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[Keyword] CTI(8214hit)


  • Experimental Study on CDMA GaAs HBT MMIC Power Amplifier Layout Design for Reducing Turn-On Delay in Transient Response

    Kazuya YAMAMOTO  Miyo MIYASHITA  Takayuki MATSUZUKA  Tomoyuki ASADA  Kazunobu FUJII  Satoshi SUZUKI  Teruyuki SHIMURA  Hiroaki SEKI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E100-C No:6

    This paper describes, for the first time, an experimental study on the layout design considerations of GaAs HBT MMIC switchable-amplifier-chain-based power amplifiers (SWPAs) for CDMA handsets. The transient response of the quiescent current and output power (Pout) in GaAs HBT power amplifiers that consist of a main chain and a sub-chain is often affected by a thermal coupling between power stages and their bias circuits in the same chain or a thermal coupling between power stages and/or their bias circuits in different chains. In particular, excessively strong thermal coupling inside the MMIC SWPA causes failure in 3GPP-compliant inner loop power control tests. An experimental study reveals that both the preheating in the main/sub-chains and appropriate thermal coupling inside the main chain are very effective in reducing the turn-on delay for the two-parallel-amplifier-chain topology; for example, i) the sub-power stage is arranged near the main power stage, ii) the sub-driver stage is placed near the main driver stage and iii) the main driver bias circuit is placed near the main power stage and the sub-power stage. The SWPA operating in Band 9 (1749.9 to 1784.9 MHz), which was designed and fabricated from the foregoing considerations, shows a remarkable improvement in the Pout turn-on delay: a reduced power level error of 0.74 dB from turn-off to turn-on in the sub-amplifier chain and a reduced power level error of over 0.30 dB from turn-off to turn-on in the main amplifier chain. The main RF power measurements conducted with a 3.4-V supply voltage and a Band 9 WCDMA HSDPA modulated signal are as follows. The SWPA delivers a Pout of 28.5 dBm, a power gain (Gp) of 28 dB, and a PAE of 39% while restricting the ACLR1 to less than -40 dBc in the main amplifier chain. In the sub-amplifier chain, 17 dBm of Pout, 23.5 dB of Gp, and 27% of PAE are obtained at the same ACLR1 level.

  • Symbolic Design of Networked Control Systems with State Prediction

    Masashi MIZOGUCHI  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Formal techniques

    E100-D No:6

    In this paper, we consider a networked control system where bounded network delays and packet dropouts exist in the network. The physical plant is abstracted by a transition system whose states are quantized states of the plant measured by a sensor, and a control specification for the abstracted plant is given by a transition system when no network disturbance occurs. Then, we design a prediction-based controller that determines a control input by predicting a set of all feasible abstracted states at time when the actuator receives the delayed input. It is proved that the prediction-based controller suppresses effects of network delays and packet dropouts and that the controlled plant still achieves the specification in spite of the existence of network delays and packet dropouts.

  • A Shadow Cursor for Calibrating Screen Coordinates of Tabletop Displays and Its Evaluation

    Makio ISHIHARA  Yukio ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E100-D No:6

    This paper discusses the use of a common computer mouse as a pointing interface for tabletop displays. In the use of a common computer mouse for tabletop displays, there might be an angular distance between the screen coordinates and the mouse control coordinates. To align those coordinates, this paper introduces a screen coordinates calibration technique using a shadow cursor. A shadow cursor is the basic idea of manipulating a mouse cursor without any visual feedbacks. The shadow cursor plays an important role in obtaining the angular distance between the two coordinates. It enables the user to perform a simple mouse manipulation so that screen coordinates calibration will be completed in less than a second.

  • Design and Implementation of Lighting Control System Using Battery-Less Wireless Human Detection Sensor Networks

    Tao YU  Yusuke KUKI  Gento MATSUSHITA  Daiki MAEHARA  Seiichi SAMPEI  Kei SAKAGUCHI  


    E100-B No:6

    Artificial lighting is responsible for a large portion of total energy consumption and has great potential for energy saving. This paper designs an LED light control algorithm based on users' localization using multiple battery-less binary human detection sensors. The proposed lighting control system focuses on reducing office lighting energy consumption and satisfying users' illumination requirement. Most current lighting control systems use infrared human detection sensors, but the poor detection probability, especially for a static user, makes it difficult to realize comfortable and effective lighting control. To improve the detection probability of each sensor, we proposed to locate sensors as close to each user as possible by using a battery-less wireless sensor network, in which all sensors can be placed freely in the space with high energy stability. We also proposed to use a multi-sensor-based user localization algorithm to capture user's position more accurately and realize fine lighting control which works even with static users. The system is actually implemented in an indoor office environment in a pilot project. A verification experiment is conducted by measuring the practical illumination and power consumption. The performance agrees with design expectations. It shows that the proposed LED lighting control system reduces the energy consumption significantly, 57% compared to the batch control scheme, and satisfies user's illumination requirement with 100% probability.

  • Number of Detectable Gradations in X-Ray Photographs of Cavities Inside 3-D Printed Objects

    Masahiro SUZUKI  Piyarat SILAPASUPHAKORNWONG  Youichi TAKASHIMA  Hideyuki TORII  Kazutake UEHIRA  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E100-D No:6

    We evaluated a technique for protecting the copyright of digital data for 3-D printing. To embed copyright information, the inside of a 3-D printed object is constructed from fine domains that have different physical characteristics from those of the object's main body surrounding them, and to read out the embedded information, these fine domains inside the objects are detected using nondestructive inspections such as X-ray photography or thermography. In the evaluation, copyright information embedded inside the 3-D printed object was expressed using the depth of fine cavities inside the object, and X-ray photography were used for reading them out from the object. The test sample was a cuboid 46mm wide, 42mm long, and 20mm deep. The cavities were 2mm wide and 2mm long. The difference in the depths of the cavities appeared as a difference in the luminance in the X-ray photographs, and 21 levels of depth could be detected on the basis of the difference in luminance. These results indicate that under the conditions of the experiment, each cavity expressed 4 to 5bits of information with its depth. We demonstrated that the proposed technique had the possibility of embedding a sufficient volume of information for expressing copyright information by using the depths of cavities.

  • A Novel 3D Gradient LBP Descriptor for Action Recognition

    Zhaoyang GUO  Xin'an WANG  Bo WANG  Zheng XIE  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E100-D No:6

    In the field of action recognition, Spatio-Temporal Interest Points (STIPs)-based features have shown high efficiency and robustness. However, most of state-of-the-art work to describe STIPs, they typically focus on 2-dimensions (2D) images, which ignore information in 3D spatio-temporal space. Besides, the compact representation of descriptors should be considered due to the costs of storage and computational time. In this paper, a novel local descriptor named 3D Gradient LBP is proposed, which extends the traditional descriptor Local Binary Patterns (LBP) into 3D spatio-temporal space. The proposed descriptor takes advantage of the neighbourhood information of cuboids in three dimensions, which accounts for its excellent descriptive power for the distribution of grey-level space. Experiments on three challenging datasets (KTH, Weizmann and UT Interaction) validate the effectiveness of our approach in the recognition of human actions.

  • Construction of Latent Descriptor Space and Inference Model of Hand-Object Interactions

    Tadashi MATSUO  Nobutaka SHIMADA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E100-D No:6

    Appearance-based generic object recognition is a challenging problem because all possible appearances of objects cannot be registered, especially as new objects are produced every day. Function of objects, however, has a comparatively small number of prototypes. Therefore, function-based classification of new objects could be a valuable tool for generic object recognition. Object functions are closely related to hand-object interactions during handling of a functional object; i.e., how the hand approaches the object, which parts of the object and contact the hand, and the shape of the hand during interaction. Hand-object interactions are helpful for modeling object functions. However, it is difficult to assign discrete labels to interactions because an object shape and grasping hand-postures intrinsically have continuous variations. To describe these interactions, we propose the interaction descriptor space which is acquired from unlabeled appearances of human hand-object interactions. By using interaction descriptors, we can numerically describe the relation between an object's appearance and its possible interaction with the hand. The model infers the quantitative state of the interaction from the object image alone. It also identifies the parts of objects designed for hand interactions such as grips and handles. We demonstrate that the proposed method can unsupervisedly generate interaction descriptors that make clusters corresponding to interaction types. And also we demonstrate that the model can infer possible hand-object interactions.

  • A 20-GHz Differential Push-Push VCO for 60-GHz Frequency Synthesizer toward 256 QAM Wireless Transmission in 65-nm CMOS Open Access

    Yun WANG  Makihiko KATSURAGI  Kenichi OKADA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E100-C No:6

    This paper present a 20-GHz differential push-push voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) for 60-GHz frequency synthesizer. The 20-GHz VCO consists of a 10-GHz in-phase injection-coupled QVCO (IPIC-QVCO) with tail-filter and a differential output push-push doubler for 20-GHz output. The VCO fabricated in 65-nm CMOS technology, it achieves tuning range of 3 GHz from 17.5 GHz to 20.4 GHz with a phase noise of -113.8 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset. The core oscillator consumes up to 71 mW power and a FoM of -180.2 dBc/Hz is achieved.

  • Tensorial Kernel Based on Spatial Structure Information for Neuroimaging Classification

    YingJiang WU  BenYong LIU  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E100-D No:6

    Recently, a high dimensional classification framework has been proposed to introduce spatial structure information in classical single kernel support vector machine optimization scheme for brain image analysis. However, during the construction of spatial kernel in this framework, a huge adjacency matrix is adopted to determine the adjacency relation between each pair of voxels and thus it leads to very high computational complexity in the spatial kernel calculation. The method is improved in this manuscript by a new construction of tensorial kernel wherein a 3-order tensor is adopted to preserve the adjacency relation so that calculation of the above huge matrix is avoided, and hence the computational complexity is significantly reduced. The improvement is verified by experimental results on classification of Alzheimer patients and cognitively normal controls.

  • A High-Throughput and Compact Hardware Implementation for the Reconstruction Loop in HEVC Intra Encoding

    Yibo FAN  Leilei HUANG  Zheng XIE  Xiaoyang ZENG  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E100-C No:6

    In the newly finalized video coding standard, namely high efficiency video coding (HEVC), new notations like coding unit (CU), prediction unit (PU) and transformation unit (TU) are introduced to improve the coding performance. As a result, the reconstruction loop in intra encoding is heavily burdened to choose the best partitions or modes for them. In order to solve the bottleneck problems in cycle and hardware cost, this paper proposed a high-throughput and compact implementation for such a reconstruction loop. By “high-throughput”, it refers to that it has a fixed throughput of 32 pixel/cycle independent of the TU/PU size (except for 4×4 TUs). By “compact”, it refers to that it fully explores the reusability between discrete cosine transform (DCT) and inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT) as well as that between quantization (Q) and de-quantization (IQ). Besides the contributions made in designing related hardware, this paper also provides a universal formula to analyze the cycle cost of the reconstruction loop and proposed a parallel-process scheme to further reduce the cycle cost. This design is verified on the Stratix IV FPGA. The basic structure achieved a maximum frequency of 150MHz and a hardware cost of 64K ALUTs, which could support the real time TU/PU partition decision for 4K×2K@20fps videos.

  • License Plate Detection and Character Segmentation Using Adaptive Binarization Based on Superpixels under Illumination Change

    Daehun KIM  Bonhwa KU  David K. HAN  Hanseok KO  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E100-D No:6

    In this paper, an algorithm is proposed for license plate recognition (LPR) in video traffic surveillance applications. In an LPR system, the primary steps are license plate detection and character segmentation. However, in practice, false alarms often occur due to images of vehicle parts that are similar in appearance to a license plate or detection rate degradation due to local illumination changes. To alleviate these difficulties, the proposed license plate segmentation employs an adaptive binarization using a superpixel-based local contrast measurement. From the binarization, we apply a set of rules to a sequence of characters in a sub-image region to determine whether it is part of a license plate. This process is effective in reducing false alarms and improving detection rates. Our experimental results demonstrate a significant improvement over conventional methods.

  • Power-Saving Method of Wireless Stations Based on Adaptive Control of Bidirectional Burst Transmission in Wireless LANs

    Kohei OMORI  Yosuke TANIGAWA  Hideki TODE  


    E100-B No:6

    This paper addresses power saving for STAs (Wireless Stations) in WLANs (Wireless LANs). Mobile devices are increasingly used in situations in which they access WLANs. However, mobile devices consume large amounts of power when they communicate through a WLAN, and this shortens their battery lifetime. IEEE 802.11 specifies PSM (Power-Saving Mode) as the power-saving method for standard WLANs. However, the sleep conditions specified by PSM for STAs are not optimal in terms of power saving, except when the number of STAs is small, and this increases packet transfer delay. In this paper, we propose a power-saving method in which STAs reduce power consumption by sleeping for a period specified by the NAV (Network Allocation Vector) duration, which is set by an RTS/CTS handshake, and the duration of the NAV is extended by bidirectional burst transmission. To suppress the transfer delay caused by the bidirectional burst transmission, an AP (Access Point) manages the transmission deadline of each downlink packet on the basis of its acceptable value of delay and adapts the number of packets transferred in the bidirectional burst transmission. Although another existing method also uses the NAV duration to manage STA sleeping, the bidirectional burst transmission can only be initiated by the STAs themselves and the NAV is of an extremely limited duration. On the other hand, the proposed method specifies generalized bidirectional burst transmission without the limitations of the transmission initiator and the burst length within acceptable packet transfer delay. Moreover, we investigate the combination of the proposed method with PSM in order to improve the performance in situations in which the number of STAs is small by taking advantage of the combined properties of PSM and the proposed method. The evaluation results demonstrate that these proposed methods can reduce the power consumption of wireless stations and suppress packet transfer delay.

  • A Method for Correcting Preposition Errors in Learner English with Feedback Messages

    Ryo NAGATA  Edward WHITTAKER  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E100-D No:6

    This paper presents a novel framework called error case frames for correcting preposition errors. They are case frames specially designed for describing and correcting preposition errors. Their most distinct advantage is that they can correct errors with feedback messages explaining why the preposition is erroneous. This paper proposes a method for automatically generating them by comparing learner and native corpora. Experiments show (i) automatically generated error case frames achieve a performance comparable to previous methods; (ii) error case frames are intuitively interpretable and manually modifiable to improve them; (iii) feedback messages provided by error case frames are effective in language learning assistance. Considering these advantages and the fact that it has been difficult to provide feedback messages using automatically generated rules, error case frames will likely be one of the major approaches for preposition error correction.

  • Noise Estimation for Speech Enhancement Based on Quasi-Gaussian Distributed Power Spectrum Series by Radical Root Transformation

    Tian YE  Yasunari YOKOTA  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E100-A No:6

    This contribution presents and analyzes the statistical regularity related to the noise power spectrum series and the speech spectrum series. It also undertakes a thorough inquiry of the quasi-Gaussian distributed power spectrum series obtained using the radical root transformation. Consequently, a noise-estimation algorithm is proposed for speech enhancement. This method is effective for separating the noise power spectrum from the noisy speech power spectrum. In contrast to standard noise-estimation algorithms, the proposed method requires no speech activity detector. It was confirmed to be conceptually simple and well suited to real-time implementations. Practical experiment tests indicated that our method is preferred over previous methods.

  • Improving the Performance of DOA Estimation Using Virtual Antenna in Automotive Radar

    Seokhyun KANG  Seongwook LEE  Jae-Eun LEE  Seong-Cheol KIM  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E100-B No:5

    In this paper, the virtual antenna technique is applied to a single input multiple output (SIMO) radar system to enhance the performance of the conventional beamforming direction of arrival (DOA) estimation method. Combining the virtual array generated by the interpolated array technique and the real array, the angular resolution of the DOA estimation algorithm is improved owing to the extended number of antennas and aperture size. Based on the proposed interpolation technique, we transform the position of the antenna elements in a uniform linear array (ULA) to the arbitrary positions to suppress the grating lobe and side lobe levels. In simulations, the pseudo spectrum of the Bartlett algorithm and the root mean square error (RMSE) of the DOA estimation with the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are analyzed for the real array and the proposed virtually extended array. Simulation results show that the angular resolution of the proposed array is better than that of the real array using the same aperture size of array and the number of antennas. The proposed technique is verified with the practical data from commercialized radar system.

  • Analysis of Effective Material Properties of Metal Dummy Fills in a CMOS Chip

    Takuichi HIRANO  Ning LI  Kenichi OKADA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E100-B No:5

    The equivalent anisotropic material parameters of metal dummy fills in a CMOS chip were extracted through an eigenmode analysis of a unit-cell of a space filled with metal dummies. The validity of the parameters was confirmed by comparing the S-parameters of a parallel-plate waveguide with the metal dummy fills and their effective material properties. The validity of the effective material properties was also confirmed by using them in a simulation of an on-chip dipole antenna.

  • Fast Intra Coding Algorithm for HEVC Based on Decision Tree

    Jia QIN  Huihui BAI  Mengmeng ZHANG  Yao ZHAO  


    E100-A No:5

    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is the latest coding standard. Compared with Advanced Video coding (H.264/AVC), HEVC offers about a 50% bitrate reduction at the same reconstructed video quality. However, this new coding standard leads to enormous computational complexity, which makes it difficult to encode video in real time. Therefore, in this paper, aiming at the high complexity of intra coding in HEVC, a new fast coding unit (CU) splitting algorithm is proposed based on the decision tree. Decision tree, as a method of machine learning, can be designed to determine the size of CUs adaptively. Here, two significant features, Just Noticeable Difference (JND) values and coding bits of each CU can be extracted to train the decision tree, according to their relationships with the CUs' partitions. The experimental results have revealed that the proposed algorithm can save about 34% of time, on average, with only a small increase of BD-rate under the “All_Intra” setting, compared with the HEVC reference software.

  • LTDE: A Layout Tree Based Approach for Deep Page Data Extraction

    Jun ZENG  Feng LI  Brendan FLANAGAN  Sachio HIROKAWA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E100-D No:5

    Content extraction from deep Web pages has received great attention in recent years. However, the increasingly complicated HTML structure of Web documents makes it more difficult to recognize the data records by only analyzing the HTML source code. In this paper, we propose a method named LTDE to extract data records from a deep Web page. Instead of analyzing the HTML source code, LTDE utilizes the visual features of data records in deep Web pages. A Web page is considered as a finite set of visual blocks. The data records are the visual blocks that have similar layout. We also propose a pattern recognizing method named layout tree to cluster the similar layout visual blocks. The weight of all clusters is calculated, and the visual blocks in the cluster that has the highest weight are chosen as the data records to be extracted. The experiment results show that LTDE has higher effectiveness and better robustness for Web data extraction compared to previous works.

  • Performance Comparison of Overloaded MIMO System with and without Antenna Selection

    Yasunori NIN  Hikari MATSUOKA  Yukitoshi SANADA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E100-B No:5

    This paper investigates the performance of an overloaded multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) - orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system with and without antenna selection. In the overloaded MIMO-OFDM system, even if only a small amount of feedback is available, performance can be improved by selecting the transmit antennas. Thus, this paper compares the performance of an overloaded MIMO system with and without antenna selection under different code rates. It is shown that the performance of the MIMO-OFDM system for six signal streams with QPSK modulation is about 2.0dB better than that for three signal streams with 16QAM modulation while it is about 5.0dB better than that of the MIMO-OFDM system for two signal streams with 64QAM modulation at a bit error rate (BER) of 10-3. However, it is also shown that the performance of the overloaded MIMO system is worse if the code rate of the repetition code increases.

  • A Method for FDOA Estimation with Expansion of RMS Integration Time

    Shangyu ZHANG  Zhen HUANG  Zhenqiang LI  Xinlong XIAO  Dexiu HU  


    E100-B No:5

    The measurement accuracy of frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) is usually determinant for emitters location system using rapidly moving receivers. The classic technique of expanding the integration time of the cross ambiguity function (CAF) to achieve better performance of FDOA is likely to incur a significant computational burden especially for wideband signals. In this paper, a nonconsecutive short-time CAF's methods is proposed with expansion of root mean square (RMS) integration time, instead of the integration time, and a factor of estimation precision improvement is given which is relative to the general consecutive method. Furthermore, by analyzing the characteristic of coherent CAF and the influence of FDOA rate, an upper bound of the precision improvement factor is derived. Simulation results are provided to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.
