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  • Security Evaluation of Negative Iris Recognition

    Osama OUDA  Slim CHAOUI  Norimichi TSUMURA  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E103-D No:5

    Biometric template protection techniques have been proposed to address security and privacy issues inherent to biometric-based authentication systems. However, it has been shown that the robustness of most of such techniques against reversibility and linkability attacks are overestimated. Thus, a thorough security analysis of recently proposed template protection schemes has to be carried out. Negative iris recognition is an interesting iris template protection scheme based on the concept of negative databases. In this paper, we present a comprehensive security analysis of this scheme in order to validate its practical usefulness. Although the authors of negative iris recognition claim that their scheme possesses both irreversibility and unlinkability, we demonstrate that more than 75% of the original iris-code bits can be recovered using a single protected template. Moreover, we show that the negative iris recognition scheme is vulnerable to attacks via record multiplicity where an adversary can combine several transformed templates to recover more proportion of the original iris-code. Finally, we demonstrate that the scheme does not possess unlinkability. The experimental results, on the CASIA-IrisV3 Interval public database, support our theory and confirm that the negative iris recognition scheme is susceptible to reversibility, linkability, and record multiplicity attacks.

  • Niobium-Based Kinetic Inductance Detectors for High-Energy Applications Open Access

    Masato NARUSE  Masahiro KUWATA  Tomohiko ANDO  Yuki WAGA  Tohru TAINO  Hiroaki MYOREN  

    INVITED PAPER-Superconducting Electronics

    E103-C No:5

    A lumped element kinetic inductance detector (LeKID) relying on a superconducting resonator is a promising candidate for sensing high energy particles such as neutrinos, X-rays, gamma-rays, alpha particles, and the particles found in the dark matter owing to its large-format capability and high sensitivity. To develop a high energy camera, we formulated design rules based on the experimental results from niobium (Nb)-based LeKIDs at 1 K irradiated with alpha-particles of 5.49 MeV. We defined the design rules using the electromagnetic simulations for minimizing the crosstalk. The neighboring pixels were fixed at 150 µm with a frequency separation of 250 MHz from each other to reduce the crosstalk signal as low as the amplifier-limited noise level. We examined the characteristics of the Nb-based resonators, where the signal decay time was controlled in the range of 0.5-50 µs by changing the designed quality factor of the detectors. The amplifier noise was observed to restrict the performance of our device, as expected. We improved the energy resolution by reducing the filling factor of inductor lines. The best energy resolution of 26 for the alpha particle of 5.49 MeV was observed in our device.

  • Low Complexity Soft Input Decoding in an Iterative Linear Receiver for Overloaded MIMO Open Access

    Satoshi DENNO  Tsubasa INOUE  Yuta KAWAGUCHI  Takuya FUJIWARA  Yafei HOU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E103-B No:5

    This paper proposes a low complexity soft input decoding in an iterative linear receiver for overloaded MIMO. The proposed soft input decoding applies two types of lattice reduction-aided linear filters to estimate log-likelihood ratio (LLR) in order to reduce the computational complexity. A lattice reduction-aided linear with whitening filter is introduced for the LLR estimation in the proposed decoding. The equivalent noise caused by the linear filter is mitigated with the decoder output stream and the LLR is re-estimated after the equivalent noise mitigation. Furthermore, LLR clipping is introduced in the proposed decoding to avoid the performance degradation due to the incorrect LLRs. The performance of the proposed decoding is evaluated by computer simulation. The proposed decoding achieves about 2dB better BER performance than soft decoding with the exhaustive search algorithm, so called the MLD, at the BER of 10-4, even though the complexity of the proposed decoding is 1/10 as small as that of soft decoding with the exhaustive search.

  • Detection of SQL Injection Vulnerability in Embedded SQL

    Young-Su JANG  

    LETTER-Software System

    E103-D No:5

    Embedded SQL inserts SQL statements into the host programming language and executes them at program run time. SQL injection is a known attack technique; however, detection techniques are not introduced in embedded SQL. This paper introduces a technique based on candidate code generation that can detect SQL injection vulnerability in the C/C++ host programming language.

  • Anomaly Detection of Folding Operations for Origami Instruction with Single Camera

    Hiroshi SHIMANUKI  Toyohide WATANABE  Koichi ASAKURA  Hideki SATO  Taketoshi USHIAMA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E103-D No:5

    When people learn a handicraft with instructional contents such as books, videos, and web pages, many of them often give up halfway because the contents do not always assure how to make it. This study aims to provide origami learners, especially beginners, with feedbacks on their folding operations. An approach for recognizing the state of the learner by using a single top-view camera, and pointing out the mistakes made during the origami folding operation is proposed. First, an instruction model that stores easy-to-follow folding operations is defined. Second, a method for recognizing the state of the learner's origami paper sheet is proposed. Third, a method for detecting mistakes made by the learner by means of anomaly detection using a one-class support vector machine (one-class SVM) classifier (using the folding progress and the difference between the learner's origami shape and the correct shape) is proposed. Because noises exist in the camera images due to shadows and occlusions caused by the learner's hands, the shapes of the origami sheet are not always extracted accurately. To train the one-class SVM classifier with high accuracy, a data cleansing method that automatically sifts out video frames with noises is proposed. Moreover, using the statistics of features extracted from the frames in a sliding window makes it possible to reduce the influence by the noises. The proposed method was experimentally demonstrated to be sufficiently accurate and robust against noises, and its false alarm rate (false positive rate) can be reduced to zero. Requiring only a single camera and common origami paper, the proposed method makes it possible to monitor mistakes made by origami learners and support their self-learning.

  • CU-MAC: A MAC Protocol for Centralized UAV Networks with Directional Antennas Open Access

    Aijing LI  Guodong WU  Chao DONG  Lei ZHANG  


    E103-B No:5

    Media Access Control (MAC) is critical to guarantee different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) networks, such as high reliability for safety packets and high throughput for service packets. Meanwhile, due to their ability to provide lower delay and higher data rates, more UAVs are using frequently directional antennas. However, it is challenging to support different QoS in UAV networks with directional antennas, because of the high mobility of UAV which causes serious channel resource loss. In this paper, we propose CU-MAC which is a MAC protocol for Centralized UAV networks with directional antennas. First, we design a mobility prediction based time-frame optimization scheme to provide reliable broadcast service for safety packets. Then, a traffic prediction based channel allocation scheme is proposed to guarantee the priority of video packets which are the most common service packets nowadays. Simulation results show that compared with other representative protocols, CU-MAC achieves higher reliability for safety packets and improves the throughput of service packets, especially video packets.

  • SMARTLock: SAT Attack and Removal Attack-Resistant Tree-Based Logic Locking

    Yung-Chih CHEN  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E103-A No:5

    Logic encryption is an IC protection technique which inserts extra logic and key inputs to hide a circuit's functionality. An encrypted circuit needs to be activated with a secret key for being functional. SAT attack and Removal attack are two most advanced decryption methods that have shown their effectiveness to break most of the existing logic encryption methods within a few hours. In this paper, we propose SMARTLock, a SAT attack and reMoval Attack-Resistant Tree-based logic Locking method, for resisting them simultaneously. To encrypt a circuit, the method finds large AND and OR functions in it and encrypts them by inserting duplicate tree functions. There are two types of structurally identical tree encryptions that aim to resist SAT attack and Removal attack, respectively. The experimental results show that the proposed method is effective for encrypting a set of benchmarks from ISCAS'85, MCNC, and IWLS. 16 out of 40 benchmarks encrypted by the proposed method with the area overhead of no more than 5% are uncrackable by SAT attack within 5 hours. Additionally, compared to the state-of-the-art logic encryption methods, the proposed method provides better security for most benchmarks.

  • A Weighted Voronoi Diagram-Based Self-Deployment Algorithm for Heterogeneous Directional Mobile Sensor Networks in Three-Dimensional Space

    Li TAN  Xiaojiang TANG  Anbar HUSSAIN  Haoyu WANG  


    E103-B No:5

    To solve the problem of the self-deployment of heterogeneous directional wireless sensor networks in 3D space, this paper proposes a weighted Voronoi diagram-based self-deployment algorithm (3DV-HDDA) in 3D space. To improve the network coverage ratio of the monitoring area, the 3DV-HDDA algorithm uses the weighted Voronoi diagram to move the sensor nodes and introduces virtual boundary torque to rotate the sensor nodes, so that the sensor nodes can reach the optimal position. This work also includes an improvement algorithm (3DV-HDDA-I) based on the positions of the centralized sensor nodes. The difference between the 3DV-HDDA and the 3DV-HDDA-I algorithms is that in the latter the movement of the node is determined by both the weighted Voronoi graph and virtual force. Simulations show that compared to the virtual force algorithm and the unweighted Voronoi graph-based algorithm, the 3DV-HDDA and 3DV-HDDA-I algorithms effectively improve the network coverage ratio of the monitoring area. Compared to the virtual force algorithm, the 3DV-HDDA algorithm increases the coverage from 75.93% to 91.46% while the 3DV-HDDA-I algorithm increases coverage from 76.27% to 91.31%. When compared to the unweighted Voronoi graph-based algorithm, the 3DV-HDDA algorithm improves the coverage from 80.19% to 91.46% while the 3DV-HDDA-I algorithm improves the coverage from 72.25% to 91.31%. Further, the energy consumption of the proposed algorithms after 60 iterations is smaller than the energy consumption using a virtual force algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the 3DV-HDDA and the 3DV-HDDA-I algorithms.

  • Development and Evaluation of Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors for 900-1100 nm Photon Detection

    Fumihiro CHINA  Shigehito MIKI  Masahiro YABUNO  Taro YAMASHITA  Hirotaka TERAI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Superconducting Electronics

    E103-C No:5

    Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors(SSPDs or SNSPDs) can detect single photons in a wide spectrum range from ultraviolet to mid-infrared wavelengths. We developed SSPDs for the light wavelength of 900-1100 nm, where it is difficult to achieve high detection efficiency by either Si or InGaAs avalanche photodiodes. We designed and fabricated the SSPD with non-periodic dielectric multilayers (DMLs) composed of SiO2 and TiO2 to enhance the optical absorptance in the wavelength range of 900-1100 nm. We measured the detection efficiency (DE) in the wavelength range of 800-1360 nm using a supercontinuum light source and found that the wavelength dependence of DE was in good agreement with the simulated spectrum of the optical absorptance of the nanowire device on the designed DML. The highest system DE was 81.0% for the wavelength of 980 nm.

  • A Novel Technique to Suppress Multiple-Triggering Effect in Typical DTSCRs under ESD Stress Open Access

    Lizhong ZHANG  Yuan WANG  Yandong HE  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E103-C No:5

    This work reports a new technique to suppress the undesirable multiple-triggering effect in the typical diode triggered silicon controlled rectifier (DTSCR), which is frequently used as an ESD protection element in the advanced CMOS technologies. The technique is featured by inserting additional N-Well areas under the N+ region of intrinsic SCR, which helps to improve the substrate resistance. As a consequence, the delay of intrinsic SCR is reduced as the required triggering current is largely decreased and multiple-triggering related higher trigger voltage is removed. The novel DTSCR structures can alter the stacked diodes to achieve the precise trigger voltage to meet different ESD protection requirements. All explored DTSCR structures are fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS process. Transmission-line-pulsing (TLP) and Very-Fast-Transmission-line-pulsing (VF-TLP) test systems are adopted to confirm the validity of this technique and the test results accord well with our analysis.

  • Multi-Distance Function Trilateration over k-NN Fingerprinting for Indoor Positioning and Its Evaluation


    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E103-D No:5

    This manuscript discusses a new indoor positioning method and proposes a multi-distance function trilateration over k-NN fingerprinting method using radio signals. Generally, the strength of radio signals, referred to received signal strength indicator or RSSI, decreases as they travel in space. Our method employs a list of fingerprints comprised of RSSIs to absorb interference between radio signals, which happens around the transmitters and it also employs multiple distance functions for conversion from distance between fingerprints to the physical distance in order to absorb the interference that happens around the receiver then it performs trilateration between the top three closest fingerprints to locate the receiver's current position. An experiment in positioning performance is conducted in our laboratory and the result shows that our method is viable for a position-level indoor positioning method and it could improve positioning performance by 12.7% of positioning error to 0.406 in meter in comparison with traditional methods.

  • Air Quality Index Forecasting via Deep Dictionary Learning

    Bin CHEN  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E103-D No:5

    Air quality index (AQI) is a non-dimensional index for the description of air quality, and is widely used in air quality management schemes. A novel method for Air Quality Index Forecasting based on Deep Dictionary Learning (AQIF-DDL) and machine vision is proposed in this paper. A sky image is used as the input of the method, and the output is the forecasted AQI value. The deep dictionary learning is employed to automatically extract the sky image features and achieve the AQI forecasting. The idea of learning deeper dictionary levels stemmed from the deep learning is also included to increase the forecasting accuracy and stability. The proposed AQIF-DDL is compared with other deep learning based methods, such as deep belief network, stacked autoencoder and convolutional neural network. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method leads to good performance on AQI forecasting.

  • Vehicle Key Information Detection Algorithm Based on Improved SSD

    Ende WANG  Yong LI  Yuebin WANG  Peng WANG  Jinlei JIAO  Xiaosheng YU  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E103-A No:5

    With the rapid development of technology and economy, the number of cars is increasing rapidly, which brings a series of traffic problems. To solve these traffic problems, the development of intelligent transportation systems are accelerated in many cities. While vehicles and their detailed information detection are great significance to the development of urban intelligent transportation system, the traditional vehicle detection algorithm is not satisfactory in the case of complex environment and high real-time requirement. The vehicle detection algorithm based on motion information is unable to detect the stationary vehicles in video. At present, the application of deep learning method in the task of target detection effectively improves the existing problems in traditional algorithms. However, there are few dataset for vehicles detailed information, i.e. driver, car inspection sign, copilot, plate and vehicle object, which are key information for intelligent transportation. This paper constructs a deep learning dataset containing 10,000 representative images about vehicles and their key information detection. Then, the SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector) target detection algorithm is improved and the improved algorithm is applied to the video surveillance system. The detection accuracy of small targets is improved by adding deconvolution modules to the detection network. The experimental results show that the proposed method can detect the vehicle, driver, car inspection sign, copilot and plate, which are vehicle key information, at the same time, and the improved algorithm in this paper has achieved better results in the accuracy and real-time performance of video surveillance than the SSD algorithm.

  • Constructions of Semi-Bent Functions by Modifying the Supports of Quadratic Boolean Functions

    Feng HU  Sihong SU  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:5

    Semi-bent functions have almost maximal nonlinearity. In this paper, two classes of semi-bent functions are constructed by modifying the supports of two quadratic Boolean functions $f_1(x_1,x_2,cdots,x_n)=igopluslimits^{k}_{i=1}x_{2i-1}x_{2i}$ with $n=2k+1geq3$ and $f_2(x_1,x_2,cdots,x_n)=igopluslimits^{k}_{i=1}x_{2i-1}x_{2i}$ with $n=2k+2geq4$. Meanwhile, the algebraic normal forms of the newly constructed semi-bent functions are determined.

  • Multicast UE Selection for Efficient D2D Content Delivery Based on Social Networks

    Yanli XU  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E103-A No:5

    Device-to-device (D2D) content delivery reduces the energy consumption of frequent content retrieval in future content-centric cellular networks based on proximal content delivery. Compared with unicast, multicast may be more efficient since it serves the content requests of multiple users simultaneously. The serving efficiency mainly depends on the selection of multicast transmitter, which has not been well addressed. In this letter, we consider the match degree between the multicast content of transmitter and the required content of receiver based on social relationship between transceivers. By integrating the effects of communication environments and match degree into the selection procedure, a multicast UE selection scheme is proposed to improve the number of benefited receivers from D2D multicast. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can efficiently improve the performance of D2D multicast content delivery under different communication environments.

  • Cost-Sensitive and Sparse Ladder Network for Software Defect Prediction

    Jing SUN  Yi-mu JI  Shangdong LIU  Fei WU  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E103-D No:5

    Software defect prediction (SDP) plays a vital role in allocating testing resources reasonably and ensuring software quality. When there are not enough labeled historical modules, considerable semi-supervised SDP methods have been proposed, and these methods utilize limited labeled modules and abundant unlabeled modules simultaneously. Nevertheless, most of them make use of traditional features rather than the powerful deep feature representations. Besides, the cost of the misclassification of the defective modules is higher than that of defect-free ones, and the number of the defective modules for training is small. Taking the above issues into account, we propose a cost-sensitive and sparse ladder network (CSLN) for SDP. We firstly introduce the semi-supervised ladder network to extract the deep feature representations. Besides, we introduce the cost-sensitive learning to set different misclassification costs for defective-prone and defect-free-prone instances to alleviate the class imbalance problem. A sparse constraint is added on the hidden nodes in ladder network when the number of hidden nodes is large, which enables the model to find robust structures of the data. Extensive experiments on the AEEEM dataset show that the CSLN outperforms several state-of-the-art semi-supervised SDP methods.

  • Superconducting Neutron Detectors and Their Application to Imaging Open Access

    Takekazu ISHIDA  

    INVITED PAPER-Superconducting Electronics

    E103-C No:5

    Superconducting detectors have been shown to be superior to other techniques in some applications. However, superconducting devices have not been used for detecting neutrons often in the past decades. We have been developing various superconducting neutron detectors. In this paper, we review our attempts to measure neutrons using superconducting stripline detectors with DC bias currents. These include attempts with a MgB2-based detector and a Nb-based detector with a 10B converter.

  • Exploration into Gray Area: Toward Efficient Labeling for Detecting Malicious Domain Names

    Naoki FUKUSHI  Daiki CHIBA  Mitsuaki AKIYAMA  Masato UCHIDA  


    E103-B No:4

    In this paper, we propose a method to reduce the labeling cost while acquiring training data for a malicious domain name detection system using supervised machine learning. In the conventional systems, to train a classifier with high classification accuracy, large quantities of benign and malicious domain names need to be prepared as training data. In general, malicious domain names are observed less frequently than benign domain names. Therefore, it is difficult to acquire a large number of malicious domain names without a dedicated labeling method. We propose a method based on active learning that labels data around the decision boundary of classification, i.e., in the gray area, and we show that the classification accuracy can be improved by using approximately 1% of the training data used by the conventional systems. Another disadvantage of the conventional system is that if the classifier is trained with a small amount of training data, its generalization ability cannot be guaranteed. We propose a method based on ensemble learning that integrates multiple classifiers, and we show that the classification accuracy can be stabilized and improved. The combination of the two methods proposed here allows us to develop a new system for malicious domain name detection with high classification accuracy and generalization ability by labeling a small amount of training data.

  • Predicting Uninterruptible Durations of Office Workers by Using Probabilistic Work Continuance Model

    Shota SHIRATORI  Yuichiro FUJIMOTO  Kinya FUJITA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E103-D No:4

    In order not to disrupt a team member concentrating on his/her own task, the interrupter needs to wait for a proper time. In this research, we examined the feasibility of predicting prospective interruptible times of office workers who use PCs. An analysis of actual working data collected from 13 participants revealed the relationship between uninterruptible durations and four features, i.e. type of application software, rate of PC operation activity, activity ratio between keystrokes and mouse clicks, and switching frequency of application software. On the basis of these results, we developed a probabilistic work continuance model whose probability changes according to the four features. The leave-one-out cross-validation indicated positive correlations between the actual and the predicted durations. The medians of the actual and the predicted durations were 539 s and 519 s. The main contribution of this study is the demonstration of the feasibility to predict uninterruptible durations in an actual working scenario.

  • Mal2d: 2d Based Deep Learning Model for Malware Detection Using Black and White Binary Image

    Minkyoung CHO  Jik-Soo KIM  Jongho SHIN  Incheol SHIN  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:4

    We propose an effective 2d image based end-to-end deep learning model for malware detection by introducing a black & white embedding to reserve bit information and adapting the convolution architecture. Experimental results show that our proposed scheme can achieve superior performance in both of training and testing data sets compared to well-known image recognition deep learning models (VGG and ResNet).
