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  • Analysis of a High-Speed Slotted Ring with Single Packet Buffers

    Woo Young JUNG  Chong Kwan UN  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:6

    In this paper, we present an analysis of a high-speed slotted ring with a single packet buffer at each station. Assuming that distances between stations affect the network performance only through the sum of themselves (this will be called the "lumpability assumption"), we introduce a model system called the lumped model in which stations are aggregated at a single point on the ring with their relative positions preserved. At the instant when each slot visits the aggregated point of the lumped model, we build a Markov chain by recording the system state of buffers and slots. From the steady state probabilities of the Markov chain, we obtain the mean waiting time and the blocking probability of each station. It will be shown analytically and by simulation that the analysis based on the lumped model yields accurate results for various network conditions.

  • A Synthesis of a Forest-Type Optimal File Transfer on a File Transmission Net with Source Vertices

    Yoshihiro KANEKO  Koichi SUZUKI  Shoji SHINODA  Kazuo HORIUCHI  


    E78-A No:6

    A problem of synthesizing an optimal file transfer on a file transmission net N is to consider how to distribute, with a minimum total cost, copies of a file J with some information from source vertex set S to all vertices of N by the respective vertices' copy demand numbers. The case of |S| =1 has been studied so far. This paper deals with N such that |S|1, where a forest-type file transfer is defined. This paper proposes a polynomial time algorithm to synthesize an optimal forest-type file transfer on such N satisfying SM U, where M and U are mother vertex set and positive demand vertex set of N, respectively.

  • Fast Solutions for Consecutive 2-out-of-r-from-n: F System



    E78-A No:6

    The previous literature on consecutive k-out-of-r-from-n: F systems give recursive equations for the system reliability only for the special case when all component probabilities are equal. This paper deals with the problem of calculating the reliability for a (linear or circular) consecutive 2-out-of-r-from-n: F system with unequal component probabilities. We provide two new algorithms for the linear and circular systems which have time complexity of O(n) and O(nr), respectively. The results of some computational experiments are also described.

  • New Error Probability Upper Bound on Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation for Intersymbol Interference Channels

    Hiroshi NOGAMI  Gordon L. STÜBER  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E78-A No:6

    A new upper hound on the error probability for maximum likelihood sequence estimation of digital signaling on intersymbol interference channels with additive white Gaussian noise is presented. The basic idea is to exclude all parallel error sequences and to exclude some of the overlapping error events from the union bound. It is shown that the new upper bound can be easily and efficiently computed by using a properly labeled error-state diagram and a one-directional stack algorithm. Several examples are presented that compare the new upper bound with bounds previously reported in the literature.

  • Model-Adaptable Parameter Extraction System for MOSFET Models

    Masaki KONDO  Takashi MORIE  Hidetoshi ONODERA  Keikichi TAMARU  


    E78-A No:5

    This paper describes a parameter extraction system that can easily accommodate many MOSFET models. The model-adaptability is contributed by tow factors; a model-adaptable initial value estimation technique and an environment which stores and reuses extraction procedures. A designer can easily develop an extraction procedure for a new MOSFET model by modifying a procedure for another MOSFET model developed previously. We have verified that the system is suitable for major SPICE models.

  • Wide Bandwidth SAW Resonator Filter Using 36Y-X LiTaO3 Substrate

    Yasushi KURODA  Satoshi ICHIKAWA  Seiichi MITOBE  Masayochi KOSHINO  


    E78-A No:5

    Wide bandwidth of 30MHz was achieved by 3-IDT SAW resonator filters using 36Y-X LiTaO3 substrates at 800MHz. The filter, which has fractional bandwidth of 3.6%, can be applied for several mobile communication systems. Low insertion loss of 1.7 dB was obtained by taking parallel arranged configuration, which proved to be 0.4 dB better than simple cascade-connected configuration.

  • Simulation Model of Self Adaptive Behavior in Quasi-Ecosystem

    Tomomi TAKASHINA  Shigeyoshi WATANABE  


    E78-A No:5

    In this paper, the computational model of Quasi-Ecosystem that is constructed in the way of bottom up, i.e., that consists of herbivores, carnivores and plants is proposed and the simulation result is shown. The behavior pattern of the model is represented by finite state automata. Simple adaptive behavior of animals was observed in this simulation. This indicates that mutation is effective method for self adaptive behavior and the possibility that the model can be used as a framework for autonomous agents.

  • Feature-Based Image Analysis for Classification of Echocardiographic Images

    Du-Yih TSAI  Masaaki TOMITA  


    E78-A No:5

    In this letter the classification of echocardiographic images is studied by making use of some texture features, including the angular second moment, the contrast, the correlation, and the entropy which are obtained from a gray-level cooccurrence matrix. Features of these types are used to classify two sets of echocardiographic images-normal and abnormal (cardiomyopathy) hearts. A minimum distance classifier and evaluation indexes are employed to evaluate the performance of these features. Implementation of our algorithm is performed on a PC-386 personal computer and produces about 87% correct classification for the two sets of echocardiographic images. Our preliminary results suggest that this method of feature-based image analysis has potential use for computer-aided diagnosis of heart diseases.

  • Evaluating Security of a Simple Interactive Human Identification Scheme



    E78-A No:5

    Password checking schemes are human identification methods commonly adopted in many information systems. One of their disadvantages is that an attacker who correctly observed an input password can impersonate the corresponding user freely. To overcome it there have been proposed interactive human identification schemes. Namely, a human prover who has a secret key is asked a question by a machine verifier, who then checks if an answer from the prover matches the question with respect to the key. This letter examines such a scheme that requires relatively less efforts to human provers. By computer experiments this letter evaluates its resistance against a type of attack; after observing several pairs of questions and correct answers how successfully can an attacker answer the next question?

  • Properties of Language Classes with Finite Elasticity

    Takashi MORIYAMA  Masako SATO  

    PAPER-Computational Learning Theory

    E78-D No:5

    This paper considers properties of language classes with finite elasticity in the viewpoint of set theoretic operations. Finite elasticity was introduced by Wright as a sufficient condition for language classes to be inferable from positive data, and as a property preserved by (not usual) union operation to generate a class of unions of languages. We show that the family of language classes with finite elasticity is closed under not only union but also various operations for language classes such as intersection, concatenation and so on, except complement operation. As a framework defining languages, we introduce restricted elementary formal systems (EFS's for short), called max length-bounded by which any context-sensitive language is definable. We define various operations for EFS's corresponding to usual language operations and also for EFS classes, and investigate closure properties of the family Ge of max length-bounded EFS classes that define classes of languages with finite elasticity. Furthermore, we present theorems characterizing a max length-bounded EFS class in the family Ge, and that for the language class to be inferable from positive data, provided the class is closed under subset operation. From the former, it follows that for any n, a language class definable by max length-bounded EFS's with at most n axioms has finite elasticity. This means that Ge is sufficiently large.

  • High-Tc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device with Additional Positive Feedback

    Akira ADACHI  Ken'ichi OKAJIMA  Youichi TAKADA  Saburo TANAKA  Hideo ITOZAKI  Haruhisa TOYODA  Hisashi KADO  

    PAPER-SQUID sensor and multi-channel SQUID system

    E78-C No:5

    This study shows that using the direct offset integration technique (DOIT) and additional positive feedback (APF) in a high-Tc dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) improves the effective flux-to-voltage transfer function and reduces the flux noise of a magnetometer, thus improving the magnetic field noise. The effective flux-to-voltage transfer function and the flux noise with APF were measured at different values of the positive feedback parameter βa, which depends on the resistance of the APF circuit. These quantities were also compared between conditions with and without APF. This investigation showed that a βa condition the most suitable for minimizing the flux noise of a magnetometer with APF exists and that it is βa=0.77. The effective flux-to-voltage transfer function with APF is about three times what it is without APF (93 µV/Φ0 vs. 32 µV/Φ0). The magnetic field noise of a magnetometer with APF is improved by a factor of about 3 (242 fT/Hz vs. 738 fT/Hz).

  • Characteristics of High-Tc Superconducting Flux Flow Transistors

    Kazunori MIYAHARA  Koji TSURU  Shugo KUBO  Minoru SUZUKI  

    INVITED PAPER-Three terminal devices and Josephson Junctions

    E78-C No:5

    High-Tc superconducting flux flow transistors were fabricated with co-evaporated thin films of YBaCuO. The vortex flow channels (2 µm in width) and the device patterns were formed by Ar ion milling. The three-terminal characteristics, vortex flow characteristics, transresistance, and current gain of the device were measured. The AC input-output characteristics of the device with an Au load resistor were also measured. The measured flow voltage, transresistance and current gain are discussed in relation to these AC input-output measurements.

  • Monte Carlo Calculations on the Passage of Electrons through Thin Films Irradiated by 300 keV Electrons

    Toshiyuki KIJIMA  Masatoshi KOTERA  Hirosi SUGA  Yoshiaki NAKASE  

    PAPER-Vacuum and Beam Technologies

    E78-C No:5

    A Monte Carlo method for the passage of electrons based on a single scattering model is developed. A code based on this method is operable on personal computers, and has been applied to analyze electron behavior in a layered system consisting of Ti (an accelerator window), air, cellulose triacetate (CTA) and backing material irradiated by 300 keV electrons. The energy spectra and the angular distributions of electrons on the CTA surface as well as depth distributions of energy deposition in the CTA for various backing materials have been obtained. Some of these results are compared with experiments, and show fairly good agreement.

  • XPM Effect in Coherent FDM Systems Using FSK and Heterodyne Detection Scheme

    Katsuhiko KUBOKI  Yusuke UCHIDA  


    E78-B No:5

    Cross-phase modulation (XPM) induced by residual intensity modulation in coherent optical frequency-shift-keying (FSK) frequency division multiplexing (FDM) transmission systems that use dispersion-shifted fibers is evaluated theoretically and experimentally in terms of spectral profile deformation. The bit-error rate is measured in a 2.5-Gbit/s 4-channel 40-km dispersion-shifted fiber transmission experiment, and we confirm experimentally and theoretically that the power penalty in the presence of residual intensity modulation of over 4 mWp-p exceeds 1dB. Experimental results show that the penalty due to XPM is large even when the power of the newly generated lights caused by four-wave mixing is 20-dB less than that of signals. This confirms that residual intensity modulation must be reduced in continuous-phase (CP)-FSK-FDM systems even though they are designed to avoid generating four-wave mixing.

  • Comparison of Josephson Microwave Self-Radiation and Linewidth Properties in Various YBa2Cu3Oy Grain Boundary Junctions

    Kiejin LEE  Ienari IGUCHI  

    PAPER-Microwave devices

    E78-C No:5

    We have investigated the Josephson microwave self-radiation and the linewidth from different types of YBa2Cu3Oy(YBCO) grain boundary junctions: natural grain boundary junctions, step-edge junctions and bicrystal junctions. The Josephson self-rediation was directly observed using a total power radiometer receiver with receiving frequencies fREC=1.7-72 GHz. All junctions exhibited microwave self-radiation peaks with intensity of order of 10-12-10-14 W. For step-edge and bicrystal junction, they appeared at a voltage related to the Josephson frequency-voltage relation, V=n(h/2e)f, while for natural grain boundary junctions, the above relation did not hold, suggesting a Josephson medium property. For all types of junctions the observed Josephson linewidth deviated from the theoretical RSJ values due to the extra noise source in the grain boundary junction. The Josephson linewidth decreased with increasing the receiving frequency for all type of junctions. The reduction of Josephson linewidth at higher frequencies indicates that the critical current fluctuations due to a critical current spread at small bias voltages and a crystalline disorientation at the junction boundary generate an additional noise in grain boundary junctions.

  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imager)

    Yoshinori SUZUKI  

    INVITED PAPER-Applications of small-size high field superconducting magnet

    E78-C No:5

    MRI is a widely used diagnostic imaging modality because it has excellent diagnostic capabilities, is safe to use and generates images not affected by bone artifacts. Images are obtained by utilizing the phenomenon of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) by which protons located in a static magnetic field absorb radiofrequency (RF) pulses with a specific frequency and release a part of the energy as a NMR signal. Potentially MRI has the ability to provide functional and metabolic information (such as flow, temperature, diffusion, neuron activity) in addition to morphological information. This paper describes the imaging principles and provides a general outline of some applications: flow imaging, metabolite imaging and temperature imaging.

  • A Bipolar Very Low-Voltage Multiplier Core Using a Quadritail Cell

    Katsuji KIMURA  


    E78-A No:5

    A bipolar low-voltage multiplier core is presented. The proposed low-voltage multiplier core is built from a bipolar quadritail cell. Voltages applied to the individual bases of the transistors in the bipolar quadritail cell are aVxbVy, (a1)Vx(b1)Vy ,aVx(b1)Vy, and (a1)VxbVy, where Vx and Vy are the input signals, and a and b are constants, for example, VxVy, O, Vx, and Vy. Simple input systems using resistive dividers are also described. The dc transfer characteristics were verified on a breadboard using transistor-arrays and discrete components. The dc transfer characteristic of the proposed multiplier core is very close to that of the Gilbert multiplier cell, but the proposed multiplier core is operable on low supply voltage. Therefore, a bipolar multiplier core using a quadritail cell is a low-voltage version of the Gilbert multiplier cell. The proposed bipolar multiplier is practically useful because it can be easily implemented in integrated circuits by utilizing a multiplier core and a resistor-only input system, and it also operates at very lowvoltage. Therefore, the proposed bipolar multipliers are very suitable for low-power operation.

  • Delay Performance of Multi-Zone MCA Mobile Communication Systems

    Qing-An ZENG  Kaiji MUKUMOTO  Akira FUKUDA  

    LETTER-Mobile Communication

    E78-B No:5

    We study behavior of multi-zone MCA (Multi-Channel Access) mobile communication systems with a finite number of channels in each zone. Three queueing schemes for channel requests named holding scheme, ready-nonready scheme, and optimum scheme are investigated. The delay performance of channel requests is studied through computer simulations.

  • Stability Criteria for Interval Matrices via Regularity Conditions

    Takehiro MORI  Hideki KOKAME  


    E78-A No:5

    This letter addresses stability problems of interval matrices stemming from robustness issues in control theory. A quick overview is first made pertaining to methods to obtain stability conditions of interval matrices, putting particular emphasis upon one of them, regularity condition approach. Then, making use of this approach, several new stability criteria, for both Hurwitz and Schur stability, are derived.

  • Variable Baud Rate Fully Digitized Modem for Wireless Communication Systems

    Takashi OKADA  Tadashi SHIRATO  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E78-B No:5

    This paper describes a fully digitized modem designed for variable baud rate transmission systems with the aim of efficiently providing multimedia services over a wireless communication network. The concept of a variable baud rate wireless communication system is discussed focusing on the access scheme and channel allocation from the viewpoint of frequency utilization efficiency. For easy system construction, we propose a fully digitized variable baud rate modem based on multirate digital signal processing, taking into account the need for even performance and easy clock control for all transmission rates. We also discuss the operational principle of modulation, the degradation factor in the A/D converter, and the configuration of the clock recovery circuit. Steady modulation performance can be kept by generating the same frequency system clock for all transmission rates and using the sampling rate conversion technique without selecting the channel filter for each transmission rate. It is proved by the analysis of the degradation factor in the A/D converter that only the bandwidth of the channel filter in demodulator should be changed for the transmission rate. A double loop clock recovery configuration capable of both tank-limit type and baseband estimation type clock recovery is shown to be suitable for this system. The tank-limit clock recovery circuits can be constructed easily by employing a tank circuit array. Finally, we present experimental results for a modem having transmission rates of 1.544Mbps and 6.312Mbps for the digital hierarchy and information speed of video signals such as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2. The measured basic performance of the proposed modem shows it delivers superior performance without the need for precise adjustment when a QPSK modulation scheme is employed.
