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[Keyword] TE(21534hit)


  • Fundamental Properties of Pushdown Tree Transducer (PDTT)--A Top-Down Case--

    Katsunori YAMASAKI  

    PAPER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E76-D No:10

    String grammars (languages) have been extensively studied from 60's. On the other hand, the transformational grammar, proposed by Chomsky, contains the transformation from the set of derivation trees of context-free language to the surface set. And the grammar regarded a tree as an input sentence to some transducer. After that from latter half of 60's, the studies of acceptor, transducer, and so on, whose input is a tree, have been done extensively. In this paper we propose, as a model, a new type of transducer which translates trees into trees and investigate its fundamental properties. The model proposed here is the pushdown tree transducer (for shortly PDTT) that is an extension of the finite state tree transducer discussed by J. W. Thacher, W. C. Rounds, J. Engelfriet, and so on. The main subjects discussed here (we consider only top-down case (t-PDTT)), are as follows: (1) final state t-PDTT translation is equivalent to empty stack t-PDTT translation and vice versa, (2) for any t-PDTT, a single state t-PDTT which is equivalent to it always exists, (3) as a standard form the symmetric stack form t-PDTT is proposed and based on this, it is shown that any single state t-PDTT can be always converted into a linear stack t-PDTT, and so on.

  • Solder Joint Inspection Using Air Stimulation Speckle Vibration Detection Method and Fluorescence Detection Method

    Takashi HIROI  Kazushi YOSHIMURA  Takanori NINOMIYA  Toshimitsu HAMADA  Yasuo NAKAGAWA  Shigeki MIO  Kouichi KARASAKI  Hideaki SASAKI  


    E76-D No:10

    The fast and highly reliable method reported here uses two techniques to detect all types of defects, such as unsoldered leads, solder bridges, and misalignes leads in the minute solder joints of high density mounted devices. One technique uses external force applied by an air jet that vibrates or shifts unsoldered leads. The vibration and shift is detected as a change in the speckle pattern produced by laser illumination of the solder joints. The other technique uses fluorescence generated by short-wavelength laser illumination. The fluorescence from a printed circuit board produces a silhouette of the solder joint and this image is processed to detect defects. Experimental results show that this inspection method detects all kinds of defects accurately and with a very low false alarm rate.

  • A Note on One-Way Multicounter Machines and Cooperating Systems of One-Way Finite Automata

    Yue WANG  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    LETTER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E76-D No:10

    For each two positive integers r, s, let [1DCM(r)-Time(ns)] ([1NCM(r)-Time(ns)]) and [1DCM(r)-Space(ns)] ([1NCM(r)-Space(ns)]) be the classes of languages accepted in time ns and in space ns, respectively, by one-way deterministic (nondeterministic) r-counter machines. We show that for each X{D, N}, [1XCM(r)-Time(ns)][1XCM(r+1)-Time(ns)] and [1XCM(r)-Space(ns)][1XCM(r+1)-Space(ns)]. We also investigate the relationships between one-way multicounter machines and cooperating systems of one-way finite automata. In particular, it is shown that one-way (one-) counter machines and cooperating systems of two one-way finite automata are equivalent in accepting power.

  • FDTD Analysis of Two-Dimensional Cavity-Backed Antenna for Subsurface Radar

    Osamu MAESHIMA  Toru UNO  Yiwei HE  Saburo ADACHI  

    PAPER-Transient Field

    E76-C No:10

    The antennas for subsurface radar are usually covered with a conducting cavity to prevent the radiation field from affecting the electromagnetic environment and to protect the received field from external noises. Furthermore, radiowave absorber is attached to the interior wall of the cavity in order to suppress the multiple reflections in the cavity. In this paper, the characteristics of the two-dimensional cavity-backed antenna having the absorber and the over-all properties of this subsurface radar due to buried objects are numerically analyzed by the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method. It is shown that the pulse propagation in the ground is confined to the narrow region due to the cavity. It is also shown that the multiple reflections in the cavity are effectively suppressed by choosing the suitable absorber, and so that the distinctive pulse echo can be obtained.

  • Wavelength Demultiplexer Utilizing Stratified Waveguides with a Tapered Buffer Layer

    Kiyoshi KISHIOKA  Heihachiro OCHIAI  

    PAPER-Optical Device

    E76-C No:10

    In this paper, a novel Y-junction type demultiplexer utilizing a stratified-waveguide configuration in the branching region is proposed for the purpose of improving the extinction ratio. A high extinction ratio of about 20 dB is achieved at 0.6328 µm and 0.83 µm operation wavelengths both for the TE and TM modes. The properties of the new type branchig waveguides which consist of the diffused waveguide and the striploaded waveguide are described to explain the operation principle. Simulation results by the BPM are also shown to check the designed values of the waveguide parameters.

  • A New Proposal for Inverter Delay Improvement on CMOS/SOI Future Technology

    M.O. LEE  Kunihiro ASADA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E76-C No:10

    High performances of CMOS/SOI inverter by simulations of analytical model, reducing the poly-Si gate thickness (tm), and experiments are verified and proposed. It is shown that the tm and gate oxide thickness(tox) are correlated to gate fringing capacitance, which largely influences on the Propagation Delay Time(TPD). Contributions of gate fringing capacitance to CMOS/SIMOX inverter time delay in deep submicrometer gate devices are propounded. Measurements of the fifty-one stage ring oscillator's TPDs are completed for comparison with analytical model. Simulation results by the analytical model, including Time-Dependent Gate Capacitance (TDGC) model, agree well with the experimental results at the same conditions. Simulation results are also predicted that SOI technology is promising for speed enhancement by reducing the poly-Si gate thickness, while the tox remains constant. It is concluded that the TPDs by reducing the tm to zero are improved up to about two times faster than typically fabricated ring oscillator at 350 nm of the tm in deep-submicrometer gate CMOS/SIMOX inverters at room temperature.

  • Second Harmonic Generation in Poled Polymer Films Doped with α-Cyano Unsaturated Carboxylic Acids

    Okihiro SUGIHARA  Yasuhiko HIRANO  Naomichi OKAMOTO  Yutaka TAKETANI  


    E76-C No:10

    Poled polymer films doped with novel nonlinear organic materials, α-cyano unsaturated carboxylic acid (α-CUCA) derivatives, are prepared. Linear and second-order nonlinear optical properties are investigated. It is found that as the value of hyperpolarizability of the derivatives increases, the second-order nonlinear susceptibility of the film increases. Cerenkov-type second harmonic generation (SHG) of Nd: YAG laser is realized in a poled polymer waveguide doped with the α-CUCA material with a slight absorption at doubled wavelength.

  • Generalization Ability of Extended Cascaded Artificial Neural Network Architecture

    Joarder KAMRUZZAMAN  Yukio KUMAGAI  Hiromitsu HIKITA  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:10

    We present an extension of the previously proposed 3-layer feedforward network called a cascaded network. Cascaded networks are trained to realize category classification employing binary input vectors and locally represented binary target output vectors. To realize a nonlinearly separable task the extended cascaded network presented here is consreucted by introducing high order cross producted inputs at the input layer. In the construction of the cascaded network, two 2-layer networks are first trained independently by delta rule and then cascaded. After cascading, the intermediate layer can be understood as a hidden layer which is trained to attain preassigned saturated outputs in response to the training set. In a cascaded network trained to categorize binary image patterns, saturation of hidden outputs reduces the effect of corrupted disturbances presented in the input. We demonstrated that the extended cascaded network was able to realize a nonlinearly separable task and yielded better generalization ability than the Backpropagation network.

  • A Third-Order Low-Pass Notch RC Active Filter with a Minimum Number of Equal-Valued Capacitors

    Yukio ISHIBASHI  

    LETTER-Analog Circuits and Signal Processing

    E76-A No:10

    We propose a third-order low-pass notch filter realized by a single operational amplifier and a minimum number of equal-valued capacitors. As a design example we realize a Chebyshev filter with a ripple of 0.5 dB and it is shown that the experiment result is very good.

  • A Derivation of the Phase Difference between n-Tuples of an M-Sequence by Arithmetic a Finite Field

    Tsutomu MORIUCHI  Kyoki IMAMURA  

    LETTER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E76-A No:10

    This paper presents a new method to derive the phase difference between n-tuples of an m-sequence over GF(p) of period pn-1. For the binary m-sequence of the characteristic polynomial f(x)=xn+xd+1 with d=1,2c or n-2c, the explicit formulas of the phase difference from the initial n-tuple are efficiently derived by our method for specific n-tuples such as that consisting of all 1's and that cosisting of one 1 and n-1 0's, although the previously known formula exists only for that consisting of all 1's.

  • Compact Test Sequences for Scan-Based Sequential Circuits

    Hiroyuki HIGUCHI  Kiyoharu HAMAGUCHI  Shuzo YAJIMA  


    E76-A No:10

    Full scan design of sequential circuits results in greatly reducing the cost of their test generation. However, it introduces the extra expense of many test clocks to control and observe the values of flip-flops because of the need to shift values for the flip-flops into the scan panh. In this paper we propose a new method of generating compact test sequences for scan-based sequential circuits on the assumption that the number of shift clocks is allowed to vary for each test vector. The method is based on Boolean function manipulation using a shared binary decision diagram (SBDD). Although the test generation algorithm is basically for general sequential circuits, the computational cost is much lower for scan-based sequential circuits than for non-scanbased sequential circuits because the length of a test sequence for each fault is limited. Experimental results show that, for all the tested circuits, test sequences generated by the method require much smaller number of test clocks than compact or minimum test sets for combinational logic part of scan-based sequential circuits. The reduction rate was 48% on the average in the experiments.

  • Test Sequence Generation for Sequential Circuits with Distinguishing Sequences

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Seiji KAJIHARA  Kozo KINOSHITA  


    E76-A No:10

    In this paper we present a method to generate test sequences for stuck-at faults in sequential circuits which have distinguishing sequences. Since the circuit may have no distinguishing sequence, we use two design techniques for circuits which have distinguishing sequences. One is at state transition level and the other is at gate level. In our proposed method complete test sequence can be generated. The sequence consists of test vectors for the combinational part of the circuit, distinguishing sequences and transition sequences. The test vectors, which are generated by a combinational test generator, cause faulty staes or faulty output responses for a fault, and disinguishing sequences identify the differences between faulty states and fault free states. Transition sequences are necessary to make the state in the combinational vectors. And the distinguishing sequence and the transition sequence are used in the initializing sequence. Some techniques for shortening the test sequence is also proposed. The basic ideas of the techniques are to use a short initializing sequence and to find the order in concatenating sequences. But fault simulation is conducted so as not to miss any faults. The initializing sequence is obtained by using a distinguishing sequence. The efficiency of our method is shown in the experimental results for benchmark circuits.

  • Suppression of Weibull Radar Clutter

    David FERNANDES  Matsuo SEKINE  


    E76-B No:10

    Weibull-distributed clutter are reviewed. Most of the clutter received by L, S, C, X and Ku band radars obey Weibull distribution. Clutter suppression techniques for Weibull clutter are also reviewed. Especially, the generalized Weibull CFAR detector is emphasized. The approch is to estimate the shape and scale parameters of the Weibull clutter using order statistics and then use them in the detector. The generalized CFAR detector transforms the Weibull clutter distribution into a normalized exponential distribution. When a target is present, the transformation produces a large error that can be used to detect the target. Actual data taken by a Ku band radar are used to compare the proposed method with another method to estimate the Weibull parameters and with the Weibull CFAR detector. Order statistics estimation requires a small number of samples and can be used to find the local value of Weibull clutter parameters and, thus, the proposed method requires less computational time to find the Weibull parameters.

  • Analysis and Design of a Two-Loop Controlled Switching Power Amplifier

    Hisahito ENDO  Takashi YAMASHITA  Toshiyuki SUGIURA  

    PAPER-Power Supply

    E76-B No:9

    This paper analyses the amplification characteristics of a two-loop controlled switching power amplifier for a digital portable telephone and presents the amplifier which has a flat gain and small phase delay from dc to 100kHz. This amplifier is a modification of a switching regulator and it uses two-loop control to achieve a wideband amplification characteristic. Optimum amplification characteristics, however, can't be designed by using the conventional method for designing a switching regulator because a flat gain and small phase delay in an amplification characteristic has not been considered for most switching regulators. This paper analyses in detail the small-signal transfer functions of the switching power amplifier and shows the behaviour of zero and poles. It also shows the boundary condition of large-signal operation. A new design procedure of a switching power amplifier is presented, and the analytical results are verified by experiments.

  • Application of AlGaAs/GaAs HBT's to Power Devices for Digital Mobile Radio Communications

    Norio GOTO  Nobuyuki HAYAMA  Hideki TAKAHASHI  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E76-C No:9

    This paper describes the performance of AlGaAs/GaAs HBT's developed for power applications. Their applicability to power amplifiers used in digital mobile radio communications is examined through measurement and numerical simulation, considering both power capability and linearity. Power HBT's with carbon-doped base layers showed DC current gains over 90. A linear gain of 19.2 dB, a maximum output RF power of 32.5 dBm, and a power added efficiency of 56 percent were obtained at 950 MHz. Numerical simulations showed that the power efficiency of HBT amplifiers could be improved by using harmonic trap circuits. Intermodulation measurements showed that third-order distortions were at most 21 dBc level at the 1-dB gain compression point. RF spectrum simulations using π/4 shift QPSK modulation showed that side-band spectrum generation was less than 45 dBc level at points 50 kHz off of the carrier frequency. These properties indicate that the power handling capabilities and linearity of HBT amplifiers offer promising potentials for digital mobile radio communications.

  • A Fast Automatic Fingerprint Identification Method Based on a Weighted-Mean of Binary Image

    Yu HE  Ryuji KOHNO  Hideki IMAI  


    E76-A No:9

    This paper first proposes a fast fingerprint identification method based on a weighted-mean of binary image, and further investigates optimization of the weights. The proposed method uses less computer memory than the conventional pattern matching method, and takes less computation time than both the feature extraction method and the pattern matching method. It is particularly effective on the fingerprints with a small angle of inclination. In order to improve the identification precision of the proposed basic method, three schemes of modifying the proposed basic method are also proposed. The performance of the proposed basic method and its modified schemes is evaluated by theoretical analysis and computer experiment using the fingerprint images recorded from a fingerprint read-in device. The numerical results showed that the proposed method using the modified schemes can improve both the true acceptance rate and the false rejection rate with less memory and complexity in comparison with the conventional pattern matching method and the feature extraction method.

  • Performance of FM Double Modulation for Subcarrier Optical Transmission

    Ryutaro OHMOTO  Hiroyuki OHTSUKA  

    PAPER-Equipment and Device Matters

    E76-B No:9

    This paper presents a potential FM double modulation technique for subcarrier optical transmission in order to improve the input dynamic range. The proposed theory of FM double modulation is presented. The BER performance and input dynamic range are shown theoretically and experimentally compared with conventional direct intensity modulation. It was found that the dynamic range could be experimentally improved by 20dB compared with the conventional method by using FM double modulation. The proposed technique achieved an input dynamic range of 60 dB even when using a commercial Fabri-Perot LD.

  • Atmospheric Optical Communication System Using Subcarrier PSK Modulation


    PAPER-Propagation Matters

    E76-B No:9

    Atmospheric optical communication (AOC) system using subcarrier PSK modulation is proposed and its superiority to OOK modulation in the presence of scintillation is discussed theoretically. An experimental AOC setup with a subcarrier modulated by 155.52(Mb/s) DPSK at light wave-length λ=0.83(µm) over an 1.8(km) outdoor path is employed to show the performance. Theoretical and experimental results are compared under scintillation in clear weather and a good agreement is observed. Finally, AOC systems using subcarrier M-ary PSK and multiple subcarriers are proposed and discussed.

  • A Fiber-Optic Passive Double Star Network for Microcellular Radio Communication Systems Applications

    Kiyomi KUMOZAKI  

    PAPER-System and Network Matters

    E76-B No:9

    Fiber-optic passive double star (PDS) network is described as an access network for microcellular radio communication systems. The intrinsic characteristics of the PDS network, reduction in the optical fiber count and flexible access capability, are examined. A unit cell structure is introduced which enables the PDS network to be effectively incorporated into the access portion of microcellular radio communication systems. The reduced total fiber length in the unit cell structure based on the PDS network is discussed in comparison with the conventional architecture. Calculations show that there is an optimum splitting ratio that minimizes the total fiber length. When the microcell radius and service area radius are 100m and 10km, respectively, the total fiber length of the PDS network is reduced to only about 9% of that of the conventional single star (SS) network for a splitting ratio of 34. Resource sharing and handover between microcells in a unit cell are performed by using the dynamic channel allocation function of the PDS system. Substantial performance improvement for loaded traffic can be obtained by resource sharing. When the splitting ratio is 32, the available traffic of a base station (BS) increases from 0.9 [erl/BS] to 3.4 [erl/BS] by adopting dynamic channel allocation for the lost call probability of 0.01.

  • Multiple-Valued Neuro-Algebra

    Zheng TANG  Okihiko ISHIZUKA  Hiroki MATSUMOTO  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:9

    A new arithmetic multiple-valued algebra with functional completeness is introduced. The algebra is called Neuro-Algebra for it has very similar formula and architecture to neural networks. Two canonical forms of multiple-valued functions of this Neuro-Algebra are presented. Since the arithmetic operations of the Neuro-Aglebra are basically a weighted-sum and a piecewise linear operations, their implementations are very simple and straightforward. Furthermore, the multiple-valued networks based on the Neuro-Algebra can be trained by the traditional back-propagation learning algorithm directly.
