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  • On the Negation-Limited Circuit Complexity of Clique Functions

    Tetsuro NISHINO  Keisuke TANAKA  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:1

    A negation-limited circuit is a combinational circuit which includes at most [log(n1)] NOT gates. We show a relationship between the size of negation-limited circuits computing clique functions and the number of NOT gates in the circuits.

  • Finding All Solutions of Piecewise-Linear Resistive Circuits Containing Sophisticated Transistor Models

    Kiyotaka YAMAMURA  Nobuo SEKIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Self-Validation

    E78-A No:1

    An efficient algorithm is presented for finding all solutions of piecewise-linear resistive circuits containing sophisticated transistor models such as the Gummel-Poon model or the Shichman-Hodges model. When a circuit contains these nonseparable models, the hybrid equation describing the circuit takes a special structure termed pairwise-separability (or tuplewise-separability). This structure is effectively exploited in the new algorithm. A numerical example is given, and it is shown that all solutions are computed very rapidly.

  • Challenge to the New Infrastructure and Users' Embarrassment in Network Management Field

    Keiichiro SATO  


    E78-B No:1

    The availability of new technologies in the computer and network industry has allowed us to benefit from a wider choice when building new information systems. This paper presents Japan Airlines' challenge to develop a new information network and management infrastructure based on the new technology. Compared with the existing main-frame environment, the new infrastructure will give us a more comfortable and economic network computing environment. Once we think about network management, there are so many issues to be solved. All existing network elements have their own management consoles with different interfaces and commands. Net managers are swimming in the pool of system consoles looking for the one that exactly tells them what is going on at the user site. The industry standard SNMP offers us a much better environment. However, there is still a long way to go before reaching a world where net managers find a single management console with a single object to manage that is composed of all network elements.

  • On the Number of Negations Needed to Compute Parity Functions

    Tetsuro NISHINO  Jaikumar RADHAKRISHNAN  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:1

    We exactly determine the number of negations needed to compute the parity functions and the complement of the parity functions. We show that with k NOT gates, parity can be computed on at most 2k+11 variables, and parity complement on at most 2k+12 variables. The two bounds are shown to be tight.

  • Low-Threshold Self-Mode-Locked Ti:Sapphire Laser

    Kenji TORIZUKA  Hideyuki TAKADA  Kenzo MIYAZAKI  


    E78-C No:1

    Self-modelocking of Ti:sapphire laser has obtained with less than 2 W of argon-ion laser pumping. Two independent lasers with 36 fsec and 63 fsec in pulse duration were operated by a 6 W pump laser. In the low-threshold lasers, not only an ordinary mode-locking but also a double-pulse mode-locking, where two pulses circulating in the cavity, was stable.

  • 10-Gb/s Repeaterless Transmission Using Standard Single-Mode Fiber with Pre-Chirping and Dispersion Compensation Techniques

    George ISHIKAWA  Motoyoshi SEKIYA  Hiroshi ONAKA  Terumi CHIKAMA  Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  


    E78-C No:1

    This paper proposes that a combination of pre-chirping and dispersion compensation is effective in suppressing the waveform distortion due to the self-phase modulation and the group-velocity dispersion in 10 Gb/s repeaterless transmission using 1.3-µm zero-dispersion single-mode fibers (SMF) operating at a wavelength of 1.55µm. The following results were obtained through simulation. 1) Setting the α-parameter of a LiNbO3 optical modulator negative (α1.0) gives a large tolerance of the launched power Pin. 2) For 90-km SMF transmission, the maximum Pin is obtained when the dispersion compensation ratio β is from 50% to 70%. 3) For the allowable β as a function of the transmission distance when a dispersion compensator is located in the receiver (post-compensation scheme), the lower limit of β is determined by the constant residual dispersion value, which agrees well with the dispersion tolerance without dispersion compensation. Our 90-km SMF transmission experiments using a LiNbO3 optical modulator and a dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) confirmed the simulation results regarding the optimum value of β and the large tolerance of the fiber launched power. Based on the above investigations, we achieved a 10-Gb/s repeaterless 140-km SMF transmission with α1.0 and post-compensation.

  • Analysis of Highly-Birefringent Fibers with a Hollow Layer Outside an Elliptical Core

    Zygmunt KRASISKI  Takashi HINATA  Shin-ichiro YAMASHITA  Adam MAJEWSKI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E78-C No:1

    The improved point-matching method with Mathieu function expansion for the accurate analysis of the W-type elliptical fiber with layers of any ellipticity is proposed. Results of our method are reliable, because we expand the electromagnetic fields by a sum of the complete set of wave functions in each layer of the fiber. Numerical results are presented for the highly-birefringent fibers with a hollow layer outside an elliptical core. It is found that such fibers can realize the large value of the modal birefringence as well as they can be suitable for the single-mode and single-polarization transmission. From the convergence tests, it is confirmed that the relative error of the modal birefringence is less than 0.01%. The comparison of our results with those by previously reported method is presented. The proposed method can be extended for analysis of the elliptical-core fibers with hollow pits and electromagnetic scattering by targets of the complex elliptical geometry.

  • A Fast Vectorized Maze Routing Algorithm on a Supercomputer

    Yoshio MIKI  


    E77-A No:12

    This paper presents a fast and practical routing algorithm implemented on a supercomputer. In previously reported work, routing has been accelerated by executing the maze algorithm on parallel processing elements. However, although many parallel algorithms and special architectures have been introduced, practical aspects have not been addressed. We therefore present a novel approach that uses a vector processor as a routing accelerator and a wavefront control algorithm in order to avoid the wasteful searches that often occur in industrial routing problems. Experimental results that show the performance of a supercomputer using these algorithms is equivalent to over 1800 VAXMIPS, the fastest yet reported for routing accelerators. Results with industrial data also prove the validity of our approach.

  • Control Characteristics of Series Resonant Converter with Parallel Resonant Circuit under Parallel Resonant Frequency

    Akio NISHIDA  Kazurou HARADA  Yoshiyuki ISHIHARA  Toshiyuki TODAKA  

    PAPER-Power Supply

    E77-B No:12

    This paper presents an analysis of the control characteristics of the series resonant converter with a parallel resonant circuit, especially under parallel resonant frequency. Operations of the circuit are classified into several modes. The control characteristics are calculated using the equations derived from equivalent circuits, and are verified by the experiments. From the analysis, the mechanism of a jumping phenomenon in the closed-loop control characteristics is clarified.

  • A PLL-Based Programmable Clock Generator with 50-to 350-MHz Oscillating Range for Video Signal Processors

    Junichi GOTO  Masakazu YAMASHINA  Toshiaki INOUE  Benjamin S. SHIH  Youichi KOSEKI  Tadahiko HORIUCHI  Nobuhisa HAMATAKE  Kouichi KUMAGAI  Tadayoshi ENOMOTO  Hachiro YAMADA  

    PAPER-Processor Interfaces

    E77-C No:12

    A programmable clock generator, based on a phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit, has been developed with 0.5 µm CMOS triple-layer Al interconnection technology for use as an on-chip clock generator in a 300-MHz video signal processor. The PLL-based clock generator generates a clock signal whose frequency ranges from 50 to 350 MHz which is an integral multiple, from 2 to 16, of an external clock frequency. In order to achieve stable operation within this wide range, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) with selectable low VCO gain characteristics has been developed. Experimental results show that the clock generator generates a 297-MHz clock with a 27-MHz external clock, with jitter of 180 ps and power dissipation of 120 mW at 3.3-V power supply, and it can also oscillate up to 348 MHz with a 31.7-MHz external clock.

  • Design of a 3.2 GHz 50 mW 0.5 µm GaAs PLL-Based Clock Generator with 1 V Power Supply

    Tadayoshi ENOMOTO  Toshiyuki OKUYAMA  

    PAPER-Processor Interfaces

    E77-C No:12

    A 3.2 GHz, 50 mW, 1 V, GaAs clock pulse generator (CG) based on a phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit has been designed for use as an on-chip clock generator in future high speed processor LSIs. 0.5 µm GaAs MESFET and DCFL circuit technologies have been used for the CG, which consists of 224 MESFETs. An "enhanced charge-up current" inverter has been specially designed for a low power and high speed voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). In this new inverter, a voltage controlled dMESFET is combined in parallel with the load dMESFET of a conventional DCFL inverter. This voltage controlled dMESFET produces an additional charge-up current resulting in the new VCO obtaining a much higher oscillation frequency than that of a ring oscillator produced with a conventional inverter. With a single 1 V power supply (Vdd), SPICE calculation results showed that the VCO tuning range was 2.25 GHz to 3.65 GHz and that the average VCO gain was approximately 1.4 GHz/V in the range of a control voltage (Vc) from 0 to 1 V. Simulation also indicated that at a Vdd of 1 V the CG locked on a 50 MHz external clock and generated a 3.2 GHz internal clock (=50 MHz64). The jitter and power dissipation of the CG at 3.2 GHz oscillation and a Vdd of 1 V were less than 8.75 psec and 50 mW, respectively. The typical lock range was 2.90 GHz to 3.59 GHz which corresponded to a pull-in range of 45.3 MHz to 56.2 MHz.

  • The Concept of Tool-Based Direct Deformation Method for Networked Cooperative CAD Interface

    Juli YAMASHITA  Hiroshi YOKOI  Yukio FUKUI  Makoto SHIMOJO  


    E77-D No:12

    This paper proposes the concept of Tool-Based Direct Deformation Method (TB-DDM) which supports networked CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems with virtual reality technologies. TB-DDM allows designers to sculpt free forms directly with tools; each tool has its deforming characteristics, such as, the area and the shape of deformation. TB-DDM's direct deformation interface is independent of form representations because the system automatically calculates appropriate deformation according to its form representation when a tool pushes" a form. The deformation with TB-DDM is concisely described by the initial shape, types of tools, and thier loci; the description enables cooperative CAD systems with narrow bandwidth network to share design process rapidly and to distribute computational load.

  • Is the Virtual Reality a Gentle Technology for Humans? --An Experimental Study of the Safety Features of a Virtual Reality System--

    Hisako IGARASHI  Jun NORITAKE  Nobuyasu FURUTA  Kuniharu SHINDO  Kiyoyuki YAMAZAKI  Katsuro OKAMOTO  Atsuya YOSHIDA  Takami YAMAGUCHI  


    E77-D No:12

    We are studying a novel concept of the on-line hospital system using a virtual environment called Hyper Hospital," the Hyper Hospital" is a medical care system which is constructed in a distributed manner to the electronic information network using virtual reality (VR) as a human interface. In the present report, we studied the physiological and psychological responses of healthy subjects induced by the usage of the VR in terms of fatigue. Twenty healthy young male subjects were exposed to the virtual reality system and they performed some psychological tasks with a virtual nurse for 30 minutes. Several parameters of physiological, psychological, and subjective fatigue were measured. None of the physiological or psychological parameters such as urinary catecholamine release, ECG, etc. showed significant fatigue induced by our VR system. However, by using a standard questionnaire, some kinds of subjective fatigue were noted and they were thought to be indicating a direction of improvement for our VR system.

  • Control of Chua's Circuit by Switching a Resistor

    Keiji KONISHI  Hiroaki KAWABATA  Yoji TAKEDA  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Phenomena and Analysis

    E77-A No:12

    In this letter a new method for controlling chaos is proposed. Although different several methods based on the OGY- and the OPF-method perturb a value of an accessible system parameter, the proposed method perturbs the only timing of switching three values of a parameter. We apply the proposed method to the well-known Chua's circuit on computer simulations. The chaotic orbits in the Rössler type- and the double scroll type-attractor can be stabilized on several unstable periodic orbits embedded within these attractors.

  • The Hyper Hospital--A Networked Reality Based Medical Care System--

    Takami YAMAGUCHI  Nobuyasu FURUTA  Kuniharu SHINDO  Tomoaki HAYASAKA  Hisako IGARASHI  Jun NORITAKE  Kiyoyuki YAMAZAKI  Atsuya YOSHIDA  


    E77-D No:12

    In the modern hospital, the physical or chemical therapeutic procedure is regarded as paramount and psychological or spiritual care is quite frequently put aside. The goal of the Hyper Hospital" is to correct this. The Hyper Hospital is constructed in the computer based electronic network using an alternate reality system, such as the virtual reality system, as the human-machine-human interface. The nodes of the Hyper Hospital belong to a patient and also to a variety of medical care facilities; for example, the out patient office, the nursing care center, the medical examination unit, the operating theater, etc. The Hyper Hospital space consists of various kind of spaces including the alternate reality space owned and exclusively controlled by the patient himself or herself, and even the real space as well. Most of the physical contact, such as the visit to the out patient office by the patient, is actualized by the electronic connection of the patient private space and the public space of the hospital system. Prescription drugs, special care, and even the admission to the ward will be integrated into the distributed electronic network. To realize such a system, we need to solve many problems, such as the research on the network oriented architecture of the alternate reality, the development of human-machine interface particularly fitted to various disabilites, the study of the behavior of normal and diseased people, etc. The concept of the Hyper Hospital we are proposing is believed to be a new paradigm of the next generation of medical care.

  • Neural Networks for Digital Sequential Circuits

    Hiroshi NINOMIYA  Hideki ASAI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E77-A No:12

    In this letter an SR-latch circuit using Hopfield neural networks is introduced. An energy function suited for a neural SR-latch circuit is defined for which the global convergence is guaranteed. We also demonstrate how to compose master-slave (M/S) SR- and JK-flip flops of novel SR-latch circuits, and further an asynchronous binary counter of M/S JK-flip flops. Computer simulations are included to illustrate how each presented circuit operates.

  • Virtual Playground and Communication Environments for Children

    Michitaka HIROSE  Masaaki TANIGUCHI  Yoshiyuki NAKAGAKI  Kenji NIHEI  


    E77-D No:12

    We have developed a Virtual Playground," which allows various activities such as virtual playground and virtual visiting areas for hospitalized children who can not usually go outside. A Virtual Playground system is composed of TV monitors, joysticks, cameras, video transmission devices, and a graphics workstation. In a Virtual Playground environment, children can experience what is impossible or difficult during their stay in a hospital. We have completed a couple of experiments already and discussed its effects.* In our recent work, we also introduced a simple version of the Cave display to the Virtual Playground system.

  • A Reduced Scan Shift Method for Sequential Circuit Testing

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Seiji KAJIHARA  Kozo KINOSHITA  


    E77-A No:12

    This paper presents a method, called reduced scan shift, which generates short test sequences for full scan circuits. In this method, scan shift operations can be reduced, i.e., not all but part of flip-flops (FFs) are controlled and observed. This method, unlike partial scan methods, does not decrease fault coverage. In the reduced scan shift, test vectors for the combinational part of a circuit are fistly generated. Since short test sequence will be obtained from the small test vectors set, test compaction techniques are used in the test vector generation. For each test vector in the obtained test set, it is found which FFs should be controlled or observed. And then a scan chain is configured so that FFs more frequently required to be controlled (observed) can be located close to the scan input (output). After the scan chain is configured, the scan shift requirement is examined for the essential faults of each test vector. Essential fault is defined to be a fault which is detected by only one test vector but not other test vectors. The order of test vectors is carefully determined by comparing the scan control requirement of a test vector with the scan observation requirement of another test vector so that unnecessary scan shift operations only for controlling or observing FFs can be reduced. A method of determining the order of test vectors with state transition is additionally described. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by the experimental results for benchmark circuits.

  • InterSpace: Networked Virtual World for Visual Communication



    E77-D No:12

    The many-user networked virtual world system InterSpace" is described. This system's main purpose is to enhance the user's communication activities. In InterSpace, the real world information is embedded in the shared virtual world as a combination of video and CG images. Users can ovserve and access this information by simply looking and approaching embedded images. The concept of InterSpace and a prototype system of this service are introduced.

  • A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Displays

    Paul MILGRAM  Fumio KISHINO  


    E77-D No:12

    This paper focuses on Mixed Reality (MR) visual displays, a particular subset of Virtual Reality (VR) related technologies that involve the merging of real and virtual worlds somewhere along the virtuality continuum" which connects completely real environments to completely virtual ones. Probably the best known of these is Augmented Reality (AR), which refers to all cases in which the display of an otherwise real environment is augmented by means of virtual (computer graphic) objects. The converse case on the virtuality continuum is therefore Augmented Virtuality (AV). Six classes of hybrid MR display environments are identified. However, an attempt to distinguish these classes on the basis of whether they are primarily video or computer graphics based, whether the real world is viewed directly or via some electronic display medium, whether the viewer is intended to feel part of the world or on the outside looking in, and whether or not the scale of the display is intended to map orthoscopically onto the real world leads to quite different groupings among the six identified classes, thereby demonstrating the need for an efficient taxonomy, or classification framework, according to which essential differences can be identified. The obvious' distinction between the terms real" and virtual" is shown to have a number of different aspects, depending on whether one is dealing with real or virtual objects, real or virtual images, and direct or non-direct viewing of these. An (approximately) three dimensional taxonomy is proposed, comprising the following dimensions: Extent of World Knowledge (how much do we know about the world being displayed?"), Reproduction Fidelity (how realistically' are we able to display it?"), and Extent of Presence Metaphor (what is the extent of the illusion that the observer is present within that world?").
