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  • DFE Error Propagation and FEC Interleaving for 400GbE PAM4 Electrical Lane Open Access

    Yongzheng ZHAN  Qingsheng HU  Yinhang ZHANG  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E103-C No:2

    This paper analyzes the effect of error propagation of decision feedback equalizer (DFE) for PAM4 based 400Gb/s Ethernet. First, an analytic model for the error propagation is proposed to estimate the probability of different burst error length due to error propagation for PAM4 link system with multi-tap TX FFE (Feed Forward Equalizer) + RX DFE architecture. After calculating the symbol error rate (SER) and bit error rate (BER) based on the probability model, the theoretical analysis about the impact of different equalizer configurations on BER is compared with the simulation results, and then BER performance with FEC (Forward Error Correction) is analyzed to evaluate the effect of DFE error propagation on PAM4 link. Finally, two FEC interleaving schemes, symbol and bit interleaving, are employed in order to reduce BER further and then the theoretical analysis and the simulation result of their performance improvement are also evaluated. Simulation results show that at most 0.52dB interleaving gain can be achieved compared with non-interleaving scheme just at a little cost in storing memory and latency. And between the two interleaving methods, symbol interleaving performs better compared with the other one from the view of tradeoff between the interleaving gain and the cost and can be applied for 400Gb/s Ethernet.

  • Architecture and Design of Coarse/Fine Hybrid Granular Routing Optical Networks Open Access

    Yusaku ITO  Yojiro MORI  Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Ken-ichi SATO  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E103-B No:2

    A novel coarse and fine hybrid granular routing network architecture is proposed. Virtual direct links (VDLs) defined by the coarse granular routing to bridge distant node pairs, and routing via VDL mitigate the spectrum narrowing caused by optical filtering at wavelength-selective switches in ROADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing) nodes. The impairment mitigation yields denser channel accommodation in the frequency domain, which substantially increases fiber spectral efficiency. The proposed network simultaneously utilizes fine granular optical path level routing so that optical paths can be effectively accommodated in VDLs. The newly developed network design algorithm presented in this paper effectively implements routing and spectrum assignment to paths in addition to optimizing VDL establishment and path accommodation to VDLs. The effectiveness of the proposed architecture is demonstrated through both numerical and experimental evaluations; the number of fibers necessary in a network, and the spectrum bandwidth and hop count product are, respectively, reduced by up to 18% and increased by up to 111%.

  • Mathematical Analysis of Phase Resetting Control Mechanism during Rhythmic Movements

    Kazuki NAKADA  Keiji MIURA  


    E103-A No:2

    Possible functional roles of the phase resetting control during rhythmic movements have been attracting much attention in the field of robotics. The phase resetting control is a control mechanism in which the phase shift of periodic motion is induced depending on the timing of a given perturbation, leading to dynamical stability such as a rapid transition from an unstable state to a stable state in rhythmic movements. A phase response curve (PRC) is used to quantitatively evaluate the phase shift in the phase resetting control. It has been demonstrated that an optimal PRC for bipedal walking becomes bimodal. The PRCs acquired by reinforcement learning in simulated biped walking are qualitatively consistent with measured results obtained from experiments. In this study, we considered how such characteristics are obtained from a mathematical point of view. First, we assumed a symmetric Bonhoeffer-Van der Pol oscillator and phase excitable element known as an active rotator as a model of the central pattern generator for controlling rhythmic movements. Second, we constructed feedback control systems by combining them with manipulators. Next, we numerically computed the PRCs of such systems and compared the resulting PRCs. Furthermore, we approximately calculated analytical solutions of the PRCs. Based on the results, we systematically investigated the parameter dependence of the analytical PRCs. Finally, we investigated the requirements for realizing an optimal PRC for the phase resetting control during rhythmic movements.

  • Which Replacement Is Better at Working Cycles or Number of Failures Open Access

    Satoshi MIZUTANI  Xufeng ZHAO  Toshio NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

    E103-A No:2

    When a unit repeats some works over again and undergoes minimal repairs at failures, it is more practical to replace it preventively at the end of working cycles or at its failure times. In this case, it would be an interesting problem to know which is better to replace the unit at a number of working cycles or at random failures from the point of cost. For this purpose, we give models of the expected cost rates for the following replacement policies: (1) The unit is replaced at a working cycle N and at a failure number K, respectively; (2) Replacement first and last policies with working cycle N and failure number K, respectively; (3) Replacement overtime policies with working cycle N and failure number K, respectively. Optimizations and comparisons of the policies for N and K are made analytically and numerically.

  • Simplified Triangular Partitioning Mode in Versatile Video Coding

    Dohyeon PARK  Jinho LEE  Jung-Won KANG  Jae-Gon KIM  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E103-D No:2

    The emerging Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard currently adopts Triangular Partitioning Mode (TPM) to make more flexible inter prediction. Due to the motion search and motion storage for TPM, the complexity of the encoder and decoder is significantly increased. This letter proposes two simplifications of TPM for reducing the complexity of the current design. One simplification is to reduce the number of combinations of motion vectors for both partitions to be checked. The method gives 4% encoding time decrease with negligible BD-rate loss. Another one is to remove the reference picture remapping process in the motion vector storage of TPM. It reduces the complexity of the encoder and decoder without a BD-rate change for the random-access configuration.

  • Sorting Matrix Architecture for Continuous Data Sequences

    Meiting XUE  Huan ZHANG  Weijun LI  Feng YU  

    LETTER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E103-A No:2

    Sorting is one of the most fundamental problems in mathematics and computer science. Because high-throughput and flexible sorting is a key requirement in modern databases, this paper presents efficient techniques for designing a high-throughput sorting matrix that supports continuous data sequences. There have been numerous studies on the optimization of sorting circuits on FPGA (field-programmable gate array) platforms. These studies focused on attaining high throughput for a single command with fixed data width. However, the architectures proposed do not meet the requirement of diversity for database data types. A sorting matrix architecture is thus proposed to overcome this problem. Our design consists of a matrix of identical basic sorting cells. The sorting cells work in a pipeline and in parallel, and the matrix can simultaneously process multiple data streams, which can be combined into a high-width single-channel data stream or low-width multiple-channel data streams. It can handle continuous sequences and allows for sorting variable-length data sequences. Its maximum throughput is approximately 1.4 GB/s for 32-bit sequences and approximately 2.5 GB/s for 64-bit sequences on our platform.

  • Secure Overcomplete Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation

    Takayuki NAKACHI  Yukihiro BANDOH  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E103-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose secure dictionary learning based on a random unitary transform for sparse representation. Currently, edge cloud computing is spreading to many application fields including services that use sparse coding. This situation raises many new privacy concerns. Edge cloud computing poses several serious issues for end users, such as unauthorized use and leak of data, and privacy failures. The proposed scheme provides practical MOD and K-SVD dictionary learning algorithms that allow computation on encrypted signals. We prove, theoretically, that the proposal has exactly the same dictionary learning estimation performance as the non-encrypted variant of MOD and K-SVD algorithms. We apply it to secure image modeling based on an image patch model. Finally, we demonstrate its performance on synthetic data and a secure image modeling application for natural images.

  • Node-Disjoint Paths Problems in Directed Bijective Connection Graphs

    Keiichi KANEKO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E103-D No:1

    In this paper, we extend the notion of bijective connection graphs to introduce directed bijective connection graphs. We propose algorithms that solve the node-to-set node-disjoint paths problem and the node-to-node node-disjoint paths problem in a directed bijective connection graph. The time complexities of the algorithms are both O(n4), and the maximum path lengths are both 2n-1.

  • π/N Expansion to the LP01 Mode of a Step-Index N-Sided Regular-Polygonal-Core Fiber

    Naofumi KITSUNEZAKI  


    E103-C No:1

    Herein, we analytically derive the effective index and field distribution of the LP01 mode of a step-index N-sided regular-polygonal-core fiber. To do this, we utilize the lowest-order non-anomalous approximation of the π/N expansion. These properties are also calculated numerically and the results are compared the with approximations.

  • Expressive Attribute-Based Encryption with Constant-Size Ciphertexts from the Decisional Linear Assumption Open Access

    Katsuyuki TAKASHIMA  


    E103-A No:1

    We propose a key-policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE) scheme with constant-size ciphertexts, whose almost tightly semi-adaptive security is proven under the decisional linear (DLIN) assumption in the standard model. The access structure is expressive, that is given by non-monotone span programs. It also has fast decryption, i.e., a decryption includes only a constant number of pairing operations. As an application of our KP-ABE construction, we also propose an efficient, fully secure attribute-based signatures with constant-size secret (signing) keys from the DLIN. For achieving the above results, we extend the sparse matrix technique on dual pairing vector spaces. In particular, several algebraic properties of an elaborately chosen sparse matrix group are applied to the dual system security proofs.

  • Proposal of Instantaneous Power-Line Frequency Synchronized Superimposed Chart for Communications Quality Evaluation of broadband PLC System Open Access

    Kenji KITA  Hiroshi GOTOH  Hiroyasu ISHIKAWA  Hideyuki SHINONAGA  


    E103-B No:1

    Power line communications (PLC) is a communication technology that uses a power-line as a transmission medium. Previous studies have shown that connecting an AC adapter such as a mobile phone charger to the power-line affects signal quality. Therefore, in this paper, the authors analyze the influence of chargers on inter-computer communications using packet capture to evaluate communications quality. The analysis results indicate the occurrence of a short duration in which packets are not detected once in a half period of the power-line supply: named communication forbidden time. For visualizing the communication forbidden time and for evaluating the communications quality of the inter-computer communications using PLC, the authors propose an instantaneous power-line frequency synchronized superimposed chart and its plotting algorithm. Further, in order to analyze accurately, the position of the communication forbidden time can be changed by altering the initial burst signal plotting position. The difference in the chart, which occurs when the plotting start position changes, is also discussed. We show analysis examples using the chart for a test bed data assumed an ideal environment, and show the effectiveness of the chart for analyzing PLC inter-computer communications.

  • Efficient Inner Product Functional Encryption with Full-Hiding Security

    Junichi TOMIDA  Masayuki ABE  Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  


    E103-A No:1

    Inner product functional encryption (IPFE) is a subclass of functional encryption (FE), whose function class is limited to inner product. We construct an efficient private-key IPFE scheme with full-hiding security, where confidentiality is assured for not only encrypted data but also functions associated with secret keys. Recently, Datta et al. presented such a scheme in PKC 2016 and this is the only scheme that achieves full-hiding security. Our scheme has an advantage over their scheme for the two aspects. More efficient: keys and ciphertexts of our scheme are almost half the size of those of their scheme. Weaker assumption: our scheme is secure under the k-linear (k-Lin) assumption, while their scheme is secure under a stronger assumption, namely, the symmetric external Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) assumption. It is well-known that the k-Lin assumption is equivalent to the SXDH assumption when k=1 and becomes weak as k increases.

  • Constant-Round Client-Aided Two-Server Secure Comparison Protocol and Its Applications

    Hiraku MORITA  Nuttapong ATTRAPADUNG  Tadanori TERUYA  Satsuya OHATA  Koji NUIDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  


    E103-A No:1

    We present an improved constant-round secure two-party protocol for integer comparison functionality, which is one of the most fundamental building blocks in secure computation. Our protocol is in the so-called client-server model, which is utilized in real-world MPC products such as Sharemind, where any number of clients can create shares of their input and distribute to the servers who then jointly compute over the shares and return the shares of the result to the client. In the client-aided client-server model, as mentioned briefly by Mohassel and Zhang (S&P'17), a client further generates and distributes some necessary correlated randomness to servers. Such correlated randomness admits efficient protocols since otherwise, servers have to jointly generate randomness by themselves, which can be inefficient. In this paper, we improve the state-of-the-art constant-round comparison protocols by Damgå rd et al. (TCC'06) and Nishide and Ohta (PKC'07) in the client-aided model. Our techniques include identifying correlated randomness in these comparison protocols. Along the way, we also use tree-based techniques for a building block, which deviate from the above two works. Our proposed protocol requires only 5 communication rounds, regardless of the bit length of inputs. This is at least 5 times fewer rounds than existing protocols. We implement our secure comparison protocol in C++. Our experimental results show that this low-round complexity benefits in high-latency networks such as WAN. We also present secure Min/Argmin protocols using the secure comparison protocol.

  • Good Group Sparsity Prior for Light Field Interpolation Open Access

    Shu FUJITA  Keita TAKAHASHI  Toshiaki FUJII  


    E103-A No:1

    A light field, which is equivalent to a dense set of multi-view images, has various applications such as depth estimation and 3D display. One of the essential problems in light field applications is light field interpolation, i.e., view interpolation. The interpolation accuracy is enhanced by exploiting an inherent property of a light field. One example is that an epipolar plane image (EPI), which is a 2D subset of the 4D light field, consists of many lines, and these lines have almost the same slope in a local region. This structure induces a sparse representation in the frequency domain, where most of the energy resides on a line passing through the origin. On the basis of this observation, we propose a group sparsity prior suitable for light fields to exploit their line structure fully for interpolation. Specifically, we designed the directional groups in the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) domain so that the groups can represent the concentration of the energy, and we thereby formulated an LF interpolation problem as an overlapping group lasso. We also introduce several techniques to improve the interpolation accuracy such as applying a window function, determining group weights, expanding processing blocks, and merging blocks. Our experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve better or comparable quality as compared to state-of-the-art LF interpolation methods such as convolutional neural network (CNN)-based methods.

  • Real-Time Image Processing Based on Service Function Chaining Using CPU-FPGA Architecture

    Yuta UKON  Koji YAMAZAKI  Koyo NITTA  

    PAPER-Network System

    E103-B No:1

    Advanced information-processing services based on cloud computing are in great demand. However, users want to be able to customize cloud services for their own purposes. To provide image-processing services that can be optimized for the purpose of each user, we propose a technique for chaining image-processing functions in a CPU-field programmable gate array (FPGA) coupled server architecture. One of the most important requirements for combining multiple image-processing functions on a network, is low latency in server nodes. However, large delay occurs in the conventional CPU-FPGA architecture due to the overheads of packet reordering for ensuring the correctness of image processing and data transfer between the CPU and FPGA at the application level. This paper presents a CPU-FPGA server architecture with a real-time packet reordering circuit for low-latency image processing. In order to confirm the efficiency of our idea, we evaluated the latency of histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) feature calculation as an offloaded image-processing function. The results show that the latency is about 26 times lower than that of the conventional CPU-FPGA architecture. Moreover, the throughput decreased by less than 3.7% under the worst-case condition where 90 percent of the packets are randomly swapped at a 40-Gbps input rate. Finally, we demonstrated that a real-time video monitoring service can be provided by combining image processing functions using our architecture.

  • Design of Compact Long-Wavelength-Pass Filter in Metal-Dielectric-Metal Plasmonic Waveguide with Stubs Using Transmission Line Model

    Koichi HIRAYAMA  Jun-ichiro SUGISAKA  Takashi YASUI  


    E103-C No:1

    We propose the design method of a compact long-wavelength-pass filter implemented in a two-dimensional metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) waveguide with three stubs using a transmission line model based on a low-pass prototype filter, and present the wavelength characteristics for filters in an MDM waveguide based on 0.5- and 3.0-dB equal-ripple low-pass prototype filters.

  • UMMS: Efficient Superpixel Segmentation Driven by a Mixture of Spatially Constrained Uniform Distribution

    Pengyu WANG  Hongqing ZHU  Ning CHEN  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E103-D No:1

    A novel superpixel segmentation approach driven by uniform mixture model with spatially constrained (UMMS) is proposed. Under this algorithm, each observation, i.e. pixel is first represented as a five-dimensional vector which consists of colour in CLELAB space and position information. And then, we define a new uniform distribution through adding pixel position, so that this distribution can describe each pixel in input image. Applied weighted 1-Norm to difference between pixels and mean to control the compactness of superpixel. In addition, an effective parameter estimation scheme is introduced to reduce computational complexity. Specifically, the invariant prior probability and parameter range restrict the locality of superpixels, and the robust mean optimization technique ensures the accuracy of superpixel boundaries. Finally, each defined uniform distribution is associated with a superpixel and the proposed UMMS successfully implements superpixel segmentation. The experiments on BSDS500 dataset verify that UMMS outperforms most of the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of segmentation accuracy, regularity, and rapidity.

  • Free Space Optical Turbo Coded Communication System with Hybrid PPM-OOK Signaling

    Ran SUN  Hiromasa HABUCHI  Yusuke KOZAWA  


    E103-A No:1

    For high transmission efficiency, good modulation schemes are expected. This paper focuses on the enhancement of the modulation scheme of free space optical turbo coded system. A free space optical turbo coded system using a new signaling scheme called hybrid PPM-OOK signaling (HPOS) is proposed and investigated. The theoretical formula of the bit error rate of the uncoded HPOS system is derived. The effective information rate performances (i.e. channel capacity) of the proposed HPOS turbo coded system are evaluated through computer simulation in free space optical channel, with weak, moderate, strong scintillation. The performance of the proposed HPOS turbo coded system is compared with those of the conventional OOK (On-Off Keying) turbo coded system and BPPM (Binary Pulse Position Modulation) turbo coded system. As results, the proposed HPOS turbo coded system shows the same tolerance capability to background noise and atmospheric turbulence as the conventional BPPM turbo coded system, and it has 1.5 times larger capacity.

  • Computationally Efficient DOA Estimation for Massive Uniform Linear Array

    Wei JHANG  Shiaw-Wu CHEN  Ann-Chen CHANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E103-A No:1

    This letter presents an improved hybrid direction of arrival (DOA) estimation scheme with computational efficiency for massive uniform linear array. In order to enhance the resolution of DOA estimation, the initial estimator based on the discrete Fourier transform is applied to obtain coarse DOA estimates by a virtual array extension for one snapshot. Then, by means of a first-order Taylor series approximation to the direction vector with the one initially estimated in a very small region, the iterative fine estimator can find a new direction vector which raises the searching efficiency. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

  • Decentralized Local Scaling Factor Control for Backoff-Based Opportunistic Routing Open Access


    PAPER-Information Network

    E102-D No:12

    In wireless multi-hop networks such as ad hoc networks and sensor networks, backoff-based opportunistic routing protocols, which make a forwarding decision based on backoff time, have been proposed. In the protocols, each potential forwarder calculates the backoff time based on the product of a weight and global scaling factor. The weight prioritizes potential forwarders and is calculated based on hop counts to the destination of a sender and receiver. The global scaling factor is a predetermined value to map the weight to the actual backoff time. However, there are three common issues derived from the global scaling factor. First, it is necessary to share the predetermined global scaling factor with a centralized manner among all terminals properly for the backoff time calculation. Second, it is almost impossible to change the global scaling factor during the networks are being used. Third, it is difficult to set the global scaling factor to an appropriate value since the value differs among each local surrounding of forwarders. To address the aforementioned issues, this paper proposes a novel decentralized local scaling factor control without relying on a predetermined global scaling factor. The proposed method consists of the following three mechanisms: (1) sender-centric local scaling factor setting mechanism in a decentralized manner instead of the global scaling factor, (2) adaptive scaling factor control mechanism which adapts the local scaling factor to each local surrounding of forwarders, and (3) mitigation mechanism for excessive local scaling factor increases for the local scaling factor convergence. Finally, this paper evaluates the backoff-based opportunistic routing protocol with and without the proposed method using computer simulations.
