoring on UML design models in integrated way.

  • VLSI-Oriented Motion Estimation Using a Steepest Descent Method in Mobile Video Coding

    Masayuki MIYAMA  Junichi MIYAKOSHI  Kousuke IMAMURA  Hideo HASHIMOTO  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  


    E87-C No:4

    This paper describes a VLSI-oriented motion estimation algorithm using a steepest descent method (SDM) applied to MPEG-4 visual communication with a mobile terminal. The SDM algorithm is optimized for QCIF or CIF resolution video and VLSI implementation. The SDM combined with a subblock search method is developed to enhance picture quality. Simulation results show that a mean PSNR drop of the SDM algorithm processing QCIF 15 fps resolution video in comparison with a full search algorithm is -0.17 dB. Power consumption of a VLSI based on the SDM algorithm assuming 0.18 µm CMOS technology is estimated at 2 mW. The VLSI attains higher picture quality than that based on the other fast motion estimation algorithm, and is applicable to mobile video applications.

  • DODDLE II: A Domain Ontology Development Environment Using a MRD and Text Corpus

    Masaki KUREMATSU  Takamasa IWADE  Naomi NAKAYA  Takahira YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Knowledge Engineering and Robotics

    E87-D No:4

    In this paper, we describe how to exploit a machine-readable dictionary (MRD) and domain-specific text corpus in supporting the construction of domain ontologies that specify taxonomic and non-taxonomic relationships among given domain concepts. In building taxonomic relationships (hierarchical structure) of domain concepts, some hierarchical structure can be extracted from a MRD with marked subtrees that may be modified by a domain expert, using matching result analysis and trimmed result analysis. In building non-taxonomic relationships (specification templates) of domain concepts, we construct concept specification templates that come from pairs of concepts extracted from text corpus, using WordSpace and an association rule algorithm. A domain expert modifies taxonomic and non-taxonomic relationships later. Through case studies with "the Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (CISG)" and "XML Common Business Library (xCBL)", we make sure that our system can work to support the process of constructing domain ontologies with a MRD and text corpus.

  • Quadtrees-Based Image Authentication Technique

    Hongxia WANG  Chen HE  Ke DING  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E87-A No:4

    This letter presents a novel quandtree-based image authentication technique especially suitable for the content authentication of high quality required digital images. The host image and the hiding marks generate quadtrees which record the information of host images. Any malicious tamper to the image is reflected from the recovered marks. Compared to other authentication schemes based on the fragile watermarking technique, the host image is not at all modified and the detection to malicious tamper is sensitive.

  • A Design for Testability Technique for Low Power Delay Fault Testing

    James Chien-Mo LI  


    E87-C No:4

    This paper presents a Quiet-Noisy scan technique for low power delay fault testing. The novel scan cell design provides both the quiet and noisy scan modes. The toggling of scan cell outputs is suppressed in the quiet scan mode so the power is saved. Two-pattern tests are applied in the noisy scan mode so the delay fault testing is possible. The experimental data shows that the Quiet-Noisy scan technique effectively reduces the test power to 56% of that of the regular scan. The transition fault coverage is improved by 19.7% compared to an existing toggle suppression low power technique. The presented technique requires very minimal changes in the existing MUX-scan Design For Testability (DFT) methodology and needs virtually no computation. The penalties are area overhead, speed degradation, and one extra control in test mode.

  • Formalization of Binary Sequence Sets with Zero Correlation Zone

    Kenji TAKATSUKASA  Shinya MATSUFUJI  Yoshihiro TANADA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E87-A No:4

    This paper formulates functions generating four kinds of binary sequence sets of length 2n with zero correlation zone, which have been discussed for approximately synchronized CDMA systems without co-channel interference nor influence of multipath. They are logic functions of a binary vector of order n, expressed by EXOR and AND operations.

  • Circuit Partition and Reordering Technique for Low Power IP Design

    Kun-Lin TSAI  Shanq-Jang RUAN  Chun-Ming HUANG  Edwin NAROSKA  Feipei LAI  


    E87-C No:4

    Circuit partition, retiming and state reordering techniques are effective in reducing power consumption of circuits. In this paper, we propose a partition architecture and a methodology to reduce power consumption when designing low power IP, named PRC (Partition and Reordering Circuit). The circuit reordering synthesis flow consists of three phases: first, evenly partition the circuit based on the Shannon expansion; secondly encode the output vectors of each partition to build an equivalent functional logic. Finally, apply reordering algorithm to reorganize the logic function to reduce power consumption and decrease area cost. The validity of our architecture is proven by applying it to MCNC benchmark with simulation environment.

  • Electric-Energy Generation through Variable-Capacitive Resonator for Power-Free LSI

    Masayuki MIYAZAKI  Hidetoshi TANAKA  Goichi ONO  Tomohiro NAGANO  Norio OHKUBO  Takayuki KAWAHARA  


    E87-C No:4

    A vibration-to-electric energy converter as a power generator through a variable-resonating capacitor is theoretically and experimentally demonstrated as a potential on-chip battery. The converter is constructed from three components: a mechanical-variable capacitor, a charge-transporter circuit and a timing-capture control circuit. An optimum design methodology is theoretically described to maximize the efficiency of the vibration-to-electric energy conversion. The energy-conversion efficiency is analyzed based on the following three factors: the mechanical-energy to electric-energy conversion loss, the parasitic elements loss in the charge-transporter circuit and the timing error in the timing-capture circuit. Through the mechanical-energy conversion analysis, the optimum condition for the resonance is found. The parasitic elements in the charge-transporter circuit and the timing management of the capture circuit dominate the output energy efficiency. These analyses enable the optimum design of the energy-conversion system. The converter is fabricated experimentally. The practical measured power is 0.12 µW, and the conversion efficiency is 21%. This efficiency is calculated from a 43% mechanical-energy conversion loss and a 63% charge-transportation loss. The timing-capture circuit is manually controlled in this experiment, so that the timing error is not considered in the efficiency. From our result, a new system LSI application with an embedded power source can be explored for the ubiquitous computing world.

  • Low-Power Multiple-Valued Current-Mode Logic Using Substrate Bias Control

    Akira MOCHIZUKI  Takahiro HANYU  


    E87-C No:4

    A new multiple-valued current-mode (MVCM) logic circuit using substrate bias control is proposed for low-power VLSI systems at higher clock frequency. Since a multi-level threshold value is represented as a threshold voltage of an MOS transistor, a voltage comparator is realized by a single MOS transistor. As a result, two basic components, a comparator and an output generator in the MVCM logic circuit can be merged into a single MOS differential-pair circuit where the threshold voltages of MOS transistors are controlled by substrate biasing. Moreover, the leakage current is also reduced using substrate bias control. As a typical example of an arithmetic circuit, a radix-2 signed-digit full adder using the proposed circuit is implemented in a 0.18- µm CMOS technology. Its dynamic and static power dissipations are reduced to about 79 percent and 14 percent, respectively, in comparison with those of the corresponding binary CMOS implementation at the supply voltage of 1.8 V and the clock frequency of 500 MHz.

  • Distributed Active Noise Control Systems Based on Simultaneous Equations Methods

    Mitsuji MUNEYASU  Yumi WAKASUGI  Ken'ichi KAGAWA  Kensaku FUJII  Takao HINAMOTO  


    E87-A No:4

    A multiple channel active noise control (ANC) system with several secondary sources, error sensors, and reference sensors has been used for complicated noise fields. Centralized multiple channel ANC systems have been proposed, however implementation of such systems becomes difficult according to increase of control points. Distributed multiple channel ANC systems which have more than a controller are considered. This paper proposes a new implementation of distributed multiple channel ANC systems based on simultaneous equations methods. In the proposed algorithm, communications between controllers are permitted to distribute the computational burden and to improve the performance of noise reduction. This algorithm shows good performances for noise cancellation and tracking of changes in the error paths.

  • Performance of Chaos and Burst Noises Injected to the Hopfield NN for Quadratic Assignment Problems

    Yoko UWATE  Yoshifumi NISHIO  Tetsushi UETA  Tohru KAWABE  Tohru IKEGUCHI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E87-A No:4

    In this paper, performance of chaos and burst noises injected to the Hopfield Neural Network for quadratic assignment problems is investigated. For the evaluation of the noises, two methods to appreciate finding a lot of nearly optimal solutions are proposed. By computer simulations, it is confirmed that the burst noise generated by the Gilbert model with a laminar part and a burst part achieved the good performance as the intermittency chaos noise near the three-periodic window.

  • Endpoint Admission Control Enhanced Systems for VoIP Networks

    Abdulkhalig A. BILHAJ  Kenichi MASE  


    E87-B No:4

    This paper presents QoS control enhanced architecture for VoIP networks. In this architecture we use both the probe flow delay and average loss rate measurement systems. First we apply the probability-based EMBAC scheme on our delay system. Then we propose a new probability-based EMBAC with a severe congestion consideration scheme to improve the admission control scheme in both measurement systems. We compare the performance of the enhanced systems in terms of blocking probability under the same condition of achieving average packet loss rate no greater than the certain target by setting an appropriate admission threshold in each system under each scenario. In this study, it is shown through simulations that for the same target voice average loss rate, the enhanced systems proposed in this paper outperform the conventional schemes in handling the network resources. Then we will seek to prove that, for extra traffic loads within a busy period of time and with an optimal admission threshold chosen in advance, the enhanced systems can be a powerful and reliable EMBAC tool for VoIP networks in achieving high network performance with minimum blocking probability and minimum average loss rates. Finally it is shown that the enhanced systems have reasonable scalability.

  • A Method to Develop Feasible Requirements for Java Mobile Code Application

    Haruhiko KAIYA  Kouta SASAKI  Kenji KAIJIRI  

    PAPER-Requirement Engineering

    E87-D No:4

    We propose a method for analyzing trade-off between an environment where a Java mobile code application is running and requirements for the application. In particular, we focus on the security-related problems that originate in low-level security policy of the code-centric style of the access control in Java runtime. As the result of this method, we get feasible requirements with respect to security issues of mobile codes. This method will help requirements analysts to compromise the differences between customers' goals and realizable solutions. Customers will agree to the results of the analysis by this method because they can clearly trace the reasons why some goals are achieved but others are not. We can clarify which functions can be performed under the environment systematically. We also clarify which functions in mobile codes are needed so as to meet the goals of users by goal oriented requirements analysis(GORA). By comparing functions derived from the environment and functions from the goals, we can find conflicts between the environments and the goals, and also find vagueness of the requirements. By resolving the conflicts and by clarifying the vagueness, we can develop bases for the requirements specification.

  • A Low Power Programmable Turbo Decoder Macro Using the SOVA Algorithm

    Hirohisa GAMBE  Kazuhisa OHBUCHI  Teruo ISHIHARA  Takaaki ZAKOJI  Kiyomichi ARAKI  


    E87-C No:4

    Turbo codes are of particular use in applications of wireless communication systems, where various types of communication are required and the data rate must be changed, depending on the situation. In such applications, adaptation of turbo coding specifications is required in terms of coding block size, data speed, parity bit arrangement or configuration of a convolutional coder, as well as the need for real time processing. We present new ideas to provide these capabilities for a low power decoder circuit by focusing on the configuration of a convolutional decoding algorithm, which occupies a significant proportion of the hardware circuit. We utilize the Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA) for the base algorithm, produced by adding the concept of a soft output to the Viterbi Algorithm (VA). The Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) algorithm and its simplified version of MAX-LOG-MAP are also widely known. MAP is recognized as a means of achieving very good bit error rate (BER) characteristics. On the other hand SOVA has been regarded as a method which can be simply implemented with less computational resources, but at a cost of higher degradation. However, in many of recent systems we combine turbo coding with some other method such as Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) to maintain a good error correction performance and we only have to pay attention to the performance in the range of low carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR), where SOVA has fairly satisfactory BER characteristics. This makes the SOVA approach attractive for a low power programmable IP macro solution, when the fundamental advantage of SOVA is fully utilized in the implementation of an LSI circuit. We discuss the processing algorithm and circuit configuration and show that about 40% reduction in power consumption can be achieved. It is also shown that the IP macro can handle 1.5 Mbps information decoding at 100 MHz clock rate.

  • Supervisory Control of a Class of Concurrent Discrete Event Systems

    Shigemasa TAKAI  Toshimitsu USHIO  


    E87-A No:4

    In this paper, we study supervisory control of a class of discrete event systems with simultaneous event occurrences, which we call concurrent discrete event systems. The behavior of the system is described by a language over the simultaneous event set. We introduce a notion of concurrent well-posedness of languages. We then prove that Lm(G)-closure, controllability, and concurrent well-posedness of a specification language are necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a nonblocking supervisor. We address the computational complexity for verifying the existence conditions.

  • Shared Sub-Path Protection with Overlapped Protection Areas in WDM Networks

    Jian-Qing LI  Hong-Shik PARK  Hyeong-Ho LEE  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E87-B No:4

    A new partitioning configuration that divides a given network into overlapped protection areas is investigated. If two working sub-paths are in the adjacent different working areas, their corresponding protection sub-paths can share a wavelength on the link that belongs to the overlap between two adjacent protection areas. The objective of overlapping is to increase sharing of the protection sub-paths that belong to the adjacent protection areas. The performances of resource utilization and recovery time are improved without any significant degradation of other performances.

  • A Hardware/Software Cosynthesis Algorithm for Processors with Heterogeneous Datapaths

    Yuichiro MIYAOKA  Nozomu TOGAWA  Masao YANAGISAWA  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  


    E87-A No:4

    This paper proposes a hardware/software cosynthesis algorithm for processors with heterogeneous registers. Given a CDFG corresponding to an application program and a timing constraint, the algorithm generates a processor configuration minimizing area of the processor and an assembly code on the processor. First, the algorithm configures a datapath which can execute several DFG nodes with data dependency at one cycle. The datapath can execute the application program at the least number of cycles. The branch and bound algorithm is applied and all the number of functional units and memory banks are tried. For an assumed number of functional units and memory banks, an appropriate number of heterogeneous registers and connections to functional units and registers are explored. The experimental results show effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm.

  • A Single Chip H.32X Multimedia Communication Processor with CIF 30 fr/s MPEG-4/H.26X Bi-directional Codec

    Noriyuki MINEGISHI  Ken-ichi ASANO  Keisuke OKADA  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  


    E87-C No:4

    A single chip processor suitable for various multimedia communication products has been developed. This chip achieves real-time bi-directional encoding/decoding for CIF resolution video at a frame rate of 30 fr/s, and meets such standards, as H.320 and H.324. The chip is composed of a video-processing unit for MPEG-4 and H.26X standards, a DSP unit for speech codec and multiplex processes, and a RISC unit for managing the whole chip. By heterogeneous multiple processor architecture, careful study of task sharing for each processing unit and bus configuration, a single chip solution can be achieved with reasonable operation speed and low-power consumption suitable for consumer products. Moreover, by applying an original video processing unit architecture, this chip achieves real-time bi-directional encoding/decoding for CIF-resolution video at a frame rate of 30 fr/s. An original video bus was developed to provide high performance and low-power consumption while sharing one external memory which is necessary for various video processes and graphics functions. This shared memory also has the effect of minimizing die size and I/O ports. This chip has been fabricated with 4-metal 0.18 µm CMOS technology to produce a chip area of 10.510.5 mm2 with 1.2 W power dissipation including I/O power, at 1.8 V for internal supply and 3.3 V for I/O power supply.

  • Intelligent versus Random Software Testing

    Juichi TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Metrics, Test, and Maintenance

    E87-D No:4

    Comparison of intelligent and random testing in data inputting is still under discussion. Little is also known about testing for the whole software and empirical testing methodology when random testing used. This study research not only for data inputting testing, but also operation of software (called transitions) in order to test the whole GUI software by intelligent and random testing. Methodology of this study is that we attempt to research efficiency of random and intelligent testing by Chinese postman problem. In general, random testing is considered straightforward but not efficient. Chinese postman problem testing is complicated but efficient. The comparison between random and intelligent testing would give further recommendation for software testing methodology.

  • A Feed-Forward Dynamic Voltage Control Algorithm for Low Power MPEG4 on Multi-Regulated Voltage CPU

    Hideo OHIRA  Kentaro KAWAKAMI  Miwako KANAMORI  Yasuhiro MORITA  Masayuki MIYAMA  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  


    E87-C No:4

    In this paper, we describe a feed-forward dynamic voltage/clock-frequency control method enabling low power MPEG4 on multi-regulated voltage CPU with combining the characteristics of the CPU and the video encoding processing. This method theoretically achieves minimum low power consumption which is close to the hardware-level power consumption. Required processing performance for MPEG4 visual encoding totally depends on the activity of the sequence, and high motion sequence requires high performance and low motion sequence requires low performance. If required performance is predictable, lower power consumption can be achieved with controlling the adequate voltage and clock-frequency dynamically at every frame. The proposed method in this paper is predicting the required processing performance of a future frame using our unique feed-forward analysis method and controlling a voltage and frequency dynamically at every frame along with the forward analysis value. The simulation results indicate that the proposed feed-forward analysis method adequately predicts the required processing performance of every future frame, and enables to minimize power consumption on software basis MPEG4 visual encoding processing. In the case that CPU has Frequency-Voltage characteristics of 1.8 V @400 MHz to 1.0 V @189 MHz, the proposed method reduces the power consumption approximately 37% at high motion sequences or 65% at low motion sequences comparing with the conventional software video encoding method.
