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  • High Bit Rate Transmission over 1 Tbit/s

    Satoki KAWANISHI  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Systems and Technologies

    E84-B No:5

    Recent progress in ultrahigh bit rate optical transmission using time-division multiplexing and wavelength-division multiplexing is described. Latest over 1 Tbit/s transmission experiments are shown and the possibility of higher bit rate transmission is discussed.

  • Complexity of the Type-Consistency Problem for Acyclic Object-Oriented Database Schemas

    Shougo SHIMIZU  Yasunori ISHIHARA  Junji YOKOUCHI  Minoru ITO  


    E84-D No:5

    Method invocation mechanism is one of the essential features in object-oriented programming languages. This mechanism contributes to data encapsulation and code reuse, but there is a risk of runtime type errors. In the case of object-oriented databases (OODBs), a runtime error causes rollback. Therefore, it is desirable to ensure that a given OODB schema is consistent, i.e., no runtime error occurs during the execution of queries under any database instance of the OODB schema. This paper discusses the computational complexity of the type-consistency problem. As a model of OODB schemas, we adopt update schemas introduced by Hull et al., which have all of the basic features of OODBs such as class hierarchy, inheritance, complex objects, and so on. The type-consistency problem for update schemas is known to be undecidable. We introduce a subclass of update schemas, called acyclic schemas, and show that the type-consistency problem for acyclic schemas is in coNEXPTIME. Furthermore, we show that the problem for recursion-free acyclic schemas is coNEXPTIME-hard and the problem for retrieval acyclic schemas is PSPACE-complete.

  • Frequency Analysis of Wavelength Demultiplexers and Optical Filters with Finite 2-D Photonic Crystals

    Katsumi TAKANO  Kiyoshi NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Optical Passive Devices and Modules

    E84-B No:5

    A wavelength demultiplexer made of 2-D photonic crystal capable of simultaneously separating many channels from WDM light is analyzed in order to study the properties and clarify the design parameters. Numerical analyses are carried out for the optical filter structure and the demultiplexer structure which consists of several filters and waveguides carved in the crystal. The results of this paper show the considerations regarding the frequency tuning, the device size, the bandwidth and integration of filters. Further more, for a photonic crystal filter, a method for realizing a flat-top pass-band generally required from the dense-WDM systems is presented and its property is shown. The calculation method is the scattering matrix method which is proper to the analysis of the frequency domain in a 2-D photonic crystal with finite size and with some defects.

  • Adaptive MTI Scheme for Airborne Radar in Frequency Domain

    Yong HUANG  Yingning PENG  Xiqin WANG  


    E84-B No:5

    Based on filtering ground clutter power directly in the frequency domain, a new non-coefficient Adaptive MTI (AMTI) scheme is presented in this letter. The results of simulation example show that this scheme has smaller signal-to-noise ratio loss than the classical AMTI based on spectral estimation, as well as high improvement factor.

  • Influence of Wavelength Detuning on Device Performance of Electroabsorption Modulator Integrated Distributed Feedback Lasers Based on Identical Epitaxial Layer Approach

    Chang-Zheng SUN  Bing XIONG  Guo-Peng WEN  Yi LUO  Tong-Ning LI  Yoshiaki NAKANO  

    PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E84-C No:5

    The effect of wavelength detuning on the device performance of identical-epitaxial-layer (IEL) electroabsorption (EA) modulator integrated distributed feedback (DFB) lasers is studied in detail. Based on the lasing behavior of integrated devices with different amount of wavelength detuning and the photocurrent spectra under different reverse biases, the optimal wavelength detuning is experimentally determined to be around 30-40 nm for our IEL integrated devices. By adopting gain-coupled DFB laser section, integrated devices with optimal wavelength detuning have demonstrated excellent single mode performances. The extinction ratio is measured to be greater than 15 dB at -3 V, and the modulation bandwidth is around 8 GHz.

  • On Proving AC-Termination by AC-Dependency Pairs

    Keiichirou KUSAKARI  Yoshihito TOYAMA  

    PAPER-Theory/Models of Computation

    E84-D No:5

    Arts and Giesl introduced the notion of dependency pairs, which gives effective methods for proving termination of term rewriting systems (TRSs). In this paper, we extend the notion to AC-TRSs, and introduce new methods for effectively proving AC-termination. It is impossible to directly apply the notion of dependency pairs to AC-TRSs. To avoid this difficulty, we introduce the notion of extended dependency pairs. Finally we define the AC-dependency pair and the AC-dependency chain. Furthermore, we propose approximated AC-dependency graphs, which is very useful for proving AC-termination in practice, using the approximation technique based on Ω-reduction and ΩV-reduction.

  • Temperature Dependence of Gain Characteristics in 1.3-µm AlGaInAs/InP Strained Multiple-Quantum-Well Semiconductor Lasers

    Toshio HIGASHI  Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO  Tsutomu ISHIKAWA  Takuya FUJII  Haruhisa SODA  Minoru YAMADA  

    PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E84-C No:5

    We have measured the temperature dependence of the gain characteristics in 1.3-µm AlGaInAs/InP strained multiple-quantum-well (MQW) semiconductor lasers using Hakki-Paoli method. By measuring the temperature dependences of the peak gain value and the gain peak wavelength, we evaluated the temperature dependences of the threshold current and the oscillation wavelength, respectively. The small temperature dependence of the threshold current in AlGaInAs/InP lasers is caused by the small temperature dependence of the transparency current density, which is represented by the characteristic temperature TJtr of 116 K. In AlGaInAs/InP high T0 lasers, the temperature dependence of the oscillation wavelength is slightly larger than that in GaInAsP/InP lasers because of the larger temperature dependence of bandgap wavelength 0.55 nm/K.

  • Polynomially Fast Parallel Algorithms for Some P-Complete Problems

    Carla Denise CASTANHO  Wei CHEN  Koichi WADA  Akihiro FUJIWARA  


    E84-A No:5

    P-complete problems seem to have no parallel algorithm which runs in polylogarithmic time using a polynomial number of processors. A P-complete problem is in the class EP (Efficient and Polynomially fast) if and only if there exists a cost optimal algorithm to solve it in T(n) = O(t(n)ε) (ε < 1) using P(n) processors such that T(n) P(n) = O(t(n)), where t(n) is the time complexity of the fastest sequential algorithm which solves the problem. The goal of our research is to find EP parallel algorithms for some P-complete problems. In this paper first we consider the convex layers problem. We give an algorithm for computing the convex layers of a set S of n points in the plane. Let k be the number of the convex layers of S. When 1 k nε/2 (0 ε < 1) our algorithm runs in O((n log n)/p) time using p processors, where 1 p n1-ε/2, and it is cost optimal. Next, we consider the envelope layers problem of a set S of n line segments in the plane. Let k be the number of the envelope layers of S. When 1 k nε/2 (0 ε < 1), we propose an algorithm for computing the envelope layers of S in O((n α(n) log3 n)/p) time using p processors, where 1 p n1-ε/2, and α(n) is the functional inverse of Ackermann's function which grows extremely slowly. The computational model we use in this paper is the CREW-PRAM. Our first algorithm, for the convex layers problem, belongs to EP, and the second one, for the envelope layers problem, belongs to the class EP if a small factor of log n is ignored.

  • Polarization Insensitive SOA-PLC Hybrid Integrated Michelson Interferometric Wavelength Converter and Its Application to DWDM Networks

    Rieko SATO  Toshio ITO  Katsuaki MAGARI  Akira OKADA  Manabu OGUMA  Yasumasa SUZAKI  Yoshihiro KAWAGUCHI  Yasuhiro SUZUKI  Akira HIMENO  Noboru ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Optical Systems and Technologies

    E84-C No:5

    We fabricated a 1.55-µm polarization insensitive Michelson interferometric wavelength converter (MI-WC). The MI-WC consists of a two-channel spot-size converter integrated semiconductor optical amplifier (SS-SOA) on a planar lightwave circuit (PLC) platform. Clear eye opening and no power penalty in the back-to-back condition were obtained at 10 Gb/s modulation. We also confirmed the polarization insensitive operation on the input signal. Moreover, for an application of the MI-WC to DWDM networks, we demonstrated the selective wavelength conversion of 2.5 G/s optical packets from Fabry-Perot laser diode (FP-LD) light to four ITU-T grid wavelengths. We confirmed the good feasibility of this technique for use in DWDM networks. The wavelength conversion we describe here is indispensable for future all-optical networks, in which optical signal sources without wavelength control will be used at user-end terminals.

  • Temperature Insensitive Micromachined GaAlAs/GaAs Vertical Cavity Wavelength Filter

    Takeru AMANO  Fumio KOYAMA  Nobuhiko NISHIYAMA  Akihiro MATSUTANI  Kenichi IGA  

    PAPER-Optical Passive Devices and Modules

    E84-C No:5

    A novel temperature insensitive wavelength filter consisting of GaAlAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) has been demonstrated. This micromachined DBR is mechanically tuned by differential thermal expansion. The strain-induced displacement of one mirror can generate wavelength tuning and trimming functions with an adjustable temperature dependence. We succeeded in the control of temperature dependence in this micromachined semiconductor filter by properly designing a vertical cavity structure. The achieved temperature dependence was as small as +0.01 nm/K, which is one-tenth of that of conventional semiconductor based optical filters. Also, a wavelength trimming of over 20 nm was demonstrated after completing the device fabrication. In addition, we demonstrated a 4 4 multiple wavelength micromachined vertical cavity filter array. The multi-wavelength filter array with a wavelength span of 45 nm was fabricated by partially etching off a GaAs wavelength control layer loaded on the top surface of device.

  • Long-Haul Ultra High-Speed Transmission Using Dispersion Managed Solitons

    Lee J. RICHARDSON  Wladek FORYSIAK  Nick J. DORAN  Keith J. BLOW  

    PAPER-Optical Systems and Technologies

    E84-C No:5

    We demonstrate, through numerical simulations, the possibility of trans-oceanic single channel transmission at 160 Gbit/s with no active control. This was achieved using short period dispersion management, which supports short pulse propagation at practical map strengths. We demonstrate that through careful selection and optimisation of the system parameters the performance of this system can be extended. We also define the tolerable limits of the system to the residual dispersion slope and polarisation mode dispersion.

  • New Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) Platform Eliminating Si Terraces and Its Application to Opto-electronic Hybrid Integrated Modules

    Takashi YAMADA  Toshikazu HASHIMOTO  Takaharu OHYAMA  Yuji AKAHORI  Akimasa KANEKO  Kazutoshi KATO  Ryouichi KASAHARA  Mikitaka ITO  

    PAPER-Optical Passive Devices and Modules

    E84-C No:5

    We have developed a new planar lightwave circuit (PLC) platform eliminating Si terraces for hybrid integrated optical modules. This PLC platform has the advantage of a lower fabrication cost than the conventional PLC platform with an Si terrace, because it does not require fabrication processes such as Si terrace forming and mechanical polishing. Using our new PLC platform structure, we fabricated a transceiver for optical access networks and an 8-channel multi-channel photoreceiver for wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) interconnection systems.

  • Superior Noise Performance and Wide Dynamic Range Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers Employing Variable Attenuation Slope Compensator

    Haruo NAKAJI  Motoki KAKUI  Hitoshi HATAYAMA  Chisai HIROSE  Hiroyuki KURATA  Masayuki NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Optical Fibers and Cables

    E84-B No:5

    In order to realize automatic-level-controlled (ALC) erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) with both wide dynamic range and good noise performance, we propose EDFAs employing the automatic power control (APC) scheme and a variable attenuation slope compensator (VASC). The VASC consists of two asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) concatenated in series and thermo optic (TO) heaters are attached to the arms of each MZIs. By adjusting the electric power supplied to the TO heaters, an almost linear attenuation slope can be varied by plus minus 5 dB or more over the operational wavelength band of 30 nm. The EDFA employing the APC scheme and the VASC has exhibited a dynamic range as large as 20 dB with the output power variation as small as 0.7 dB, which is as good as that of the EDFA employing the APC scheme and a variable optical attenuator (VOA). The noise figure (NF) of the EDFA employing the VASC was degraded about 4.1 dB with increasing the input power by 20 dB, while it was degraded about 7.3 dB with increasing the input power by only 15 dB in the EDFA employing the VOA. The EDFA employing the VASC can realize the ALC operation over a wider dynamic range with reduced noise figure degradation. In the EDFA employing the VASC, the power excursion was suppressed to less than 1.1 dB, when the input signal level was changed between -23 dBm/ch and -18 dBm/ch with the rise/fall time of 8 ms.

  • High-Speed Calculation Method of the Hurst Parameter Based on Real Traffic

    Tatsuya HAGIWARA  Hiroki DOI  Hideki TODE  Hiromasa IKEDA  


    E84-D No:5

    Recent studies on traffic measurement analysis in the various networks (LAN, MAN, WAN) have shown that packet traffic exhibits Self-Similarity. The packet traffic represents some behavior quite different from what it has been assumed. Some papers reported that Self-Similarity degrades the network performance, such as buffer overflow and network congestion. Thus, we need new network control scheme considering Self-Similar properties. The control scheme requires high-speed calculation method of Hurst Parameter. In this paper, we propose high-speed calculation method of Hurst Parameter based on the Variance-Time Plot method, and show its performance. Furthermore, we try to apply this method to the simple network control, in order to show effectiveness of the network control with Self-Similarity.

  • A Multi-Beam Combining Scheme for DS-CDMA Systems Using Weighting Factor Based on Interference Level

    Hiroyasu SANO  Nobuhisa KATAOKA  Hiroshi KUBO  Makoto MIYAKE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E84-B No:5

    This paper focuses on a multi-beam combining scheme for DS-CDMA systems, which has RAKE combiners in multiple overlapped beams, in order to increase the reverse link capacity of DS-CDMA. This scheme is a very attractive technique because the maximal ratio combining (MRC) is carried out in space and time domains. However, in a practical situation, since the terminals in own sector are not uniformly located, the interference levels in respective beams are different. Therefore, receivers at the base station do not achieve ideal combining. This paper proposes a multi-beam combining scheme for DS-CDMA systems using weighting factor based on interference level of each beam. A fast closed loop transmission power control (TPC) scheme for the multi-beam combining system is also proposed. It is confirmed by computer simulation that the proposed scheme has excellent performance in the reverse link even if terminals in own sector are not uniformly located.

  • Temperature Dependence of Gain Characteristics in 1.3-µm AlGaInAs/InP Strained Multiple-Quantum-Well Semiconductor Lasers

    Toshio HIGASHI  Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO  Tsutomu ISHIKAWA  Takuya FUJII  Haruhisa SODA  Minoru YAMADA  

    PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E84-B No:5

    We have measured the temperature dependence of the gain characteristics in 1.3-µm AlGaInAs/InP strained multiple-quantum-well (MQW) semiconductor lasers using Hakki-Paoli method. By measuring the temperature dependences of the peak gain value and the gain peak wavelength, we evaluated the temperature dependences of the threshold current and the oscillation wavelength, respectively. The small temperature dependence of the threshold current in AlGaInAs/InP lasers is caused by the small temperature dependence of the transparency current density, which is represented by the characteristic temperature TJtr of 116 K. In AlGaInAs/InP high T0 lasers, the temperature dependence of the oscillation wavelength is slightly larger than that in GaInAsP/InP lasers because of the larger temperature dependence of bandgap wavelength 0.55 nm/K.

  • High-Performance VCSELs for Optical Data Links

    Rainer MICHALZIK  Karl Joachim EBELING  Max KICHERER  Felix MEDERER  Roger KING  Heiko UNOLD  Roland JAGER  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E84-B No:5

    The present paper discusses several promising application areas for optical data links based on high-performance vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodes (VCSELs). Both 850 and 980 nm emission wavelength devices realized in the GaAs-AlGaAs or InGaAs-AlGaAs material systems are considered. We show data transmission results of 10 Gb/s signals at 830 nm wavelength over a new high-bandwidth multimode silica fiber of up to 1.6 km length. The same fiber type is employed to demonstrate the first 40 Gb/s transport over 300 m distance by means of a 4-channel coarse wavelength-division multiplexing approach. A first 1 10 linear VCSEL array capable of 10 Gb/s per channel operation is presented for use in next generation parallel optical modules. To improve the singlemode emission characteristics for output power in the 5 mW range we introduce a new device concept incorporating a long monolithic cavity. For low-cost short-distance data links we investigate graded-index polymer optical fibers and report on up to 9 Gb/s transmission over a length of 100 m. Polymer waveguides are also used in an optical layer of a hybrid electrical-optical printed circuit board. Transmitted 10 Gb/s optical data over a prototype board show the potential of this new technology. Finally we present two-dimensional VCSEL arrays for highly parallel data transport on a CMOS chip level. Both 980 and 850 nm bottom emitting devices with modulation capabilities up to 12.5 Gb/s are discussed.

  • Asymmetric Transmission Spectrum of a Long-Period Fiber Grating and Its Removal Using a Beam Scanning Method

    Tae-Jung EOM  Young-Jae KIM  Youngjoo CHUNG  Won-Taek HAN  Un-Chul PAEK  Byeong Ha LEE  

    PAPER-Optical Fibers and Cables

    E84-B No:5

    In an ideal fiber grating having a uniform refractive index modulation, the reflection or the transmission spectrum is symmetric with equal amount of side lobes on both sides of the resonant wavelength of the fiber grating. It is observed that a long-period fiber grating made by a non-uniform UV laser beam through a uniform amplitude mask has an asymmetric transmission spectrum. The asymmetric characteristic is explained with Mach-Zehnder effect in the long-period fiber grating. The non-uniform UV laser beam makes also a non-uniform index modulation along the fiber core. Therefore, a beam coupled to a cladding mode at a section of the grating can be re-coupled to the core mode after passing a certain distance. The re-coupled beam makes Mach-Zehnder-like interference with the un-coupled core mode. However, it is presented that the asymmetric phenomenon can be overcome by scanning the UV laser beam along the fiber over the mask. The beam scanning method is able to suffer the same fluence of the UV laser beam on the fiber. Finally, a linearly chirped long-period fiber grating was made using the non-uniform UV laser beam. Due to the asymmetricity the chirping effect was not clearly observed. It is also presented that the beam scanning method could remove the asymmetric problem and recover the typical spectrum of the linearly chirped fiber grating.

  • Highly Reliable and High Power 980 nm Pump Laser Diode Module for Undersea Cable Systems

    Masashi USAMI  Yuichi MATSUSHIMA  Hideyoshi HORIE  Hideaki KANEDA  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Active Devices and Modules

    E84-B No:5

    Highly reliable and high power weakly index guided buried-stripe type 980 nm pump laser diodes developed for undersea applications are reviewed. The 10,000-hour large scale reliability tests of the first generation LD chips shows that 16.7 FIT for the random failure was confirmed at 10C with 60% confidence level at 120 mW output power. We also fabricated a FBG locked co-axial type module using a can-sealed LD with a two-lens system, which showed a stable FBG locked mode oscillation at 980 nm under the temperature range from 5C to 45C. The 5,000-hour heat cycle test of the modules reveals that the cumulative failure rate after 27 years at 10C is expected to be 0.023%. These first generation LD modules were employed in the transoceanic commercial systems such as Pacific Crossing-1 and the Japan-US cable system projects. We have also succeeded in developing the 980 nm LD for higher output operation with optimizing waveguide design. The 1000 µm long LD showed CW kink-free operation up to 545 mW optical output and a maximum output power of over 650 mW, which was limited by thermal rollover. In addition, a preliminary aging test at 350 mW optical output power at 50C has shown stable operation up to 2,300 h. We also confirmed 300 mW kink-free fiber output power with a co-axial type module with the improved coupling efficiency of approximately 78%. These figures are the highest reported operation levels for 980-nm co-axial type modules.

  • On the Traffic-Distribution Characteristics of Parallel Switching Architectures

    Hyoung-Il LEE  Han-You JEONG  Seung-Woo SEO  


    E84-B No:5

    In this paper, we investigate the performance characteristics of parallel switching architectures constructed by a stack of multistage switching networks. We first find that the performances of the previously proposed parallel switching architectures are much worse than the expected ones from analytic models which are based on the assumption that traffic is uniformly distributed at each stage of a switching network. We show that this phenomenon is closely related to a traffic-distribution capability of a parallel switching system and has a large influence on the performance. From these results, we then propose an architectural solution based on the Generalized Shuffle Network (GSN) and analyze its performance by proposing a new iterative analysis method. The proposed architecture uses self-routing and deflection routing, and inherently has a traffic-distribution capability to improve switch performances such as cell loss and delay in a cost-effective manner. From the comparison of simulation and analysis results, it is shown that the developed models are quite accurate in predicting the performance of a new parallel switching system.
