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  • Communication Systems via Chaotic Modulations

    Makoto ITOH  Hiroyuki MURAKAMI  Leon O. CHUA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Circuits and Systems

    E77-A No:6

    New communication systems via chaotic modulations are experimentally, demonstrated. They contain the wellknown chaotic circuits as its basic elements--Chua's circuits and canonial Chua's circuits. The following advantage is found in our laboratory experiments: (a) Transmitted signals have broad spectra. (b) Secure communications are possible in the sense that the better parameter matching is required in order to recover the signal. (c) The circuit structure of our communication system is most simple at this stage. (d) The communication systems are easily built at a small outlay.

  • Polygon Interval Arithmetic and Interval Evaluation of Value Sets of Transfer Functions

    Yuzo OHTA  Lei GONG  Hiromasa HANEDA  

    PAPER-Algorithms, Data Structures and Computational Complexity

    E77-A No:6

    Data of system parameters of real systems have some uncertainty and they should be given by sets (or intervals) rather than fixed values. To analyze and design systems contaning such uncertain parameters, it is required to represent and treat uncertainty in data of parameters, and to compute value sets of characteristic polynomials and transfer functions. Interval arithmetic is one of the most powerful tools to perform such subjects. In this paper, Polygon Interval Arithmetic (PIA) on the set of polygons in the complex plane is considered, and the data structure and algorithms to execute PIA efficiently is proposed. Moreover, practical examples are shown to demonstrate how PIA is useful to compute the evaluation of value sets.

  • Signaling Systems for Distributed Micro-Switching Networks in HO-ISDN

    Takahiko YAMADA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:6

    This paper discusses a common channel signaling system in which multiple micro-switching systems can converse as though configured like a conventional centralized switching system. A micro-switching system is a switching system whose main functions are integrated on a chip, like a microprocessor. Progress in MOS technology will soon make micro-switching systems possible, and their small scale and economy will allow subscriber switching systems to be distributed closer to subscribers. This will allow shorter subscriber loops, so subscriber networks will be able to reuse existing metallic lines as H1 (1.544/2.048Mb/s)-class subscriber loops. Economical micro-switching systems and reuse of existing network resources will contribute to the establishment H0 (384kb/s)-ISDN, so that every subscriber will be able to enjoy multimedia communications through HO-calls as simply as using present telephones. Four alternative signaling network architectures are examined, classified by arrangement of their signaling transfer junctions and signaling links, and a new signaling system featuring cell-based transfer functions is proposed. This is suitable for a distributed micro-switching-system network in order to minimize the figures of merit, which collectively estimate network cost and signaling delay.

  • Two-Phase Thermosyphon Cooling for High-Power Multichip Modules

    Tohru KISHIMOTO  Akio HARADA  

    PAPER-Instrumentation and Control

    E77-C No:6

    A high-efficiency air cooling system is one of the keys to achieving high throughput in an ATM switching system for Broadband ISDN. Our approach is to cool the multichip modules plugged into a planar packaging system by using a two-phase thermosyphon cold-plate with an air-cooled condenser. Physically separating the cold-plate and the air-cooled condenser and connecting item by small diameter pipes is the key to applying this cooling technology to large planar packaging systems to increase volumetric packaging densities. Furthermore, thermosyphon technology allows the heat transfer process to operate without any external pumping power. Therefore this cooling system is regarded an extended high-performance air cooling system. The optimum structure was investigated while focusing on ways to reduce the external thermal resistance. The external thermal resistance between the system's cold-plate and air inlet was measured to be 0.21 K/W at an air velocity of 2 m/s and a cooling duty of 150 watts. Using this external thermal resistance value, we simulated the cooling characteristics of an MCM containing a 44 array of 10-mm-square LSI chips on an alumina substrate measuring 100100 mm. For an allowable temperature rise of 60, simulated thermal resistance was 6 K/W at an air flow of 2 m/s. This allows a power dissipation of more than 160 watts per MCM and a heat flux of 1.6 W/cm2. This system will extend the applicability of air cooling to power levels generally considered to lie in the domain of liquid cooling, and thus to the ATM switching nodes for B-ISDN.

  • An Analysis of Dose in Tissue Irradiated by Near Field of a Circular Loop Antenna

    Haruhiro TERADA  Fumio KITAGAWA  Nobuo OKAMOTO  Soichi WATANABE  Masao TAKI  Masao SAITO  


    E77-B No:6

    This paper presents an analysis of the dose rate in tissue irradiated by an electromagnetic near field of a circular loop antenna. An analytical model comprised of a circular loop antenna located in the vicinity of the semi-infinite plane of a homogeneous biological medium was formulated. A quasi-static hypothesis was not introduced. The theoretical formulation was rigorously developed based on Maxwell equations which used an electric vector potential, cylindrical coordinates and a Hankel transform. The internal electric field E and the specific absorption rate (SAR) were adopted as indices for the dose in the tissue. This formulation was applied to the dosimetry of a high-frequency therapeutic device (HFTD) and experiment of irradiation to a frog web. The frequency of the applied electro-magnetic fields (EMF) was 9-10MHz. The distance between the antenna and tissue was 2.0-3.2mm. The dose of HFTD were 0.75V/m and 0.35mW/kg, respectively. The dose of experiment of the irradiation to a frog web were 0.42-2.08V/m and 0.11-2.69mW/kg, respectively. The SAR values obtained by this analysis were small enough to conclude that the effects were non-thermal. The calculated SARs of these experiments were compared with estimated SARs in experiments on calcium efflux change due to a weak modulated RF field. All were found to be of the same order of magnitude.

  • Development of a Technique to Evaluate Human Exposure to Ion-Current Fields Using Boundary Element Method--For Environmental Assessment of High Voltage Transmission Lines--



    E77-B No:6

    To study the biological effects of the ion-current commonly found under ultra-high voltage DC transmission lines, a technique was developed to evaluate the human exposure to the ion-current field. This technique is based on numerical analysis using the boundary element method. The difficulty of handling the space charge in the calculation was overcome by assuming a lumped source ion-current. This technique is applicable to a three-dimensionally complex object such as a human body. In comparison with theoretical values, the accuracy of this technique was evaluated to be satisfactory for our purposes. It was then applied to a human body in an ion-current field. The distribution of the electric field along the body surface was obtained. The general characteristics of the field distribution were essentially the same as in those without space charges. However, it was found that the strength of the field concentration was significantly enhanced by the space charges. Further, the field exposure when a human body was charged by an ion-current was evaluated. As the charged voltage increases, the position of the field concentration moves from a human's head toward his legs. But the shock of micro spark increases. This technique provides a useful tool for the study of biological effects and safety standards of ion-current fields.

  • 2nn Symmetric Communication Structure for Decentralized Consensus Protocols Using a Duality of Indices

    Amane NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E77-D No:6

    Distributed algorithms that entail successive rounds of message exchange are called decentralized consensus protocols. Several consensus protocols use a finite projective plane as a communication structure and require 4nn messages in two rounds, where n is the number of nodes. This paper presents an efficient communication structure that uses a finite projective plane with a duality of indices. The communication structure requires 2nn messages in two rounds, and can therefore halve the number of messages. It is shown that a finite projective plane with a duality can be constructed from a difference set, and that the presented communication structure has two kinds of symmetry.

  • An Experimental SAR Estimation of Human Head Exposure to UHF Near Fields Using Dry-Phantom Models and a Thermograph

    Toshio NOJIMA  Sadayuki NISHIKI  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E77-B No:6

    An experimental SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) estimation system based upon the thermograph method using a thermograph camera and newly developed homogeneous dry-phantom human models are presented. Experiments are conducted using this system and UHF fields to obtain SAR distributions in the human head irradiated by hand-held portable radios. Experiment results show that the estimated peak SAR's due to the radiation waves from radios of 1W transmitting power are lower than 2W/kg and so conform to the recommendations of the radio-frequency radiation safety guidelines. The developed system enables the surface SAR distributions on the phantom model to be precisely estimated; a function not available with the original system. System parameters required for providing precise estimations are discussed first, and then experiments are conducted to estimate SAR's in the human head exposed to a UHF hand-held portable radio's near field. Finally, estimated data are examined from the viewpoint of radio-frequency exposure safety guidelines.

  • Errors of Physical Optics in Shadow Region--Fictitious Penetrating Rays--

    Masayuki OODO  Tsutomu MURASAKI  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E77-C No:6

    Physical optics (PO) is an approximation method for high-frequency scattering and diffraction problems. But PO fields are inaccurate in the shadow region where the source is screened by the scatterer. It has been difficult to extract the mechanism of this error because PO includes numerical integration. In 2-D problems, PO fields are analytically and accurately expressed in terms of PO equivalent edge currents (PO-EECs) which represent the leading contributions of PO original integration. Comparison of PO in this form and geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) which gives accurate fields in the shadow region, clarifies the cause of PO errors. For a scatterer with a corner, PO errors are mainly due to the rays emanating from the invisible edges. For a curved surface scatterer, the contributions penetrating the scatterer are small and main PO errors generally consist in PO-EECs itself.

  • Effect of 2.45GHz Microwave Irradiation on Monkey Eyes

    Yoshitsugu KAMIMURA  Ken-ichi SAITO  Toshikazu SAIGA  Yoshifumi AMEMIYA  


    E77-B No:6

    In 1985, Kues et al. (Bioelectromagnetics, 6, pp.177-188, 1985) reported that corneal endothelial abnormalities were observed after a 4-hour exposure of anesthetized monkey eyes to 2.45GHz CW. We have traced their experimental study without anesthetization. Although we irradiated with power density exceeding the threshold of 30mW/cm2 obtained by them, we could not observe the same abnormalities as they did.

  • An ARMA Order Selection Method with Fuzzy Theorem

    Miki HASEYAMA  Hideo KITAJIMA  Masafumi EMURA  Nobuo NAGAI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:6

    In this paper, an ARMA order selection method is proposed with a fuzzy reasoning method. In order to identify the reference model with the ARMA model, we need to determine its ARMA order. A less or more ARMA order, other than a suitable order causes problems such as; lack of spectral information, increasing calculation cost, etc. Therefore, ARMA order selection is significant for a high accurate ARMA model identification. The proposed method attempts to select an ARMA order of a time-varying model with the following procedures: (1) Suppose the parameters of the reference model change slowly, by introducing recursive fuzzy reasoning method, the estimated order is selected. (2) By introducing a fuzzy c-mean clustering methed, the period of the time during which the reference model is changing is detected and the forgetting factor of the recursive fuzzy reasoning method is set. Further, membership functions used in our algorithm are original, which are realized by experiments. In this paper, experiments are documented in order to validate the performance of the proposed method.

  • Biological Effects of ELF Electric Fields--Historical Review on Bioengineering Studies in Japan--

    Goro MATSUMOTO  Koichi SHIMIZU  


    E77-B No:6

    The studies on the biological effects of ELF electric fields conducted in Japan are reviewed. Among international studies, they are characterized as the studies from the viewpoint of bioengineering. In early studies, the safety standard of high voltage transmission lines was determined by a distinct biological effect, i.e., the sensation of the spark discharge caused by electrostatic induction. In numerical analysis, the field coupling to both animal and human bodies became well understood. Some new measurement techniques were developed which enabled us to evaluate the field exposure on a human body. A system was developed to realize the chronic exposure of an electric field on mice and cats. An optical telemetry technique was developed to measure the physiological response of an animal when it was exposed to an electric field. An ion-current shuttle box was developed to investigate the behavioral change of a rat when it was exposed to an ion-current as well as an electric field. In animal experiments, a mechanism of sensing the field was investigated. The cause of the seasonal change of field sensitivity was found. In cases of chronic exposure, suppression of growth was suspected. In shuttle box studies, an avoidance behavior from an ion-current was quantified. To find whether there are any adverse or beneficial effects of the field exposure on human beings, further study is required to clarify the mechanisms of the biological effects.

  • Measurements of Power Frequency Electromagnetic Environments and Consideration into Exposure Evaluation

    Katsuo ISAKA  Noriyuki HAYASHI  Masatoshi OKAMOTO  Yoshihide YOKOI  


    E77-B No:6

    The biological effects of power frequency electric and magnetic fields have been a source of concern for the past many years, especially since 1979 when an epidemiological study report suggested a positive relationship between childhood cancer and exposure to power frequency electromagnetic fields from residential overhead power lines. The extensive studies of dosimetry and biological effects have since been carried out. It is believed that power frequency electromagnetic fields does induce biological effects (no serious threat to human health). The clear explanations for the possible interaction mechanisms remain to be identified. The problem with the study on dosimetry has been lack of theory that applies to the physical interaction of power frequency electric and magnetic fields with humans. At present, it seems to be widely accepted that the density of induced currents in the human body can be used as the decisive parameter in evaluating human exposure to these fields. In order to predict the distribution of induced current density inside a human body exposed to electric fields, magnetic fields, or electric and magnetic fields that coexist, the precise measurements of electromagnetic environments are necessary. According to necessity, the fields have to be characterized in terms of strength, orientation and phase angle. This paper presents: (1) Measurements of power frequency electromagnetic environments in 187kV substation yard and in the vicinity of the ground under 187 kV line using laboratory-made instruments; (2) Development of magnetic field exposure monitor; and (3) Review of state of the art of theoretical dosimetry for electric fields, magnetic fields and combined electric and magnetic fields, and evaluation method of human exposure for the future research.

  • Computation of SAR Inside Eyeball for 1.5-GHz Microwave Exposure Using Finite-Difference Time-Domain Technique

    Osamu FUJIWARA  Akira KATO  


    E77-B No:6

    From the standpoint of studying the biological effects of microwaves on human eyes, this paper numerically examines the specific absorption rate (SAR) inside the eyeball, using the finite-difference time-domain (FD-TD) method, which does not require very much computer storage. Two kinds of highly heterogeneous models constructed by us and Taflove's group are used to compute the SARs inside the eyeball for 1.5-GHz microwave exposure under the 1991 ANSI protection guideline. The SAR contour lines and the spatial distribution are shown inside the eyeball. Comparison is also made between the SARs for the two computation models.

  • A Noninvasive Method for Dielectric Property Measurement of Biological Tissues

    Jianqing WANG  Tasuku TAKAGI  


    E77-B No:6

    A noninvasive method for measuring complex permittivity of biological tissues is proposed. The noninvasive method is based on an inverse scattering technique which employs an iterative procedure. The iterative procedure consists of solving an electric field integral equation using the method of moments and minimizing the square difference between calculated and measured scattered fields. Implementation of the noninvasive method requires the knowledge of the target shape, the incident and measured scattered fields. Based on the noninvasive method, a measuring system of complex permittivity is developed and its reliability is verified.

  • Water Sensing Method with OTDR and Optical Sensor for Non-pressurized Optical Fiber Cable System

    Seiji TAKASHIMA  Masaaki KAWASE  Shigeru TOMITA  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E77-B No:6

    We describe a new water sensing system for optical fiber cable networks. This system consists of optical fibers, water sensors and an OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer). The water sensor contains material which swells on contact with water and bends the optical fiber. The OTDR monitors the optical loss increase caused by this fiber bending and determines its location. In this system it is very important to determine the loss increase caused by the water sensor in terms of the OTDR performance. Therefore, we clarified the relationship between the water sensor structure and the increase in loss. Based on this study, we fabricated a sensor which causes a 5dB loss increase. The measured value is very close to the calculated value.

  • Effects of Non-matched Receiver Filters on π/4-DQPSK Bit Error Rate in Rayleigh Fading

    Chun Sum NG  Tjeng Thiang TJHUNG  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E77-B No:6

    The effect of intersymbol interference resulting from non-matched receiver filtering on the bit error rate (BER) performance of π/4-DQPSK systems recently adopted in the North American and Japanese digital cellular standards, is analyzed in Rayleigh fading. With a Gaussian or a Butterworth (of order N, 2N10) receiver filter, the BER performance is found to degrade by only a small fraction of a decibel from the performance with ideally matched receiver filters. A 4th-order Butterworth receiver filter leads to BER curves which almost coincide with those of the ideally matched filtering condition.

  • Automatic Data Processing Procedure for Ground Probing Radar

    Toru SATO  Kenya TAKADA  Toshio WAKAYAMA  Iwane KIMURA  Tomoyuki ABE  Tetsuya SHINBO  

    PAPER-Electronic and Radio Applications

    E77-B No:6

    We developed an automatic data processing algorithm for a ground-probing radar which is essential in analyzing a large amount of data by a non-expert. Its aim is to obtain an optimum result that the conventional technique can give, without the assistance of an experienced operator. The algorithm is general except that it postulates the existence of at least one isolated target in the radar image. The raw images of underground objects are compressed in the vertical and the horizontal directions by using a pulse-compression filter and the aperture synthesis technique, respectively. The test function needed to configure the compression filter is automatically selected from the given image. The sensitivity of the compression filter is adjusted to minimize the magnitude of spurious responses. The propagation velocity needed to perform the aperture synthesis is determined by fitting a hyperbola to the selected echo trace. We verified the algorithm by applying it to the data obtained at two test sites with different magnitude of clutter echoes.

  • A Digitalized Quadrature Modulator for Fast Frequency Hopping

    Kazuhiko SEKI  Tetsu SAKATA  Shuzo KATO  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E77-B No:5

    This paper proposes a digitalized quadrature modulator for burst-by-burst carrier frequency hopping in TDMA-TDD systems. It employs digital frequency synthesis and a multiplexing modulation scheme to give the frequency offset to the modulated IF signal. Moreover, to reduce the frequency settling time of the RF synthesizer below the guard time duration, a phase and frequency preset (PFP) PLL synthesizer is employed. By employing the digital modulation scheme, the proposed modulator needs only one D/A converter, as a result, the complexity of adjusting the DC offset and amplitude between analog signals of the in-phase and the quadrature phase is eliminated. The performance of the proposed modulator is analyzed theoretically and simulated by computers. Theoretical analyses show that the frequency settling time with 15MHz hopping width in the 1900MHz band is reduced by more than 75% from that of the conventional synthesizer. The settling time is less than 40µs which is shorter than the typical guard time of the burst signal format. The analyses also show that the power consumption of the proposed modulator is lower than that of the conventional modulator employing a full band digital frequency converter. Furthermore, the computer simulation confirms that the power spectra and the constellations of the proposed modulator for the coherent and the π/4-shift QPSK modulation schemes can be successfully generated.

  • A Fast Tracking Adaptive MLSE for TDMA Digital Cellular Systems

    Kazuhiro OKANOUE  Akihisa USHIROKAWA  Hideho TOMITA  Yukitsuna FURUYA  


    E77-B No:5

    This paper presents an adaptive MLSE (Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimator) suitable for TDMA cellular systems. The proposed MLSE has two special features such as handling wide dynamic range signals without analogue gain controls and fast channel tracking capability. In order to handle wide dynamic range signals without conventional AGCs (Automatic Gain Controller), the proposed MLSE uses envelope components of received signals obtained from a non-linear log-amplifier module which has wide log-linear gain characteristics. By using digital signal processing technique, the log-converted envelope components are normalized and converted to linear values which conventional adaptive MLSEs can handle. As a channel tracking algorithm of the channel estimator, the proposed MLSE adopts a QT-LMS (Quick-Tracking Least Mean Square) algorithm, which is obtained by modifying LMS algorithm to enable a faster tracking capability. The algorithm has a fast tracking capability with low complexity and is suitable for implementation in a fixed-point digital signal processor. The performances of the MLSE have been evaluated through experiments in TDMA cellular environments with π/4-shifted QPSK, 24.3k symbol/sec. It is shown that, under conditions of 65dB amplitude variations and 80Hz Doppler frequency, the MLSE successfully achieves less than 3% B.E.R., which is required for digital cellular systems.
