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  • A Note on Cooperating Systems of One-Way Alternating Finite Automata with Only Universal States

    Tatsuya FUJIMOTO  Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Makoto SAKAMOTO  


    E97-A No:6

    A cooperating system of finite automata (CS-FA) has more than one finite automata (FA's) and an input tape. These FA's operate independently on the input tape and can communicate with each other on the same cell of the input tape. For each k ≥ 1, let L[CS-1DFA(k)] (L[CS-1UFA(k)]) be the class of sets accepted by CS-FA's with k one-way deterministic finite automata (alternating finite automata with only universal states). We show that L[CS-1DFA(k+1)] - L[CS-1UFA(k)] ≠ ∅ and L[CS-1UFA(2)] - ∪1≤k<∞L[CS-1DFA(k)] ≠ ∅.

  • Test Scenario Generation for Web Application Based on Past Test Artifacts

    Rogene LACANIENTA  Shingo TAKADA  Haruto TANNO  Morihide OINUMA  


    E97-D No:5

    For the past couple of decades, the usage of the Web as a platform for deploying software products has become incredibly popular. Web applications became more prevalent, as well as more complex. Countless Web applications have already been designed, developed, tested, and deployed on the Internet. However, it is noticeable that many common functionalities are present among these vast number of applications. This paper proposes an approach based on a database containing information from previous test artifacts. The information is used to generate test scenarios for Web applications under test. We have developed a tool based on our proposed approach, with the aim of reducing the effort required from software test engineers and professionals during the test planning and creation stage of software engineering. We evaluated our approach from three viewpoints: comparison between our approach and manual generation, qualitative evaluation by professional software engineers, and comparison between our approach and two open-source tools.

  • Towards the Identification of Cross-Cutting Concerns: A Comprehensive Dynamic Approach Based on Execution Relations

    Dongjin YU  Xiang SU  Yunlei MU  

    PAPER-Software System

    E97-D No:5

    Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) helps to solve the problem of low scalability and high maintenance costs of legacy systems caused by code scattering and tangling by extracting cross-cutting concerns and inserting them into aspects. Identifying the cross-cutting concerns of legacy systems is the key to reconstructing such systems using the approach of AOSD. However, current dynamic approaches to the identification of cross-cutting concerns simply check the methods' execution sequence, but do not consider their calling context, which may cause low precision. In this paper, we propose an improved comprehensive approach to the identification of candidate cross-cutting concerns of legacy systems based on the combination of the analysis of recurring execution relations and fan-ins. We first analyse the execution trace with a given test case and identify four types of execution relations for neighbouring methods: exit-entry, entry-exit, entry-entry and exit-exit. Afterwards, we measure the methods' left cross-cutting degrees and right cross-cutting degrees. The former ensures that the candidate recurs in a similar running context, whereas the latter indicates how many times the candidate cross-cuts different methods. The final candidates are then obtained from those high fan-in methods, which not only cross-cut others more times than a predefined threshold, but are always entered or left under the same running context. The experiment conducted on three open source systems shows that our approach improves the precision of identifying cross-cutting concerns compared with tradition ones.

  • Indoor Localization Algorithm for TDOA Measurement in NLOS Environments

    Xiaosheng YU  Chengdong WU  Long CHENG  

    LETTER-Graphs and Networks

    E97-A No:5

    The complicated indoor environment such as obstacles causes the non-line of sight (NLOS) environment. In this paper, we propose a voting matrix based residual weighting (VM-Rwgh) algorithm to mitigate NLOS errors in indoor localization system. The voting matrix is employed to provide initial localization results. The residual weighting is used to improve the localization accuracy. The VM-Rwgh algorithm can overcome the effects of NLOS errors, even when more than half of the measurements contain NLOS errors. Simulation results show that the VM-Rwgh algorithm provides higher location accuracy with relatively lower computational complexity in comparison with other methods.

  • An Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm for the Multicast Routing Problem

    Qing LIU  Tomohiro ODAKA  Jousuke KUROIWA  Haruhiko SHIRAI  Hisakazu OGURA  


    E97-B No:5

    This paper presents an artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA) to solve the multicast routing problem, which is abstracted as a Steiner tree problem in graphs. AFSA adopts a 0-1 encoding scheme to represent the artificial fish (AF), which are then subgraphs in the original graph. For evaluating each AF individual, we decode the subgraph into a Steiner tree. Based on the adopted representation of the AF, we design three AF behaviors: randomly moving, preying, and following. These behaviors are organized by a strategy that guides AF individuals to perform certain behaviors according to certain conditions and circumstances. In order to investigate the performance of our algorithm, we implement exhaustive simulation experiments. The results from the experiments indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms other intelligence algorithms and can obtain the least-cost multicast routing tree in most cases.

  • DOA and DOD Estimation Using Orthogonal Projection Approach for Bistatic MIMO Radars

    Ann-Chen CHANG  Chih-Chang SHEN  Kai-Shiang CHANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E97-A No:5

    In this letter, the orthogonal projection (OP) estimation of the direction of arrival (DOA) and direction of departure (DOD) of multiple targets for bistatic multiple-input multiple-output radars is addressed. First, a two-dimensional direction finding estimator based on OP technique with automatic pairing is developed. Second, this letter also presents a modified reduced-dimension estimator by utilizing the characteristic of Kronecker product, which only performs two one-dimensional angle estimates. Furthermore, the DOA and DOD pairing is given automatically. Finally, simulation results are presented to verify the efficiency of the proposed estimators.

  • An Effective Model of the Overshooting Effect for Multiple-Input Gates in Nanometer Technologies

    Li DING  Zhangcai HUANG  Atsushi KUROKAWA  Jing WANG  Yasuaki INOUE  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E97-A No:5

    With the scaling of CMOS technology into the nanometer regime, the overshooting effect is more and more obvious and has a significant influence to gate delay and power consumption. Recently, researchers have already proposed the overshooting effect models for an inverter. However, the accurate overshooting effect model for multiple-input gates is seldom presented and the existing technology to reduce a multiple-input gate to an inverter is not useful when modeling the overshooting effect for multiple-input gates. Therefore, modeling the overshooting effect for multiple-input gates is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a formula-based model is presented for the overshooting time of 2-input NOR gate. Then, more complicated methods are given to calculate the overshooting time of 3-input NOR gate and other multiple-input gates. The proposed model is verified to have a good agreement, within 3.4% error margin, compared with SPICE simulation results using CMOS 32nm PTM model.

  • Retargeting Derivative-ASIP with Assembly Converter Tool

    Agus BEJO  Dongju LI  Tsuyoshi ISSHIKI  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E97-D No:5

    This paper firstly presents a processor design with Derivative ASIP approach. The architecture of processor is designed by making use of a well-known embedded processor's instruction-set as a base architecture. To improve its performance, the architecture is enhanced with more hardware resources such as registers, interfaces and instruction extensions which might achieve target specifications. Secondly, a new approach for retargeting compiler by means of assembly converter tool is proposed. Our retargeting approach is practical because it is performed by the assembly converter tool with a simple configuration file and independent from a base compiler. With our proposed approach, both architecture flexibility and a good quality of assembly code can be obtained at once. Compared to other compilers, experiments show that our approach capable of generating code as high efficiency as its base compiler and the developed ASIP results in better performance than its base processor.

  • New Metrics for Prioritized Interaction Test Suites

    Rubing HUANG  Dave TOWEY  Jinfu CHEN  Yansheng LU  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:4

    Combinatorial interaction testing has been well studied in recent years, and has been widely applied in practice. It generally aims at generating an effective test suite (an interaction test suite) in order to identify faults that are caused by parameter interactions. Due to some constraints in practical applications (e.g. limited testing resources), for example in combinatorial interaction regression testing, prioritized interaction test suites (called interaction test sequences) are often employed. Consequently, many strategies have been proposed to guide the interaction test suite prioritization. It is, therefore, important to be able to evaluate the different interaction test sequences that have been created by different strategies. A well-known metric is the Average Percentage of Combinatorial Coverage (shortly APCCλ), which assesses the rate of interaction coverage of a strength λ (level of interaction among parameters) covered by a given interaction test sequence S. However, APCCλ has two drawbacks: firstly, it has two requirements (that all test cases in S be executed, and that all possible λ-wise parameter value combinations be covered by S); and secondly, it can only use a single strength λ (rather than multiple strengths) to evaluate the interaction test sequence - which means that it is not a comprehensive evaluation. To overcome the first drawback, we propose an enhanced metric Normalized APCCλ (NAPCC) to replace the APCCλ Additionally, to overcome the second drawback, we propose three new metrics: the Average Percentage of Strengths Satisfied (APSS); the Average Percentage of Weighted Multiple Interaction Coverage (APWMIC); and the Normalized APWMIC (NAPWMIC). These metrics comprehensively assess a given interaction test sequence by considering different interaction coverage at different strengths. Empirical studies show that the proposed metrics can be used to distinguish different interaction test sequences, and hence can be used to compare different test prioritization strategies.

  • Multimedia Topic Models Considering Burstiness of Local Features Open Access

    Yang XIE  Koji EGUCHI  


    E97-D No:4

    A number of studies have been conducted on topic modeling for various types of data, including text and image data. We focus particularly on the burstiness of the local features in modeling topics within video data in this paper. Burstiness is a phenomenon that is often discussed for text data. The idea is that if a word is used once in a document, it is more likely to be used again within the document. It is also observed in video data; for example, an object or visual word in video data is more likely to appear repeatedly within the same video data. Based on the idea mentioned above, we propose a new topic model, the Correspondence Dirichlet Compound Multinomial LDA (Corr-DCMLDA), which takes into account the burstiness of the local features in video data. The unknown parameters and latent variables in the model are estimated by conducting a collapsed Gibbs sampling and the hyperparameters are estimated by focusing on the fixed-point iterations. We demonstrate through experimentation on the genre classification of social video data that our model works more effectively than several baselines.

  • A Photovoltaic-Assisted CMOS Rectifier for Synergistic Energy Harvesting from Ambient Radio Waves

    Koji KOTANI  Takumi BANDO  Yuki SASAKI  


    E97-C No:4

    A photovoltaic (PV)-assisted CMOS rectifier was developed for efficient energy harvesting from ambient radio waves as one example of the synergistic energy harvesting concept. The rectifier operates truly synergistically. A pn junction diode acting as a PV cell converts light energy to DC bias voltage, which compensates the threshold voltage (Vth) of the MOSFETs and enhances the radio frequency (RF) to DC power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the rectifier even under extremely low input power conditions. The indoor illuminance level was sufficient to generate gate bias voltages to compensate Vths. Although the same PV cell structure for biasing nMOS and pMOS transistors was used, photo-generated bias voltages were found to become unbalanced due to the two-layered pn junction structures and parasitic bipolar transistor action. Under typical indoor lighting conditions, a fabricated PV-assisted rectifier achieved a PCE greater than 20% at an RF input power of -20dBm, a frequency of 920MHz, and an output load of 47kΩ. This PCE value is twice the value obtained by a conventional rectifier without PV assistance. In addition, it was experimentally revealed that if symmetric biasing voltages for nMOS and pMOS transistors were available, the PCE would increase even further.

  • An Intelligent Fighting Videogame Opponent Adapting to Behavior Patterns of the User

    Koichi MORIYAMA  Simón Enrique ORTIZ BRANCO  Mitsuhiro MATSUMOTO  Ken-ichi FUKUI  Satoshi KURIHARA  Masayuki NUMAO  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E97-D No:4

    In standard fighting videogames, users usually prefer playing against other users rather than against machines because opponents controlled by machines are in a rut and users can memorize their behaviors after repetitive plays. On the other hand, human players adapt to each other's behaviors, which makes fighting videogames interesting. Thus, in this paper, we propose an artificial agent for a fighting videogame that can adapt to its users, allowing users to enjoy the game even when playing alone. In particular, this work focuses on combination attacks, or combos, that give great damage to the opponent. The agent treats combos independently, i.e., it is composed of a subagent for predicting combos the user executes, that for choosing combos the agent executes, and that for controlling the whole agent. Human users evaluated the agent compared to static opponents, and the agent received minimal negative ratings.

  • Some Results on Generalized Quasi-Cyclic Codes over $mathbb{F}_q+umathbb{F}_q$

    Jian GAO  Fang-Wei FU  Linzhi SHEN  Wenli REN  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E97-A No:4

    Generalized quasi-cyclic (GQC) codes with arbitrary lengths over the ring $mathbb{F}_{q}+umathbb{F}_{q}$, where u2=0, q=pn, n a positive integer and p a prime number, are investigated. By the Chinese Remainder Theorem, structural properties and the decomposition of GQC codes are given. For 1-generator GQC codes, minimum generating sets and lower bounds on the minimum distance are given.

  • Parameterized Multisurface Fitting for Multi-Frame Superresolution

    Hongliang XU  Fei ZHOU  Fan YANG  Qingmin LIAO  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E97-D No:4

    We propose a parameterized multisurface fitting method for multi-frame super-resolution (SR) processing. A parameter assumed for the unknown high-resolution (HR) pixel is used for multisurface fitting. Each surface fitted at each low-resolution (LR) pixel is an expression of the parameter. Final SR result is obtained by fusing the sampling values from these surfaces in the maximum a posteriori fashion. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method.

  • No-Reference Quality Metric of Blocking Artifacts Based on Color Discontinuity Analysis

    Leida LI  Hancheng ZHU  Jiansheng QIAN  Jeng-Shyang PAN  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E97-D No:4

    This letter presents a no-reference blocking artifact measure based on analysis of color discontinuities in YUV color space. Color shift and color disappearance are first analyzed in JPEG images. For color-shifting and color-disappearing areas, the blocking artifact scores are obtained by computing the gradient differences across the block boundaries in U component and Y component, respectively. An overall quality score is then produced as the average of the local ones. Extensive simulations and comparisons demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method.

  • Joint CPFSK Modulation and Physical-Layer Network Coding in Two-Way Relay Channels

    Nan SHA  Yuanyuan GAO  Xiaoxin YI  Wenlong LI  Weiwei YANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E97-A No:4

    A joint continuous phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK) modulation and physical-layer network coding (PNC), i.e., CPFSK-PNC, is proposed for two-way relay channels (TWRCs). This letter discusses the signal detection of the CPFSK-PNC scheme with emphasis on the maximum-likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) algorithm for the relay receiver. The end-to-end error performance of the proposed CPFSK-PNC scheme is evaluated through simulations.

  • Digital Controller for Single-Phase DCM Boost PFC Converter with High Power Factor over Wide Input Voltage and Load Range

    Daying SUN  Weifeng SUN  Qing WANG  Miao YANG  Shen XU  Shengli LU  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E97-C No:4

    A new digital controller for a single-phase boost power factor correction (PFC) converter operating at a discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), is presented to achieve high input power factor over wide input voltage and load range. A method of duty cycle modulation is proposed to reduce the line harmonic distortion and improve the power factor. The loop regulation scheme is adopted to further improve the system stability and the power factor simultaneously. Meanwhile, a novel digital pulse width modulator (DPWM) based on the delay lock loop technique, is realized to improve the regulation linearity of duty cycle and reduce the regulation deviation. The single-phase DCM boost PFC converter with the proposed digital controller based on the field programmable gate array (FPGA) has been implemented. Experimental results indicate that the proposed digital controller can achieve high power factor more than 0.99 over wide input voltage and load range, the output voltage deviation is less than 3V, and the peak conversion efficiency is 96.2% in the case of a full load.

  • Asymmetric Sparse Bloom Filter

    MyungKeun YOON  JinWoo SON  Seon-Ho SHIN  


    E97-B No:4

    We propose a new Bloom filter that efficiently filters out non-members. With extra bits assigned and asymmetrically distributed, the new filter reduces hash computations and memory accesses. For an error rate of 10-6, the new filter reduces cost by 31.31% with 4.33% additional space, while the standard method saves offers a 20.42% reduction.

  • Efficient Update Activation for Virtual Machines in IaaS Cloud Computing Environments

    Hiroshi YAMADA  Shuntaro TONOSAKI  Kenji KONO  

    PAPER-Software System

    E97-D No:3

    Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), a form of cloud computing, is gaining attention for its ability to enable efficient server administration in dynamic workload environments. In such environments, however, updating the software stack or content files of virtual machines (VMs) is a time-consuming task, discouraging administrators from frequently enhancing their services and fixing security holes. This is because the administrator has to upload the whole new disk image to the cloud platform via the Internet, which is not yet fast enough that large amounts of data can be transferred smoothly. Although the administrator can apply incremental updates directly to the running VMs, he or she has to carefully consider the type of update and perform operations on all running VMs, such as application restarts. This is a tedious and error-prone task. This paper presents a technique for synchronizing VMs with less time and lower administrative burden. We introduce the Virtual Disk Image Repository, which runs on the cloud platform and automatically updates the virtual disk image and the running VMs with only the incremental update information. We also show a mechanism that performs necessary operations on the running VM such as restarting server processes, based on the types of files that are updated. We implement a prototype on Linux and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. An experiment shows that our technique can synchronize VMs in an order-of-magnitude shorter time than the conventional disk-image-based VM method. Also, we discuss limitations of our technique and some directions for more efficient VM updates.

  • Demonstration of 6-bit, 0.20-mVpp Quasi-Triangle Voltage Waveform Generator Based on Pulse-Frequency Modulation

    Yoshitaka TAKAHASHI  Hiroshi SHIMADA  Masaaki MAEZAWA  Yoshinao MIZUGAKI  


    E97-C No:3

    We present our design and operation of a 6-bit quasi-triangle voltage waveform generator comprising three circuit blocks; an improved variable Pulse Number Multiplier (variable-PNM), a Code Generator (CG), and a Double-Flux-Quantum Amplifier (DFQA). They are integrated into a single chip using a niobium Josephson junction technology. While the multiplication factor of our previous m-bit variable-PNM was limited between 2m-1 and 2m, that of the improved one is extended between 1 and 2m. Correct operations of the 6-bit variable-PNM are confirmed in low-speed testing with respect to the codes from the CG, whereas generation of a 6-bit, 0.20mVpp quasi-triangle voltage waveform is demonstrated with the 10-fold DFQA in high-speed testing.
