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  • A Two-Stage Discrete Optimization Method for Largest Common Subgraph Problems


    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E82-D No:8

    A novel combinatorial optimization algorithm called 2-stage discrete optimization method (2DOM) is proposed for the largest common subgraph problem (LCSP) in this paper. Given two graphs G=(V1, E1) and H=(V2, E2), the goal of LCSP is to find a subgraph G'=(V1', E1') of G and a subgraph H'=(V2', E2') of H such that G' and H' are not only isomorphic to each other but also their number of edges is maximized. The two graphs G' and H' are isomorphic when |V1'|=|V2'| and |E1'|=|E2'|, and there exists one-to-one vertex correspondence f: V1' V2' such that {u, v} E1' if and only if{f(u), f(v)} E2'. LCSP is known to be NP-complete in general. The 2DOM consists of a construction stage and a refinement stage to achieve the high solution quality and the short computation time for large size difficult combinatorial optimization problems. The construction stage creates a feasible initial solution with considerable quality, based on a greedy heuristic method. The refinement stage improves it keeping the feasibility, based on a random discrete descent method. The performance is evaluated by solving two types of randomly generated 1200 LCSP instances with a maximum of 500 vertices for G and 1000 vertices for H. The simulation result shows the superiority of 2DOM to the simulated annealing in terms of the solution quality and the computation time.

  • A 4K2 K-Pixel Color Image Pickup System

    Kohji MITANI  Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO  Yoshihiro FUJITA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E82-D No:8

    We have developed an experimental 4 K 2 K pixel progressive scan color camera system. This new camera system has a data rate of 297 MHz pixel/sec and 60 frame/sec and we are sure that horizontal and vertical limiting resolution of 1500 TVL (TV lines) can be achieved on a color monitor. Instead of the previous approach of improving resolution simply by increasing the pixel count in a imager, a novel four-sensor pickup method with 2/3 inch 2 million pixel CMD (Charge Modulation Device) imagers is used in this system. These sensors have 1920 (H) 1035 (V) pixels within a 16:9 wide aspect image area and are successfully driven at 148 M pixel/sec in the progressive scan mode. In the four-sensor pickup method, two sensors are used for green and the rest are for red and blue. A spatial offset imaging method in the diagonal direction was applied to the two green sensors to improve the horizontal and vertical resolution effectively. The horizontal and vertical resolution of the red and blue signals become half that of the green signal, because only one 2 M-pixel imager is used for each signal. The resolution of this system, however, is not degraded so much because the luminance signal is mainly composed of green signals.

  • Recent Technical Trends of Optical Memory

    Kenya GOTO  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Systems and Technologies

    E82-B No:8

    Recent technologies for increasing memory density in random access memory optical disks including magnetic super resolution method, super resolution method in phase change disk, blue laser diode, near field optics, and photo chromic memory are reviewed.

  • Recent Technical Trends of Optical Memory

    Kenya GOTO  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Systems and Technologies

    E82-C No:8

    Recent technologies for increasing memory density in random access memory optical disks including magnetic super resolution method, super resolution method in phase change disk, blue laser diode, near field optics, and photo chromic memory are reviewed.

  • A Gradient Type Algorithm for Blind System Identification and Equalizer Based on Second Order Statistics

    Yoshito HIGA  Hiroshi OCHI  Shigenori KINJO  Hirohisa YAMAGUCHI  


    E82-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a new structure of blind equalizer and its cost function. The proposed cost function is a quadratic form and has the unique solution. In addition, the proposed scheme can employ iterative algorithms which achieve less computational complexity and can be easily realized in real time processing. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed schemes, several computer simulations including a 64-QAM signal equalization have been shown.

  • Bandwidth and Transmission Distance Achieved by POF

    Yasuhiro KOIKE  Takaaki ISHIGURE  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Fibers and Cables

    E82-C No:8

    Recent status of the polymer optical fiber (POF) for high speed data communication and telecommunication is reviewed. The GI POF was proposed for the first time 20 years ago at Keio University, and several methodologies to fabricate GI POF have been currently proposed worldwide. In this paper, we both theoretically and experimentally verify that the most transparent GI POF can be obtained by the polymer-dopant system. The relation between the refractive index profile and the dispersion characteristics of the GI POF was quantitatively clarified. The refractive index profile of the GI POF obtained by the interfacial-gel polymerization process was controlled to enable to transmit the order of gigabit per second bit rate. Furthermore, the accurate approximation of the refractive index profile and consideration of mode dependent attenuation enabled to precisely predict the dispersion characteristics of the GI POF.

  • A 10-Gb/s Optical Asynchronous Packet Receiver with a Fast Bit-Synchronization Circuit

    Akio TAJIMA  Hiroaki TAKAHASHI  Yoshiharu MAENO  Soichiro ARAKI  Naoya HENMI  

    PAPER-Communication Networks

    E82-B No:8

    A novel 10-Gb/s fast acquisition bit-synchronization circuit for use in a Tb/s throughput optical packet switch has been developed. The circuit is a best-sampled-data-select type based on multiple phase-clocks, and it processes the asynchronous input packets into a synchronous data stream in a serial manner, which is advantageous in terms of circuit scale and consumption power compared with the parallel processing type. The circuit was developed using Si-bipolar ultrahigh-speed gate arrays and it was used to develop a 10-Gb/s optical asynchronous packet receiver module. The core logic of this circuit module required about 100 gates, consume 6 W, and the size of the module was reduced to only 170 mm (W)130 mm (D) 10 mm (H). Using the receiver module, a fast acquisition time of 9 bits and receiver sensitivity penalty of less than 1.5 dB due to re-synchronization were measured.

  • A New Digitized Bit Timing Recovery Scheme Using a Perturbed Sample Timing Technique for High-Bit-Rate Wireless Systems

    Toshiaki TAKAO  Yoshifumi SUZUKI  Tadashi SHIRATO  

    PAPER-Communication Device and Circuit

    E82-B No:8

    We propose a new bit timing recovery (BTR) scheme, called perturbed sampling BTR (PSBTR), that can operate near the symbol rate in high-bit-rate wireless systems. A peculiar sample clock, the duty factor of which is not 50%, is used in the PSBTR scheme. We call this type of clock a perturbed sample clock and use it for clock recovery. In PSBTR, there is no cycle slip of the sample clock, and the PSBTR circuit is mostly digital. We examine the performance of the PSBTR scheme under additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) by computer simulation and experiment, and from these results, clarify the relationship between the performance and circuit parameters of the PSBTR circuit. The overall results indicate that the PSBTR scheme performs well and can be employed as a BTR scheme for high-bit-rate wireless systems.

  • InP-Based Monolithic Optical Frequency Discriminator Module for WDM Systems

    Ken TSUZUKI  Hiroaki TAKEUCHI  Satoshi OKU  Masahiro TANOBE  Yoshiaki KADOTA  Fumiyoshi KANO  Hiroyuki ISHII  Mitsuo YAMAMOTO  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E82-C No:8

    We have developed an InP-based monolithic optical frequency discriminator consisting of a temperature-insensitive optical filter and dual photodiodes. This integrated device detects the optical frequency deviation of the input light as differential photocurrent from the dual photodiodes, and the photocurrent is fedback to the light source for frequency stabilization through a differential amplifier. The FSR and extinction ratio of the filter are 50 GHz and 20 dB. The total opto-electronic conversion efficiency is 40%. In a frequency stabilization experiment using the developed discriminator, the frequency fluctuation of a DFB laser was reduced to less than 10 MHz.

  • On Liveness of Time POC Nets with the Static Fair Condition

    Atsushi OHTA  Tomiji HISAMURA  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E82-A No:8

    Petri net is a graphical and mathematical modeling tool for discrete event systems. This paper treats analysis problems of time Petri nets. In this model, a minimal and a maximal firing delays are assigned to each transition. If a transition is 'enabled' it can fire after minimal delay has passed and must fire before maximal delay has elapsed. Since time Petri net can simulate register machines, it has equivalent modeling power to that of Turing machine. It means, however, that most of the analysis problems of time Petri nets with general net structures are undecidable. In this paper, net structures are restricted to a subclass called partially ordered condition (POC) nets and dissynchronous choice (DC) nets. Firing delays are also restricted to satisfy 'static fair condition' which assures chance to fire for all transitions enabled simultaneously. First, a sufficient condition of liveness of time POC net with the static fair condition is derived. Then it is shown that liveness of time DC net with static fair condition is equivalent to liveness of the underlying nontime net. This means that liveness problem of this class is decidable. Lastly, liveness problem of extended free choice (EFC) net is shown to be decidable.

  • An Enhancement Method for Covariance Matrix Estimate with Uniform Circular Array

    Young-Su KIM  Young-Soo KIM  Han-Kyu PARK  Sang-Sam CHOI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E82-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a new algorithm of enhancing covariance matrix estimate to be used for estimating the directions-of-arrival (DOAs) of multiple incoherent signals incident on a uniform circular array. The underlying covariance matrix possesses a special theoretical property such as having spatial stationarity. The proposed enhancement approach based on the use of this property is found to provide improved DOA estimates in comparison to the unenhanced MUSIC for narrowband incoherent signals.

  • Injection Molded Fiber-Optic Connector Components for Single-Mode Fiber Applications

    Hirotsugu SATO  Shuichi YANAGI  Yoshito SHUTO  Masayoshi OHNO  Shun-ichi TOHNO  


    E82-C No:8

    We successfully fabricated plastic ferrules and split alignment sleeves for single-mode fiber-optic connectors by the injection molding process. Liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) was used as the molding material for the ferrule. We introduced an eccentricity control mechanism into the ferrule mold and realized an eccentricity of less than 1 µm. As the molding material for the sleeve, thermosetting epoxy resin was used. Suitable mechanical properties were realized by employing appropriate dimensional design and the molding process. The optical characteristics of a system combining these plastic components are compatible with single-mode SC-type connectors and are also stable under hot and humid conditions.

  • Capacity Analysis of Spectrally Overlaid Narrowband and Wideband CDMA Systems for Future Mobile Communications Services

    Dongwoo KIM  Il Gyu KIM  Dong Geun JEONG  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E82-B No:8

    As a means of CDMA network evolution toward future wireless services, a spectral overlay of narrowband CDMA (N-CDMA) and wideband CDMA (W-CDMA) systems is proposed in [8]. In order to justify the overlaying strategy, the reverse link capacity is examined in the same work. Although the capacity of conventional CDMA cellular systems is usually limited by the reverse link, the limit could occur at the forward link depending on the transmission technologies adopted by specific CDMA proposals. Especially, the number of users that can be simultaneously accommodated in the system would be limited by the forward link in future mobile service environments where unequal traffic is offered between two links. In this paper, we first examine the forward link capacity of the spectrally overlaid narrowband and wideband CDMA (N/W CDMA) system. And we compare it with the reverse link capacity to obtain the overall performance. The effects of various parameters on the capacity of N/W CDMA system are numerically evaluated for different mobile environments.

  • Manifold Piecewise Constant Systems and Chaos

    Tadashi TSUBONE  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E82-A No:8

    We propose manifold piecewise constant systems (ab. MPC) and consider basic phenomena: the 2-D, 3-D and 4-D MPCs exhibit limit-cycle, line-expanding chaos and area-expanding chaos, respectively. The righthand side of the state equation is piecewise-constant, hence the system dynamics can be simplified into a piecewise-linear return map which can be expressed explicitly. In order to analyze the piecewise-linear return map, we introduce an evaluation function for the piecewise-linear return map and give theoretical evidence for chaos generation. Also the chaotic behaviors are demonstrated in the laboratory.

  • A 10-Gb/s Optical Asynchronous Packet Receiver with a Fast Bit-Synchronization Circuit

    Akio TAJIMA  Hiroaki TAKAHASHI  Yoshiharu MAENO  Soichiro ARAKI  Naoya HENMI  

    PAPER-Communication Networks

    E82-C No:8

    A novel 10-Gb/s fast acquisition bit-synchronization circuit for use in a Tb/s throughput optical packet switch has been developed. The circuit is a best-sampled-data-select type based on multiple phase-clocks, and it processes the asynchronous input packets into a synchronous data stream in a serial manner, which is advantageous in terms of circuit scale and consumption power compared with the parallel processing type. The circuit was developed using Si-bipolar ultrahigh-speed gate arrays and it was used to develop a 10-Gb/s optical asynchronous packet receiver module. The core logic of this circuit module required about 100 gates, consume 6 W, and the size of the module was reduced to only 170 mm (W)130 mm (D) 10 mm (H). Using the receiver module, a fast acquisition time of 9 bits and receiver sensitivity penalty of less than 1.5 dB due to re-synchronization were measured.

  • Generation of Wideband and Flat Supercontinuum over a 280-nm Spectral Range from a Dispersion-Flattened Optical Fiber with Normal Group-Velocity Dispersion

    Fumio FUTAMI  Yuichi TAKUSHIMA  Kazuro KIKUCHI  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Fibers and Cables

    E82-B No:8

    Aiming at wideband and flat supercontinuum generation (SC) from optical fibers in the 1.55-µm wavelength region, we study both experimentally and theoretically how SC spectra are influenced by group-velocity dispersion (GVD) of fibers. In the anomalous GVD region, since the peak power of pump pulses is kept high during propagation through the fiber by the higher-order soliton effect, the Raman effect has an adverse effect to flat and wideband SC generation. In the zero GVD region, the interplay of the third-order dispersion (TOD) and the self-phase modulation splits the SC spectrum into two main components. On the other hand, in the normal GVD region, nevertheless the SC spectrum broadens wider and smoother than those in anomalous and zero GVD regions, it is still asymmetric when TOD of the fiber can not be ignored. From these results, we find that a dispersion-flattened fiber with normal GVD is the most suitable for flat and wideband SC generation. A 280-nm wide SC spectrum with the spectral-density fluctuation less than 10 dB is actually generated from such a fiber.

  • 1.3/1.55-µm Full-Duplex WDM Optical Transceiver Modules for ATM-PON (PDS) Systems Using PLC-Hybrid-Integration and CMOS-IC Technologies

    Takeshi KUROSAKI  Toshikazu HASHIMOTO  Noboru ISHIHARA  Yasuhiro SUZUKI  Masahiro YANAGISAWA  Hideaki KIMURA  Makoto NAKAMURA  Yuichi TOHMORI  Kazutoshi KATO  Yoshihiro KAWAGUCHI  Yuji AKAHORI  Yasufumi YAMADA  Kuniharu KATO  Hiromu TOBA  Junichi YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E82-B No:8

    This paper describes design techniques for suppressing crosstalk in an optical transceiver module using PLC-hybrid-integration technologies and for achieving burst-mode operation with high sensitivity and wide dynamic range using CMOS-IC technologies. An arrangement that reduces the electrical crosstalk to less than -100 dB was designed using three-dimensional electromagnetic field analysis. The configurations of a newly developed instantaneous-response CMOS LD driver circuit is also described and instantaneous-response CMOS receiver circuit techniques are reviewed. With these techniques, we have succeeded in building optical transceiver modules for ATM-PON systems using PLC-hybrid-integration and inexpensive standard CMOS-IC fabrication processes. Under full-duplex operation at 156 Mb/s, fabricated transceiver modules showed receiver sensitivity of better than -34 dBm and dynamic range of over 28 dB, which satisfy both the class-B and class-C specifications recommended by ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication standardization sector) G983.1 for the optical transceiver module for an ONU (optical network unit).

  • A 1.3-µm Optical Transceiver Diode (TRAD) Module for TCM Transmission Systems in Optical Access Networks

    Yasumasa SUZAKI  Masanobu OKAYASU  Takeshi KUROSAKI  Makoto NAKAMURA  Yasuhiro SUZUKI  Hideaki KIMURA  Hiromu TOBA  

    PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E82-B No:8

    We developed an optical transceiver diode (TRAD) module for bi-directional time-compression-multiplexing (TCM) transmission systems. A wavelength-insensitive structure as a receiver and a low-capacitance configuration in the module provide a high sensitivity. Stable switching of 156 Mbit/s NRZ burst signals between the transmitter and receiver modes is achieved. In addition, it is shown that optical module cost can be further reduced by using passive alignment on a Si bench.

  • Skew-Compensation Technique for Parallel Optical Interconnections

    Takeshi SAKAMOTO  Nobuyuki TANAKA  Yasuhiro ANDO  

    PAPER-Optical Systems and Technologies

    E82-B No:8

    We have developed a low-latency, error-correcting-code-(ECC-)adaptable skew-compensation technique, which is needed for high-speed and long-distance parallel optical interconnections. A new frame-coding technique called shuffled mB1C encoding, which requires no clock-rate conversion circuit and no data buffering, and a new skew-measurement method which is suitable for ECC adaptation have been developed for the compensation. Full-digital skew-compensation circuits using these new techniques were able to compensate for a two-clock-cycle skew, even when one transmission channel was removed. The maximum latency for skew compensation was only five clock cycles.

  • Wavelength Converters

    Allan KLOCH  Peter Bukhave HANSEN  David WOLFSON  Tina FJELDE  Kristian STUBKJAER  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E82-B No:8

    After a short introduction to the different requirements to and techniques for wavelength conversion, focus is on cross-gain and cross-phase modulation in SOA based converters. Aspects like jitter accumulation, regeneration and conversion to the same wavelength is discussed. It is predicted that jitter accumulation can be minimised while also assuring a high extinction ratio by using a 9-10 dB ratio between the signal and CW power. Using this guideline simulations show that 20 cross-gain modulation converters can be cascaded at 10 Gbit/s with only 20 ps of accumulated jitter and an extinction ratio of 10 dB. The regenerative capabilities of the cross-phase converters are described and verified experimentally at 20 Gbit/s. By controlling the input power to an EDFA, the noise redistribution and improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio is demonstrated. In a similar experiment at 2.5 Gbit/s, the regeneration causes a reduction of the required input power to an in-line EDFA of 6 dB for a power penalty of 1 dB at a bit error rate of 10-9. If two converters are concatenated the power requirement is reduced 8 dB. Obviously, the power reduction allows for longer spans between in-line EDFAs. A simple scheme for regeneration without wavelength conversion is assessed at 2.5 Gbit/s resulting in 4.5 dB lower required EDFA input power. The scheme is characterised by a quasi-digital transfer function that is ideal for regeneration. A combination of cross-gain and cross-phase conversion is used to perform conversion to the same wavelength at 20 Gbit/s. The insertion penalty for this dual-stage converter is below 2 dB and is mainly caused by extinction ratio degradation from the cross-gain converter. Finally, a new device for all-optical wavelength conversion has been proposed and 2.5 Gbit/s operation has been simulated with good results.
