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  • A Note on Inadequacy of the Model for Learning from Queries

    Ryuichi NAKANISHI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:8

    Learning correctly from queries" is a formal learning model proposed by Angluin. In this model, for a class Γ of language representations, a learner asks queries to a teacher of an unknown language Lq which can be represented by some GqΓ, and eventually outputs a language representation GΓ which represents Lq and halts. An algorithm (leaner) A is said to learn a class of languages represented by Γ in the weak definition if the time complexity of A is some polynomial of n and m, where n is the minimum size of the lagunage representations in Γ which represent Lq, and m is the maximum length of the counterexamples returned in an execution. On the other band, A is said to learn represented by Γ in the strong definition if at any point τ of the execution, the time consumed up to τ is some polynomial of n and m, where n is the same as above, and m is the maximum length of the counterexamples returned up to τ. In this paper, adequacy of the model is examined, and it is shown that both in the weak and strong definitions, there exist learners which extract a long counterexample, and identify Lq by using equivalence queries exhaustively. For example, there exists a learner which learns the class CFL of context-free languages represented by the class CFG of context-free grammars in the weak definition using only equivalence queries. Next, two restrictions concerning with learnability criteria are introduced. Proper termination condition is that when a teacher replies with yes" to an equivalence query, then the learner must halt immediately. The other condition, called LBC-condition, is that in the weak/strong definition, the time complexity must be some polynomial of n and log m. In this paper, it is shown that under these conditions, there still exist learners which execute exhaustive search. For instance, there exists a learner which learns CFL represented by CFG in the weak definition using membership queries and equivalence queries under the proper termination condition, and there also exists a learner that learns CFL represented by CFG in the strong definition using subset queries and superset queries under LBC-condition. These results suggest that the weak definition is not an adequate learning model even if the proper termination condition is assumed. Also, the model becomes inadequate in the strong definition if some combination of queries, such as subset queries and superset queries, is used instead of equivalence queries. Many classes of languages become learnable by our extracting long counterexample" technique. However, it is still open whether or not CFL represented by CFG is learnable in the strong definition from membership queries and equivalence queries, although the answer is known to be negative if at least one of (1) quadratic residues modulo a composite, (2) inverting RSA encryption, or (3) factoring Blum integers, is intractable.

  • Unidirectional Byte Error Locating Codes

    Shuxin JIANG  Eiji FUJIWARA  


    E77-A No:8

    This papter proposes a new type of unidirectional error control codes which indicates the location of unidirectional errors clustered in b-bit length, i.e., unidirectional byte error in b (b2) bits. Single unidirectional b-bit byte error locating codes, called SUbEL codes, are first clarified using necessary and sufficient conditions, and then code construction algorithm is demonstrated. The lower bound on check bit length of the SUbEL codes is derived. Based on this, the proposed codes are shown to be very efficient. Using the code design concept presented for the SUbEL codes, it is demonstrated that generalized unidirectional byte error locating codes are easily constructed.

  • Variable Error Controlling Schemes for Intelligent Error Controlling Systems

    Taroh SASAKI  Ryuji KOHNO  Hideki IMAI  


    E77-A No:8

    Recently, a lot of research works have been carried out regarding intelligent communication. If the final information sink is assumed as a human being, a communication channel can be used more effectively when encoders/decoders work "intelligently" or take into account of the semantics of information to be sent. We have been studying error-controlling systems based on different importance of segmental information. The system divides the information input into segments to which individual importance can be assigned. The segments are individually encoded by appropriate error-correcting codes (ECCs) which correspond to their importance among codes with different error-correcting capabilities. For the information that difference of the importance is systematically aligned, conventional UEP (unequal error protection) codes can be applied, but we treat the case that alignment of the importance of the information source is not systematically aligned. Since the system uses multiple ECCs with different (n,k,d) parameters, information regarding what length of the next codeword is required for decoding. We propose error controlling schemes using mulriple ECCs; the first scheme and the second scheme use the obvious codelength identifying information. In the second scheme, information bits are sorted so that segments with the same importance can be encoded by an ECC with the same error-correcting capability. The third scheme is a main proposal in this paper and uses Variable Capability Coding scheme (VCC) which uses some ECCs having different error-correcting capabilities and codelengths. A sequence encoded by the VCC is separable into appropriate segments without obvious codelength identifying information when the channel error probability is low. Subsequently, we evaluate these schemes by coderate when (1) error correcting capability (2) codelength identifying capability are the same. One of the feature of VCC is the capability of resuming from propagative errors because errors beyond the codelength identifying capability occur and the proper beginning of the codeword is lost in the decoder. We also evaluate this capability as (3) resynchronizing capability.

  • A Resistor Coupled Josephson Polarity-Convertible Driver

    Shuichi NAGASAWA  Shuichi TAHARA  Hideaki NUMATA  Yoshihito HASHIMOTO  Sanae TSUCHIDA  


    E77-C No:8

    A polarity-convertible driver is necessary as a basic component of several Josephson random access memories. This driver must be able to inject a current having positive or negative polarity into a load transmission line such as a word or bit line of the RAM. In this paper, we propose a resistor coupled Josephson polarity-convertible driver which is highly sensitive to input signals and has a wide operating margin. The driver consists of several Josephson junctions and several resistors. The input signal is directly injected to the driver through the resistors. The circuit design is discussed on the operating principle of the driver. The driver is fabricated by 1.5 µm Nb technology with Nb/AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions, two layer Nb wirings, an Nb ground plane, Mo resistors, and SiO2 insulators. The Nb/AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions are fabricated using technology refined for sub-micron size junctions. The insulators between wirings are formed using bias sputtering technique to obtain good step coverage. The driver circuit size is 53 µm34 µm. Measurements are carried out at 10 kHz to quasistatically test the polarity-convertible function and the operating margin of the driver. Proper polarity-convertible operation is confirmed for a large operating bias margin of 70% at a fairly small input current of 0.3 mA.

  • Interfacial Study of Nb Josephson Junctions with Overlayer Structure

    Shin'ichi MOROHASHI  


    E77-C No:8

    We compare interfaces of Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb and Nb/ZrOx-Zr/Nb junctions using secondary ion mass spectroscopy and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. We have clarified that an interface of the Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb junction is drastically different from that of the Nb/ZrOxZr/Nb junction. An adsorbed water vapor layer plays an important role in suppressing grain boundary diffusion between Nb and Al at the interface of the Nb/AlOxAl/Nb junction. In depositing Nb and Al at low power and cooling the substrate, it is important to control the formation of the adsorbed water vapor layer for fabricating Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb junctions exhibiting excellent current-voltage characteristics.

  • Low Frequency Noise in Superconducting Nanoconstriction Devices

    Michal HATLE  Kazuaki KOJIMA  Katsuyoshi HAMASAKI  


    E77-C No:8

    The magnitude of low frequency noise is studied in a Nb-(nanoconstrictions)-NbN system with adjustable current-voltage characteristics. We find that the magnitude of low frequency noise decreases sharply with increasing the subgap conductivity of the device. We suggest a qualitative explanation of this observation in terms of gradual build up of the nanoconstriction region by field assisted growth. The decrease of low frequency noise is related to the "cleanliness" of the system as measured by the amount of Andreev reflection-related conductivity. The scaling of the magnitude of low frequency noise with device resistance is also discussed.

  • Growth and Tunneling Properties of (Bi, Pb)2Sr2CaCu2Oy Single Crystals

    Akinobu IRIE  Masayuki SAKAKIBARA  Gin-ichiro OYA  


    E77-C No:8

    We have systematically grown and characterized (Bi, Pb)2Sr2CaCu2Oy (BPSCCO) single crystals, and investigated the tunneling properties and the intrinsic Josephson effects of the single crystals as a function of the nominal composition of Pb, x. It was observed that Pb atoms (ions) were monotonically substituted for Bi atoms (ions) in the (Bi, Pb)-O layers of the crystals with increasing x in a region of 0x0.5, while the modulation structure was maintained in a range of 0x0.3, but disappeared in x0.3, accompanying the decrease of c-lattice parameter and Tc. Moreover, it was found that the energy gaps Δ of BPSCCO depend hardly on x for x0.5, which are about 24 meV, so that the Pb-induced electronic change in the (Bi, Pb)-O layer do not perturb the electronic states in this superconducting system. And it was confirmed that the currentvoltage characteristics of the BPSCCO single crystals had multiple resistive branches corresponding to a series array of several hundreds Josephson junctions, and showed Shapiro steps and zero-crossing steps with the voltage separation of the order of mV resulting from the phase locking of about a hundred Josephson junctions among them under microwave irradiation. The estimated number of junctions gave the concept that the intrinsic Josephson junctions consist of the superconducting block layers and the insulating layers in the BPSCCO single crystals.

  • Fabrication of All-Epitaxial High-Tc SIS Tunnel Structures

    Yasuo TAZOH  Junya KOBAYASHI  Masashi MUKAIDA  Shintaro MIYAZAWA  


    E77-C No:8

    Fabrication of all-epitaxial high-Tc SIS tunnel junctions requires an atomically flat superconducting thin film to be grown and a proper insulating material to be selected. First, we study the initial growth mode of YBCO thin films and show that reducing the growth rate results in a very smooth surface. Second, perovskite-related compound oxides, PrGaO3 and NdGaO3, which have a small lattice mismatch with YBCO and good wetability, are shown to be promising insulating materials for all-epitaxial SIS tunnel junctions. We believe that these concepts will be useful in the development of all-epitaxial high-Tc SIS tunnel junctions with good electrical properties.

  • Weak Link Array Junctions in EuBa2Cu3O7-x Films for Microwave Detection

    Koji TSURU  Osamu MICHIKAMI  


    E77-C No:8

    High temperature superconductors are eminently suitable for use in high frequency devices because of their large energy gap. We fabricated weak link Josephson junctions connected in series. The junctions were constructed of EuBa2Cu3O7-x (EBCO) superconducting thin films on bicrystal MgO substrates. We measured their microwave broadband detection (video detection) characteristics. The responsivity (Sr) of the junctions depended on the bias current and their normal state resistance. The array junctions were effective in increasing normal state resistance. We obtained a maximum Sr of 22.6 [V/W].

  • A Flexible Search Managing Circuitry for High-Density Dynamic CAMs

    Takeshi HAMAMOTO  Tadato YAMAGATA  Masaaki MIHARA  Yasumitsu MURAI  Toshifumi KOBAYASHI  Hideyuki OZAKI  

    PAPER-General Technology

    E77-C No:8

    New circuit techniques were proposed to realize a high-density and high-performance content addressable memory (CAM). A dynamic register which functions as a status flag, and some logic circuits are organically combined and flexibly perform complex search operations, despite the compact layout area. Any kind of logic operations for the search results, that are AND, OR, INVERT, and the combinations of them, can be implemented in every word simultaneously. These circuits are implemented in an experimental 288 kbit dynamic CAM using 0.8 µm CMOS process technology. We consider these techniques to be indispensable for high-density and high-performance dynamic CAM.

  • Multi-Channel High Tc SQUID

    Hideo ITOZAKI  Saburo TANAKA  Tatsuoki NAGAISHI  Hisashi KADO  


    E77-C No:8

    A multi-channel high temperature superconducting interference device (high Tc SQUID) system with high magnetic field resolution has been developed. Step edge junctions were employed as weakly coupled Josephson junctions for the SQUID. These junctions worked well and their I-V curves fit the resistively shunted junction (RSJ) model. The SQUID design was investigated to improve magnetic field resolution. The size of the SQUID's center hole was investigated, and we found the optimized size of the hole to be about 25 µm. Meissner effect of superconductor was used in order to concentrate magnetic fluxes. A large washer SQUID and a flux concentrating plate was developed to concentrate magnetic flux to the SQUID center hole. The magnetic field resolution became 370 fT/Hz at 10 Hz and 220 fT/Hz at 10 kHz. This field resolution was enough to detect biomagnetic signals such as magnetocardiac signals. The SQUID was mounted on a special chip carrier and was sealed with epoxy resin for protection from humidity. We have designed and developed a 4-channel and a 16-channel high Tc SQUID system. We used them in a magnetically shielded room to measure magnetic signals of the human heart. We obtained clear multi-channel magnetocardiac signals, which showed clear so called QRS and T wave peaks. A clear isofield contour map of magnetocardiac signals was also obtained. These data indicated that high Tc SQUID is feasible for these biomagnetic applications.

  • Fabrication of Nb/AlOx/Nb Josephson Tunnel Junctions by Sputtering Apparatus with Load-Lock System

    Akiyoshi NAKAYAMA  Naoki INABA  Shigenori SAWACHI  Kazunari ISHIZU  Yoichi OKABE  


    E77-C No:8

    We have fabricated Nb/AlOx/Nb Josephson tunnel junctions by a sputtering apparatus with a load-lock system. This sputtering apparatus had the sub chamber for preparation and the main chamber for sputtering. The substrate temperature was confirmed to be kept less than 85 during Nb sputtering at the deposition rate of 1.18 nm/s for 7 minutes. The junctions that had 50µm50 µm area successfully showed the Vm value (the product of the critical current and the subgap resistance at 2 mV) as high as 50 mV at the current density of 100 A/cm2.

  • New Go-Back-N ARQ Protocols for Point-to-Multipoint Communications

    Hui ZHAO  Toru SATO  Iwane KIMURA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory

    E77-B No:8

    This paper presents new go-back-N ARQ protocols for point-to-multipoint communications over broadcast channels such as satellite or broadcast radio channels. In the conventional go-back-N ARQ protocols for multidestination communications, usually only error detection codes are used for error detection and m copies of a frame are transmitted at a time. In one of our protocols, a bit-by-bit majority-voting decoder based on all of the m copies of a frame is used to recover the transmitted frame. In another protocol, a hybrid-ARQ protocol, which is an error detection code concatenated with a rate repetition convolutional code with the Viterbi decoding, is used. In these protocols, a dynamic programming technique is used to select the optimal number of copies of a frame to be transmitted at a time. The optimal number is determined by round trip propagation delay of the channel, the error probability, and the number of receivers that have not yet received the message. Analytic expressions are derived for the throughput efficiency of the proposed protocols. The proposed point-to-multipoint protocols provide satisfactory throughput efficiency and perform considerably better than the conventional protocols under high error rate conditions, especially in environments with a large number of receivers and large link round trips. In this paper we analyze the performances of the proposed protocols upon the random error channel conditions.

  • An Error-Controlling Scheme according to the Importance of Individual Segments of Model-Based Coded Facial Images

    Noriko SUZUKI  Taroh SASAKI  Ryuji KOHNO  Hideki IMAI  


    E77-A No:8

    This paper proposes and investigates an intelligent error-controlling scheme according to different importance of segmental information. In particular, the scheme is designed for facial images encoded by model-based coding that is a kind of intelligent compression coding. Intelligent communication systems regard the contents of information to be transmitted with extremely high compression and reliability. After highly efficient information compression by model-beaed coding, errors in the compressed information lead to severe semantic errors. The proposed scheme reduces semantic errors of information for the receiver. In this paper, we consider Action Unit (AU) as a segment of model-based coded facial image of human being and define the importance for each AU. According to the importance, an AU is encoded by an appropriated code among codes with different error-correcting capabilities. For encoding with different error controlling codes, we use three kinds of constructions to obtain unequal error protection (UEP) codes in this paper. One of them is the direct sum construction and the others are the proposed constructions which are based on joint and double coding. These UEP codes can have higher coderate than other UEP codes when minimum Hamming distance is small. By using these UEP codes, the proposed intelligent error-controlling scheme can protect information in segment in order to reduce semantic errors over a conventional error-controlling scheme in which information is uniformly protected by an error-correcting code.

  • Signal Strength Prediction and Distribution Characteristics in Indoor Radio Propagation at 2.5GHz Band

    Hiroshi FURUKAWA  Kuninori OOSAKI  Yoshihiko AKAIWA  Hiroyuki SHIMIZU  


    E77-B No:7

    In this paper, radio propagation in the medium-scale building is investigated at 2.5GHz band. In order to predict the propagation loss in any place, four major modes of propagation are considered: low-loss in line-of-sight (LOS) wave, corridor guided wave, direct transmission wave through obstructions, and the reentered wave. Based on the measured results of attenuation characteristics, the macroscopic parameters for the above mentioned modes of wave propagation are determined. Using these parameters, signal strengths are predicted with average standard deviation of 4.5dB. The fading characteristics are studied by measuring the Rician parameter and the correlation coefficient for 2-branch diversity antennas separated by 50cm. The Rician parameters are 2 in case of the LOS propagation, and 1 in case of the no LOS propagation. The two branch correlation coefficients are less than 0.5 within coverage of 80-95% in almost all the locations.

  • Voice Activity Detection and Transmission Error Control for Digital Cordless Telephone System

    Seishi SASAKI  Ichiro MATSUMOTO  Osamu WATANABE  Kenzo URABE  


    E77-B No:7

    Personal Handy Phone (PHP), the Japanese digital cordless telephone system is being developed. The 32kbits/s ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation) codec has been standardized for PHP. This paper describes firstly, the advanced algorithms of a Voice Activity Detection (VAD) function that reduces power dissipation of a digital cordless telephone terminal, secondly, a comfort noise generator operates in conjunction with the VAD and finally, a transmission error control based on the use of the prediction coefficients generated in the ADPCM codec. These proposed algorithms function in the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environment of personal radio communications. The quality of the reconstructed speech after the process is influenced by the VAD decision errors (false detection when no voice is present, or no detection when voice is present) , the similarity of the generated comfort noise to the actual background noise, and the transmission quality. The simulation results of the performance achieved by these algorithms are shown and required loading of the computation are also given.

  • A New Structure of Antenna System in a Handset Enhancing Antenna Gain by Passive Loading--The Case for λ/4 Monopole Antenna--

    Masanobu HIROSE  Masayasu MIYAKE  


    E77-B No:7

    We propose a new structure of antenna system to enhance the horizontal plane gain and control the antenna pattern, using passive loading. Our proposed structure can be applied to various kinds of antennas on a handset. We discuss the case of a λ/4 monopole antenna on a handset in this paper. In a new structure of λ/4 monopole antenna system, we show that, 1) the increase of the average gain about 5dB in the horizontal plane can be realized by an optimum load, 2) the antenna pattern can be controlled by changing the value of the passive load so as to have some desirable shapes, and 3) the antenna size can be made smaller by about 6% than the one with no loading because the optimum loading makes the resonant frequency lower. These results were confirmed by the calculations using the method of moments for the EFIE and the measurements.

  • A New Burst Coherent Demodulator for Microcellular TDMA/TDD Systems

    Yoichi MATSUMOTO  Shuji KUBOTA  Shuzo KATO  


    E77-B No:7

    This paper proposes a new burst coherent demodulator that improves transmission quality of microcellular TDMA/TDD systems for personal communications and has configuration suitable for low power consumption with LSIC-implementation. To achieve the better transmission quality, the proposed demodulator employs coherent detection with a unique carrier recovery scheme that can operate without any preamble for carrier recovery. In addition, the demodulator uses a clock recovery scheme with clock phase estimation using twice differentiation, which eliminates hangup and attains fast clock acquisition at 2 samples/symbol. Experimental results clarify the superiority of the proposed coherent demodulator for microcellular TDMA/TDD systems. The proposed coherent demodulator reduces the irreducible frame error rate by 40%, and achieves 4dB improvement at the frame error rate of 10% compared with differential detection under the Rayleigh fading (fD/fs=810-5, τrms/Ts=510-2) typical of personal communication environments.

  • A VLSI-Oriented Model-Based Robot Vision Processor for 3-D Instrumentation and Object Recognition

    Yoshifumi SASAKI  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  


    E77-C No:7

    In robot vision system, enormously large computation power is required to perform three-dimensional (3-D) instrumentation and object recognition. However, many kinds of complex and irregular operations are required to make accurate 3-D instrumentation and object recognition in the conventional method for software implementation. In this paper, a VLSI-oriented Model-Based Robot Vision (MBRV) processor is proposed for high-speed and accurate 3-D instrumentation and object recognition. An input image is compared with two-dimensional (2-D) silhouette images which are generated from the 3-D object models by means of perspective projection. Because the MBRV algorithm always gives the candidates for the accurate 3-D instrumentation and object recognition result with simple and regular procedures, it is suitable for the implementation of the VLSI processor. Highly parallel architecture is employed in the VLSI processor to reduce the latency between the image acquisition and the output generation of the 3-D instrumentation and object recognition results. As a result, 3-D instrumentation and object recognition can be performed 10000 times faster than a 28.5 MIPS workstation.

  • Extraction of Inclined Character Strings from Unformed Document Images Using the Confidence Value of a Character Recognizer

    Kei TAKIZAWA  Daisaku ARITA  Michihiko MINOH  Katsuo IKEDA  


    E77-D No:7

    A method for extracting and recognizing character strings from unformed document images, which have inclined character strings and have no structure at all, is described. To process such kinds of unformed documents, previous schemes, which are intended only to deal with documents containing nothing but horizontal or vertical strings of characters, do not work well. Our method is based on the idea that the processes of recognition and extraction of character patterns should operate together, and on the characteristic that the character patterns are located close to each other when they belong to the same string. The method has been implemented and applied to several images. The experimental results show the robustness of our method.
