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[Keyword] EAM(900hit)


  • A Novel FPGA Architecture and an Integrated Framework of CAD Tools for Implementing Applications

    Konstantinos SIOZIOS  George KOUTROUMPEZIS  Konstantinos TATAS  Nikolaos VASSILIADIS  Vasilios KALENTERIDIS  Haroula POURNARA  Ilias PAPPAS  Dimitrios SOUDRIS  Antonios THANAILAKIS  Spiridon NIKOLAIDIS  Stilianos SISKOS  

    PAPER-Programmable Logic, VLSI, CAD and Layout

    E88-D No:7

    A complete system for the implementation of digital logic in a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform is introduced. The novel power-efficient FPGA architecture was designed and simulated in STM 0.18 µm CMOS technology. The detailed design and circuit characteristics of the Configurable Logic Block, the interconnection network, the switch box and the connection box were determined and evaluated in terms of energy, delay and area. A number of circuit-level low-power techniques were employed because power consumption was the primary concern. Additionally, a complete tool framework for the implementation of digital logic circuits in FPGA platforms is introduced. Having as input VHDL description of an application, the framework derives the reconfiguration bitstream of FPGA. The framework consists of: i) non-modified academic tools, ii) modified academic tools and iii) new tools. Furthermore, the framework can support a variety of FPGA architectures. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons with existing academic and commercial architectures and tools are provided, yielding promising results.

  • Beam Control in Unilaterally Coupled Active Antennas with Self-Oscillating Harmonic Mixers

    Minoru SANAGI  Joji FUJIWARA  Kazuhiro FUJIMORI  Shigeji NOGI  

    PAPER-Active Circuits & Antenna

    E88-C No:7

    Beam control using active antenna arrays with self-oscillating harmonic mixers has been investigated. The active antenna is composed of a patch antenna receiving RF signal and a parallel feedback type oscillator which operates as the self-oscillating harmonic mixer, and down-converts the received RF signal into IF signal. The mixer has two ports for local oscillating (LO) signal. One is an output port extracting the LO signal. The other is an input port for an injection signal to synchronize the local oscillation. The mixers can be coupled unilaterally without other nonreciprocal components by connecting the output port to the input port in the next mixer. In the unilaterally coupled array, the phase differences of the LO signals between the adjacent mixers can be varied without phase shifters in injection locking state by changing the local free-running frequencies of the self-oscillating mixers. The receiving pattern can be controlled by combining the IF signals from the individual active antennas, which have phases associated with the LO signals. The IF is difference between the RF and double of the LO frequency so that arbitrary phase differences from 0 to 2π radian can be provided to the output IF signals. The experiments using the two- and three-element arrays demonstrated beam control capability.

  • Estimation of Target Position by the Combination of MUSIC and Adaptive Beamforming in Stepped-FM Array Radar

    Toshihiko FUKUE  Atsushi FUJITA  Nozomu HAMADA  

    LETTER-Communications and Wireless Systems

    E88-D No:7

    In this paper we propose a stepped-FM array radar system that can precisely estimate the target position by combining S- and T-MUSIC and adaptive beamforming. By adopting the adaptive beamformer as a preprocessor of T-MUSIC, the proposed system can uniquely determine the direction and distance of targets. In addition, the distance estimation precision is improved by introducing beamformer.

  • Grating Lobes Suppression in Transverse Slot Linear Array with a Dual Parasitic Beam of Strip Dipoles

    M.G. Sorwar HOSSAIN  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  


    E88-B No:6

    A new technique called the Dual Parasitic Beam (DPB) technique is proposed to suppress grating lobes in a rectangular waveguide broad wall transverse slot array. This technique involves an extra layer of parasitic strip dipoles that generate the DPB to suppress the grating lobes without opposing the main beam of the original slot linear array. A full wave EM analysis in Method of Moments (MoM) is conducted to compute the coupling excitation coefficients as well as the far field patterns of the slot and dipole currents. Analysis shows that a suitable dimension and arrangement of dipoles are needed to get a desired level of dipole excitations to meet the grating suppression condition. It is found that the grating lobes can be suppressed as much as 15 dB in the presence of the parasitic dipoles. Experiments are conducted to confirm the computed results.

  • Series-Fed Beam-Scanning Antenna Employing Multi-Stage Configured Microstrip Antennas with Tunable Reactance Devices

    Naoki HONMA  Tomohiro SEKI  Kenjiro NISHIKAWA  Koichi TSUNEKAWA  Kunio SAWAYA  


    E88-B No:6

    A series-fed beam-scanning array employing a MUlti-Stage Configured microstrip Antenna with Tunable reactance devices (MUSCAT) is proposed. The proposed antenna significantly expands the beam scanning range and achieves high efficiency. This antenna comprises unit element groups, whose elements are placed close to each other and employ tunable reactance devices. Analyses and experiments on the unit element groups show that their multi-stage configuration extends the phase shift range and increases the radiation efficiency, e.g., a 120phase shift and the radiation efficiency of more than 50% are achieved, when three stages are employed. The radiation pattern of the fabricated MUSCAT array antenna comprising eight unit element groups is measured. A beam scanning range of 27, which is greater than twice the beam scanning range of a non-multi-stage configuration, is achieved.

  • Three Beam Switched Top Loaded Monopole Antenna

    Naobumi MICHISHITA  Yuji NAKAYAMA  Hiroyuki ARAI  Kohei MORI  


    E88-B No:6

    The three beam-switched top-loaded antenna is suited to be applied to a wireless local area network to switch the radiation pattern by arranging several unidirectional antennas. In this paper, a three beam switched top loaded monopole antenna is proposed to realize its small size and planar structure. Three top loaded monopole antennas are arranged around a parasitic hexagonal patch at intervals of 120 degrees. The feed element is selected by the switching device to switch the radiation pattern. This antenna allows for reduction in the number of elements as well as downsizing. The front to back ratio (F/B) becomes 23 dB by selecting suitable parameters.

  • Periodic Fourier Transform and Its Application to Wave Scattering from a Finite Periodic Surface: Two-Dimensional Case

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E88-C No:5

    In this paper, the previously introduced periodic Fourier transform concept is extended to a two-dimensional case. The relations between the periodic Fourier transform, harmonic series representation and Fourier integral representation are also discussed. As a simple application of the periodic Fourier transform, the scattering of a scalar wave from a finite periodic surface with weight is studied. It is shown that the scattered wave may have an extended Floquet form, which is physically considered as the sum of diffraction beams. By the small perturbation method, the first order solution is given explicitly and the scattering cross section is calculated.

  • Compact and Low-Power-Consumption 40-Gbit/s, 1.55-µm Electro-Absorption Modulators

    Hideo ARIMOTO  Jun-ichiro SHIMIZU  Takeshi KITATANI  Kazunori SHINODA  Tomonobu TSUCHIYA  Masataka SHIRAI  Masahiro AOKI  Noriko SASADA  Hiroshi YAMAMOTO  Kazuhiko NAOE  Mitsuo AKASHI  

    PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E88-C No:5

    This paper describes 40-Gbit/s operation of 1.55-µm electro-absorption (EA) modulators applicable to compact and low-cost transmitters for very-short-reach (VSR) applications. We start by identifying factors that make a multi-quantum-well (MQW) design suitable for high levels of output power and for uncooled operation. From the basic experimental results, we determine that a valence-band discontinuity ΔEv at around 80 meV is optimal in terms of combining high-output-power operation and a good extinction ratio. We then apply the above findings in an InGaAsP-MQW EA modulator that is monolithically integrated with a distributed feedback (DFB) laser, and thus obtain operation with high output power (+1.2 dBm), a high ER (10.5 dB), and a low power penalty (0.4 dB after transmission over 2.6 km of single-mode-fiber). These results confirm the applicability of our EA modulator/DFB laser to VSR applications. After that, we theoretically demonstrate the superiority in terms of ER characteristics of the InGaAlAs-MQW over the conventional InGaAsP-MQW. InGaAlAs-MQW EA modulators are fabricated and demonstrate, for the first time, 40-Gbit/s operation over a wide temperature range (0 to 85).

  • Restoring Delivery Tree from Node Failures in Overlay Multicast

    Zongming FEI  Mengkun YANG  


    E88-B No:5

    One of the important problems in overlay multicast is how to deal with node failures and ungraceful leavings. When a non-leaf end host fails or leaves the multicast session, all downstream nodes will be affected. In this paper, we adopt the proactive approach, which pre-calculates a candidate node (called parent-to-be) for each node to connect to in case its current parent dies. The goal is to recover the overlay multicast tree quickly so that the disruption of service to those affected nodes is minimized. We combine the local parent-to-be locating and global parent-to-be locating schemes together, in order to take advantage of less interference in the local scheme and the flexibility of the global scheme. The quality of the recovered tree is improved while the responsiveness of the proactive approach is maintained.

  • A MAC Forgery Attack on SOBER-128

    Dai WATANABE  Soichi FURUYA  Toshinobu KANEKO  


    E88-A No:5

    SOBER-128 is a stream cipher designed by Rose and Hawkes in 2003. It can be also used for generating Message Authentication Codes (MACs) and an authenticated encryption. The developers claimed that it is difficult to forge MACs generated by both functions of SOBER-128, though, the security assumption in the proposal paper is not realistic in some instances. In this paper, we examine the security of these message authentication mechanisms of SOBER-128 under security channel model. As a result, we show that both a MAC generation and an authenticated encryption are vulnerable against differential cryptanalysis. The success probabilities of the MAC forgery attack are estimated at 2-6 and 2-27 respectively. In addition, we show that some secret bits are revealed if a key is used many times.

  • A Blind Interference-Blocking RAKE Receiver for CDMA Communications Systems

    Tsui-Tsai LIN  Chih-Peng LI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:5

    A space-time RAKE (ST-RAKE) receiver with a blind interference-blocking (IB) pre-processor, termed as the IB-RAKE receiver, is proposed for spread spectrum communications systems. The design of the proposed architecture consists of three components. A blind IB transformer is first constructed based on the received data, and then applied on the undespread data for the suppression of strong interference. After despreading, optimal beamforming is then performed on the IB despread data to extract the signals of interest (SOIs) from the desired user. Finally, a RAKE receiver with a maximum ratio combining technique is employed to constructively collect all the SOI energies. Since strong interference has been removed in the first stage, the RAKE receiver combines only those SOIs plus negligible interference, leading to robustness against strong interference. Numerical results have shown that substantial improvement can be obtained from the proposed ST-RAKE receiver with the blind IB pre-processing scheme.

  • An Iterative Method for Blind Equalization of Multiple FIR Channels

    Fang-Biau UENG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:4

    This paper proposes a direct blind equalization algorithm based on the multiple-shift correlation (MSC) property of the received data. Employing adaptive beamforming technique, we develope a partially adaptive channel equalizer (PACE) which allows the number of the adaptive weights to be less than the number of all the channel parameters. The PACE is with fast convergence speed and low implementation complexity. This paper also analyzes the effect of mismatch of channel order estimation due to small head and tail of the channel impulse response. From the analysis, we show the performance degradation is a function of the optimal output signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR), the optimal output power and the control vector. We also propose a simple iterative method to reudce the performance degradation. Analysis of this proposed iterative method is also performed. Some simulation examples are demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the proposed blind channel equalizer and the performance analysis.

  • A Post-Wall Waveguide Slot Array with a Three-Way Power Divider on a Single-Layer Dielectric Substrate

    Shin-ichi YAMAMOTO  Nozomu HIKINO  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E88-B No:4

    A post-wall waveguide slot array with a three-way power divider on a single-layer substrate is designed to have a H-plane sectoral beam and an E-plane cosecant pattern with null-filling. Experiments in the 26 GHz band confirmed the sectoral beam with a -3 dB beam width of 117 deg and a ripple width of 2 dB in the sector.

  • A Xcast-Based Seamless Handover Scheme over Wireless LAN

    Lei LI  Shinji ABE  


    E88-B No:3

    In order to apply the mobile multimedia communication to the road information system, a seamless handover scheme is needed. Therefore, we present a novel micro-mobility scheme based on explicit multicast (Xcast) in this article. In our proposal, the mobile traffic of its forward direction is sent to the potential access routers of a mobile node (MN) by including IP addresses of the access routers explicitly in the IP headers. As for 802.11 wireless LAN, because it is difficult to know the potential ARs of a mobile node, a new trigger, called as the Candidate AR Trigger (CAT), is introduced to get this information from the link layer. The handover mechanism of our proposed scheme is depicted in detail and the merits of this scheme are also discussed. Finally, by using a combination of performance evaluation and simulation, we argue that our architecture is capable of providing seamless handover while introducing limited network overhead.

  • Multiple Regression of Log Spectra for In-Car Speech Recognition Using Multiple Distributed Microphones

    Weifeng LI  Tetsuya SHINDE  Hiroshi FUJIMURA  Chiyomi MIYAJIMA  Takanori NISHINO  Katunobu ITOU  Kazuya TAKEDA  Fumitada ITAKURA  

    PAPER-Feature Extraction and Acoustic Medelings

    E88-D No:3

    This paper describes a new multi-channel method of noisy speech recognition, which estimates the log spectrum of speech at a close-talking microphone based on the multiple regression of the log spectra (MRLS) of noisy signals captured by distributed microphones. The advantages of the proposed method are as follows: 1) The method does not require a sensitive geometric layout, calibration of the sensors nor additional pre-processing for tracking the speech source; 2) System works in very small computation amounts; and 3) Regression weights can be statistically optimized over the given training data. Once the optimal regression weights are obtained by regression learning, they can be utilized to generate the estimated log spectrum in the recognition phase, where the speech of close-talking is no longer required. The performance of the proposed method is illustrated by speech recognition of real in-car dialogue data. In comparison to the nearest distant microphone and multi-microphone adaptive beamformer, the proposed approach obtains relative word error rate (WER) reductions of 9.8% and 3.6%, respectively.

  • QoS Multicast Protocol for Live Streaming

    Yuthapong SOMCHIT  Aki KOBAYASHI  Katsunori YAMAOKA  Yoshinori SAKAI  


    E88-B No:3

    Live streaming media are delay sensitive and have limited allowable delays. Current conventional multicast protocols do not have a loss retransmission mechanism. Even though several reliable multicast protocols with retransmission mechanisms have been proposed, the long delay and high packet loss rate make them inefficient for live streaming. This paper proposes a multicast protocol focusing on the allowable delay called the QoS Multicast for Live Streaming (QMLS) protocol. QMLS routers are placed along the multicast tree to detect and retransmit lost packets. We propose a method that enables data recovery to be done immediately after lost packets are detected by the QMLS router and a method that reduces the unnecessary packets sent to end receivers. This paper discusses the mathematical analysis of the proposed protocol and compares it with other multicast protocols. The results reveal that our protocol is more effective in live streaming. Finally, we do a simulation to evaluate its performance and study the effect of consecutive losses. The simulation reveals that consecutive losses can slightly increase losses with our protocol.

  • Hybrid Beamforming Scheme for CDMA Systems to Overcome the Insufficient Pilot Power Problem in Correlated SIMO Channels

    Young-Kwan CHOI  DongKu KIM  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E88-B No:3

    A hybrid beamformer composed of a direction-of-arrival (DOA) based scheme and maximal ratio combining (MRC) is proposed to overcome the degradation caused by inaccurate channel estimation due to insufficient pilot power, which happens in conventional single-input, multiple-output (SIMO) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) reverse link. The proposed scheme can provide more accurate channel estimation and interference reduction at the expense of diversity gain in the spatially correlated SIMO channel. As a result, the hybrid scheme outperforms conventional MRC beamformers for six or more antennas in the channel environment, in which the angle-of-spread (AOS) is within 30.

  • On Beamforming for Space-Time Block Coded OFDM Systems in Multipath Fading Channels

    Sang-Mun LEE  Byeong-Ho YOON  Hyung-Jin CHOI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:3

    Recently, in order to improve high speed data transmission and spectral efficiency in wireless communication systems, the combination of OFDM and space-time coding is being actively studied. In order to maximize the system efficiency, the problem of co-channel interference must be solved. One technique to overcome the co-channel interference and to increase the system capacity is to use adaptive antennas. Conventional beamforming techniques for single antenna cannot be applied directly to STBC-OFDM systems, because the signals transmitted from the two transmit antennas are superposed at the receive antenna and the interference between signals of the two transmit antennas occurs. In this paper, we present the MMSE beamforming technique using training sequence for STBC-OFDM systems in reverse link and evaluate the performance by using various parameters such as the number of training blocks, cluster sizes and angle spreads in Two-ray, TU and HT channels. From the simulation results, we show the best cluster sizes and the number of training blocks corresponding to these cluster sizes.

  • Block Adaptive Beamforming via Parallel Projection Method

    Wen-Hsien FANG  Hsien-Sen HUNG  Chun-Sem LU  Ping-Chi CHU  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E88-B No:3

    This paper addresses a simple, and yet effective approach to the design of block adaptive beamformers via parallel projection method (PPM), which is an extension of the classic projection onto convex set (POCS) method to inconsistent sets scenarios. The proposed approach begins with the construction of the convex constraint sets which the weight vector of the adaptive beamformer lies in. The convex sets are judiciously chosen to force the weights to possess some desirable properties or to meet some prescribed rules. Based on the minimum variance criterion and a fixed gain at the look direction, two constraint sets including the minimum variance constraint set and the gain constraint set are considered. For every input block of data, the weights of the proposed beamformer can then be determined by iteratively projecting the weight vector onto these convex sets until it converges. Furnished simulations show that the proposed beamformer provides superior performance compared with previous works in various scenarios but yet in general with lower computational overhead.

  • Security Analysis of DoS Vulnerability in Stream Authentication Schemes Using Hash Chaining

    Namhi KANG  Christoph RULAND  


    E88-B No:3

    In this letter, we show that some stream authentication schemes using hash chaining are highly vulnerable to denial of service (DoS) attacks. An adversary can disrupt all receivers of group by making use of modifying a few packets in those schemes.
