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[Keyword] array(959hit)


  • Spatially and Temporally Joint Transmitter-Receiver Using an Adaptive Array Antenna

    Naoto ISHII  Ryuji KOHNO  

    PAPER-Modulation, Demodulation

    E79-B No:3

    Several papers have been shown equalization in the reception side. However, equalization in transmission side that is partial response signaling (PRS) or precoding is also possible in a two-way interactive communication such as time or frequency division duplex (TDD of FDD). This paper proposes and investigates a system which includes a transmission equalization and reception equalization based on an array antenna. This system is the extension in spatial and temporal domains. The channel capacity can be improved in the super channel which includes the transmitter and receiver array antenna.

  • Slot Design of a Concentric Array Radial Line Slot Antenna with Matching Slot Pairs

    Masao UENO  Seiji HOSONO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Kimio SAKURAI  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  Yasuhiko YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E79-B No:1

    A radial line slot antenna (RLSA) is a high efficiency and high gain planar antenna. The efficiency of RLSA becomes lower as the aperture size reduces due to rotational asymmetry of the illumination. A concentric array RLSA (CA-RLSA) was proposed to overcome this difficulty. It adopted three new techniques; (1) not spirally but concentrically arrayed slots, (2) a rotating mode feed circuit, (3) matching slot pairs eliminating termination loss. This paper proposes the basic slot design for (1) and (2) of CA-RLSA. Excellent characteristics of very small CA-RLSAs based upon this design are confirmed by measurements.

  • A Liquid-Crystal Control, Coherent Type Optoelectronic Phased Array Antenna Beam Forming Network Using Polarization Multiplex Optical Heterodyning

    Osamu KOBAYASHI  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-Optically Controlled Beam Forming Networks

    E79-C No:1

    An optoelectronic beam forming network (BFN) is presented for a single beam, 3-element phased array antenna that utilizes electrically controllable birefringence mode nematic liquid-crystal cells (ECB mode NLC cells) for phase shifting and amplitude control. In the circuit, a microwave signal is carried by a pair of orthogonal linearly polarized lightwaves (signal and reference lightwaves) using the optical heterodyning technique. Birefringence of liquid-crystals is utilized to selectively control the phase of the signal and reference lightwaves. Because an interferometer is formed on a single signal path, the complexity of the optical circuit is much reduced, compared to the BFNs based on arrays of Mach-Zender interferometers. A prototype circuit is built using laser sources of 1.3 µm, and its performance experimentally examined. With small deviations among the three cells, phase shifts of up to 240 degrees are achived for MW signals from 0.9 GHz to 20 GHz with good stability; attenuation of more than 18dB is achieved. An optoelectronic technique for parallel control of amplitude and phase of MW signals was developed.

  • A Single-Layer Power Divider for a Slotted Waveguide Array Using π-Junctions with an Inductive Wall

    Tsukasa TAKAHASHI  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E79-B No:1

    The authors propose a waveguide π-junction with an inductive wall. Galerkin's method of moments is applied to analyze it and small reflection and desired power division ratio is realized. Good agreement between the calculated result and the measured one verifies the design of a unit π-junction. The characteristics of aπ-junction with a wall are almost the same as those of a conventional π-junction with a post. Important advantage of the new π-junction with a wall is that it can be manufactured in the die-cast process of the waveguide while a post in the conventional one must be attached in an additional process. A 16-way power divider consisting of 8 π-junctions is designed at 11.85 GHz and the characteristics are predicted.

  • Photonic Integrated Beam Forming and Steering Network Using Switched True-Time-Delay Silica-Based Waveguide Circuits

    Kohji HORIKAWA  Ikuo OGAWA  Tsutomu KITOH  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-Optically Controlled Beam Forming Networks

    E79-C No:1

    This paper proposes a photonic integrated beam forming and steering network (BFN) that uses switched true-time-delay (TTD) silica-based waveguide circuits for phased array antennas. The TTD-BFN has thermooptic switches and variable time delay lines. This TTD-BFN controls four array elements, and can form and steer a beam. An RF test was carried out in the 2.5 GHz microwave frequency range. The experimental results show a peak-to-peak phase error of 6.0 degrees and peak-to-peak amplitude error of 2.0 dB. Array factors obtained from the measured results agree well with the designed ones. This silica-based beam former will be a key element in phased array antennas.

  • Frequency Characteristics of a Beamforming Network of an Optically Controlled Array Antenna and Its Radiation Pattern Measurements

    Kenichi YAMADA  Isamu CHIBA  Yoshio KARASAWA  

    PAPER-Optically Controlled Beam Forming Networks

    E79-C No:1

    As an optically controlled array antenna, a "two-laser type" using two laser diodes whose frequency difference is set to the desired microwave frequency has been proposed. In this paper, we confirm experimentally that the beamforming network of the two-laser type array antenna has very broadband characteristics by measuring the amplitude and phase of microwave signals at 1.5 GHz, 10 GHz and 20 GHz. Using the optically controlled beam forming network, the radiation pattern of a 4-element linear array antenna was measured at 1.5 GHz.

  • High-Resolution Penumbral Imaging of 14-MeV Neutrons

    Yen-Wei CHEN  Noriaki MIYANAGA  Minoru UNEMOTO  Masanobu YAMANAKA  Tatsuhiko YAMANAKA  Sadao NAKAI  Tetsuo IGUCHI  Masaharu NAKAZAWA  Toshiyuki IIDA  Shinichi TAMURA  


    E78-C No:12

    We have developed a neutron imaging system based on the penumbral imaging technique. The system consists of a penumbral aperture and a sensitive neutron detector. The aperture was made from a thick (6 cm) tungsten block with a toroidal taper. It can effectively block 14-MeV neutrons and provide a satisfactory sharp, isoplanatic (space-invariant) point spread function (PSF). A two-dimensional scintillator array, which is coupled with a gated two-stage image intensifier system and a CCD camera, was used as a sensitive neutron detector. It can record the neutron image with high sensitivity and high signal-to-noise ratio. The reconstruction was performed with a Wiener filter. The spatial resolution of the reconstructed neutron image was estimated to be 31 µm by computer simulation. Experimental demonstration has been achieved by imaging 14-MeV deuterium-tritium neutrons emitted from a laser-imploded target.

  • Eliminating the Quantization Problem in Signal Subspace Techniques

    Ioannis DACOS  Athanassios MANIKAS  


    E78-B No:11

    When signal subspace techniques, such as MuSIC, are used to locate a number of incident signals, an exhaustive search of the array manifold has to be carried out. This search involves the evaluation of a single cost function at a number of points which form a grid, resulting in quantization-error effects. In this paper a new algorithm is put forward to overcome the quantization problem. The algorithm uses a number of cost functions, and stages, equal to the number of incident signals. At each stage a new cost function is evaluated in a small number of "special" directions, known as characteristic points. For an N-element array the characteristic points, which can be pre-calculated from the array manifold curvatures, partition the array manifold into N-1 regions. By using a simple gradient algorithm, only a small area of one of these regions is searched at each stage, demonstrating the potential benefits of the proposed approach.

  • A Spatially and Temporally Optimal Multi-User Receiver Using an Array Antenna for DS/CDMA

    Minami NAGATSUKA  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E78-B No:11

    The tandem structure of a matched filter (MF) and a maximum likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) using the Viterbi algorithm (VA) has been considered to be an optimal receiver for digital pulse-amplitude sequences in the presence of intersymbol interference (ISI) and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). An adaptive array antenna has the capability of filtering received signals in the spatial domain as well as in the temporal one. In this paper, we propose a receiver structure using an adaptive array antenna, a digital filter and the VA that is spatially and temporally optimal for multi-user detection in a direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) environment. This receiver uses a tapped delay line (TDL) array antenna and the VA, which provides a maximum likelihood sequence estimate from the spatially and temporally whitened matched filter (ST-WMF) output. Performance of the proposed receiver is evaluated by theoretical analysis and computer simulations.

  • Basic Analysis on SAR Distribution of Coaxial-Slot Antenna Array for Interstitial Microwave Hyperthermia

    Lira HAMADA  Meng-Shien WU  Koichi ITO  Haruo KASAI  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E78-C No:11

    The interstitial hyperthermia is an invasive heating method applied by inserting the applicator into the human body. We have been studying on coaxial-slot antennas for interstitial microwave hyperthermia. The characteristics of the square antenna array were theoretically examined. Firstly, the basic structure of the antenna, and a simplified analysis model taking account of the effect of the boundary surface were explained. Then analysis was performed by using the moment method. Finally, the calculated results were discussed. The catheter thickness has much effect on the characteristics and must be considered both in designing and in using the antenna. When the array spacing was increased, the effective heating area became larger and more uniform. As the insertion depth was increased, the effective heating area was also enlarged.

  • The Differential CMA Adaptive Array Antenna Using an Eigen-Beamspace System

    Kentaro NISHIMORI  Nobuyoshi KIKUMA  Naoki INAGAKI  


    E78-B No:11

    This paper addresses approaches to enhancement of performance of the CMA (Constant Modulus Algorithm) adaptive array antenna in multipath environments that characterize the mobile radio communications. The cost function of the CMA reveals that it has an AGC (Automatic Gain Control) procedure of holding the array output voltage at a constant value. Therefore, if the output voltage by the initial weights is different from the object value, then the CMA may suffer from slow convergence because suppression of the multipath waves is delayed by the AGC behavior. Our objective is to improve the convergence characteristics by adopting the differential CMA for the adaptive array algorithm. First, the basic performance of the differential CMA is clarified via computer simulation. Next, the differential CMA is incorporated into the eigen-beamspace system in which the eigenvectors of the correlation matrix of array inputs are used in the BFN (Beam Forming Network). This BFN creates the optimum orthogonal multibeams for radio environments and works helpfully as a preprocessor of the differential CMA. The computer simulation results have demonstrated that the differential CMA with the eigen-beamspace system has much better convergence characteristics than the conventional CMA with the element space system. Furthermore, a modified algorithm is introduced which gives the stable array output voltages after convergence, and it is confirmed that the algorithm can carry out more successful adaptation even if the radio environments are changed abruptly.

  • The Choice of the Initial Condition of CMA Adaptive Arrays

    Kazuaki TAKAO  Hiromichi MATSUDA  


    E78-B No:11

    In this paper, we analyze the convergence behavior of the CMA (Constant Modulus Algorithm) adaptive array working under the steepest decent method, and investigate how to achieve the highest possible output SINR (Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio). In multipath radio environments, CMA sometimes suppresses the desired signal (stronger one) and selects to receive the interference (the weaker one) resulting in the low output SINR. This is one of the problems met in an optimization system under a nonlinear control equation where there are two or more local minima of the cost function and the final state depends on the initial condition. The study can be done only numerically by starting from various initial values. In our analysis of the CMA adaptive array in multipath radio environments, we will assume that there are two waves which are radiated from the same source and try to find out what conditions may affect the convergence behavior. In this process, we discover the effect of the neglected factor by the previous papers and revise the initial condition to guarantee the reception of the desirable wave. In conclusion, we propose the prescription of the initial weights of the array elements as well as the choice of preferable arrays.

  • Scattering of Electromagnetic Wave by Double Periodic Array with a Dielectric Substrate



    E78-A No:11

    In this paper, electromagnetic scattering by infinite double two-dimensional periodic array of resistive upper and lower elements is considered. The electric field equations are solved by using the moment method in the spectral domain. Some numerical results are shown and frequency selective properties are discussed.

  • Synthesizing Efficient VLSI Array Processors from Iterative Algorithms by Excluding Pseudo-Dependences

    Yeong-Sheng CHEN  Sheng-De WANG  Kuo-Chun SU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:10

    This paper is concerned with synthesizing VLSI array processors from iterative algorithms. Our primary objective is to obtain the highest processor efficiency but not the shortest completion time. Unlike most of the previous work that assumes the index space of the given iterative algorithm to be boundless, the proposed method takes into account the effects of the boundaries of the index space. Due to this consideration, the pseudo-dependence relations are excluded, and most of the independent computations can therefore be uniformly grouped. With the method described in this paper, the index space is partitioned into equal-size blocks and the corresponding computations are systematically and uniformly mapped into processing elements. The synthesized VLSI array processors possess the attractive feature of very high processor efficiency, which, in general, is superior to what is derived from the conventional linear transformation methods.

  • Scattering by Two-Dimensional Rectangular Resistive Plane Gratings with Anisotropic Slab

    Masamitsu ASAI  Jiro YAMAKITA  Shinnosuke SAWA  Junya ISHII  


    E78-C No:10

    We present a 44 matrix-based analysis of scattering form a two-dimensional rectangular resistive plane gratings placed on an anisotropic dielectric slab. The solution procedure used is formulated by extending the 44 matrix approach. The fields are expanded in terms of two-dimensional Floquet modes. Total fields can be given as sum of primary and secondary fields whose expression are obtained through eigenvalue problem of coupled wave matrix. Unknown currents on resistive patches are determined by applying Galerkin's method to the resistive boundary condition on resistive grating. Results are compared with other numerical examples available in the literature for isotropic cases. Further, numerical calculation are performed in the case of gratings with polar-type anisotropic slab.

  • Design of the Basic Cell and Metallized RAM for 0.5 µm CMOS Gate Array

    Yoji NISHIO  Hideo HARA  Masahiro IWAMURA  Yasuo KAMINAGA  Katsunori KOIKE  Kosaku HIROSE  Takayuki NOTO  Satoshi OGUCHI  Yoshihiko YAMAMOTO  Takeshi ONO  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E78-C No:9

    A 0.5 µm CMOS embedded function type gate array family with high speed modules was developed. This family has: an effective basic cell; high speed, compiled type metallized and diffused RAMs; PLL (Phase Locked Loop); and GTL (Gunning Transceiver Logic) to realize operation of over 100 MHz at 3.3 V. This paper describes the basic cell architecture and the compiled type metallized RAM. A divided MOS transistor type basic cell is effective for metallized modules such as metallized RAM and internal logic circuits. The appropriate basic cell size (height) can be decided from the viewpoints of the relationship between the number of usable basic cells and the basic cell height, and the logic circuit speed. Propagation delay time of the 2-input NAND is 200 ps at a standard load of fan out=2 and metal length=1.4 mm. For the universal ASIC, the compiled RAM is indispensable. Single port and multi-port metallized RAMs which are structured by using the basic cells are discussed. The new single port memory cell circuit which has a differential write and single end read operating method is introduced. This memory cell circuit can be realized using one basic cell. The diffused layer region of the NMOS transfer gates for the read operation is shared between neighbor memory cells. So, the capacitance of the bit line becomes smaller, and a high speed access time can be achieved. The measured access time of 1 kbits is 4.2 ns. The new multi-port memory cell circuits which have a single end write and single end read operating method are introduced. The read operating method is the same as that of the single port memory cell circuit. The access time shows very high speed operation comparable to that of the single port memory. This 3F (Flexible, Fast, and Friendly) ASIC family can be applied to high speed processors in workstations and graphics equipment.

  • An Electro-Optic BFN for Array Antenna Beam Forming

    Yoshiaki KAMIYA  Yasushi MURAKAMI  Wataru CHUJO  Masayuki FUJISE  


    E78-C No:8

    This paper proposes a new type of optically controlled BFN (beam forming network), an electro-optic BFN using an optical waveguide structure. In this BFN, antenna beam forming is performed using conventional optical variable phase shifters and conventional optical variable directional couplers. An electro-optic BFN can easily utilize monolithic integration capability that will be advantageous to microwave stabilization. In order to discuss practical applicability, microwave characteristics and beam forming characteristics were examined using an experimental BFN fabricated on a LiNbO3 substrate. Resulting from electro-optic lightwave control, linear phase shifting and variable amplitude distribution were measured at various microwave frequencies. Without any other control except for optical offset frequency locking and applying constant voltages, typical short term fluctuation in L-band microwave was measured to be within 3 degreesp-p in phase and 2.5 dBp-p in amplitude, respectively. For the first time, an electro-optic BFN was successful in performing beam forming in an L-band array antenna as well as coaxial cables. It was also verified that radiation pattern measured in 60 degree beam steering using the experimental BFN was comparable to that calculated using conventional microwave BFNs. The experimental results show the feasibility of utilizing an electro-optic BFN in future advanced microwave/millimeter-wave array antenna systems.

  • Radiation Properties of Ring-Shaped Microstrip Antenna Array

    Motohiko KOBAYASHI  Eko Tjipto RAHARDJO  Shin-ichiro TSUDA  Misao HANEISHI  


    E78-C No:8

    In this paper, mutual coupling S21 between RMSA (ring-shaped microstrip antenna) elements was estimated by the EMF method based on the cavity model. Then, the validity of the proposed method was tested by experiments. The experiments confirmed satisfactory agreement between the computed and experimental data for S21 in both E- and H-plane arrangements. In addition, a circularly polarized planar array composed of R-MSA elements was designed on the basis of the data of S21. The experimental results of such a planar array demonstrated high performance in radiation pattern as well as axial ratio property. Furthermore, the active reflection coefficient Γ in the R-MSA array was also investigated in both equilateral and square arrangements. The computed results of active reflection coefficient in the array demonstrated high performance in both arrangements.

  • A Slot Coupled Microstrip Antenna with a Multi-Layer Thick Ground Plane

    Kazunori TAKEUCHI  Isamu CHIBA  Yoshio KARASAWA  


    E78-C No:8

    A novel thick ground plane is proposed as a support for a slot-coupled microstrip antenna and as a heat sink for an MMIC installed on the back plane of the active array antenna. A multi-layer structure of ground planes is also studied for the benefit of easy installation of MMICs. The influence of this thick metal ground plane with a mono- and multi-layer has been investigated in detail. Both measured and calculated results of VSWR and calculated results of the back lobe are shown in detail. The calculated results of VSWR agree well with the measurements. It is made clear that the thickness of the ground plane can be extended to twenty times that of the antenna substrate while maintaining the antenna's performance. An LNA composing an MMIC was developed, attached to the back of the antenna, and operated at 23 GHz. The measured results of this active element agree well with calculated ones and confirm the applicability of the novel design.

  • Spatial and Temporal Equalization Based on an Adaptive Tapped-Delay-Line Array Antenna

    Naoto ISHII  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E78-B No:8

    This paper describes a spatial and temporal multipath channel model which is useful in array antenna environments for mobile radio communications. From this model, a no distortion criterion, that is an extension of the Nyquist criterion, is derived for equalization in both spatial and temporal domains. An adaptive tapped-delay-line (TDL) array antenna is used as a tool for equalization in both spatial and temporal domains. Several criterion for such spatial and temporal equalization such as ZF (Zero Forcing) and MSE (Mean Square Error), are available to update the weights and tap coefficients. In this paper, we discuss the optimum weights based on the ZF criterion in both spatial and temporal domains. Since the ZF criterion satisfies the Nyquist criterion in case of noise free, this paper applies the ZF criterion for the spatial and temporal equalization as a simple case. The Z transform is applied to represent the spatial and temporal model of the multipath channel and to derive the optimal weights of the TDL array antenna. However, in some cases the optimal antenna weights cannot be decided uniquely. Therefore, the effect on the equalization errors due to a finite number of antenna elements and tap coefficients can be shown numerically by computer simulations.
