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  • Progressive Forwarding Disaster Backup among Cloud Datacenters

    Xiaole LI  Hua WANG  Shanwen YI  Linbo ZHAI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:11

    The periodic disaster backup activity among geographically distributed multiple datacenters consumes huge network resources and therefore imposes a heavy burden on datacenters and transmission links. Previous work aims at least completion time, maximum utility or minimal cost, without consideration of load balance for limited network resources, likely to result in unfair distribution of backup load or significant impact on daily network services. In this paper, we propose a new progressive forwarding disaster backup strategy in the Software Defined Network scenarios to mitigate forwarding burdens on source datacenters and balance backup loads on backup datacenters and transmission links. We construct a new redundancy-aware time-expanded network model to divide time slots according to redundancy requirement, and propose role-switching method over time to utilize forwarding capability of backup datacenters. In every time slot, we leverage two-step optimization algorithm to realize capacity-constrained backup datacenter selection and fair backup load distribution. Simulations results prove that our strategy achieves good performance in load balance under the condition of guaranteeing transmission completion and backup redundancy.

  • Improved LDA Model for Credibility Evaluation of Online Product Reviews

    Xuan WANG  Bofeng ZHANG  Mingqing HUANG  Furong CHANG  Zhuocheng ZHOU  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E102-D No:11

    When individuals make a purchase from online sources, they may lack first-hand knowledge of the product. In such cases, they will judge the quality of the item by the reviews other consumers have posted. Therefore, it is significant to determine whether comments about a product are credible. Most often, conventional research on comment credibility has employed supervised machine learning methods, which have the disadvantage of needing large quantities of training data. This paper proposes an unsupervised method for judging comment credibility based on the Biterm Sentiment Latent Dirichlet Allocation (BS-LDA) model. Using this approach, first we derived some distributions and calculated each comment's credibility score via them. A comment's credibility was judged based on whether it achieved a threshold score. Our experimental results using comments from demonstrated that the overall performance of our approach can play an important role in determining the credibility of comments in some situation.

  • QSL: A Specification Language for E-Questionnaire, E-Testing, and E-Voting Systems

    Yuan ZHOU  Yuichi GOTO  Jingde CHENG  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E102-D No:11

    Many kinds of questionnaires, testing, and voting are performed in some completely electronic ways to do questions and answers on the Internet as Web applications, i.e. e-questionnaire systems, e-testing systems, and e-voting systems. Because there is no unified communication tool among the stakeholders of e-questionnaire, e-testing, and e-voting systems, until now, all the e-questionnaire, e-testing, and e-voting systems are designed, developed, used, and maintained in various ad hoc ways. As a result, the stakeholders are difficult to communicate to implement the systems, because there is neither an exhaustive requirement list to have a grasp of the overall e-questionnaire, e-testing, and e-voting systems nor a standardized terminology for these systems to avoid ambiguity. A general-purpose specification language to provide a unified description way for specifying various e-questionnaire, e-testing, and e-voting systems can solve the problems such that the stakeholders can refer to and use the complete requirements and standardized terminology for better communications, and can easily and unambiguously specify all the requirements of systems and services of e-questionnaire, e-testing, and e-voting, even can implement the systems. In this paper, we propose the first specification language, named “QSL,” with a standardized, consistent, and exhaustive list of requirements for specifying various e-questionnaire, e-testing, and e-voting systems such that the specifications can be used as the precondition of automatically generating e-questionnaire, e-testing, and e-voting systems. The paper presents our design addressing that QSL can specify all the requirements of various e-questionnaire, e-testing, and e-voting systems in a structured way, evaluates its effectiveness, performs real applications using QSL in case of e-questionnaire, e-testing, and e-voting systems, and shows various QSL applications for providing convenient QSL services to stakeholders.

  • Truth Discovery of Multi-Source Text Data

    Chen CHANG  Jianjun CAO  Qin FENG  Nianfeng WENG  Yuling SHANG  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:11

    Most existing truth discovery approaches are designed for structured data, and cannot meet the strong need to extract trustworthy information from raw text data for its unique characteristics such as multifactorial property of text answers (i.e., an answer may contain multiple key factors) and the diversity of word usages (i.e., different words may have the same semantic meaning). As for text answers, there are no absolute correctness or errors, most answers may be partially correct, which is quite different from the situation of traditional truth discovery. To solve these challenges, we propose an optimization-based text truth discovery model which jointly groups keywords extracted from the answers of the specific question into a set of multiple factors. Then, we select the subset of multiple factors as identified truth set for each question by parallel ant colony synchronization optimization algorithm. After that, the answers to each question can be ranked based on the similarities between factors answer provided and identified truth factors. The experiment results on real dataset show that though text data structures are complex, our model can still find reliable answers compared with retrieval-based and state-of-the-art approaches.

  • Optimized Charge Pump and Nonlinear Phase Frequency Detector for a Ka-Band Phase-Locked Loop in 90-nm CMOS Process

    Lu TANG  Zhigong WANG  Tiantian FAN  Faen LIU  Changchun ZHANG  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E102-C No:11

    In this paper, an improved charge pump (CP) and a modified nonlinear phase frequency detector (PFD) are designed and fabricated in a 90-nm CMOS process. The CP is optimized with a combination of circuit techniques such as pedestal error cancel scheme to eliminate the charge injection and the other non-ideal characteristics. The nonlinear PFD is based on a modified circuit topology to enhance the acquisition capability of the PLL. The optimized CP and nonlinear PFD are integrated into a Ka-band PLL. The measured output current mismatch ratio of the improved CP is less than 1% when the output voltage Vout fluctuates between 0.2 to 1.1V from a 1.2V power supply. The measured phase error detection range of the modified nonlinear PFD is between -2π and 2π. Owing to the modified CP and PFD, the measured reference spur of the Ka-band PLL frequency synthesizer containing the optimized CP and PFD is only -56.409dBc at 30-GHz at the locked state.

  • Depth from Defocus Technique Based on Cross Reblurring

    Kazumi TAKEMURA  Toshiyuki YOSHIDA  


    E102-D No:11

    This paper proposes a novel Depth From Defocus (DFD) technique based on the property that two images having different focus settings coincide if they are reblurred with the opposite focus setting, which is referred to as the “cross reblurring” property in this paper. Based on the property, the proposed technique estimates the block-wise depth profile for a target object by minimizing the mean squared error between the cross-reblurred images. Unlike existing DFD techniques, the proposed technique is free of lens parameters and independent of point spread function models. A compensation technique for a possible pixel disalignment between images is also proposed to improve the depth estimation accuracy. The experimental results and comparisons with the other DFD techniques show the advantages of our technique.

  • High Noise Tolerant R-Peak Detection Method Based on Deep Convolution Neural Network

    Menghan JIA  Feiteng LI  Zhijian CHEN  Xiaoyan XIANG  Xiaolang YAN  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E102-D No:11

    An R-peak detection method with a high noise tolerance is presented in this paper. This method utilizes a customized deep convolution neural network (DCNN) to extract morphological and temporal features from sliced electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The proposed network adopts multiple parallel dilated convolution layers to analyze features from diverse fields of view. A sliding window slices the original ECG signals into segments, and then the network calculates one segment at a time and outputs every point's probability of belonging to the R-peak regions. After a binarization and a deburring operation, the occurrence time of the R-peaks can be located. Experimental results based on the MIT-BIH database show that the R-peak detection accuracies can be significantly improved under high intensity of the electrode motion artifact or muscle artifact noise, which reveals a higher performance than state-of-the-art methods.

  • An Integrated Method to Remove Color Cast and Contrast Enhancement for Underwater Image Open Access

    Siaw-Lang WONG  Raveendran PARAMESRAN  Ibuki YOSHIDA  Akira TAGUCHI  


    E102-A No:11

    Light scattering and absorption of light in water cause underwater images to be poorly contrasted, haze and dominated by a single color cast. A solution to this is to find methods to improve the quality of the image that eventually leads to better visualization. We propose an integrated approach using Adaptive Gray World (AGW) and Differential Gray-Levels Histogram Equalization for Color Images (DHECI) to remove the color cast as well as improve the contrast and colorfulness of the underwater image. The AGW is an adaptive version of the GW method where apart from computing the global mean, the local mean of each channel of an image is taken into consideration and both are weighted before combining them. It is applied to remove the color cast, thereafter the DHECI is used to improve the contrast and colorfulness of the underwater image. The results of the proposed method are compared with seven state-of-the-art methods using qualitative and quantitative measures. The experimental results showed that in most cases the proposed method produced better quantitative scores than the compared methods.

  • Weighted Minimization of Roundoff Noise and Pole Sensitivity Subject to l2-Scaling Constraints for State-Space Digital Filters

    Yoichi HINAMOTO  Akimitsu DOI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:11

    This paper deals with the problem of minimizing roundoff noise and pole sensitivity simultaneously subject to l2-scaling constraints for state-space digital filters. A novel measure for evaluating roundoff noise and pole sensitivity is proposed, and an efficient technique for minimizing this measure by jointly optimizing state-space realization and error feedback is explored, namely, the constrained optimization problem at hand is converted into an unconstrained problem and then the resultant problem is solved by employing a quasi-Newton algorithm. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed technique.

  • NP-Completeness of Fill-a-Pix and ΣP2-Completeness of Its Fewest Clues Problem

    Yuta HIGUCHI  Kei KIMURA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E102-A No:11

    Fill-a-Pix is a pencil-and-paper puzzle, which is popular worldwide since announced by Conceptis in 2003. It provides a rectangular grid of squares that must be filled in to create a picture. Precisely, we are given a rectangular grid of squares some of which has an integer from 0 to 9 in it, and our task is to paint some squares black so that every square with an integer has the same number of painted squares around it including the square itself. Despite its popularity, computational complexity of Fill-a-Pix has not been known. We in this paper show that the puzzle is NP-complete, ASP-complete, and #P-complete via a parsimonious reduction from the Boolean satisfiability problem. We also consider the fewest clues problem of Fill-a-Pix, where the fewest clues problem is recently introduced by Demaine et al. for analyzing computational complexity of designing “good” puzzles. We show that the fewest clues problem of Fill-a-Pix is Σ2P-complete.

  • A Local Multi-Layer Model for Tissue Classification of in-vivo Atherosclerotic Plaques in Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography

    Xinbo REN  Haiyuan WU  Qian CHEN  Toshiyuki IMAI  Takashi KUBO  Takashi AKASAKA  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E102-D No:11

    Clinical researches show that the morbidity of coronary artery disease (CAD) is gradually increasing in many countries every year, and it causes hundreds of thousands of people all over the world dying for each year. As the optical coherence tomography with high resolution and better contrast applied to the lesion tissue investigation of human vessel, many more micro-structures of the vessel could be easily and clearly visible to doctors, which help to improve the CAD treatment effect. Manual qualitative analysis and classification of vessel lesion tissue are time-consuming to doctors because a single-time intravascular optical coherence (IVOCT) data set of a patient usually contains hundreds of in-vivo vessel images. To overcome this problem, we focus on the investigation of the superficial layer of the lesion region and propose a model based on local multi-layer region for vessel lesion components (lipid, fibrous and calcified plaque) features characterization and extraction. At the pre-processing stage, we applied two novel automatic methods to remove the catheter and guide-wire respectively. Based on the detected lumen boundary, the multi-layer model in the proximity lumen boundary region (PLBR) was built. In the multi-layer model, features extracted from the A-line sub-region (ALSR) of each layer was employed to characterize the type of the tissue existing in the ALSR. We used 7 human datasets containing total 490 OCT images to assess our tissue classification method. Validation was obtained by comparing the manual assessment with the automatic results derived by our method. The proposed automatic tissue classification method achieved an average accuracy of 89.53%, 93.81% and 91.78% for fibrous, calcified and lipid plaque respectively.

  • Enhanced Selected Mapping for Impulsive Noise Blanking in Multi-Carrier Power-Line Communication Systems Open Access

    Tomoya KAGEYAMA  Osamu MUTA  Haris GACANIN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:11

    In this paper, we propose an enhanced selected mapping (e-SLM) technique to improve the performance of OFDM-PLC systems under impulsive noise. At the transmitter, the best transmit sequence is selected from among possible candidates so as to minimize the weighted sum of transmit signal peak power and the estimated receive one, where the received signal peak power is estimated at the transmitter using channel state information (CSI). At the receiver, a nonlinear blanking is applied to hold the impulsive noise under a given threshold, where impulsive noise detection accuracy is improved by the proposed e-SLM. We evaluate the probability of false alarms raised by impulsive noise detection and bit error rate (BER) of OFDM-PLC system using the proposed e-SLM. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in OFDM-PLC system compared with the conventional blanking technique.

  • Large Size In-Cell Capacitive Touch Panel and Force Touch Development for Automotive Displays Open Access

    Naoki TAKADA  Chihiro TANAKA  Toshihiko TANAKA  Yuto KAKINOKI  Takayuki NAKANISHI  Naoshi GOTO  


    E102-C No:11

    We have developed the world's largest 16.7-inch hybrid in-cell touch panel. To realize the large sized in-cell touch panel, we applied a vertical Vcom system and low resistance sensor, which are JDI's original technologies. For glove touch function, we applied mutual bundled driving, which increases the signal intensity higher. The panel also has a low surface reflection, curved-shaped, and non-rectangular characteristics, which are particular requirements in the automotive market. The over 15-inch hybrid in-cell touch panel adheres to automotive quality requirements. We have also developed a force touch panel, which is a new human machine interface (HMI) based on a hybrid in-cell touch panel in automotive display. This study reports on the effect of the improvements on the in-plane variation of force touch and the value change of the force signal under different environment conditions. We also a introduce force touch implemented prototype.

  • Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming of Non-Uniform Bitrate with Guaranteed Delivery Hops Open Access

    Satoshi FUJITA  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E102-D No:11

    In conventional video streaming systems, various kind of video streams are delivered from a dedicated server (e.g., edge server) to the subscribers so that a video stream of higher quality level is encoded with a higher bitrate. In this paper, we consider the problem of delivering those video streams with the assistance of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technology with as small server cost as possible while keeping the performance of video streaming in terms of the throughput and the latency. The basic idea of the proposed method is to divide a given video stream into several sub-streams called stripes as evenly as possible and to deliver those stripes to the subscribers through different tree-structured overlays. Such a stripe-based approach could average the load of peers, and could effectively resolve the overloading of the overlay for high quality video streams. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated numerically. The result of evaluations indicates that the proposed method significantly reduces the server cost necessary to guarantee a designated delivery hops, compared with a naive tree-based scheme.

  • New Classes of Efficient MDS Transformations

    Yubo LI  Kangquan LI  Longjiang QU  Chao LI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:11

    MDS transformation plays an important role in resisting against differential cryptanalysis (DC) and linear cryptanalysis (LC). Recently, M. Sajadieh, et al.[15] designed an efficient recursive diffusion layer with Feistel-like structures. Moreover, they obtained an MDS transformation which is related to a linear function and the inverse is as lightweight as itself. Based on this work, we consider one specific form of linear functions to get the diffusion layer with low XOR gates for the hardware implementation by using temporary registers. We give two criteria to reduce the construction space and obtain six new classes of lightweight MDS transformations. Some of our constructions with one bundle-based LFSRs have as low XOR gates as previous best known results. We expect that these results may supply more choices for the design of MDS transformations in the (lightweight) block cipher algorithm.

  • A Trend-Shift Model for Global Factor Analysis of Investment Products

    Makoto KIRIHATA  Qiang MA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E102-D No:11

    Recently, more and more people start investing. Understanding the factors affecting financial products is important for making investment decisions. However, it is difficult to understand factors for novices because various factors affect each other. Various technique has been studied, but conventional factor analysis methods focus on revealing the impact of factors over a certain period locally, and it is not easy to predict net asset values. As a reasonable solution for the prediction of net asset values, in this paper, we propose a trend shift model for the global analysis of factors by introducing trend change points as shift interference variables into state space models. In addition, to realize the trend shift model efficiently, we propose an effective trend detection method, TP-TBSM (two-phase TBSM), by extending TBSM (trend-based segmentation method). Comparing with TBSM, TP-TBSM could detect trends flexibly by reducing the dependence on parameters. We conduct experiments with eleven investment trust products and reveal the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed model and method.

  • Mapping a Quantum Circuit to 2D Nearest Neighbor Architecture by Changing the Gate Order Open Access

    Wakaki HATTORI  Shigeru YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:11

    This paper proposes a new approach to optimize the number of necessary SWAP gates when we perform a quantum circuit on a two-dimensional (2D) NNA. Our new idea is to change the order of quantum gates (if possible) so that each sub-circuit has only gates performing on adjacent qubits. For each sub-circuit, we utilize a SAT solver to find the best qubit placement such that the sub-circuit has only gates on adjacent qubits. Each sub-circuit may have a different qubit placement such that we do not need SWAP gates for the sub-circuit. Thus, we insert SWAP gates between two sub-circuits to change the qubit placement which is desirable for the following sub-circuit. To reduce the number of such SWAP gates between two sub-circuits, we utilize A* algorithm.

  • A General Perfect Cyclic Interference Alignment by Propagation Delay for Arbitrary X Channels with Two Receivers Open Access

    Conggai LI  Feng LIU  Shuchao JIANG  Yanli XU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:11

    Interference alignment (IA) in temporal domain is important in the case of single-antenna vehicle communications. In this paper, perfect cyclic IA based on propagation delay is extended to the K×2 X channels with two receivers and arbitrary transmitters K≥2, which achieves the maximal multiplexing gain by obtaining the theoretical degree of freedom of 2K/(K+1). We deduce the alignment and separability conditions, and propose a general scheme which is flexible in setting the index of time-slot for IA at the receiver side. Furthermore, the feasibility of the proposed scheme in the two-/three- Euclidean space is analyzed and demonstrated.

  • Prediction-Based Scale Adaptive Correlation Filter Tracker

    Zuopeng ZHAO  Hongda ZHANG  Yi LIU  Nana ZHOU  Han ZHENG  Shanyi SUN  Xiaoman LI  Sili XIA  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E102-D No:11

    Although correlation filter-based trackers have demonstrated excellent performance for visual object tracking, there remain several challenges to be addressed. In this work, we propose a novel tracker based on the correlation filter framework. Traditional trackers face difficulty in accurately adapting to changes in the scale of the target when the target moves quickly. To address this, we suggest a scale adaptive scheme based on prediction scales. We also incorporate a speed-based adaptive model update method to further improve overall tracking performance. Experiments with samples from the OTB100 and KITTI datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art tracking algorithms in fast motion scenes.

  • An Exact Algorithm for the Arrow Placement Problem in Directed Graph Drawings

    Naoto KIDO  Sumio MASUDA  Kazuaki YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E102-A No:11

    We consider the problem of placing arrows, which indicate the direction of each edge in directed graph drawings, without making them overlap other arrows, vertices and edges as much as possible. The following two methods have been proposed for this problem. One is an exact algorithm for the case in which the position of each arrow is restricted to some discrete points. The other is a heuristic algorithm for the case in which the arrow is allowed to move continuously on each edge. In this paper, we assume that the arrow positions are not restricted to discrete points and propose an exact algorithm for the problem of finding an arrow placement such that (a) the weighted sum of the numbers of overlaps with edges, vertices and other arrows is minimized and (b) the sum of the distances between the arrows and their edges' terminal vertices is minimized as a secondary objective. The proposed method solves this problem by reducing it to a mixed integer linear programming problem. Since this is an exponential time algorithm, we add a simple procedure as preprocessing to reduce the running time. Experimental results show that the proposed method can find a better arrow placement than the previous methods and the procedure for reducing the running time is effective.
