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[Keyword] SiON(4624hit)


  • Feasibility of Estimating Concentration Level of Japanese Document Workers Based on Kana-Kanji Conversion Confirmation Time

    Ryosuke SAEKI  Takeshi HAYASHI  Ibuki YAMAMOTO  Kinya FUJITA  


    E107-D No:3

    This study discusses the feasibility to estimate the concentration level of Japanese document workers using computer. Based on the previous findings that dual-task scenarios increase reaction time, we hypothesized that the Kana-Kanji conversion confirmation time (KKCCT) would increase due to the decrease in cognitive resources allocated to the document task, i.e. the level of concentration on the task at hand. To examine this hypothesis, we conducted a set of experiments in which sixteen participants copied Kana text by typing and concurrently converted it into Kanji under three conditions: Normal, Dual-task, and Mental-fatigue. The results suggested the feasibility that KKCCT increased when participants were less concentrated on the task due to subtask or mental fatigue. These findings imply the potential utility of using confirmation time as a measure of concentration level in Japanese document workers.

  • Graph Linear Notations with Regular Expressions



    E107-D No:3

    This paper proposes graph linear notations and an extension of them with regular expressions. Graph linear notations are a set of strings to represent labeled general graphs. They are extended with regular expressions to represent sets of graphs by specifying chosen parts for selections and repetitions of certain induced subgraphs. Methods for the conversion between graph linear notations and labeled general graphs are shown. The NP-completeness of the membership problem for graph regular expressions is proved.

  • Solving Linear Regression with Insensitive Loss by Boosting



    E107-D No:3

    Following the formulation of Support Vector Regression (SVR), we consider a regression analogue of soft margin optimization over the feature space indexed by a hypothesis class H. More specifically, the problem is to find a linear model w ∈ ℝH that minimizes the sum of ρ-insensitive losses over all training data for as small ρ as posssible, where the ρ-insensitive loss for a single data (xi, yi) is defined as max{|yi - ∑h whh(xi)| - ρ, 0}. Intuitively, the parameter ρ and the ρ-insensitive loss are defined analogously to the target margin and the hinge loss in soft margin optimization, respectively. The difference of our formulation from SVR is two-fold: (1) we consider L1-norm regularization instead of L2-norm regularization, and (2) the feature space is implicitly defined by a hypothesis class instead of a kernel. We propose a boosting-type algorithm for solving the problem with a theoretically guaranteed convergence rate under a natural assumption on the weak learnability.

  • The Influence of Future Perspective on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Software Engineers

    Ikuto YAMAGATA  Masateru TSUNODA  Keitaro NAKASAI  


    E107-D No:3

    Software development companies must consider employees' job satisfaction and turnover intentions. To explain the related factors, this study focused on future perspective index (FPI). FPI was assumed to relate positively to satisfaction and negatively to turnover. In the analysis, we compared the FPI with existing factors that are considered to be related to job satisfaction. We discovered that the FPI was promising for enhancing explanatory power, particularly when analyzing satisfaction.

  • Influence of the Gate Voltage or the Base Pair Ratio Modulation on the λ-DNA FET Performance

    Naoto MATSUO  Akira HEYA  Kazushige YAMANA  Koji SUMITOMO  Tetsuo TABEI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E107-C No:3

    The influence of the gate voltage or base pair ratio modulation on the λ-DNA FET performance was examined. The result of the gate voltage modulation indicated that the captured electrons in the guanine base of the λ-DNA molecules greatly influenced the Id-Vd characteristics, and that of the base pair ratio modulation indicated that the tendency of the conductivity was partly clarified by considering the activation energy of holes and electrons and the length and numbers of the serial AT or GC sequences over which the holes or electrons jumped. In addition, the influence of the dimensionality of the DNA molecule on the conductivity was discussed theoretically.

  • Design of a Capacitive Coupler for Underwater Wireless Power Transfer Focused on the Landing Direction of a Drone

    Yasumasa NAKA  Masaya TAMURA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E107-C No:3

    This paper presents the design of a capacitive coupler for underwater wireless power transfer focused on the landing direction of a drone. The main design feature is the relative position of power feeding/receiving points on the coupler electrodes, which depends on the landing direction of the drone. First, the maximum power transfer efficiencies of coupled lines with different feeding positions are derived in a uniform dielectric environment, such as that realized underwater. As a result, these are formulated by the coupling coefficient of the capacitive coupler, the unloaded qualify factor of dielectrics, and hyperbolic functions with complex propagation constants. The hyperbolic functions vary depending on the relative positions and whether these are identical or opposite couplers, and the efficiencies of each coupler depend on the type of water, such as seawater and tap water. The design method was demonstrated and achieved the highest efficiencies of 95.2%, 91.5%, and 85.3% in tap water at transfer distances of 20, 50, and 100 mm, respectively.

  • Content-Adaptive Optimization Framework for Universal Deep Image Compression

    Koki TSUBOTA  Kiyoharu AIZAWA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E107-D No:2

    While deep image compression performs better than traditional codecs like JPEG on natural images, it faces a challenge as a learning-based approach: compression performance drastically decreases for out-of-domain images. To investigate this problem, we introduce a novel task that we call universal deep image compression, which involves compressing images in arbitrary domains, such as natural images, line drawings, and comics. Furthermore, we propose a content-adaptive optimization framework to tackle this task. This framework adapts a pre-trained compression model to each target image during testing for addressing the domain gap between pre-training and testing. For each input image, we insert adapters into the decoder of the model and optimize the latent representation extracted by the encoder and the adapter parameters in terms of rate-distortion, with the adapter parameters transmitted per image. To achieve the evaluation of the proposed universal deep compression, we constructed a benchmark dataset containing uncompressed images of four domains: natural images, line drawings, comics, and vector arts. We compare our proposed method with non-adaptive and existing adaptive compression methods, and the results show that our method outperforms them. Our code and dataset are publicly available at

  • Development of a Coanda-Drone with Built-in Propellers

    Zejing ZHAO  Bin ZHANG  Hun-ok LIM  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E107-D No:2

    In this study, a Coanda-drone with length, width, and height of 121.6, 121.6, and 191[mm] was designed, and its total mass was 1166.7[g]. Using four propulsion devices, it could produce a maximum of 5428[g] thrust. Its structure is very different from conventional drones because in this study it combines the design of the jet engine of a jet fixed-wing drone with the fuselage structure layout of a rotary-wing drone. The advantage of jet drone's high propulsion is kept so that it can output greater thrust under the same variation of PWM waveform output. In this study, the propulsion device performs high-speed jetting, and the airflow around the propulsion device will also be jetted downward along the direction of the airflow.

  • Capacitive Wireless Power Transfer System with Misalignment Tolerance in Flowing Freshwater Environments

    Yasumasa NAKA  Akihiko ISHIWATA  Masaya TAMURA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E107-C No:2

    The misalignment of a coupler is a significant issue for capacitive wireless power transfer (WPT). This paper presents a capacitive WPT system specifically designed for underwater drones operating in flowing freshwater environments. The primary design features include a capacitive coupler with an opposite relative position between feeding and receiving points on the coupler electrode, two phase compensation circuits, and a load-independent inverter. A stable and energy-efficient power transmission is achieved by maintaining a 90° phase difference on the coupler electrode in dielectrics with a large unloaded quality factor (Q factor), such as in freshwater. Although a 622-mm coupler electrode is required at 13.56MHz, the phase compensation circuits can reduce to 250mm as one example, which is mountable to small underwater drones. Furthermore, the electricity waste is automatically reduced using the constant-current (CC) output inverter in the event of misalignment where efficiency drops occur. Finally, their functions are simulated and demonstrated at various receiver positions and transfer distances in tap water.

  • Robust Visual Tracking Using Hierarchical Vision Transformer with Shifted Windows Multi-Head Self-Attention

    Peng GAO  Xin-Yue ZHANG  Xiao-Li YANG  Jian-Cheng NI  Fei WANG  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E107-D No:1

    Despite Siamese trackers attracting much attention due to their scalability and efficiency in recent years, researchers have ignored the background appearance, which leads to their inapplicability in recognizing arbitrary target objects with various variations, especially in complex scenarios with background clutter and distractors. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective Siamese tracker, where the shifted windows multi-head self-attention is produced to learn the characteristics of a specific given target object for visual tracking. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed tracker, we use the Swin Transformer as the backbone network and introduced an auxiliary feature enhancement network. Extensive experimental results on two evaluation datasets demonstrate that the proposed tracker outperforms other baselines.

  • Lightweight and Fast Low-Light Image Enhancement Method Based on PoolFormer

    Xin HU  Jinhua WANG  Sunhan XU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E107-D No:1

    Images captured in low-light environments have low visibility and high noise, which will seriously affect subsequent visual tasks such as target detection and face recognition. Therefore, low-light image enhancement is of great significance in obtaining high-quality images and is a challenging problem in computer vision tasks. A low-light enhancement model, LLFormer, based on the Vision Transformer, uses axis-based multi-head self-attention and a cross-layer attention fusion mechanism to reduce the complexity and achieve feature extraction. This algorithm can enhance images well. However, the calculation of the attention mechanism is complex and the number of parameters is large, which limits the application of the model in practice. In response to this problem, a lightweight module, PoolFormer, is used to replace the attention module with spatial pooling, which can increase the parallelism of the network and greatly reduce the number of model parameters. To suppress image noise and improve visual effects, a new loss function is constructed for model optimization. The experiment results show that the proposed method not only reduces the number of parameters by 49%, but also performs better in terms of image detail restoration and noise suppression compared with the baseline model. On the LOL dataset, the PSNR and SSIM were 24.098dB and 0.8575 respectively. On the MIT-Adobe FiveK dataset, the PSNR and SSIM were 27.060dB and 0.9490. The evaluation results on the two datasets are better than the current mainstream low-light enhancement algorithms.

  • Multi-Task Learning of Japanese How-to Tip Machine Reading Comprehension by a Generative Model

    Xiaotian WANG  Tingxuan LI  Takuya TAMURA  Shunsuke NISHIDA  Takehito UTSURO  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E107-D No:1

    In the research of machine reading comprehension of Japanese how-to tip QA tasks, conventional extractive machine reading comprehension methods have difficulty in dealing with cases in which the answer string spans multiple locations in the context. The method of fine-tuning of the BERT model for machine reading comprehension tasks is not suitable for such cases. In this paper, we trained a generative machine reading comprehension model of Japanese how-to tip by constructing a generative dataset based on the website “wikihow” as a source of information. We then proposed two methods for multi-task learning to fine-tune the generative model. The first method is the multi-task learning with a generative and extractive hybrid training dataset, where both generative and extractive datasets are simultaneously trained on a single model. The second method is the multi-task learning with the inter-sentence semantic similarity and answer generation, where, drawing upon the answer generation task, the model additionally learns the distance between the sentences of the question/context and the answer in the training examples. The evaluation results showed that both of the multi-task learning methods significantly outperformed the single-task learning method in generative question-and-answer examples. Between the two methods for multi-task learning, that with the inter-sentence semantic similarity and answer generation performed the best in terms of the manual evaluation result. The data and the code are available at

  • Research on Lightweight Acoustic Scene Perception Method Based on Drunkard Methodology

    Wenkai LIU  Lin ZHANG  Menglong WU  Xichang CAI  Hongxia DONG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E107-D No:1

    The goal of Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC) is to simulate human analysis of the surrounding environment and make accurate decisions promptly. Extracting useful information from audio signals in real-world scenarios is challenging and can lead to suboptimal performance in acoustic scene classification, especially in environments with relatively homogeneous backgrounds. To address this problem, we model the sobering-up process of “drunkards” in real-life and the guiding behavior of normal people, and construct a high-precision lightweight model implementation methodology called the “drunkard methodology”. The core idea includes three parts: (1) designing a special feature transformation module based on the different mechanisms of information perception between drunkards and ordinary people, to simulate the process of gradually sobering up and the changes in feature perception ability; (2) studying a lightweight “drunken” model that matches the normal model's perception processing process. The model uses a multi-scale class residual block structure and can obtain finer feature representations by fusing information extracted at different scales; (3) introducing a guiding and fusion module of the conventional model to the “drunken” model to speed up the sobering-up process and achieve iterative optimization and accuracy improvement. Evaluation results on the official dataset of DCASE2022 Task1 demonstrate that our baseline system achieves 40.4% accuracy and 2.284 loss under the condition of 442.67K parameters and 19.40M MAC (multiply-accumulate operations). After adopting the “drunkard” mechanism, the accuracy is improved to 45.2%, and the loss is reduced by 0.634 under the condition of 551.89K parameters and 23.6M MAC.

  • Frameworks for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning

    Le Trieu PHONG  Tran Thi PHUONG  Lihua WANG  Seiichi OZAWA  


    E107-D No:1

    In this paper, we explore privacy-preserving techniques in federated learning, including those can be used with both neural networks and decision trees. We begin by identifying how information can be leaked in federated learning, after which we present methods to address this issue by introducing two privacy-preserving frameworks that encompass many existing privacy-preserving federated learning (PPFL) systems. Through experiments with publicly available financial, medical, and Internet of Things datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of privacy-preserving federated learning and its potential to develop highly accurate, secure, and privacy-preserving machine learning systems in real-world scenarios. The findings highlight the importance of considering privacy in the design and implementation of federated learning systems and suggest that privacy-preserving techniques are essential in enabling the development of effective and practical machine learning systems.

  • Location and History Information Aided Efficient Initial Access Scheme for High-Speed Railway Communications

    Chang SUN  Xiaoyu SUN  Jiamin LI  Pengcheng ZHU  Dongming WANG  Xiaohu YOU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E107-B No:1

    The application of millimeter wave (mmWave) directional transmission technology in high-speed railway (HSR) scenarios helps to achieve the goal of multiple gigabit data rates with low latency. However, due to the high mobility of trains, the traditional initial access (IA) scheme with high time consumption is difficult to guarantee the effectiveness of the beam alignment. In addition, the high path loss at the coverage edge of the millimeter wave remote radio unit (mmW-RRU) will also bring great challenges to the stability of IA performance. Fortunately, the train trajectory in HSR scenarios is periodic and regular. Moreover, the cell-free network helps to improve the system coverage performance. Based on these observations, this paper proposes an efficient IA scheme based on location and history information in cell-free networks, where the train can flexibly select a set of mmW-RRUs according to the received signal quality. We specifically analyze the collaborative IA process based on the exhaustive search and based on location and history information, derive expressions for IA success probability and delay, and perform the numerical analysis. The results show that the proposed scheme can significantly reduce the IA delay and effectively improve the stability of IA success probability.

  • Content Search Method Utilizing the Metadata Matching Characteristics of Both Spatio-Temporal Content and User Request in the IoT Era

    Shota AKIYOSHI  Yuzo TAENAKA  Kazuya TSUKAMOTO  Myung LEE  

    PAPER-Network System

    E107-B No:1

    Cross-domain data fusion is becoming a key driver in the growth of numerous and diverse applications in the Internet of Things (IoT) era. We have proposed the concept of a new information platform, Geo-Centric Information Platform (GCIP), that enables IoT data fusion based on geolocation, i.e., produces spatio-temporal content (STC), and then provides the STC to users. In this environment, users cannot know in advance “when,” “where,” or “what type” of STC is being generated because the type and timing of STC generation vary dynamically with the diversity of IoT data generated in each geographical area. This makes it difficult to directly search for a specific STC requested by the user using the content identifier (domain name of URI or content name). To solve this problem, a new content discovery method that does not directly specify content identifiers is needed while taking into account (1) spatial and (2) temporal constraints. In our previous study, we proposed a content discovery method that considers only spatial constraints and did not consider temporal constraints. This paper proposes a new content discovery method that matches user requests with content metadata (topic) characteristics while taking into account spatial and temporal constraints. Simulation results show that the proposed method successfully discovers appropriate STC in response to a user request.

  • Wafer-Level Characteristic Variation Modeling Considering Systematic Discontinuous Effects

    Takuma NAGAO  Tomoki NAKAMURA  Masuo KAJIYAMA  Makoto EIKI  Michiko INOUE  Michihiro SHINTANI  


    E107-A No:1

    Statistical wafer-level characteristic variation modeling offers an attractive method for reducing the measurement cost in large-scale integrated (LSI) circuit testing while maintaining test quality. In this method, the performance of unmeasured LSI circuits fabricated on a wafer is statistically predicted based on a few measured LSI circuits. Conventional statistical methods model spatially smooth variations in the wafers. However, actual wafers can exhibit discontinuous variations that are systematically caused by the manufacturing environment, such as shot dependence. In this paper, we propose a modeling method that considers discontinuous variations in wafer characteristics by applying the knowledge of manufacturing engineers to a model estimated using Gaussian process regression. In the proposed method, the process variation is decomposed into systematic discontinuous and global components to improve estimation accuracy. An evaluation performed using an industrial production test dataset indicates that the proposed method effectively reduces the estimation error for an entire wafer by over 36% compared with conventional methods.

  • Recent Progress in Optical Network Design and Control towards Human-Centered Smart Society Open Access

    Takashi MIYAMURA  Akira MISAWA  


    E107-B No:1

    In this paper, we investigate the evolution of an optical network architecture and discuss the future direction of research on optical network design and control. We review existing research on optical network design and control and present some open challenges. One of the important open challenges lies in multilayer resource optimization including IT and optical network resources. We propose an adaptive joint optimization method of IT resources and optical spectrum under time-varying traffic demand in optical networks while avoiding an increase in operation cost. We formulate the problem as mixed integer linear programming and then quantitatively evaluate the trade-off relationship between the optimality of reconfiguration and operation cost. We demonstrate that we can achieve sufficient network performance through the adaptive joint optimization while suppressing an increase in operation cost.

  • Bandwidth Abundant Optical Networking Enabled by Spatially-Jointed and Multi-Band Flexible Waveband Routing Open Access

    Hiroshi HASEGAWA  


    E107-B No:1

    The novel optical path routing architecture named flexible waveband routing networks is reviewed in this paper. The nodes adopt a two-stage path routing scheme where wavelength selective switches (WSSs) bundle optical paths and form a small number of path groups and then optical switches without wavelength selectivity route these groups to desired outputs. Substantial hardware scale reduction can be achieved as the scheme enables us to use small scale WSSs, and even more, share a WSS by multiple input cores/fibers through the use of spatially-joint-switching. Furthermore, path groups distributed over multiple bands can be switched by these optical switches and thus the adaptation to multi-band transmission is straightforward. Network-wide numerical simulations and transmission experiments that assume multi-band transmission demonstrate the validity of flexible waveband routing.

  • Crosstalk-Aware Resource Allocation Based on Optical Path Adjacency and Crosstalk Budget for Space Division Multiplexing Elastic Optical Networks

    Kosuke KUBOTA  Yosuke TANIGAWA  Yusuke HIROTA  Hideki TODE  


    E107-B No:1

    To cope with the drastic increase in traffic, space division multiplexing elastic optical networks (SDM-EONs) have been investigated. In multicore fiber environments that realize SDM-EONs, crosstalk (XT) occurs between optical paths transmitted in the same frequency slots of adjacent cores, and the quality of the optical paths is degraded by the mutual influence of XT. To solve this problem, we propose a core and spectrum assignment method that introduces the concept of prohibited frequency slots to protect the degraded optical paths. First-fit-based spectrum resource allocation algorithms, including our previous study, have the problem that only some frequency slots are used at low loads, and XT occurs even though sufficient frequency slots are available. In this study, we propose a core and spectrum assignment method that introduces the concepts of “adjacency criterion” and “XT budget” to suppress XT at low and middle loads without worsening the path blocking rate at high loads. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of the path blocking rate using computer simulations.
