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  • A Neural Recording Amplifier with Low-Frequency Noise Suppression

    Takeshi YOSHIDA  Yoshihiro MASUI  Ryoji EKI  Atsushi IWATA  Masayuki YOSHIDA  Kazumasa UEMATSU  


    E93-C No:6

    To detect neural spike signals, low-power neural signal recording frontend circuits must amplify neural signals with below 100 µV amplitude and a few hundred Hz frequency while suppressing a large DC offset voltage, 1/f noise of MOSFETs, and induced noise of AC power supply. To overcome the problem of unwanted noise at such a low signal level, a low-noise neural signal detection amplifier with low-frequency noise suppression scheme was developed utilizing a new autozeroing technique. A test chip was designed and fabricated with a mixed signal 0.18-µm CMOS technology. The voltage gain of 39 dB at the bandwidth of the neural signal and the gain reduction of 20 dB at AC supply noise of 60 Hz were obtained. The input equivalent noise and power dissipation were 90 nV/root-Hz and 90 µW at a supply voltage of 1.5 V, respectively.

  • Estimates of User Interest Using Timing Structures between Proactive Content-Display Updates and Eye Movements

    Takatsugu HIRAYAMA  Jean-Baptiste DODANE  Hiroaki KAWASHIMA  Takashi MATSUYAMA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E93-D No:6

    People are being inundated under enormous volumes of information and they often dither about making the right choices from these. Interactive user support by information service system such as concierge services will effectively assist such people. However, human-machine interaction still lacks naturalness and thoughtfulness despite the widespread utilization of intelligent systems. The system needs to estimate user's interest to improve the interaction and support the choices. We propose a novel approach to estimating the interest, which is based on the relationship between the dynamics of user's eye movements, i.e., the endogenous control mode of saccades, and machine's proactive presentations of visual contents. Under a specially-designed presentation phase to make the user express the endogenous saccades, we analyzed the timing structures between the saccades and the presentation events. We defined resistance as a novel time-delay feature representing the duration a user's gaze remains fixed on the previously presented content regardless of the next event. In experimental results obtained from 10 subjects, we confirmed that resistance is a good indicator for estimating the interest of most subjects (75% success in 28 experiments on 7 subjects). This demonstrated a higher accuracy than conventional estimates of interest based on gaze duration or frequency.

  • Integrated Sliding Mode Controller Design for Autopilot and Roll Stabilizer of Ship


    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E93-A No:6

    Designing ship controllers is a challenging problem because of nonlinear dynamics, uncertainty in parameters and external disturbances. Furthermore, the interaction between yaw and roll angles increase the complexity of this issue when autopilot and roll stabilizer are considered together. In this research, a MIMO sliding mode controller is designed to control yaw and roll angles simultaneously. The major contribution of the paper is designing an integrated controller based on a nonlinear model of ship as well as considering analytic bounds of uncertainties. Then, in order to reduce the chattering phenomenon and to improve the tracking ability of the system, the control scheme has been modified using an integral switching variable. Simulation results show the success of the proposed method to overcome nonlinearity and disturbances, as well as high performance in rough wave conditions. Also, comparison between the proposed controller and two SISO control schemes demonstrates advantages of the integrated control method.

  • Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves with Various Discriminants

    Woo Sug KANG  Ki Taek KIM  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E93-A No:6

    This paper extends the Brezing-Weng method by parameterizing the discriminant D by a polynomial D(x). To date, the maximum of CM discriminant can be adequately addressed is about 14-digits. Thus the degree of the square free part of D(x) has to be sufficiently small. By making the square free part of D(x) a linear monomial, the degree of the square free part is small and by substituting x to some quadratic monomial, pairing-friendly curves with various discriminants can be constructed. In order that a square free part of D(x) is of the form ax, ax has to be a square element as a polynomial representation in a number field. Two methods are introduced to apply this construction. For k = 5, 8, 9, 15, 16, 20, 24 and 28, the proposed method gives smaller ρ value than those in previous studies.

  • Mining Co-location Relationships among Bug Reports to Localize Fault-Prone Modules

    Ing-Xiang CHEN  Chien-Hung LI  Cheng-Zen YANG  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E93-D No:5

    Automated bug localization is an important issue in software engineering. In the last few decades, various proactive and reactive localization approaches have been proposed to predict the fault-prone software modules. However, most proactive or reactive approaches need source code information or software complexity metrics to perform localization. In this paper, we propose a reactive approach which considers only bug report information and historical revision logs. In our approach, the co-location relationships among bug reports are explored to improve the prediction accuracy of a state-of-the-art learning method. Studies on three open source projects reveal that the proposed scheme can consistently improve the prediction accuracy in all three software projects by nearly 11.6% on average.

  • A New Local Search Based Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems

    Md. Rakib HASSAN  Md. Monirul ISLAM  Kazuyuki MURASE  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E93-D No:5

    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms are a new branch of swarm intelligence. They have been applied to solve different combinatorial optimization problems successfully. Their performance is very promising when they solve small problem instances. However, the algorithms' time complexity increase and solution quality decrease for large problem instances. So, it is crucial to reduce the time requirement and at the same time to increase the solution quality for solving large combinatorial optimization problems by the ACO algorithms. This paper introduces a Local Search based ACO algorithm (LSACO), a new algorithm to solve large combinatorial optimization problems. The basis of LSACO is to apply an adaptive local search method to improve the solution quality. This local search automatically determines the number of edges to exchange during the execution of the algorithm. LSACO also applies pheromone updating rule and constructs solutions in a new way so as to decrease the convergence time. The performance of LSACO has been evaluated on a number of benchmark combinatorial optimization problems and results are compared with several existing ACO algorithms. Experimental results show that LSACO is able to produce good quality solutions with a higher rate of convergence for most of the problems.

  • Study of a PMD Tolerance Extension by InP HBT Analog EDC IC without Adaptive Control in 43G DQPSK Transmission

    Toshihiro ITOH  Kimikazu SANO  Hiroyuki FUKUYAMA  Koichi MURATA  

    PAPER-Compound Semiconductor Devices

    E93-C No:5

    We experimentally studied the polarization mode dispersion (PMD) tolerance of an feed-forward equalizer (FFE) electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) IC in the absence of adaptive control, in 43-Gbit/s RZ-DQPSK transmission. Using a 3-tap FFE IC composed of InP HBTs, differential group delay (DGD) tolerance at a 2-dB Q penalty is shown to be extended from 25 ps to up to 29 ps. When a polarization scrambler is used, the tolerance is further extended to 31 ps. This value is close to the tolerance obtained with adaptive control, without a polarization scrambler.

  • Study of the DC Performance of Fabricated Magnetic Tunnel Junction Integrated on Back-End Metal Line of CMOS Circuits

    Fumitaka IGA  Masashi KAMIYANAGI  Shoji IKEDA  Katsuya MIURA  Jun HAYAKAWA  Haruhiro HASEGAWA  Takahiro HANYU  Hideo OHNO  Tetsuo ENDOH  

    PAPER-Flash/Advanced Memory

    E93-C No:5

    In this paper, we have succeeded in the fabrication of high performance Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) which is integrated in CMOS circuit with 4-Metal/ 1-poly Gate 0.14 µm CMOS process. We have measured the DC characteristics of the MTJ that is fabricated on via metal of 3rd layer metal line. This MTJ of 60180 nm2 achieves a large change in resistance of 3.52 kΩ (anti-parallel) with TMR ratio of 151% at room temperature, which is large enough for sensing scheme of standard CMOS logic. Furthermore, the write current is 320 µA that can be driven by a standard MOS transistor. As the results, it is shown that the DC performance of our fabricated MTJ integrated in CMOS circuits is very good for our novel spin logic (MTJ-based logic) device.

  • Call Admission Control with Load-Balancing Capability in Integrated Cellular/WLAN Networks

    Weiwei XIA  Lianfeng SHEN  


    E93-B No:5

    We propose a call admission control scheme in cellular and wireless local area networks (WLANs) integration: integrated service-based admission control with load-balancing capability (ISACL). The novel aspects of the ISACL scheme include that load transfer in the cellular/WLAN overlapping areas is allowed for the admission of originating data calls from the area with cellular access only and vertical handoff requests to the cellular network. Packet-level quality of service (QoS) constraints in the WLANs and other-cell interference in the code division multiple access (CDMA) cellular network are taken into account to derive the WLANs and cellular capacity. We model the integrated networks using a multi-dimensional Markov chain and the important performance measures are derived for effective optimization of the admission parameters. The analytical model is validated by a computer simulation. The variation of admission parameters with traffic load and the dependence of resource utilization on admission parameters are investigated. It is shown that optimal balancing of the traffic load between the cellular network and WLANs results in the maximum resource utilization. Numerical results demonstrate that substantial performance improvements can be achieved by applying the proposed ISACL scheme.

  • An IEEE802.15.4-Based System for Locating Children on Their School Commutes

    Akihiko SUGIURA  Ryoichi BABA  Hideyuki KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E93-A No:5

    With the increasing number of crimes and accidents in which children are becoming involved, there is a growing demand for devices to safeguard children's security by detecting their locations on their way to and from school. This paper proposes a system that uses an IEEE802.15.4-standard network to detect children's locations. To overcome the susceptibility of radio interference from nearby wireless LANs, frequency division multiplexing is applied to this IEEE802.15.4-based network, toward improving data acquisition from terminal units. The effectiveness of the system was field-tested with elementary school students who used about 400 IEEE 802.15.4-compliant terminal units. An experiment verified that the use of frequency division multiplexing in an environment where radio interference by wireless LANs is strong allowed the network to double the success rate of information communication from terminal units relative to that without frequency division multiplexing. In the experiment for detecting elementary schoolers' arrival at and departure from school, the terminal detection rate was 99% and the terminal detection rate on the designated school routes was 90%. These results prove the effectiveness of the system in detecting locations.

  • Cramer-Rao Bound on Passive Source Localization for General Gaussian Noise

    Sha LI  Brian L.F. DAKU  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E93-A No:5

    This paper focuses on the development of Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) expressions for passive source location estimation in various Gaussian noise environments. The scenarios considered involve an unknown deterministic source signal with a short time duration, and additive general Gaussian noise. The mathematical derivation procedure presented is applicable to non-stationary Gaussian noise problems. Specifically, explicit closed-form CRB expressions are presented using the spectrum representation of the signal and noise for stationary Gaussian noise cases.

  • A Simple Procedure for Classical Signal-Processing in Cluster-State Quantum Computation

    Kazuto OSHIMA  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E93-D No:5

    We exhibit a simple procedure to find how classical signals should be processed in cluster-state quantum computation. Using stabilizers characterizing a cluster state, we can easily find a precise classical signal-flow that is required in performing cluster-state computation.

  • Strain Effects in van der Pauw (VDP) Stress Sensor Fabricated on (111) Silicon

    Chun-Hyung CHO  Ginkyu CHOI  Ho-Young CHA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Sensors

    E93-C No:5

    We have fabricated VDP (van der Pauw) stress sensors on (111) silicon surfaces. This work focuses on a study of strain effects in VDP stress sensors, which were generally ignored in previous works, for the precise measurements of die stresses in electronic packages. The stress sensitivity was observed to be approximately 10% larger for p-type VDP sensors compared to n-type VDP sensors.

  • Adaptive Beamforming in the Presence of Coherent Signals with Unknown Angles of Arrival

    Yang-Ho CHOI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:5

    To handle coherent signals with unknown arrival angles, an adaptive beamforming method is proposed which can be applied to an arbitrary array. The proposed method efficiently solves a generalized eigenvalue problem to estimate the arrival angles of the desired coherent signal group, by exploiting the Brent method in conjunction with alternating maximization. We discuss the condition for the correct direction estimation without erroneously taking interference direction estimates for the desired ones. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed beamformer is very similar to that of the beamformer with the exact composite steering vector (CSV).

  • Gaussian Kernel-Based Multi-Histogram Equalization

    Suk Tae SEO  In Keun LEE  Hye Cheun JEONG  Soon Hak KWON  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E93-D No:5

    Histogram equalization is the most popular method for image enhancement. However it has some drawbacks: i) it causes undesirable artifacts and ii) it can degrade the visual quality. To overcome the drawbacks, in this letter, multi-histogram equalization on smoothed histogram using a Gaussian kernel is proposed. To demonstrate the effectiveness, the method is tested on several images and compared with conventional methods.

  • An Investigation of Adaptive Pen Pressure Discretization Method Based on Personal Pen Pressure Use Profile

    Yizhong XIN  Xiangshi REN  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E93-D No:5

    Continuous pen pressure can be used to operate multi-state widgets such as menus in pen based user interfaces. The number of levels into which the pen pressure space is divided determines the number of states in the multi-state widgets. To increase the optimal number of divisions of the pen pressure space and achieve greater pen pressure usability, we propose a new discretization method which divides the pen pressure space according to a personal pen pressure use profile. We present here four variations of the method: discretization according to personal/aggregation pen pressure use profile with/without visual feedback of uniform level widths and the traditional even discretization method. Two experiments were conducted respectively to investigate pen pressure use profile and to comparatively evaluate the performance of these methods. Results indicate that the subjects performed fastest and with the fewest errors when the pen pressure space was divided according to personal profile with visual feedback of uniform level widths (PU) and performed worst when the pen pressure space was divided evenly. With PU method, the optimal number of divisions of the pen pressure space was 8. Visual feedback of uniform level widths enhanced performance of uneven discretization. The findings of this study have implications for human-oriented pen pressure use in pen pressure based user interface designs.

  • Discussion on "A Fuzzy Method for Medical Diagnosis of Headache"

    Kuo-Chen HUNG  Yu-Wen WOU  Peterson JULIAN  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E93-D No:5

    This paper is in response to the report of Ahn, Mun, Kim, Oh, and Han published in IEICE Trans. INF. & SYST., Vol.E91-D, No.4, 2008, 1215-1217. They tried to extend their previous paper that published on IEICE Trans. INF. & SYST., Vol.E86-D, No.12, 2003, 2790-2793. However, we will point out that their extension is based on the detailed data of knowing the frequency of three types. Their new occurrence information based on intuitionistic fuzzy set for medical diagnosis of headache becomes redundant. We advise researchers to directly use the detailed data to decide the diagnosis of headache.

  • New General Constructions of LCZ Sequence Sets Based on Interleaving Technique and Affine Transformations

    Xuan ZHANG  Qiaoyan WEN  Jie ZHANG  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E93-A No:5

    In this paper, we propose four new general constructions of LCZ/ZCZ sequence sets based on interleaving technique and affine transformations. A larger family of LCZ/ZCZ sequence sets with longer period are generated by these constructions, which are more flexible among the selection of the alphabet size, the period of the sequences and the length of LCZ/ZCZ, compared with those generated by the known constructions. Especially, two families of the newly constructed sequences can achieve or almost achieve the theoretic bound.

  • Closed Form Solutions to L2-Sensitivity Minimization of Second-Order State-Space Digital Filters with Real Poles

    Shunsuke YAMAKI  Masahide ABE  Masayuki KAWAMATA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E93-A No:5

    This letter proposes closed form solutions to the L2-sensitivity minimization of second-order state-space digital filters with real poles. We consider two cases of second-order digital filters: distinct real poles and multiple real poles. In case of second-order digital filters, we can express the L2-sensitivity of second-order digital filters by a simple linear combination of exponential functions and formulate the L2-sensitivity minimization problem by a simple polynomial equation. As a result, the minimum L2-sensitivity realizations can be synthesized by only solving a fourth-degree polynomial equation, which can be analytically solved.

  • Character-Size Optimization for Reducing the Number of EB Shots of MCC Lithographic Systems

    Makoto SUGIHARA  

    PAPER-Manufacturing Technology

    E93-C No:5

    We propose a character size optimization technique to reduce the number of EB shots of multi-column-cell (MCC) lithographic systems in which transistor patterns are projected with multiple column cells in parallel. Each and every column cell is capable of projecting patterns with character projection (CP) and variable shaped beam (VSB) methods. Seeking the optimal character size of characters contributes to minimizing the number of EB shots and reducing the fabrication cost for ICs. Experimental results show that the character size optimization achieved 70.6% less EB shots in the best case with an available electron beam (EB) size. Our technique also achieved 40.6% less EB shots in the best case than a conventional character sizing technique.
