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  • The Results of the First IPTP Character Recognition Competition and Studies on Multi-Expert Recognition for Handwritten Numerals

    Toshihiro MATSUI  Ikuo YAMASHITA  Toru WAKAHARA  


    E77-D No:7

    The Institute for Posts and Telecommunications Policy (IPTP) held its first character recognition competition in 1992 to ascertain the present status of ongoing research in character recognition and to find promising algorithms for handwritten numerals. In this paper, we report and analyze the results of this competition. In the competition, we adopted 3-digit handwritten postal code images gathered from live mail as recognition objects. Prior to the competition, 2,500 samples (7,500 characters) were distributed to the participants as traning data. By using about 10,000 different samples (29,883 characters), we tested 13 recognition programs submitted by five universities and eight manufacturing companies. According to the four kinds of evaluation criteria: recognition accuracy, recognition speed, robustness against degradation, and theroretical originality, we selected the best three recognition algorithms as the Prize of Highest Excellence. Interestingly enough, the best three recognition algorithms showed considerable diversity in their methodologies and had very few commonly substituted or rejected patterns. We analyzed the causes for these commonly substituted or rejected patterns and, moreover, examined the human ability to discriminate between these patterns. Next, by considering the complementary characteristics of each recognition algorithm, we studied a multi-expert recognition strategy using the best three recognition algorithms. Three kinds of combination rules: voting on the first candidate rule, minimal sum of candidate order rule, and minimal sum of dissimilarities rule were examined, and the latter two rules decreased the substitution rate to one third of that obtained by one-expert in the competition. Furthermore, we proposed a candidate appearance likelihood method which utilizes the conditional probability of each of ten digits given the candidate combination obtained by each algorithm. From the experiments, this method achieved surprisingly low values of both substitution and rejection rates. By taking account of its learning ability, the candidate appearance likelihood method is considered one of the most promising multi-expert systems.

  • Performance Evaluation of Slow-Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum Transmission in Rayleigh Fading Indoor Channels

    Tomoaki ISHIFUJI  Eiichi AMADA  


    E77-B No:7

    This paper examines the retransmission probability and throughput characteristics of slow-frequency-hopping spread spectrum transmission in Rayleigh fading indoor channels of multi-cell environments. Because signal strength in a Rayleigh fading indoor channel changes slowly, retransmission probability is little influenced by the retransmission unit length and error correction capability when retransmission unit length is shorter than the fading period. With the 83.5MHz bandwidth of the 2.4GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) band in the USA, quaternary phase shift keying (QPSK) is expected to provide a throughput of nearly 1Mbps in each cell when we assume a shadowing margin of 18.1dB and we use 4 cells, 100 hopping frequencies, a transmission power of 600mW, and a transmission distance of 20m. And also with the 26MHz bandwidth of the 2.4GHz ISM band in Japan, QPSK is expected to provide a throughput of nearly 1Mbps in each cell under similar conditions but with 26 hopping frequencies and a transmission power of 260mW.

  • A Study on the Performance Improvements of Error Control Schemes in Digital Cellular DS/CDMA Systems

    Ill-Woo LEE  Dong-Ho CHO  


    E77-B No:7

    In this paper, the average error-rate characteristics are investigated as the number of users increases in the digital cellular DS/CDMA (Direct Sequence/Code Division Multiple Access) systems. Then, the performances of the various error control schemes applied to the data service of digital cellular DS/CDMA systems are compared and analyzed. That is, the performances of the conventional error control schemes such as Go-back-N ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request) and Selective-Repeat ARQ are analyzed in the circumstance of digital cellular DS/CDMA system. Also, the improved error control schemes which utilize the variable window size and/or variable data packet size are proposed and evaluated in order to improve the performances of the conventional error control scheme such as Quick-Repeat ARQ and WORM ARQ schemes in the digital cellular DS/CDMA system environments. According to the simulation results, the performances of the improved scheme with variable window and variable frame size are superior to those of the conventional scheme in the view of throughput and delay characteristics due to the robustness to the fading channel impairments.

  • A New Burst Coherent Demodulator for Microcellular TDMA/TDD Systems

    Yoichi MATSUMOTO  Shuji KUBOTA  Shuzo KATO  


    E77-B No:7

    This paper proposes a new burst coherent demodulator that improves transmission quality of microcellular TDMA/TDD systems for personal communications and has configuration suitable for low power consumption with LSIC-implementation. To achieve the better transmission quality, the proposed demodulator employs coherent detection with a unique carrier recovery scheme that can operate without any preamble for carrier recovery. In addition, the demodulator uses a clock recovery scheme with clock phase estimation using twice differentiation, which eliminates hangup and attains fast clock acquisition at 2 samples/symbol. Experimental results clarify the superiority of the proposed coherent demodulator for microcellular TDMA/TDD systems. The proposed coherent demodulator reduces the irreducible frame error rate by 40%, and achieves 4dB improvement at the frame error rate of 10% compared with differential detection under the Rayleigh fading (fD/fs=810-5, τrms/Ts=510-2) typical of personal communication environments.

  • Document Image Segmentation and Layout Analysis

    Takashi SAITOH  Toshifumi YAMAAI  Michiyoshi TACHIKAWA  


    E77-D No:7

    A system for segmentation of document image and ordering text areas is described, and applied to complex printed page layouts of both Japanese and English. There is no need to make any assumptions about the shape of blocks, hence the segmentation technique can handle not only skewed images without skew-correction but also documents where columns are not rectangular. In this technique, based on the bottom-up strategy, the connected components are extracted from the reduced image, and classiferd according to their local information. The connected components calssified as characters are then merged into lines, and the lines are merged into areas. Extracted text areas are classified as body, caption, header or footer. A tree graph of the layout of the body texts is made, and the texts ordered by preorder traversal on the graph. We introduce the concept of an influence range of each node, a procedure for handling titles, thus obtaining good results on various documents. The total system is fast and compact.

  • Knowledge for Understanding Table-Form Documents

    Toyohide WATANABE  Qin LUO  Noboru SUGIE  


    E77-D No:7

    The issue about document structure recognition and document understanding is today one of interesting subjects from a viewpoint of practical applications. The research objective is to extract the meaningful data from document images interpretatively and also classify them as the predefined item data automatically. In comparison with the traditional image-processing-based approaches, the knowledge-based approaches, which make use of various knowledge in order to interpret structural/constructive features of documents, have been currently investigated as more flexible and applicable methods. In this paper, we propose a totally integrated paradigm for understanding table-form documents from a viewpoint of the architectural framework.

  • A Signal Information Processing for the Stochastic Response Prediction of Double-Wall Type Sound

    Mitsuo OHTA  Shigeharu MIYATA  


    E77-A No:7

    In direct connection with the signal information processing, a practical method of identification and probabilistic prediction for sound insulation systems is theoretically proposed in the object-oriented expression forms by introducing a few functional system parameters. Concretely, a trial of identification of the above functional system parameters and the output probabilistic prediction for a panel thickness change of double-wall type sound insulation system, especially, under the existence of a strong background noise inside of the reception room, is newly proposed based on one of wide sense digital filters and SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis) method. Finally, by using the actual music sound of an arbitrary distribution type, the effectiveness of the proposad method is confirmed experimentally by applying it to some problems of predicting the cumulative probability distribution of the transmitted sound level fluctuation.

  • High-Level Synthesis of VLSI Processors for Intelligent Integrated Systems

    Yasuaki SAWANO  Bumchul KIM  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  


    E77-C No:7

    In intelligent integrated systems such as robotics for autonomous work, it is essential to respond to the change of the environment very quickly. Therefore, the development of special-purpose VLSI processors for intelligent integrated systems with small latency becomes an very important subject. In this paper, we present a scheduling algorithm for high-level synthesis. The input to the scheduler is a behavioral description which is viewed as a data flow graph (DFG). The scheduler minimizes the latency, which is the delay of the critical path in the DFG, and minimizes the number of functional units and buses by improving the utilization rates. By using an integer linear programming, the scheduler optimally assigns nodes and arcs in the DFG into steps.

  • Design of a Reconfigurable Parallel Processor for Digital Control Using FPGAs

    Yoshichika FUJIOKA  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Nobuhiro TOMABECHI  


    E77-C No:7

    In digital control, it is essential to make the delay time for a large number of multiply-additions small because of sensor feedback. To meet the requirement, an architecture of the reconfigurable parallel processor using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) is proposed. Although the performance is drastically increased in the full custom VLSI implementation, even the reconfigurable parallel processor using FPGAs becomes useful for many practical digital control applications. The performance evaluation shows that the delay time for the resolved acceleration cotrol computation of a twelve-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) redundant manipulator becomes about 70 µs which is about seventeen times faster than that of a parallel processor approach using conventional digital signal processors (DSPs).

  • On Solutions of the Element-Value Determinability Problem of Linear Analog Circuits

    Shoji SHINODA  Kumiko OKADA  


    E77-A No:7

    It is of significantly importance in relation to the problem of diagnosis of deviation faults in linear analog circuits to check whether or not it is possible to uniquely determine the element-values in a given linear analog circuit from the node-voltage measurements at its accessible nodes and then of giving a method for actual computation of the element-values if it is possible, under the assumption that i) the circuit is of known topology (and of known element-kinds if possible) and ii) the actual value of each element-value of the circuit almost always deviates from the design value and is not known exactly. In this paper, the problem of checking the unique determinability of the element-values is called the element-value determinability problem, and its solutions which have been obtained until now are reviewed in perspectives to designing a publicly available user-oriented analog circuit diagnosis system.

  • Two Topics in Nonlinear System Analysis through Fixed Point Theorems

    Shin'ichi OISHI  


    E77-A No:7

    This paper reviews two topics of nonlinear system analysis done in Japan. The first half of this paper concerns with nonlinear system analysis through the nondeterministic operator theory. The nondeterministic operator is a set-valued or fuzzy set valued operator by K. Horiuchi. From 1975 Horiuchi has developed fixed point theorems for nondeterministic operators. Using such fixed point theorems, he developed a unique theory for nonlinear system analysis. Horiuchi's theory provides a fundamental view point for analysis of fluctuations in nonlinear systems. In this paper, it is pointed out that Horiuchi's theory can be viewed as an extension of the interval analysis. Next, Urabe's theory for nonlinear boundary value problems is discussed. From 1965 Urabe has developed a method of computer assisted existence proof for solutions of nonlinear boundary value problems. Urabe has presented a convergence theorem for a certain simplified Newton method. Urabe's theorem is essentially based on Banach's contraction mapping theorem. In this paper, reformulation of Urabe's theory using the interval analysis is presented. It is shown that sharp error estimation can be obtained by this reformulation. Both works discussed in this paper have been done independently with the interval analysis. This paper points out that they have deep relationship with the interval analysis. Moreover, it is also pointed out that these two works suggest future directions of the interval analysis.

  • A Katzenelson-Like Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Resistive Networks

    Kiyotaka YAMAMURA  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Self-Validation

    E77-A No:7

    An efficient algorithm is presented for solving nonlinear resistive networks. In this algorithm, the techniques of the piecewise-linear homotopy method are introduced to the Katzenelson algorithm, which is known to be globally convergent for a broad class of piecewise-linear resistive networks. The proposed algorithm has the following advantages over the original Katzenelson algorithm. First, it can be applied directly to nonlinear (not piecewise-linear) network equations. Secondly, it can find the accurate solutions of the nonlinear network equations with quadratic convergence. Therefore, accurate solutions can be computed efficiently without the piecewise-linear modeling process. The proposed algorithm is practically more advantageous than the piecewise-linear homotopy method because it is based on the Katzenelson algorithm that is very popular in circuit simulation and has been implemented on several circuit simulators.

  • Average Channel Capacity in a Mobile Radio Environment with Rician Statistics

    Fotis LAZARAKIS  George S. TOMBRAS  Kostas DANGAKIS  


    E77-B No:7

    The Shannon-Hartley theorem for channel capacity presupposes signal transmission over time-invariant Gaussian channels. In a mobile radio environment, communications channels have randomly time-variant characteristics. In this paper, an expression for the average capacity of Rician fading channels is derived. It is shown that the average capacity of Rician channels is always lower than that of the Gaussian channel, while the Rayleigh channel capacity values represent the worst situation. In addition, the Rician channel capacity is examined when reception by a maximal-ratio combining technique with M-branches is employed, indicating its positive effect on channel average capacity when weak signal power or severe fading conditions are present. Finally, the relation between Rician and Rayleigh fading environment with respect to channel average capacity is discussed.

  • Recognition of Elevation Symbols and Reconstruction of 3D Surface from Contours by Parallel Method

    Kazuhiko YAMAMOTO  Hiromitsu YAMADA  Sigeru MURAKI  


    E77-D No:7

    In this paper, symbols and numerals in topographic maps are recognized by the multi-angled parallelism (MAP) matching method, and small dots and lines are extracted by the MAP operation method. These results are then combined to determine the value, position, and attributes of elevation marks. Also, we reconstruct three dimensional surfaces described by contours, which is difficult even for humans since the elevation symbols are sparse. In reconstruction of the surface, we define an energy function that enfores three constraints: smoothness, fit, and contour. This energy function is minimized by solving a large linear system of simultaneous equations. We describe experiments on 25,000:1 scale topographic maps of the Tsukuba area.

  • Representing, Utilizing and Acquiring Knowledge for Document lmage Understanding

    Koichi KISE  Noboru BABAGUCHI  


    E77-D No:7

    This paper discusses the role of knowledge in document image understanding from the viewpoints of representation, utilization and acquisition. For the representation of knowledge, we propose two models, a layout model and a content model, which represent knowledge about the layout structure and content of a document, respectively. For the utilization of knowledge, we implement layout analysis and content analysis which utilize a layout model and a content model, respectively. The strategy of hypothesis generation and verification is introduced in order to integrate these two kinds of analysis. For the acquisition of knowledge, we propose a method of incremental acquisition of a layout model from a stream of example documents. From the experimental results of document image understanding and knowledge acquisition using 50 samples of visiting cards, we verified the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Design of a CAM-Based Collision Detection VLSI Processor for Robotics

    Masanori HARIYAMA  Michitaka KANEYAMA  


    E77-C No:7

    Real-time collision detection is one of the most important intelligent processings in robotics. In collision detection, a large storage capasity is usually required to store the 3-dimensional information on the obstacles located in a workspace. Moreover, high-computational power is essential in not only coordinate transformation but also matching operation. In the proposed collision detection VLSI processor, the matching operation is drastically accelerated by using a content-addressable memory (CAM). A new obstacle representation based on a union of rectangular solids is also used to reduce the obstacle memory capacity, so that the collision detection can be performed by only magnitude comparison in parallel. Parallel architecture using several identical processor elements (PEs) is employed to perform the coordinate transformation at high speed, and each PE performs coordinate transformation at high speed based on the COordinate Rotation DIgital Computation (CORDIC) algorithms. When the 16 PEs and 144-kb CAM are used, the performance is evaluated to be 90 ms.

  • Ultimate Lower Bound of Power for MOS Integrated Circuits and Their Applications

    Kunihiro ASADA  Mike LEE  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E77-C No:7

    The ultimate minimum energy of switching mechanism for MOS integrated circuits have been studied. This report elucidates the evaluation methods for minimum switching energy of instantaneous discharged mechanism after charging one, namely, recycled energy of the MOS device. Two approaches are implemented to capture this concept. One is a switching energy by the time-dependent gate capacitance (TDGC) model ; the other one by results developed by transient device simulation, which was implemented using Finite Element Method (FEM). It is understood that the non-recycled minimum swhiching energies by both approaches show a good agreement. The recycled energies are then calculated at various sub-micron gate MOS/SOI devices and can be ultra-low power of the MOS integrated circuits, which may be possible to build recycled power circuitry for super energy-saving in the future new MOS LSI. From those results, (1) the TDGC is simultaneously verified by consistent match of the non-recycled minimum switching energies; (2) the recycled switching energy is found to be the ultimate lower bound of power for MOS device; (3) the recycled switching energy can be saved up to around 80% of that of current MOS LSI.

  • Comparison among Methods for Compounding Psychological Scale Values in the Multiple-Scale Technique

    Ayumi YOSHIKAWA  Takeshi NISHIMURA  

    LETTER-Fuzzy Theory

    E77-A No:7

    In this letter, we compare the three compound methods of the Multiple-scale technique to improve the quality of the scale values estimated by the method of fuzzy categories. The results show that the maximum compound method brings higher ability to estimate the scale values than the other methods despite categories used in the scale.

  • Integration of Voice and Data in Wireless Information Networks with Data Steal into Voice Multiple Access

    Gang WU  Kaiji MUKUMOTO  Akira FUKUDA  


    E77-B No:7

    In this paper, we propose DSVMA (Data Steal into Voice Multiple Access) scheme for integration of voice and data in wireless information networks. By using speech activity detectors and effective downstream control signals, DSVMA enables data terminals to transmit multi-packet messages when voice terminals are in silent periods. The S-G (throughput versus offered load) performance of the DSVMA system and the blocking probabilities of both the second generation systems and the DSVMA systems are evaluated by the static analysis. A dynamic analysis of a system with finite number of terminals is also presented using an approximate Markov analysis method. Some numerical examples are given in the paper. As a result, it is shown that DSVMA can improve the channel utility efficiency of a circuit-switched TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) wireless communication system and is directly applicable for second generation wireless information systems.

  • Activities on Net Theory in Japan

    Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  


    E77-A No:7

    Net theory originated by Dr. Petri in 1962 is now indispensable key concept in the analysis and design of concurrent systems. In Japan, since late seventies the net theory has attracted attention among computer scientists. This paper reviews the historical aspect of the net theory developed in Japan during the last two decades.
