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  • Defragmentation with Reroutable Backup Paths in Toggled 1+1 Protection Elastic Optical Networks

    Takaaki SAWA  Fujun HE  Takehiro SATO  Bijoy Chand CHATTERJEE  Eiji OKI  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E103-B No:3

    This paper proposes a defragmentation scheme using reroutable backup paths in toggled-based quasi 1+1 path protected elastic optical networks (EONs) to improve the efficiency of defragmentation and suppress the fragmentation effect. The proposed scheme can reallocate spectrum slots of backup paths and reroute of backup paths. The path exchange function of the proposed scheme makes the primary paths become the backup state while the backup paths become the primary. This allows utilization of the advantages of defragmentation in both primary and backup paths. We formulate a static spectrum reallocation problem with rerouting (SSRR) in the toggled-based quasi 1+1 path protected EON as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem. The decision version of SSRR is proven to be an NP-complete problem. A heuristic algorithm is introduced to solve the problem for large networks networks where the ILP problem is not tractable. For a dynamic traffic scenario, an approach that suppresses the fragmentation considering rerouting and path exchanging operations is presented. We evaluate the performances of the proposed scheme by comparing it to the conventional scheme in terms of dependencies on node degree, processing time of network operations and interval time between scheduled defragmentations. The numerical results obtained from the performance evaluation indicate that the proposed scheme increases the traffic admissibility compared to the conventional scheme.

  • Multihop TDMA-Based Wireless Networked Control Systems Robust against Bursty Packet Losses: A Two-Path Approach

    Keisuke NAKASHIMA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Masaaki NAGAHARA  Tetsuya TAKINE  


    E103-B No:3

    Wireless networked control systems (WNCSs) are control systems whose components are connected through wireless networks. In WNCSs, a controlled object (CO) could become unstable due to bursty packet losses in addition to random packet losses and round-trip delays on wireless networks. In this paper, to reduce these network-induced effects, we propose a new design for multihop TDMA-based WNCSs with two-disjoint-path switching, where two disjoint paths are established between a controller and a CO, and they are switched if bursty packet losses are detected. In this system, we face the following two difficulties: (i) link scheduling in TDMA should be done in such a way that two paths can be switched without rescheduling, taking into account of the constraint of control systems. (ii) the conventional cross-layer design method of control systems is not directly applicable because round-trip delays may vary according to the path being used. Therefore, to overcome the difficulties raised by the two-path approach, we reformulate link scheduling in multihop TDMA and cross-layer design for control systems. Simulation results confirm that the proposed WNCS achieves better performance in terms of the 2-norm of CO's states.

  • Theoretical Estimation of Lunar Soil Reflection Coefficients in Radiofrequency Communication Bands

    Francisco J. GARCIA-DE-QUIROS  Gianmarco RADICE  José A. CARRASCO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:3

    When considering the deployment of a radio communications network, the study of multipath interference and its impact on the quality of signal reception is of the outmost importance in order to meet the necessary performance requirements. This work considers specifically the case of the lunar surface as the mission scenario for a community of autonomous mobile exploration robots, which communicate through a radiofrequency network to accomplish their mission. In this application, the low height of the mobile robots makes the influence of multipath interference effects on the performance of the radio communication channel relevant. However, no specific information about lunar soil reflection coefficients characteristics is available for radiofrequency communication bands. This work reviews the literature on the electrical parameter of Lunar soil. From this base, the reflection coefficients are estimated for the assumed radio profile in different communications frequency bands. Finally, the results obtained are discussed.

  • A 2D-DOA Estimation Algorithm for Double L-Shaped Array in Unknown Sound Velocity Environment

    Gengxin NING  Shenjie JIANG  Xuejin ZHAO  Cui YANG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:3

    This paper presents a two-dimensional (2D) DOA algorithm for double L-shaped arrays. The algorithm is applied to the underwater environment for eliminating the performance error caused by the sound speed uncertainty factor. By introducing the third dimensional array, the algorithm eliminates the sound velocity variable in the depression angle expression, so that the DOA estimation no longer considering the true value of unknown sound velocity. In order to determine the parameters of a three-dimensional array, a parameter matching method with the double L-shaped array is also proposed. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the conventional 2D-DOA estimation algorithm in unknown sound velocity environment.

  • Analysis of Antenna Performance Degradation due to Coupled Electromagnetic Interference from Nearby Circuits

    Hosang LEE  Jawad YOUSAF  Kwangho KIM  Seongjin MUN  Chanseok HWANG  Wansoo NAH  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E103-C No:3

    This paper analyzes and compares two methods to estimate electromagnetically coupled noises introduced to an antenna due to the nearby circuits at a circuit design stage. One of them is to estimate the power spectrum, and the other one is to estimate the active S11 parameter at the victim antenna, respectively, and both of them use simulated standard S-parameters for the electromagnetic coupling in the circuit. They also need the assumed or measured excitation of noise sources. To confirm the validness of the two methods, an evaluation board consisting of an antenna and noise sources were designed and fabricated in which voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) chips are placed as noise sources. The generated electromagnetic noises are transferred to an antenna via loop-shaped transmission lines, degrading the performance of the antenna. In this paper, detailed analysis procedures are described using the evaluation board, and it is shown that the two methods are equivalent to each other in terms of the induced voltages in the antenna. Finally, a procedure to estimate antenna performance degradation at the design stage is summarized.

  • Prediction of DC-AC Converter Efficiency Degradation due to Device Aging Using a Compact MOSFET-Aging Model

    Kenshiro SATO  Dondee NAVARRO  Shinya SEKIZAKI  Yoshifumi ZOKA  Naoto YORINO  Hans Jürgen MATTAUSCH  Mitiko MIURA-MATTAUSCH  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E103-C No:3

    The degradation of a SiC-MOSFET-based DC-AC converter-circuit efficiency due to aging of the electrically active devices is investigated. The newly developed compact aging model HiSIM_HSiC for high-voltage SiC-MOSFETs is used in the investigation. The model considers explicitly the carrier-trap-density increase in the solution of the Poisson equation. Measured converter characteristics during a 3-phase line-to-ground (3LG) fault is correctly reproduced by the model. It is verified that the MOSFETs experience additional stress due to the high biases occurring during the fault event, which translates to severe MOSFET aging. Simulation results predict a 0.5% reduction of converter efficiency due to a single 70ms-3LG, which is equivalent to a year of operation under normal conditions, where no additional stress is applied. With the developed compact model, prediction of the efficiency degradation of the converter circuit under prolonged stress, for which measurements are difficult to obtain and typically not available, is also feasible.

  • An Efficient Learning Algorithm for Regular Pattern Languages Using One Positive Example and a Linear Number of Membership Queries

    Satoshi MATSUMOTO  Tomoyuki UCHIDA  Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Yusuke SUZUKI  Tetsuhiro MIYAHARA  


    E103-D No:3

    A regular pattern is a string consisting of constant symbols and distinct variable symbols. The language of a regular pattern is the set of all constant strings obtained by replacing all variable symbols in the regular pattern with non-empty strings. The present paper deals with the learning problem of languages of regular patterns within Angluin's query learning model, which is an established mathematical model of learning via queries in computational learning theory. The class of languages of regular patterns was known to be identifiable from one positive example using a polynomial number of membership queries, in the query learning model. In present paper, we show that the class of languages of regular patterns is identifiable from one positive example using a linear number of membership queries, with respect to the length of the positive example.

  • Real-Time Generic Object Tracking via Recurrent Regression Network

    Rui CHEN  Ying TONG  Ruiyu LIANG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:3

    Deep neural networks have achieved great success in visual tracking by learning a generic representation and leveraging large amounts of training data to improve performance. Most generic object trackers are trained from scratch online and do not benefit from a large number of videos available for offline training. We present a real-time generic object tracker capable of incorporating temporal information into its model, learning from many examples offline and quickly updating online. During the training process, the pre-trained weight of convolution layer is updated lagging behind, and the input video sequence length is gradually increased for fast convergence. Furthermore, only the hidden states in recurrent network are updated to guarantee the real-time tracking speed. The experimental results show that the proposed tracking method is capable of tracking objects at 150 fps with higher predicting overlap rate, and achieves more robustness in multiple benchmarks than state-of-the-art performance.

  • Simultaneous Estimation of Object Region and Depth in Participating Media Using a ToF Camera

    Yuki FUJIMURA  Motoharu SONOGASHIRA  Masaaki IIYAMA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E103-D No:3

    Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and scene depth estimation from 2-dimensional (2D) images are major tasks in computer vision. However, using conventional 3D reconstruction techniques gets challenging in participating media such as murky water, fog, or smoke. We have developed a method that uses a continuous-wave time-of-flight (ToF) camera to estimate an object region and depth in participating media simultaneously. The scattered light observed by the camera is saturated, so it does not depend on the scene depth. In addition, received signals bouncing off distant points are negligible due to light attenuation, and thus the observation of such a point contains only a scattering component. These phenomena enable us to estimate the scattering component in an object region from a background that only contains the scattering component. The problem is formulated as robust estimation where the object region is regarded as outliers, and it enables the simultaneous estimation of an object region and depth on the basis of an iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) optimization scheme. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method using captured images from a ToF camera in real foggy scenes and evaluate the applicability with synthesized data.

  • Leveraging Neural Caption Translation with Visually Grounded Paraphrase Augmentation

    Johanes EFFENDI  Sakriani SAKTI  Katsuhito SUDOH  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E103-D No:3

    Since a concept can be represented by different vocabularies, styles, and levels of detail, a translation task resembles a many-to-many mapping task from a distribution of sentences in the source language into a distribution of sentences in the target language. This viewpoint, however, is not fully implemented in current neural machine translation (NMT), which is one-to-one sentence mapping. In this study, we represent the distribution itself as multiple paraphrase sentences, which will enrich the model context understanding and trigger it to produce numerous hypotheses. We use a visually grounded paraphrase (VGP), which uses images as a constraint of the concept in paraphrasing, to guarantee that the created paraphrases are within the intended distribution. In this way, our method can also be considered as incorporating image information into NMT without using the image itself. We implement this idea by crowdsourcing a paraphrasing corpus that realizes VGP and construct neural paraphrasing that behaves as expert models in a NMT. Our experimental results reveal that our proposed VGP augmentation strategies showed improvement against a vanilla NMT baseline.

  • A Security Enhanced 5G Authentication Scheme for Insecure Channel

    Xinxin HU  Caixia LIU  Shuxin LIU  Xiaotao CHENG  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E103-D No:3

    More and more attacks are found due to the insecure channel between different network domains in legacy mobile network. In this letter, we discover an attack exploiting SUCI to track a subscriber in 5G network, which is directly caused by the insecure air channel. To cover this issue, a secure authentication scheme is proposed utilizing the existing PKI mechanism. Not only dose our protocol ensure the authentication signalling security in the channel between UE and SN, but also SN and HN. Further, formal methods are adopted to prove the security of the proposed protocol.

  • Simulated Annealing Method for Relaxed Optimal Rule Ordering

    Takashi HARADA  Ken TANAKA  Kenji MIKAWA  


    E103-D No:3

    Recent years have witnessed a rapid increase in cyber-attacks through unauthorized accesses and DDoS attacks. Since packet classification is a fundamental technique to prevent such illegal communications, it has gained considerable attention. Packet classification is achieved with a linear search on a classification rule list that represents the packet classification policy. As such, a large number of rules can result in serious communication latency. To decrease this latency, the problem is formalized as optimal rule ordering (ORO). In most cases, this problem aims to find the order of rules that minimizes latency while satisfying the dependency relation of the rules, where rules ri and rj are dependent if there is a packet that matches both ri and rj and their actions applied to packets are different. However, there is a case in which although the ordering violates the dependency relation, the ordering satisfies the packet classification policy. Since such an ordering can decrease the latency compared to an ordering under the constraint of the dependency relation, we have introduced a new model, called relaxed optimal rule ordering (RORO). In general, it is difficult to determine whether an ordering satisfies the classification policy, even when it violates the dependency relation, because this problem contains unsatisfiability. However, using a zero-suppressed binary decision diagram (ZDD), we can determine it in a reasonable amount of time. In this paper, we present a simulated annealing method for RORO which interchanges rules by determining whether rules ri and rj can be interchanged in terms of policy violation using the ZDD. The experimental results show that our method decreases latency more than other heuristics.

  • Daisy-Chained Systolic Array and Reconfigurable Memory Space for Narrow Memory Bandwidth

    Jun IWAMOTO  Yuma KIKUTANI  Renyuan ZHANG  Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E103-D No:3

    A paradigm shift toward edge computing infrastructures that prioritize small footprint and scalable/easy-to-estimate performance is increasing. In this paper, we propose the following to improve the footprint and the scalability of systolic arrays: (1) column multithreading for reducing the number of physical units and maintaining the performance even for back-to-back floating-point accumulations; (2) a cascaded peer-to-peer AXI bus for a scalable multichip structure and an intra-chip parallel local memory bus for low latency; (3) multilevel loop control in any unit for reducing the startup overhead and adaptive operation shifting for efficient reuse of local memories. We designed a systolic array with a single column × 64 row configuration with Verilog HDL, evaluated the frequency and the performance on an FPGA attached to a ZYNQ system as an AXI slave device, and evaluated the area with a TSMC 28nm library and memory generator and identified the following: (1) the execution speed of a matrix multiplication/a convolution operation/a light-field depth extraction, whose size larger than the capacity of the local memory, is 6.3× / 9.2× / 6.6× compared with a similar systolic array (EMAX); (2) the estimated speed with a 4-chip configuration is 19.6× / 16.0× / 8.5×; (3) the size of a single-chip is 8.4 mm2 (0.31× of EMAX) and the basic performance per area is 2.4×.

  • Local Memory Mapping of Multicore Processors on an Automatic Parallelizing Compiler

    Yoshitake OKI  Yuto ABE  Kazuki YAMAMOTO  Kohei YAMAMOTO  Tomoya SHIRAKAWA  Akimasa YOSHIDA  Keiji KIMURA  Hironori KASAHARA  


    E103-C No:3

    Utilization of local memory from real-time embedded systems to high performance systems with multi-core processors has become an important factor for satisfying hard deadline constraints. However, challenges lie in the area of efficiently managing the memory hierarchy, such as decomposing large data into small blocks to fit onto local memory and transferring blocks for reuse and replacement. To address this issue, this paper presents a compiler optimization method that automatically manage local memory of multi-core processors. The method selects and maps multi-dimensional data onto software specified memory blocks called Adjustable Blocks. These blocks are hierarchically divisible with varying sizes defined by the features of the input application. Moreover, the method introduces mapping structures called Template Arrays to maintain the indices of the decomposed multi-dimensional data. The proposed work is implemented on the OSCAR automatic parallelizing compiler and evaluations were performed on the Renesas RP2 8-core processor. Experimental results from NAS Parallel Benchmark, SPEC benchmark, and multimedia applications show the effectiveness of the method, obtaining maximum speed-ups of 20.44 with 8 cores utilizing local memory from single core sequential versions that use off-chip memory.

  • BER due to Intersymbol Interference in Maximal-Ratio Combining Reception Analyzed Based on Equivalent Transmission-Path Model

    Yoshio KARASAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:3

    The equivalent transmission-path model is a propagation-oriented channel model for predicting the bit error rate due to intersymbol interference in single-input single-output systems. We extend this model to develop a new calculation scheme for maximal-ratio combining diversity reception in single-input multiple-output configurations. A key part of the study is to derive a general formula expressing the joint probability density function of the amplitude ratio and phase difference of the two-path model. In this derivation, we mainly take a theoretical approach with the aid of Monte Carlo simulation. Then, very high-accuracy estimation of the average bit error rate due to intersymbol interference (ISI) for CQPSK calculated based on the model is confirmed by computer simulation. Finally, we propose a very simple calculation formula for the prediction of the BER due to ISI that is commonly applicable to various modulation/demodulation schemes, such as CQPSK, DQPSK, 16QAM, and CBPSK in maximal-ratio combining diversity reception.

  • Sign Reversal Channel Switching Method in Space-Time Block Code for OFDM Systems

    Hyeok Koo JUNG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E103-A No:2

    This paper proposes a simple source data exchange method for channel switching in space-time block code. If one transmits source data on another antenna, then the receiver should change combining method in order to adapt it. No one except knowing the channel switching sequence can decode the received data correctly. In case of exchanging data for channel switching, four orthogonal frequency division multiplexing symbols are exchanged according to a format of space-time block code. In this paper, I proposes two simple sign exchanges without exchanging four orthogonal-frequency division multiplexing symbols which occurs a different combining and channel switching method in the receiver.

  • Software Process Capability Self-Assessment Support System Based on Task and Work Product Characteristics: A Case Study of ISO/IEC 29110 Standard


    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E103-D No:2

    A key driver of software business growth in developing countries is the survival of software small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Quality of products is a critical factor that can indicate the future of the business by building customer confidence. Software development agencies need to be aware of meeting international standards in software development process. In practice, consultants and assessors are usually employed as the primary solution, which can impact the budget in case of small businesses. Self-assessment tools for software development process can potentially reduce time and cost of formal assessment for software SMEs. However, the existing support methods and tools are largely insufficient in terms of process coverage and semi-automated evaluation. This paper proposes to apply a knowledge-based approach in development of a self-assessment and gap analysis support system for the ISO/IEC 29110 standard. The approach has an advantage that insights from domain experts and the standard are captured in the knowledge base in form of decision tables that can be flexibly managed. Our knowledge base is unique in that task lists and work products defined in the standard are broken down into task and work product characteristics, respectively. Their relation provides the links between Task List and Work Product which make users more understand and influence self-assessment. A prototype support system was developed to assess the level of software development capability of the agencies based on the ISO/IEC 29110 standard. A preliminary evaluation study showed that the system can improve performance of users who are inexperienced in applying ISO/IEC 29110 standard in terms of task coverage and user's time and effort compared to the traditional self-assessment method.

  • A Family of New 16-QAM Golay Complementary Sequences without Higher PEP Upper Bounds

    Fanxin ZENG  Xiping HE  Guixin XUAN  Zhenyu ZHANG  Yanni PENG  Li YAN  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E103-A No:2

    In an OFDM communication system using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals, peak envelope powers (PEPs) of the transmitted signals can be well controlled by using QAM Golay complementary sequence pairs (CSPs). In this letter, by making use of a new construction, a family of new 16-QAM Golay CSPs of length N=2m (integer m≥2) with binary inputs is presented, and all the resultant pairs have the PEP upper bound 2N. However, in the existing such pairs from other references their PEP upper bounds can arrive at 3.6N when the worst case happens. In this sense, novel pairs are good candidates for OFDM applications.

  • Rust Detection of Steel Structure via One-Class Classification and L2 Sparse Representation with Decision Fusion

    Guizhong ZHANG  Baoxian WANG  Zhaobo YAN  Yiqiang LI  Huaizhi YANG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:2

    In this work, we present one novel rust detection method based upon one-class classification and L2 sparse representation (SR) with decision fusion. Firstly, a new color contrast descriptor is proposed for extracting the rust features of steel structure images. Considering that the patterns of rust features are more simplified than those of non-rust ones, one-class support vector machine (SVM) classifier and L2 SR classifier are designed with these rust image features, respectively. After that, a multiplicative fusion rule is advocated for combining the one-class SVM and L2 SR modules, thereby achieving more accurate rust detecting results. In the experiments, we conduct numerous experiments, and when compared with other developed rust detectors, the presented method can offer better rust detecting performances.

  • Shift Invariance Property of a Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

    Hideyuki IMAI  

    LETTER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E103-A No:2

    We consider a property about a result of non-negative matrix factorization under a parallel moving of data points. The shape of a cloud of original data points and that of data points moving parallel to a vector are identical. Thus it is sometimes required that the coefficients to basis vectors of both data points are also identical from the viewpoint of classification. We show a necessary and sufficient condition for such an invariance property under a translation of the data points.
