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  • Improved Resolution Enhancement Technique for Broadband Illumination in Flat Panel Display Lithography Open Access

    Kanji SUZUKI  Manabu HAKKO  


    E105-C No:2

    In flat panel display (FPD) lithography, a high resolution and large depth of focus (DOF) are required. The demands for high throughput have necessitated the use of large glass plates and exposure areas, thereby increasing focal unevenness and reducing process latitude. Thus, a large DOF is needed, particularly for high-resolution lithography. To manufacture future high-definition displays, 1.0μm line and space (L/S) is predicted to be required, and a technique to achieve this resolution with adequate DOF is necessary. To improve the resolution and DOF, resolution enhancement techniques (RETs) have been introduced. RETs such as off-axis illumination (OAI) and phase-shift masks (PSMs) have been widely used in semiconductor lithography, which utilizes narrowband illumination. To effectively use RETs in FPD lithography, modification for broadband illumination is required because FPD lithography utilizes such illumination as exposure light. However, thus far, RETs for broadband illumination have not been studied. This study aimed to develop techniques to achieve 1.0μm L/S resolution with an acceptable DOF. To this end, this paper proposes a method that combines our previously developed RET, namely, divided spectrum illumination (DSI), with an attenuated PSM (Att. PSM). Theoretical observations and simulations present the design of a PSM for broadband illumination. The transmittance and phase shift, whose degree varies according to the wavelength, are determined in terms of aerial image contrast and resist loss. The design of DSI for an Att. PSM is also discussed considering image contrast, DOF, and illumination intensity. Finally, the exposure results of 1.0μm L/S using DSI and PSM techniques are shown, demonstrating that a PSM greatly improves the resist profile, and DSI enhances the DOF by approximately 30% compared to conventional OAI. Thus, DSI and PSMs can be used in practical applications for achieving 1.0μm L/S with sufficient DOF.

  • A Novel Method for Adaptive Beamforming under the Strong Interference Condition

    Zongli RUAN  Hongshu LIAO  Guobing QIAN  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E105-A No:2

    In this letter, firstly, a novel adaptive beamformer using independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm is proposed. By this algorithm, the ambiguity of amplitude and phase resulted from blind source separation is removed utilizing the special structure of array manifolds matrix. However, there might exist great calibration error when the powers of interferences are far larger than that of desired signal at many applications such as sonar, radio astronomy, biomedical engineering and earthquake detection. As a result, this will lead to a significant reduction in separation performance. Then, a new method based on the combination of ICA and primary component analysis (PCA) is proposed to recover the desired signal's amplitude under strong interference. Finally, computer simulation is carried out to indicate the effectiveness of our methods. The simulation results show that the proposed methods can obtain higher SNR and more accurate power estimation of desired signal than diagonal loading sample matrix inversion (LSMI) and worst-case performance optimization (WCPO) method.

  • In-Band Full-Duplex-Applicable Area Expansion by Inter-User Interference Reduction Using Successive Interference Cancellation

    Shota MORI  Keiichi MIZUTANI  Hiroshi HARADA  


    E105-B No:2

    In-band full-duplex (IBFD) has been an attractive technology, which can theoretically double the spectral efficiency. However, when performing IBFD in the dynamic-duplex cellular (DDC) system, inter-user interference (IUI) deteriorates transmission performance in downlink (DL) communication and limits IBFD-applicable area and IBFD application ratio. In this paper, to expand the IBFD-applicable area and improve the IBFD application ratio, we propose an IUI reduction scheme using successive interference cancellation (SIC) for the DDC system. SIC can utilize the power difference and reduce the signal with the higher power. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated by the computer simulation. The IUI reducing effect on the IBFD-inapplicable area is confirmed when the received power of the IUI is stronger than that of the desired signal at the user equipment for DL (DL-UE). The IBFD-inapplicable area within 95m from the DL-UE, where the IBFD does not work without the proposed scheme, can reduce by 43.6% from 52.8% to 9.2% by applying the proposed scheme. Moreover, the IBFD application ratio can improve by 24.6% from 69.5% to 94.1%.

  • ExamChain: A Privacy-Preserving Onscreen Marking System Based on Consortium Blockchain

    Haoyang AN  Jiageng CHEN  


    E105-D No:2

    The development of educational informatization makes data privacy particularly important in education. With society's development, the education system is complicated, and the result of education evaluation becomes more and more critical to students. The evaluation process of education must be justice and transparent. In recent years, the Onscreen Marking (OSM) system based on traditional cloud platforms has been widely used in various large-scale public examinations. However, due to the excessive concentration of power in the existing scheme, the mainstream marking process is not transparent, and there are hidden dangers of black-box operation, which will damage the fairness of the examination. In addition, issues related to data security and privacy are still considered to be severe challenges. This paper deals with the above problems by providing secure and private transactions in a distributed OSM assuming the semi-trusted examination center. We have implemented a proof-of-concept for a consortium blockchain-based OSM in a privacy-preserving and auditable manner, enabling markers to mark on the distributed ledger anonymously. We have proposed a distributed OSM system in high-level, which provides theoretical support for the fair evaluation process of education informatization. It has particular theoretical and application value for education combined with blockchain.

  • Layerweaver+: A QoS-Aware Layer-Wise DNN Scheduler for Multi-Tenant Neural Processing Units

    Young H. OH  Yunho JIN  Tae Jun HAM  Jae W. LEE  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E105-D No:2

    Many cloud service providers employ specialized hardware accelerators, called neural processing units (NPUs), to accelerate deep neural networks (DNNs). An NPU scheduler is responsible for scheduling incoming user requests and required to satisfy the two, often conflicting, optimization goals: maximizing system throughput and satisfying quality-of-service (QoS) constraints (e.g., deadlines) of individual requests. We propose Layerweaver+, a low-cost layer-wise DNN scheduler for NPUs, which provides both high system throughput and minimal QoS violations. For a serving scenario based on the industry-standard MLPerf inference benchmark, Layerweaver+ significantly improves the system throughput by up to 266.7% over the baseline scheduler serving one DNN at a time.

  • A Proof of Work Based on Key Recovery Problem of Cascade Block Ciphers with ASIC Resistance

    Takaki ASANUMA  Takanori ISOBE  


    E105-D No:2

    Hashcash, which is a Proof of Work (PoW) of bitcoin, is based on a preimage problem of hash functions of SHA-2 and RIPEMD. As these hash functions employ the Merkle-Damgard (MD) construction, a preimage can be found with negligible memory. Since such calculations can be accelerated by dedicated ASICs, it has a potential risk of a so-called 51% attack. To address this issue, we propose a new PoW scheme based on the key recovery problem of cascade block ciphers. By choosing the appropriate parameters, e.g., block sizes and key sizes of underlying block ciphers, we can make this problem a memory-hard problem such that it requires a lot of memory to efficiently solve it. Besides, we can independently adjust the required time complexity and memory complexity, according to requirements by target applications and progress of computational power.

  • New Construction Methods on Multiple Output Resilient Boolean Functions with High Nonlinearity

    Luyang LI  Linhui WANG  Dong ZHENG  Qinlan ZHAO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E105-A No:2

    Construction of multiple output functions is one of the most important problems in the design and analysis of stream ciphers. Generally, such a function has to be satisfied with several criteria, such as high nonlinearity, resiliency and high algebraic degree. But there are mutual restraints among the cryptographic parameters. Finding a way to achieve the optimization is always regarded as a hard task. In this paper, by using the disjoint linear codes and disjoint spectral functions, two classes of resilient multiple output functions are obtained. It has been proved that the obtained functions have high nonlinearity and high algebraic degree.

  • Toward Blockchain-Based Spoofing Defense for Controlled Optimization of Phases in Traffic Signal System

    Yingxiao XIANG  Chao LI  Tong CHEN  Yike LI  Endong TONG  Wenjia NIU  Qiong LI  Jiqiang LIU  Wei WANG  


    E105-D No:2

    Controlled optimization of phases (COP) is a core implementation in the future intelligent traffic signal system (I-SIG), which has been deployed and tested in countries including the U.S. and China. In such a system design, optimal signal control depends on dynamic traffic situation awareness via connected vehicles. Unfortunately, I-SIG suffers data spoofing from any hacked vehicle; in particular, the spoofing of the last vehicle can break the system and cause severe traffic congestion. Specifically, coordinated attacks on multiple intersections may even bring cascading failure of the road traffic network. To mitigate this security issue, a blockchain-based multi-intersection joint defense mechanism upon COP planning is designed. The major contributions of this paper are the following. 1) A blockchain network constituted by road-side units at multiple intersections, which are originally distributed and decentralized, is proposed to obtain accurate and reliable spoofing detection. 2) COP-oriented smart contract is implemented and utilized to ensure the credibility of spoofing vehicle detection. Thus, an I-SIG can automatically execute a signal planning scheme according to traffic information without spoofing data. Security analysis for the data spoofing attack is carried out to demonstrate the security. Meanwhile, experiments on the simulation platform VISSIM and Hyperledger Fabric show the efficiency and practicality of the blockchain-based defense mechanism.

  • FPGA Implementation of 3-Bit Quantized Multi-Task CNN for Contour Detection and Disparity Estimation

    Masayuki MIYAMA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:2

    Object contour detection is a task of extracting the shape created by the boundaries between objects in an image. Conventional methods limit the detection targets to specific categories, or miss-detect edges of patterns inside an object. We propose a new method to represent a contour image where the pixel value is the distance to the boundary. Contour detection becomes a regression problem that estimates this contour image. A deep convolutional network for contour estimation is combined with stereo vision to detect unspecified object contours. Furthermore, thanks to similar inference targets and common network structure, we propose a network that simultaneously estimates both contour and disparity with fully shared weights. As a result of experiments, the multi-tasking network drew a good precision-recall curve, and F-measure was about 0.833 for FlyingThings3D dataset. L1 loss of disparity estimation for the dataset was 2.571. This network reduces the amount of calculation and memory capacity by half, and accuracy drop compared to the dedicated networks is slight. Then we quantize both weights and activations of the network to 3-bit. We devise a dedicated hardware architecture for the quantized CNN and implement it on an FPGA. This circuit uses only internal memory to perform forward propagation calculations, that eliminates high-power external memory accesses. This circuit is a stall-free pixel-by-pixel pipeline, and performs 8 rows, 16 input channels, 16 output channels, 3 by 3 pixels convolution calculations in parallel. The convolution calculation performance at the operating frequency of 250 MHz is 9 TOPs/s.

  • Low-Hit-Zone Frequency-Hopping Sequence Sets with Wide-Gap and Optimal Hamming Correlation Properties

    Limengnan ZHOU  Qian KONG  Hongyu HAN  Xing LIU  Hanzhou WU  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:2

    Frequency-hopping sequence (FHS) sets with low-hit-zone (LZH) can be well applied in quasi-synchronous (QS) frequency-hopping multiple-access (FHMA) systems to reduce the mutual interference among different users. On the other hand, LHZ-FHS sets with wide-gap (WG) property can effectively resist the broadband blocking interference, the single frequency narrowband interference, the multipath fading and the tracking interference. In this letter, a new family of WG-LHZ-FHS sets is constructed. Besides, these new WG-LHZ-FHS sets possess optimal average periodic Hamming correlation (APHC) properties.

  • Efficient Task Allocation Protocol for a Hybrid-Hierarchical Spatial-Aerial-Terrestrial Edge-Centric IoT Architecture Open Access



    E105-B No:2

    In this paper, we propose a novel Hybrid-Hierarchical spatial-aerial-Terrestrial Edge-Centric (H2TEC) for the space-air integrated Internet of Things (IoT) networks. (H2TEC) comprises unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that act as mobile fog nodes to provide the required services for terminal nodes (TNs) in cooperation with the satellites. TNs in (H2TEC) offload their generated tasks to the UAVs for further processing. Due to the limited energy budget of TNs, a novel task allocation protocol, named TOP, is proposed to minimize the energy consumption of TNs while guaranteeing the outage probability and network reliability for which the transmission rate of TNs is optimized. TOP also takes advantage of the energy harvesting by which the low earth orbit satellites transfer energy to the UAVs when the remaining energy of the UAVs is below a predefined threshold. To this end, the harvested power of the UAVs is optimized alongside the corresponding harvesting time so that the UAVs can improve the network throughput via processing more bits. Numerical results reveal that TOP outperforms the baseline method in critical situations that more power is required to process the task. It is also found that even in such situations, the energy harvesting mechanism provided in the TOP yields a more efficient network throughput.

  • A Learning-Based Service Function Chain Early Fault Diagnosis Mechanism Based on In-Band Network Telemetry

    Meiming FU  Qingyang LIU  Jiayi LIU  Xiang WANG  Hongyan YANG  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E105-D No:2

    Network virtualization has become a promising paradigm for supporting diverse vertical services in Software Defined Networks (SDNs). Each vertical service is carried by a virtual network (VN), which normally has a chaining structure. In this way, a Service Function Chain (SFC) is composed by an ordered set of virtual network functions (VNFs) to provide tailored network services. Such new programmable flexibilities for future networks also bring new network management challenges: how to collect and analyze network measurement data, and further predict and diagnose the performance of SFCs? This is a fundamental problem for the management of SFCs, because the VNFs could be migrated in case of SFC performance degradation to avoid Service Level Agreement (SLA) violation. Despite the importance of the problem, SFC performance analysis has not attracted much research attention in the literature. In this current paper, enabled by a novel detailed network debugging technology, In-band Network Telemetry (INT), we propose a learning based framework for early SFC fault prediction and diagnosis. Based on the SFC traffic flow measurement data provided by INT, the framework firstly extracts SFC performance features. Then, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are utilized to predict the upcoming values for these features in the next time slot. Finally, Support Vector Machine (SVM) is utilized as network fault classifier to predict possible SFC faults. We also discuss the practical utilization relevance of the proposed framework, and conduct a set of network emulations to validate the performance of the proposed framework.

  • Secure Blockchain Interworking Using Extended Smart Contract



    E105-D No:2

    Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology used for trading digital assets, such as cryptocurrency, and trail records that need to be audited by third parties. The use cases of blockchain are expanding beyond cryptocurrency management. In particular, the token economy, in which tokenized assets are exchanged across different blockchain ledgers, is gaining popularity. Cross-chain technologies such as atomic swap have emerged as security technologies to realize this new use case of blockchain. However, existing approaches of cross-chain technology have unresolved issues, such as application limitations on different blockchain platforms owing to the incompatibility of the communication interface and crypto algorithm and inability to handle a complex business logic such as the escrow trade. In this study, the ConnectionChain is proposed, which enables the execution of an extended smart contract using abstracted operation on interworking ledgers. Moreover, field experimental results using the system prototype are presented and explained.

  • Few-Shot Anomaly Detection Using Deep Generative Models for Grouped Data

    Kazuki SATO  Satoshi NAKATA  Takashi MATSUBARA  Kuniaki UEHARA  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E105-D No:2

    There exists a great demand for automatic anomaly detection in industrial world. The anomaly has been defined as a group of samples that rarely or never appears. Given a type of products, one has to collect numerous samples and train an anomaly detector. When one diverts a model trained with old types of products with sufficient inventory to the new type, one can detect anomalies of the new type before a production line is established. However, because of the definition of the anomaly, a typical anomaly detector considers the new type of products anomalous even if it is consistent with the standard. Given the above practical demand, this study propose a novel problem setting, few-shot anomaly detection, where an anomaly detector trained in source domains is adapted to a small set of target samples without full retraining. Then, we tackle this problem using a hierarchical probabilistic model based on deep learning. Our empirical results on toy and real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed model detects anomalies in a small set of target samples successfully.

  • An Incentivization Mechanism with Validator Voting Profile in Proof-of-Stake-Based Blockchain Open Access

    Takeaki MATSUNAGA  Yuanyu ZHANG  Masahiro SASABE  Shoji KASAHARA  


    E105-B No:2

    The Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol is one of the consensus algorithms for blockchain, in which the integrity of a new block is validated according to voting by nodes called validators. However, due to validator-oriented voting, voting results are likely to be false when the number of validators with wrong votes increases. In the PoS protocol, validators are motivated to vote correctly by reward and penalty mechanisms. With such mechanisms, validators who contribute to correct consensuses are rewarded, while those who vote incorrectly are penalized. In this paper, we consider an incentivization mechanism based on the voting profile of a validator, which is estimated from the voting history of the validator. In this mechanism, the stake collected due to the penalties are redistributed to validators who vote correctly, improving the incentive of validators to contribute to the system. We evaluate the performance of the proposed mechanism by computer simulations, investigating the impacts of system parameters on the estimation accuracy of the validator profile and the amount of validator's stake. Numerical results show that the proposed mechanism can estimate the voting profile of a validator accurately even when the voting profile dynamically changes. It is also shown that the proposed mechanism gives more reward to validators who vote correctly with high voting profile.

  • Semantic Shilling Attack against Heterogeneous Information Network Based Recommend Systems

    Yizhi REN  Zelong LI  Lifeng YUAN  Zhen ZHANG  Chunhua SU  Yujuan WANG  Guohua WU  


    E105-D No:2

    The recommend system has been widely used in many web application areas such as e-commerce services. With the development of the recommend system, the HIN modeling method replaces the traditional bipartite graph modeling method to represent the recommend system. But several studies have already showed that recommend system is vulnerable to shilling attack (injecting attack). However, the effectiveness of how traditional shilling attack has rarely been studied directly in the HIN model. Moreover, no study has focused on how to enhance shilling attacks against HIN recommend system by using the high-level semantic information. This work analyzes the relationship between the high-level semantic information and the attacking effects in HIN recommend system. This work proves that attack results are proportional to the high-level semantic information. Therefore, we propose a heuristic attack method based on high-level semantic information, named Semantic Shilling Attack (SSA) on a HIN recommend system (HERec). This method injects a specific score into each selected item related to the target in semantics. It ensures transmitting the misleading information towards target items and normal users, and attempts to interfere with the effect of the recommend system. The experiment is dependent on two real-world datasets, and proves that the attacking effect is positively correlate with the number of meta-paths. The result shows that our method is more effective when compared with existing baseline algorithms.

  • Deep-Learning-Assisted Single-Pixel Imaging for Gesture Recognition in Consideration of Privacy Open Access

    Naoya MUKOJIMA  Masaki YASUGI  Yasuhiro MIZUTANI  Takeshi YASUI  Hirotsugu YAMAMOTO  


    E105-C No:2

    We have utilized single-pixel imaging and deep-learning to solve the privacy-preserving problem in gesture recognition for interactive display. Silhouette images of hand gestures were acquired by use of a display panel as an illumination. Reconstructions of gesture images have been performed by numerical experiments on single-pixel imaging by changing the number of illumination mask patterns. For the training and the image restoration with deep learning, we prepared reconstructed data with 250 and 500 illuminations as datasets. For each of the 250 and 500 illuminations, we prepared 9000 datasets in which original images and reconstructed data were paired. Of these data, 8500 data were used for training a neural network (6800 data for training and 1700 data for validation), and 500 data were used to evaluate the accuracy of image restoration. Our neural network, based on U-net, was able to restore images close to the original images even from reconstructed data with greatly reduced number of illuminations, which is 1/40 of the single-pixel imaging without deep learning. Compared restoration accuracy between cases using shadowgraph (black on white background) and negative-positive reversed images (white on black background) as silhouette image, the accuracy of the restored image was lower for negative-positive-reversed images when the number of illuminations was small. Moreover, we found that the restoration accuracy decreased in the order of rock, scissor, and paper. Shadowgraph is suitable for gesture silhouette, and it is necessary to prepare training data and construct neural networks, to avoid the restoration accuracy between gestures when further reducing the number of illuminations.

  • Load Balancing with In-Protocol/Wallet-Level Account Assignment in Sharded Blockchains

    Naoya OKANAMI  Ryuya NAKAMURA  Takashi NISHIDE  


    E105-D No:2

    Sharding is a solution to the blockchain scalability problem. A sharded blockchain divides consensus nodes (validators) into groups called shards and processes transactions separately to improve throughput and latency. In this paper, we analyze the rational behavior of users in account/balance model-based sharded blockchains and identify a phenomenon in which accounts (users' wallets and smart contracts) eventually get concentrated in a few shards, making shard loads unfair. This phenomenon leads to bad user experiences, such as delays in transaction inclusions and increased transaction fees. To solve this problem, we propose two load balancing methods in account/balance model-based sharded blockchains. Both methods perform load balancing by periodically reassigning accounts: in the first method, the blockchain protocol itself performs load balancing and in the second method, wallets perform load balancing. We discuss the pros and cons of the two protocols, and apply the protocols to the execution sharding in Ethereum 2.0, an existing sharding design. Further, we analyze by simulation how the protocols behave to confirm that we can observe smaller transaction delays and fees. As a result, we released the simulation program as “Shargri-La,” a simulator designed for general-purpose user behavior analysis on the execution sharding in Ethereum 2.0.

  • Nonuniformity Measurement of Image Resolution under Effect of Color Speckle for Raster-Scan RGB Laser Mobile Projector

    Junichi KINOSHITA  Akira TAKAMORI  Kazuhisa YAMAMOTO  Kazuo KURODA  Koji SUZUKI  Keisuke HIEDA  


    E105-C No:2

    Image resolution under the effect of color speckle was successfully measured for a raster-scan mobile projector, using the modified contrast modulation method. This method was based on the eye-diagram analysis for distinguishing the binary image signals, black-and-white line pairs. The image resolution and the related metrics, illuminance, chromaticity, and speckle contrast were measured at the nine regions on the full-frame area projected on a standard diffusive reflectance screen. The nonuniformity data over the nine regions were discussed and analyzed.

  • Consistency Regularization on Clean Samples for Learning with Noisy Labels

    Yuichiro NOMURA  Takio KURITA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:2

    In the recent years, deep learning has achieved significant results in various areas of machine learning. Deep learning requires a huge amount of data to train a model, and data collection techniques such as web crawling have been developed. However, there is a risk that these data collection techniques may generate incorrect labels. If a deep learning model for image classification is trained on a dataset with noisy labels, the generalization performance significantly decreases. This problem is called Learning with Noisy Labels (LNL). One of the recent researches on LNL, called DivideMix [1], has successfully divided the dataset into samples with clean labels and ones with noisy labels by modeling loss distribution of all training samples with a two-component Mixture Gaussian model (GMM). Then it treats the divided dataset as labeled and unlabeled samples and trains the classification model in a semi-supervised manner. Since the selected samples have lower loss values and are easy to classify, training models are in a risk of overfitting to the simple pattern during training. To train the classification model without overfitting to the simple patterns, we propose to introduce consistency regularization on the selected samples by GMM. The consistency regularization perturbs input images and encourages model to outputs the same value to the perturbed images and the original images. The classification model simultaneously receives the samples selected as clean and their perturbed ones, and it achieves higher generalization performance with less overfitting to the selected samples. We evaluated our method with synthetically generated noisy labels on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 and obtained results that are comparable or better than the state-of-the-art method.
