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  • Resonance Characteristics of Circularly Propagating Mode in a Coaxial Dielectric Resonator

    Qing HAN  Yoshinori KOGAMI  Yoshiro TOMABECHI  Kazuhito MATSUMURA  


    E77-C No:11

    A three-dimensional analysis of Whispering-Gallery modes (W. G. modes) in a coaxial dielectric resonator is proposed and presented. The coaxial dielectric resonator is constructed from a lossy dielectric disk and ring which have diameters of several tens times as large as wavelength. Eigenvalue equations of the W. G. modes are derived rigorously from field expressions and boundary conditions. The resonant frequencies, unloaded Q values and field distributions are calculated numerically from the eigenvalue equations. These calculated results are in good agreement with experimental ones for an X band model. As a result, it is shown that a considerable quantity of modal energy can be confined in a loss-less gap between the disk and ring, and then the unloaded Q value is higher than that of a conventional dielectric disk and ring resonator.

  • A New Formulation of Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method

    Pei-Yuan WANG  Shogo KOZAKI  Makoto OHKI  Takashi YABE  


    E77-C No:11

    A new simple formulation of absorbing boundary conditions with higher order approximation is proposed for the solution of Maxwell's equations with the finite-difference time-domain (FD-TD) method. Although this higher order approximation is based on the third order approximation of the one-way wave equations, we have succeeded in reducing it to an equation in a form quite similar to the second order appoximation. Numerical tests exhibit smaller reflection errors than the prevalent second order approximation.

  • Telecommunication Service Software Architecture for Next-Generation Networks

    Nicolas RAGUIDEAU  Katsumi MARUYAMA  Minoru KUBOTA  


    E77-B No:11

    Telecommunication services are becoming more and more personalized, integrated, and refined. Advanced personal and mobile telecommunication services, intelligent networks, and network management operations require cooperative network-wide distributed processing on a very large scale. Telecommunication programs must support these services with great flexibility, efficiency, and reliability. This paper proposes a new call processing model that improves the availability and flexibility of telecommunication programs. It first points out requirements, outlines the distributed processing platform PLATINA, and discusses several approaches to the enhanced call processing model. Then it explains the call processing program structure, and gives illustrations of mobile and multi- party service control as typical examples. The Caller-Callee decomposition reduces the complexity of the call processing program and enhances the call model; the separation of call and bearer enhances service flexibility and integration; distributed object-oriented techniques meet software evolution requirements. A prototype program has been implemented and has proved the effectiveness of this approach.

  • Flexible Networks: Basic Concepts and Architecture



    E77-B No:11

    The concept of flexible system is long being used by many researchers, aiming to solve some particular problem of adaptation. The problem is viewed differently in different situations. In this paper, we first give a set of definitions and specifications to generalize this concept applicable to any system and in particular to communication networks. Through these definitions we will formalize, what are the conditions a system should satisfy to be called as a Flexible Communication System. The rest of the paper we formalize the concepts of flexible information network, and propose an agent oriented architecture that can realize it.

  • Stepwise Refinement of Communications Service Specifications for Conforming to a Functional Model

    Akira TAKURA  Tadashi OHTA  


    E77-B No:11

    A stepwise refinement method of communications service specifications is proposed to generate communications software that can conform to any network architecture. This method uses a two-layered language; one layer is a service specification description language (STR), and the other layer is a supplementary specification description language for implementing STR description on a communications system (STR/D). STR specifies terminal behaviors that can be recognized from a perspective outside of the communications systems. With STR, a communications service is defined by a set of rules that can be described without detailed knowledge of communications systems or communications network architectures. Each STR rule describes a global state transition of terminals. Supplementary specifications, such as terminal control and network control, are needed to implement communications services specified by STR rules. These supplementary specifications are described by STR/D rules. Communications services, such as UPT (Universal Personal Telecommunication), are standardized so that they can be provided on a given functional model consisting of functional entities. Specifications for each functional entity in a network are obtained from the two kinds of initially described specifications mentioned above. The obtained specifications are described by STR(L) and STR/D(L) rules, which specify local specifications of a functional entity. These specifications for functional entities are then transformed into software specifications, and finally communications software is generated from these software specifications. This stepwise refinement method makes it possible to generate communications software that can conform to any functional model from service specifications.

  • Automated Synthesis of Protocol Specifications from Service Specifications with Parallelly Executable Multiple Primitives

    Yoshiaki KAKUDA  Masahide NAKAMURA  Tohru KIKUNO  


    E77-A No:10

    In the conventional protocol synthesis, it is generally assumed that primitives in service specifications cannot be executed simultaneously at different Service Access Points (SAPs). Thus if some primitives are executed concurrently, then protocol errors of unspecified receptions occur. In this paper, we try to extend a class of service specifications from which protocol specifications are synthesized by the previous methods. We first introduce priorities into primitives in protocol specification so that it always selects exactly one primitive of the highest priority from a set of primitives that can be executed simultaneously, and executes it. Then, based on this execution ordering, we propose a new protocol synthesis method which can avoid protocol errors due to message collisions, communication competitions and so on. By applying the proposed synthesis method, we can automatically synthesize a protocol specifications from a given service specification which includes an arbitraty number of processes and allows parallel execution of primitives.

  • Proposal and Evaluation of a Method for Accurate Analysis of Glottal Source Parameters

    John-Paul HOSOM  Mikio YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Speech Processing

    E77-D No:10

    A new method for the accurate extraction of glottal source parameters is proposed. This method, called Heuristic Analysis-by-Synthesis (HAbS), has been developed specifically to overcome the weaknesses of other methods of glottal source parameter extraction. The specific features of this method are the use of the AbS method for extraction of glottal source and vocal tract parameters, the use of a parametric glottal source model during vocal tract analysis, the use of alternating glottal source and vocal tract analyses, and simultaneous, time-domain analysis of the glottal source parameters and the first formant. This method has been implemented in such a way that user interaction is not required. The performance of the HAbS method is evaluated using both synthetic-speech and natural-speech data. Error is measured in both the time domain and the spectral domain, and the standard deviation of extracted parameter values is computed. In addition, the error in analysis of each glottal-source parameter is computed using synthetic-speech data. In order to assess the accuracy of the HAbS method as compared to other methods, three other methods (LPC, AIF, and AbS) are evaluated using the same data methods of error measurement. From these evaluations, it is clear that the HAbS method yields results that are more accurate than these other methods.

  • A Support Method for Specification Process Based on LTSs

    Ushio YAMAMOTO  Atsushi TOGASHI  Norio SHIRATORI  


    E77-A No:10

    This paper presents a support method for specifying communication systems. Generally, a set of requirements for a target system is partial and ambiguous to construct the whole system, namely it lacks certain necessary descriptions for the target system. To attack this problem, our method enables a designer to obtain such necessary descriptions from specifications stored in a knowledge base, namely by reusing specifications, and helps the designer to specify the target system completely. In our support method, we adopt labelled transition systems (LTSs) which are state transition graphs and are shared as a common notion by most FDTs. Therefore, our method is the common approach to FDTs. We propose a new idea about similarity berween LTSs, and propose an algorithm to suggest similar LTSs to the designer.

  • Object Oriented API for Operations System Development

    Kenji MINATO  Ikuo YODA  Nobuo FUJII  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E77-B No:10

    ISO and ITU-T have developed the standard concept of the Telecommunications Management Network (TMN). This standard does not, however, specify interface implementation. The user requires an Application Programming Interface (API) that bridges user application and the TMN concept to construct a TMN-based application. This paper proposes an object oriented API (OOAPI) that is suitable for TMN-based operations system implementation. OOAPI is one interface of the Common Management Information Service Element (CMISE), and uses the Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP). OOAPI is composed of two C++ programming language constructs: Data Object and Interface object "M_User". The Data Object makes it easier for the user to access management information. The M_User provides a connection-less CMISE interface because the OOAPI handles CMIP association automatically. The M_User also provides MO location-transparency by using the OSI Directory Service. This paper compares the existing MO location-transparency schemes with the OOAPI method, and clarifies the advantages of OOAPI. This paper also indicates results from OOAPI trials, and confirms that OOAPI has sufficient performance to implement highly effective TMN operations system.

  • Evaluating the Performance of Virtual Path Bandwidth Control in ATM Networks

    Shigeo SHIODA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:10

    The new algorithm for VP bandwidth control described and analyzed in this paper is a revised version of the Successive Modification Method. Its operation is based only on call-level performance (call blocking probabilities) measured in real time, without explicitly taking the cell-level performance into account. This algorithm does not need to predict future traffic demand and to perform network-wide optimization according to the predicted traffic. These features are well suited for a B-ISDN environment, with the variety of ATM bearer services and the uncertainty of their traffic demand and other characteristics. This paper describes the relationship between the proposed control and other traffic controls in ATM networks, such as CAC and VP shaping/policing. It also offers a solution to the problem of the competition that arises when several VPs in the same transmission path need increased bandwidth. Evaluation of the transient behavior of the VP bandwidth occupied by VCs shows that there is a lower limit in the control cycle and that this limit can be estimated as the longest average holding time of VCs among all services. Numerical results obtained using a call-by-call simulator show that proposed control is effective in preventing the performance degradation caused by a large traffic imbalance in communications networks. Comparison of the proposed control with a dynamical alternate routing for VC reveals that the VP bandwidth control is effective in relieving only the areas showing serious performance degradation, but that it is not so effective in improving the overall network performance.

  • On Quadratic Convergence of the Katzenelson-Like Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Resistive Networks

    Kiyotaka YAMAMURA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Circuits and Systems

    E77-A No:10

    A globally and quadratically convergent algorithm is presented for solving nonlinear resistive networks containing transistors modeled by the Gummel-Poon model or the Shichman-Hodges model. This algorithm is based on the Katzenelson algorithm that is globally convergent for a broad class of piecewise-linear resistive networks. An effective restart technique is introduced, by which the algorithm converges to the solutions of the nonlinear resistive networks quadratically. The quadratic convergence is proved and also verified by numerical examples.

  • Inductive Inference of Algebraic Processes Based on Hennessy-Milner Logic

    Atsushi TOGASHI  Shigetomo KIMURA  


    E77-A No:10

    This paper considers algebraic basic processes, a subset of communicating processes in CCS by Milner, and presents a synthesis algorithm to infer a process that satisfies the properties of the process, represented as fomulae in Hennessy-Milner Logic. The validity of the proposed algorithm can be stated that it synthesizes a process in the limit, which cannot be distinguished from the target one with respect to the strong equivalence.

  • Evaluation of the Noise Rejection Performance of Linear Trajectory Filters

    Toshitaka TAGO  Nozomu HAMADA  

    LETTER-Digital Image Processing

    E77-A No:10

    In the design of 3-D filter detecting Linear Trajectory Signal (LTS), there may be paid little attention to the noise rejective characteristics. In this paper, we treat the noise rejection ability of the filter detecting LTS having margins both in its velocity and direction.

  • A Polynomial-Time Recognizable Subclass of Lexical-Functional Grammars

    Sachiko ANDO  Ryuichi NAKANISHI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:10

    Lexical-functional grammars (lfg's) were introduced to define the syntax of natural languages. In lfg's, a finite set of attribute-value pairs called an f-structure is associated with each internal node in a derivation tree. For efficient parsing, some subclasses of lfg's were proposed. However, these subclasses have been shown to generate at least one -complete language. In this paper, we introduce a subclass of lfg's called pd-lfg's. In pd-lfg's, an f-structure forms a pushdown stack. For a node v in a derivation tree and at most one specified child vi of v, the f-structure of vi is obtained by performing a specified pushdown stack operation on the f-structure of v. We prove the equivalence of the generative capacity of modified head grammars (mhg's) and that of pd-lfg's. Since the languages generated by mhg's are known to be recognizable in O(n6) time, the languages generated by pd-lfg's can be recognized in O(n6) time.

  • Optimization of Multiple-Valued Logic Functions Based on Petri Nets

    Ali Massoud HAIDAR  Mititada MORISUE  


    E77-A No:10

    This paper presents a novel and successful optimization algorithm for optimizing Multiple-valued Logic (MVL) functions based on Petri net theory. Mathematical properties and Petri net modeling tools to implement MVL systems are introduced. On the basis of these properties and modeling tools, the optimization algorithm can synthesize, analyze and minimize an arbitrary quaternary logic function of n-input variables. The analysis technique of optimization algorithm is a well-established concept from both theories of MVL and Petri nets, and this can be applied to specify and optimize any MVL Petri net system. In this paper, Petri nets of Galois field have been proposed in order to form a complete system, which can be used to realize and construct VLSI circuit of any MVL function. Based on the Petri nets of Galois field and the proposed algorithm, the quaternary minimum and maximum functions have been analyzed, minimized, and designed. These applications have demonstrated the usefulness of optimization algorithm. Based on Petri net theory, the analysis revealed important information about MVL Petri net modeled systems, where this information has been used to evaluate the modeled system and suggest improvements or changes. For evaluation, advantages of the proposed method over a conventional logic minimization method are presented. Also, we have observed that the MVL Petri nets have the following advantages: Designers can exhibit clearly, simply and systematically any complex MVL Petri net nodel, number of concurrent operations is increased, number of places and transitions that are needed to realize a MVL model is very small, and the interconnection problems can be greatly reduced.

  • A System of Measuring the Spatial Distribution of Spectroscopic Intensity in a Cross Section of Arc Column

    Mitsuru TAKEUCHI  Takayoshi KUBONO  

    PAPER-Arcing Discharge and Contact Characteristics

    E77-C No:10

    This paper describes a simple system of measuring the spatial distributions of spectral intensities with AgI-421 nm and AgI-546 nm among many optical spectrums emitted from an arc discharge between separating Ag contacts. In order to detect the intensities of two optical spectrums, the prototype equipment has two sets assembled with a CCD color linear image sensor, a lens and optical filters, which are arranged on rectangularity. The intensities of two spectrums can be recorded with 2 ms time-resolution within a long arc duration on a digital memory. The recorded digital signals are processed by using a personal computer in order to reconstruct two spatial distributions of spectral intensities in a cross section of arc column with the Algebraic Reconstruction Technique.

  • A Polynomial Time Learning Algorithm for Recognizable Series

    Hiroyuki OHNISHI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:10

    Recognizable series is a model of a sequential machine. A recognizable series S is represented by a triple (λ,µ,γ), called a linear representation of S, where λ is a row vector of dimension n specifying the initial state, γ is a column vector of dimension n specifying the output at a state, and µ is a morphism from input words to nn matrices specifying the state transition. The output for an input word w is defined as λ(µw) γ, called the coefficient of w in S, and written as (S,w). We present an algorithm which constructs a reduced linear representation of an unknown recognizable series S, with coefficients in a commutative field, using coefficient queries and equivalence queries. The answer to a coefficient query, with a word w, is the coefficient (S, w) of w in S. When one asks an equivalence query with a linear representation (λ,µ,γ), if (λ,µ,γ) is a linear representation of S, yes is returned, and otherwise a word c such that λ (µc) γ(S, c) and the coefficient (S, c) are returned: Such a word c is called a counterexample for the query. For each execution step of the algorithm, the execution time consumed from the initial step to the current step is O(mN 4M), where N is the dimension of a reduced linear representation of S, M is the maximum time consumed by a single fundamental operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division), and m is the maximum length of counterexamples as answers to equivalence queries returned until that step.

  • The Influence of Oxygen Concentration on Contact Resistance Behaviours of Ag and Pd Materials in DC Breaking Arcs

    Zhuan-Ke CHEN  Keisuke ARAI  Koichiro SAWA  

    PAPER-Arcing Discharge and Contact Characteristics

    E77-C No:10

    The former experimental results have already shown that it is oxide films formed on contact surface causing the contact resistance to degrade in dc. breaking arcs for Ag and Pd materials. In order to understand the detailed information about it, the experiments are performed to break dc. inductive load at 20 V, 0.5 A and 1.0 A in nitrogen gas with different oxygen concentrations. The contact surface morphology and surface contamination are evaluated by SEM and AES, respectively. The tested results demonstrate that, for Ag contact, the severe oxidation occurs with increasing oxygen concentration, and the critical value of oxygen concentration is found to be about 10% and 5% in 0.5 A and 1.0 A, respectively, above those values the contact resistance degrades due to the oxide films formed on the contact surface, especially on the anode surface. While, for Pd contacts, a remarkable contact resistance degradation is not found even at 1.0 A in oxigen. Evidence shows that the arc duration, in particular the gaseous phase arc duration affects the anode oxidation, which in turn causes the significant fluctuation of contact resistance.

  • A New Optical Path Cross-Connect System Architecture Utilizing Delivery and Coupling Matrix Switch

    Satoru OKAMOTO  Atsushi WATANABE  Ken-ichi SATO  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E77-B No:10

    A new optical path cross-connect system architecture (OPXC) based on delivery and coupling matrix switches is described. This OPXC provides the maximum compatibility for a wavelength path (WP) network and a virtual wavelength path (VWP) network. In other words, the proposed architecture easily evolves from WP-OPXC to VWP-OPXC. This salient feature can not been achieved with conventional OPXCs. Another attractive feature of this OPXC is its high modularity for OPXC capacity expansion.

  • An Analysis of the Rotational Symmetry of the Inner Field of Radial Line Slot Antennas

    Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E77-B No:10

    A radial line slot antenna (RLSA) is a slotted waveguide planar array for the direct broadcast from satellite (DBS) subscriber antennas. A single-layered RLSA (SL-RLSA) is excited by a radially outward traveling wave. The antenna efficiency of more than 85% has already been realized. These antennas are designed on the assumption of perfectly rotationally symmetrical traveling wave excitation; the slot design is based upon the analysis of a slot pair on the rectangular waveguide model with periodic boundary walls. However, the slots perturb the inner field and the actual antenna operation is not perfectly symmetrical. This causes the efficiency reduction especially for very small size antenna. This paper presents a fundamental analysis of the inner field of the radial waveguide. It is impossible to analyze all the slot pairs in the aperture as it is and only the slots in the inner few turns are considered since these provide dominant perturbation. The calculated results are verified by the experiments and reasonable agreement is demonstrated. Some design policies are suggested for enhancing the rotational symmetry.
