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[Keyword] CTI(8214hit)


  • Design of Josephson Ternary Delta-Gate (δ-Gate)

    Ali Massoud HAIDAR  Fu-Qiang LI  Mititada MORISUE  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E76-D No:8

    A new circuit design of Josephson ternary δ-gate composed of Josephson junction devices is presented. Mathematical theory for synthesizing, analyzing, and realizing any given function in ternary system using Josephson ternary δ-gate is introduced. The Josephson ternary δ-gate is realized using SQUID technique. Circuit simulation results using J-SPICE demonstrated the feasibility and the reliability operations of Josephson ternary δ-gate with very high performances for both speed and power consumption (max. propagation delay time44 ps and max. power consumption2.6µW). The Josephson ternary δ-gate forms a complete set (completeness) with the ternary constants (1, 0, 1). The number of SQUIDs that are needed to perform the operation of δ-gate is 6. Different design with less than 6 SQUIDs is not possible because it can not perform the operation of δ-gate. The advantages of Josephson ternary δ-gate compared with different Josephson logic circuits are as follows: The δ-gate has the property that a simple realization to any given ternary logic function as the building blocks can be achieved. The δ-gate has simple construction with small number of SQUIDs. The δ-gate can realize a large number of ternary functions with small number of input/output pins. The performances of δ-gate is very high, very low power consumption and ultra high speed switching operation.

  • Linearization Analysis of Threshold Characteristics for Some Applications of Mutually Coupled SQUIDs

    Yoshinao MIZUGAKI  Koji NAKAJIMA  Tsutomu YAMASHITA  


    E76-C No:8

    The threshold characteristics of mutually coupled SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices) have been analytically and numerically investigated. The mutually coupled SQUIDs investigated is composed of an rf-SQUID and a dc-SQUID. Here, the rf-SQUID is a flux quantum generator and the dc-SQUID is a flux detector. The linearization method substituting sin-1x by (π/2)x (1x1) is found valid when it is applied to the mutually coupled SQUIDs, because it is possible to obtain the superconducting regions analytically. By computer implementation of linearization method, we found this method is very effective and very quick compared to the ordinary methods. We report the internal flux on an rf-SQUID, the threshold of a dc-SQUID, and that of mutually coupled SQUIDs obtained by Lagrange multiplier formulation and linearization. The features of the threshold characteristics of the mutually coupled SQUIDs with various parameters are also reported. The discontinuous behavior of threshold of the mutually coupled SQUIDs are attractive for digital applications. We suggest three applications of the mutually coupled SQUIDs, that is, a logic gate for high-Tc superconductors (HTSs), a neuron device, and an A/D converter.

  • Magnetic Shields for HTc SQUIDs

    Kumiko IMAI  Hironori MATSUBA  Peter SPEAR  Alistair FIFE  


    E76-C No:8

    Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2Ox thick film superconducting shields have been fabricated for use with HTc SQUIDs. Shielding factors and internal noise levels of the shields were measured using a DC SQUID magnetometer. A sample in which BSCCO was coated on the outside of a cylindrical Ag substrate exhibited larger noise levels than that with a sample in which BSCCO was coated on the inside of the Ag cylinder. The difference is explained by the thermally driven (Johnson) noise from the Ag substrate. A sample with the Ag cylinder outside the superconductor and samples with MgO substrates inside the superconductor showed good performance with a shielding factors of 10-8 and internal noise levels which did not exceed the DC SQUID magnetometer resolution (5 fTrms/Hz) at 4.2 K. In addition, the flux relaxation noise of BSCCO superconducting shields was estimated from the relaxation behavior of BSCCO.

  • Pseudonoise Sequences by Chaotic Nonlinear Maps and Their Correlation Properties

    Tohru KOHDA  Akio TSUNEDA  


    E76-B No:8

    A simple method is given for obtaining new families of pseudonoise (PN) sequences based on chaotic non-linear maps. Such families are worse than the Gold and the Kasami families in terms of maximum correlation values. Nevertheless, such a method has several advantages: the generation is easy, and various families with an arbitrary family size and sequence period can be obtained primarily because non-linear maps have several parameters to be secret keys for communications security. Hence these sequences are good candidates of spreading sequences for CDMA.

  • A New Photometric Method Using 3 Point Light Sources

    Changsuk CHO  Haruyuki MINAMITANI  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:8

    This paper presents a new idea of photometric stereo method which uses 3 point light sources as illumination source. Its intention is to extract the 3-D information of gastric surface. The merit of this method is that it is applicable to the textured and/or specular surfaces, moreover whose environment is too narrow, like gastric surface. The verification of the proposed method was achieved by the theoretical proof and experiment.

  • Breast Tumor Classification by Neural Networks Fed with Sequential-Dependence Factors to the Input Layer

    Du-Yih TSAI  Hiroshi FUJITA  Katsuhei HORITA  Tokiko ENDO  Choichiro KIDO  Sadayuki SAKUMA  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E76-D No:8

    We applied an artificial neural network approach identify possible tumors into benign and malignant ones in mammograms. A sequential-dependence technique, which calculates the degree of redundancy or patterning in a sequence, was employed to extract image features from mammographic images. The extracted vectors were then used as input to the network. Our preliminary results show that the neural network can correctly classify benign and malignant tumors at an average rate of 85%. This accuracy rate indicates that the neural network approach with the proposed feature-extraction technique has potential utility in the computer-aided diagnosis of breast cancer.

  • Fabrication of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O/Barrier/Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Junction by Treatment with Carbonated Water

    Shinichiro KOBA  Moriaki UCHIYA  Akio NAKAO  Satoru HIGO  Iwazo KAWANO  Tetsuya OGUSHI  


    E76-C No:8

    The barrier-layer was successfully fabricated for a preparation of tunneling junction using high Tc oxidesuperconductor such as Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system. Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox films were used for both superconducting electrodes and the barrier was mainly Bi2Sr2CaCu2O and the rest that was formed by effects of de-calcium from the first sputtered (2223) film. The reaction of de-calcium occurred immersing it in carbonated water. The change of (2223) phase of BSCCO was confirmed with a comparison of the intensity of X-ray diffraction. The superconductive transition temperature of the junction is different from that of the single film (2223) which had no treatment with carbonated water. Zero-bias-currents through fabricated barrier are observed and the critical currents depend on temperature so far as measured temperature region of 79 K-72 K.

  • On the Multiuser Detection Using a Neural Network in Code-Division Multiple-Access Communications

    Teruyuki MIYAJIMA  Takaaki HASEGAWA  Misao HANEISHI  


    E76-B No:8

    In this paper we consider multiuser detection using a neural network in a synchronous code-division multiple-access channel. In a code-division multiple-access channel, a matched filter is widely used as a receiver. However, when the relative powers of the interfering signals are large, i.e. the near-far problem, the performances of the matched filter receiver degrade. Although the optimum receiver for multiuser detection is superior to the matched filter receiver in such situations, the optimum receiver is too complex to be implemented. A simple technique to implement the optimum multiuser detection is required. Recurrent neural networks which consist of a number of simple processing units can rapidly provide a collectively-computed solution. Moreover, the network can seek out a minimum in the energy function. On the other hand, the optimum multiuser detection in a synchronous channel is carried out by the maximization of a likelihood function. In this paper, it is shown that the energy function of the neural network is identical to the likelihood function of the optimum multiuser detection and the neural network can be used to implement the optimum multiuser detection. Performance comparisons among the optimum receiver, the matched filter one and the neural network one are carried out by computer simulations. It is shown that the neural network receiver has a capability to achieve near-optimum performance in several situations and local minimum problems are few serious.

  • Rejection of Narrow-Band Interference in a Delay-Lock Loop Using Prediction Error Filters

    Hiroji KUSAKA  Toshihisa NAKAI  Masahiro KIMURA  Tetsuya NIINO  


    E76-B No:8

    A narrowband interference in direct sequence spread spectrum communication systems also affects the characteristics of a delay lock loop. In this paper, the delay errors of a baseband delay lock loop (DLL) in the presence of the interference which consists of a narrowband Gaussian noise and several tones are examined, and when a filter is used to reject the interference, the characteristics of the DLL are analyzed using the Fourier method. Furthermore, from the calculation results of the delay error in case where a prediction error filter with two-sided taps is used as the rejection filter, it is shown that the filter is necessary to keep the DLL in the lock-on state.

  • An Architecture for Parallelism of OPS5 Production Systems

    Tsuyoshi KAWAGUCHI  Etsuro HONDA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E76-D No:8

    In this paper we propose an architecture and an algorithm for the parallel execution of OPS5 production systems. It is known that current OPS5 production system interpreters spend almost 90% of their execution time in the match step. Thus, in this paper we focus on the speedup of the match step. The match algorithm used in OPS5 is called Rete and the algorithm uses a special kind of a date-flow network compiled from the left hand sides of rules. To achieve the maximum degree of parallelism of a given OPS5 program by as few processors as possible, the proposed parallel machine uses loosely coupled multiprocessors. Parallel machines designed for fine-grain parallelism, such as DADO, also use loosely coupled multiprocessors. However, the proposed machine differs from such machines at the following points: use of powerful processors which have large amounts of memories and small cycle times; use of a shared Rete network (parallel machines designed for fine-grain parallelism use an unshared Rete network); high hardware utilization. Basic ideas of the proposed parallel machine are as follows. (1) Use of a modified Rete network in which node sharing is used only for constant-test nodes and each memory node is lumped with the child two-input node. (2) Static allocation of the nodes of the modified Rete network onto processors. (3) Partition of the set of processors into three subsets: constant-test node processors, two-input node processors and conflict-set processors. (4) Use of a ring network for the interconnection network among two-input node processors. In addition to an architecture for parallel execution of OPS5 production systems, we propose a scheme for mapping the modified Rete network into the proposed architecture. The results of simulation experiments showed that the proposed architecture is promising for parallel execution of OPS5 production systems.

  • Magnetic Field Dependence of Critical Current Density in Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O and Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Films

    Yukio OSAKA  Hideki TAMURA  


    E76-C No:8

    Nojima and Fujita have found a universal relation, irrespective of temperatures T, between the reduced field hH/Hir(T) and the reduced quantity of magnetization hysteresis mΔM (T, H)/ΔM (T, H0), where Hir is the irreversibility field and ΔM(T, H) is the hysteresis of magnetization for YBa2Cu3Ox and Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox films. We could explain this universal relation based on a scaling theory in a three-dimensional superconducting vortex-glass phase. The exponent ν derived by this relation coincides with that obtained by nonlinear I-V characteristics for YBa2Cu3Ox films.

  • Microwave Characteristics of High-Tc Superconductors by Improved Three-Fluid Model

    Tadashi IMAI  Takaaki SAKAKIBARA  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  


    E76-C No:8

    In order to explain the temperature and frequency characteristics of high-Tc superconductors, a new model is proposed, which will be called the improved three-fluid model, where the momentum relaxation time τ is assumed to depend on temperature in the superconducting and normal states, respectively, although τ has been assumed to be independent of temperature for the conventional three-fluid model. According to this model, the complex conductivity σ1jσ2 and the surface impedance ZsRsjXs, where Rs is the surface resistance and Xs is the surface reactance, are expressed as a function of temperature. The temperature dependences of Zs and for a YBCO bulk estimated using this model agree very well with ones measured by the dielectric-loaded cavity method in room to cryogenic temperature. In particular, a peak of σ1 observed just below the critical temperature Tc in experiments, appeared in the calculated results based on this model. This phenomenon has been already known in the BCS theory. Thus, it is verified that this model is useful to explain the microwave characteristics of high-Tc superconductors in room to cryogenic temperature. On the other hand, the residual normal electron density nres4.2541023 m-3 and the total electron density nt7.3081024 m-3 are obtained by calculation. The ratio nres/nt0.058 can be used as figure of merit to evaluate material quality of high-Tc superconductors; thus it means that there is 5.8% nonpairing electron in this YBCO bulk.

  • Fabrication and Characterization of Bi-epitaxial Grain Boundary Junctions in YBa2Cu3O7δ

    Kazuya KINOSHITA  Syuuji ARISAKA  Takeshi KOBAYASHI  


    E76-C No:8

    We have fabricated bi-epitaxial grain boundary junctions in YBa2Cu3O7δ (YBCO) thin films by using SrTiO3 (STO) seed layers on MgO(100) substrate. YBCO film growing over the STO seed layer has a different in-plane orientation from YBCO film without the seed layer, so artificial grain boundaries were created at the edge of the seed layer. The fabricated junctions have high Tc (up to 80 K), and constant-voltage current steps are observed in response to 12.1 GHz microwave radiation. Moreover, some of the junctions show characteristic current-voltage curves comprising not only an usual Josephson-like characteristic but also a low critical current due to the flux creep. This suggests that the two characteristic parts are likely to be connected in series at the junction region.

  • Experiment and Arnold Theory Analysis of Excess Current due to Andreev Reflection

    Shigeru YOSHIMORI  Wataru NAKAHAMA  Mitsuo KAWAMURA  


    E76-C No:8

    Experimental results of an N-S junction and analysis of the results using the Arnold theory were reported. Au and Pb were employed as a normal metal and a superconducting material, respectively. The excess current effect due to the Andreev reflection was observed in the current-voltage characteristics of an N-S junction whose normal resistance was 1.603 Ω. The excess current at 4.62 K was about 0.7 mA when the applied voltage was 2 mV. The barrier height and width were estimated to be 1.0169 eV and 0.7 , respectively, by comparing the experimental results and analysis based on the Arnold theory. In the voltage region less than 2 mV, the theory well agreed with the experiment. Moreover, the applied voltage dependence of the supercurrent and quasiparticle current were separately calculated. It was made clear that the supercurrent was larger than the quasiparticle current in the voltage region less than 2Δ/e, where Δ is the superconducting energy gap and e is the absolute value of an electron's charge. The supercurrent began to gradually saturate when the voltage was higher than Δ/e and became constant at the applied voltage greater than 2Δ/e. In our experiment, the excess current larger than expected from the Arnold theory was observed in the voltage region higher than 2Δ/e.

  • Properties of a Strongly-Coupled Nonlinear Directional Coupler with a Lossy MQW Coupling Layer

    Xue Jun MENG  Naomichi OKAMOTO  Okihiro SUGIHARA  


    E76-C No:8

    Properties of a strongly-coupled nonlinear directional coupler (NLDC) with a lossy MQW coupling layer is analyzed using the Galerkin finite element method accompanied by a predictor-corrector algorithm. It is shown that the propagation attenuation along the NLDC is considerably smaller than that in the bulk MQW and tends to reduce with the input power. By the presence of losses, the powers guided in two waveguides do not become a maximum and a minimum at the same propagation length, unlike the lossless coupler. The losses make the nonlinear effect weak due to the decrease in guided power, and hence the coupling length decreases and the switching power increases. The extinction ratio of the switching becomes the largest value not in the cases of nonloss and high losses but in the case of moderately high losses, although the switching power is somewhat larger than that of the lossless case.

  • Possibility of Phonon-Assistance on Electronic Transport and the Cooper Pairing in Oxide Superconductors

    Ryozo AOKI  Hironaru MURAKAMI  Tetsuro NAKAMURA  


    E76-C No:8

    The Cooper pairing interaction in high Tc oxide superconductor is discussed in terms of an empirical expression; TcDexp[1/g], gcωo which was derived in our previous investigation. The dual character of this expression consisting of the phonon Debye temperature D and electronic excitation ωo in the mid-infrared region can be interpreted on the basis of the phonon-assisted mechanism on carrier conduction and the electronic excitation. A tunneling spectrum here presented shows certain evidence of the phonon contribution. The characteristics of the long range superconductive proximity phenomena recently reported are also may be interpreted by this mechanism.

  • Microwave Characteristics of a Traveling-Wave Type LiNbO3 Optical Modulator with Superconducting Electrodes

    Keiji YOSHIDA  Noriaki HORIGUCHI  Yutaka KANDA  


    E76-C No:8

    Microwave characteristics of a LiNbO3 optical modulator employing superconductor electrodes (Pb-In-Au) as a transmission line of a traveling signal has been studied experimentally in the temperature range from 300 K to 4.2 K. At frequencies between 8 GHz and 12 GHz it is shown that the obtained modulation efficiency increases as expected from theory when the superconductor undergoes the transition from a normal state to a superconducting state. The present results dumonstrate the possible applications of superconducting electrodes to high performance LiNbO3 optical modulators.

  • Hybrid Neural Networks as a Tool for the Compressor Diagnosis

    Manabu KOTANI  Haruya MATSUMOTO  Toshihide KANAGAWA  

    PAPER-Speech Processing

    E76-D No:8

    An attempt to apply neural networks to the acoustic diagnosis for the reciprocating compressor is described. The proposed neural network, Hybrid Neural Network (HNN), is composed of two multi-layered neural networks, an Acoustic Feature Extraction Network (AFEN) and a Fault Discrimination Network (FDN). The AFEN has multi-layers and the number of units in the middle hidden layer is smaller than the others. The input patterns of the AFEN are the logarithmic power spectra. In the AFEN, the error back propagation method is applied as the learning algorithm and the target patterns for the output layer are the same as the input patterns. After the learning, the hidden layer acquires the compressed input information. The architecture of the AFEN appropriate for the acoustic diagnosis is examined. This includes the determination of the form of the activation function in the output layer, the number of hidden layers and the numbers of units in the hidden layers. The FDN is composed of three layers and the learning algorithm is the same as the AFEN. The appropriate number of units in the hidden layer of the FDN is examined. The input patterns of the FDN are fed from the output of the hidden layer in the learned AFEN. The task of the HNN is to discriminate the types of faults in the compressor's two elements, the valve plate and the valve spring. The performance of the FDN are compared between the different inputs; the output of the hidden layer in the AFEN, the conventional cepstral coefficients and the filterbank's outputs. Furthermore, the FDN itself is compared to the conventional pattern recognition technique based on the feature vector distance, the Euclid distance measure, where the input is taken from the AFEN. The obtained results show that the discrimination accuracy with the HNN is better than that with the other combination of the discrimination method and its input. The output criteria of network for practical use is also discussed. The discrimination accuracy with this criteria is 85.4% and there is no case which mistakes the fault condition for the normal condition. These results suggest that the proposed decision network is effective for the acoustic diagnosis.

  • The Comparison between the Linear Optimal Restoration Filter and MEM Restoration Filter

    Kiyomichi ARAKI  Toshihiko HASHIMOTO  

    LETTER-Digital Image Processing

    E76-A No:8

    In this paper, we attempt the comparison of the image/signal restoration between Projection Filter, which is regarded as one of the linear optimal filters, and the non-linear filter based on MEM. From the simulation, we show the advantage of MEM restoration filter in restoring noisy degraded images.

  • A Concurrent Fault Detection Method for Instruction Level Parallel Processors



    E76-D No:7

    This paper describes a new method for the concurrent detection of faults in instruction level parallel (ILP) processors. This method uses the No OPeration (NOP) instruction slots that under branches, resource conflicts and some kind of data dependencies fill some of the pipelines (stages) in an ILP processor. NOPs are replaced by the copy of an effective instruction running in another pipeline. This allows the checking of the pipelines running the original instruction and its copy (ies), by the comparison of the outputs of their stages during the execution of the replicated instruction. We show some figures obtained for the application of this method to a two-pipeline superscalar processor.
