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  • LSI Packaging Technology for Mainframe Computers

    Kenji TAKEDA  Masahide HARADA  Tsuyoshi FUJITA  Takashi INOUE  

    PAPER-Packaging Technology for Main Frame

    E74-C No:8

    This paper describes the innovation in single chip package design for mainframe computers coupled with major advances in "Controlled Collapse Chip Connection (C4)" technology, multilayer ceramic technology, and thin-film technology. C4 technology allows the LSI chips to be connected with high integration and high-performance. Applying C4 technology to chip-to-package and package-to-module interconnections provides a higher level of connection pads out from a small package. A new material 96.5 Sn/3.5 Ag for solder joints has been developed to facilitate reliable interconnection where thermal fatigue might have been a problem. The microstructure of a fractured surface and the estimation based on "Finite Element Method (FEM)" are correlated. New material and a process of mullite-glass has been developed to attain a thermal expansion coefficient close to that of silicon. The metallized ceramic technology for the mullite-glass can be applied to the substrate of LSI packages as well as multilayer ceramic multi-chip modules. Thin-film technology has been studied to form high-density wiring on package substrates. Using photolithography technique, it is possible to pattern pads accurately enough for connection to an LSI chip. The polyimide-Al combination can be patterned by subtractive technique using liquid etchants and sputtering. The via formation process is simplified using a photosensitive polyimide so that the fabrication process for multilayer wiring becomes suitable for mass production. Hitachi recently announced the HITAC M-880 Processor Unit which makes extensive use of these technologies. The general features of the LSI package "Micro Carrier for LSI Chip (MCC)" is also outlined.

  • A Subminiature CCD Module Using a New Assembly Technique

    You KONDOH  Masayuki SAITO  


    E74-C No:8

    Electronic video cameras have recently become both small and light. A CCD module is one of the principal devices in electronic video cameras, so it has been requested to become smaller and lighter. The authors have developed a subminiature CCD module. In this subminiature CCD module, a bare CCD chip is mounted directly on an optical glass substrate, and the outer circuit is connected to the surface of the glass substrate. This work needs two important assembly techniques. One is the COG wireless bonding technique, and the other is the glass outerconnecting technique. In the COG bonding technique, gold bumps are formed on aluminum pads of a CCD chip using the ball bonding method. A thick gold film wiring pattern and indium-alloy bumps are formed on the glass substrate. The CCD chip is pressed onto the glass substrate, and is heated. The CCD chip is connected electrically to the glass substrate. The glass outerconnecting technique is that of connecting an FPC (flexible printed circuit) to the glass substrate. The authors decided to use ACF (anisotropic conductive film) connection. An ACF is an adhesive film which has anisotropic conductivity. When it is placed between the glass substrates and FPC, pressed, and heated, the wiring pattern on the glass substrate is connected selectively to the corresponding electrode on the FPC. Four kinds of ACFs were examined and one of them was selected. The optimum conditions for COG wireless bonding and ACF connection using the above selected ACFs were respectively obtained. Four kinds of reliability tests, i.e., a high temperature test, low temperature test, high temperature and high humidity test, and thermal shock test, were carried out for COG bonding and ACF connection. Both COG bonding and ACF connection passed all the four reliability tests. The authors manufactured a subminiature CCD module using these new assembly technique on trial. The manufactured subminiature CCD module was small, one-fifth in volume, and light, one-tenth in weight, compared with the conventional types.

  • Thin Package of LSI by Transferred Bump TAB Technology

    Tetsuo KAWAKITA  Kenzo HATADA  


    E74-C No:8

    In the transferred bump TAB (Tape Automated Bonding) technology, the bumps are transferred on the film leads, and these bumps and the aluminum electrode of an LSI chip are gang-bonded together. This technology make possible a compact semiconductor package of low cost and high reliability. In this technology, the bump formation technology and the substrate technology for the bump formation and the bonding technology contribute to its important element technology. In this treatise, the substrate technology for the bump formation and the bump formation technology corresponding to multielectrodes transferred bump TAB package will be addressed. In addition, an application for TAB package of 100 µm pitch, 444-pin will be presented.

  • Packaging Technology for HEMT LSI Devices Operated in Liquid Nitrogen

    Shigenori AOKI  Yoshihiko IMANAKA  Kishio YOKOUCHI  Nobuo KAMEHARA  

    PAPER-Multi Chip Module

    E74-C No:8

    We developed a random number generator consisting of twenty of HEMT chips which are flip-chip-bonded to a multilayer ceramic substrate with copper conductors. The thermal expansion is closely adjusted to that of GaAs from room to liquid nitrogen temperatures. The chip size are 5.0 to 8.2 mm square. Indium solder bumps were applied for bonding. The substrate size is 120 mm square and 4 mm thick. It has 16 thick-film layers at inner substrate and 2 thin-film layers on both polished outer-surfaces. The electric properties of the module were evaluated during operation in liquid nitrogen. The module stably generated random numbers at clock cycles as short as 1.49 ns in liquid nitrogen. Tests confirmed the higher switching speed of the HEMT at 77 K and also the high performance of the packaging where the substrate was composed of both a glass and an alumina-treated-zirconia powder (GAZ). The thermal expansion is closely adjusted to GaAs by the fine controlling of the glass to alumina-treated-zirconia powder ratio. Thermal shock tests from 300 K to 77 K were performed for the specimen of GAZ, alumina and fused silica. On the each of them, GaAs chips (5050.6 mm) were flip-chip-bonded with indium solder. The failure rate of the bondings increased related to the thermal-expansion difference between GaAs and the substrates (ΔTE) from 300 K to 77 K. Experimental results also indicated that the powder-ratio controlled GAZ is the more suitable for HEMT packaging as for the reliability of its bondings.

  • Trends in Modulation/Demodulation and Coding Techniques for Mobile Satellite Communications Systems

    Norihiko MORINAGA  Shozo KOMAKI  Shinsuke HARA  


    E74-B No:8

    With the rapid advance in satellite communications technologies, development of mobile satellite communications systems has been carried out in various countries. In a technical aspect to construct high-capacity and high-reliable mobile satellite communication networks, there are two main barriers to get over, i.e., bandwidth limitation and power limitation. In addition, another barrier associated with mobile motion is fading and shadowing. Digital modulation/demodulation and coding techniques, which are key technologies to get over these barriers, have been developed in fusion of advanced satellite communication techniques and specific techniques having grown in terrestrial mobile communication systems. This paper summarizes the mobile satellite channel characteristics and describes a trend of modulation/demodulation and coding techniques for mobile satellite communications systems.

  • A Two-Dimenisional Segmentation-Free Learning Recognition System by a Cellular Automaton Array Using Eigenvectors of the Second Moment Matrix

    Seigo MATSUI  Takaaki OKUMOTO  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E74-D No:8

    In this paper, a segmentation-free learning recognition system for two-dimensional and time-serial binary signals is proposed. This system is constructed by using an array of cells, known as the max-product automata, and can recognize time-serial signals segmentation-freely. Learning is carried out by the learning with the second moment matrix of input vectors. Decisions of this system are made by the majority of categories. Experiments by the computer simulation have given good results.

  • Frequency Bin Adaptive Filtering (FBAF) Algorithm and Its Application to Acoustic Echo Cancelling

    Mohammad Reza ASHARIF  Fumio AMANO  

    PAPER-Communication Terminal and Equipment

    E74-B No:8

    A new algorithm for acoustic echo cancellation called frequency bin adaptive filtering (FBAF) is derived. The FBAF algorithm is based on decomposition of the BLMS algorithm. The FBAF achieves the same cancellation performance as the conventional frequency domain adaptive filtering (FDAF). Both computational complexity and annoying transmission delay are reduced in the FBAF structure as compared with the time domain adaptive filtering and the FDAF, respectively. For input correlated signal, an efficient method for normalizing the step size in the FBAF algorithm is introduced to speed up the convergence rate. The unconstrained FBAF is presented with even fewer FFT operations and consequently less computational load with the price of lowering speed of convergence. A hybrid structure for trading off between system complexity and convergence speed is also presented.

  • High Density Packaging Technology Trend in Japan

    Fumio MIYASHIRO  


    E74-C No:8

    A trial definition and position of electronic packaging technology which consists of packaging process technology and packaging assembly technology is shown. Then, evaluation of packaging technology from the system engineer's point of view is discussed. In Japan, the most recent main packaging technology is SMT. But it may be only a passing point to COX. Finally a new concept on ultimate high density packaging is introduced.

  • Security Level Assignment by Graph Analysis

    Tadashi ARAKI  Tetsuya MORIZUMI  Hiroshi NAGASE  Toyofumi TAKENAKA  Koichi YAMASHITA  


    E74-A No:8

    We discuss how to design mechanically an information processing system presented with two independent requirements, one of which shows information flow to perform some process and one which prohibits illegal information flow. To do this, we introduce one well-known security model the "Bell and LaPadula model" and formulate this design problem. This problem then becomes a security level assignment problem. We show that the design possibilities and level assignment can be mechanically solved by expressing the inequalities in graph theoretical form and by using an analytical method of graph theory.

  • High Performance Packaging Technology for Supercomputers

    Toshihiko WATARI  Akihiro DOHYA  

    PAPER-Packaging Technology for Main Frame

    E74-C No:8

    Sophisticated packging technology and up-to-date semiconductor technology are the key to increase system performance. The use of high density packaging technology such as polyimide-ceramic super substrate, ultra small outline chip carrier FTC (Flipped TAB Carrier) and higher thermal conductive LCM (Liquid Cooling Module) has mainly contributed to the system performance. These packaging technologies are based upon the basic concept of PoweryTime Product Theory and Media Delay Factor. This paper introduces above basical theory and shows the packaging technologies which have been used for the NEC's super computers.

  • Differentially Coherent TC-PSK with Subset Dilation

    Stephen J. SPENLER  Abbas YONGAOLU  David D. FALCONER  


    E74-B No:8

    We explore the implications of deviating from the PSK transmit constellations on using differential detection. By introducing subset dilation, the free distance of the shortest error paths is increased. Analysis based on asymptotic coding gains and simulation results indicate that by exploiting the trellis structure, moderate bit error rate improvements are possible without increasing the receiver complexity.


    Kuniaki TANAKA  


    E74-C No:8
  • Language Membership versus Possession of Knowledge in Constant Round ZKIP

    Kouichi SAKURAI  Toshiya ITOH  


    E74-A No:8

    In this paper, we investigate constant round zero knowledge interactive proofs (ZKIP) of knowledge comparing them with the ones for membership of languages. Our result is that there exist non-trivial problems that have five move perfect ZKIP's of knowledge without any unproven assumption. To do this, we construct a knowledge extractor for a five move zero knowledge protocol, which was proposed as the membership of the language of graph isomorphism by Bellare, Micali, and Ostrovsky.

  • 1.8-Gb/s High-Speed Multichip Switching Module Using Copper-Polyimide Multilayer Substrate

    Naoaki YAMANAKA  Takaaki OHSAKI  Shiro KIKUCHI  Taichi KON  Shinichi SASAKI  

    PAPER-Multi Chip Module

    E74-C No:8

    This paper describes a high-speed multichip (3232 space-division) switching module for high-definition TV broadcasting and switching systems. This newly developed module employs new Si-bipolar SST switching LSIs and a multi-layer substrate with a polyimide dielectric and a fine pattern of copper conductors. This substrate contains matrix-shaped thin film registers for terminated transmission and a spiral via hole structure to increase fabrication reliability. The module has 50 ohm characteristic impedance transmission lines with a deviation of less than 2.5%. The multichip module can handle a signal speed of 1.8 Gb/s using 1 : 1 and 1 : n connections. This technology allows a dramatic reduction in module size to 1/20 of that possible with conventional surface-mounted techniques.


    Katsuhiko SHIRAI  Sadaoki FURUI  


    E74-A No:7
  • Characteristics of All-Nb Thin Film Microbridges Fabricated by Nanometer Process

    Yoshinori UZAWA  Nobumitsu HIROSE  Yuichi HARADA  Motoaki SANO  Matsuo SEKINE  Kazuo YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyuki OZAKI  Akira HIRAO  Shigeru YOSHIMORI  Mitsuo KAWAMURA  


    E74-C No:7

    We have fabricated all-Nb thin film microbridges by nanometer process using new resist developed by us, electron beam lithography (EBL) and reactive ion etching (RIE) using CBrF3 gas. The resistance against CBrF3 plasma of this EB resist is 4-10 times as strong as poly-(methyl methacrylate) PMMA. The merit of RIE using CBrF3 gas is an anisotropic etching and high selectivity about resist and target. Trench of about 20 nm width was fabricated. Using this technique, the bridge with 40 nm length and 50 nm width was fabricated, and the thickness of bridge was 100 nm. The capacitance of the junction was estimated as 0.004 pF. Because of this small capacitance, fabricated samples are suitable for detection of submillimeter wave. The critical current Ic (T) of fabricated samples was proportional to (1T/Tc)3/2 like variable thickness bridge (VTB). Moreover, Shapiro step up to the 11th under the millimeter wave radiation (70 GHz) was observed.

  • Connected Spoken Word Recognition Using the Markov Model for the Feature Vector

    Tomio TAKARA  Tomoki YAKABU  

    PAPER-Continuous Speech Recognition

    E74-A No:7

    This paper reports on a new application of the Markov model to an automatic speech recognition system, in which the feature vectors of speech are regarded to represent the states and the output symbols of the Markov model. The transition-probability of the states and the symbol-output probability are assumed to be represented by multidimensional normal density functions of the feature vector. The DP-matching algorithm is used for calculating optimum time sequence of observed feature vectors. In order to confirm the efficiency of this system, we compared experimentally performance of this system to that of other approaches, such as those using Maharanobis' distance or Euclidean distance. Based on experimentation, in a speaker independent mode, using a vocabulary of Japanese single-digit and four-digit numerals, the current system is shown to be more effective than others.

  • Formation of Au Electrodes on 80K-Phase Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Single Crystal Surfaces and Their Characteristics by XPS

    Satoru KISHIDA  Heizo TOKUTAKA  Makoto CHIHAYA  Wataru FUTO  Fumihiko TODA  Katsumi NISHIMORI  Naganori ISHIHARA  


    E74-C No:7

    Au/Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (BSCCO) were prepared by evaporating Au on the air-cleaved surfaces of 80 K-phase BSCCO single crystals and heating in Ar gas. The electrical contact resistance of the Au/BSCCO specimen decreased by heating at 400 in Ar gas. From the depth profiles of the specimens by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, we found that there was a reaction region (Ar+-sputter etching time is 0 to 2 min (20 )) on the surface of the Au/BSCCO specimen heated at 400, where Au diffused into the bulk of the BSCCO single crystals. The reaction region is thought to cause the decrease of the electrical contact resistance of the specimen.

  • Comparison of Syntax-0riented Spoken Japanese Understanding System with Semantic-Oriented System

    Seiichi NAKAGAWA  Yoshimitsu HIRATA  Isao MURASE  Tomohiro TANOUE  

    PAPER-Speech Understanding

    E74-A No:7

    This paper describes syntax/semantics oriented spoken Japanese understanding systems named "SPOJUSSYNO/SEMO" and compares them. At first these systems make Hidden-Markov-Models (HMM) based on word units automatically by concatenating syllables. Then a word lattice is hypothsized by using a word spotting algorithm and word-based HMMs for an input utterance. In SPOJUS-SYNO, the time-synchronous left-to-right parsing algorithm is executed to find the best word sequence from the word lattice according to syntactic & semantic knowledge represented by a context free semantic grammar. In SPOJUS-SEMO, the knowledges of syntax and semantics are represented by a dependency and case grammar. These systems were implemented in the "UNIX-QA" task with the vocabulary size of 521 words. Experimental result shows that the sentence recognition/understanding rate was about 80/87% for six male speakers for the SPOJUS-SYNO, but was very low performance for the SPOJUS-SEMO.

  • High-Pressure Reactive Sputtering of Epitaxial YBaCuO Film and Its Deposition Model

    Ken SAKUTA  Yoshiyuki SAKAGUCHI  Takahiro AWAJI  Takeshi KOBAYASHI  


    E74-C No:7

    The highly reliable epitaxial YBaCuO films have been obtained by the high-pressure reactive sputtering. The highest zero resistance temperature Tc0 of the in-situ grown film was 89.3 K. The c-axis lattice constant, Tc0 values, deposition rate and reproducibility were systematically investigated with respect to the discharge gas pressure. A simple model of the high-pressure sputter deposition was given, which reasonably explained the dependence of the deposition rate on the gas pressure and target-substrate spacing.
