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  • A Hardware Efficient Reservoir Computing System Using Cellular Automata and Ensemble Bloom Filter

    Dehua LIANG  Jun SHIOMI  Noriyuki MIURA  Masanori HASHIMOTO  Hiromitsu AWANO  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E105-D No:7

    Reservoir computing (RC) is an attractive alternative to machine learning models owing to its computationally inexpensive training process and simplicity. In this work, we propose EnsembleBloomCA, which utilizes cellular automata (CA) and an ensemble Bloom filter to organize an RC system. In contrast to most existing RC systems, EnsembleBloomCA eliminates all floating-point calculation and integer multiplication. EnsembleBloomCA adopts CA as the reservoir in the RC system because it can be implemented using only binary operations and is thus energy efficient. The rich pattern dynamics created by CA can map the original input into a high-dimensional space and provide more features for the classifier. Utilizing an ensemble Bloom filter as the classifier, the features provided by the reservoir can be effectively memorized. Our experiment revealed that applying the ensemble mechanism to the Bloom filter resulted in a significant reduction in memory cost during the inference phase. In comparison with Bloom WiSARD, one of the state-of-the-art reference work, the EnsembleBloomCA model achieves a 43× reduction in memory cost while maintaining the same accuracy. Our hardware implementation also demonstrated that EnsembleBloomCA achieved over 23× and 8.5× reductions in area and power, respectively.

  • A Solar-Cell-Assisted, 99% Biofuel Cell Area Reduced, Biofuel-Cell-Powered Wireless Biosensing System in 65nm CMOS for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Contact Lenses Open Access

    Guowei CHEN  Kiichi NIITSU  


    E105-C No:7

    This brief proposes a solar-cell-assisted wireless biosensing system that operates using a biofuel cell (BFC). To facilitate BFC area reduction for the use of this system in area-constrained continuous glucose monitoring contact lenses, an energy harvester combined with an on-chip solar cell is introduced as a dedicated power source for the transmitter. A dual-oscillator-based supply voltage monitor is employed to convert the BFC output into digital codes. From measurements of the test chip fabricated in 65-nm CMOS technology, the proposed system can achieve 99% BFC area reduction.

  • IEEE754 Binary32 Floating-Point Logarithmic Algorithms Based on Taylor-Series Expansion with Mantissa Region Conversion and Division

    Jianglin WEI  Anna KUWANA  Haruo KOBAYASHI  Kazuyoshi KUBO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E105-A No:7

    In this paper, an algorithm based on Taylor series expansion is proposed to calculate the logarithm (log2x) of IEEE754 binary32 accuracy floating-point number by a multi-domain partitioning method. The general mantissa (1≤x<2) is multiplied by 2, 4, 8, … (or equivalently left-shifted by 1, 2, 3, … bits), the regions of (2≤x<4), (4≤x<8), (8≤x<16),… are considered, and Taylor-series expansion is applied. In those regions, the slope of f(x)=log2 x with respect to x is gentle compared to the region of (1≤x<2), which reduces the required number of terms. We also consider the trade-offs among the numbers of additions, subtractions, and multiplications and Look-Up Table (LUT) size in hardware to select the best algorithm for the engineer's design and build the best hardware device.

  • A Framework for Synchronous Remote Online Exams

    Haeyoung LEE  

    LETTER-Educational Technology

    E105-D No:7

    This letter presents a new framework for synchronous remote online exams. This framework proposes new monitoring of notebooks in remote locations and limited messaging only enabled between students and their instructor during online exams. This framework was evaluated by students as highly effective in minimizing cheating during online exams.

  • An Improved Adaptive Algorithm for Locating Faulty Interactions in Combinatorial Testing Open Access

    Qianqian YANG  Xiao-Nan LU  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E105-A No:6

    Combinatorial testing is an effective testing technique for detecting faults in a software or hardware system with multiple factors using combinatorial methods. By performing a test, which is an assignment of possible values to all the factors, and verifying whether the system functions as expected (pass) or not (fail), the presence of faults can be detected. The failures of the tests are possibly caused by combinations of multiple factors assigned with specific values, called faulty interactions. Martínez et al. [1] proposed the first deterministic adaptive algorithm for discovering faulty interactions involving at most two factors where each factor has two values, for which graph representations are adopted. In this paper, we improve Martínez et al.'s algorithm by an adaptive algorithmic approach for discovering faulty interactions in the so-called “non-2-locatable” graphs. We show that, for any system where each “non-2-locatable factor-component” involves two faulty interactions (for example, a system having at most two faulty interactions), our improved algorithm efficiently discovers all the faulty interactions with an extremely low mistaken probability caused by the random selection process in Martínez et al.'s algorithm. The effectiveness of our improved algorithm are revealed by both theoretical discussions and experimental evaluations.

  • Accurate Source-Number Estimation Using Denoising Preprocessing and Singular Value Decomposition

    Shohei HAMADA  Koichi ICHIGE  Katsuhisa KASHIWAGI  Nobuya ARAKAWA  Ryo SAITO  

    PAPER-DOA Estimation

    E105-B No:6

    This paper proposes two accurate source-number estimation methods for array antennas and multi-input multi-output radar. Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation is important in high-speed wireless communication and radar imaging. Most representative DOA estimation methods require the source-number information in advance and often fail to estimate DOAs in severe environments such as those having low signal-to-noise ratio or large transmission-power difference. Received signals are often bandlimited or narrowband signals, so the proposed methods first involves denoising preprocessing by removing undesired components then comparing the original and denoised signal information. The performances of the proposed methods were evaluated through computer simulations.

  • A High-Speed Interface Based on a Josephson Latching Driver for Adiabatic Quantum-Flux-Parametron Logic

    Fumihiro CHINA  Naoki TAKEUCHI  Hideo SUZUKI  Yuki YAMANASHI  Hirotaka TERAI  Nobuyuki YOSHIKAWA  


    E105-C No:6

    The adiabatic quantum flux parametron (AQFP) is an energy-efficient, high-speed superconducting logic device. To observe the tiny output currents from the AQFP in experiments, high-speed voltage drivers are indispensable. In the present study, we develop a compact voltage driver for AQFP logic based on a Josephson latching driver (JLD), which has been used as a high-speed driver for rapid single-flux-quantum (RSFQ) logic. In the JLD-based voltage driver, the signal currents of AQFP gates are converted into gap-voltage-level signals via an AQFP/RSFQ interface and a four-junction logic gate. Furthermore, this voltage driver includes only 15 Josephson junctions, which is much fewer than in the case for the previously designed driver based on dc superconducting quantum interference devices (60 junctions). In measurement, we successfully operate the JLD-based voltage driver up to 4 GHz. We also evaluate the bit error rate (BER) of the driver and find that the BER is 7.92×10-10 and 2.67×10-3 at 1GHz and 4GHz, respectively.

  • Adiabatic Quantum-Flux-Parametron with Delay-Line Clocking Using Square Excitation Currents

    Taiki YAMAE  Naoki TAKEUCHI  Nobuyuki YOSHIKAWA  


    E105-C No:6

    The adiabatic quantum-flux-parametron (AQFP) is an energy-efficient superconductor logic device. In a previous study, we proposed a low-latency clocking scheme called delay-line clocking, and several low-latency AQFP logic gates have been demonstrated. In delay-line clocking, the latency between adjacent excitation phases is determined by the propagation delay of excitation currents, and thus the rising time of excitation currents should be sufficiently small; otherwise, an AQFP gate can switch before the previous gate is fully excited. This means that delay-line clocking needs high clock frequencies, because typical excitation currents are sinusoidal and the rising time depends on the frequency. However, AQFP circuits need to be tested in a wide frequency range experimentally. Hence, in the present study, we investigate AQFP circuits adopting delay-line clocking with square excitation currents to apply delay-line clocking in a low frequency range. Square excitation currents have shorter rising time than sinusoidal excitation currents and thus enable low frequency operation. We demonstrate an AQFP buffer chain with delay-line clocking using square excitation currents, in which the latency is approximately 20ps per gate, and confirm that the operating margin for the buffer chain is kept sufficiently wide at clock frequencies below 1GHz, whereas in the sinusoidal case the operating margin shrinks below 500MHz. These results indicate that AQFP circuits adopting delay-line clocking can operate in a low frequency range by using square excitation currents.

  • Development of Quantum Annealer Using Josephson Parametric Oscillators Open Access

    Tomohiro YAMAJI  Masayuki SHIRANE  Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO  


    E105-C No:6

    A Josephson parametric oscillator (JPO) is an interesting system from the viewpoint of quantum optics because it has two stable self-oscillating states and can deterministically generate quantum cat states. A theoretical proposal has been made to operate a network of multiple JPOs as a quantum annealer, which can solve adiabatically combinatorial optimization problems at high speed. Proof-of-concept experiments have been actively conducted for application to quantum computations. This article provides a review of the mechanism of JPOs and their application as a quantum annealer.

  • k-Uniform States and Quantum Combinatorial Designs

    Shanqi PANG  Xiankui PENG  Xiao ZHANG  Ruining ZHANG  Cuijiao YIN  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E105-A No:6

    Quantum combinatorial designs are gaining popularity in quantum information theory. Quantum Latin squares can be used to construct mutually unbiased maximally entangled bases and unitary error bases. Here we present a general method for constructing quantum Latin arrangements from irredundant orthogonal arrays. As an application of the method, many new quantum Latin arrangements are obtained. We also find a sufficient condition such that the improved quantum orthogonal arrays [10] are equivalent to quantum Latin arrangements. We further prove that an improved quantum orthogonal array can produce a quantum uniform state.

  • Gene Fingerprinting: Cracking Encrypted Tunnel with Zero-Shot Learning

    Ding LI  Chunxiang GU  Yuefei ZHU  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E105-D No:6

    Website Fingerprinting (WF) enables a passive attacker to identify which website a user is visiting over an encrypted tunnel. Current WF attacks have two strong assumptions: (i) specific tunnel, i.e., the attacker can train on traffic samples collected in a simulated tunnel with the same tunnel settings as the user, and (ii) pseudo-open-world, where the attacker has access to training samples of unmonitored sites and treats them as a separate class. These assumptions, while experimentally feasible, render WF attacks less usable in practice. In this paper, we present Gene Fingerprinting (GF), a new WF attack that achieves cross-tunnel transferability by generating fingerprints that reflect the intrinsic profile of a website. The attack leverages Zero-shot Learning — a machine learning technique not requiring training samples to identify a given class — to reduce the effort to collect data from different tunnels and achieve a real open-world. We demonstrate the attack performance using three popular tunneling tools: OpenSSH, Shadowsocks, and OpenVPN. The GF attack attains over 94% accuracy on each tunnel, far better than existing CUMUL, DF, and DDTW attacks. In the more realistic open-world scenario, the attack still obtains 88% TPR and 9% FPR, outperforming the state-of-the-art attacks. These results highlight the danger of our attack in various scenarios where gathering and training on a tunnel-specific dataset would be impractical.

  • In Search of the Performance- and Energy-Efficient CNN Accelerators Open Access

    Stanislav SEDUKHIN  Yoichi TOMIOKA  Kohei YAMAMOTO  


    E105-C No:6

    In this paper, starting from the algorithm, a performance- and energy-efficient 3D structure or shape of the Tensor Processing Engine (TPE) for CNN acceleration is systematically searched and evaluated. An optimal accelerator's shape maximizes the number of concurrent MAC operations per clock cycle while minimizes the number of redundant operations. The proposed 3D vector-parallel TPE architecture with an optimal shape can be very efficiently used for considerable CNN acceleration. Due to implemented support of inter-block image data independency, it is possible to use multiple of such TPEs for the additional CNN acceleration. Moreover, it is shown that the proposed TPE can also be uniformly used for acceleration of the different CNN models such as VGG, ResNet, YOLO, and SSD. We also demonstrate that our theoretical efficiency analysis is matched with the result of a real implementation for an SSD model to which a state-of-the-art channel pruning technique is applied.

  • Digital Color Image Contrast Enhancement Method Based on Luminance Weight Adjustment

    Yuyao LIU  Shi BAO  Go TANAKA  Yujun LIU  Dongsheng XU  


    E105-A No:6

    When collecting images, owing to the influence of shooting equipment, shooting environment, and other factors, often low-illumination images with insufficient exposure are obtained. For low-illumination images, it is necessary to improve the contrast. In this paper, a digital color image contrast enhancement method based on luminance weight adjustment is proposed. This method improves the contrast of the image and maintains the detail and nature of the image. In the proposed method, the illumination of the histogram equalization image and the adaptive gamma correction with weighted distribution image are adjusted by the luminance weight of w1 to obtain a detailed image of the bright areas. Thereafter, the suppressed multi-scale retinex (MSR) is used to process the input image and obtain a detailed image of the dark areas. Finally, the luminance weight w2 is used to adjust the illumination component of the detailed images of the bright and dark areas, respectively, to obtain the output image. The experimental results show that the proposed method can enhance the details of the input image and avoid excessive enhancement of contrast, which maintains the naturalness of the input image well. Furthermore, we used the discrete entropy and lightness order error function to perform a numerical evaluation to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Toward Realization of Scalable Packaging and Wiring for Large-Scale Superconducting Quantum Computers Open Access

    Shuhei TAMATE  Yutaka TABUCHI  Yasunobu NAKAMURA  


    E105-C No:6

    In this paper, we review the basic components of superconducting quantum computers. We mainly focus on the packaging and wiring technologies required to realize large-scalable superconducting quantum computers.

  • Anomaly Detection Using Spatio-Temporal Context Learned by Video Clip Sorting

    Wen SHAO  Rei KAWAKAMI  Takeshi NAEMURA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:5

    Previous studies on anomaly detection in videos have trained detectors in which reconstruction and prediction tasks are performed on normal data so that frames on which their task performance is low will be detected as anomalies during testing. This paper proposes a new approach that involves sorting video clips, by using a generative network structure. Our approach learns spatial contexts from appearances and temporal contexts from the order relationship of the frames. Experiments were conducted on four datasets, and we categorized the anomalous sequences by appearance and motion. Evaluations were conducted not only on each total dataset but also on each of the categories. Our method improved detection performance on both anomalies with different appearance and different motion from normality. Moreover, combining our approach with a prediction method produced improvements in precision at a high recall.

  • A Discussion on Physical Optics Approximation for Edge Diffraction by A Conducting Wedge

    Duc Minh NGUYEN  Hiroshi SHIRAI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E105-C No:5

    In this study, edge diffraction of an electromagnetic plane wave by two-dimensional conducting wedges has been analyzed by the physical optics (PO) method for both E and H polarizations. Non-uniform and uniform asymptotic solutions of diffracted fields have been derived. A unified edge diffraction coefficient has also been derived with four cotangent functions from the conventional angle-dependent coefficients. Numerical calculations have been made to compare the results with those by other methods, such as the exact solution and the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD). A good agreement has been observed to confirm the validity of our method.

  • Deep Coalitional Q-Learning for Dynamic Coalition Formation in Edge Computing

    Shiyao DING  Donghui LIN  


    E105-D No:5

    With the high development of computation requirements in Internet of Things, resource-limited edge servers usually require to cooperate to perform the tasks. Most related studies usually assume a static cooperation approach which might not suit the dynamic environment of edge computing. In this paper, we consider a dynamic cooperation approach by guiding edge servers to form coalitions dynamically. It raises two issues: 1) how to guide them to optimally form coalitions and 2) how to cope with the dynamic feature where server statuses dynamically change as the tasks are performed. The coalitional Markov decision process (CMDP) model proposed in our previous work can handle these issues well. However, its basic solution, coalitional Q-learning, cannot handle the large scale problem when the task number is large in edge computing. Our response is to propose a novel algorithm called deep coalitional Q-learning (DCQL) to solve it. To sum up, we first formulate the dynamic cooperation problem of edge servers as a CMDP: each edge server is regarded as an agent and the dynamic process is modeled as a MDP where the agents observe the current state to formulate several coalitions. Each coalition takes an action to impact the environment which correspondingly transfers to the next state to repeat the above process. Then, we propose DCQL which includes a deep neural network and so can well cope with large scale problem. DCQL can guide the edge servers to form coalitions dynamically with the target of optimizing some goal. Furthermore, we run experiments to verify our proposed algorithm's effectiveness in different settings.

  • Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Cooperative Task Offloading in Distributed Edge Cloud Computing

    Shiyao DING  Donghui LIN  


    E105-D No:5

    Distributed edge cloud computing is an important computation infrastructure for Internet of Things (IoT) and its task offloading problem has attracted much attention recently. Most existing work on task offloading in distributed edge cloud computing usually assumes that each self-interested user owns one edge server and chooses whether to execute its tasks locally or to offload the tasks to cloud servers. The goal of each edge server is to maximize its own interest like low delay cost, which corresponds to a non-cooperative setting. However, with the strong development of smart IoT communities such as smart hospital and smart factory, all edge and cloud servers can belong to one organization like a technology company. This corresponds to a cooperative setting where the goal of the organization is to maximize the team interest in the overall edge cloud computing system. In this paper, we consider a new problem called cooperative task offloading where all edge servers try to cooperate to make the entire edge cloud computing system achieve good performance such as low delay cost and low energy cost. However, this problem is hard to solve due to two issues: 1) each edge server status dynamically changes and task arrival is uncertain; 2) each edge server can observe only its own status, which makes it hard to optimize team interest as global information is unavailable. For solving these issues, we formulate the problem as a decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (Dec-POMDP) which can well handle the dynamic features under partial observations. Then, we apply a multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm called value decomposition network (VDN) and propose a VDN-based task offloading algorithm (VDN-TO) to solve the problem. Specifically, the motivation is that we use a team value function to evaluate the team interest, which is then divided into individual value functions for each edge server. Then, each edge server updates its individual value function in the direction that can maximize the team interest. Finally, we choose a part of a real dataset to evaluate our algorithm and the results show the effectiveness of our algorithm in a comparison with some other existing methods.

  • On the Asymptotic Evaluation of the Physical Optics Approximation for Plane Wave Scattering by Circular Conducting Cylinders

    Ngoc Quang TA  Hiroshi SHIRAI  


    E105-C No:4

    In this paper, the scattering far-field from a circular electric conducting cylinder has been analyzed by physical optics (PO) approximation for both H and E polarizations. The evaluation of radiation integrations due to the PO current is conducted numerically and analytically. While non-uniform and uniform asymptotic solutions have been derived by the saddle point method, a separate approximation has been made for forward scattering direction. Comparisons among our approximation, direct numerical integration and exact solution results yield a good agreement for electrically large cylinders.

  • Scaling Law of Energy Efficiency in Intelligent Reflecting Surface Enabled Internet of Things Networks

    Juan ZHAO  Wei-Ping ZHU  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E105-A No:4

    The energy efficiency of intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) enabled internet of things (IoT) networks is studied in this letter. The energy efficiency is mathematically expressed, respectively, as the number of reflecting elements and the spectral efficiency of the network and is shown to scale in the logarithm of the reflecting elements number in the high regime of transmit power from source node. Furthermore, it is revealed that the energy efficiency scales linearly over the spectral efficiency in the high regime of transmit power, in contrast to conventional studies on energy and spectral efficiency trade-offs in the non-IRS wireless IoT networks. Numerical simulations are carried out to verify the derived results for the IRS enabled IoT networks.
