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  • A Novel Optoelectronic Serial-to-Parallel Converter for 25-Gbps 32-bit Optical Label Processing

    Salah IBRAHIM  Hiroshi ISHIKAWA  Tatsushi NAKAHARA  Yasumasa SUZAKI  Ryo TAKAHASHI  


    E97-C No:7

    An optoelectronic 32-bit serial-to-parallel converter with a novel conversion scheme and shared-trigger configuration has been developed for the label processing of 100-Gbps (25-Gbps $ imes 4 lambda)$ optical packets. No external optical trigger source is required to operate the converter, as the optical packet itself is used to perform self-triggering. Compared to prior optoelectronic label converters, the new device has a much higher gain even while converting labels at higher data rates, and exhibits tolerance to the voltage swing of received packets. The device response is presented together with the experimental demonstration of serial-to-parallel conversion for 4 different labels at 25 Gbps.

  • High-Sensitive Detection of Electronic Emission through Si-Nanocrystals/Si-Nanocolumnar Structures by Conducting-Probe Atomic Force Microscopy

    Daichi TAKEUCHI  Katsunori MAKIHARA  Mitsuhisa IKEDA  Seiichi MIYAZAKI  Hirokazu KAKI  Tsukasa HAYASHI  


    E97-C No:5

    We fabricated highly dense Si nano-columnar structures accompanied with Si nanocrystals on W-coated quartz and characterized their local electrical transport in the thickness direction in a non-contact mode by using a Rh-coated Si cantilever with pulse bias application, in which Vmax, Vmin, and the duty ratio were set at +3.0V, -14V, and 50%, respectively. By applying a pulse bias to the bottom W electrode with respect to a grounded top electrode made of ∼10-nm-thick Au on a sample surface, non-uniform current images in correlation with surface morphologies reflecting electron emission were obtained. The change in the surface potential of the highly dense Si nano-columnar structures accompanied with Si nanocrystals, which were measured at room temperature by using an AFM/Kelvin probe technique, indicated electron injection into and extraction from Si nanocrystals, depending on the tip bias polarity. This result is attributable to efficient electron emission under pulsed bias application due to electron charging from the top electrode to the Si nanocrystals in a positively biased duration at the bottom electrode and subsequent quasi-ballistic transport through Si nanocrystals in a negatively biased duration.

  • Single-Grain Si Thin-Film Transistors for Monolithic 3D-ICs and Flexible Electronics Open Access



    E97-C No:4

    We review our recent achievements in monolithic 3D-ICs and flexible electronics based on single-grain Si TFTs that are fabricated inside a single-grain with a low-temperature process. Based on pulsed-laser crystallization and submicron sized cavities made in the substrate, amorphous-Si precursor film was converted into poly-Si having grains that are formed on predetermined positions. Using the method called µ-Czochralski process and LPCVD a-Si precursor film, two layers of the SG Si TFT layers with the grains having a diameter of 6µm were vertically stacked with a maximum process temperature of 550°C. Mobility for electrons and holes were 600cm2/Vs and 200cm2/Vs, respectively. As a demonstration of monolithic 3D-ICs, the two SG-TFT layers were successfully implemented into CMOS inverter, 3D 6T-SRAM and single-grain lateral PIN photo-diode with in-pixel amplifier. The SG Si TFTs were applied to flexible electronics. In this case, the a-Si precursor was prepared by doctor-blade coating of liquid-Si based on pure cyclopentasilane (CPS) on a polyimide (PI) substrate with maximum process temperature of 350°C. The µ-Czochralski process provided location-controlled Si grains with a diameter of 3µm and mobilities of 460 and 121cm2/Vs for electrons and holes, respectively, were obtained. The devices on PI were transferred to a plastic foil which can operate with a bending diameter of 6mm. Those results indicate that the SG TFTs are attractive for their use in both monolithic 3D-ICs and flexible electronics.

  • Targeting Morbidity in Unreached Communities Using Portable Health Clinic System Open Access



    E97-B No:3

    This study looks at how an e-Health System can reduce morbidity (poor health) in unreached communities. The e-Health system combines affordable sensors and Body Area Networking technology with mobile health concepts and is called a Portable Health Clinic. The health clinic is portable because all the medical devices fit inside a briefcase and are carried to unreached communities by a healthcare assistants. Patient morbidity is diagnosed using software stratification algorithm and categorized according to triage color-coding scheme within the briefcase. Morbid patients are connected to remote doctor in a telemedicine call center using the mobile network coverage. Electronic Health Records (EHR) are used for the medical consultancy and e-Prescription is generated. The effectiveness of the portable health clinic system to target morbidity was tested on 8690 patients in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh during September 2012 to January 2013. There were two phases to the experiment: the first phase identified the intensity of morbidity and the second phase re-examined the morbid patients, two months later. The experiment results show a decrease in patients to identify as morbid among those who participated in telemedicine process.

  • Covariance-Based Barrage Jammer Nulling Filter for Surveillance Radar

    Gang LU  Hai-Yan JIN  


    E97-B No:2

    A covariance-based algorithm is proposed to find a barrage jammer suppression filter for surveillance radar with an adaptive array. The conventional adaptive beamformer (ABF) or adaptive sidelobe canceller (ASLC) with auxiliary antennas can be used successfully in sidelobe jammer rejection. When a jammer shares the same bearing with the target of interest, however, those methods inherently cancel the target in their attempt to null the jammer. By exploiting the jammer multipath scattered returns incident from other angles, the proposed algorithm uses only the auto-covariance matrix of the sample data produced by stacking range cell returns in a pulse repetition interval (PRI). It does not require estimation of direction of arrival (DOA) or time difference of arrival (TDOA) of multipath propagation, thus making it applicable to electronic countermeasure (ECM) environments with high power barrage jammers and it provides the victim radar with the ability to null both the sidelobe (sidebeam) and mainlobe (mainbeam) jammers simultaneously. Numeric simulations are provided to evaluate the performance of this filter in the presence of an intensive barrage jammer with jammer-to-signal ratio (JSR) greater than 30dB, and the achieved signal-to-jammer-plus-noise ratio (SJNR) improvement factor (IF) exceeds 46dB.

  • High-Throughput Electron Beam Direct Writing of VIA Layers by Character Projection with One-Dimensional VIA Characters

    Rimon IKENO  Takashi MARUYAMA  Satoshi KOMATSU  Tetsuya IIZUKA  Makoto IKEDA  Kunihiro ASADA  

    PAPER-Physical Level Design

    E96-A No:12

    Character projection (CP) is a high-speed mask-less exposure technique for electron-beam direct writing (EBDW). In CP exposure of VIA layers, higher throughput is realized if more VIAs are exposed in each EB shot, but it will result in huge number of VIA characters to cover arbitrary VIA arrangements. We adopt one-dimensional VIA arrays as the basic CP character architecture to increase VIA numbers in an EB shot while saving the stencil area by superposed character arrangement. In addition, CP throughput is further improved by layout constraints on the VIA placement in the detail routing phase. Our experimental results proved the feasibility of our exposure strategy in the practical CP use in 14nm lithography.

  • A New Theoretical Formulation of a General Feedback Amplifier Circuit and Its Fundamental Theorems

    Takahiro INOUE  

    LETTER-Circuit Theory

    E96-A No:11

    A new theoretical formulation based on BIBO (Bounded Input Bounded Output) operators is proposed for a general feedback amplifier circuit. Several fundamental theorems are derived in this letter. The main theorem provides a basis for a realization of an inverse of a feedback-branch linear or nonlinear BIBO operator satisfying the associative law.

  • Numerical Design of Matching Structures for One-Dimensional Finite Superlattices

    Hirofumi SANADA  Megumi TAKEZAWA  Hiroki MATSUZAKI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E96-C No:11

    This paper describes how to design matching structures to improve the frequency characteristics of one-dimensional finite periodic structures. In particular, it deals with one-dimensional finite superlattices. A downhill simplex method is used to determine some of the structural parameters of the matching structure. Numerical examples show that this method is effective in improving the frequency characteristics of finite superlattices.

  • Robust Surface Reconstruction in SEM Using Two BSE Detectors

    Deshan CHEN  Atsushi MIYAMOTO  Shun'ichi KANEKO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:10

    This paper describes a robust three-dimensional (3D) surface reconstruction method that can automatically eliminate shadowing errors. For modeling shadowing effect, a new shadowing compensation model based on the angle distribution of backscattered electrons is introduced. Further, it is modified with respect to some practical factors. Moreover, the proposed iterative shadowing compensation method, which performs commutatively between the compensation of image intensities and the modification of the corresponding 3D surface, can effectively provide both an accurate 3D surface and compensated shadowless images after convergence.

  • Advances in High-Density Inter-Chip Interconnects with Photonic Wiring Open Access

    Yutaka URINO  Yoshiji NOGUCHI  Nobuaki HATORI  Masashige ISHIZAKA  Tatsuya USUKI  Junichi FUJIKATA  Koji YAMADA  Tsuyoshi HORIKAWA  Takahiro NAKAMURA  Yasuhiko ARAKAWA  


    E96-C No:7

    One of the most serious challenges facing the exponential performance growth in the information industry is a bandwidth bottleneck in inter-chip interconnects. We therefore propose a photonics-electronics convergence system with a silicon optical interposer. We examined integration between photonics and electronics and integration between light sources and silicon substrates, and we fabricated a conceptual model of the proposed system based on the results of those examinations. We also investigated the configurations and characteristics of optical components for the silicon optical interposer: silicon optical waveguides, silicon optical splitters, silicon optical modulators, germanium photodetectors, arrayed laser diodes, and spot-size converters. We then demonstrated the feasibility of the system by fabricating a high-density optical interposer by using silicon photonics integrated with these optical components on a single silicon substrate. As a result, we achieved error-free data transmission at 12.5 Gbps and a high bandwidth density of 6.6 Tbps/cm2 with the optical interposer. We think that this technology will solve the bandwidth bottleneck problem.

  • Characterization of Silicon Mach-Zehnder Modulator in 20-Gbps NRZ-BPSK Transmission

    Kazuhiro GOI  Kenji ODA  Hiroyuki KUSAKA  Akira OKA  Yoshihiro TERADA  Kensuke OGAWA  Tsung-Yang LIOW  Xiaoguang TU  Guo-Qiang LO  Dim-Lee KWONG  


    E96-C No:7

    20-Gbps non return-to-zero (NRZ) – binary phase shift keying (BPSK) using the silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator is demonstrated and characterized. Measurement of a constellation diagram confirms successful modulation of 20-Gbps BPSK with the silicon modulator. Transmission performance is characterized in the measurement of bit-error-rate in accumulated dispersion range from -347 ps/nm to +334 ps/nm using SMF and a dispersion compensating fiber module. Optical signal-to-noise ratio required for bit-error-rate of 10-3 is 10.1 dB at back-to-back condition. It is 1.2-dB difference from simulated value. Obtained dispersion tolerance less than 2-dB power penalty for bit-error-rate of 10-3 is -220 ps/nm to +230 ps/nm. The symmetric dispersion tolerance indicates chirp-free modulation. Frequency chirp inherent in the modulation mechanism of the silicon MZM is also discussed with the simulation. The effect caused by the frequency chirp is limited to 3% shift in the chromatic dispersion range of 2 dB power penalty for BER 10-3. The effect inherent in the silicon modulation mechanism is confirmed to be very limited and not to cause any significant degradation in the transmission performance.

  • Control of Interfacial Reaction of HfO2/Ge Structure by Insertion of Ta Oxide Layer

    Kuniaki HASHIMOTO  Akio OHTA  Hideki MURAKAMI  Seiichiro HIGASHI  Seiichi MIYAZAKI  


    E96-C No:5

    As means to control interface reactions between HfO2 and Ge(100), chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of ultrathin Ta-rich oxide using Tri (tert-butoxy) (tert-butylimido) tantalum (Ta-TTT) on chemically-cleaned Ge(100) has been conducted prior to atomic-layer controlled CVD of HfO2 using tetrakis (ethylmethylamino) hafnium (TEMA-Hf) and O3. The XPS analysis of chemical bonding features of the samples after the post deposition N2 annealing at 300 confirms the formation of TaGexOy and the suppression of the interfacial GeO2 layer growth. The energy band structure of HfO2/TaGexOy/Ge was determined by the combination of the energy bandgaps of HfO2 and TaGexOy measured from energy loss signals of O 1s photoelectrons and from optical absorption spectra and the valence band offsets at each interface measured from valence band spectra. From the capacitance-voltage (C-V) curves of Pt-gate MIS capacitors with different HfO2 thicknesses, the thickness reduction of TaGexOy with a relative dielectric constant of 9 is a key to obtain an equivalent SiO2 thickness (EOT) below 0.7 nm.

  • Characterization of Local Electronic Transport through Ultrathin Au/Highly-Dense Si Nanocolumnar Structures by Conducting-Probe Atomic Force Microscopy

    Daichi TAKEUCHI  Katsunori MAKIHARA  Mitsuhisa IKEDA  Seiichi MIYAZAKI  Hirokazu KAKI  Tsukasa HAYASHI  


    E96-C No:5

    We have fabricated highly-dense Si nano-columnar structures accompanied with Si nanocrystals on W-coated quartz, and characterized their local electrical transport in the thickness direction using atomic force microscopy (AFM) with a conductive cantilever. By applying DC negative bias to the bottom W electrode with respect to a grounded top electrode made of 10-nm-thick Au on the sample surface, current images reflecting highly-localized conduction were obtained in both contact and non-contact modes. This result is attributable to electron emission due to quasi-ballistic transport through Si nanocrystals via nanocolumnar structure.

  • Characterization of Resistive Switching of Pt/Si-Rich Oxide/TiN System

    Motoki FUKUSIMA  Akio OHTA  Katsunori MAKIHARA  Seiichi MIYAZAKI  


    E96-C No:5

    We have fabricated Pt/Si-rich oxide (SiOx)/TiN stacked MIM diodes and studied an impact of the structural asymmetry on their resistive switching characteristics. XPS analyses show that a TiON interfacial layer was formed during the SiOx deposition on TiN by RF-sputtering in an Ar + O2 gas mixture. After the fabrication of Pt top electrodes on the SiOx layer, and followed by an electro-forming process, distinct bi-polar type resistive switching was confirmed. For the resistive switching from high to low resistance states so called SET process, there is no need to set the current compliance. Considering higher dielectric constant of TiON than SiOx, the interfacial TiON layer can contribute to regulate the current flow through the diode. The clockwise resistive switching, in which the reduction and oxidation (Red-Ox) reactions can occur near the TiN bottom electrode, shows lower RESET voltages and better switching endurance than the counter-clockwise switching where the Red-Ox reaction can take place near the top Pt electrode. The result implies a good repeatable nature of Red-Ox reactions at the interface between SiOx and TiON/TiN in consideration of relatively high diffusibility of oxygen atoms through Pt.

  • X-Ray Photoemission Study of SiO2/Si/Si0.55Ge0.45/Si Heterostructures

    Akio OHTA  Katsunori MAKIHARA  Seiichi MIYAZAKI  Masao SAKURABA  Junichi MUROTA  


    E96-C No:5

    An SiO2/Si-cap/Si0.55Ge0.45 heterostructure was fabricated on p-type Si(100) and strained silicon on insulator (SOI) substrates by low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) and subsequent thermal oxidation in an O2 + H2 gas mixture. Chemical bonding features and valence band offsets in the heterostructures were evaluated by using high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements and thinning the stack layers with a wet chemical solution.

  • Novel Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Bootstrap Circuit and Its Application in Biomagnetism Open Access

    Xiangyan KONG  Yi ZHANG  Xiaoming XIE  Mianheng JIANG  


    E96-C No:3

    The voltage biased SQUID Bootstrap Circuit (SBC) was recently demonstrated for direct readout of SQUID signals. The SBC combines current- and voltage-feedbacks in one circuit to suppress the preamplifier noise. It offers not only a good noise performance, but also wide tolerance of SQUID parameters. Using SBC gradiometer, the bio-magnetic signals were successfully measured. In this paper, we overview the concept of SBC and its applications.

  • In situ Observation of Electron Transfer Kinetics of Cytochrome c Adsorbed on ITO Electrode with Applying Pulse Potential Step with Slab Optical Waveguide Spectroscopy

    Naoki MATSUDA  Hirotaka OKABE  


    E96-C No:3

    In situ UV-vis. absorption spectra of cytochrome c adsorbed on ITO electrode was observed with slab optical waveguide spectroscopy combining pulse potential step (PPS) between 0.3 and -0.45 V vs. Ag/AgCl. The amount of cytochrome c adsorbed on ITO electrode was estimated from the amount of coulomb of the peaks in cyclic voltammogram to be about a monolayer coverage in this experimental condition. Spectral change between oxidized and reduced cytochrome c by PPS was finished in about 20 msec with phosphate buffer solution. The results strongly proved that SOWG spectroscopy should be effective for in situ observation of ET reaction kinetics of surface adsorbed molecules.

  • Study of Dispersion of Lightning Whistlers Observed by Akebono Satellite in the Earth's Plasmasphere

    I Putu Agung BAYUPATI  Yoshiya KASAHARA  Yoshitaka GOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E95-B No:11

    When the Akebono (EXOS-D) satellite passed through the plasmasphere, a series of lightning whistlers was observed by its analog wideband receiver (WBA). Recently, we developed an intelligent algorithm to detect lightning whistlers from WBA data. In this study, we analyzed two typical events representing the clear dispersion characteristics of lightning whistlers along the trajectory of Akebono. The event on March 20, 1991 was observed at latitudes ranging from 47.83 (47,83N) to -11.09 (11.09S) and altitudes between ∼2232 and ∼7537 km. The other event on July 12, 1989 was observed at latitudes from 34.94 (34.94N) and -41.89 (41.89S) and altitudes ∼1420–∼7911 km. These events show systematic trends; hence, we can easily determine whether the wave packets of lightning whistlers originated from lightning strikes in the northern or the southern hemispheres. Finally, we approximated the path lengths of these lightning whistlers from the source to the observation points along the Akebono trajectory. In the calculations, we assumed the dipole model as a geomagnetic field and two types of simple electron density profiles in which the electron density is inversely proportional to the cube of the geocentric distance. By scrutinizing the dipole model we propose some models of dispersion characteristic that proportional to the electron density. It was demonstrated that the dispersion D theoretically agrees with observed dispersion trend. While our current estimation is simple, it shows that the difference between our estimation and observation data is mainly due to the electron density profile. Furthermore, the dispersion analysis of lightning whistlers is a useful technique for reconstructing the electron density profile in the Earth's plasmasphere.

  • Miniaturization of Parallel-Plate Lens Antenna for Evaluation of Wave Absorber Placed on Ceiling of ETC Gate Open Access

    Takenori YASUZUMI  Nayuta KAMIYA  Ryosuke SUGA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  Yukinori MATSUSHITA  Yasuyuki MATSUDA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E95-B No:10

    This paper presents a compact metal plate lens antenna for evaluating a wave absorber placed on ceiling of the ETC gate. The focal distance of the lens was derived to be 129 cm by the geometrical optics procedure. By arranging the lens in front of a horn antenna, the gain and beamwidth characteristics were improved from 18 dBi to 26 dBi and from 22 degrees to 7 degrees, respectively. Then the antenna characteristics were evaluated when the distance between the antenna and the lens was changed in order to miniaturize the lens antenna. As the result, the changes in beamwidth were held to within 1 dB when the lens came close to the horn antenna. Scattering, phase and electric field intensity of electromagnetic wave were evaluated to clarify the foundation of the given characteristics. It was found that the field intensity for the miniaturized lens antenna is stronger than that for GO designed one though the phase uniformity is worse. The distance between the horn antenna and lens can be reduced to 80 cm. The absorption characteristics for the arranged absorbers which have different absorptions were measured, and it was shown that the proposed method was suitable for specifying the deteriorated absorber in the ETC system.

  • Prospective for Gallium Nitride-Based Optical Waveguide Modulators

    Arnaud STOLZ  Laurence CONSIDINE  Elhadj DOGHECHE  Didier DECOSTER  Dimitris PAVLIDIS  

    PAPER-GaN-based Devices

    E95-C No:8

    A complete analysis of GaN-based structures with very promising characteristics for future optical waveguide devices, such as modulators, is presented. First the material growth was optimized for low dislocation density and surface roughness. Optical measurements demonstrate excellent waveguide properties in terms of index and temperature dependence while planar propagation losses are below 1 dB/cm. Bias was applied on both sides of the epitaxially grown films to evaluate the refractive index dependence on reverse voltage and a variation of 2.10-3 was found for 30 V. These results support the possibility of using structures of this type for the fabrication of modulator devices such as Mach-Zehnder interferometers.
