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[Keyword] CTI(8214hit)


  • Microstructure Analysis Technique of Specific Area by Transmission Electron Microscopy

    Yoshifumi HATA  Ryuji ETOH  Hiroshi YAMASHITA  Shinji FUJII  Yoshikazu HARADA  


    E77-C No:4

    A procedure for preparing a cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrograph of a specific area is outlined. A specific area in a specimen has been very difficult to observe with TEM, because a particular small area cannot be preselected in the conventional specimen preparation technique using mechanical polishing, dimpling and ion milling. The technique in this paper uses a focused ion beam (FIB) to fabricate a cross-sectional specimen at a desired area. The applications of this specimen preparation technique are illustrated for investigations of particles in the process of fabricating devices and degraded aluminum/aluminum vias. The specimen preparation technique using FIB is useful for observing a specific area. This technique is also useful for shortening the time of specimen preparation and observing wide areas of LSI devices.

  • An Analysis of and a Method of Enhancing the Intensity of OBIRCH Signal for Defects Observation in VLSI Metal Interconnections

    Naoki KAWAMURA  Tomoaki SAKAI  Masakazu SHIMAYA  


    E77-C No:4

    The origin of and a method of enhancing the Optical Beam Induced Resistance Change (OBIRCH) signal for defect observation in VLSI metal interconnections is discussed based on a numerical analysis of three-dimensional thermal conduction and experimental results. The numerical analysis shows that the OBIRCH signal originates from a slight increase in the resistance of the metal line caused by laser beam heating and that its effect is influenced by the temperature of the metal layer. Both simulations and experimental results suggest that cooling the sample is preferable to detect the OBIRCH signal. The decrease in the total resistance of the metal line without any change in the amount of the resistance increase under laser illumination is found to be the main cause of the OBIRCH signal enhancement under low temperature measurement.

  • An Improved Reflection Wave Method for Measurement of Complex Permittivity at 100 MHz-1GHz

    Akira NAKAYAMA  Kazuya SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E77-C No:4

    An improved reflection wave method was described for measurement of complex permittivity of low-loss materials over 100MHz-1GHz range. The residual impedance Zr and stray admittance Ys surrounding the test sample, which terminated the transmission line, were evaluated using sapphire as a reference material. The correction by the obtained Zr and Ys gave accurate values of complex permittivities of alumina and mullite ceramics as 100MHz-1GHz.

  • 100Gbit/s Transmission Using All Optical Circuits

    Satoki KAWANISHI  Masatoshi SARUWATARI  


    E77-B No:4

    Recent progress on the ultrahigh-speed optical transmission experiments are reviewed including the ultrashort pulse generation, high-speed timing extraction, all-optical multi/demultiplexing. Also discussed are the latest 100 Gbit/s experiments and a scope to higher bit-rate, longer distance optical transmission.

  • Photometric Stereo for Specular Surface Shape Based on Neural Network

    Yuji IWAHORI  Hidekazu TANAKA  Robert J. WOODHAM  Naohiro ISHII  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E77-D No:4

    This paper proposes a new method to determine the shape of a surface by learning the mapping between three image irradiances observed under illumination from three lighting directions and the corresponding surface gradient. The method uses Phong reflectance function to describe specular reflectance. Lambertian reflectance is included as a special case. A neural network is constructed to estimate the values of reflectance parameters and the object surface gradient distribution under the assumption that the values of reflectance parameters are not known in advance. The method reconstructs the surface gradient distribution after determining the values of reflectance parameters of a test object using two step neural network which consists of one to extract two gradient parameters from three image irradiances and its inverse one. The effectiveness of this proposed neural network is confirmed by computer simulations and by experiment with a real object.

  • On Container Width and Length in Graphs, Groups,and Networks--Dedicated to Professor Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday--

    D.Frank HSU  


    E77-A No:4

    Graph parameters such as connectivity and diameter have been studied extensively due to their intrinsic importance in graph theory, combinatorics and their relations to (and applications in) fault tolerance and transmission delay in communications networks. The advent of VLSI technology and fiber optics material science has enabled us to design massively parallel processing computer systems and fast and complicated communications networks. All these systems increase their reliability by studying (among other) the existence of two (or more) disjoint paths connecting any two nodes. This paper addresses these issues by studying the width and length of containers in graphs and networks. In particular, the notions of w-distance and w-diameter on a graph are defined and studied which generalize both concepts of connectivity and diameter. Thses notions are also considered in finite groups. Other closely related parameters will be explored in the contexts of fault tolerance and routing. Known results are surveyed and open problems are offered for further investigation.

  • On a Unified Synthesizing Approach for Cellular Neural Networks

    Chun-ying HO  Shinsaku MORI  

    PAPER-Network Synthesis

    E77-D No:4

    In this paper, we develop a unified synthesizing approach for the cloning templates of Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs). In particular, we shall consider the case when the signal processing problem is complex, and a multilayered CNN with time-variant templates is necessary. The method originates from the existence of correspondence between the cloning templates of Cellular Neural Network and its discrete counterpart, Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Network (DTCNN), in solving a prescribed image processing problem when time-variant templates are involved. Thus, one can start with calculating the cloning templates from DTCNN, and then translating the cloning templates to those for CNN operations. As a result, the mathematical tools being used in the synthesis of Discrete-time Cellular Neural Network can also be applied to the analog type Cellular Neural Network. This inevitably helps to simplify the design problem of CNN for signal processing. Examples akin to contour drawing and parallel thinning are shown to illustrate the merits of our proposed method.

  • A Linearly-Polarized Slotted Waveguide Array Using Reflection-Cancelling Slot Pairs

    Kunio SAKAKIBARA  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E77-B No:4

    Resonant slots are widely used for conventional slotted waveguide array. Reflection from each slot causes a standing wave in the waveguide and beam tilting technique is essential to suppress the reflection at the antenna input port. But the slot reflection narrows the overall frequency bandwidth and the design taking it into account is complicated. This paper proposes a reflection cancelling slot pair as an array element, which consists of two slots spaced by 1/4λg. Round trip path-length difference between them is 1/2λg and reflection waves from a pair disappear and traveling-wave excitation in the waveguide is realized. The full wave analysis reveals that mutual coupling between paired slots is large and seriously reduces the radiation from a pair. Offset arrangement of slots in a pair is recommended to decrease the mutual coupling and to realize strong coupling. In practical array design, the mutual couplings from other pairs were simulated by imposing periodic boundary conditions above the aperture. To clarify the advantages of the slot pair over a conventional resonant slot, the predicted characteristics are compared. Reflection characteristics of the array using the slot pair is excellent and a boresite beam array can be realized. In addition, a slot pair can realize stronger coupling than the conventional resonant slot, while the bandwidth of the former in terms of the aperture field phase illumination is narrower than that of the latter. These suggests that the slot pair array is much more suitable for a small array than conventional one. Finally, the predicted characteristics are confirmed by experiments.

  • A Driving Test of a Small DC Motor with a Rectenna Array

    Yoshiyuki FUJINO  Takeo ITO  Masaharu FUJITA  Nobuyuki KAYA  Hiroshi MATSUMOTO  Kazuaki KAWABATA  Hisashi SAWADA  Toshihiro ONODERA  

    LETTER-Electronic and Radio Applications

    E77-B No:4

    Results of a DC motor driving test with a power sent by a microwave and extracted with a rectenna array are reported. No significant difference has been observed in the output DC power from the rectenna array between a motor load and a resistive load. Mechanical output could be extracted from the received microwave power with an efficiency of 26%.

  • Quick Learning for Bidirectional Associative Memory

    Motonobu HATTORI  Masafumi HAGIWARA  Masao NAKAGAWA  


    E77-D No:4

    Recently, many researches on associative memories have been made a lot of neural network models have been proposed. Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) is one of them. The BAM uses Hebbian learning. However, unless the traning vectors are orthogonal, Hebbian learning does not guarantee the recall of all training pairs. Namely, the BAM which is trained by Hebbian learning suffers from low memory capacity. To improve the storage capacity of the BAM, Pseudo-Relaxation Learning Algorithm for BAM (PRLAB) has been proposed. However, PRLAB needs long learning epochs because of random initial weights. In this paper, we propose Quick Learning for BAM which greatly reduces learning epochs and guarantees the recall of all training pairs. In the proposed algorithm, the BAM is trained by Hebbian learning in the first stage and then trained by PRLAB. Owing to the use of Hebbian learning in the first stage, the weights are much closer to the solution space than the initial weights chosen randomly. As a result, the proposed algorithm can reduce the learning epocks. The features of the proposed algorithm are: 1) It requires much less learning epochs. 2) It guarantees the recall of all training pairs. 3) It is robust for noisy inputs. 4) The memory capacity is much larger than conventional BAM. In addition, we made clear several important chracteristics of the conventional and the proposed algorithms such as noise reduction characteristics, storage capacity and the finding of an index which relates to the noise reduction.

  • High Speed Electron Beam Cell Projection Exposure System

    Yoshihiko OKAMOTO  Norio SAITOU  Haruo YODA  Yoshio SAKITANI  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E77-C No:3

    An electron beam cell projection system has been developed that can effectively expose the fine, demagnified resultant pattern of repeated and non-repeated patterns such as the 256 Mb DRAM on a semiconductor wafer. Particular attention was given to the beam shaping and deflecting optics, which has two stage deflectors for the cell projection beam selection as well as the beam sizing, and three stage deflectors for objective deflection. The cell mask with a rectangular aperture and multiple figure apertures is fabricated by modified Si wafer processes. A new exposure control data for the cell projection is proposed. This data is fitted for the combination of pattern data for the cell mask projection and pattern data for the variable rectangular shape beam within the divided units of the objective deflection. On this exposure system, selective exposure of the desired pattern becomes possible on the semiconductor wafer while a mounting stage of the wafer is being moved, even if the pattern exposure of the repeated and non-repeated patterns is to be carried out. The total overhead time for selecting a subset of multiple figures and a rectangular aperture of the cell mask is less than 5 seconds/wafer. The estimated throughput of this system is approximately 20 wafers/hour.

  • Subquarter-Micrometer PMOSFET's with 50-nm Source and Drain Formed by Rapid Vapor-Phase Doping (RVD)

    Yukihiro KIYOTA  Tohru NAKAMURA  Taroh INADA  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E77-C No:3

    Single-drain PMOSFET's with a very shallow source and drain were fabricated using a new doping method called rapid vapor-phase doping (RVD). This process is carried out in hydrogen atmosphere using B2H6 as a source gas. By varying flow rate of B2H6 and the doping time, shallow boron doped layers which are suitable for source and drain regions of MOSFET's are formed. The fabricated RVD-PMOSFET's have 50-nm source and drain regions with peak concentration of 41020 cm-3 which were formed under the condition of 800, B2H6 flow rate of 50 ml/min. The junction depth was one third of those formed by conventional low-energy BF2 ion implantation. RVD-PMOSFET's showed normal operation down to poly-Si gate length Lg of 0.18 µm. The advantage of shallow junction was clearly shown by the threshold voltage roll-off characteristics, that is, it was suppressed down to 0.18 µm, whereas in conventional device, roll-off occurred below 0.6 µm. This better short channel behavior suggests that RVD forms shallow source and drain regions with weaker lateral diffusion. This result confirms that RVD is an effective method for forming shallow junctions for MOSFET's.

  • Analysis of Dynamic Bandwidth Control for LAN Interconnection through ATM Networks

    Yoshihiro OHBA  Masayuki MURATA  Hideo MIYAHARA  


    E77-B No:3

    In this paper, we study a dynamic bandwidth control which is expected an effective use of network resources in transmitting highly bursty traffic generated by, e.g., interconnected LAN systems. First, a new LAN traffic model is proposed in which correlation of not only packet interarrival times but also packet lengths are considered. An analytic model for a LAN-ATM gateway is next introduced. It employs the dynamic bandwidth control using the proposed LAN traffic model and some performance measures are derived by it. The analytic model takes into account the probability that a bandwidth increase request may be rejected. Finally, some numerical examples are provided using the analysis method and performance comparisons between the dynamic and fixed bandwidth controls are made. As a result, it is quantitatively indicated that () if the equivalent bandwidth is used in average, the dynamic bandwidth control keeps packet and cell loss rates one to two orders lower than the fixed bandwidth control, () when the more strict QOS in terms of loss rate is requested, the dynamic bandwidth control can become more effective.

  • Selective Order-Preserving Broadcast (SP) Protocol

    Akihito NAKAMURA  Makoto TAKIZAWA  


    E77-B No:3

    This paper discusses how to provide selective broadcast communication for a group of multiple entities in a distributed system by using high-speed communication networks. In the group communication, protocol data units (PDUs) sent by each entity have to be delivered atomically in some order to all the destinations in the group. In distributed applications, each entity sends a PDU only to a subset rather than all the entities, and each entity needs to receive all the PDUs destined to it from every entity in the same order as they are sent. We name such a broadcast service a selective order-preserving broadcast (SP) service. In this paper, we discuss how to design a distributed, asynchronous protocol which provides the SP service for entities.

  • LAN Internetworking through Broadband ISDN

    Masayuki MURATA  Hideo MIYAHARA  


    E77-B No:3

    A local area network (LAN) can now provide high-speed data communications in a local area environment to establish distributed processing among personal computers and workstations, and the need for interconnecting LANs, which are geographically distributed, is naturally arising. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology has been widely recognized as a promising way to provide the high-speed wide area networks (WAN) for Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN), and the commercial service offerings are expected in the near future. The ATM network seems to have a capability as a backbone network for interconnecting LANs, and the LAN interconnection is expected to be the first service in ATM networks. However, there remain some technical challenges for this purpose; one of the main difficulties in LAN interconnection is the support of connectionless traffic by the ATM network, which is basically a connection-oriented network. Another one is the way of achieving the very high-speed data transmission over the ATM network. In this paper, we first discuss a LAN internetworking methodology based on the current technology. Then, the recent deployments of LAN interconnection methods through B-ISDN are reviewed.

  • Stability of an Active Two Port Network in terms of S Parameters

    Yoshihiro MIWA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E77-C No:3

    The stability conditions and stability factors of terminated active two port networks are investigated. They are expressed with the S parameters of active devices and the radii and centers of the circles defined by source and load terminations. The stability conditions are applied to specific cases. Some of the results correspond to the stability conditions expressed in Z, Y, H or G parameters and one of the other stability conditions of terminated two port network is similar to that for passive terminations which is expressed in S parameters. The various results derived in this paper are very useful for checking the stability of amplifiers, because both stability conditions and stability factors are simply calculated by using the S parameters without using the graphical method or transforming S parameters to Z, Y, H or G parameters. These stability conditions can be also used even if negative input or output resistance appears and even if the real part of source or load immittance is negative.

  • Datagram Delivery in an ATM-Internet

    Hiroshi ESAKI  Yoshiyuki TSUDA  Takeshi SAITO  Shigeyasu NATSUBORI  


    E77-B No:3

    This paper proposes a datagram delivery (class D service) architecture in an ATM-Internet, which is the network interconnecting ATM-LANs through the IWUs, Inter-Working Unit. We can provide a fast datagram delivery system through the following techniques. The datagram delivery to the destination terminal is performed by the datagram delivery server, so called CLS, which is located in the ATM-LAN where the destination terminal belongs to. Each CLS only manages the addresses for the terminals belonging to the corresponding ATM-LAN. The cells belonging to a certain datagram are transferred through a single (seamless) ATM connection from the source terminal to the CLS in the ATM-LAN where the destination terminal belongs to. The source terminal only resolves the access point address corresponding to the ATM-LAN where the destination terminal belongs to, when it submits the cells to the network to transfer the datagram to the corresponding destination terminal. The proposed datagram delivery architecture can be applied to the ATM-LAN system based on VPI routing architecture, easily. The number of the required ATM connections so as to provide datagram delivery through the proposed architecture is less than 1.0% of the ATM connections that the ATM-Internet can provide. Also, the required address space at UNI to provide datagram delivery are less than 1.0% of the UNI address space which is available to be used as an ATM connection identifier.

  • A Circuit Partitioning Approach for Parallel Circuit Simulation

    Tetsuro KAGE  Fumiyo KAWAFUJI  Junichi NIITSUMA  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E77-A No:3

    We have studied a circuit partitioning approach in the view of parallel circuit simulation on a MIMD parallel computer. In parallel circuit simulation, a circuit is partitioned into equally sized subcircuits while minimizing the number of interconnection nodes. Besides circuit partitioning time should be short enough compared with the total simulation time. From the details of circuit simulation time, we found that balancing subcircuits is critical for low parallel processing, whereas minimizing the interconnection nodes is critical for highly parallel processing. Our circuit partitioning approach consists of four steps: Grouping transistors, initial partitioning the transistor-groups, minimizing the number of interconnection nodes, and balancing the subcircuits. It is based on an algorithmic approach, and can directly control the tradeoffs between balancing subcircuits and minimizing the interconnection nodes by adjusting the parameters. We partitioned a test circuit with 3277 transistors into 4, 9, ... , 64 subcircuits, and did parallel simulations using PARACS, our parallel circuit simulator, on an AP1000 parallel computer. The circuit partitioning time was short enough-less than 3 percent of the total simulation time. The highest performance of parallel analysis using 49 processors was 16 times that of a single processor, and that for total simulation was 9 times.

  • Bandwidth Allocation for Connectionless Service in Private Networks Based on ATM Technology

    Tetsuya YOKOTANI  Toshihiro SHIKAMA  


    E77-B No:3

    Connectionless service for LANs interconnection will be provided in ATM networks at an early stage of B-ISDN era. This service will be provided on connection oriented mode at ATM technology. To perform this service, ATM connections using the dedicated bandwidth for this service are established semi-permanently between the nodes accommodating LANs. On these ATM connections, connectionless service among LANs is provided. It is important for private networks to utilize this bandwidth efficiently for reducing communication cost. In this paper, the architecture to provide connectionless service in private networks is described. Next, the allocation schemes of the bandwidth for this service and their performance are considered. We discuss the following schemes and compare them. One scheme is to establish semi-permanent ATM connections between the nodes with LAN interfaces. The bandwidth for each connection is individually assigned between these nodes. In another scheme, CLSFs (Connection-Less Service Functions) are introduced for connectionless service and connections are established via CLSFs. We show the latter scheme is superior because it brings out the effectiveness of statistical multiplexing of ATM technology and it leads to the reduction of the allocated bandwidth.

  • Mixed Mode Circuit Simulation Using Dynamic Network Separation and Selective Trace

    Masakatsu NISHIGAKI  Nobuyuki TANAKA  Hideki ASAI  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E77-A No:3

    For the efficient circuit simulation, several direct/relaxation-based mixed mode simulation techniques have been studied. This paper proposes the combination of selective trace, which is well-known in the logic simulation, with dynamic network separation. In the selective trace method, the time points to be analyzed are selected for each subcircuit. Since the separation technique enables the analysis of each subcircuit independently, it is possible to skip solving the latent subcircuits, according to selective trace. Selecting the time points in accordance with activity of each subcircuit is analogous to multirate numerical integration technique used in the waveform relaxation algorithm.
