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  • 160 Gbit/s OTDM Long-Haul Transmission with Long-Term Stability Using RZ-DPSK Modulation Format

    Sebastian FERBER  Carsten SCHMIDT-LANGHORST  Reinhold LUDWIG  Christof BOERNER  Colja SCHUBERT  Vincent MAREMBERT  Marcel KROH  Hans-Georg WEBER  


    E88-B No:5

    We describe a transmission system having a data rate of 160 Gbit/s based on the RZ-DPSK modulation format. The 160 Gbit/s single-polarization signal is generated by optical time division multiplexing technology using the base rate of 40 Gbit/s. The setup is explained and results are given with a special focus on the stability issue of the transmission system. The pulse source, the optical gate for demultiplexing, the clock recovery and the balanced photo-detector are based on semiconductor components. We present long-term bit error measurements (10 hours) over two different long-haul fiber links. The first link comprises 3106 km standard single mode fiber and uses a PMD mitigation scheme. The other link consists of 4 dispersion managed 80 km fiber spans without the need for an additional PMD compensation. Using EDFA amplification solely and also no FEC, error-free operation was achieved over several hours, only limited by slow drift effects in the laboratory system.

  • Small Antennas: Downsizing Techniques and Its Index Factor

    Hiroyuki ARAI  


    E88-B No:5

    In this paper, we present the classification of small antennas based on statistical data. The three categories of downsizing methods are loading a matching circuit, changing the current path, and using dielectric/magnetic materials. These categories are explained using several examples. In this paper, we show that the miminum Q value as a fundamental limit defined by an infinitesimal dipole is effective for determining the index factor of small antennas. Radiation efficiency measurements for small antennas are also discussed.

  • Prioritized Deflection Routing in Optical Burst Switching Networks

    Craig CAMERON  Andrew ZALESKY  Moshe ZUKERMAN  

    PAPER-Optical Network Architecture

    E88-B No:5

    Optical Burst Switching (OBS) aims to provide higher utilization and greater flexibility at a lower cost and reduced complexity than current optical circuit switched networks. We introduce a new routing protocol for Optical Burst Switching, Shortest Path Prioritized Random Deflection Routing (SP-PRDR), that aims to lower burst loss probabilities while only using limited state information from traditional Internet Protocol technologies. We show, through analysis and simulation, that loss in OBS networks is significantly reduced by SP-PRDR for loads that previously gave moderate or low losses in the unmodified case. In the simulation examples studied, by using SP-PRDR we are able to increase the input load by approximately 15-20% while maintaining a constant burst loss probability of 10-3. Additionally, unlike other schemes, we show that the worst case burst loss probability of SP-PRDR is provably upper-bounded by the burst loss probability of standard OBS.

  • A Novel Heuristic Algorithm for Highly Utilizable Shared Protection in Optical WDM Mesh Networks

    Hongkyu JEONG  Minho KANG  

    PAPER-Optical Network Architecture

    E88-B No:5

    Network survivability is one of the most pivotal issues in optical WDM networks. In particular, if a conduit is cut, approximately 16 terabits per millisecond can be lost in recent technology. A huge loss even by a single conduit failure fatally damages the performance and operation of the whole network. In this paper, we propose a new heuristic algorithm, called the Generalized Minimum-Cost (GMC) selection algorithm, to choose a pair of working and backup path which firstly minimizes total number of required wavelengths of working and backup path and secondly distributes lightpath request traffic into whole network links, if there are several pairs to require the same number of minimum wavelengths, in order to achieve load-balancing effect. GMC selection algorithm contains several formulas to get Working and Backup path Reservation Cost (WBRC) which can be obtained through heuristic GMC function. By using WBRC, our GMC selection algorithm achieves superior performance compared to the current Combined Min-Cost (CMC) selection algorithm and random selection algorithm in terms of the amount of wavelength consumption and blocked lightpath requests, especially on the relatively less-connected New Jersey LATA and 28-node US networks. Furthermore, we suggest a maximum number of non-blocked lightpath requests against single link failure in simulated networks for network operators to consider acceptable maximum traffic on their networks, so that they can provide 100% restoration capability in a single link failure without lightpath request blocking. We also analyze the complexity of the GMC selection algorithm and verify that the complexity of the GMC selection algorithm is lower than that of the CMC selection algorithm if the number of lightpath requests is sufficiently large.

  • Antenna Design by Using Method of Moments

    Kunio SAWAYA  


    E88-B No:5

    The theory of the method of moments (MoM), which has been widely used as a numerical technique for analyzing the characteristics of antennas and scatterers, is described. First, the steps of MoM to solve integral equations for conducting wires and planes are presented. It is pointed out that MoM combined with Galerkin's method yields highly accurate results. The importance of ensuring the continuity condition of current on conducting bodies is emphasized and numerical examples for a conducting structure involving junctions of wire segments and planar segments are presented. Finally, MoM for dielectric scatterers including recent developments is described.

  • Ultra Low Loss and Long Length Photonic Crystal Fiber

    Katsusuke TAJIMA  Jian ZHOU  


    E88-C No:5

    Photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is a promising candidate for future transmission media due to its unobtainable features in a conventional single-mode fiber. We discuss some important problems to realize a PCF for transmission purpose. We also present recent progress on the PCF as a transmission media.

  • A Compact Model of the Pinch-off Region of 100 nm MOSFETs Based on the Surface-Potential


    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E88-C No:5

    We have developed a model for circuit-simulation which describes the MOSFET region from pinch-off to drain contact based on the surface potential. The model relates the surface-potential increase beyond the pinch-off point to the channel/drain junction profile by applying the Gauss law with the assumption that the lateral field is greater than the vertical one. Explicit equations for the lateral field and the pinch-off length are obtained, which take the potential increase in the drain overlap region into account. The model, as implemented into a circuit simulator, correctly reproduces measured channel conductance and overlap capacitance for 100 nm pocket-implant technologies as a function of bias condition and gate length.

  • A Remote Diagnosis System for Rotating Machinery Using Virtual Reality

    Moez BELLAMINE  Norihiro ABE  Kazuaki TANAKA  Hirokazu TAKI  


    E88-D No:5

    It is important to look for alternative forms of physical movement of people and equipments in order to assure diagnosis and maintenance tasks, especially in an environment where workers are subject to danger. An evident and classical solution is the use of the tele-operation and tele-robotics. If the tele-operation helps to solve a lot of real and technical problems, it still remains insufficient to assure an appropriate remote diagnosis and maintenance. The use of virtual reality techniques with the tele-operation can be the solution for an effective remote maintenance and diagnosis. In this paper we show the inefficiency occurred with the use of only tele-operation in the remote maintenance, we introduce our original new system where we use virtual reality techniques and 2D-3D matching (2D camera image-3D virtual objects) with tele-operation to remotely collect machinery vibration data. We explain its structure, implementation and its advantages. We finished by experimenting the system, measuring the different operating times and precision and discuss the results.

  • Unified Approach to Image Distortion: D-U and U-D Models

    Toru TAMAKI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E88-D No:5

    We propose a unified view to deal with two formulations of image distortion and a method for estimating the distortion parameters for both of the formulations; So far the formulations have been developed separately. The proposed method is based on image registration and consists of nonlinear optimization to estimate parameters including view change and radial distortion. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach can deal with the two formulations simultaneously.

  • Generating All Series-Parallel Graphs

    Shin-ichiro KAWANO  Shin-ichi NAKANO  


    E88-A No:5

    In this paper we give an algorithm to generates all series-parallel graphs with at most m edges. This algorithm generate each series-parallel graph in constant time on average.

  • A MAC Forgery Attack on SOBER-128

    Dai WATANABE  Soichi FURUYA  Toshinobu KANEKO  


    E88-A No:5

    SOBER-128 is a stream cipher designed by Rose and Hawkes in 2003. It can be also used for generating Message Authentication Codes (MACs) and an authenticated encryption. The developers claimed that it is difficult to forge MACs generated by both functions of SOBER-128, though, the security assumption in the proposal paper is not realistic in some instances. In this paper, we examine the security of these message authentication mechanisms of SOBER-128 under security channel model. As a result, we show that both a MAC generation and an authenticated encryption are vulnerable against differential cryptanalysis. The success probabilities of the MAC forgery attack are estimated at 2-6 and 2-27 respectively. In addition, we show that some secret bits are revealed if a key is used many times.

  • Compact and Low-Power-Consumption 40-Gbit/s, 1.55-µm Electro-Absorption Modulators

    Hideo ARIMOTO  Jun-ichiro SHIMIZU  Takeshi KITATANI  Kazunori SHINODA  Tomonobu TSUCHIYA  Masataka SHIRAI  Masahiro AOKI  Noriko SASADA  Hiroshi YAMAMOTO  Kazuhiko NAOE  Mitsuo AKASHI  

    PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E88-C No:5

    This paper describes 40-Gbit/s operation of 1.55-µm electro-absorption (EA) modulators applicable to compact and low-cost transmitters for very-short-reach (VSR) applications. We start by identifying factors that make a multi-quantum-well (MQW) design suitable for high levels of output power and for uncooled operation. From the basic experimental results, we determine that a valence-band discontinuity ΔEv at around 80 meV is optimal in terms of combining high-output-power operation and a good extinction ratio. We then apply the above findings in an InGaAsP-MQW EA modulator that is monolithically integrated with a distributed feedback (DFB) laser, and thus obtain operation with high output power (+1.2 dBm), a high ER (10.5 dB), and a low power penalty (0.4 dB after transmission over 2.6 km of single-mode-fiber). These results confirm the applicability of our EA modulator/DFB laser to VSR applications. After that, we theoretically demonstrate the superiority in terms of ER characteristics of the InGaAlAs-MQW over the conventional InGaAsP-MQW. InGaAlAs-MQW EA modulators are fabricated and demonstrate, for the first time, 40-Gbit/s operation over a wide temperature range (0 to 85).

  • Cyberworlds--Theory, Design and Potential--

    Tosiyasu L. KUNII  


    E88-D No:5

    Cyberworlds are being formed in cyberspaces as computational spaces. Now cyberspaces are rapidly expanding on the Web either intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. Widespread and intensive local activities are melting each other on the web globally to create cyberworlds. The major key players of cyberworlds include e-finance that trades a GDP-equivalent a day and e-manufacturing that is transforming industrial production into Web shopping of product components and assembly factories. Lacking proper theory and design, cyberworlds have continued to grow chaotic and are now out of human understanding and control. This research first presents a generic theoretical framework and design based on algebraic topology, and also provides an axiomatic approach to theorize the potentials of cyberworlds.

  • A 2-Approximation Algorithm to (k + 1)-Edge-Connect a Specified Set of Vertices in a k-Edge-Connected Graph

    Toshiya MASHIMA  Satoshi TAOKA  Toshimasa WATANABE  


    E88-A No:5

    The (k + δ)-edge-connectivity augmentation problem for a specified set of vertices ((k + δ)ECA-SV) is defined as follows: "Given an undirected graph G =(V,E), a specified set of vertices Γ V, a subgraph G ′=(V,E ′) with λ(Γ;G ′) = k of G and a cost function c: E Z+ (nonnegative integers), find a set E* E - E ′of edges, each connecting distinct vertices of V, of minimum total cost such that λ(Γ;G″) k + δ for G"=(V,E ′∪E*)," where λ(Γ;G″) is the minimum value of the maximum number of edge disjoint paths between any pair of vertices in Γ of G". The paper proposes an O(Δ+|V||E|) time 2-approximation algorithm FSAR for (k + 1)ECA-SV with a restriction λ(V;G ′) = λ(Γ;G ′), where Δ is the time complexity of constructing a structural graph of a given graph G ′.

  • Closed Form Expression of Average Bit Error Rate for TDD Transmit Diversity Employing Maximal Ratio Combining

    Fumiaki MAEHARA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:5

    This paper presents a closed form expression of an exact average bit error rate (BER) for a time-division duplex (TDD) transmit diversity scheme employing maximal ratio combining (MRC) over time selective flat Rayleigh fading channels. In the proposed analysis, the feed back delay which degrades the BER performance is taken into account. The results are generally applicable to an arbitrary modulation scheme, as well as an arbitrary number of transmitting branches. To confirm the validity of the proposed analysis, the theoretical results are compared with the simulated ones.

  • High Repetition-Rate Similariton Generation in Normal Dispersion Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers and Its Application to Multi-Wavelength Light Sources

    Yasuyuki OZEKI  Yuichi TAKUSHIMA  Keiichi AISO  Kazuro KIKUCHI  

    PAPER-Optical Fibers, Cables and Fiber Devices

    E88-C No:5

    We design and demonstrate a high repetition-rate similariton generation system using normal dispersion fiber amplifiers (NDFA's). We numerically calculate the pulse evolution in NDFA's and clarify the condition to generate similariton pulses in a finite-length NDFA. Then we design the similariton generation system in consideration of the use of Erbium-doped fibers (EDF's) and show that a km-long fiber amplifier with low normal dispersion can generate a high repetition-rate similariton train from practical pico-second pulse sources. In the experiment, we demonstrate a 10-GHz similariton source using a 1.2-km-long EDF. For application to multi-wavelength light sources, we measure the bit-error rate of the spectrally sliced similariton, and show that it exhibits low-noise performance, which is attributed to the spectral flatness.

  • An Optimal Certificate Dispersal Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    Hua ZHENG  Shingo OMURA  Jiro UCHIDA  Koichi WADA  


    E88-A No:5

    In this paper, we focus on the problem that in an ad hoc network, how to send a message securely between two users using the certificate dispersal system. In this system, special data called certificate is issued between two users and these issued certificates are stored among the network. Our final purpose on this certificate dispersal problem is to construct certificate graphs with lower dispersability cost which indicates the average number of certificates stored in each node in an ad hoc network. As our first step, when a certificate graph is given, we construct two efficient certificate dispersal algorithms for strongly connected graphs and directed graphs in this paper. We can show that for a strongly connected graph G =(V, E) and a directed graph H =(V ′, E ′), new upper bounds on dispersability cost on the average number of certificates stored in one node are O(DG +|E|/|V|) and O(pG dmax +|E ′|/|V ′|) respectively, where DG is the diameter of G, dmax is the maximum diameter of strongly connected components of H and pG is the number of strongly connected components of H. Furthermore, we give some new lower bounds for the problem and we also show that our algorithms are optimal for several graph classes.

  • Computational Results for Gaussian Moat Problem

    Nobuyuki TSUCHIMURA  


    E88-A No:5

    "Can one walk to infinity on Gaussian primes taking steps of bounded length?" We adopted computational techniques to probe into this open problem. We propose an efficient method to search for the farthest point reachable from the origin, which can be parallelized easily, and have confirmed the existence of a moat of width k =, whereas the best previous result was k = due to Gethner et al. The amount of computation needed for k = is about 5000 times larger than that for k =. A refinement of Vardi's estimate for the farthest distance reachable from the origin is proposed. The proposed estimate incorporates discreteness into Vardi's that is based on percolation theory.

  • A Via Assignment and Global Routing Method for 2-Layer Ball Grid Array Packages

    Yukiko KUBO  Atsushi TAKAHASHI  


    E88-A No:5

    In this paper, we propose a global routing method for 2-layer BGA packages. In our routing model, the global routing for each net is uniquely determined by a via assignment of each net. Our global routing method starts from an initial monotonic via assignment and incrementally improves the via assignment to optimize the total wire length and the wire congestion. Experimental results show that our proposed method generates a better global routing efficiently.

  • Impact of Electrical Band-Limitation on Transmission Performance of CSRZ and CSRZ-DPSK Modulation Formats for High Spectral Efficiency DWDM Systems

    Dong-Soo LEE  Yang Jing WEN  Je Soo KO  Man Seop LEE  Ampalavanapillai NIRMALATHAS  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Technologies

    E88-B No:5

    We investigate the impact of electrical band-limitation on the transmission performance of both carrier suppressed return-to-zero (CSRZ) and CSRZ differential phase shift keying (CSRZ-DPSK) format for high spectral efficiency DWDM systems. Results show that electrical band-limitation improves signal spectral compactness, leading to reduced linear crosstalk and improved tolerance against chromatic dispersion in optical fiber link without causing any degradation to fiber nonlinearity tolerance. In addition, it is shown that the electrical band-limitation is more efficient to CSRZ-DPSK signal than CSRZ signal in reducing signal degradation caused by linear crosstalk and fiber chromatic dispersion.
