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  • A Reduced-Complexity Heterodyne Multiband MIMO Receiver with Estimation of Analog Devices Imperfection in a Baseband Feedback Loop

    Tomoya OHTA  Satoshi DENNO  Masahiro MORIKURA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:6

    This paper proposes a reduced-complexity multiband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) receiver that can be used in cognitive radios. The proposed receiver uses heterodyne reception implemented with a wide-passband band-pass filter in the radio frequency (RF) stage. When an RF Hilbert transformer is utilized in the receiver, image-band interference occurs because of the transformer's imperfections. Thus, the imperfection of the Hilbert transformer is corrected in the intermediate frequency (IF) stage to reduce the hardware complexity. First, the proposed receiver estimates the channel impulse response in the presence of the strong image-band interference signals. Next, the coefficients are calculated for the correction of the imperfection at the IF stage, and are fed back to the IF stage through a feedback loop. However, the imperfection caused by the digital-to-analog (D/A) converter and the baseband amplifier in the feedback loop corrupts the coefficients on the way back to the IF stage. Therefore, the proposed receiver corrects the imperfection of the analog devices in the feedback loop. The performance of the proposed receiver is verified by using computer simulations. The proposed receiver can maintain its performance even in the presence of strong image-band interference signals and imperfection of the analog devices in the feedback loop. In addition, this paper also reveals the condition for rapid convergence.

  • Power Allocation and Performance Analysis for Incremental-Selective Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Communications over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

    Rouhollah AGHAJANI  Reza SAADAT  Mohammad Reza AREF  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:6

    The focus of this study is the performance of the relaying network with incremental selective decode-and-forward (ISDF) protocol in non-selective slow Nakagami-m fading channels. To enhance bandwidth efficiency, when the direct transmission is not successful the relay is used to retransmit a clean copy of the source signal. The proposed protocol achieves a significant reduction in the power consumption and an improvement in performance compared to the fixed decode-and-forward (DF). The exact symbol error rate (SER) of M-PSK modulation for the ISDF protocol over general fading channels is derived. However, as the exact SER analysis is very complicated, we provide an approximated SER expression. Based on this approximation, we provide an optimum power allocation coefficient where the aggregate transmit power constraint is imposed on the source and the relay. Our results show that at least 50% of total power must be used by the direct link, and the remaining may be used by the relay. Furthermore, power allocation in this protocol is independent of the quality of the source-destination channel and modulation constellation size. Numerical results show that the ISDF protocol can reduce the average transmit power with respect to the fixed DF protocol.

  • Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks with Imperfect Sensing

    Isameldin Mohammed SULIMAN  Janne J. LEHTOMÄKI  Kenta UMEBAYASHI  Marcos KATZ  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E96-B No:6

    It is well known that cognitive radio (CR) techniques have great potential for supporting future demands on the scarce radio spectrum resources. For example, by enabling the utilization of spectrum bands temporarily not utilized by primary users (PUs) licensed to operate on those bands. Spectrum sensing is a well-known CR technique for detecting those unutilized bands. However, the spectrum sensing outcomes cannot be perfect and there will always be some misdetections and false alarms which will affect the performance thereby degrading the quality of service (QoS) of PUs. Continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) based modeling has been widely used in the literature to evaluate the performance of CR networks (CRNs). A major limitation of the available literature is that all the key factors and realistic elements such as the effect of imperfect sensing and state dependent transition rates are not modeled in a single work. In this paper, we present a CTMC based model for analyzing the performance of CRNs. The proposed model differs from the existing models by accurately incorporating key elements such as full state dependent transition rates, multi-channel support, handoff capability, and imperfect sensing. We derive formulas for primary termination probability, secondary success probability, secondary blocking probability, secondary forced termination probability, and radio resource utilization. The results show that incorporating fully state dependent transition rates in the CTMC can significantly improve analysis accuracy, thus achieving more realistic and accurate analytical model. The results from extensive Monte Carlo simulations confirm the validity of our proposed model.

  • A Time-Domain Architecture and Design Method of High Speed A-to-D Converters with Standard Cells

    Masao TAKAYAMA  Shiro DOSHO  Noriaki TAKEDA  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E96-C No:6

    In this paper, we describe a new method to deal with analog signal in time domain. The method converts voltage signal to time-interleaved phase modulation signal of clock edge. After being amplified by a new time amplifier (TA), phases of the signal are converted to digital codes by successive approximation time-to-digital converter (SA-TDC). The test chip includes 8 interleaved 4 bit SA-TDCs with short latency. The chip operates up to 4.4 GHz. The measured ENOB is 3.51 bit and FOM is 0.49 pJ/conv.

  • An Application-Level Routing Method with Transit Cost Reduction Based on a Distributed Heuristic Algorithm

    Kazuhito MATSUDA  Go HASEGAWA  Masayuki MURATA  


    E96-B No:6

    Application-level routing that chooses an end-to-end traffic route that relays other end hosts can improve user-perceived performance metrics such as end-to-end latency and available bandwidth. However, selfish route selection performed by each end user can lead to a decrease in path performance due to overload by route overlaps, as well as an increase in the inter-ISP transit cost as a result of utilizing more transit links compared with native IP routing. In this paper, we first strictly define an optimization problem for selecting application-level traffic routes with the aim of maximizing end-to-end network performance under a transit cost constraint. We then propose an application-level traffic routing method based on distributed simulated annealing to obtain good solutions to the problem. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method by assuming that PlanetLab nodes utilize application-level traffic routing. We show that the proposed routing method can result in considerable improvement of network performance without increasing transit cost. In particular, when using end-to-end latency as a routing metric, the number of overloaded end-to-end paths can be reduced by about 65%, as compared with that when using non-coordinated methods. We also demonstrate that the proposed method can react to dynamic changes in traffic demand and select appropriate routes.

  • Parallelization of Computing-Intensive Tasks of SIFT Algorithm on a Reconfigurable Architecture System

    Peng OUYANG  Shouyi YIN  Hui GAO  Leibo LIU  Shaojun WEI  


    E96-A No:6

    Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm is a very excellent approach for feature detection. It is characterized by data intensive computation. The current studies of accelerating SIFT algorithm are mainly reflected in three aspects: optimizing the parallel parts of the algorithm based on general-purpose multi-core processors, designing the customized multi-core processor dedicated for SIFT, and implementing it based on the FPGA platform. The real-time performance of SIFT has been highly improved. However, the factors such as the input image size, the number of octaves and scale factors in the SIFT algorithm are restricted for some solutions, the flexibility that ensures the high execution performance under variable factors should be improved. This paper proposes a reconfigurable solution to solve this problem. We fully exploit the algorithm and adopt several techniques, such as full parallel execution, block computation and CORDIC transformation, etc., to improve the execution efficiency on a REconfigurable MUltimedia System called REMUS. Experimental results show that the execution performance of the SIFT is improved by 33%, 50% and 8 times comparing with that executed in the multi-core platform, FPGA and ASIC separately. The scheme of dynamic reconfiguration in this work can configure the circuits to meet the computation requirements under different input image size, different number of octaves and scale factors in the process of computing.

  • A Standard-Cell Based On-Chip NMOS and PMOS Performance Monitor for Process Variability Compensation

    Toshiyuki YAMAGISHI  Tatsuo SHIOZAWA  Koji HORISAKI  Hiroyuki HARA  Yasuo UNEKAWA  


    E96-C No:6

    A completely-digital, on-chip performance monitor is newly proposed in this paper. In addition to a traditional ring oscillator, the proposed monitor has a special buffer chain whose output duty ratio is emphasized by the difference between NMOS and PMOS performances. Thus the performances of NMOS and PMOS transistor can accurately be estimated independently. By using only standard cells, the monitor achieves a small occupied area and process portability. To demonstrate the accuracy of performance estimation and the usability of the monitor, we have fabricated the proposed monitor using 90 nm CMOS process. The estimated errors of the drain saturation current of NMOS and PMOS transistors are 2.0% and 3.4%, respectively. A D/A converter has been also fabricated to verify the usability of the proposed monitor. The output amplitude variation of the D/A converter is successfully reduced to 50.0% by the calibration using the proposed monitor.

  • Recovery of Missing Samples from Oversampled Bandpass Signals and Its Stability

    Sinuk KANG  Kil Hyun KWON  Dae Gwan LEE  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E96-A No:6

    We present a multi-channel sampling expansion for signals with selectively tiled band-region. From this we derive an oversampling expansion for any bandpass signal, and show that any finitely many missing samples from two-channel oversampling expansion can always be uniquely recovered. In addition, we find a sufficient condition under which some infinitely many missing samples can be recovered. Numerical stability of the recovery process is also discussed in terms of the oversampling rate and distribution of the missing samples.

  • A Low-Noise High-Dynamic Range Charge Sensitive Amplifier for Gas Particle Detector Pixel Readout LSIs

    Fei LI  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E96-C No:6

    Recent attempts to directly combine CMOS pixel readout chips with modern gas detectors open the possibility to fully take advantage of gas detectors. Those conventional readout LSIs designed for hybrid semiconductor detectors show some issues when applied to gas detectors. Several new proposed readout LSIs can improve the time and the charge measurement precision. However, the widely used basic charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) has an almost fixed dynamic range. There is a trade-off between the charge measurement resolution and the detectable input charge range. This paper presents a method to apply the folding integration technique to a basic CSA. As a result, the detectable input charge dynamic range is expanded while maintaining all the key merits of a basic CSA. Although folding integration technique has already been successfully applied in CMOS image sensors, the working conditions and the signal characteristics are quite different for pixel readout LSIs for gas particle detectors. The related issues of the folding CSA for pixel readout LSIs, including the charge error due to finite gain of the preamplifier, the calibration method of charge error, and the dynamic range expanding efficiency, are addressed and analyzed. As a design example, this paper also demonstrates the application of the folding integration technique to a Qpix readout chip. This improves the charge measurement resolution and expands the detectable input dynamic range while maintaining all the key features. Calculations with SPICE simulations show that the dynamic range can be improved by 12 dB while the charge measurement resolution is improved by 10 times. The charge error during the folding operation can be corrected to less than 0.5%, which is sufficient for large input charge measurement.

  • A Compact Encoding of Rectangular Drawings with Edge Lengths

    Shin-ichi NAKANO  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  


    E96-A No:6

    A rectangular drawing is a plane drawing of a graph in which every face is a rectangle. Rectangular drawings have an application for floorplans, which may have a huge number of faces, so compact code to store the drawings is desired. The most compact code for rectangular drawings needs at most 4f-4 bits, where f is the number of inner faces of the drawing. The code stores only the graph structure of rectangular drawings, so the length of each edge is not encoded. A grid rectangular drawing is a rectangular drawing in which each vertex has integer coordinates. To store grid rectangular drawings, we need to store some information for lengths or coordinates. One can store a grid rectangular drawing by the code for rectangular drawings and the width and height of each inner face. Such a code needs 4f-4 + f⌈log W⌉ + f⌈log H⌉ + o(f) + o(W) + o(H) bits*, where W and H are the maximum width and the maximum height of inner faces, respectively. In this paper we design a simple and compact code for grid rectangular drawings. The code needs 4f-4 + (f+1)⌈log L⌉ + o(f) + o(L) bits for each grid rectangular drawing, where L is the maximum length of edges in the drawing. Note that L ≤ max{W,H} holds. Our encoding and decoding algorithms run in O(f) time.

  • Measurements and Simulation of Sensitivity of Differential-Pair Transistors against Substrate Voltage Variation

    Satoshi TAKAYA  Yoji BANDO  Toru OHKAWA  Toshiharu TAKARAMOTO  Toshio YAMADA  Masaaki SOUDA  Shigetaka KUMASHIRO  Tohru MOGAMI  Makoto NAGATA  


    E96-C No:6

    The response of differential pairs against low-frequency substrate voltage variation is captured in a combined transistor and substrate network models. The model generation is regularized for variation of transistor geometries including channel sizes, fingering and folding, and the placements of guard bands. The expansion of the models for full-chip substrate noise analysis is also discussed. The substrate sensitivity of differential pairs is evaluated through on-chip substrate coupling measurements in a 90 nm CMOS technology with more than 64 different geometries and operating conditions. The trends and strengths of substrate sensitivity are shown to be well consistent between simulation and measurements.

  • Low Complexity Keypoint Extraction Based on SIFT Descriptor and Its Hardware Implementation for Full-HD 60 fps Video

    Takahiro SUZUKI  Takeshi IKENAGA  


    E96-A No:6

    Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) has lately attracted attention in computer vision as a robust keypoint detection algorithm which is invariant for scale, rotation and illumination changes. However, its computational complexity is too high to apply in practical real-time applications. This paper proposes a low complexity keypoint extraction algorithm based on SIFT descriptor and utilization of the database, and its real-time hardware implementation for Full-HD resolution video. The proposed algorithm computes SIFT descriptor on the keypoint obtained by corner detection and selects a scale from the database. It is possible to parallelize the keypoint detection and descriptor computation modules in the hardware. These modules do not depend on each other in the proposed algorithm in contrast with SIFT that computes a scale. The processing time of descriptor computation in this hardware is independent of the number of keypoints because its descriptor generation is pipelining structure of pixel. Evaluation results show that the proposed algorithm on software is 12 times faster than SIFT. Moreover, the proposed hardware on FPGA is 427 times faster than SIFT and 61 times faster than the proposed algorithm on software. The proposed hardware performs keypoint extraction and matching at 60 fps for Full-HD video.

  • Speaker Adaptation in Sparse Subspace of Acoustic Models

    Yongwon JEONG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E96-D No:6

    I propose an acoustic model adaptation method using bases constructed through the sparse principal component analysis (SPCA) of acoustic models trained in a clean environment. I perform experiments on adaptation to a new speaker and noise. The SPCA-based method outperforms the PCA-based method in the presence of babble noise.

  • A Drift-Constrained Frequency-Domain Ultra-Low-Delay H.264/SVC to H.264/AVC Transcoder with Medium-Grain Quality Scalability for Videoconferencing

    Lei SUN  Zhenyu LIU  Takeshi IKENAGA  


    E96-A No:6

    Scalable Video Coding (SVC) is an extension of H.264/AVC, aiming to provide the ability to adapt to heterogeneous networks or requirements. It offers great flexibility for bitstream adaptation in multi-point applications such as videoconferencing. However, transcoding between SVC and AVC is necessary due to the existence of legacy AVC-based systems. The straightforward re-encoding method requires great computational cost, and delay-sensitive applications like videoconferencing require much faster transcoding scheme. This paper proposes an ultra-low-delay SVC-to-AVC MGS (Medium-Grain quality Scalability) transcoder for videoconferencing applications. Transcoding is performed in pure frequency domain with partial decoding/encoding in order to achieve significant speed-up. Three fast transcoding methods in frequency domain are proposed for macroblocks with different coding modes in non-KEY pictures. KEY pictures are transcoded by reusing the base layer motion data, and error propagation is constrained between KEY pictures. Simulation results show that proposed transcoder achieves averagely 38.5 times speed-up compared with the re-encoding method, while introducing merely 0.71 dB BDPSNR coding quality loss for videoconferencing sequences as compared with the re-encoding algorithm.

  • Sensor Scheduling Algorithms for Extending Battery Life in a Sensor Node

    Qian ZHAO  Yukikazu NAKAMOTO  Shimpei YAMADA  Koutaro YAMAMURA  Makoto IWATA  Masayoshi KAI  


    E96-A No:6

    Wireless sensor nodes are becoming more and more common in various settings and require a long battery life for better maintainability. Since most sensor nodes are powered by batteries, energy efficiency is a critical problem. In an experiment, we observed that when peak power consumption is high, battery voltage drops quickly, and the sensor stops working even though some useful charge remains in the battery. We propose three off-line algorithms that extend battery life by scheduling sensors' execution time that is able to reduce peak power consumption as much as possible under a deadline constraint. We also developed a simulator to evaluate the effectiveness of these algorithms. The simulation results showed that one of the three algorithms dramatically can extend battery life approximately three time as long as in simultaneous sensor activation.

  • Content-Aware Write Reduction Mechanism of 3D Stacked Phase-Change RAM Based Frame Store in H.264 Video Codec System

    Sanchuan GUO  Zhenyu LIU  Guohong LI  Takeshi IKENAGA  Dongsheng WANG  


    E96-A No:6

    H.264 video codec system requires big capacity and high bandwidth of Frame Store (FS) for buffering reference frames. The up-to-date three dimensional (3D) stacked Phase change Random Access Memory (PRAM) is the promising approach for on-chip caching the reference signals, as 3D stacking offers high memory bandwidth, while PRAM possesses the advantages in terms of high density and low leakage power. However, the write endurance problem, that is a PRAM cell can only tolerant limited number of write operations, becomes the main barrier in practical applications. This paper studies the wear reduction techniques of PRAM based FS in H.264 codec system. On the basis of rate-distortion theory, the content oriented selective writing mechanisms are proposed to reduce bit updates in the reference frame buffers. With the proposed control parameter a, our methods make the quantitative trade off between the quality degradation and the PRAM lifetime prolongation. Specifically, taking a in the range of [0.2,2], experimental results demonstrate that, our methods averagely save 29.9–35.5% bit-wise write operations and reduce 52–57% power, at the cost of 12.95–20.57% BDBR bit-rate increase accordingly.

  • Partitioning Trees with Supply, Demand and Edge-Capacity

    Masaki KAWABATA  Takao NISHIZEKI  


    E96-A No:6

    Let T be a given tree. Each vertex of T is either a supply vertex or a demand vertex, and is assigned a positive number, called the supply or demand. Each demand vertex v must be supplied an amount of “power,” equal to the demand of v, from exactly one supply vertex through edges in T. Each edge is assigned a positive number called the capacity. One wishes to partition T into subtrees by deleting edges from T so that each subtree contains exactly one supply vertex whose supply is no less than the sum of all demands in the subtree and the power flow through each edge is no more than capacity of the edge. The “partition problem” is a decision problem to ask whether T has such a partition. The “maximum partition problem” is an optimization version of the partition problem. In this paper, we give three algorithms for the problems. First is a linear-time algorithm for the partition problem. Second is a pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm for the maximum partition problem. Third is a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for the maximum partition problem.

  • A Dual-Mode Deblocking Filter Design for HEVC and H.264/AVC

    Muchen LI  Jinjia ZHOU  Dajiang ZHOU  Xiao PENG  Satoshi GOTO  


    E96-A No:6

    As the successive video compression standard of H.264/AVC, High Efficiency Video Codec (HEVC) will play an important role in video coding area. In the deblocking filter part, HEVC inherits the basic property of H.264/AVC and gives some new features. Based on this variation, this paper introduces a novel dual-mode deblocking filter architecture which could support both of the HEVC and H.264/AVC standards. For HEVC standard, the proposed symmetric unified-cross unit (SUCU) based filtering scheme greatly reduces the design complexity. As a result, processing a 1616 block needs 24 clock cycles. For H.264/AVC standard, it takes 48 clock cycles for a 1616 macro-block (MB). In synthesis result, the proposed architecture occupies 41.6k equivalent gate count at frequency of 200 MHz in SMIC 65 nm library, which could satisfy the throughput requirement of super hi-vision (SHV) on 60 fps. With filter reusing scheme, the universal design for the two standards saves 30% gate counts than the dedicated ones in filter part. In addition, the total power consumption could be reduced by 57.2% with skipping mode when the edges need not be filtered.

  • Statistical Analysis of Current Onset Voltage (COV) Distribution of Scaled MOSFETs

    Tomoko MIZUTANI  Anil KUMAR  Toshiro HIRAMOTO  


    E96-C No:5

    Distribution of current onset voltage (COV) as well as threshold voltage (VTH) and drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL) in MOSFETs fabricated by 65 nm technology is statistically analyzed. Although VTH distribution follows the normal distribution, COV and DIBL deviate from the normal distribution. It is newly found that COV follows the Gumbel distribution, which is known as one of the extreme value distributions. This result of statistical COV analysis supports our model that COV is mainly determined by the deepest potential valley between source and drain.

  • On The Average Partial Hamming Correlation of Frequency-Hopping Sequences

    Wenli REN  Fang-Wei FU  Zhengchun ZHOU  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E96-A No:5

    The average Hamming correlation is an important performance indicator of frequency-hopping sequences (FHSs). In this letter, the average partial Hamming correlation (APHC) properties of FHSs are discussed. Firstly, the theoretical bound on the average partial Hamming correlation of FHSs is established. It works for any correlation window with length 1≤ω≤υ, where υ is the sequence period, and generalizes the bound developed by Peng et al which is valid only when ω=υ. A sufficient and necessary condition for a set of FHSs having optimal APHC for any correlation window is then given. Finally, sets of FHSs with optimal APHC are presented.
