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[Keyword] SiON(4624hit)


  • Iterative Reduction of Out-of-Band Power and Peak-to-Average Power Ratio for Non-Contiguous OFDM Systems Based on POCS

    Yanqing LIU  Liang DONG  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E100-B No:8

    Non-contiguous orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising technique for cognitive radio systems. The secondary users transmit on the selected subcarriers to avoid the frequencies being used by the primary users. However, the out-of-band power (OBP) of the OFDM-modulated tones induces interference to the primary users. Another major drawback of OFDM-based system is their high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). In this paper, algorithms are proposed to jointly reduce the OBP and the PAPR for non-contiguous OFDM based on the method of alternating projections onto convex sets. Several OFDM subcarriers are selected to accommodate the adjusting weights for OBP and PAPR reduction. The frequency-domain OFDM symbol is projected onto two convex sets that are defined according to the OBP requirements and the PAPR limits. Each projection iteration solves a convex optimization problem. The projection onto the set constrained by the OBP requirement can be calculated using an iterative algorithm which has low computational complexity. Simulation results show good performance of joint reduction of the OBP and the PAPR. The proposed algorithms converge quickly in a few iterations.

  • A Balanced Decision Tree Based Heuristic for Linear Decomposition of Index Generation Functions

    Shinobu NAGAYAMA  Tsutomu SASAO  Jon T. BUTLER  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E100-D No:8

    Index generation functions model content-addressable memory, and are useful in virus detectors and routers. Linear decompositions yield simpler circuits that realize index generation functions. This paper proposes a balanced decision tree based heuristic to efficiently design linear decompositions for index generation functions. The proposed heuristic finds a good linear decomposition of an index generation function by using appropriate cost functions and a constraint to construct a balanced tree. Since the proposed heuristic is fast and requires a small amount of memory, it is applicable even to large index generation functions that cannot be solved in a reasonable time by existing heuristics. This paper shows time and space complexities of the proposed heuristic, and experimental results using some large examples to show its efficiency.

  • Well-Balanced Successive Simple-9 for Inverted Lists Compression

    Kun JIANG  Yuexiang YANG  Qinghua ZHENG  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E100-D No:7

    The growth in the amount of information available on the Internet and thousands of user queries per second brings huge challenges to the index update and query processing of search engines. Index compression is partially responsible for the current performance achievements of existing search engines. The selection of the index compression algorithms must weigh three factors, i.e., compression ratio, compression speed and decompression speed. In this paper, we study the well-known Simple-9 compression, in which exist many branch operations, table lookup and data transfer operations when processing each 32-bit machine word. To enhance the compression and decompression performance of Simple-9 algorithm, we propose a successive storage structure and processing metric to compress two successive Simple-9 encoded sequence of integers in a single data processing procedure, thus the name Successive Simple-9 (SSimple-9). In essence, the algorithm shortens the process of branch operations, table lookup and data transfer operations when compressing the integer sequence. More precisely, we initially present the data storage format and mask table of SSimple-9 algorithm. Then, for each mode in the mask table, we design and hard-code the main steps of the compression and decompression processes. Finally, analysis and comparison on the experimental results of the simulation and TREC datasets show the compression and decompression efficiency speedup of the proposed SSimple-9 algorithm.

  • Ontology-Based Driving Decision Making: A Feasibility Study at Uncontrolled Intersections

    Lihua ZHAO  Ryutaro ICHISE  Zheng LIU  Seiichi MITA  Yutaka SASAKI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E100-D No:7

    This paper presents an ontology-based driving decision making system, which can promptly make safety decisions in real-world driving. Analyzing sensor data for improving autonomous driving safety has become one of the most promising issues in the autonomous vehicles research field. However, representing the sensor data in a machine understandable format for further knowledge processing still remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we introduce ontologies designed for autonomous vehicles and ontology-based knowledge base, which are used for representing knowledge of maps, driving paths, and perceived driving environments. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are developed to improve safety of autonomous vehicles by accessing to the ontology-based knowledge base. The ontologies can be reused and extended for constructing knowledge base for autonomous vehicles as well as for implementing different types of ADAS such as decision making system.

  • Three-Dimensional Quaternionic Hopfield Neural Networks

    Masaki KOBAYASHI  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E100-A No:7

    Quaternionic neural networks are extensions of neural networks using quaternion algebra. 3-D and 4-D quaternionic MLPs have been studied. 3-D quaternionic neural networks are useful for handling 3-D objects, such as Euclidean transformation. As for Hopfield neural networks, only 4-D quaternionic Hopfield neural networks (QHNNs) have been studied. In this work, we propose the 3-D QHNNs. Moreover, we define the energy, and prove that it converges.

  • Constructions of Zero Correlation Zone Sequence Sets with Low Cross-Correlation Property

    Tao LIU  Chengqian XU  Yubo LI  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E100-A No:7

    This letter proposes a class of polyphase zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence sets with low inter-set cross-correlation property. The proposed ZCZ sequence sets are constructed from DFT matrices and r-coincidence sequences. Each ZCZ sequence set is optimal, and the absolute value of the cross-correlation function of sequences from different sets is less than or equal to $rsqrt{N}$, where N denotes the length of each sequence. These ZCZ sequence sets are suitable for multiuser environments.

  • A Comprehensive Method to Improve Loudness Compensation and High-Frequency Speech Intelligibility for Digital Hearing Aids

    Zhaoyang GUO  Bo WANG  Xin'an WANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E100-A No:7

    A comprehensive method applying a nonlinear frequency compression (FC) as complementary to multi-band loudness compensation is proposed, which is able to improve loudness compensation and simultaneously increase high-frequency speech intelligibility for digital hearing aids. The proposed nonlinear FC (NLFC) improves the conventional methods in the aspect that the compression ratio (CR) is adjusted based on the speech intelligibility percentage in different frequency ranges. Then, an adaptive wide dynamic range compression (AWDRC) with a time-varying CR is applied to achieve adaptive loudness compensation. The experimental test results show that the mean speech identification is improved in comparison with the state-of-art methods.

  • Design of an Application Specific Instruction Set Processor for Real-Time Object Detection Using AdaBoost Algorithm

    Shanlin XIAO  Tsuyoshi ISSHIKI  Dongju LI  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E100-A No:7

    Object detection is at the heart of nearly all the computer vision systems. Standard off-the-shelf embedded processors are hard to meet the trade-offs among performance, power consumption and flexibility required by object detection applications. Therefore, this paper presents an Application Specific Instruction set Processor (ASIP) for object detection using AdaBoost-based learning algorithm with Haar-like features as weak classifiers. Algorithm optimizations are employed to reduce memory bandwidth requirements without losing reliability. In the proposed ASIP, Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) architecture is adopted for fully exploiting data-level parallelism inherent to the target algorithm. With adding pipeline stages, application-specific hardware components and custom instructions, the AdaBoost algorithm is accelerated by a factor of 13.7x compared to the optimized pure software implementation. Compared with ARM946 and TMS320C64+, our ASIP shows 32x and 7x better throughput, 10x and 224x better area efficiency, 6.8x and 18.8x better power efficiency, respectively. Furthermore, compared to hard-wired designs, evaluation results show an advantage of the proposed architecture in terms of chip area efficiency while maintain a reliable performance and achieve real-time object detection at 32fps on VGA video.

  • Fusion Center Controlled MAC Protocol for Physical Wireless Parameter Conversion Sensor Networks (PHY-C SN)

    Koji KAKINUMA  Mai OHTA  Osamu TAKYU  Takeo FUJII  


    E100-B No:7

    In this paper, a novel fusion center controlled media access control (MAC) protocol for physical wireless parameter conversion sensor networks (PHY-C SN), and a transmission power design for each sensor node are proposed. In PHY-C SN, the sensing information is converted to corresponding subcarrier number of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals, and all sensor nodes can send sensing information simultaneously. In most wireless sensor network standards, each sensor node detects the surrounding wireless signal through carrier sense. However, sensor nodes cannot send signals simultaneously if carrier sense is applied in PHY-C SN. Therefore, a protocol for PHY-C SN is devised. In the proposed protocol, the fusion center detects the surrounding wireless environment by carrier sense and requests sensing information transmission toward sensor nodes if no other wireless systems are detected. Once the sensor nodes receive the request signal, they transmit sensing information to the fusion center. Further, to avoid harmful interference with surrounding wireless systems, the transmission power of each sensor is designed to suit the considering communication range and avoid interference toward other wireless systems. The effectiveness of the proposed protocol is evaluated by computer simulation. The parameters for collection like the number of collecting sensor nodes and the radius of the collection area are also examined when determining the transmission power of sensor nodes. Results show that highly efficient information collection with reducing interference both from and towards surrounding wireless systems can be implemented with PHY-C SN.

  • Dualized Topic-Preserving Pseudo Relevance Feedback for Question Answering

    Kyoung-Soo HAN  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E100-D No:7

    This study proposes an effective pseudo relevance feedback method for information retrieval in the context of question answering. The method separates two retrieval models to improve the precision of initial search and the recall of feedback search. The topic-preserving query expansion links the two models to prevent the topic shift.

  • A Spectrum-Sharing Approach in Heterogeneous Networks Based on Multi-Objective Optimization

    Runze WU  Jiajia ZHU  Liangrui TANG  Chen XU  Xin WU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:7

    Deploying low power nodes (LPNs), which reuse the spectrum licensed to a macrocell network, is considered to be a promising way to significantly boost network capacity. Due to the spectrum-sharing, the deployment of LPNs could trigger the severe problem of interference including intra-tier interference among dense LPNs and inter-tier interference between LPNs and the macro base station (MBS), which influences the system performance strongly. In this paper, we investigate a spectrum-sharing approach in the downlink for two-tier networks, which consists of small cells (SCs) with several LPNs and a macrocell with a MBS, aiming to mitigate the interference and improve the capacity of SCs. The spectrum-sharing approach is described as a multi-objective optimization problem. The problem is solved by the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm version II (NSGA-II), and the simulations show that the proposed spectrum-sharing approach is superior to the existing one.

  • Power-Saving Method of Wireless Stations Based on Adaptive Control of Bidirectional Burst Transmission in Wireless LANs

    Kohei OMORI  Yosuke TANIGAWA  Hideki TODE  


    E100-B No:6

    This paper addresses power saving for STAs (Wireless Stations) in WLANs (Wireless LANs). Mobile devices are increasingly used in situations in which they access WLANs. However, mobile devices consume large amounts of power when they communicate through a WLAN, and this shortens their battery lifetime. IEEE 802.11 specifies PSM (Power-Saving Mode) as the power-saving method for standard WLANs. However, the sleep conditions specified by PSM for STAs are not optimal in terms of power saving, except when the number of STAs is small, and this increases packet transfer delay. In this paper, we propose a power-saving method in which STAs reduce power consumption by sleeping for a period specified by the NAV (Network Allocation Vector) duration, which is set by an RTS/CTS handshake, and the duration of the NAV is extended by bidirectional burst transmission. To suppress the transfer delay caused by the bidirectional burst transmission, an AP (Access Point) manages the transmission deadline of each downlink packet on the basis of its acceptable value of delay and adapts the number of packets transferred in the bidirectional burst transmission. Although another existing method also uses the NAV duration to manage STA sleeping, the bidirectional burst transmission can only be initiated by the STAs themselves and the NAV is of an extremely limited duration. On the other hand, the proposed method specifies generalized bidirectional burst transmission without the limitations of the transmission initiator and the burst length within acceptable packet transfer delay. Moreover, we investigate the combination of the proposed method with PSM in order to improve the performance in situations in which the number of STAs is small by taking advantage of the combined properties of PSM and the proposed method. The evaluation results demonstrate that these proposed methods can reduce the power consumption of wireless stations and suppress packet transfer delay.

  • Coverage-Based Clustering and Scheduling Approach for Test Case Prioritization

    Wenhao FU  Huiqun YU  Guisheng FAN  Xiang JI  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E100-D No:6

    Regression testing is essential for assuring the quality of a software product. Because rerunning all test cases in regression testing may be impractical under limited resources, test case prioritization is a feasible solution to optimize regression testing by reordering test cases for the current testing version. In this paper, we propose a novel test case prioritization approach that combines the clustering algorithm and the scheduling algorithm for improving the effectiveness of regression testing. By using the clustering algorithm, test cases with same or similar properties are merged into a cluster, and the scheduling algorithm helps allocate an execution priority for each test case by incorporating fault detection rates with the waiting time of test cases in candidate set. We have conducted several experiments on 12 C programs to validate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. Experimental results show that our approach is more effective than some well studied test case prioritization techniques in terms of average percentage of fault detected (APFD) values.

  • Image Sensors Meet LEDs Open Access

    Koji KAMAKURA  

    INVITED PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:6

    A new class of visible light communication (VLC) systems, namely image sensor (IS) based VLC systems, has emerged. An IS consists of a two-dimensional (2D) array of photodetectors (PDs), and then VLC systems with an IS receiver are capable of exploiting the spatial dimensions invoked for transmitting information. This paper aims for providing a brief survey of topics related to the IS-based VLC, and then provides a matrix representation of how to map a series of one dimensional (1D) symbols onto a set of 2D symbols for efficiently exploit the associate grade of freedom offered by 2D VLC systems. As an example, the matrix representation is applied to the symbol mapping of layered space-time coding (L-STC), which is presented to enlarge the coverage of IS-based VLC that is limited by pixel resolution of ISs.

  • Particle Filter Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Dynamic Niche Genetic Algorithm

    Weicheng XIE  Junxu WEI  Zhichao CHEN  Tianqian LI  


    E100-A No:6

    Particle filter algorithm is an important algorithm in the field of target tracking. however, this algorithm faces the problem of sample impoverishment which is caused by the introduction of re-sampling and easily affected by illumination variation. This problem seriously affects the tracking performance of a particle filter algorithm. To solve this problem, we introduce a particle filter target tracking algorithm based on a dynamic niche genetic algorithm. The application of this dynamic niche genetic algorithm to re-sampling ensures particle diversity and dynamically fuses the color and profile features of the target in order to increase the algorithm accuracy under the illumination variation. According to the test results, the proposed algorithm accurately tracks the target, significantly increases the number of particles, enhances the particle diversity, and exhibits better robustness and better accuracy.

  • Second-Order Sampling of 2-D Frequency Distributions by Using the Concepts of Tiling Clusters and Pair Regions

    Toshihiro HORI  

    PAPER-Analog Signal Processing

    E100-A No:6

    Second-order sampling of 2-D frequency distributions is examined in this paper. When a figure in the frequency space can fill up the entire frequency space by tiling, we call this figure a tiling cluster. We also introduce the concept of pair regions. The results obtained for the second-order sampling of 1-D and 2-D frequency distributions are arranged using these two concepts. The sampling functions and sampling positions of second-order sampling of a 2-D rectangular-complement highpass frequency distribution, which have not been solved until now, are explicitly presented by using these two concepts.

  • An Analytical Model of Charge Pump DC-DC Voltage Multiplier Using Diodes

    Toru TANZAWA  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E100-A No:5

    An output voltage-current equation of charge pump DC-DC voltage multiplier using diodes is provided to cover wide clock frequency and output current ranges for designing energy harvester operating at a near-threshold voltage or in sub-threshold region. Equivalent circuits in slow and fast switching limits are extracted. The effective threshold voltage of the diode in slow switching limit is also derived as a function of electrical characteristics of the diodes, such as the saturation current and voltage slope parameter, and design parameters such as the number of stages, capacitance per stage, parasitic capacitance at the top plate of the main boosting capacitor, and the clock frequency. The model is verified compared with SPICE simulation.

  • Epitaxial Junction Termination Extension (Epi-JTE) for SiC Power Devices

    Doohyung CHO  Kunsik PARK  Jongil WON  Sanggi KIM  Kwansgsoo KIM  


    E100-C No:5

    In this paper, Epitaxial (Epi) Junction Termination Extension (JTE) technique for silicon carbide (SiC) power device is presented. Unlike conventional JTE, the Epi-JTE doesn't require high temperature (about 500°C) implantation process. Thus, it doesn't require high temperature (about 1700°C) process for implanted dose activation and surface defect curing. Therefore, the manufacturing cost will be decreased. Also, the fabrication process is very simple because the dose of the JTE is controlled by epitaxy growth. The blocking characteristic is analyzed through 2D-simulation for the proposed Epi-JTE. In addition, the effect was validated by experiment of fabricated SiC device with the Single-Zone-Epi-JTE. As a result, it has blocking capability of 79.4% compared to ideal parallel-plane junction breakdown.

  • A Minimalist's Reversible While Language

    Robert GLÜCK  Tetsuo YOKOYAMA  

    PAPER-Software System

    E100-D No:5

    The paper presents a small reversible language R-CORE, a structured imperative programming language with symbolic tree-structured data (S-expressions). The language is reduced to the core of a reversible language, with a single command for reversibly updating the store, a single reversible control-flow operator, a limited number of variables, and data with a single atom and a single constructor. Despite its extreme simplicity, the language is reversibly universal, which means that it is as powerful as any reversible language can be, while it is linear-time self-interpretable, and it allows reversible programming with dynamic data structures. The four-line program inverter for R-CORE is among the shortest existing program inverters, which demonstrates the conciseness of the language. The translator to R-CORE, which is used to show the formal properties of the language, is clean and modular, and it may serve as a model for related reversible translation problems. The goal is to provide a language that is sufficiently concise for theoretical investigations. Owing to its simplicity, the language may also be used for educational purposes.

  • Design Differences in Pedestrian Navigation Systems Depending on the Availability of Carriable Navigation Information

    Tetsuya MANABE  Takaaki HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E100-A No:5

    In this paper, the differences in navigation information design, which is important for kiosk-type pedestrian navigation systems, were experimentally examined depending on presence or absence of carriable navigation information in order to acquire the knowledge to contribute design guidelines of kiosk-type pedestrian navigation systems. In particular, we used route complexity information calculated using a regression equation that contained multiple factors. In the absence of carriable navigation information, both the destination arrival rate and route deviation rate improved. Easy routes were designed as M (17 to 39 characters in Japanese), while complicated routes were denoted as L (40 or more characters in Japanese). On the contrary, in the presence of carriable navigation information, the user's memory load was found to be reduced by carrying the same navigation information as kiosk-type terminals. Thus, the reconsideration of kiosk-type pedestrian navigation systems design, e.g., the means of presenting navigation information, is required. For example, if the system attaches importance to a high destination arrival rate, L_Carrying without regard to route complexity is better. If the system attaching importance to the low route deviation rate, M_Carrying in the case of easy routes and L_Carrying in the case of complicated routes have been better. Consequently, this paper presents the differences in the designs of pedestrian navigation systems depending on whether carriable navigation information is absent or present.
