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[Keyword] Cu(4258hit)


  • Competitive Strategies for Evacuating from an Unknown Affected Area

    Qi WEI  Xuehou TAN  Bo JIANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E99-D No:10

    This article presents efficient strategies for evacuating from an unknown affected area in a plane. Evacuation is the process of movement away from a threat or hazard such as natural disasters. Consider that one or n(n ≥ 3) agents are lost in an unknown convex region P. The agents know neither the boundary information of P nor their positions. We seek competitive strategies that can evacuate the agent from P as quickly as possible. The performance of the strategy is measured by a competitive ratio of the evacuation path over the shortest path. We give a 13.812-competitive spiral strategy for one agent, and prove that it is optimal among all monotone and periodic strategies by showing a matching lower bound. Also, we give a new competitive strategy EES for n(n ≥ 3) agents and adjust it to be more efficient with the analysis of its performance.

  • A Secure Light-Weight Public Auditing Scheme in Cloud Computing with Potentially Malicious Third Party Auditor

    Yilun WU  Xinye LIN  Xicheng LU  Jinshu SU  Peixin CHEN  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E99-D No:10

    Public auditing is a new technique to protect the integrity of outsourced data in the remote cloud. Users delegate the ability of auditing to a third party auditor (TPA), and assume that each result from the TPA is correct. However, the TPA is not always trustworthy in reality. In this paper, we consider a scenario in which the TPA may lower the reputation of the cloud server by cheating users, and propose a novel public auditing scheme to address this security issue. The analyses and the evaluation prove that our scheme is both secure and efficient.

  • Compact 141-GHz Differential Amplifier with 20-dB Peak Gain and 22-GHz 3-dB Bandwidth

    Shinsuke HARA  Kosuke KATAYAMA  Kyoya TAKANO  Issei WATANABE  Norihiko SEKINE  Akifumi KASAMATSU  Takeshi YOSHIDA  Shuhei AMAKAWA  Minoru FUJISHIMA  


    E99-C No:10

    This paper presents a wideband differential amplifier operating at 141GHz in 40-nm CMOS. It is composed of five differential common source stages with cross-coupled capacitors. A small-signal gain of 20dB and a 3-dB bandwidth of 22GHz are achieved. It consumes 75mW from a 0.94-V voltage supply. The die area with balun and pads is 945×842µm2 and the size of the core not including input/output matching networks is 201×284µm2. The small core area is made possible by using a refined “fishbone” layout technique.

  • Investigation of Using Continuous Representation of Various Linguistic Units in Neural Network Based Text-to-Speech Synthesis

    Xin WANG  Shinji TAKAKI  Junichi YAMAGISHI  

    PAPER-Speech synthesis

    E99-D No:10

    Building high-quality text-to-speech (TTS) systems without expert knowledge of the target language and/or time-consuming manual annotation of speech and text data is an important yet challenging research topic. In this kind of TTS system, it is vital to find representation of the input text that is both effective and easy to acquire. Recently, the continuous representation of raw word inputs, called “word embedding”, has been successfully used in various natural language processing tasks. It has also been used as the additional or alternative linguistic input features to a neural-network-based acoustic model for TTS systems. In this paper, we further investigate the use of this embedding technique to represent phonemes, syllables and phrases for the acoustic model based on the recurrent and feed-forward neural network. Results of the experiments show that most of these continuous representations cannot significantly improve the system's performance when they are fed into the acoustic model either as additional component or as a replacement of the conventional prosodic context. However, subjective evaluation shows that the continuous representation of phrases can achieve significant improvement when it is combined with the prosodic context as input to the acoustic model based on the feed-forward neural network.

  • Robust Hybrid Finger Pattern Identification Using Intersection Enhanced Gabor Based Direction Coding

    Wenming YANG  Wenyang JI  Fei ZHOU  Qingmin LIAO  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E99-D No:10

    Automated biometrics identification using finger vein images has increasingly generated interest among researchers with emerging applications in human biometrics. The traditional feature-level fusion strategy is limited and expensive. To solve the problem, this paper investigates the possible use of infrared hybrid finger patterns on the back side of a finger, which includes both the information of finger vein and finger dorsal textures in original image, and a database using the proposed hybrid pattern is established. Accordingly, an Intersection enhanced Gabor based Direction Coding (IGDC) method is proposed. The Experiment achieves a recognition ratio of 98.4127% and an equal error rate of 0.00819 on our newly established database, which is fairly competitive.

  • Side-Lobe Reduced, Circularly Polarized Patch Array Antenna for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging

    Mohd Zafri BAHARUDDIN  Yuta IZUMI  Josaphat Tetuko Sri SUMANTYO   YOHANDRI  


    E99-C No:10

    Antenna radiation patterns have side-lobes that add to ambiguity in the form of ghosting and object repetition in SAR images. An L-band 1.27GHz, 2×5 element proximity-coupled corner-truncated patch array antenna synthesized using the Dolph-Chebyshev method to reduce side-lobe levels is proposed. The designed antenna was sim-ulated, optimized, and fabricated for antenna performance parameter measurements. Antenna performance characteristics show good agree-ment with simulated results. A set of antennas were fabricated and then used together with a custom synthetic aperture radar system and SAR imaging performed on a point target in an anechoic chamber. Imaging results are also discussed in this paper showing improvement in image output. The antenna and its connected SAR systems developed in this work are different from most previous work in that this work is utilizing circular polarization as opposed to linear polarization.

  • A Broadband Circularly Polarized Waveguide Antenna Design for Low Cross-Polarization

    Ryoji YAMAUCHI  Takeshi FUKUSAKO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:10

    An L-shaped probe with a surrounding aperture such as a waveguide can generate circular polarization (CP) waves. Circular waveguide antennas using an L-shaped probe have broadband characteristics both in axial ratio (AR) and in input impedance, however cross-polarization (XPOL) is easily generated due to its asymmetrical structure resulting in a radiation pattern that has narrow CP azimuth range. In this paper, design techniques to reduce the XPOL generated from a circular waveguide antenna using an L-shaped probe are proposed. As a result, XPOL is reduced by around 10 dB, and CP is radiated over a wide angle range of 120-150° covering frequencies from 7.35 to 9.75GHz.

  • Detecting Violations of Security Requirements for Vulnerability Discovery in Source Code

    Hongzhe LI  Jaesang OH  Heejo LEE  

    LETTER-Software System

    E99-D No:9

    Finding software vulnerabilities in source code before the program gets deployed is crucial to ensure the software quality. Existing source code auditing tools for vulnerability detection generate too many false positives, and only limited types of vulnerability can be detected automatically. In this paper, we propose an extendable mechanism to reveal vulnerabilities in source code with low false positives by specifying security requirements and detecting requirement violations of the potential vulnerable sinks. The experimental results show that the proposed mechanism can detect vulnerabilities with zero false positives and indicate the extendability of the mechanism to cover more types of vulnerabilities.

  • Efficiency Analysis of SiC-MOSFET-Based Bidirectional Isolated DC/DC Converters

    Atsushi SAITO  Kenshiro SATO  Yuta TANIMOTO  Kai MATSUURA  Yutaka SASAKI  Mitiko MIURA-MATTAUSCH  Hans Jürgen MATTAUSCH  Yoshifumi ZOKA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E99-C No:9

    Circuit performance of SiC-MOSFET-based bidirectional isolated DC/DC converters is investigated based on circuit simulation with the physically accurate compact device model HiSIM_HV. It is demonstrated that the combined optimization of the MOSFETs Ron and of the inductances in the transformer can enable a conversion efficiency of more than 97%. The simulation study also verifies that the possible efficiency improvements are diminished due to the MOSFET-performance degradation, namely the carrier-mobility reduction, which results in a limitation of the possible Ron reduction. It is further demonstrated that an optimization of the MOSFET-operation conditions is important to utilize the resulting higher MOSFET performance for achieving additional converter efficiency improvements.

  • Inishing: A UI Phishing Attack to Exploit the Vulnerability of Inotify in Android Smartphones

    Woo Hyun AHN  Sanghyeon PARK  Jaewon OH  Seung-Ho LIM  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E99-D No:9

    In Android OS, we discover that a notification service called inotify is a new side-channel allowing malware to identify file accesses associated with the display of a security-relevant UI screen. This paper proposes a phishing attack that detects victim UI screens by their file accesses in applications and steals private information.

  • Circular Bit-Vector-Mismatches: A New Approximate Circular String Matching with k-Mismatches

    ThienLuan HO  Seung-Rohk OH  HyunJin KIM  

    LETTER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E99-A No:9

    This paper proposes a circular bit-vector-mismatches (CBVM) algorithm for approximate circular string matching with k-mismatches. We develop the proposed CBVM algorithm based on the rotation feature of the circular pattern. By reusing the matching information of the previous substring, the next substring of the input string can be processed in parallel.

  • CMOS Majority Circuit with Large Fan-In

    Hisanao AKIMA  Yasuhiro KATAYAMA  Masao SAKURABA  Koji NAKAJIMA  Jordi MADRENAS  Shigeo SATO  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E99-C No:9

    Majority logic is quite important for various applications such as fault tolerant systems, threshold logic, spectrum spread coding, and artificial neural networks. The circuit implementation of majority logic is difficult when the number of inputs becomes large because the number of transistors becomes huge and serious delay would occur. In this paper, we propose a new majority circuit with large fan-in. The circuit is composed of ordinary CMOS transistors and the total number of transistors is approximately only 4N, where N is the total number of inputs. We confirmed a correct operation by using HSPICE simulation. The yield of the proposed circuit was evaluated with respect to N under the variations of device parameters by using Monte Carlo simulation.

  • Novel Beam-Scanning Center-Fed Imaging Reflector Antenna with Elliptical Aperture for Wide Area Observation

    Michio TAKIKAWA  Yoshio INASAWA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  Izuru NAITO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E99-C No:9

    We investigate a phased array-fed dual reflector antenna applying one-dimensional beam-scanning of the center-fed type, using an elliptical aperture to provide wide area observation. The distinguishing feature of this antenna is its elliptical aperture shape, in which the aperture diameter differs between the forward satellite direction and the cross-section orthogonal to it. The shape in the plane of the forward satellite direction, which does not have a beam-scanning function, is a ring-focus Cassegrain antenna, and the shape in the plane orthogonal to that, which does have a beam-scanning function, is an imaging reflector antenna. This paper describes issues which arose during design of the elliptical aperture shape and how they were solved, and presents design results using elliptical aperture dimensions of 1600 mm × 600 mm, in which the beam width differs by more than two times in the orthogonal cross-section. The effectiveness of the antenna was verified by fabricating a prototype antenna based on the design results. Measurement results confirmed that an aperture efficiency of 50% or more could be achieved, and that a different beam width was obtained in the orthogonal plane in accordance with design values.

  • A Zero Bias Frequency-Domain Interference Suppressor for GNSS Receivers

    Guangteng FAN  Xiaomei TANG  Junwei NIE  Yangbo HUANG  Guangfu SUN  

    PAPER-Navigation, Guidance and Control Systems

    E99-B No:9

    Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers equipped with the frequency domain interference suppression (FDIS) filter can operate in environments with harsh interference. The FDIS will not cause tracking error bias for an ideal analog receiver channel as its magnitude response and phase response are constant. However, the analog receiver channel distortion is induced by RF cables, amplifiers, and mixers. The distortion of the channel caused asymmetry correlation function. The correlation function is further deformed by the FDIS filter. More seriously, since the FDIS filter is adaptive, the bias will vary with the jamming pattern, especially when the frequency of interference is varying. For precision navigation applications, this bias must be mitigated. Fortunately, to prevent power loss, the analog receiver channel filter is a real function or the imaginary part is negligible. Therefore, the magnitude response and the phase response are even functions. Based on these channel features, a new FDIS filter based on mirror frequency amplitude compensation (MFAC) method is proposed in this paper. The amplitude of the symmetry position of the notch frequency is doubled in the MFAC method in order to mitigate the tracking bias. Simulation results show that the MFAC-based FDIS method is capable of reducing the bias error to less than 0.1ns, which is significant smaller than that achieved by the traditional FDIS method.

  • Comment on the Security of an Order-Preserving Encryption Scheme Using Pseudo-Random Function

    Minkyu KIM  Je HONG PARK  Dongyoung ROH  

    WRITTEN DISCUSSION-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E99-B No:9

    Since the first formal cryptographic study of order-preserving encryption (OPE) by Boldyreva et al., few OPE schemes with provable security have been published. In this paper, we analyze the security of Jho et al.'s OPE scheme, and show that it is not POPF-CCA secure in opposition to what they claim.

  • Incremental Semantic Construction Based on Combinatory Categorial Grammar

    Yoshihide KATO  Shigeki MATSUBARA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E99-D No:9

    This paper proposes a method of incrementally constructing semantic representations. Our method is based on Steedman's Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG), which has a transparent correspondence between syntax and semantics. In our method, a derivation for a sentence is constructed in an incremental fashion and the corresponding semantic representation is derived synchronously. Our method uses normal form CCG derivation. This is the difference between our approach and previous ones. Previous approaches use most left-branching derivation called incremental derivation, but they cannot process coordinate structures incrementally. Our method overcomes this problem.

  • Autonomous Decentralized Semantic Based Traceability Link Recovery Framework

    Khalid MAHMOOD  Mazen ALOBAIDI  Hironao TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E99-D No:9

    The automation of traceability links or traceability matrices is important to many software development paradigms. In turn, the efficiency and effectiveness of the recovery of traceability links in the distributed software development is becoming increasingly vital due to complexity of project developments, as this include continuous change in requirements, geographically dispersed project teams, and the complexity of managing the elements of a project - time, money, scope, and people. Therefore, the traceability links among the requirements artifacts, which fulfill business objectives, is also critical to reduce the risk and ensures project‘s success. This paper proposes Autonomous Decentralized Semantic based Traceability Link Recovery (AD-STLR) architecture. According to best of our knowledge this is the first architectural approach that uses an autonomous decentralized concept, DBpedia knowledge-base, Babelnet 2.5 multilingual dictionary and semantic network, for finding similarity among different project artifacts and the automation of traceability links recovery.

  • Realization of SR-Equivalents Using Generalized Shift Registers for Secure Scan Design

    Hideo FUJIWARA  Katsuya FUJIWARA  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E99-D No:8

    We reported a secure scan design approach using shift register equivalents (SR-equivalents, for short) that are functionally equivalent but not structurally equivalent to shift registers [10 and also introduced generalized shift registers (GSRs, for short) to apply them to secure scan design [11]-[13]. In this paper, we combine both concepts of SR-equivalents and GSRs and consider the synthesis problem of SR-equivalent GSRs, i.e., how to modify a given GSR to an SR-equivalent GSR. We also consider the enumeration problem of SR-equivalent GFSRs, i.e., the cardinality of the class of SR-equivalent GSRs to clarify the security level of the secure scan architecture.

  • Privacy-Preserving Logistic Regression with Distributed Data Sources via Homomorphic Encryption

    Yoshinori AONO  Takuya HAYASHI  Le Trieu PHONG  Lihua WANG  


    E99-D No:8

    Logistic regression is a powerful machine learning tool to classify data. When dealing with sensitive or private data, cares are necessary. In this paper, we propose a secure system for privacy-protecting both the training and predicting data in logistic regression via homomorphic encryption. Perhaps surprisingly, despite the non-polynomial tasks of training and predicting in logistic regression, we show that only additively homomorphic encryption is needed to build our system. Indeed, we instantiate our system with Paillier, LWE-based, and ring-LWE-based encryption schemes, highlighting the merits and demerits of each instantiation. Besides examining the costs of computation and communication, we carefully test our system over real datasets to demonstrate its utility.

  • Behavioral Equivalence of Security-Oriented Interactive Systems

    Guanjun LIU  Changjun JIANG  


    E99-D No:8

    In the classical computation theory, the language of a system features the computational behavior of the system but it does not distinguish the determinism and nondeterminism of actions. However, Milner found that the determinism and nondeterminism affect the interactional behavior of interactive systems and thus the notion of language does not features the interactional behavior. Therefore, Milner proposed the notion of (weak) bisimulation to solve this problem. With the development of internet, more and more interactive systems occur in the world, such as electronic trading system. Security is one of the most important topics for these systems. We find that different security policies can also affect the interactional behavior of a system, which exactly is the reason why a good policy can strengthen the security. In other words, two interactive systems with different security policies are not of an equivalent behavior although their functions (or business processes) are identical. However, the classic (weak) bisimulation theory draws an opposite conclusion that their behaviors are equivalent. The notion of (weak) bisimulation is not suitable for these security-oriented interactive systems since it does not consider a security policy. This paper proposes the concept of secure bisimulation in order to solve the above problem.
