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  • Coupling-Driven Data Bus Encoding for SoC Video Architectures

    Luca FANUCCI  Riccardo LOCATELLI  Andrea MINGHI  

    PAPER-System Level Design

    E87-A No:12

    This paper presents the definition and implementation design of a low power data bus encoding scheme dedicated to system on chip video architectures. Trends in CMOS technologies focus the attention on the energy consumption issue related to on-chip global communication; this is especially true for data dominated applications such as video processing. Taking into account scaling effects a novel coupling-aware bus power model is used to investigate the statistical properties of video data collected in the system bus of a reference hardware/software H.263/MPEG-4 video coder architecture. The results of this analysis and the low complexity requirements drive the definition of a bus encoding scheme called CDSPBI (Coupling Driven Separated Partial Bus Invert), optimized ad-hoc for video data. A VLSI implementation of the coding circuits completes the work with an area/delay/power characterization that shows the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in terms of global power saving for a small circuit area overhead.

  • Dynamic Sleep Control for Finite-State-Machines to Reduce Active Leakage Power

    Kimiyoshi USAMI  Hiroshi YOSHIOKA  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis

    E87-A No:12

    Leakage power is predicted to become dominant in the total operation power as the transistor technology gets advanced. Even in the current technology, dramatic increase of leakage power at elevated temperature is a big problem. Burn-in testing, which is typically performed at 125, is facing at difficulties such as throughput degradation or thermal runaway due to increase of leakage power. Reducing leakage power at operation time is essential to solve these problems. We propose a novel approach to make use of an enable signal of a gated-clock technique for reducing active leakage power. A sleep transistor is provided between combinational logic circuits and the ground, and is controlled by the enable signal. When state transitions do not occur in Finite-State-Machines (FSM's), the enable signal becomes low and the state flip-flops keep the data. At the same time, the sleep transistor is turned off so that combinational logic gates are electrically disconnected from the ground to reduce leakage. Simulation results have shown that the proposed scheme reduces active leakage power by 30-60% in 0.18 µm technology. The total power was reduced by 20% at the maximum at 125. It was also found that performance degradation was tolerable for burn-in testing.

  • Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Excitation Characterisation of Lanthanide and Group III tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) Molecules

    Pratik DESAI  Martin SOMERTON  Richard J. CURRY  William P. GILLIN  


    E87-C No:12

    Time resolved photoluminescence measurements of lanthanide and group III metal chelates of 8-hydroxyquinoline (Q) have been performed as a function of temperature and excitation wavelength. For the lanthanide complexes it has been shown that either singlet or triplet luminescence can be observed depending on the excitation wavelength. Lifetime measurements of these emissions show that competing non-radiative paths are very important in the performance of these molecules. For ErQ we have shown that it is the singlet state that couples most efficiently to the ion. Radiative lifetime measurements of the ion emission show relatively short lifetimes that are indicative of quenching mechanisms. For the group III metal chelates at room temperature the luminescence is dominated by the singlet emission but at 80 K there is evidence that triplet emission can occur when the molecule is excited at long wavelengths. Luminescence lifetime measurements of the emission from the lanthanide ions: erbium, neodymium and ytterbium all show effective lifetimes of the order of microseconds which is very fast compared to the lifetimes of the free ions. Using excitation directly into the lanthanide ion (e.g.980 nm excitation for erbium) and via the organic ligands (400 nm excitation) we have seen that there are no changes in the emission lifetimes and hence the exciton transfer from the ligand to the lanthanide ion is not a rate limiting step.

  • Proactive Load Control Scheme at Mobility Anchor Point in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Networks

    Sangheon PACK  Byoungwook LEE  Yanghee CHOI  

    PAPER-Protocols, Applications and Services

    E87-D No:12

    In IP-based mobile networks, a few of mobility agents (e.g., home agent, foreign agent, etc.) are used for mobility management. Recently, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) was proposed to reduce signaling overhead and handoff latency occurred in Mobile IPv6. In HMIPv6, a new mobility agent, called mobility anchor point (MAP), is deployed in order to handle binding update procedures locally. However, the MAP can be a single point of performance bottleneck when there are a lot of mobile node (MNs) performing frequent local movements. This is because the MAP takes binding update procedures as well as data packet tunneling. Therefore, it is required to control the number of MNs serviced by a single MAP. In this paper, we propose a load control scheme at the MAP utilizing an admission control algorithm. We name the proposed load control scheme proactive load control scheme to distinct from the existing load control schemes in cellular networks. In terms of admission control, we use the cutoff priority scheme. We develop Markov chain models for the proactive load control scheme and evaluate the ongoing MN dropping and the new MN blocking probabilities. As a result, the proactive load control scheme can reduce the ongoing MN dropping probability while keeping the new MN blocking probability to a reasonable level.

  • A Design Scheme for Delay Testing of Controllers Using State Transition Information

    Tsuyoshi IWAGAKI  Satoshi OHTAKE  Hideo FUJIWARA  


    E87-A No:12

    This paper presents a non-scan design scheme to enhance delay fault testability of controllers. In this scheme, we utilize a given state transition graph (STG) to test delay faults in its synthesized controller. The original behavior of the STG is used during test application. For faults that cannot be detected by using the original behavior, we design an extra logic, called an invalid test state and transition generator, to make those faults detectable. Our scheme allows achieving short test application time and at-speed testing. We show the effectiveness of our method by experiments.

  • Test Architecture Optimization for System-on-a-Chip under Floorplanning Constraints

    Makoto SUGIHARA  Kazuaki MURAKAMI  Yusuke MATSUNAGA  


    E87-A No:12

    In this paper, a test architecture optimization for system-on-a-chip under floorplanning constraints is proposed. The models of previous test architecture optimizations were too ideal to be applied to industrial SOCs. To make matters worse, they couldn't treat topological locality of cores, that is, floorplanning constraints. The optimization proposed in this paper can avoid long wires for TAMs in consideration of floorplanning constraints and finish optimizing test architectures within reasonable computation time.

  • On Multiple-Voltage High-Level Synthesis Using Algorithmic Transformations

    Lan-Rong DUNG  Hsueh-Chih YANG  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis

    E87-A No:12

    This paper presents a multiple-voltage high-level synthesis approach for low power DSP applications using algorithmic transformation techniques. Our approach is motivated by maximization of task mobilities in that the increase of mobilities may raise the possibility of assigning tasks to low-voltage components. The mobility means the ability to schedule the starting time of a task. It is defined as the distance between its as-late-as-possible (ALAP) schedule time and its as-soon-as-possible (ASAP) schedule time. To earn task mobilities, we use loop shrinking, retiming and unfolding techniques. The loop shrinking can first reduce the iteration period bound (IPB) and, then, the others are employed for shortening the iteration period (IP) as much as possible. The minimization of IP results in high task mobilities. Finally, we can assign tasks with high mobilities to low-voltage components and, thus, minimize energy under resource and latency constraints. With considering the overhead of level conversion, our approach can achieve significant power reduction. In the case of the third-order IIR filter, the proposed approach can save up to 40.2% of power consumption.

  • A High Performance Question-Answering System Based on a Two-Pass Answer Indexing and Lexico-Syntactic Pattern Matching

    Harksoo KIM  Jungyun SEO  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E87-D No:12

    To implement a fast and reliable question-answering system in Korean, we propose a two-pass answer indexer using co-occurrence information between answer candidates and adjacent content words. The two-pass indexer scans documents twice for obtaining local scores and global scores. Then, the two-pass indexer calculates the degrees of association between answer candidates and co-occurring content words. Using this technique, the proposed QA system shortens the response time and enhances the precision.

  • Theoretical Analysis of Relationships between Resonator Coupling Coefficient and Phase Noise in Microwave Negative-Resistance Oscillators

    Ken'ichi HOSOYA  Shin'ichi TANAKA  Kazuhiko HONJO  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E87-C No:12

    A new analytical approach which reveals relationships between resonator parameters (unloaded Q-factor, coupling coefficient, and loaded Q-factor) and phase noise in microwave negative-resistance oscillators is presented. On the basis of Kurokawa's theory, this approach derives analytical expressions for the phase noise as a function of the resonator parameters (with particular emphasis on the coupling coefficient). Two types of negative-resistance oscillators--classified according to the manner in which the resonator is used in a circuit--are analyzed. These analyses use realistic circuit configurations and design procedures. The passive network connecting the active device and the resonator, which is shown to have important effects on the above-mentioned relationship, is taken into account. Validity of the new approach is verified through harmonic-balance simulations. The presented analytical approach can provide useful guidelines for choosing the resonator parameters, especially the value of the coupling coefficient, when designing microwave negative-resistance oscillators.

  • A Resonant Slit-Type Probe for Millimeter-Wave Scanning Near-Field Microscopy

    Tatsuo NOZOKIDO  Tomohiro OHBAYASHI  Jongsuck BAE  Koji MIZUNO  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E87-C No:12

    A resonant slit-type probe is proposed in this paper that can improve measurement sensitivity in millimeter-wave scanning near-field microscopy. The probe consists of a rectangular metal waveguide incorporating the following three sections; a straight section at the tip of the probe whose height is much smaller than the operating wavelength; a standard-height waveguide section; a quarter-wave transformer section to achieve impedance-matching between the other sections. The design procedure used for the probe is presented in detail and the performance of the fabricated resonant probe is evaluated experimentally. Experiments performed at U-band frequencies in which we reconstruct 2D images show that the sensitivity of the resonant probe is improved by more than four times compared with a conventional tapered slit-type probe. Some experimental results are compared with those obtained using the finite element method (Ansoft HFSS). Good agreement is demonstrated.

  • A New Feature Extraction for Iris Identification Using Scale-Space Filtering Technique

    Jinil HONG  Woo Suk YANG  Dongmin KIM  Young-Ju KIM  


    E87-A No:12

    In this paper, we introduce a new technology to extract the unique features from an iris image, which uses scale-space filtering. Resulting iris code can be used to develop a system for rapid and automatic human identification with high reliability and confidence levels. First, an iris part is separated from the whole image and the radius and center of the iris are evaluated. Next, the regions that have a high possibility of being noise are discriminated and the features presented in the highly detailed pattern are then extracted. In order to conserve the original signal while minimizing the effect of noise, scale-space filtering is applied. Experiments are performed using a set of 272 iris images taken from 18 persons. Test results show that the iris feature patterns of different persons are clearly discriminated from those of the same person.

  • Optimal Proxy Placement for Coordinated En-Route Transcoding Proxy Caching

    Keqiu LI  Hong SHEN  

    PAPER-Internet Systems

    E87-D No:12

    As audio and video applications have proliferated on the Internet, transcoding proxy caching has been considered as an important technique for improving network performance, especially for mobile networks. Due to several new emerging factors in the transcoding proxy, existing methods for proxy placement for web caching cannot be simply applied to solve the problem of proxy placement for transcoding proxy caching. This paper addresses the problem of proxy placement for coordinated en-route transcoding proxy caching for tree networks. We propose a model for this problem by including the new emerging factors in the transcoding proxy and present optimal solutions for this problem with/without constraints on the number of transcoding proxies using dynamic programming. Finally, we implement our algorithm and evaluate our model on various performance metrics through extensive simulation experiments. The implementation results show that our model outperforms the existing model for transcoding proxy placement for linear topology, as well as the random proxy placement model. The average improvements of our model over the other models are about 7.2 percent and 21.4 percent in terms of all the performance metrics considered.

  • An Effective Re-marking Scheme for Diffserv AF Service through Multiple Domains

    Shoichi MOTOHISA  Hiroyuki FUKUOKA  Ken-ichi BABA  Shinji SHIMOJO  

    PAPER-Protocols, Applications and Services

    E87-D No:12

    AF service class in Diffserv by realizes minimum bandwidth guarantee with the use of differentiated drop precedence property marked on each packet. In the context of a multiple domains environment, however, QoS of individual flow is not always preserved due to the re-marking behavior forced at the domain boundaries. Focusing on this point, this paper proposes new packet re-marking schemes that can improve the per-flow QoS of AF service traversing multiple domains. The basic concept of the schemes distinguishes packets re-marked to out-of-profile at the domain boundaries from those already marked as out-of-profile at the time of entering the network, and allows the re-marked packet to recover back to in-of-profile, thus regaining its rightful QoS within the networks. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated through simulation. The results on UDP flows show the effectiveness of the proposed schemes for reducing packet losses on the flow through multiple domains and preserving fairness between flows. Simulations on TCP flows show that the proposed schemes improve the throughput of the flows through multiple domains. The proposed scheme is especially effective on the transfer time of short TCP flows such as Web traffic, whose throughput is affected more seriously by a single packet loss due to its flow control mechanisms.

  • Transient and Steady-State Photocurrent in an Emissive Layer of Green Electrophosphorescent Devices

    Noriyuki MATSUSUE  Satoshi IKAME  Yuichiro SUZUKI  Hiroyoshi NAITO  

    PAPER-Characterization and Abilities of Organic Electronic Devices

    E87-C No:12

    Charge carrier generation, transport, and exciton diffusion in f ac tris(2-phenylpyridine)iridium(III) Ir(ppy)3 doped in 4,4'-N,N'-dicarbazole-biphenel (CBP) thin films, an emissive layer of green electrophosphorescent devices, have been studied in terms of time-of-flight (TOF) transient photocurrent, steady-state photocurrent and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies. It is found that the excitation energy rapidly transfer from CBP to Ir(ppy)3, and that the charge carriers are generated on Ir(ppy)3 sites. With increasing Ir(ppy)3 concentration, the electron drift mobility is slightly decreased, while the hole transit signals become unobservable. The electron and hole transport properties of Ir(ppy)3 doped CBP thin films result from the energy levels of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital and the highest occupied molecular orbital of Ir(ppy)3 with respect to those of CBP. From steady-state photocurrent measurement, the diffusion lengths of 3.5% and 7.0% Ir(ppy)3 doped CBP thin films are determined to be 21 nm and 50 nm, respectively.

  • A Simple Minimum Rate Supporting Scheduler for High Speed Downlink Packet Access

    Dong Seung KWON  Dongwoo KIM  Han-Kyu PARK  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E87-B No:12

    A simple Minimum Rate Supporting Scheduler (MRSS) is proposed for HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access). MRSS guides the user selection in order to provide, if any, a prespecified minimum rate for each user. The simulation results show that MRSS successfully supports to keep the minimum rate up to fairly high traffic load, where existing methods fail, with tolerable degradation in throughput.

  • Fabrication and Characteristics of Low-Molecular Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Employed by Wet-Process

    Yuichi HINO  Hirotake KAJII  Yutaka OHMORI  

    PAPER-Characterization and Abilities of Organic Electronic Devices

    E87-C No:12

    We have demonstrated improvement in the efficiency of TDAPB-based OLEDs. The external quantum efficiency of 8.2% and a power efficiency of 17.3 lm/W were achieved. The results suggest that using the starburst small-molecule TDAPB allows for easy fabrication and is effective for achieving high efficiencies in simple device structures.

  • Promotion of Multiparty Conference in Collaborative Virtual Environments

    Kentaro FUKUI  Kensaku HONDA  Kenichi OKADA  


    E87-D No:12

    Currently, multi-party video conference does not provide equivalent quality in comparison to face-to-face conference. One assumed reason is that participants cannot be aware of "who is focusing on whom". We introduce virtual space to a multi-party conference system, allocating avatars in a space. We also introduce intuitive input interface using motion processor in order to construct a multi-party conference system, which the user can use without being aware of it. A new displaying method is essential for this system, and we introduce a way by which a user can obtain the feedback of which user he/she is focusing on. We introduce e-MulCS as the system that fulfils these proposals. By comparing this system with the video conference system, the results show that our system supports the intuitive multi-party communication better.

  • Hierarchical Multi-Chip Architecture for High Capacity Scalability of Fully Parallel Hamming-Distance Associative Memories

    Yusuke OIKE  Makoto IKEDA  Kunihiro ASADA  


    E87-C No:11

    In this paper, we present a hierarchical multi-chip architecture which employs fully digital and word-parallel associative memories based on Hamming distance. High capacity scalability is critically important for associative memories since the required database capacity depends on the various applications. A multi-chip structure is most efficient for the capacity scalability as well as the standard memories, however, it is difficult for the conventional nearest-match associative memories. The present digital implementation is capable of detecting all the template data in order of the exact Hamming distance. Therefore, a hierarchical multi-chip structure is simply realized by using extra register buffers and an inter-chip pipelined priority decision circuit hierarchically embedded in multiple chips. It achieves fully chip- and word-parallel Hamming distance search with no throughput decrease, additional clock latency of O(log P), and inter-chip wires of O(P) in a P-chip structure. The feasibility of the architecture and circuit implementation has been demonstrated by post-layout simulations. The performance has been also estimated based on measurement results of a single-chip implementation.

  • A Low-Power High-Frequency CMOS Current-Mirror Sinusoidal Quadrature Oscillator


    PAPER-Analog Signal Processing

    E87-A No:11

    A low-power high-frequency sinusoidal quadrature oscillator is presented through a new RC technique using only CMOS current mirrors. The technique is relatively simple based on (1) internal capacitances of CMOS current mirrors and (2) a resistor of a CMOS current mirror for a negative resistance. Neither external capacitances nor inductances are required. As a particular example, a 2.4 GHz-0.4 mW, 0.325-fT, CMOS sinusoidal quadrature oscillator has been demonstrated. The power consumption is very low at approximately 0.4 mW. Total harmonic distortions (THD) are less than 0.3%. The oscillation frequency is current-tunable over a range of 540 MHz or 22%. The amplitude matching and the quadrature phase matching are better than 0.035 dB and 0.15, respectively. A figure of merit called a normalized carrier-to-noise ratio (CNRnorm) is 158.79 dBc/Hz at the 2 MHz offset from 2.46 GHz. Comparisons to other approaches are also presented.

  • Real-Time Measurement of a Viewer's Position to Evaluate a Stereoscopic LED Display with a Parallax Barrier

    Shinya MATSUMOTO  Hirotsugu YAMAMOTO  Yoshio HAYASAKI  Nobuo NISHIDA  


    E87-C No:11

    Our goal is to realize an extra-large stereoscopic display in the open air for use by the general public. We have developed a stereoscopic large display by use of a full-color LED panel. Although the developed display enables viewers to view the stereoscopic images without any special glasses, it is necessary for the viewers to move to stand within the viewing areas. Movements of the viewers are considered to depend on arrangements of viewing areas. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the movements of viewers who watch different designs of stereoscopic LED displays with a parallax barrier, including conventional designs to provide multiple perspective images and designs to eliminate pseudoscopic viewing areas, and evaluate the performance of different viewing areas based on the obtained paths of the viewers. We have developed a real-time measurement system of a viewer's position by use of a camera on the ceiling. We have recorded the viewing movements caused by the shift of viewing areas. It was found that the viewers moved to stand on orthoscopic viewing positions. The movements of viewers who move to find a viewing area have been recorded with different designs of stereoscopic LED displays that provide different viewing areas. We have calculated the lateral moving time of the viewers'movements. It is shown that the elimination of pseudoscopic viewing areas reduces the lateral moving time. Thus, the real-time measurement system of a viewer's position has been utilized for evaluation of performance of the different designs of stereoscopic LED displays.
