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[Keyword] SiON(4624hit)


  • On an Optimum File Transfer on a File Transmission Net

    Yoshihiro KANEKO  Jiguang ZHANG  Shoji SHINODA  Kazuo HORIUCHI  


    E76-A No:7

    In a file transmission net N with vertex set V and arc set B, copies of a file J are distributed from a vertex to every vertex, subject to certain rules on file transmission. A cost of making one copy of J at each vertex µ is called a copying cost at µ, a cost of transmitting one copy of J through each arc (x, y) is called a transmission cost (x, y), and the number of copies of J demanded at each vertex u in N is called a copy demand at u. A scheduling of distributing copies of J from a vertex, say s, to every vertex on N is called a file transfer from s. The vertex s is called the source of the file transfer. A cost of a file transfer is defined, a file transfer from s is said to be optimal if its cost is not larger than the cost of any other file transfer from s, and an optimal file transfer from s is said to be optimum on N if its cost is not larger than that of an optimal file transfer from any other vertex. In this note, it is proved that an optimal file transfer from a vertex with a minimum copying cost is optimum on N, if there holds M U where M and U are the mother vertex set and the positive demand vertex set of N, respectively. Also it is shown by using an example that an optimal file transfer from a vertex with a minimum copying cost is not always optimum on N when M ⊃ U holds.

  • Scale Factor of Resolution Conversion Based on Orthogonal Transforms

    Shogo MURAMATSU  Hitoshi KIYA  Masahiko SAGAWA  


    E76-A No:7

    It is known that the resolution conversion based on orthogonal transform has a problem that is difference of luminance between the converted image and the original. In this paper, the scale factor of the system employing various orthogonal transforms is generally formulated by considering the DC gain, and the condition of alias free for DC component is indicated. If the condition is satisfied, then the scale factor is determined by only the basis functions.

  • Three Dimensional Optical Interconnection Technology for Massively-Parallel Computing Systems

    Kazuo KYUMA  Shuichi TAI  


    E76-C No:7

    Three dimensional (3-D) optics offers potential advantages to the massively-parallel systems over electronics from the view point of information transfer. The purpose of this paper is to survey some aspects of the 3-D optical interconnection technology for the future massively-parallel computing systems. At first, the state-of-art of the current optoelectronic array devices to build the interconnection networks are described, with emphasis on those based on the semiconductor technology. Next, the principles, basic architectures, several examples of the 3-D optical interconnection systems in neural networks and multiprocessor systems are described. Finally, the issues that are needed to be solved for putting such technology into practical use are summarized.

  • Compensation for the Double-Talk Detection Delay in Echo Canceller Systems

    Kensaku FUJII  Juro OHGA  


    E76-A No:7

    This letter presents a new algorithm for echo cancellers, which prevents the reduction of echo return loss due to a double-talk. The essence of the algorithm is to introduce signal delays to avoid the reduction. A convergence condition in the algorithm was examined by using the IIR filter expression of the NLMS algorithm, and it was concluded that the IIR filter should be a low pass filter with unity gain. The condition is accomplished by selecting a small step gain.

  • Influence of Phase Difference between the Groups on BER Performance in the 2M-Plex System

    Hiromasa HABUCHI  Takaaki HASEGAWA  


    E76-B No:7

    Recently, there has been increasing interest in Code Division Multiplex (CDM) systems. We reported the CDM system using the -chip shift multiplex operation. So far the performance of this system evaluated under the optimum . In this letter, we evaluate an influence of the phase difference between the groups on BER performance in 2M-plex system.

  • Polyacetylene for Soliton Devices

    Nobuo SASAKI  


    E76-C No:7

    This paper reviews the potential possibility and present status of trans-polyacetylene research toward realization of soliton molecular devices utilizing characteristics of the quasi-one-dimensional conductor. Properties of solitons in polyacetylene are summarized from a point of view to produce a new microelectronics beyond Si-LSI's. The limiting performance of soliton LSI's are roughly estimated. One bit information is stored in only 420 2. The information transmission rate of a wiring is 2104 Gb/s. The delay time per gate is 0.05 ps. For realization of this high performance devices, a lot of research must be carried out in future. A new circuit with new principles of operations must be developed to achieve the performance, where a localized soliton or a localized group of solitons are treated. Some systems, which may lead to development of logic circuits, are proposed. The problems in crystal quality and fabrication process are also discussed and some means against them are presented.

  • 10Gbit/s, 35mV Decision IC Using 0.2µm GaAs MESFETs

    Masanobu OHHATA  Minoru TOGASHI  Koichi MURATA  Satoshi YAMAGUCHI Masao SUZUKI  Kazuo HAGIMOTO  


    E76-B No:7

    This letter reports a high-sensitivity GaAs decision IC for ultra-high-speed optical transmission systems. The IC was designed using LSCFL (Low-power Source Coupled FET Logic) and fabricated with 0.2-µm-gate-length MESFETs with a cut-off frequency of 50GHz. The input voltage sensitivity was 35mV at 10Gbit/s. This is the highest sensitivity ever reported for a MESFET decision IC.

  • A Switched-Capacitor Capacitance Measurement Circuit with the Vernier Scale

    Kazuyuki KONDO  Kenzo WATANABE  


    E76-A No:7

    To improve measurement accuracy and speed, a switched-capacitor capacitance measurement circuit with the vernier scale is developed. Its process consists of a coarse measurement by charge-balancing A-D conversion and a fine measurement by single-slope A-D conversion. a prototype using discrete components confirms the principles of operation.

  • Bandpass Filters Using Microstrip Linear Tapered Transmission Line Resonators

    Morikazu SAGAWA  Hirokazu SHIRAI  Mitsuo MAKIMOTO  


    E76-C No:6

    This paper describes bandpass filters using linear tapered transmission line resonators (LTLR's). Bandpass filters are designed on the basis of the approximate description of LTLR's with cascaded multi-sections of uniform transmission lines whose widths are slightly different. By this design method, the fundamental characteristics of LTLR's and filter design parameters can be easily obtained using a general-purpose microwave circuit simulator. Trial LTLR bandpass filters showed excellent performance such as low insertion losses and the ability to control spurious responses, then their measured responses indicated close correspondence with the design results.

  • AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor ICs for Optical Transmission Systems

    Nobuo NAGANO  Tetsuyuki SUZAKI  Masaaki SODA  Kensuke KASAHARA  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E76-C No:6

    AlGaAs/GaAs HBT ICs for high bit-rate optical transmission systems, such as preamplifier, D-F/F, differential amplifier, and laser driver, have been newly developed using the hetero guard-ring fully self-aligned HBT (HGFST) fabrication process. In this process, the emitter mesa is ECR-RIBE dry etched using a thick emitter-metal system of WSi and Ti-Pt-Au as etching mask, and a hetero guard-ring composed of a depleted AlGaAs layer is fabricated on p GaAs extrinsic base regions. This process results in highly uniform HBT characteristics. The preamplifier IC exhibits a DC to 18.5-GHz transimpedance bandwidth with a transimpedance gain of 49 dBΩ. The rise time and fall time for the D-F/F IC are 30 and 23 ps, respectively. The laser driver IC has a 40-mAp-p output current swing. The differential amplifier exhibits a DC to 12.1-GHz bandwidth with a 14.2-dB power gain.

  • 3D Facial Modelling for Model-Based Coding

    Hiroyuki MORIKAWA  Eiji KONDO  Hiroshi HARASHIMA  


    E76-B No:6

    We describe an approach for modelling a person's face for model-based coding. The goal is to estimate the 3D shape by combining the contour analysis and shading analysis of the human face image in order to increase the quality of the estimated 3D shape. The motivation for combining contour and shading cues comes from the observation that the shading cue leads to severe errors near the occluding boundary, while the occluding contour cue provides incomplete surface information in regions away from contours. Towards this, we use the deformable model as the common level of integration such that a higher-quality measurement will dominate the depth estimate. The feasibility of our approach is demonstrated using a real facial image.

  • Future Broadcasting Technologies: Perspectives and Trends

    Osamu YAMADA  Ichiro YUYAMA  


    E76-B No:6

    This paper briefly considers future broadcasting technologies, including digital television as a system for the near future and three-dimensional television as a part of a system to be developed rather later. However, due to limitations of space, this paper discusses only video technologies in detail. First, the status of bit reduction technologies for digital television is described and then satellite digital broadcasting and terrestrial digital broadcasting are also discussed. The authors stress the necessity of the further development of digital video compression technologies. Later, we discuss three-dimensional television, we describe requirements for the service and the present status of the technologies. And last, the paper considers the future prospects for a three-dimensional television service.

  • Some Hierarchy Results on Multihead Automata over a One-Letter Alphabet

    Yue WANG  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    PAPER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E76-D No:6

    The hierarchies of multihead finite automata over a one-letter alphabet are investigated. Let SeH(k) [NSeH(k) ] denote the class of languages over a one-letter alphabet accepted by deterministic [nondeterministic] sensing two-way k-head finite automata. Let H (k)s[NH(k)s] denote the class of sets of square tapes over a one-letter alphabet accepted by two-dimensional four-way deterministic [nondeterministic] k-head finite automata. Let SeH(k)s[NSeH(k)s] denote the class of sets of square tapes over a one-letter alphabet accepted by two-dimensional four-way sensing deterministic [nondeterministic] k-head finite automata. This paper shows that SeH(k) SeH(k1) and NSeH(k) NSeH(k1) hold for all k3. It is also shown that H(k)s[NH(k)s] H(k1)s[NH (k1)s] and SeH (k)s[NSeH(k)s] SeH(k1)s[NSeH(k1)s] hold for all k1.

  • Fuzzy Petri Net Representation and Reasoning Methods for Rule-Based Decision Making Systems

    Myung-Geun CHUN  Zeungnam BIEN  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems, Discrete Event Systems and Petri Nets

    E76-A No:6

    In this paper, we propose a fuzzy Petri net model for a rule-based decision making system which contains uncertain conditions and vague rules. Using the transformation method introduced in the paper, one can obtain the fuzzy Petri net of the rule-based system. Since the fuzzy Petri net can be represented by some matrices, the algebraic form of a state equation of the fuzzy Petri net is systematically derived. Both forward and backward reasoning are performed by using the state equations. Since the proposed reasoning methods require only simple arithmetic operations under a parallel rule firing scheme, it is possible to perform real-time decision making with applications to control systems and diagnostic systems. The methodology presented is also applicable to classical (nonfuzzy) knowledge base systems if the nonfuzzy system is considered as a special case of a fuzzy system with truth values being equal to the extreme values only. Finally, an illustrative example of a rule-based decision making system is given for automobile engine diagnosis.

  • A 156-Mb/s Interface CMOS LSI for ATM Switching Systems

    Takahiko KOZAKI  Kiyoshi AIKI  Makoto MORI  Masao MIZUKAMI  Ken'ichi ASANO  

    PAPER-Communication Device and Circuit

    E76-B No:6

    This paper describes a 0.8-µm CMOS LSI developed for a 156-Mb/s serial interface in ATM switching systems. Recently, there have been increasing problems of connector pin neck and higher power consumption when enhancing switching system capacity. To overcome these problems, we have developed an LSI with a high-speed interface by using CMOS technology to achieve low power consumption. A low-swing differential signal level is used to achieve 156-Mb/s data transmission. We named this new circuit technique ALTS (Advanced Low-level Transmission circuit System). Using the LSI, transmission can be achieved between boards or racks through a 10-meter twisted pair cable. The LSI has a 156-Mb/s transmitter-receiver, a serial-to-parallel converter and a parallel-to-serial converter. It performs 19.5-Mb/s parallel data/156-Mb/s serial data conversion and 156-Mb/s serial data transmission. In addition, it has a bit phase synchronizer and cell synchronizer, which enables it to transmit and synchronize serial data without a paralleled clock or a paralleled cell top signal, by distributing a common 156-MHz clock and a common cell top signal to the whole system. We evaluated the bit error rate and timing margin on data transmission under several conditions. The results show that we can apply this LSI to commercially available ATM switching systems. This paper also describes methods of expanding switch capacity and transmitting 624-Mb/s data using this LSI.

  • Fast Generation of Prime-Irredundant Covers from Binary Decision Diagrams

    Shin-ichi MINATO  

    PAPER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E76-A No:6

    Manipulation of Boolean functions is one of the most important techniques for implementing of VLSI logic design systems. This paper presents a fast method for generating prime-irredundant covers from Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), which are efficient representation of Boolean functions. Prime-irredundant covers are forms in which each cube is a prime implicant and no cube can be eliminated. This new method generates compact cube sets from BDDs directly, in contrast to the conventional cube set reduction algorithms, which commonly manipulate redundant cube sets or truth tables. Our method is based on the idea of a recursive operator, proposed by Morreale. Morreale's algorithm is also based on cube set manipulation. We found that the algorithm can be improved and rearranged to fit BDD operations efficiently. The experimental results demonstrate that our method is efficient in terms of time and space. In practical time, we can generate cube sets consisting of more than 1,000,000 literals from multi-level logic circuits which have never previously been flattened into two-level logics. Our method is more than 10 times faster than ESPRESSO in large-scale examples. It gives quasi-minimum numbers of cubes and literals. This method should find many useful applications in logic design systems.

  • Three-Dimensional Passive Elements for Compact GaAs MMICs

    Makoto HIRANO  Yuhki IMAI  Ichihiko TOYODA  Kenjiro NISHIKAWA  Masami TOKUMITSU  Kazuyoshi ASAI  


    E76-C No:6

    Novel three-dimensional structures for passive elements--inductors, capacitors, transmission lines, and airbridges--have been developed to reduce the area they consume in GaAs MMICs. These structures can be formed with a simple technology by electroplating along the sidewalls of a photoresist. Adopting the new structures, most passive elements in MMICs have been shrunk to less than 1/4 the size of conventional ones.

  • Intermittency of Recurrent Neuron and Its Network Dynamics

    Toshihide TSUBATA  Hiroaki KAWABATA  Yoshiaki SHIRAO  Masaya HIRATA  Toshikuni NAGAHARA  Yoshio INAGAKI  

    PAPER-Chaos and Related Topics

    E76-A No:5

    Various models of a neuron have been proposed and many studies about them and their networks have been reported. Among these neurons, this paper describes a study about the model of a neuron providing its own feedback input and possesing a chaotic dynamics. Using a return map or a histogram of laminar length, type-I intermittency is recognized in a recurrent neuron and its network. A posibility of controlling dynamics in recurrent neural networks is also mentioned a little in this paper.

  • A Feedback-Loop Type Transmission Power Control for TDMA Satellite Communication Systems

    Hiroshi KAZAMA  Takeo ATSUGI  Shuzo KATO  


    E76-B No:5

    This paper proposes a feedback-loop type transmission power control (TPC) scheme coupled with first and second order prediction methods and analyzes the optimum control period and residual control error. In order to minimize residual control error, the three main factors contributing to residual control error are analyzed. First, to detect accurately up-link rain attenuation, a channel quality detection method is proposed and analyzed experimentally for puseudo-error detection. Second, rain attenuation rates in Ka band are measured and analyzed statistically. Finally, the optimum control period of the proposed TPC scheme is analyzed. The simulation results on the prototype TPC system show a maximum of 4.5 dB residual control error is achievable with an optimum control period of about 1 second to 1.5 seconds.

  • Output Permutation and the Maximum Number of Implicants Needed to Cover the Multiple-Valued Logic Functions

    Yutaka HATA  Kazuharu YAMATO  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E76-D No:5

    An idea of optimal output permutation of multiple-valued sum-of-products expressions is presented. The sum-of-products involve the TSUM operator on the MIN of window literal functions. Some bounds on the maximum number of implicants needed to cover an output permuted function are clarified. One-variable output permuted functions require at most p1 implicants in their minimal sum-of-products expressions, where p is the radix. Two-variable functions with radix between three and six are analyzed. Some speculations of maximum number of the implicants could be established for functions with higher radix and more than 2-variables. The result of computer simulation shows that we can have a saving of approximately 15% on the average using permuting output values. Moreover, we demonstrate the output permutation based on the output density as a simpler method. For the permutation, some speculation is shown and the computer simulation shows a saving of approximately 10% on the average.
