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  • Sensitivity of SNR Degradation of OFDM to Carrier Frequency Offset in Shadowed Two-Path Channels

    Wooncheol HWANG  Hongku KANG  Kiseon KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:12

    In this letter, a concise formula for the SNR degradation of OFDM caused by carrier frequency offset is derived by approximations over a shadowed two-path channel, which explicitly shows the sensitivity of SNR degradation to various parameters including the frequency offset. It is shown that, for small frequency offset, the SNR degradation is proportional to the square of the frequency offset and the square of the number of subcarriers. It is also shown that, if Es/N0 is reasonably large, the SNR degradation becomes insensitive to Es/N0, which is contrary to the case of the AWGN channel.

  • A Nonblocking Optical Switching Network for Crosstalk-Free Permutation

    Xiaohong JIANG  Md. Mamun-ur-Rashid KHANDKER  Hong SHEN  Susumu HORIGUCHI  


    E86-B No:12

    Vertical stacking is a novel technique for building switching networks, and packing multiple compatible connections together is an effective strategy to reduce network hardware cost. In this paper, we study the crosstalk-free permutation capability of an optical switching network built on the vertical stacking of optical banyan networks to which packing strategy is applied. We first look into the nonblocking condition of this optical switching network. We then study the crosstalk-free permutation in this network by decomposing a permutation evenly into multiple crosstalk-free partial permutations (CFPPs) and realizing each CFPP in a stacked plane of the network such that a crosstalk-free permutation can be performed in a single pass. We present a rigorous proof of CFPP decomposability of a permutation and also a complete algorithm for CFPP decomposition. The possibility of a tradeoff between the number of passes and the number of planes required for realizing a crosstalk-free permutation in this network is also explored in this paper.

  • Performance Comparison of Single and Multi-Stage Algebraic Codebooks

    Sung-Kyo JUNG  Hong-Goo KANG  Dae-Hee YOUN  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E86-A No:12

    This letter presents the advantages of a cascaded algebraic codebook structure at relatively high bit-rates. The cascaded structure that consists of two stages provides flexible pulse combinations due to an additional gain term in the second stage. The perceptual quality of the cascaded structure can be further improved by using a gain re-estimation scheme. Experiments confirm that the cascaded structure has a big advantage in terms of quality and complexity as the bit-rate becomes higher.

  • Approximation Formula Approach for the Efficient Extraction of On-Chip Mutual Inductances

    Atsushi KUROKAWA  Takashi SATO  Hiroo MASUDA  

    PAPER-Parasitics and Noise

    E86-A No:12

    We present a new and efficient approach for extracting on-chip mutual inductances of VLSI interconnects by applying approximation formulae. The equations are based on the assumption of filaments or bars of finite width and zero thickness and are derived through Taylor's expansion of the exact formula for mutual inductance between filaments. Despite the assumption of uniform current density in each of the bars, the model is sufficiently accurate for the interconnections of current and future LSIs because the skin and proximity effects do not affect most wires. Expression of the equations in polynomial form provides a balance between accuracy and computational complexity. These equations are mapped according to the geometric structures for which they are most suitable in minimizing the runtime of inductance calculation while retaining the required accuracy. Within geometrical constraints, the wires are of arbitrary specification. Results of a comprehensive evaluation based on the ITRS-specified global wiring structure for 2003 shows that the inductance values were extracted by using the proposed approach, and they were within several percent of the values obtained by using commercial three-dimensional (3-D) field solvers. The efficiency of the proposed approach is also demonstrated by extraction from a real layout design that has 300-k interconnecting segments.

  • An Improvement of the Perturbation Method Using a TM010 Mode Cylindrical Cavity

    Hirokazu KAWABATA  Hiroshi TANPO  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  


    E86-C No:12

    Effects of the sample insertion holes of the TM010 mode cylindrical cavity are analyzed on the basis of rigorous analysis by the Ritz-Galerkin method. The measurement accuracy of complex permittivity is examined by comparing the values by the perturbation method with ones by the rigorous analysis. Charts of relative errors Δ ε/εp and Δ tan δ/tan δp are presented, which are useful to measure the complex permittivity accurately by the perturbation method. The present analysis extends the validity of the conventional perturbation method.

  • Irredundant Low Power Address Bus Encoding Techniques Based on Adaptive Codebooks

    Satoshi KOMATSU  Masahiro FUJITA  

    PAPER-Power Optimization

    E86-A No:12

    The power dissipation at the off-chip bus has become a significant part of the overall power dissipation in micro-processor based digital systems. This paper presents irredundant address bus encoding methods which reduce signal transitions on the instruction address buses by using adaptive codebook methods. These methods are based on the temporal locality and spatial locality of instruction address. Since applications tend to JUMP/BRANCH to limited sets of addresses, proposed encoding methods assign the least signal transition codes to the addresses of JUMP/BRANCH operations in the past. In addition, our methods can be easily applicable for conventional digital systems since they are irredundant encoding methods. Our encoding methods reduce the signal transitions on the instruction address buses, which results in the reduction of total power dissipation of digital systems. Experimental results show that our methods can reduce the signal transition by an average of 88%.

  • Feature Interaction Detection by Bounded Model Checking

    Tomoyuki YOKOGAWA  Tatsuhiro TSUCHIYA  Masahide NAKAMURA  Tohru KIKUNO  

    PAPER-Dependable Communication

    E86-D No:12

    Feature interaction is the term used in telephony systems to refer to inconsistent conflict between multiple communication services. Feature interaction is considered a major obstacle to developing reliable telephony systems and many approaches have been explored to resolve it. In this paper we present an automatic method for detecting latent feature interaction in service specifications. This method uses bounded model checking as its basis. The basic idea behind bounded model checking is to reduce the detection problem to the propositional satisfiability (SAT) decision problem. For asynchronous systems like telecommunication systems, however, traditional bounded model checking does not work well because resulting propositional formulas tend to become very large. We propose a new encoding scheme to overcome this problem and show the effectiveness through comparative experiments with traditional bounded model checking and other model checking methods.

  • A Transparent Transient Faults Tolerance Mechanism for Superscalar Processors

    Toshinori SATO  

    PAPER-Dependable Systems

    E86-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose a fault-tolerance mechanism for microprocessors, which detects transient faults and recovers from them. The investigation of fault-tolerance techniques for microprocessors is driven by two issues: One regards deep submicron fabrication technologies. Future semiconductor technologies could become more susceptible to alpha particles and other cosmic radiation. The other is the increasing popularity of mobile platforms. Cellular telephones are currently used for applications which are critical to our financial security, such as mobile banking, mobile trading, and making airline ticket reservations. Such applications demand that computer systems work correctly. In light of this, we propose a mechanism which is based on an instruction reissue technique for incorrect data speculation recovery and utilizes time redundancy, and evaluate our proposal using a timing simulator.

  • A Robust Audio Watermarking Scheme Using Wavelet Modulation

    Bing JI  Fei YAN  De ZHANG  

    LETTER-Information Security

    E86-A No:12

    A novel audio watermarking based on wavelet modulation is presented. The watermark signals are constructed by M-band wavelet modulation that can increase redundancy to improve the detection performance. In order to maximize the watermarking strength within the perceptual constraints, the watermark signals synthesized from different subbands are separately masked using a frequency auditory model. CDMA technique is implemented to achieve watermarking capacity. Experimental results show that this method is very robust.

  • Constructing c-Secure CRT Codes Using Polynomials over Finite Fields

    Mira KIM  Junji SHIKATA  Hirofumi MURATANI  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E86-A No:12

    In this paper, we deal with c-secure codes in a fingerprinting scheme, which encode user ID to be embedded into the contents. If a pirate copy appears, c-secure codes allow the owner of the contents to trace the source of the illegal redistribution under collusion attacks. However, when dealing in practical applications, most past proposed codes are failed to obtain a good efficiency, i.e. their codeword length are too large to be embedded into digital contents. In this paper, we propose a construction method of c-secure CRT codes based on polynomials over finite fields and it is shown that the codeword length in our construction is shorter than that of Muratani's scheme. We compare the codeword length of our construction and that of Muratani's scheme by numerical experiments and present some theoretical results which supports the results obtained by numerical experiments. As a result, we show that our construction is especially efficient in respect to a large size of any coalition c. Furthermore, we discuss the influence of the random error on the traceability and formally define the Weak IDs in respect to our construction.

  • Linear Prediction Based Channel Estimation Using Pilot and Traffic Channels in Multi-Code CDMA Systems

    Jung Suk JOO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:12

    For the channel estimation in the pilot channel aided CDMA systems which can support a multi-code scheme, we consider a linear prediction using both pilot and traffic channels. After deriving a new form of the optimal Wiener filter which requires less computational load, for its practical implementation, we propose the decision-directed adaptive linear prediction filter (DD-ALPF). To prevent from falling into the false lock, the proposed DD-ALPF uses the conventional channel estimate obtained only from pilot channel as a baseline for checking the reliability of the filter output. It will be shown through computer simulation that the proposed method can improve the receiver performance and performs better in the fast fading environments, compared with the existing ones.

  • Detection of Autosymmetry in Logic Functions Using Spectrum Technique

    Ryoji ISHIKAWA  Goro KODA  Kensuke SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Computer System Element

    E86-D No:12

    The discrete nature of data in a functional domain can generally be replaced by the global nature of data in the spectrum domain. In this paper we propose a fast procedure to detect autosymmetric function as an application of the spectrum technique. The autosymmetric function differs from the usual symmetric function and strongly relates with EXOR-based representations. It is known that many practical logical networks are autosymmetric, and this nature allows a useful functional class to realize a compact network with EXOR gates. Our procedure is able to detect autosymmetric functions quickly by using spectral coefficients. In experiments, our technique can detect the autosymmetry of most networks with a small number of checks of the spectrum.

  • Cached Shortest-Path Tree: An Approach to Reduce the Influence of Intra-Domain Routing Instability

    Shu ZHANG  Katsuyoshi IIDA  Suguru YAMAGUCHI  


    E86-B No:12

    Because most link-state routing protocols, such as OSPF and IS-IS, calculate routes using the Dijkstra algorithm, which poses scalability problems, implementors often introduce an artificial delay to reduce the number of route calculations. Although this delay directly affects IP packet forwarding, it can be acceptable when the network topology does not change often. However, when the topology of a network changes frequently, this delay can lead to a complete loss of IP reachability for the affected network prefixes during the unstable period. In this paper, we propose the Cached Shortest-path Tree (CST) approach, which speeds up intra-domain routing convergence without extra execution of the Dijkstra algorithm, even if the routing for a network is quite unstable. The basic idea of CST is to cache shortest-path trees (SPTs) of network topologies that appear frequently, and use these SPTs to instantly generate a routing table when the topology after a change matches one in the caches. CST depends on a characteristic that we found from an investigation of routing instability conducted on the WIDE Internet in Japan. That is, under unstable routing conditions, both frequently changing Link State Advertisements (LSAs) and their instances tend to be limited. At the end of this paper, we show CST's effectiveness by a trace-driven simulation.

  • A Novel Timing-Driven Global Routing Algorithm Considering Coupling Effects for High Performance Circuit Design

    Jingyu XU  Xianlong HONG  Tong JING  Yici CAI  Jun GU  

    PAPER-Place and Routing

    E86-A No:12

    As the CMOS technology enters the very deep submicron era, inter-wire coupling capacitance becomes the dominant part of load capacitance. The coupling effects have brought new challenges to routing algorithms on both delay estimation and optimization. In this paper, we propose a timing-driven global routing algorithm with consideration of coupling effects. Our two-phase algorithm based on timing-relax method includes a heuristic Steiner tree algorithm to guarantee the timing performance of the initial solution and an optimization algorithm based on coupling-effect-transference. Experimental results are given to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm.

  • An Adaptive Array Antenna Based on the IQ-Division Bandpass Sampling

    Shinya SASAKI  Tetsuki TANIGUCHI  Yoshio KARASAWA  


    E86-B No:12

    In this paper, as an important technology for the software-defined radio, a novel scheme of adaptive array antenna utilizing bandpass sampling technique is proposed. For adaptive signal processing, it is necessary to convert the radio frequency signal received by the antenna that is given by real number into baseband region, i.e., complex number region. Then, the method for dividing the bandpass sampled signal to in-phase and quadrature components is analyzed. The sampling scheme is called the IQ-division bandpass sampling. An adaptive array antenna based on the IQ-division bandpass sampling is characterized by the signal processing at the bandpass sampled signal stage, namely, intermediate frequency stage, not baseband. Finally, we will confirm the validity of the proposed scheme through an experiment in a radio anechoic chamber.

  • Parasitic Capacitance Modeling for Non-Planar Interconnects in Liquid Crystal Displays

    Sadahiro TANI  Yoshihiro UCHIDA  Makoto FURUIE  Shuji TSUKIYAMA  BuYeol LEE  Shuji NISHI  Yasushi KUBOTA  Isao SHIRAKAWA  Shigeki IMAI  

    PAPER-Parasitics and Noise

    E86-A No:12

    The problem of calculating parasitic capacitances between two interconnects is investigated dedicatedly for liquid crystal displays, with the main focus put on the approximate expressions of the capacitances caused at the intersection and the parallel running of two interconnects. To derive simple and accurate approximate expressions, the interconnects in these structures are divided into a few basic coupling regions in such a way that the electro-magnetic field in each region can be calculated by a 2-D capacitance model. Then the capacitance in such a region is represented by a simple expression adjusted to the results computed by an electro-magnetic field solver. The total capacitance obtained by summing the capacitances in all regions is evaluated in comparison with the one obtained by using a 3-D field solver, resulting in a relative error of less than 5%.

  • Development of Experimental Prototype System for SDR Certification Simulation

    Yasuo SUZUKI  Tokihiko YOKOI  Yoshimitsu IKI  Eiji KAWAGUCHI  Nobuo NAKAJIMA  Koji ODA  Ryoichi HIDAKA  


    E86-B No:12

    In relation to the Software Defined Radio (SDR) concept, an experimental simulation system was developed. Likewise, verification tests were performed in order to validate the envisaged SDR certification processes including its development, certification, distribution, and software installation assuming the future possibility of exchanging the software in the field.

  • Reliability of Athermal Fiber Bragg Grating Component with Negative Thermal Expansion Ceramic Substrate

    Satoru YOSHIHARA  Takahiro MATANO  Hiroshi OOSHIMA  Akihiko SAKAMOTO  


    E86-C No:12

    A negative thermal expansion ceramic substrate and an athermal fiber Bragg grating component with the substrate were subjected to reliability tests. We confirmed that the component has adequate durability for use as optical filters in the WDM system, under test conditions of damp heat, low temperature, mechanical shock and vibration. (50 words)

  • Implementation of Java Accelerator for High-Performance Embedded Systems

    Motoki KIMURA  Morgan Hirosuke MIKI  Takao ONOYE  Isao SHIRAKAWA  

    PAPER-Simulation Accelerator

    E86-A No:12

    A Java execution environment is implemented, in which a hardware engine is operated in parallel with an embedded processor. This pair of hardware facilities together with an additional software kernel are devised for existing embedded systems, so as to execute Java applications more efficiently in such a way that 39 instructions are added to the original Java Virtual Machine to implement the software kernel. The exploration of design parameters is also attempted to attain a low hardware cost and high performance. The proposed hardware engine of a 6-stage pipeline can be integrated in a single chip using 30 k gates together with the instruction and data cache memories. The proposed approach improves the execution speed by a factor of 5 in comparison with the J2ME software implementation.

  • Realization of Low Spurious Responses by Various Bandpass Filters Using Open-Ended λ/2 Resonators

    Kouji WADA  Takanobu OHNO  Kouichi NAKAGAWA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  


    E86-C No:12

    This paper focuses on the realization of low spurious responses by various bandpass filters (BPFs) using open-ended λ/2 resonators. The first part of this paper gives the resonance characteristics of the open-ended λ/2 resonators when the excitation methods are chosen. Secondly, various BPFs obtained with our methodology are provided. For constructing the BPF, (1) point-coupled resonators, (2) comb-line resonators, (3) quasi comb-line resonators and (4) parallel-coupled resonators are used. It is verified that the presented BPFs can be used to obtain low spurious responses both theoretically and experimentally.
