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  • Bifurcation Set of a Modelled Parallel Blower System

    Hideaki OKAZAKI  Tomoyuki UWABA  Hideo NAKANO  Takehiko KAWASE  


    E76-A No:3

    Global dynamic behavior particularly the bifurcation of periodic orbits of a parallel blower system is studied using a piecewise linear model and the one-dimensional map defined by the Poincare map. First several analytical tools are presented to numerically study the bifurcation process particularly the bifurcation point of the fixed point of the Poincare map. Using two bifurcation diagrams and a bifurcation set, it is shown how periodic orbits bifurcate and leads to chaotic state. It is also shown that the homoclinic bifurcations occur in some parameter regions and that the Li & Yorke conditions of the chaotic state hold in the parameter region which is included in the one where the homoclinic bifurcation occurs. Together with the above, the stable and unstable manifolds of a saddle closed orbit is illustrated and the existence of the homoclinic points is shown.

  • Design of Robust-Fault-Tolerant Multiple-Valued Arithmetic Circuits and Their Evaluation

    Takeshi KASUGA  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    Robust-fault tolerance is a property that a computational result becomes nearly equal to the correct one at the occurrence of faults in digital system. There are many cases where the safety of digital control systems can be maintained if the property is satisfied. In this paper, robust-fault-tolerant three-valued arithmetic modules such as an adder and a multiplier are proposed. The positive and negative integers are represented by the number of 1's and 1's, respectively. The design concept of the arithmetic modules is that a fault makes linearly additive effect with a small value to the final result. Each arithmetic module consists of identical submodules linearly connected, so that multi-stage structure is formed to generate the final output from the last submodule. Between the input and output digits in the submodule some simple functional relation is satisfied with respect to the number of 1's and 1's. Moreover, the output digit value depends on very small portion of the submodules including the input digits. These properties make the linearly additive effect with a small value to the final result in the arithmetic modules even if multiple faults are occurred at the input and output of any gates in the submodules. Not only direct three-valued representation but also the use of three-valued logic circuits is inherently suitable for efficient implementation of the arithmetic VLSI system. The evaluation of the robust-fault-tolerant three-valued arithmetic modules is done with regard to the chip size and the speed using the standard CMOS design rule. As a result, it is made clear that the chip size can be greatly reduced.

  • Unsupervised Learning Algorithm for Fuzzy Clustering

    Kiichi URAHAMA  


    E76-D No:3

    An adaptive algorithm is presented for fuzzy clustering of data. Partitioning is fuzzified by addition of an entropy term to objective functions. The proposed method produces more convex membership functions than those given by the fuzzy c-means algorithm.

  • A Synthesis of Complex Allpass Circuits Using the Factorization of Scattering Matrices--Explicit Formulae for Even-Order Real Complementary Filters Having Butterworth or Chebyshev Responses--



    E76-A No:3

    Low-sensitivity digital filters are required for accurate signal processing. Among many low-sensitivity digital filters, a method using complex allpass circuits is well-known. In this paper, a new synthesis of complex allpass circuits is proposed. The proposed synthesis can be realized more easily either only in the z-domain or in the s-domain than conventional methods. The key concept for the synthesis is based on the factorization of lossless scattering matrices. Complex allpass circuits are interpreted as lossless digital two-port circuits, whose scattering matrices are factored. Furthermore, in the cases of Butterworth, Chebyshev and inverse Chebyshev responses, the explicit formulae for multiplier coefficients are derived, which enable us to synthesize the objective circuits directly from the specifications in the s-domain. Finally design examples verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Associative Neural Network Models Based on a Measure of Manhattan Length

    Hiroshi UEDA  Yoichiro ANZAI  Masaya OHTA  Shojiro YONEDA  Akio OGIHARA  


    E76-A No:3

    In this paper, two models for associative memory based on a measure of manhattan length are proposed. First, we propose the two-layered model which has an advantage to its implementation by using PDN. We also refer to the way to improve the recalling ability of this model against noisy input patterns. Secondly, we propose the other model which always recalls the nearest memory pattern in a measure of manhattan length by lateral inhibition. Even if a noise of input pattern is so large that the first model can not recall, this model can recall correctly against such a noisy pattern. We also confirm the performance of the two models by computer simulations.

  • Usage Parameter Control and Bandwidth Allocation Methods Considering Cell Delay Variation in ATM Networks

    Naoaki YAMANAKA  Youichi SATO  Ken-ichi SATO  


    E76-B No:3

    This paper proposes an ATM traffic management method that utilizes a deterministic source traffic descriptor, a deterministic Usage Parameter Control (UPC) algorithm and a conservative statistical bandwidth allocation method all of which were developed considering the Cell Delay Variation (CDV) typically experienced in ATM networks. For the source traffic descriptor, sliding time interval-type descriptors are proposed. A newly-structured UPC method which combines a sliding window-type circuit and a 2-phase credit window type circuit is proposed. The method is precise and accurate and requires only a small amount of hardware. The proposed parameter conversion method considers the CDV generated between User and UPC point. A bandwidth allocation method based on the worst clumping pattern and UPC output pattern is proposed. The network efficiency degradation caused by CDV is calculated. This traffic management method not only guarantees the QOS of all connections but also allows for large statistical multiplexing gains. The proposed method will, therefore, make it possible to create a more effective B-ISDN, one that can offer cost-effective broadband VBR services.

  • A Theoretical Analysis of Neural Networks with Nonzero Diagonal Elements

    Masaya OHTA  Yoichiro ANZAI  Shojiro YONEDA  Akio OGIHARA  


    E76-A No:3

    This article analyzes the property of the fully interconnected neural networks as a method of solving combinatorial optimization problems in general. In particular, in order to escape local minimums in this model, we analyze theoretically the relation between the diagonal elements of the connection matrix and the stability of the networks. It is shown that the position of the global minimum point of the energy function on the hyper sphere in n dimensional space is given by the eigen vector corresponding the maximum eigen value of the connection matrix. Then it is shown that the diagonal elements of the connection matrix can be improved without loss of generality. The equilibrium points of the improved networks are classified according to their properties, and their stability is investigated. In order to show that the change of the diagonal elements improves the potential for the global minimum search, computer simulations are carried out by using the theoretical values. In according to the simulation result on 10 neurons, the success rate to get the optimum solution is 97.5%. The result shows that the improvement of the diagonal elements has potential for minimum search.

  • Chaotic Responses to Pulse-Train Stimulation in the Nagumo Neural Circuit

    Yasutomo OHGUCHI  Yukio YANO  Kenzo MURAZUMI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Phenomena and Analysis

    E76-A No:3

    Responses in the Nagumo neural circuit to pulse-train stimulation are studied using the time sequence, phase diagram, Poincare section, return map, firing rate, Lyapunov number and bifurcation diagram. For the mono-stable neuron with an equilibrium point deeper than the maximal point of a tunnel diode curve, main responses are periodic or all-or-none and chaotic responses are rarely observed. For the neuron with an equilibrium point located near the maximal point, the response to one input pulse oscillates after the undershoot and responses to pulse-trains make complex bifurcation structure in the threshold diagram. The ranges of periodic responses are stratified in the diagram. There exist broad regions of chaotic responses and chaos is not a special response of the Nagumo circuit, but it often comes out. The results are different from those obtained from Hodgkin-Huxley equations and the BVP model.

  • Applying OSI Systems Management Standards to Remotely Controlled Virtual Path Testing in ATM Networks

    Satoru OHTA  Nobuo FUJII  


    E76-B No:3

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is an information transport technique that well supports Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN). One unsolved problem to the perfection of ATM networks is to provide a testing environment that conforms to some standardized network management scheme. From this point of view, remotely controlled virtual path testing is considered in this paper. Remotely controlled virtual path testing should be executed through the standardized Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) model, which employs the OSI systems management concept as the basis of information exchange. Thus, this paper addresses the two issues that arise when OSI systems management standards are applied to virtual path testing. One issue is to define relevant information models. The other issue is to provide test resources with a concurrency control mechanism that guarantees a consistent test environment without causing deadlocks. To resolve these issues, technical requirements are clarified for the remote control of test resources. Next, alternatives to the concurrency control mechanism are shown and compared through computer simulations. A method of defining information models is then proposed. The proposed method ensures the easy storage and retrieval of intermediate test results as well as permitting the effective provision of concurrency control for test resources. An application scenario is also derived. The scenario shows that tests can be executed by using standardized communication services. These results confirm that virtual path testing can be successfully achieved in conformance with the OSI systems management standards.

  • A High-Speed ATM Switch with Input and Cross-Point Buffers

    Yukihiro DOI  Naoaki YAMANAKA  

    LETTER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E76-B No:3

    This letter describes a new input and cross-point buffering matrix switching architecture for high-speed ATM switching systems. The proposed switch has input queuing buffers at each input port, and small size buffers for output port arbitration at each cross-point. These two types of buffers share loads using a simple and high-speed retry algorithm. Hardware size is only half that of conventional cross-point buffering switches. In addition, the switch achieves high-throughput at a condition that the switching speed matches the input and output port speed. This switch is expected to enable the development of high-speed ATM switching systems with each port supporting speeds in excess of 1Gbit/s.

  • Trellis Coded Modulation Using Totally Overlapped Signal Sets

    Masayuki ARIYOSHI  Takaya YAMAZATO  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  

    PAPER-Communication Theory

    E76-B No:3

    In conventional trellis coded modulation (TCM), a bit rate of m/m+1 convolutional encoder is employed for n information bits (mn), where 2n+1 signal points are required. In this paper, we propose a novel TCM system using totally overlapped signal sets (TO-TCM), i.e., each signal point is used twice. Thus, TO-TCM can realize only half signal points (2n) comparing with those of a conventional TCM system (2n+1), and it is possible to implement a coded modulation system without doubling the signal points by an insertion of redundant bits. The cases of the proposed schemes which have a process to extend the minimum free distances between the signal points can achieve a considerable coding gain in comparison to the traditional uncoded systems with 2n signal points. Moreover, as the proposed scheme needs only half signal points (2n) of those of conventional TCM, the average power is lower and it is less sensitive to the carrier phase offset.

  • Prospects for Multiple-Valued Integrated Circuits

    Kenneth Carless SMITH  P.Glenn GULAK  


    E76-C No:3

    The evolution of Multiple-Valued Logic (MVL) circuits has been inexorably tied to the rapid technological changes induced by evolving needs and emerging developments in computing methodologies. Unfortunately for MVL, the numbers of designers of technologies and circuits whose lives are dedicated to the improvement of binary techniques, are large and overwhelming. Correspondingly, technological developments in MVL typically await the appearance of a problem or technique in the larger binary world to motivate and/or make possible some new advance. Such opportunities are inevitably quite transient since each such problem is simultaneously attacked by many others of a more conventional bent, and, as well, each technological change begets yet another, quickly. It is in the sensing of this reality that the present paper is written. Correspondingly, its thrust is two-fold: One target is the possibility of encouraging a leap ahead through modest technological projection. The other is the possibility of identifying application areas that already exist in this unbalanced competition, but which are specially suited to multiple-valued solutions. For example, it has been clear for decades that one such area is that of arithmetic. Correspondingly, we in MVL must strive quickly to concentrate our efforts on applications that exploit such demonstrable strengths. Some such applications are includes here; others are visible historically, many probably remain to be found: Search on!

  • Modularization and Processor Placement for DSP Neo-Systolic Array

    Kazuhito ITO  Kesami HAGIWARA  Takashi SHIMIZU  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E76-A No:3

    A further study on a VLSI system compiler, named VEGA (VLSI Embodiment for General Algorithms), is presented. It maps a general digital signal processing algorithm onto a neo-systolic array, which is a VLSI oriented multiprocessor array. Highly complicated mapping problem is divided into subproblems such as modularization, operation grouping, processor placement, scheduling, control logic synthesis, and mask pattern generation. In this paper, the modularization technique is proposed which homogenizes all the operations of the processing algorithm to multiply-add operations. The processor placement algorithm to map processing algorithm onto a neo-systolic array so as to minimize data transfer time is also proposed.

  • Method for Measuring Glossiness of Plane Surfaces Based on Psychological Sensory Scale

    Seiichi SERIKAWA  Teruo SHIMOMURA  

    PAPER-Human Communication

    E76-A No:3

    Although the perception of gloss is based on human visual perception, some methods for measuring glossiness, in contrast to human ability, have been proposed involving plane surfaces. Glossiness defined in these methods, however, does not correspond with psychological glossiness perceived by the human eye over the wide range from relatively low gloss to high gloss. In addition, the change in the incident angle causes a deviation in the measurement of glossiness. A new method for measuring glossiness is proposed in this study. For the new definition of glossiness Gd, the brightness function is utilized. We also extract the value of smoothness of the object's surfaces for use as a factor of glossiness. The measuring equipment consists of a light source, an optical system and a personal computer. Glossiness Gd of paper and plastics is measured with the use of this equipment. In all samples, a strong correlation, with a correlation coefficient of more than 0.97, has been observed between Gd and psychological glossiness Gph. The variance of measured glossiness due to the change in the incident angle of light is small in comparison with that of conventional methods. Based on these findings, it has been found that this method is useful for measuring glossiness of plane objects in the range from relatively low gloss to high gloss.

  • Geometric Algorithms for Linear Programming

    Hiroshi IMAI  


    E76-A No:3

    Two computational-geometric approaches to linear programming are surveyed. One is based on the prune-and-search paradigm and the other utilizes randomization. These two techniques are quite useful to solve geometric problems efficiently, and have many other applications, some of which are also mentioned.

  • Prospects of Multiple-Valued VLSI Processors

    Takahiro HANYU  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    Rapid advances in integrated circuit technology based on binary logic have made possible the fabrication of digital circuits or digital VLSI systems with not only a very large number of devices on a single chip or wafer, but also high-speed processing capability. However, the advance of processing speeds and improvement in cost/performance ratio based on conventional binary logic will not always continue unabated in submicron geometry. Submicron integrated circuits can handle multiple-valued signals at high speed rather than binary signals, especially at data communication level because of the reduced interconnections. The use of nonbinary logic or discrete-analog signal processing will not be out of the question if the multiple-valued hardware algorithms are developed for fast parallel operations. Moreover, in VLSI or ULSI processors the delay time due to global communications between functional modules or chips instead of each functional module itself is the most important factors to determine the total performance. Locally computable hardware implementation and new parallel hardware algorithms natural to multiple-valued data representation and circuit technologies are the key properties to develop VLSI processors in submicron geometry. As a result, multiple-valued VLSI processors make it possible to improve the effective chip density together with the processing speed significantly. In this paper, we summarize several potential advantages of multiple-valued VLSI processors in submicron geometry due to great reduction of interconnection and due to the suitability to locally computable hardware implementation, and demonstrate that some examples of special-purpose multiple-valued VLSI processors, which are a signed-digit arithmetic VLSI processor, a residue arithmetic VLSI processor and a matching VLSI processor can achieve higher performance for real-world computing system.

  • Multiple-Valued Static Random-Access-Memory Design and Application

    Zheng TANG  Okihiko ISHIZUKA  Hiroki MATSUMOTO  


    E76-C No:3

    In this paper, a general theory on multiple-valued static random-access-memory (RAM) is investigated. A criterion for a stable and an unstable modes is proved with a strict mathematical method and expressed with a diagrammatic representation. Based on the theory, an NMOS 6-transistor ternary and a quaternary static RAM (SRAM) cells are proposed and simulated with PSPICE. The detail circuit design and realization are analyzed. A 10-valued CMOS current-mode static RAM cell is also presented and fabricated with standard 5-µm CMOS technology. A family of multiple-valued flip-flops is presented and they show to have desirable properties for use in multiple-valued sequential circuits. Both PSPICE simulations and experiments indicate that the general theory presented are very useful and effective tools in the optimum design and circuit realization of multiple-valued static RAMs and flip-flops.

  • Design of a Multiple-Valued Cellular Array

    Naotake KAMIURA  Yutaka HATA  Kazuharu YAMATO  


    E76-C No:3

    A method is proposed for realizing any k-valued n-variable function with a celluler array, which consists of linear arrays (called input arrays) and a rectangular array (called control array). In this method, a k-valued n-variable function is divided into kn-1 one-variable functions and remaining (n1)-variable function. The parts of one-variable functions are realized by the input arrays, remaintng the (n1)-variable function is realized by the control array. The array realizing the function is composed by connecting the input arrays with the control array. Then, this array requires (kn2)kn-1 cells and the number is smaller than the other rectangular arrays. Next, a ternary cell circuit and a literal circuit are actually constructed with CMOS transistors and NMOS pass transistors. The experiment shows that these circuits perform the expected operations.

  • New Electronically Tunable Integrators and Differentiators


    LETTER-Analog Circuits and Signal Processing

    E76-A No:3

    Some new circuit configurations for dual-input integrators and differentiators are proposed. The use of a multiplier device around the Operational Amplifier (OA) yields electronic tunability of their time-constant (To) by a Control Voltage (Vx). Experimental results in support of theoretical design and analysis are included.

  • High Speed MOS Multiplier and Divider Using Redundant Binary Representation and Their Implementation in a Microprocessor

    Shigeo KUNINOBU  Tamotsu NISHIYAMA  Takashi TANIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    We are presenting a high-speed MOS multiplier and divider, which is based on a redundant binary representation (using the digits 1, 0, 1), and their implementation in a 64-bit RISC microprocessor. The multiplier uses a redundant binary adaptation of the Booth algorithm and a redundant binary adder tree. We compared it to a multiplier using a two bit version of the Booth algorithm and a Wallace tree and found that the former multiplier is useful in VLSI because of its high-speed operation, small number of transistors, and good regularity. We also found that the divider performed by Newton's iteration using the multiplier is useful in VLSI. Implementing the multiplier and divider in a highly integrated 64-bit RISC microprocessor, we obtained a high-speed microprocessor.
