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  • Superconducting Narrowband Filter for Receiver of Weather Radar Open Access

    Tamio KAWAGUCHI  Noritsugu SHIOKAWA  Kohei NAKAYAMA  Takatoshi WATANABE  Tatsunori HASHIMOTO  Hiroyuki KAYANO  


    E92-C No:3

    We have developed a high-temperature superconducting (HTS) filter with narrow bandwidth characteristic for receiver of weather radar in order to reduce interference between adjacent radar channels. To realize a filter with which a narrow bandwidth and low insertion loss are compatible, resonators with high unloaded Q (Qu) value are required. Hairpin microstrip resonators with 1.5 times wavelength were adopted to suppress the radiation loss and achieve a high Qu value. The developed HTS filter has 8-pole quasi-elliptic function response for sharp skirt characteristic. The measured frequency response of the developed filter shows center frequency of 5370 MHz, insertion loss of 2.04 dB and maximum return loss of 15 dB, which agrees with the designed responses.

  • Design for Delay Fault Testability of Dual Circuits Using Master and Slave Scan Paths

    Kentaroh KATOH  Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E92-D No:3

    This paper proposes a scan design for delay fault testability of dual circuits. In normal operation mode, each proposed scan flip flop operates as a master-slave flip flop. In test mode, the proposed scan design performs scan operation using two scan paths, namely master scan path and slave scan path. The master scan path consists of master latches and the slave scan path consists of slave latches. In the proposed scan design, arbitrary two-patterns can be set to flip flops of dual circuits. Therefore, it achieves complete fault coverage for robust and non-robust testable delay fault testing. It requires no extra latch unlike enhanced scan design. Thus the area overhead is low. The evaluation shows the test application time of the proposed scan design is 58.0% of that of the enhanced scan design, and the area overhead of the proposed scan design is 13.0% lower than that of the enhanced scan design. In addition, in testing of single circuits, it achieves complete fault coverage of robust and non-robust testable delay fault testing. It requires smaller test data volume than the enhanced scan design in testing of single circuits.

  • Discrete Wirtinger-Type Inequalities for Gauging the Power of Sinusoids Buried in Noise



    E92-A No:3

    Two discrete-time Wirtinger-type inequalities relating the power of a finite-length signal to that of its circularly-convolved version are developed. The usual boundary conditions that accompany the existing Wirtinger-type inequalities are relaxed in the proposed inequalities and the equalizing sinusoidal signal is free to have an arbitrary phase angle. A measure of this sinusoidal signal's power, when corrupted with additive noise, is proposed. The application of the proposed measure, calculated as a ratio, in the evaluation of the power of a sinusoid of arbitrary phase with the angular frequency π/N, where N is the signal length, is thoroughly studied and analyzed under additive noise of arbitrary statistical characteristic. The ratio can be used to gauge the power of sinusoids of frequency π/N with a small amount of computation by referring to a ratio-versus-SNR curve and using it to make an estimation of the noise-corrupted sinusoid's SNR. The case of additive white noise is also analyzed. A sample permutation scheme followed by sign modulation is proposed for enlarging the class of target sinusoids to those with frequencies M π/N, where M and N are mutually prime positive integers. Tandem application of the proposed scheme and ratio offers a simple method to gauge the power of sinusoids buried in noise. The generalization of the inequalities to convolution kernels of higher orders as well as the simplification of the proposed inequalities have also been studied.

  • Routing with Load-Balancing in Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks

    Anh-Ngoc LE  Dong-Won KUM  You-Ze CHO  Chai-Keong TOH  


    E92-B No:3

    This paper addresses the interference and load imbalance problems in multi-radio infrastructure mesh networks where each mesh node is equipped with multiple radio interfaces and a subset of nodes serve as Internet gateways. To provide backbone support, it is necessary to reduce interference and balance load in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). In this paper, we propose a new Load-Aware Routing Metric, called LARM, which captures the differences in transmission rates, packet loss ratio, intra/inter-flow interference and traffic load in multi-radio mesh networks. This metric is incorporated into the proposed load-balancing routing, called LBM, to provide load balancing for multi-radio mesh network. Simulation results show that LARM provides better performance compared to WCETT and hop-count routing metrics in LBM routing protocol.

  • Shadow Theory of Diffraction Grating: A Numerical Example for TE Wave

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  Yasuhiko TAMURA  Kiyoshi TSUTSUMI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E92-C No:3

    By use of the shadow theory developed recently, this paper deals with the transverse electric (TE) wave diffraction by a perfectly conductive periodic array of rectangular grooves. A set of equations for scattering factors and mode factors are derived and solved numerically. In terms of the scattering factors, diffraction amplitudes and diffraction efficiencies are calculated and shown in figures. It is demonstrated that diffraction efficiencies become discontinuous at an incident wave number where the incident wave is switched from a propagating wave to an evanescent one, whereas scattering factors and diffraction amplitudes are continuous even at such an incident wave number.

  • Design of an Area-Efficient and Low-Power Hierarchical NoC Architecture Based on Circuit Switching

    Woo Joo KIM  Sung Hee LEE  Sun Young HWANG  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E92-A No:3

    This paper presents a hierarchical NoC architecture to support GT (Guaranteed Throughput) signals to process multimedia data in embedded systems. The architecture provides a communication environment that meets the diverse conditions of communication constraints among IPs in power and area. With a system based on packet switching, which requires storage/control circuits to support GT signals, it is hard to satisfy design constraints in area, scalability and power consumption. This paper proposes a hierarchical 444 mesh-type NoC architecture based on circuit switching, which is capable of processing GT signals requiring high throughput. The proposed NoC architecture shows reduction in area by 50.2% and in power consumption by 57.4% compared with the conventional NoC architecture based on circuit switching. These figures amount to by 72.4% and by 86.1%, when compared with an NoC architecture based on packet switching. The proposed NoC architecture operates in the maximum throughput of 19.2 Gb/s.

  • Adaptive Transmission Control Method for Communication-Broadcasting Integrated Services

    Hideyuki KOTO  Hiroki FURUYA  Hajime NAKAMURA  


    E92-B No:3

    This paper proposes an adaptive transmission control method for massive and intensive telecommunication traffic generated by communication-broadcasting integrated services. The proposed method adaptively controls data transmissions from viewers depending on the congestion states, so that severe congestion can be effectively avoided. Furthermore, it utilizes the broadcasting channel which is not only scalable, but also reliable for controlling the responses from vast numbers of viewers. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through experiments on a test bed where approximately one million viewers are emulated. The obtained results quantitatively demonstrate the performance of the proposed method and its effectiveness under massive and intensive traffic conditions.

  • A Linear Processing Scheme in Multiuser Downlink MIMO Broadcasting Channel with Fixed Relays

    Jie XU  Ling QIU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    In this letter, we propose a novel singular value decomposition zero-forcing beamforming (SVD-ZFBF) relaying scheme in the multiuser downlink MIMO broadcasting channel with fixed relays. Based on the processing scheme, we apply SUS [5] to select users at the relay station (RS) and develop a joint power allocation strategy at the base station (BS) and RS. By increasing the power at RS or selecting active users to obtain more multiuser diversity, SVD-ZFBF can approach an upper bound and outperform SVD-ZFDPC [1] with much lower complexity. Moreover, we show that the noise power ratio of RS to users significantly impacts the performance.

  • Static Dependency Pair Method for Simply-Typed Term Rewriting and Related Techniques

    Keiichirou KUSAKARI  Masahiko SAKAI  


    E92-D No:2

    A static dependency pair method, proposed by us, can effectively prove termination of simply-typed term rewriting systems (STRSs). The theoretical basis is given by the notion of strong computability. This method analyzes a static recursive structure based on definition dependency. By solving suitable constraints generated by the analysis result, we can prove the termination. Since this method is not applicable to every system, we proposed a class, namely, plain function-passing, as a restriction. In this paper, we first propose the class of safe function-passing, which relaxes the restriction by plain function-passing. To solve constraints, we often use the notion of reduction pairs, which is designed from a reduction order by the argument filtering method. Next, we improve the argument filtering method for STRSs. Our argument filtering method does not destroy type structure unlike the existing method for STRSs. Hence, our method can effectively apply reduction orders which make use of type information. To reduce constraints, the notion of usable rules is proposed. Finally, we enhance the effectiveness of reducing constraints by incorporating argument filtering into usable rules for STRSs.

  • Constraint-Based Multi-Completion Procedures for Term Rewriting Systems

    Haruhiko SATO  Masahito KURIHARA  Sarah WINKLER  Aart MIDDELDORP  


    E92-D No:2

    In equational theorem proving, convergent term rewriting systems play a crucial role. In order to compute convergent term rewriting systems, the standard completion procedure (KB) was proposed by Knuth and Bendix and has been improved in various ways. The multi-completion system MKB developed by Kurihara and Kondo accepts as input a set of reduction orders in addition to equations and efficiently simulates parallel processes each of which executes the KB procedure with one of the given orderings. Wehrman and Stump also developed a new variant of completion procedure, constraint-based completion, in which reduction orders need not be given by using automated modern termination checkers. As a result, the constraint-based procedures simulate the execution of parallel KB processes in a sequential way, but naive search algorithms sometimes cause serious inefficiency when the number of the potential reduction orders is large. In this paper, we present a new procedure, called a constraint-based multi-completion procedure MKBcs, by augmenting the constraint-based completion with the framework of the multi-completion for suppressing the combinatorial explosion by sharing inferences among the processes. The existing constraint-based system SLOTHROP, which basically employs the best-first search, is more efficient when its built-in heuristics for process selection are appropriate, but when they are not, our system is more efficient. Therefore, both systems have their role to play.

  • Test Compression for Robust Testable Path Delay Fault Testing Using Interleaving and Statistical Coding

    Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E92-D No:2

    This paper proposes a method providing efficient test compression. The proposed method is for robust testable path delay fault testing with scan design facilitating two-pattern testing. In the proposed method, test data are interleaved before test compression using statistical coding. This paper also presents test architecture for two-pattern testing using the proposed method. The proposed method is experimentally evaluated from several viewpoints such as compression rates, test application time and area overhead. For robust testable path delay fault testing on 11 out of 20 ISCAS89 benchmark circuits, the proposed method provides better compression rates than the existing methods such as Huffman coding, run-length coding, Golomb coding, frequency-directed run-length (FDR) coding and variable-length input Huffman coding (VIHC).

  • Design for Delay Fault Testability of 2-Rail Logic Circuits

    Kentaroh KATOH  Kazuteru NAMBA  Hideo ITO  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E92-D No:2

    This paper presents a scan design for delay fault testability of 2-rail logic circuits. The flip flops used in the scan design are based on master-slave ones. The proposed scan design provides complete fault coverage in delay fault testing of 2-rail logic circuits. In two-pattern testing with the proposed scan design, initial vectors are set using the set-reset operation, and the scan-in operation for initial vectors is not required. Hence, the test application time is reduced to about half that of the enhanced scan design. Because the additional function is only the set-reset operation of the slave latch, the area overhead is small. The evaluation shows that the differences in the area overhead of the proposed scan design from those of the standard scan design and the enhanced scan design are 2.1 and -14.5 percent on average, respectively.

  • Multi-Party Quantum Communication Complexity with Routed Messages

    Seiichiro TANI  Masaki NAKANISHI  Shigeru YAMASHITA  


    E92-D No:2

    This paper describes a general quantum lower bounding technique for the communication complexity of a function that depends on the inputs given to two parties connected via paths, which may be shared with other parties, on a network of any topology. The technique can also be employed to obtain a lower-bound of the quantum communication complexity of some functions that depend on the inputs distributed over all parties on the network. As a typical application, we apply our technique to the distinctness problem of deciding whether there are a pair of parties with identical inputs, on a k-party ring; almost matching upper bounds are also given.

  • Arrayed Waveguide Gratings and Their Application Using Super-High-Δ Silica-Based Planar Lightwave Circuit Technology Open Access

    Koichi MARU  Hisato UETSUKA  


    E92-C No:2

    This paper reviews our recent progress on arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) using super-high-Δ silica-based planar lightwave circuit (PLC) technology and their application to integrated optical devices. Factors affecting the chip size of AWGs and the impact of increasing relative index difference Δ on the chip size are investigated, and the fabrication result of a compact athermal AWG using 2.5%-Δ silica-based waveguides is presented. As an application of super-high-Δ AWGs to integrated devices, a flat-passband multi/demultiplexer consisting of an AWG and cascaded MZIs is presented.

  • Fast Ate Pairing Computation of Embedding Degree 12 Using Subfield-Twisted Elliptic Curve

    Masataka AKANE  Yasuyuki NOGAMI  Yoshitaka MORIKAWA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:2

    This paper presents implementation techniques of fast Ate pairing of embedding degree 12. In this case, we have no trouble in finding a prime order pairing friendly curve E such as the Barreto-Naehrig curve y2=x3+a, a∈Fp. For the curve, an isomorphic substitution from G2 ⊂ E(Fp12 into G'2 in subfield-twisted elliptic curve E'(Fp2) speeds up scalar multiplications over G2 and wipes out denominator calculations in Miller's algorithm. This paper mainly provides about 30% improvement of the Miller's algorithm calculation using proper subfield arithmetic operations. Moreover, we also provide the efficient parameter settings of the BN curves. When p is a 254-bit prime, the embedding degree is 12, and the processor is Pentium4 (3.6 GHz), it is shown that the proposed algorithm computes Ate pairing in 13.3 milli-seconds including final exponentiation.

  • Saliency-Guided Lighting

    Chang Ha LEE  Youngmin KIM  Amitabh VARSHNEY  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E92-D No:2

    The comprehensibility of large and complex 3D models can be greatly enhanced by guiding viewer's attention to important regions. Lighting is crucial to our perception of shape. Careful use of lighting has been widely used in art, scientific illustration, and computer graphics to guide visual attention. In this paper, we explore how the saliency of 3D objects can be used to guide lighting to emphasize important regions and suppress less important ones.

  • Olfaction Presentation System Using Odor Scanner and Odor-Emitting Apparatus Coupled with Chemical Capsules of Alginic Acid Polymer

    Minoru SAKAIRI  Ayako NISHIMURA  Daisuke SUZUKI  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E92-A No:2

    For the purpose of the application of odor to information technology, we have developed an odor-emitting apparatus coupled with chemical capsules made of alginic acid polymer. This apparatus consists of a chemical capsule cartridge including chemical capsules of odor ingredients, valves to control odor emission, and a temperature control unit. Different odors can be easily emitted by using the apparatus. We have developed an integrated system of vision, audio and olfactory information in which odor strength can be controlled coinciding with on-screen moving images based on analytical results from the odor scanner.

  • Simulation of SAR in the Human Body to Determine Effects of RF Heating

    Tetsuyuki MICHIYAMA  Yoshio NIKAWA  


    E92-B No:2

    The body area network (BAN) has attracted attention because of its potential for high-grade wireless communication technology and its safety and high durability. Also, human area transmission of a BAN propagating at an ultra-wide band (UWB) has been demonstrated recently. When considering the efficiency of electromagnetic (EM) propagation inside the human body for BAN and hyperthermia treatment using RF, it is important to determine the mechanism of EM dissipation in the human body. A body heating system for hyperthermia must deposit EM energy deep inside the body. Also, it is important that the EM field generated by the implant system is sufficiently strong. In this study, the specific absorption rate (SAR) distribution is simulated using an EM simulator to consider the biological transmission mechanism and its effects. To utilize the EM field distribution using an implant system for hyperthermia treatment, the SAR distribution inside the human body is simulated. As a result, the SAR distribution is concentrated on the surface of human tissue, the muscle-bolus interface, the pancreas, the stomach, the spleen and the regions around bones. It can also be concentrated in bone marrow and cartilage. From these results, the appropriate location for the implant system is revealed on the basis of the current distribution and differences in the wave impedance of interfacing tissues. The possibility of accurate data transmission and suitable treatment planning is confirmed.

  • Security Analysis of a Multi-Receiver Identity-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism

    Jong Hwan PARK  Dong Hoon LEE  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:1

    In INDOCRYPT 2006, Chatterjee and Sarkar suggested a multi-receiver identity-based key encapsulation mechanism that is secure in the full model without random oracles. Until now, it has been believed that their scheme is the only one to provide such a security feature, while achieving sub-linear size ciphertext. In this letter, we show that their scheme is insecure in the sense that any revoked user can retrieve a message encryption key, even without colluding with other revoked users. Our attack comes from an analysis of a publicly computable surjective function used in the scheme.

  • Shadow Theory of Diffraction Grating

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  


    E92-C No:1

    This paper deals with a new formulation for the diffraction of a plane wave by a periodic grating. As a simple example, the diffraction of a transverse magnetic wave by a perfectly conductive periodic array of rectangular grooves is discussed. On the basis of a shadow hypothesis such that no diffraction takes place and only the reflection occurs with the reflection coefficient -1 at a low grazing limit of incident angle, this paper proposes the scattering factor as a new concept. In terms of the scattering factor, several new formulas on the diffraction amplitude, the diffraction efficiency and the optical theorem are obtained. It is newly found that the scattering factor is an even function due to the reciprocity. The diffraction efficiency is defined for a propagating incident wave as well as an evanescent incident wave. Then, it is theoretically found that the 0th order diffraction efficiency becomes unity and any other order diffraction efficiencies vanish when a real angle of incidence becomes low grazing. Numerical examples of the scattering factor and diffraction efficiency are illustrated in figures.
