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[Keyword] BAN(1638hit)


  • Automatic Clustering Collaborative Compressed Spectrum Sensing in Wide-Band Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks

    Zhenghao ZHANG  Husheng LI  Changxing PEI  Qi ZENG  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E94-B No:12

    There are two major challenges in wide-band spectrum sensing in a heterogenous spectrum environment. One is the spectrum acquisition in the wide-band scenario due to limited sampling capability; the other is how to collaborate in a heterogenous spectrum environment. Compressed spectrum sensing is a promising technology for wide-band signal acquisition but it requires effective collaboration to combat noise. However, most collaboration methods assume that all the secondary users share the same occupancy of primary users, which is invalid in a heterogenous spectrum environment where secondary users at different locations may be affected by different primary users. In this paper, we propose an automatic clustering collaborative compressed spectrum sensing (ACCSS) algorithm. A hierarchy probabilistic model is proposed to represent the compressed reconstruction procedure, and Dirichlet process mixed model is introduced to cluster the compressed measurements. Cluster membership estimation and compressed spectrum reconstruction are jointly implemented in the fusion center. Based on the probabilistic model, the compressed measurements from the same cluster can be effectively fused and used to jointly reconstruct the corresponding primary user's spectrum signal. Consequently, the spectrum occupancy status of each primary user can be attained. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that the proposed ACCSS algorithm can effectively estimate the cluster membership of each secondary user and improve compressed spectrum sensing performance under low signal-to-noise ratio.

  • Interference Mitigation Capability of a Low Duty DS-Multiband-UWB System in Realistic Environment

    Chin-Sean SUM  Shigenobu SASAKI  Hiroshi HARADA  


    E94-A No:12

    In this paper, the performance of a low duty factor (DF) hybrid direct sequence (DS) multiband (MB)-pulsed ultra wideband (UWB) system is evaluated over realistic propagation channels to highlight its capability of interference mitigation. The interference mitigation techniques incorporated in the DS-MB-UWB system is a novel design that includes the utilization of the frequency-agile multiple sub-band configuration and the coexistence-friendly low DF signaling. The system design consists of a Rake type receiver over multipath and multi-user channel in the presence of a coexisting narrowband interferer. The propagation channels are modeled based on actual measurement data. Firstly, by suppressing the power in the particular sub-band coexisting with the narrowband signal, performance degradation due to narrowband interference can be improved. It is observed that by fully suppressing the sub-band affected by the narrowband signal, a typical 1-digit performance improvement (e.g. BER improves from 10-3 to 10-4) can be achieved. Secondly, by employing lower DF signaling, self interference (SI) and multi-user interference (MUI) can be mitigated. It is found that a typical 3 dB improvement is achieved by reducing the DF from 0.5 to 0.04. Together, the sub-band power suppression and low DF signaling are shown to be effective mitigation techniques against environment with the presence of SI, MUI and narrowband interference.

  • A 65-nm CMOS Fully Integrated Shock-Wave Antenna Array with On-Chip Jitter and Pulse-Delay Adjustment for Millimeter-Wave Active Imaging Application

    Nguyen Ngoc MAI KHANH  Masahiro SASAKI  Kunihiro ASADA  

    PAPER-Device and Circuit Modeling and Analysis

    E94-A No:12

    This paper presents a 65-nm CMOS 8-antenna array transmitter operating in 117–130-GHz range for short range and portable millimeter-wave (mm-wave) active imaging applications. Each antenna element is a new on-chip antenna located on the top metal. By using on-chip transformer, pulse output of each resistor-less mm-wave pulse generators (PG) are sent to each integrated antenna. To adjust pulse delays for the purpose of pulse beam-forming, a 7-bit digitally programmable delay circuit (DPDC) is added to each of PGs. Moreover, in order to dynamically adjust pulse delays among eight SW's outputs, we implemented on-chip jitter and relative skew measuring circuit with 20-bit digital output to achieve cumulative distribution (CDF) and probability density (PDF) functions from which DPDC's input codes are decided to align eight antenna's output pulses. Two measured radiation peaks after relative skew alignment are obtained at (θ; φ) angles of (-56; 0) and (+57; 0). Measurement results shows that beam-forming angles of the fully integrated antenna array can be adjusted by digital input codes and by the on-chip skew adjustment circuit for active imaging applications.

  • BER Analysis for a QPSK DS-CDMA System over Rayleigh Channel with a NBI Suppression Complex Adaptive IIR Notch Filter

    Aloys MVUMA  Shotaro NISHIMURA  Takao HINAMOTO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E94-A No:11

    In this paper, analysis of average bit error ratio (BER) performance of a quadriphase shift keying (QPSK) direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) system with narrow-band interference (NBI) suppression complex adaptive infinite-impulse response (IIR) notch filter is presented. QPSK DS-CDMA signal is transmitted over a Rayleigh frequency-nonselective fading channel and the NBI has a randomly-varying frequency. A closed-form expression that relates BER with complex coefficient IIR notch filter parameters, received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), number of DS-CDMA active users and processing gain is derived. The derivation is based on the Standard Gaussian Approximation (SGA) method. Accuracy of the BER expression is confirmed by computer simulation results.

  • Adaptive Interference Suppression Strategies for a Satellite On-Board Filter Bank under Tone-Type Interfering Environments

    Junil AHN  Kiseon KIM  


    E94-B No:11

    Adaptive interference suppression strategies based on the transform domain approach are proposed for a satellite on-board filter bank under tone-type interferences. In the proposed methods, the three kinds of algorithms to compute the threshold level are jointly employed with the notch filter or the clipper. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes significantly improve performance under interfering environments, compared to the no suppression case.

  • Optimum Threshold for Indoor UWB ToA-Based Ranging

    Marzieh DASHTI  Mir GHORAISHI  Katsuyuki HANEDA  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Kenichi TAKIZAWA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E94-A No:10

    This paper proposes a method for setting the threshold for ultra-wide-band (UWB) threshold-based ranging in indoor scenarios. The optimum threshold is derived based on the full analysis of the ranging error, which is equivalent to the probability of correct detection of first arriving signal in time-based ranging techniques. It is shown that the probability of correct detection is a function of first arriving signal, which has variations with two independent distributions. On the one hand, the first arriving signal varies in different positions with the same range due to multipath interference and on the other, it is a function of distance due to free space path-loss. These two distributions are considered in the derivation of the ranging error, based on which the optimum threshold is obtained. A practical method to derive this threshold is introduced based on the standard channel model. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations, ray-tracing simulations and ranging measurements confirm the analysis and the superior performance of the proposed threshold scheme.

  • A 60 GHz High Gain Transformer-Coupled Differential Cascode Power Amplifier in 65 nm CMOS

    Jenny Yi-Chun LIU  Mau-Chung Frank CHANG  

    PAPER-Active Devices and Circuits

    E94-C No:10

    A fully differential high gain V-band three-stage transformer-coupled power amplifier (PA) is designed and implemented in 65 nm CMOS process. On-chip transformers which offer DC biasing for individual stages, extra stabilization mechanism, single-ended to differential conversion, and input/inter-stage/output matching are used to facilitate a compact amplifier design. The design and optimization methodologies of active and passive devices are presented. With a cascode configuration, the amplifier achieves a linear gain of 30.5 dB centered at 63.5 GHz and a -40 dB reverse isolation under a 1 V supply, which compares favorably to recent published V-band PAs. The amplifier delivers 9 dBm and 13 dBm saturation output power (Psat) under 1 V and 1.5 V supplies, respectively, and occupies a core chip area of 0.05 mm2. The measurement results validate a high gain and area-efficient power amplifier design methodology in deep-scaled CMOS for applications in millimeter-wave communication.

  • Prerake Combining-Based Transmit Diversity UWB Systems with Pulse Amplitude and Position Modulation

    Sangchoon KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:10

    In this letter, a prerake combining scheme for signal detection in ultra-wideband (UWB) multiple input single output (MISO) systems with a hybrid pulse amplitude and position modulation (PAPM) is analytically examined. For a UWB MISO system, the analytical BER performance of a prerake combining scheme with PAPM is presented in a log-normal multipath fading channel. The analytical BERs are observed to match well the simulated results for the set of parameters chosen. The prerake diversity combining UWB systems, which can significantly reduce the complexity of the receiver side compared to the rake diversity systems, improve the error performance as the number of transmit antennas increases.

  • A Novel Feeding Structure to Generate Multiple Transmission Zeros for Miniature Waveguide Bandpass Filters Composed of Frequency-Selective Surfaces

    Masataka OHIRA  Zhewang MA  Hiroyuki DEGUCHI  Mikio TSUJI  

    PAPER-Passive Devices and Circuits

    E94-C No:10

    In this paper, we propose a novel feeding structure for a coaxial-excited compact waveguide filter, which is composed of planar resonators called frequency-selective surfaces (FSSs). In our proposed feeding structure, new FSSs located at the input and output ports are directly excited by the coaxial line. By using the FSSs, the transition from the TEM mode to the TE10 mode is realized by the resonance of the FSSs. Therefore, the backshort length from the coaxial probe to the shorted waveguide end can be made much shorter than one-quarter of the guided wavelength. Additionally, the coaxial-excited FSS provides one transmission zero at each stopband. As a design example, a three-stage bandpass filter with 4% bandwidth at the X band is demonstrated. The designed filter has a very compact size of one cavity and has high skirt selectivity with six transmission zeros. The effectiveness of the design is confirmed by the comparison of frequency characteristics obtained by the simulation and measurement.

  • A Novel Dual-Band Bagley Polygon Power Divider with 2-D Configuration

    Xin LIU  Cuiping YU  Yuanan LIU  Shulan LI  Fan WU  Yongle WU  

    PAPER-Passive Devices and Circuits

    E94-C No:10

    In this paper, a novel design of planar dual-band multi-way lossless power dividers (PDs), namely Bagley Polygon PDs, is presented. The proposed PDs use Π-type dual-band transformers as basic elements, whose design formulas are analyzed and simplified to a concise form. The equivalent circuit of the dual-band Bagley Polygon PD is established, based on which design equations are derived mathematically. After that, the design procedure is demonstrated, and special cases are discussed. To verify the validity of the proposed design, 3-way and 5-way examples are simulated and fabricated at two IMT-Advanced bands of 1.8 GHz and 3.5 GHz, then simulation and measurement results are provided. The presented PDs have good performances on the bandwidths and phase shifts. Furthermore, the planar configuration leads to convenient design procedure and easy fabrication.

  • A Bandwidth Extension Scheme for G.711 Speech by Embedding Multiple Highband Gains

    Hae-Yong YANG  Kyung-Hoon LEE  Sung-Jea KO  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E94-B No:10

    We present an improvement to the existing steganography-based bandwidth extension scheme. Enhanced WB (wideband) speech quality is achieved by embedding multiple highband spectral gains into a G.711 bitstream. The number of spectral gains is selected by optimizing the quantity of the embedding data with respect to the quality of the extended WB speech. Compared to the existing method, the proposed scheme improves the WB PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality) score by 0.334 with negligible degradation of the embedded narrowband speech.

  • Performance Analysis of a 10-Gb/s Millimeter-Wave Impulse Radio Transmitter

    Yasuhiro NAKASHA  Naoki HARA  Kiyomichi ARAKI  

    PAPER-Active Devices and Circuits

    E94-C No:10

    This paper presents the analytical results of the effects of jitter and intersymbol interference (ISI) on a millimeter-wave impulse radio (IR) transceiver, compared with the performance of a developed 10-Gb/s W-band IR-transmitter prototype. The IR transmitter, which is compact and cost-effective, consists of a pulse generator (PG) that creates an extremely short pulse, a band-pass filter (BPF) that shapes the short pulse to the desired millimeter-wave pulse (wavelet), and an optional power amplifier. The jitters of the PG and ISI from the BPF are a hindrance in making the IR transceiver robust and in obtaining excellent performance. One analysis verified that, because of a novel retiming architecture, the random jitter and the data-dependent jitter from the PG give only a small penalty of < 0.5-dB increase in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for achieving a bit error rate (BER) of < 10-12. An alternative analysis on the effect of ISI from the BPF indicated that using a Gaussian BPF enables a transmission with a BER of < 10-12 up to a data rate of 1.4 times as large as the bandwidth of the BPF, which is twice as high as that of a conventional amplitude shift keying (ASK) system. The analysis also showed that the IR system is more sensitive to the ISI than the ASK system and suggested that the mismatching of the skirt characteristics of the developed BPF with those of a Gaussian BPF causes tail lobes following the wavelet, resulting in an on/off ratio of 15 dB and hence, an SNR penalty of 6 dB.

  • A Novel Wideband Spatial Power Combining Amplifier Based on Turnstile-Junction Waveguide Divider/Combiner

    Haiyan JIN  Xianzhi DU  Fulin XIAO  Guangjun WEN  

    BRIEF PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E94-C No:9

    In this paper, we propose a wideband four-way turnstile-junction waveguide divider/combiner in the Ka-band. The proposed divider/combiner has an insertion loss of less than 0.8 dB over the frequency range of 28–39.5 GHz. A power combiner amplifier using this circuit and four MMIC amplifiers has been demonstrated with 83% combining efficiency at 34.9 GHz. The measured results show that the turnstile-junction waveguide divider-combiner is a suitable element for developing a broadband millimeter-wave spatial power combiner amplifier.

  • On-Body Area UWB Channel Modeling Including Reflection from Surroundings

    Ippei KIMURA  Jianqing WANG  


    E94-B No:9

    This study aims how to contain the environment reflection in a dynamic on-body ultra wideband (UWB) channel model. Based on a measurement approach, it is demonstrated that a complete body area channel model can be regarded as a combination of the on-body propagation characteristic and additional components from the environment. Based on such a channel model, the effect of environment reflection on the average bit error rate performance was investigated for a typical impulse radio UWB system.

  • Energy-Efficient Flexible Beacon Scheduling Mechanism for Cluster-Tree Healthcare Systems

    Haoru SU  Heungwoo NAM  Sunshin AN  


    E94-B No:9

    An Energy-efficient Flexible Beacon Scheduling (EFBS) mechanism is proposed to solve the beacon collision problem in cluster-tree healthcare systems. In EFBS, after clustering, BAN Coordinators perform power control. Then they are divided into groups and each group is assigned one contention-free time-slot. The duration of the beacon-only period is flexible. According to the simulation results, EFBS provides better performance than other beacon scheduling approaches.

  • An Approach Using Combination of Multiple Features through Sigmoid Function for Speech-Presence/Absence Discrimination

    Kun-Ching WANG  Chiun-Li CHIN  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E94-A No:8

    In this paper, we present an approach of detecting speech presence for which the decision rule is based on a combination of multiple features using a sigmoid function. A minimum classification error (MCE) training is used to update the weights adjustment for the combination. The features, consisting of three parameters: the ratio of ZCR, the spectral energy, and spectral entropy, are combined linearly with weights derived from the sub-band domain. First, the Bark-scale wavelet decomposition (BSWD) is used to split the input speech into 24 critical sub-bands. Next, the feature parameters are derived from the selected frequency sub-band to form robust voice feature parameters. In order to discard the seriously corrupted frequency sub-band, a strategy of adaptive frequency sub-band extraction (AFSE) dependant on the sub-band SNR is then applied to only the frequency sub-band used. Finally, these three feature parameters, which only consider the useful sub-band, are combined through a sigmoid type function incorporating optimal weights based on MSE training to detect either a speech present frame or a speech absent frame. Experimental results show that the performance of the proposed algorithm is superior to the standard methods such as G.729B and AMR2.

  • High Gain Antipodal Fermi Antenna with Low Cross Polarization

    Hiroyasu SATO  Yukiko TAKAGI  Kunio SAWAYA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E94-B No:8

    Antipodal Fermi antenna (APFA) that uses an antipodal feeding section is proposed and its fundamental characteristics are presented. It is shown that the cross polarization level is decreased by 5–10 dB by the presence of the corrugation. It is also found that high gain, low VSWR and low side lobes and low back lobes are obtained. The mechanism of operation principles is discussed by using FDTD analysis. It is found that the corrugation transforms the current of parallel line mode to the current of traveling wave radiation mode and the effective aperture is enlarged which yields high gain characteristics.

  • Progressive Side Information Refinement Algorithm for Wyner-Ziv Codec

    Chan-Hee HAN  Si-Woong LEE  Hamid GHOLAMHOSSEINI  Yun-Ho KO  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E94-D No:8

    In this paper, side information refinement methods for Wyner-Ziv video codec are presented. In the proposed method, each block of a Wyner-Ziv frame is separated into a predefined number of groups, and these groups are interleaved to be coded. The side information for the first group is generated by the motion compensated temporal interpolation using adjacent key frames only. Then, the side information for remaining groups is gradually refined using the knowledge of the already decoded signal of the current Wyner-Ziv frame. Based on this basic concept, two progressive side information refinement methods are proposed. One is the band-wise side information refinement (BW-SIR) method which is based on transform domain interleaving, while the other is the field-wise side information refinement (FW-SIR) method which is based on pixel domain interleaving. Simulation results show that the proposed methods improve the quality of the side information and rate-distortion performance compared to the conventional side information refinement methods.

  • Reliability of Generalized Normal Laplacian Distribution Model in TH-BPSK UWB Systems

    Sangchoon KIM  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E94-A No:8

    In this letter, the reliabilty of the generalized normal-Laplace (GNL) distribution used for modeling the multiple access interference (MAI) plus noise in time-hopping (TH) binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) ultra-wideband (UWB) systems is evaluated in terms of the probability density function and the BER. The multiple access performance of TH-BPSK UWB systems based on GNL model is analyzed. The average BER performance obtained by using GNL approximation well matches with the exact BER results of TH-BPSK UWB systems. The parameter estimates of GNL distribution based on the moments estimation method is also presented.

  • Dynamic Detection and Expulsion Buffer Management Scheme for High-Speed Networks

    Jui-Pin YANG  


    E94-B No:8

    In this letter, we propose a simple but effective buffer management scheme to achieve fair bandwidth sharing with a FIFO scheduling algorithm, that is, Dynamic Detection and Expulsion (DDE). The DDE scheme dynamically detects buffer occupancy and then precisely expels resided packets on demand through simple comparisons. Simulation results under various traffic conditions show that DDE can arrive at more robust and better fairness, and lower implementation complexity than that of a well-known Pushout (PO) scheme.
