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[Author] Yuki MORI(85hit)


  • Personal Mesh: A Design of Flexible and Seamless Internet Access for Personal Area Network

    Hoaison NGUYEN  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Tomonori AOYAMA  


    E89-B No:4

    With the proliferation of various types of computing and networking resources in ubiquitous computing environments, an architecture allowing mobile users to flexibly access these resources is desirable. We have focused our attention on the access link resources of devices surrounding users. Our framework named Personal Mesh allows personal devices to seamlessly access the Internet via appropriate access links available in a personal area network. The Personal Mesh deals with two technical issues: access link selection management and a PAN mobility support mechanism. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of Personal Mesh and show the effectiveness of our system by experiment.

  • Ferroelectric Memory Circuit Technology and the Application to Contactless IC Card

    Koji ASARI  Hiroshige HIRANO  Toshiyuki HONDA  Tatsumi SUMI  Masato TAKEO  Nobuyuki MORIWAKI  George NAKANE  Tetsuji NAKAKUMA  Shigeo CHAYA  Toshio MUKUNOKI  Yuji JUDAI  Masamichi AZUMA  Yasuhiro SHIMADA  Tatsuo OTSUKI  


    E81-C No:4

    Ferroelectric non-volatile memory (FeRAM) has been inspiring interests since bismuth layer perovskite material family was found to provide "Fatigue Free" endurance, superior retention and imprint characteristics. In this paper, we will provide new circuits technology for FeRAM developed to implement high speed operation, low voltage operation and low power consumption. Performance of LSI embedded with FeRAM for contactless IC card is also provided to demonstrate the feasibility of the circuit technology.

  • Rendezvous Points Based Layered Multicast

    Tran Ha NGUYEN  Kiyohide NAKAUCHI  Masato KAWADA  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Tomonori AOYAMA  

    PAPER-Internet Technologies

    E84-B No:12

    Layered multicast approach enables IP multicast to adapt to heterogeneous networks. In layered multicast, each layer of a session is sent to separate multicast groups. These layers will be transmitted on the same route, or on different routes. However, traditional congestion control schemes of layered multicast do not consider the case when layers of a session are transmitted on different routes. In this paper, at first we show that in sparse-mode routing protocols like PIM-SM and CBT, layers of a session can be mapped to different Rendezvous Points or cores due to the bootstrap mechanism. It means that layers of a session can be transmitted on different routes. We then show that traditional congestion control schemes of layered multicast do not work properly in sparse-mode routing regions. At last we introduce Rendezvous Point based Layered Multicast (RPLM), a novel congestion control scheme suitable for sparse-mode routing regions, and show that RPLM works efficiently in regions using sparse mode routing protocols. RPLM uses per-RP packet loss rate instead of the overall one to detect congestion on each route, and can react to congestion quickly by dropping the highest layer on the congested route. In addition, RPLM simultaneously drops all the layers those are useless in quality's improvement to prevent bandwidth waste.

  • Neural Network Multiprocessors Applied with Dynamically Reconfigurable Pipeline Architecture

    Takayuki MORISHITA  Iwao TERAMOTO  


    E77-C No:12

    Processing elements (PEs) with a dynamically reconfigurable pipeline architecture allow the high-speed calculation of widely used neural model which is multi-layer perceptrons with the backpropagation (BP) learning rule. Its architecture that was proposed for a single chip is extended to multiprocessors' structure. Each PE holds an element of the synaptic weight matrix and the input vector. Multi-local buses, a swapping mechanism of the weight matrix and the input vector, and transfer commands between processor elements allow the implementation of neural networks larger than the physical PE array. Estimated peak performance by the measurement of single processor element is 21.2 MCPS in the evaluation phase and 8.0 MCUPS during the learning phase at a clock frequency of 50 MHz. In the model, multi-layer perceptrons with 768 neurons and 131072 synapses are trained by a BP learning rule. It corresponds to 1357 MCPS and 512 MCUPS with 64 processor elements and 32 neurons in each PE.

  • The Online Graph Exploration Problem on Restricted Graphs

    Shuichi MIYAZAKI  Naoyuki MORIMOTO  Yasuo OKABE  

    PAPER-Algorithm Theory

    E92-D No:9

    The purpose of the online graph exploration problem is to visit all the nodes of a given graph and come back to the starting node with the minimum total traverse cost. However, unlike the classical Traveling Salesperson Problem, information of the graph is given online. When an online algorithm (called a searcher) visits a node v, then it learns information on nodes and edges adjacent to v. The searcher must decide which node to visit next depending on partial and incomplete information of the graph that it has gained in its searching process. The goodness of the algorithm is evaluated by the competitive analysis. If input graphs to be explored are restricted to trees, the depth-first search always returns an optimal tour. However, if graphs have cycles, the problem is non-trivial. In this paper we consider two simple cases. First, we treat the problem on simple cycles. Recently, Asahiro et al. proved that there is a 1.5-competitive online algorithm, while no online algorithm can be (1.25-ε)-competitive for any positive constant ε. In this paper, we give an optimal online algorithm for this problem; namely, we give a (1.366)-competitive algorithm, and prove that there is no (-ε)-competitive algorithm for any positive constant ε. Furthermore, we consider the problem on unweighted graphs. We also give an optimal result; namely we give a 2-competitive algorithm and prove that there is no (2-ε)-competitive online algorithm for any positive constant ε.

  • Properties of Transparent Conductive Ga-Doped ZnO Films on Glass, PMMA and COP Substrates

    Tetsuya YAMAMOTO  Aki MIYAKE  Takahiro YAMADA  Toshiyuki MORIZANE  Tetsuhiro ARIMITSU  Hisao MAKINO  Naoki YAMAMOTO  


    E91-C No:10

    The dependences of the structural, optical and electrical properties of highly transparent conductive Ga-doped ZnO (GZO) films on thickness have been studied. GZO films were prepared on unheated glass, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and cyclo olefin polymer (COP) substrates by ion plating deposition with direct-current arc discharge. Polycrystalline GZO films with good adherence to a substrate having a (0002) preferred orientation have been obtained. Very little difference was found between the resistivity values of the GZO films on the glass substrate and those of the GZO films on the different polymer substrates, at any given film thickness. On both plastic substrates, the resistivity of the GZO films decreased from 210- 3 to 510-4 Ωcm with increasing film thickness.

  • Token-Scheduled High Throughput Data Collection with Topology Adaptability in Wireless Sensor Network

    Jinzhi LIU  Makoto SUZUKI  Doohwan LEE  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  


    E97-B No:8

    This paper presents a data gathering protocol for wireless sensor network applications that require high throughput and topology adaptability under the premises of uniform traffic and energy-rich environments. Insofar as high throughput is concerned, TDMA is more suitable than CSMA. However, traditional TDMA protocols require complex scheduling of transmission time slots. The scheduling burden is the primary barrier to topology adaptability. Under the premises of uniform traffic and energy-rich environments, this paper proposes a token-scheduled multi-channel TDMA protocol named TKN-TWN to ease the scheduling burden while exploiting the advantages of TDMA. TKN-TWN uses multiple tokens to arbitrate data transmission. Due to the simplified scheduling based on tokens, TKN-TWN is able to provide adaptability for topology changes. The contention-free TDMA and multi-channel communication afford TKN-TWN the leverage to sustain high throughput based on pipelined packet forwarding. TKN-TWN further associates the ownership of tokens with transmission slot assignment toward throughput optimization. We implement TKN-TWN on Tmote Sky with TinyOS 2.1.1 operating system. Experimental results in a deployed network consisting of 32 sensor nodes show that TKN-TWN is robust to network changes caused by occasional node failures. Evaluation also shows that TKN-TWN is able to provide throughput of 9.7KByte/s.

  • A Minimum Bandwidth Guaranteed Service Model and Its Implementation on Wireless Packet Scheduler

    Mooryong JEONG  Takeshi YOSHIMURA  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Tomonori AOYAMA  


    E85-A No:7

    In this paper, we introduce a concept of minimum bandwidth guaranteed service model for mobile multimedia. In this service model, service is defined in the context of the guaranteed minimum bandwidth and the residual service share. Each flow under this service model is guaranteed with its minimum bandwidth and provided with more in proportion to the residual service share if there is leftover bandwidth. The guaranteed minimum bandwidth assures a flow to keep minimum tolerable quality regardless of the network load, while the leftover bandwidth enhances the quality of service according to the application's adaptivity and the user's interest. We show that the minimum bandwidth guaranteed service model could be implemented by a two-folded wireless packet scheduler consisting of a guaranteed scheduler and a sharing scheduler. Wireless channel condition of each flow is considered in scheduling so that wireless resource can be distributed only to the flows of good channel state, improving total wireless link utilization. We evaluate the service model and the scheduling method by simulation and implementation.

  • The Overview of the New Generation Mobile Communication System and the Role of Software Defined Radio Technology

    Hiroshi HARADA  Masahiro KURODA  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Hiromitsu WAKANA  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E86-B No:12

    The Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) started a new project named the New Generation Mobile Network Project in April 2002. The target of this project is the development of new technologies to enable seamless and secure integration of various wireless access networks such as 3rd and 4th generation cellular, wireless LAN, high-speed mobile wireless, wired communications, and broadcasting networks. This paper presents an overview of CRL's new generation mobile communication system that is called The Multimedia Integrated Network by Radio Access Innovation Plus (MIRAI+), as well as details the role of Software Radio Technology (SDR) in MIRAI+.

  • Energy-Based Tree Illustration System: ETIS

    Katsuto NAKAJIMA  Azusa MAMA  Yuki MORIMOTO  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E99-D No:9

    We propose a system named ETIS (Energy-based Tree Illustration System) for automatically generating tree illustrations characteristic of two-dimensional ones with features such as exaggerated branch curves, leaves, and flowers. The growth behavior of the trees can be controlled by adjusting the energy. The canopy shape and the region to fill with leaves and flowers are also controlled by hand-drawn guide lines.

  • Experimental Characterization of Resonant Tunneling Chaos Generator Circuits in Microwave Frequency Range

    Umer FAROOQ  Masayuki MORI  Koichi MAEZAWA  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E106-C No:5

    We achieved detailed characterization of resonant tunneling chaos generator circuits in microwave frequency range. The circuit is analogous to Duffing oscillator, where the third-order nonlinear potential term is emulated by the nonlinear current-voltage curve of the resonant tunneling diode. The circuit includes a periodic reset mechanism to output identical chaos signal, which is essential to observe chaos signal on a sampling oscilloscope. Though this was shown to be effective in our previous papers, the length of the waveforms to observe is limited to rather short period, and it was unclear if this technique can be used for detailed characterization of such high-frequency chaos. In this paper, we improved the circuit design to observe longer waveforms, and demonstrated that the detailed characterization is possible using this periodic resetting technique with a sampling oscilloscope. The hybrid integration scheme is also used in this paper, which allows the easiest and shortest way to mimic a circuit as per circuit design, and precise estimation of circuit parameters aiming to eliminate circuit-related abnormalities. We provide deep insight into the dynamics associated with our circuit, starting from the single period, double period, chaos, and triple period regimes, by extracting power spectra, return maps, phase portraits, and bifurcation diagrams from acquired time series using sampling oscilloscope. Our method to study microwave chaotic signals can be applied to much higher frequency ranges, such as THz frequency range.

  • A Novel Displacement Sensor Based on a Frequency Delta-Sigma Modulator and its Application to a Stylus Surface Profiler

    Koichi MAEZAWA  Umer FAROOQ  Masayuki MORI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E106-C No:9

    A novel displacement sensor was proposed based on a frequency delta-sigma modulator (FDSM) employing a microwave oscillator. To demonstrate basic operation, we fabricated a stylus surface profiler using a cylindrical cavity resonator, where one end of the cavity is replaced by a thin metal diaphragm with a stylus probe tip. Good surface profile was successfully obtained with this device. A 10 nm depth trench was clearly observed together with a 10 µm trench in a single scan without gain control. This result clearly demonstrates an extremely wide dynamic range of the FDSM displacement sensors.

  • Distributed Power Control for Various QoS in a CDMA Wireless System

    Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Toru KAJIYA  Tomonori AOYAMA  Andrew T. CAMPBELL  


    E80-A No:12

    This paper presents a distributed power control scheme for next-generation multiservices CDMA systems. CDMA has inherent capability to control the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements by assigning different power levels to each traffic type. Toward this, optimum power control schemes have been investigated. The main drawback of the previously proposed algorithms is that they would require all users' transmission state necessiating a complicated control process or peak-rate badnwidth allocation. To overcome this, we exploit the Markovian property to obtain the statistics of the traffic. The statistical formulation is presented for allocating power distributedly so as to keep the "collision" probability below a predefined probability. Numerical examples show that the distributed power control scheme allows better utilization of wireless resources through statistical multiplexing than peak-rate bandwidth assignment, and it does not require a complicated control process while keeping total transmitted power at slightly greater than optimum power control.

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  


    E94-D No:6
  • A 12.5-ns 16-Mb CMOS SRAM with Common-Centroid-Geometry-Layout Sense Amplifiers

    Koichiro ISHIBASHI  Kunihiro KOMIYAJI  Sadayuki MORITA  Toshiro AOTO  Shuji IKEDA  Kyoichiro ASAYAMA  Atsuyosi KOIKE  Toshiaki YAMANAKA  Naotaka HASHIMOTO  Haruhito IIDA  Fumio KOJIMA  Koichi MOTOHASHI  Katsuro SASAKI  


    E77-C No:5

    A 16-Mb CMOS SRAM using 0.4-µm CMOS technology has been developed. This SRAM features common-centroid-geometry (CCG) layout sense amplifiers which shorten the access time by 2.4 ns. A flexible redundancy technique achieves high efficiency without any access penalty. A memory cell with stacked capacitors is fabricated for high soft-error immunity. A 16-Mb SRAM with a chip size of 215 mm2 is fabricated and an address access time of 12.5 ns has been achieved.


    Terutaka TAMAI  Toshiyuki MORI  


    E82-C No:1
  • 3D Facial Modelling for Model-Based Coding

    Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Eiji KONDO  Hiroshi HARASHIMA  


    E76-B No:6

    We describe an approach for modelling a person's face for model-based coding. The goal is to estimate the 3D shape by combining the contour analysis and shading analysis of the human face image in order to increase the quality of the estimated 3D shape. The motivation for combining contour and shading cues comes from the observation that the shading cue leads to severe errors near the occluding boundary, while the occluding contour cue provides incomplete surface information in regions away from contours. Towards this, we use the deformable model as the common level of integration such that a higher-quality measurement will dominate the depth estimate. The feasibility of our approach is demonstrated using a real facial image.

  • A Fair Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Packet Networks

    Mooryong JEONG  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Tomonori AOYAMA  


    E84-A No:7

    Fairness as defined in wireline network cannot be achieved in wireless packet networks due to the bursty and location-dependent channel errors of wireless link. Channel-state dependent scheduling and compensation mechanism for errored flows are generally employed to improve the fairness in wireless packet scheduling algorithms. Most of the wireless scheduling algorithms, however, have two common significant problems. One problem is that they operate incorrectly unless all flows have the same packet size. This is due to the incorrect lead-and-lag model and the swapping-based rough compensation mechanism of the algorithms. The other problem is the degradation of error-free flow during compensation. The root of the degradation is that the bandwidth for compensation cannot be reserved since it is very difficult to predict. In this paper, we introduce WGPS (Wireless General Processor Sharing) to define fairness in wireless networks and present PWGPS as a packetized algorithm of WGPS. In our method, lead and lag of all flows are defined in terms of virtual time which is flexible enough to deal with packet size differences. Further, compensation is done by increasing the service share of the errored flow to a predetermined amount Δ. This enables the maximum bandwidth for compensation can be estimated and thus reserved. Our method can be proved to achieve improved fairness as compared with the previous scheduling algorithms.

  • A Burst-Switched Photonic Network Testbed: Its Architecture, Protocols and Experiments

    Yongmei SUN  Tomohiro HASHIGUCHI  Vu Quang MINH  Xi WANG  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Tomonori AOYAMA  


    E88-B No:10

    In the future network, optical technology will play a stronger role not only for transmission but also for switching. Optical burst switching (OBS) emerged as a promising switching paradigm. It brings together the complementary strengths of optics and electronics. This paper presents the design and implementation of an overlay mode burst-switched photonic network testbed, including its architecture, protocols, algorithms and experiments. We propose a flexible "transceiver + forwarding" OBS node architecture to perform both electronic burst assembly/disassembly and optical burst forwarding. It has been designed to provide class of service (CoS), wavelength selection for local bursts, and transparency to cut-through bursts. The functional modules of OBS control plane and its key design issues are presented, including signaling, routing, and a novel scheduling mechanism with combined contention resolution in space and wavelength domains. Finally, we report the experimental results on functional verification, performance analysis and service demonstration.

  • Current-Voltage Hysteresis Characteristics in MOS Capacitors with Si-Implanted Oxide

    Toshihiro MATSUDA  Shinsuke ISHIMARU  Shingo NOHARA  Hideyuki IWATA  Kiyotaka KOMOKU  Takayuki MORISHITA  Takashi OHZONE  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E92-C No:12

    MOS capacitors with Si-implanted thermal oxide and CVD deposited oxide of 30 nm thickness were fabricated for applications of non-volatile memory and electroluminescence devices. Current-voltage (I-V) and I-V hysteresis characteristics were measured, and the hysteresis window (HW) and the integrated charge of HW (ICHW) extracted from the hysteresis data were discussed. The HW characteristics of high Si dose samples showed the asymmetrical double-peaks curves with the hump in both tails. The ICHW almost converged after the 4th cycle and had the voltage sweep speed dependence. All +ICHW and -ICHW characteristics were closely related to the static (+I)-(+VG) and (-I)-(-VG) curves, respectively. For the high Si dose samples, the clear hump currents in the static I-VG characteristics contribute to lower the rising voltage and to steepen the ICHW increase, which correspond to the large stored charge in the oxide.
