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  • A Feasibility Study on a Simple Stored Channel Simulator for Urban Mobile Radio Environments

    Tsutomu TAKEUCHI  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E76-B No:11

    A stored channel simulator for digital mobile radio enviroments is proposed, which enables the field tests in the laboratory under identical conditions, since it can reproduce the actual multipath radio channels by using the channel impulse responses (CIR's) measured in the field. Linear interpolation of CIR is introduced to simplify the structure of the proposed simulator. The performance of the proposed simulator is confirmed by the laboratory tests.

  • Physiologically-Based Speech Synthesis Using Neural Networks

    Makoto HIRAYAMA  Eric Vatikiotis-BATESON  Mitsuo KAWATO  


    E76-A No:11

    This paper focuses on two areas in our effort to synthesize speech from neuromotor input using neural network models that effect transforms between cognitive intentions to speak, their physiological effects on vocal tract structures, and subsequent realization as acoustic signals. The first area concerns the biomechanical transform between motor commands to muscles and the ensuing articulator behavior. Using physiological data of muscle EMG (electromyography) and articulator movements during natural English speech utterances, three articulator-specific neural networks learn the forward dynamics that relate motor commands to the muscles and motion of the tongue, jaw, ant lips. Compared to a fully-connected network, mapping muscle EMG and motion for all three sets of articulators at once, this modular approach has improved performance by reducing network complexity and has eliminated some of the confounding influence of functional coupling among articulators. Network independence has also allowed us to identify and assess the effects of technical and empirical limitations on an articulator-by-articulator basis. This is particularly important for modeling the tongue whose complex structure is very difficult to examine empirically. The second area of progress concerns the transform between articulator motion and the speech acoustics. From the articulatory movement trajectories, a second neural network generates PARCOR (partial correlation) coefficients which are then used to synthesize the speech acoustics. In the current implementation, articulator velocities have been added as the inputs to the network. As a result, the model now follows the fast changes of the coefficients for consonants generated by relatively slow articulatory movements during natural English utterances. Although much work still needs to be done, progress in these areas brings us closer to our goal of emulating speech production processes computationally.

  • Should Responsive Systems be Event-Triggered or Time-Triggered ?

    Hermann KOPETZ  


    E76-D No:11

    In this paper the two different paradigms for the design of responsive, i.e., distributed fault-tolerant real-time systems, the event-triggered (ET) approach and the time-triggered (TT) approach, are analyzed and compared. The comparison focuses on the temporal properties and considers the issues of predictability, testability, resource utilization, extensibility, and assumption coverage.

  • Phoneme Power Control for Speech Synthesis

    Kenzo ITOH  Tomohisa HIROKAWA  Hirokazu SATO  


    E76-A No:11

    This paper proposes a new method of phoneme power control for speech synthesis by rule. The innovation of this method lies in its use of the phoneme environment and the relationship between speech power and pitch frequency. First, the permissible threshold (PT) for power modification is measured by subjective experiments using power manipulated speech material. As a result, it is concluded that the PT of power modification is 4.1 dB. This experimental result is significant when discussing power control and gives a criterion for power control accuracy. Next, the relationship between speech power and pitch frequency is analyzed using a very large speech data base. The results show that the relationship between phoneme power and pitch frequency is affected by the kind of phoneme, the adjoining phonemes, rising or falling pitch, and initial or final position in the sentence. Finally, we propose that the phoneme power should be controlled by pitch frequency and phoneme environment. This proposal is implemented in a waveform concatenation type text-to-speech synthesizer. This new method yields an averaged root mean square error between real and estimated speech power of 2.17 dB. This value indicates that 94% of the estimated power values are within the permissible threshold of human perception.

  • New Automated Main Distributing Frame System Using a Precision Pin-Handling Robot

    Akira NAGAYAMA  Shigefumi HOSOKAWA  Tadashi HIRONO  

    PAPER->Communication Cable and Wave Guide

    E76-B No:11

    A new automated main distributing frame (AMDF) system is developed that reduces operating costs in metallic-cable main distributing frames (MDFs) used for communication networks. In this AMDF system, a robot inserts connecting-pins into the crosspoint holes of matrix-boards. This process allows jumpering to be completed within three minutes and the route-setting for line testing within one minute. The AMDF system provides approximately 2,100 office equipment cable-terminals. Parallel installation of several AMDF systems allows larger MDF systems to be constructed. This system reduces costs and achieves high reliability through three new technologies: high-density matrix-board, precision pin-handling, and a highly reliable system control. Test results for a prototype AMDF system confirm their effectiveness.

  • Application of KrF Excimer Laser Lithography to 256 MbDRAM Fabrication

    Sin-ichi FUKUZAWA  Hiroshi YOSHINO  Shinji ISHIDA  Kenji KONDOH  Tsuyoshi YOSHII  Naoaki AIZAKI  

    LETTER-Application Specific Memory

    E76-C No:11

    256 MbDRAM chips have been fabricated by mix-and-match method using high NA KrF excimer laser stepper and i-line stepper. In the case of KrF stepper, the negative siloxane resist is used for rectangular and wiring patterns and the positive novolak-resin resist is used for hole patterns. Both of these two kinds of resist produce accurate pattern shape, allow-able pattern profile, satisfactory depth of focus and sufficient overlay accuracy for device fabrication in 0.25 µm design rule.

  • Statistical Memory Yield Analysis and Redundancy Design Considering Fabrication Line Improvement

    Ken-ichi IMAMIYA  Jun-ichi MIYAMOTO  Nobuaki OHTSUKA  Naoto TOMITA  Yumiko IYAMA  

    PAPER-Non-volatile Memory

    E76-C No:11

    The method to optimize redundancy scheme for memory devices is proposed. Yield for new generation memories is predicted by failure mode analysis of previous generation memories. Fabrication line improvement and chip area penalty by the redundancy are taken into account for this yield prediction. The actual data of 16 Mbit EPROM failure analysis indicate the effectiveness of the prediction.

  • A System for the Synthesis of High-Quality Speech from Texts on General Weather Conditions

    Keikichi HIROSE  Hiroya FUJISAKI  


    E76-A No:11

    A text-to-speech conversion system for Japanese has been developed for the purpose of producing high-quality speech output. This system consists of four processing stages: 1) linguistic processing, 2) phonological processing, 3) control parameter generation, and 4) speech waveform generation. Although the processing at the first stage is restricted to the texts on general weather conditions, the other three stages can also cope with texts of news and narrations on other topics. Since the prosodic features of speech are largely related to the linguistic information, such as word accent, syntactic structure and discourse structure, linguistic processing of a wider range than ever, at least a sentence, is indispensable to obtain good quality speech with respect to the prosody. From this point of view, input text was restricted to the weather forecast sentences and a method for linguistic processing was developed to conduct morpheme, syntactic and semantic analyses simultaneously. A quantitative model for generating fundamental frequency contours was adopted to make a good reflection of the linguistic information on the prosody of synthetic speech. A set of prosodic rules was constructed to generate prosodic symbols representing prosodic structures of the text from the linguistic information obtained at the first stage. A new speech synthesizer based on the terminal analog method was also developed to improve the segmental quality of synthetic speech. It consists of four paths of cascade connection of pole/zero filters and three waveform generators. The four paths are respectively used for the synthesis of vowels and vowel-like sounds, nasal murmur and buzz bar, friction, and plosion, while the three generators produce voicing source waveform approximated by polynomials, white Gaussian noise source for fricatives and impulse source for plosives. The validity of the approach above has been confirmed by the listening tests using speech synthesized by the developed system. Improvements both in the quality of prosodic features and in the quality of segmental features were realized for the synthetic speech.

  • A Knowledge-Based Database Assistant with a Menu-Based Natural Language User-Interface

    Xu WU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E76-D No:10

    Knowledge-based Database Assistant is an expert system designed to help novice users formulate correct and complete database queries. This paper describes a knowledge-based database assistant with advanced facilities such as (1) a menu-based querymaking guidance, (2) a menu-based natural-language user-interface, and (3) database-commands generator which formulates formal database queries with SQL language. The system works as an intelligent front-end to an SQL database system or a computer-aided SQL tutorial-system. In this paper, we also discuss a semantic-network model, named S-Net, which is used to represent the knowledge for formal database-query formulating processes. The menu-based English user-interface allows end-users to make a query by filling a certain query pattern with appropriate words. The query-pattern filling process is guided by pop-up menus provided by the system. The query-pattern instances thus obtained are then translated into formal database queries. The translation is carried out by evaluating operations on S-Net knowledge-base which conveys knowledge about application domain, and the underlying database schema.

  • Numerical Analysis of the Effective Dielectric Constant of the Medium where Dielectric Spheres are Randomly Distributed

    Mitsuo TATEIBA  Yukihisa NANBU  Toshio OE  

    PAPER-Random Medium

    E76-C No:10

    The effective dielectric constant εeff of discrete random medium composed of many dielectric spheres has been analyzed by EFA (Effective Field Approximation), QCA (Quasicrystalline Approximation) and QCA-CP (Quasicrystalline Approximation and Coherent Potential) in the case where the optical path length is very large in the medium. These methods lead to a reasonable K for non-large dielectric constants of spheres, while their methods yield an unphysical dependence of εeff on large dielectric constants of spheres: that is, the εeff does not become large for increasing the dielectric constant. In this paper, we remove the unphysical dependence and present new results for εeff of our method, comparing with the results for εeff of EFA, QCA and QCA-CP.

  • Satellite Image Processing System Utilizing an Extended Cellular Array Processor

    Masataka AJIRO  Hiroyuki MIYATA  Takashi KAN  Masakazu SOGA  Makoto ONO  


    E76-D No:10

    Since its successful launch in February of 1992, the Japan Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1) has been sending back high resolution images of the earth for various studies, including the investigation of earth resources, the preservation of environments and the observation of coastal lines. Currently, received images are processed using the Earth Resources Satellite Data Information System (ERSDIS). The ERSDIS is a high speed image processing system utilizing an extended cellular array processor as its main processing module. The extended cellular array processor (CAP), consisting of 4096 processing elements configured into a two-dimensional array, is designed to have many parallel processing optimizing capabilities targetting large-scale image processing at a high speed. This paper desctribes a typical image processing flow, the structure of the ERSDIS, and the details of the CAP design.

  • Un-Biased Linear Algorithm for Recovering Three-Dimensional Motion from optical Flow

    Norio TAGAWA  Takashi TORIU  Toshio ENDOH  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:10

    This paper describes a noise resistant algorithm for recovering the three-dimensional motion of a rigid object from optical flow. First, it is shown that in the absence of noise three-demensional motion can be obtained exactly by a linear algorithm except in the special case in which the surface of the object is on a general quadratic surface passing through the viewpoint, and the normal vector of the surface at the viewpoint is perpendicular to the translation velocity vector. In the presence of noise, an evaluation function is introduced based on the least squares method. It is shown, however, that the solution which minimizes the evaluation function is not always optimal due to statistical bias. To deal with this problem, a method to eliminate the statistical bias in the evaluation function is proposed for zero mean white noise. Once the statistical bias is eliminated, the solution of the linear algorithm coincides with the correct solution by means of expectation. In this linear algorithm, only the eigenvector corresponding to the zero eigenvalue of a 33 matrix is necessary to find the translational velocity. Once the translational velocity is obtained, the rotational velocity can be computed directly. This method is also shown to be noise resistant by computer simulation.

  • Estimating the Two-Dimensional Blood Flow Velocity Map from Cineangiograms: Algorithm Using an Initial Guess and Its Application to an Abdominal Aneurysm

    Naozo SUGIMOTO  Chikao UYAMA  Tetsuo SUGAHARA  Yoshio YANAGIHARA  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E76-D No:10

    To derive blood flow dynamics from cineangiograms (CAG), we have developed an image processing algorithm to estimate a two-dimensional blood fiow velocity map projected on CAG. Each image area of CAG is diveded into blocks, and it is assumed that the movement of the contrast medium between two serial frames is restricted only to adjacent blocks. By this assumption, a fundamental equation" and the maximum flow constraints" are derived. The equation and constraints state the relationship between the volume of contrast medium in each block and the flow components" that are the volumes of contrast medium flowing from/to its adjacent blocks. The initial guess" that is a set of approximately obtained flow components is corrected using these relationships. The corrected flow components are then transformed into blood flow velocities, which are illustrated in the form of a needle diagram. In numerical experiments, the estimation error between the real flow velocity generated artificially and the flow velocity estimated with our algorithm was evaluated under one of the worst conditions. Although the maximum error was fairly large, the estimated flow velocity map was still acceptable for visual inspection of flow velocity pattern. We then applied our algorithm to an abdominal CAG (clinical data). The results showed flow stagnation and reverse flow in the abdominal aneurysm, which are consistent with the presence of a thrombus in the aneurysm. This algorithm may be a useful diagnostic tool in the assessment of vascular disease.

  • Recent Progress in Borehole Radars and Ground Penetrating Radars in Japan

    Motoyuki SATO  Tsutomu SUZUKI  


    E76-B No:10

    This paper describes fundamental system of borehole radars and its recent progress in Japan. Early development of borehole radars were carried out for detection of cracks in crystallized rock, however, the fields of applications are expanding to other various objects such as soil and sedimental rocks. Conventionally developed radar systems are not necessarily suitable for these applications and they must be modified. New technologies such as radar polarimetry and radar tomography were also introduced.

  • An X-Band Phased Array Antenna with a Large Elliptical Aperture

    Yoshihiko KUWAHARA  Toru ISHITA  Yoshihiko MATSUZAWA  Yasunori KADOWAKI  

    PAPER-Radar System

    E76-B No:10

    Monopulse technique is widely used for tracking radars. For tracking at a low elevation angle, a narrow beam is required in the elevation plane to reduce multipath signals such as gound reflections. In this case, an elliptical aperture is desired. We have developed an antenna with a high tracking accuracy and a high aperture efficiency which is composed of a monopulse feed and an elliptical aperture. In this paper we discuss a design of the feed through lens array with an elliptical aperture and a new monopulse feed. Evaluation test results of a production model proved validity of our design and showed good performance.

  • An Efficient Algorithm for Multiple Folded Gate Matrix Layout

    Shoichiro YAMADA  Shunichi NAKAYAMA  


    E76-A No:10

    We propose a new multiple folding algorithm for the gate matrix layout, and apply it to generation of rectangular blocks with flexible size. The algorithm consists of two phases, the net partitioning and the gate arangement, and both algorithms are based on the multi-way mini-cut technique. In the first and second phases, the width and height of the multiple folded gate matrix block are directly minimized, resperctively, such that the area is minimized and desired aspect ratio of the block is obtained. The features of the present algorithm are as hollows: (1) Dead space on the gate matrix block can be minimized, (2) the aspect ratio can be controlled finely, (3) since polar graphs are successfully used in the second phase, the efficiency of the algorithm can be much improved. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our algorithm.

  • A Proposal of a Recognition System for the Specices of Birds Receiving Birdcalls--An Application of Recognition Systems for Environmental Sound--

    Takehiko ASHIYA  Masao NAKAGAWA  


    E76-A No:10

    In the future, it will be necessary that robot technology or environmental technology has an auditory function of recognizing sound expect for speech. In this letter, we propose a recognition system for the species of birds receiving birdcalls, based on network technology. We show the first step of a recognition system for the species of birds, as an application of a recognition system for environmental sound.

  • State Diagram Matrix for Hierarchical Specification of Reactive System

    Tomohiro MURATA  Kenzou KURIHARA  Ayako ASHIDA  


    E76-A No:10

    Reactive systems respond to internal or external stimuli and act in an event-driven manner. It is generally difficult to specify a complex reactive systems' behavior using conventional state machine formalism. One reason is that actual reactive systems are usually formed by combining plural state-machince that behave concurretly. This paper presents the State Diagram Matrix (SDM) which is a visual and hierarchical formalism of such a reactive system's behavior. SDM has two concepts. The first is matrix plane description on which 3-dimensional state space is projected. The second is state abstraction for hierarchical state-machine definition. Understandability and reliability of control software was improved as a consequence of adopting SDM for specifying disk-subsystem control requirements. The development support functions of SDM using a workstation are also described.

  • The lmprovement in Performance-Driven Analog LSI Layout System LIBRA

    Tomohiko OHTSUKA  Nobuyuki KUROSAWA  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E76-A No:10

    The paper presents the improvement of out new approach to optimize the process parameter variation, device heat and wire parasitics for analog LSI design by explicitly incorporating various performance estimations into objective functions for placement and routing. To minimize these objective functions, the placement by the simulated annealing method, and maze routing are effectively modified with the perfomance estimation. The improvement results in the excellent performance driven layout for the large size of analog LSIs.

  • A Microwave Doppler Radar System for Noncontact Measurement of Head and Finger Movements in Clinical Use

    Ikuo ARAI  Kazuma MOTOMURA  Tsutomu SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Radar Applications to Industrial World

    E76-B No:10

    A method to measure the displacement from the phase rotation of the Doppler signal including the displacement information of the moving body is proposed, where the displacement resolution can be improved 4 times by making the phase rotation faster. Furthermore, this test system is applied in clinical use. The test system is built up by using a two-phase microwave Doppler sensor covering a 10GHz band, where the Doppler frequency is multiplied 4 times by signal processing. Thus, the resolution is improved from a conventional 12.6mm (in case of 11.9GHz) to 3.15mm, and practical utilization has been attained. The microwave Doppler radar system described in this paper is adequate for the displacement measurement for a relatively fast moving body. As a medical sensor for clinical use, measurement examples of head movement in a vestibule examination (vestibule oculomotor reflexive inspection) and finger movement in a cerebellum function test are given. Furthermore by using two sets of this Doppler radar system, a 2-dimensional measurement of head movement is possible.
