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[Keyword] Ada(1871hit)


  • Ka-Band Stacked-FET Power Amplifier IC with Adaptively Controlled Gate Capacitor and Two-Step Adaptive Bias Circuit in 45-nm SOI CMOS

    Tsuyoshi SUGIURA  Toshihiko YOSHIMASU  


    E106-C No:7

    This paper presents a Ka-band high-efficiency power amplifier (PA) with a novel adaptively controlled gate capacitor circuit and a two-step adaptive bias circuit for 5th generation (5G) mobile terminal applications fabricated using a 45-nm silicon on insulator (SOI) CMOS process. The PA adopts a stacked FET structure to increase the output power because of the low breakdown voltage issue of scaled MOSFETs. The novel adaptive gate capacitor circuit properly controls the RF swing for each stacked FET to achieve high efficiency in the several-dB back-off region. Further, the novel two-step adaptive bias circuit effectively controls the gate voltage for each stacked FET for high linearity and high back-off efficiency. At a supply voltage of 4 V, the fabricated PA has exhibited a saturated output power of 20.0 dBm, a peak power added efficiency (PAE) of 42.7%, a 3dB back-off efficiency of 32.7%, a 6dB back-off efficiency of 22.7%, and a gain of 15.6 dB. The effective PA area was 0.82 mm by 0.74 mm.

  • Contrast Source Inversion for Objects Buried into Multi-Layered Media for Subsurface Imaging Applications

    Yoshihiro YAMAUCHI  Shouhei KIDERA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E106-C No:7

    This study proposes a low-complexity permittivity estimation for ground penetrating radar applications based on a contrast source inversion (CSI) approach, assuming multilayered ground media. The homogeneity assumption for each background layer is used to address the ill-posed condition while maintaining accuracy for permittivity reconstruction, significantly reducing the number of unknowns. Using an appropriate initial guess for each layer, the post-CSI approach also provides the dielectric profile of a buried object. The finite difference time domain numerical tests show that the proposed approach significantly enhances reconstruction accuracy for buried objects compared with the traditional CSI approach.

  • A Low-Cost Neural ODE with Depthwise Separable Convolution for Edge Domain Adaptation on FPGAs

    Hiroki KAWAKAMI  Hirohisa WATANABE  Keisuke SUGIURA  Hiroki MATSUTANI  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E106-D No:7

    High-performance deep neural network (DNN)-based systems are in high demand in edge environments. Due to its high computational complexity, it is challenging to deploy DNNs on edge devices with strict limitations on computational resources. In this paper, we derive a compact while highly-accurate DNN model, termed dsODENet, by combining recently-proposed parameter reduction techniques: Neural ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) and DSC (Depthwise Separable Convolution). Neural ODE exploits a similarity between ResNet and ODE, and shares most of weight parameters among multiple layers, which greatly reduces the memory consumption. We apply dsODENet to a domain adaptation as a practical use case with image classification datasets. We also propose a resource-efficient FPGA-based design for dsODENet, where all the parameters and feature maps except for pre- and post-processing layers can be mapped onto on-chip memories. It is implemented on Xilinx ZCU104 board and evaluated in terms of domain adaptation accuracy, inference speed, FPGA resource utilization, and speedup rate compared to a software counterpart. The results demonstrate that dsODENet achieves comparable or slightly better domain adaptation accuracy compared to our baseline Neural ODE implementation, while the total parameter size without pre- and post-processing layers is reduced by 54.2% to 79.8%. Our FPGA implementation accelerates the inference speed by 23.8 times.

  • A Multitask Learning Approach Based on Cascaded Attention Network and Self-Adaption Loss for Speech Emotion Recognition

    Yang LIU  Yuqi XIA  Haoqin SUN  Xiaolei MENG  Jianxiong BAI  Wenbo GUAN  Zhen ZHAO  Yongwei LI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E106-A No:6

    Speech emotion recognition (SER) has been a complex and difficult task for a long time due to emotional complexity. In this paper, we propose a multitask deep learning approach based on cascaded attention network and self-adaption loss for SER. First, non-personalized features are extracted to represent the process of emotion change while reducing external variables' influence. Second, to highlight salient speech emotion features, a cascade attention network is proposed, where spatial temporal attention can effectively locate the regions of speech that express emotion, while self-attention reduces the dependence on external information. Finally, the influence brought by the differences in gender and human perception of external information is alleviated by using a multitask learning strategy, where a self-adaption loss is introduced to determine the weights of different tasks dynamically. Experimental results on IEMOCAP dataset demonstrate that our method gains an absolute improvement of 1.97% and 0.91% over state-of-the-art strategies in terms of weighted accuracy (WA) and unweighted accuracy (UA), respectively.

  • L0-Norm Based Adaptive Equalization with PMSER Criterion for Underwater Acoustic Communications

    Tian FANG  Feng LIU  Conggai LI  Fangjiong CHEN  Yanli XU  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E106-A No:6

    Underwater acoustic channels (UWA) are usually sparse, which can be exploited for adaptive equalization to improve the system performance. For the shallow UWA channels, based on the proportional minimum symbol error rate (PMSER) criterion, the adaptive equalization framework requires the sparsity selection. Since the sparsity of the L0 norm is stronger than that of the L1, we choose it to achieve better convergence. However, because the L0 norm leads to NP-hard problems, it is difficult to find an efficient solution. In order to solve this problem, we choose the Gaussian function to approximate the L0 norm. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme obtains better performance than the L1 based counterpart.

  • Policy-Based Grooming, Route, Spectrum, and Operational Mode Planning in Dynamic Multilayer Networks

    Takafumi TANAKA  Hiroshi HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E106-B No:6

    In this paper, we propose a heuristic planning method to efficiently accommodate dynamic multilayer path (MLP) demand in multilayer networks consisting of a Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) layer and a Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) layer; the goal is to achieve the flexible accommodation of increasing capacity and diversifying path demands. In addition to the grooming of links at the TDM layer and the route and frequency slots for the elastic optical path to be established, MLP requires the selection of an appropriate operational mode, consisting of a combination of modulation formats and symbol rates supported by digital coherent transceivers. Our proposed MLP planning method defines a planning policy for each of these parameters and embeds the values calculated by combining these policies in an auxiliary graph, which allows the planning parameters to be calculated for MLP demand requirements in a single step. Simulations reveal that the choice of operational mode significantly reduces the blocking probability and demonstrate that the edge weights in the auxiliary graph allow MLP planning with characteristics tailored to MLP demand and network requirements. Furthermore, we quantitatively evaluate the impact of each planning policy on the MLP planning results.

  • Photochemical Stability of Organic Electro-Optic Polymer at 1310-nm Wavelength Open Access

    Yukihiro TOMINARI  Toshiki YAMADA  Takahiro KAJI  Akira OTOMO  


    E106-C No:6

    We investigated the photochemical stability of an electro-optic (EO) polymer under laser irradiation at 1310nm to reveal photodegradation mechanisms. It was found that one-photon absorption excitation assisted with the thermal energy at the temperature is involved in the photodegradation process, in contrast to our previous studies at a wavelength of 1550nm where two-photon absorption excitation is involved in the photodegradation process. Thus, both the excitation wavelength and the thermal energy strongly affect to the degradation mechanism. In any cases, the photodegradation of EO polymers is mainly related to the generation of exited singlet oxygen.

  • Microneedle of Biodegradable Polyacid Anhydride with a Capillary Open Groove for Reagent Transfer

    Satomitsu IMAI  Kazuki CHIDAISYO  Kosuke YASUDA  


    E106-C No:6

    Incorporating a tool for administering medication, such as a syringe, is required in microneedles (MNs) for medical use. This renders it easier for non-medical personnel to administer medication. Because it is difficult to fabricate a hollow MN, we fabricated a capillary groove on an MN and its substrate to enable the administration of a higher dosage. MN grooving is difficult to accomplish via the conventional injection molding method used for polylactic acid. Therefore, biodegradable polyacid anhydride was selected as the material for the MN. Because polyacid anhydride is a low-viscosity liquid at room temperature, an MN can be grooved using a processing method similar to vacuum casting. This study investigated the performance of the capillary force of the MN and the optimum shape and size of the MN by a puncture test.

  • Counting and Tracking People to Avoid from Crowded in a Restaurant Using mmWave Radar

    Shenglei LI  Reiko HISHIYAMA  

    PAPER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E106-D No:6

    One key to implementing the smart city is letting the smart space know where and how many people are. The visual method is a scheme to recognize people with high accuracy, but concerns arise regarding potential privacy leakage and user nonacceptance. Besides, being functional in a limited environment in an emergency should also be considered. We propose a real-time people counting and tracking system based on a millimeter wave radar (mmWave) as an alternative to the optical solutions in a restaurant. The proposed method consists of four main procedures. First, capture the point cloud of obstacles and generate them using a low-cost, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) mmWave radar. Next, cluster the individual point with similar properties. Then the same people in sequential frames would be associated with the tracking algorithm. Finally, the estimated people would be counted, tracked, and shown in the next frame. The experiment results show that our proposed system provided a median position error of 0.17 m and counting accuracy of 83.5% for ten insiders in various scenarios in an actual restaurant environment. In addition, the real-time estimation and visualization of people's numbers and positions show a potential capability to help prevent crowds during the pandemic of Covid-19 and analyze customer visitation patterns for efficient management and target marketing.

  • Space Division Multiplexing Using High-Luminance Cell-Size Reduction Arrangement for Low-Luminance Smartphone Screen to Camera Uplink Communication

    Alisa KAWADE  Wataru CHUJO  Kentaro KOBAYASHI  


    E106-A No:5

    To simultaneously enhance data rate and physical layer security (PLS) for low-luminance smartphone screen to camera uplink communication, space division multiplexing using high-luminance cell-size reduction arrangement is numerically analyzed and experimentally verified. The uplink consists of a low-luminance smartphone screen and an indoor telephoto camera at a long distance of 3.5 meters. The high-luminance cell-size reduction arrangement avoids the influence of spatial inter-symbol interference (ISI) and ambient light to obtain a stable low-luminance screen. To reduce the screen luminance without decreasing the screen pixel value, the arrangement reduces only the high-luminance cell area while keeping the cell spacing. In this study, two technical issues related to high-luminance cell-size reduction arrangement are solved. First, a numerical analysis and experimental results show that the high-luminance cell-size reduction arrangement is more effective in reducing the spatial ISI at low luminance than the conventional low-luminance cell arrangement. Second, in view point of PLS enhancement at wide angles, symbol error rate should be low in front of the screen and high at wide angles. A numerical analysis and experimental results show that the high-luminance cell-size reduction arrangement is more suitable for enhancing PLS at wide angles than the conventional low-luminance cell arrangement.

  • Field Evaluation of Adaptive Path Selection for Platoon-Based V2N Communications

    Ryusuke IGARASHI  Ryo NAKAGAWA  Dan OKOCHI  Yukio OGAWA  Mianxiong DONG  Kaoru OTA  


    E106-B No:5

    Vehicles on the road are expected to connect continuously to the Internet at sufficiently high speeds, e.g., several Mbps or higher, to support multimedia applications. However, even when passing through a well-facilitated city area, Internet access can be unreliable and even disconnected if the travel speed is high. We therefore propose a network path selection technique to meet network throughput requirements. The proposed technique is based on the attractor selection model and enables vehicles to switch the path from a route connecting directly to a cellular network to a relay type through neighboring vehicles for Internet access. We also develop a mechanism that prevents frequent path switching when the performance of all available paths does not meet the requirements. We conduct field evaluations by platooning two vehicles in a real-world driving environment and confirm that the proposed technique maintains the required throughput of up to 7Mbps on average. We also evaluated our proposed technique by extensive computer simulations of up to 6 vehicles in a platoon. The results show that increasing platoon length yields a greater improvement in throughput, and the mechanism we developed decreases the rate of path switching by up to 25%.

  • A Visual Question Answering Network Merging High- and Low-Level Semantic Information

    Huimin LI  Dezhi HAN  Chongqing CHEN  Chin-Chen CHANG  Kuan-Ching LI  Dun LI  

    PAPER-Core Methods

    E106-D No:5

    Visual Question Answering (VQA) usually uses deep attention mechanisms to learn fine-grained visual content of images and textual content of questions. However, the deep attention mechanism can only learn high-level semantic information while ignoring the impact of the low-level semantic information on answer prediction. For such, we design a High- and Low-Level Semantic Information Network (HLSIN), which employs two strategies to achieve the fusion of high-level semantic information and low-level semantic information. Adaptive weight learning is taken as the first strategy to allow different levels of semantic information to learn weights separately. The gate-sum mechanism is used as the second to suppress invalid information in various levels of information and fuse valid information. On the benchmark VQA-v2 dataset, we quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate HLSIN and conduct extensive ablation studies to explore the reasons behind HLSIN's effectiveness. Experimental results demonstrate that HLSIN significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art, with an overall accuracy of 70.93% on test-dev.

  • Prediction of Driver's Visual Attention in Critical Moment Using Optical Flow

    Rebeka SULTANA  Gosuke OHASHI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E106-D No:5

    In recent years, driver's visual attention has been actively studied for driving automation technology. However, the number of models is few to perceive an insight understanding of driver's attention in various moments. All attention models process multi-level image representations by a two-stream/multi-stream network, increasing the computational cost due to an increment of model parameters. However, multi-level image representation such as optical flow plays a vital role in tasks involving videos. Therefore, to reduce the computational cost of a two-stream network and use multi-level image representation, this work proposes a single stream driver's visual attention model for a critical situation. The experiment was conducted using a publicly available critical driving dataset named BDD-A. Qualitative results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed model. Moreover, quantitative results highlight that the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art visual attention models according to CC and SIM. Extensive ablation studies verify the presence of optical flow in the model, the position of optical flow in the spatial network, the convolution layers to process optical flow, and the computational cost compared to a two-stream model.

  • High-Precision Mobile Robot Localization Using the Integration of RAR and AKF

    Chen WANG  Hong TAN  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E106-D No:5

    The high-precision indoor positioning technology has gradually become one of the research hotspots in indoor mobile robots. Relax and Recover (RAR) is an indoor positioning algorithm using distance observations. The algorithm restores the robot's trajectory through curve fitting and does not require time synchronization of observations. The positioning can be successful with few observations. However, the algorithm has the disadvantages of poor resistance to gross errors and cannot be used for real-time positioning. In this paper, while retaining the advantages of the original algorithm, the RAR algorithm is improved with the adaptive Kalman filter (AKF) based on the innovation sequence to improve the anti-gross error performance of the original algorithm. The improved algorithm can be used for real-time navigation and positioning. The experimental validation found that the improved algorithm has a significant improvement in accuracy when compared to the original RAR. When comparing to the extended Kalman filter (EKF), the accuracy is also increased by 12.5%, which can be used for high-precision positioning of indoor mobile robots.

  • Joint Selection of Transceiver Nodes in Distributed MIMO Radar Network with Non-Orthogonal Waveforms

    Yanxi LU  Shuangli LIU  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E106-A No:4

    In this letter, we consider the problem of joint selection of transmitters and receivers in a distributed multi-input multi-output radar network for localization. Different from previous works, we consider a more mathematically challenging but generalized situation that the transmitting signals are not perfectly orthogonal. Taking Cramér Rao lower bound as performance metric, we propose a scheme of joint selection of transmitters and receivers (JSTR) aiming at optimizing the localization performance under limited number of nodes. We propose a bi-convex relaxation to replace the resultant NP hard non-convex problem. Using the bi-convexity, the surrogate problem can be efficiently resolved by nonlinear alternating direction method of multipliers. Simulation results reveal that the proposed algorithm has very close performance compared with the computationally intensive but global optimal exhaustive search method.

  • Fundamental Study on Grasping Growth State of Paddy Rice Using Quad-Polarimetric SAR Data

    Tatsuya IKEUCHI  Ryoichi SATO  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  


    E106-C No:4

    In this brief paper, we examine polarimetric scattering characteristics for understanding seasonal change of paddy rice growth by using quad-polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data in the X-band. Here we carry out polarimetric scattering measurement for a simplified paddy rice model in an anechoic chamber at X-band frequency to acquire the the quad polarimetric SAR data from the model. The measurements are performed several times for each growth stage of the paddy rice corresponding to seasonal change. The model-based scattering power decomposition is used for the examination of polarimetric features of the paddy rice model. It is found from the result of the polarimetric SAR image analysis for the measurement data that the growth state of the paddy rice in each stage can be understood by considering the ratio of the decomposition powers, when the planting direction of the paddy rice is not only normal but also oblique to radar direction. We can also see that orientation angle compensation (OAC) is useful for improving the accuracy of the growth stage observation in late vegetative stage for oblique planting case.

  • A CFAR Detection Algorithm Based on Clutter Knowledge for Cognitive Radar

    Kaixuan LIU  Yue LI  Peng WANG  Xiaoyan PENG  Hongshu LIAO  Wanchun LI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:3

    Under the background of non-homogenous and dynamic time-varying clutter, the processing ability of the traditional constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection algorithm is significantly reduced, as well as the detection performance. This paper proposes a CFAR detection algorithm based on clutter knowledge (CK-CFAR), as a new CFAR, to improve the detection performance adaptability of the radar in complex clutter background. With the acquired clutter prior knowledge, the algorithm can dynamically select parameters according to the change of background clutter and calculate the threshold. Compared with the detection algorithms such as CA-CFAR, GO-CFAR, SO-CFAR, and OS-CFAR, the simulation results show that CK-CFAR has excellent detection performance in the background of homogenous clutter and edge clutter. This algorithm can help radar adapt to the clutter with different distribution characteristics, effectively enhance radar detection in a complex environment. It is more in line with the development direction of the cognitive radar.

  • Combinatorial Structures Behind Binary Generalized NTU Sequences

    Xiao-Nan LU  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:3

    This paper concentrates on a class of pseudorandom sequences generated by combining q-ary m-sequences and quadratic characters over a finite field of odd order, called binary generalized NTU sequences. It is shown that the relationship among the sub-sequences of binary generalized NTU sequences can be formulated as combinatorial structures called Hadamard designs. As a consequence, the combinatorial structures generalize the group structure discovered by Kodera et al. (IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E102-A, no.12, pp.1659-1667, 2019) and lead to a finite-geometric explanation for the investigated group structure.

  • Approximation-Based System Implementation for Real-Time Minimum Energy Point Tracking over a Wide Operating Performance Region

    Shoya SONODA  Jun SHIOMI  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E106-A No:3

    This paper refers to the optimal voltage pair, which minimizes the energy consumption of LSI circuits under a target delay constraint, as a Minimum Energy Point (MEP). This paper proposes an approximation-based implementation method for an MEP tracking system over a wide voltage region. This paper focuses on the MEP characteristics that the energy loss is sufficiently small even though the voltage point changes near the MEP. For example, the energy loss is less than 5% even though the estimated MEP differs by a few tens of millivolts in comparison with the actual MEP. Therefore, the complexity for determining the MEP is relaxed by approximating complex operations such as the logarithmic or the exponential functions in the MEP tracking algorithm, which leads to hardware-/software-efficient implementation. When the MEP tracking algorithm is implemented in software, the MEP estimation time is reduced from 1ms to 13µs by the proposed approximation. When implemented in hardware, the proposed method can reduce the area of an MEP estimation circuit to a quarter. Measurement results of a 32-bit RISC-V processor fabricated in a 65-nm SOTB process technology show that the energy loss introduced by the proposed approximation is less than 2% in comparison with the MEP operation. Furthermore, we show that the MEP can be tracked within about 45 microseconds by the proposed MEP tracking system.

  • A State-Space Approach and Its Estimation Bias Analysis for Adaptive Notch Digital Filters with Constrained Poles and Zeros

    Yoichi HINAMOTO  Shotaro NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:3

    This paper deals with a state-space approach for adaptive second-order IIR notch digital filters with constrained poles and zeros. A simplified iterative algorithm is derived from the gradient-descent method to minimize the mean-squared output of an adaptive notch digital filter. Then, stability and parameter-estimation bias are analyzed for the simplified iterative algorithm. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed adaptive state-space notch digital filter and parameter-estimation bias analysis.
