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  • Two-Layer Lossless Coding for High Dynamic Range Images Based on Range Compression and Adaptive Inverse Tone-Mapping

    Taichi YOSHIDA  Masahiro IWAHASHI  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:1

    In this paper, we propose a 2-layer lossless coding method for high dynamic range (HDR) images based on range compression and adaptive inverse tone-mapping. Recently, HDR images, which have a wider range of luminance than conventional low dynamic range (LDR) ones, have been frequently used in various fields. Since commonly used devices cannot yet display HDR images, 2-layer coding methods that decode not only HDR images but also their LDR versions have been proposed. We have previously proposed a state-of-the-art 2-layer lossless coding method for HDR images that unfortunately has huge HDR file size. Hence, we introduce two ideas to reduce the HDR file size to less than that of the previous method. The proposed method achieves high compression ratio and experiments show that it outperforms the previous method and other conventional methods.

  • Legitimate Surveillance with a Wireless Powered Monitor in Rayleigh Fading Channels

    Ding XU  Qun LI  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E101-A No:1

    This letter investigates the performance of a legitimate surveillance system, where a wireless powered legitimate monitor aims to eavesdrop a suspicious communication link. Power splitting technique is adopted at the monitor for simultaneous information eavesdropping and energy harvesting. In order to maximize the successful eavesdropping probability, the power splitting ratio is optimized under the minimum harvested energy constraint. Assuming that perfect channel state information (CSI) or only the channel distribution information (CDI) is available, the closed-form maximum successful eavesdropping probability is obtained in Rayleigh fading channels. It is shown that the minimum harvested energy constraint has no impact on the eavesdropping performance if the minimum harvested energy constraint is loose. It is also shown that the eavesdropping performance loss due to partial knowledge of CSI is negligible when the eavesdropping link channel condition is much better than that of the suspicious communication link channel.

  • Efficient Three-Way Split Formulas for Binary Polynomial Multiplication and Toeplitz Matrix Vector Product

    Sun-Mi PARK  Ku-Young CHANG  Dowon HONG  Changho SEO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E101-A No:1

    In this paper, we present a new three-way split formula for binary polynomial multiplication (PM) with five recursive multiplications. The scheme is based on a recently proposed multievaluation and interpolation approach using field extension. The proposed PM formula achieves the smallest space complexity. Moreover, it has about 40% reduced time complexity compared to best known results. In addition, using developed techniques for PM formulas, we propose a three-way split formula for Toeplitz matrix vector product with five recursive products which has a considerably improved complexity compared to previous known one.

  • Shoulder-Surfing Resistant Authentication Using Pass Pattern of Pattern Lock

    So HIGASHIKAWA  Tomoaki KOSUGI  Shogo KITAJIMA  Masahiro MAMBO  


    E101-D No:1

    We study an authentication method using secret figures of Pattern Lock, called pass patterns. In recent years, it is important to prevent the leakage of personal and company information on mobile devices. Android devices adopt a login authentication called Pattern Lock, which achieves both high resistance to Brute Force Attack and usability by virtue of pass pattern. However, Pattern Lock has a problem that pass patterns directly input to the terminal can be easily remembered by shoulder-surfing attack. In this paper, we propose a shoulder-surfing resistant authentication using pass pattern of Pattern Lock, which adopts a challenge & response authentication and also uses users' short-term memory. We implement the proposed method as an Android application and measure success rate, authentication time and the resistance against shoulder surfing. We also evaluate security and usability in comparison with related work.

  • A Class of Left Dihedral Codes Over Rings $mathbb{F}_q+umathbb{F}_q$

    Yuan CAO  Yonglin CAO  Jian GAO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory and Techniques

    E100-A No:12

    Let $mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field of q elements, $R=mathbb{F}_q+umathbb{F}_q$ (u2=0) and D2n= be a dihedral group of order n. Left ideals of the group ring R[D2n] are called left dihedral codes over R of length 2n, and abbreviated as left D2n-codes over R. Let n be a positive factor of qe+1 for some positive integer e. In this paper, any left D2n-code over R is uniquely decomposed into a direct sum of concatenated codes with inner codes Ai and outer codes Ci, where Ai is a cyclic code over R of length n and Ci is a linear code of length 2 over a Galois extension ring of R. More precisely, a generator matrix for each outer code Ci is given. Moreover, a formula to count the number of these codes is obtained, the dual code for each left D2n-code is determined and all self-dual left D2n-codes over R are presented, respectively.

  • Design of a Performance-Driven CMAC PID Controller

    Yuntao LIAO  Takuya KINOSHITA  Kazushige KOIWAI  Toru YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E100-A No:12

    In industrial control processes, control performance influences the quality of products and utilization efficiency of energy; hence, the controller is necessarily designed according to user-desired control performance. Ideal control performance requires fast response for transient state and maintaining user-specified control performance for steady state. Hence, an algorithm to tune controller parameters to match the requirements for transient state and steady state is proposed. Considering the partial learning ability of the cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC) neural network, it is utilized as a “tuner” of controller parameters in this study, since then the controller parameters can be tuned in both transient and steady states. Moreover, the fictitious reference iterative tuning (FRIT) algorithm is combined with CMAC in order to avoid problems, which may be caused by system modeling error and by using only a set of closed-loop data, the desired controller can be calculated in an off-line manner. In addition, the controller selected is a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is numerically verified by using some simulation and experimental examples.

  • Fast Inverse Tone Mapping Based on Reinhard's Global Operator with Estimated Parameters

    Yuma KINOSHITA  Sayaka SHIOTA  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E100-A No:11

    This paper proposes a new inverse tone mapping operator (TMO) with estimated parameters. The proposed inverse TMO is based on Reinhard's global operator which is a well-known TMO. Inverse TM operations have two applications: generating an HDR image from an existing LDR one, and reconstructing an original HDR image from the mapped LDR image. The proposed one can be applied to both applications. In the latter application, two parameters used in Reinhard's TMO, i.e. the key value α regarding brightness of a mapped LDR one and the geometric mean $overline{L}_w$ of an original HDR one, are generally required for carrying out the Reinhard based inverse TMO. In this paper, we show that it is possible to estimate $overline{L}_w$ from α under some conditions, while α can be also estimated from $overline{L}_w$, so that a new inverse TMO with estimated parameter is proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms conventional ones for both applications, in terms of high structural similarities and low computational costs.

  • Robust Ghost-Free High-Dynamic-Range Imaging by Visual Salience Based Bilateral Motion Detection and Stack Extension Based Exposure Fusion

    Zijie WANG  Qin LIU  Takeshi IKENAGA  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E100-A No:11

    High-dynamic-range imaging (HDRI) technologies aim to extend the dynamic range of luminance against the limitation of camera sensors. Irradiance information of a scene can be reconstructed by fusing multiple low-dynamic-range (LDR) images with different exposures. The key issue is removing ghost artifacts caused by motion of moving objects and handheld cameras. This paper proposes a robust ghost-free HDRI algorithm by visual salience based bilateral motion detection and stack extension based exposure fusion. For ghost areas detection, visual salience is introduced to measure the differences between multiple images; bilateral motion detection is employed to improve the accuracy of labeling motion areas. For exposure fusion, the proposed algorithm reduces the discontinuity of brightness by stack extension and rejects the information of ghost areas to avoid artifacts via fusion masks. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm can remove ghost artifacts accurately for both static and handheld cameras, remain robust to scenes with complex motion and keep low complexity over recent advances including rank minimization based method and patch based method by 63.6% and 20.4% time savings averagely.

  • Smart Steering Wheel with Swept Frequency Capacitive Sensing Open Access

    Yutaro ONO  Yuhei MORIMOTO  Reiji HATTORI  Masayuki WATANABE  Nanae MICHIDA  Kazuo NISHIKAWA  


    E100-C No:11

    We present a smart steering wheel that detects the gripping position and area, as well as the distance to the approaching driver's hands by measuring the resonant frequency and its resistance value in an LCR circuit composed of the floating capacitance between the gripping hand and the electrode of the steering, and the body resistance. The resonant frequency measurement provides a high sensitivity that enables the estimation of the distance to the approaching hand, the gripping area of a gloved hand, and for covering the steering surface with any type of insulating material. This system can be applied for drowsiness detection, driving technique improvements, and for customization of the driving settings.

  • Enhanced Depiction of High Dynamic Images Using Tone Mapping Operator and Chromatic Adaptation Transform

    Ho-Hyoung CHOI  Byoung-Ju YUN  


    E100-C No:11

    The problem of reproducing high dynamic range (HDR) images on devices with a restricted dynamic range has gained a lot of interest in the computer graphics community. Various approaches to this issue exist, spanning several research areas, including computer graphics, image processing, color vision, and physiology. However, most of the approaches to the issue have several serious well-known color distortion problems. Accordingly, this article presents a tone-mapping method. The proposed method comprises the tone-mapping operator and the chromatic adaptation transform. The tone-mapping method is combined with linear and non-linear mapping using visual gamma based on contrast sensitive function (CSF) and using key of scene value, where the visual gamma is adopted to automatically control the dynamic range, parameter free, as well as to avoid both the luminance shift and the hue shift in the displayed images. Furthermore, the key of scene value is used to represent whether the scene was subjectively light, norm, dark. The resulting image is then processed through a chromatic adaptation transform and emphasis lies in human visual perception (HVP). The experiment results show that the proposed method yields better performance of the color rendering over the conventional method in subjective and quantitative quality and color reproduction.

  • An Efficient Concept Drift Detection Method for Streaming Data under Limited Labeling

    Youngin KIM  Cheong Hee PARK  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E100-D No:10

    In data stream analysis, detecting the concept drift accurately is important to maintain the classification performance. Most drift detection methods assume that the class labels become available immediately after a data sample arrives. However, it is unrealistic to attempt to acquire all of the labels when processing the data streams, as labeling costs are high and much time is needed. In this paper, we propose a concept drift detection method under the assumption that there is limited access or no access to class labels. The proposed method detects concept drift on unlabeled data streams based on the class label information which is predicted by a classifier or a virtual classifier. Experimental results on synthetic and real streaming data show that the proposed method is competent to detect the concept drift on unlabeled data stream.

  • Where, When, and How mmWave is Used in 5G and Beyond Open Access

    Kei SAKAGUCHI  Thomas HAUSTEIN  Sergio BARBAROSSA  Emilio Calvanese STRINATI  Antonio CLEMENTE  Giuseppe DESTINO  Aarno PÄRSSINEN  Ilgyu KIM  Heesang CHUNG  Junhyeong KIM  Wilhelm KEUSGEN  Richard J. WEILER  Koji TAKINAMI  Elena CECI  Ali SADRI  Liang XIAN  Alexander MALTSEV  Gia Khanh TRAN  Hiroaki OGAWA  Kim MAHLER  Robert W. HEATH Jr.  


    E100-C No:10

    Wireless engineers and business planners commonly raise the question on where, when, and how millimeter-wave (mmWave) will be used in 5G and beyond. Since the next generation network is not just a new radio access standard, but also an integration of networks for vertical markets with diverse applications, answers to the question depend on scenarios and use cases to be deployed. This paper gives four 5G mmWave deployment examples and describes in chronological order the scenarios and use cases of their probable deployment, including expected system architectures and hardware prototypes. The first example is a 28 GHz outdoor backhauling for fixed wireless access and moving hotspots, which will be demonstrated at the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games in 2018. The second deployment example is a 60 GHz unlicensed indoor access system at the Tokyo-Narita airport, which is combined with Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) to enable ultra-high speed content download with low latency. The third example is mmWave mesh network to be used as a micro Radio Access Network (µ-RAN), for cost-effective backhauling of small-cell Base Stations (BSs) in dense urban scenarios. The last example is mmWave based Vehicular-to-Vehicular (V2V) and Vehicular-to-Everything (V2X) communications system, which enables automated driving by exchanging High Definition (HD) dynamic map information between cars and Roadside Units (RSUs). For 5G and beyond, mmWave and MEC will play important roles for a diverse set of applications that require both ultra-high data rate and low latency communications.

  • Identification of Time-Varying Parameters of Hybrid Dynamical System Models and Its Application to Driving Behavior

    Thomas WILHELEM  Hiroyuki OKUDA  Tatsuya SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E100-A No:10

    This paper presents a novel identification method for hybrid dynamical system models, where parameters have stochastic and time-varying characteristics. The proposed parameter identification scheme is based on a modified implementation of particle filtering, together with a time-smoothing technique. Parameters of the identified model are considered as time-varying random variables. Parameters are identified independently at each time step, using the Bayesian inference implemented as an iterative particle filtering method. Parameters time dynamics are smoothed using a distribution based moving average technique. Modes of the hybrid system model are handled independently, allowing any type of nonlinear piecewise model to be identified. The proposed identification scheme has low computation burden, and it can be implemented for online use. Effectiveness of the scheme is verified by numerical experiments, and an application of the method is proposed: analysis of driving behavior through identified time-varying parameters.

  • Multi-Environment Analysis System for Evaluating the Impact of Malicious Web Sites Changing Their Behavior

    Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI  Masaki KAMIZONO  Masanori HIROTOMO  Masami MOHRI  


    E100-D No:10

    In the case of drive-by download attacks, most malicious web sites identify the software environment of the clients and change their behavior. Then we cannot always obtain sufficient information appropriate to the client organization by automatic dynamic analysis in open services. It is required to prepare for expected incidents caused by re-accessing same malicious web sites from the other client in the organization. To authors' knowledge, there is no study of utilizing analysis results of malicious web sites for digital forensic on the incident and hedging the risk of expected incident in the organization. In this paper, we propose a system for evaluating the impact of accessing malicious web sites by using the results of multi-environment analysis. Furthermore, we report the results of evaluating malicious web sites by the multi-environment analysis system, and show how to utilize analysis results for forensic analysis and risk hedge based on actual cases of analyzing malicious web sites.

  • A ROM Driving Circuit for RFID Tags Based on a-IGZO TFTs

    Shaolong LIN  Ruohe YAO  Fei LUO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E100-C No:9

    This paper proposes a read-only memory driving circuit for RFID tags based on a-IGZO thin-film transistors. The circuit consists of a Johnson counter and monotype complementary gates. By utilizing complementary signals to drive a decoder based on monotype complementary gates, the propagation delay can be decreased and the redundant current can be reduced. The Johnson counter reduces the number of registers. The new circuit can effectively avoid glitch generation, and reduce circuit power consumption and delay.

  • Joint User and Power Allocation in Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks with Multiple Primary Users' Security Constraints

    Ding XU  Qun LI  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E100-A No:9

    In this letter, we consider a cognitive radio network where multiple secondary users (SUs) share the spectrum bands with multiple primary users (PUs) who are facing security threats from multiple eavesdroppers. By adopting the PU secrecy outage constraint to protect the PUs, we optimize the joint user and power allocation for the SUs to maximize the SU ergodic transmission rate. Simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. It is shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing scheme, especially for a large number of PUs and a small number of SUs. It is also shown that the number of eavesdroppers has negligible impact on the performance improvement of the proposed algorithm compared to the existing scheme. In addition, it is shown that increasing the number of eavesdroppers has insignificant impact on the SU performance if the number of eavesdroppers is already large.

  • A Generic Bi-Layer Data-Driven Crowd Behaviors Modeling Approach

    Weiwei XING  Shibo ZHAO  Shunli ZHANG  Yuanyuan CAI  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E100-D No:8

    Crowd modeling and simulation is an active research field that has drawn increasing attention from industry, academia and government recently. In this paper, we present a generic data-driven approach to generate crowd behaviors that can match the video data. The proposed approach is a bi-layer model to simulate crowd behaviors in pedestrian traffic in terms of exclusion statistics, parallel dynamics and social psychology. The bottom layer models the microscopic collision avoidance behaviors, while the top one focuses on the macroscopic pedestrian behaviors. To validate its effectiveness, the approach is applied to generate collective behaviors and re-create scenarios in the Informatics Forum, the main building of the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach is able to generate desirable crowd behaviors and offer promising prediction performance.

  • A Balanced Decision Tree Based Heuristic for Linear Decomposition of Index Generation Functions

    Shinobu NAGAYAMA  Tsutomu SASAO  Jon T. BUTLER  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E100-D No:8

    Index generation functions model content-addressable memory, and are useful in virus detectors and routers. Linear decompositions yield simpler circuits that realize index generation functions. This paper proposes a balanced decision tree based heuristic to efficiently design linear decompositions for index generation functions. The proposed heuristic finds a good linear decomposition of an index generation function by using appropriate cost functions and a constraint to construct a balanced tree. Since the proposed heuristic is fast and requires a small amount of memory, it is applicable even to large index generation functions that cannot be solved in a reasonable time by existing heuristics. This paper shows time and space complexities of the proposed heuristic, and experimental results using some large examples to show its efficiency.

  • APPraiser: A Large Scale Analysis of Android Clone Apps

    Yuta ISHII  Takuya WATANABE  Mitsuaki AKIYAMA  Tatsuya MORI  

    PAPER-Program Analysis

    E100-D No:8

    Android is one of the most popular mobile device platforms. However, since Android apps can be disassembled easily, attackers inject additional advertisements or malicious codes to the original apps and redistribute them. There are a non-negligible number of such repackaged apps. We generally call those malicious repackaged apps “clones.” However, there are apps that are not clones but are similar to each other. We call such apps “relatives.” In this work, we developed a framework called APPraiser that extracts similar apps and classifies them into clones and relatives from the large dataset. We used the APPraiser framework to study over 1.3 million apps collected from both official and third-party marketplaces. Our extensive analysis revealed the following findings: In the official marketplace, 79% of similar apps were attributed to relatives, while in the third-party marketplace, 50% of similar apps were attributed to clones. The majority of relatives are apps developed by prolific developers in both marketplaces. We also found that in the third-party market, of the clones that were originally published in the official market, 76% of them are malware.

  • Fine-Grained Analysis of Compromised Websites with Redirection Graphs and JavaScript Traces

    Yuta TAKATA  Mitsuaki AKIYAMA  Takeshi YAGI  Takeshi YADA  Shigeki GOTO  

    PAPER-Internet Security

    E100-D No:8

    An incident response organization such as a CSIRT contributes to preventing the spread of malware infection by analyzing compromised websites and sending abuse reports with detected URLs to webmasters. However, these abuse reports with only URLs are not sufficient to clean up the websites. In addition, it is difficult to analyze malicious websites across different client environments because these websites change behavior depending on a client environment. To expedite compromised website clean-up, it is important to provide fine-grained information such as malicious URL relations, the precise position of compromised web content, and the target range of client environments. In this paper, we propose a new method of constructing a redirection graph with context, such as which web content redirects to malicious websites. The proposed method analyzes a website in a multi-client environment to identify which client environment is exposed to threats. We evaluated our system using crawling datasets of approximately 2,000 compromised websites. The result shows that our system successfully identified malicious URL relations and compromised web content, and the number of URLs and the amount of web content to be analyzed were sufficient for incident responders by 15.0% and 0.8%, respectively. Furthermore, it can also identify the target range of client environments in 30.4% of websites and a vulnerability that has been used in malicious websites by leveraging target information. This fine-grained analysis by our system would contribute to improving the daily work of incident responders.
