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  • Privacy-Aware Best-Balanced Multilingual Communication

    Mondheera PITUXCOOSUVARN  Takao NAKAGUCHI  Donghui LIN  Toru ISHIDA  


    E103-D No:6

    In machine translation (MT) mediated human-to-human communication, it is not an easy task to select the languages and translation services to be used as the users have various language backgrounds and skills. Our previous work introduced the best-balanced machine translation mechanism (BBMT) to automatically select the languages and translation services so as to equalize the language barriers of participants and to guarantee their equal opportunities in joining conversations. To assign proper languages to be used, however, the mechanism needs information of the participants' language skills, typically participants' language test scores. Since it is important to keep test score confidential, as well as other sensitive information, this paper introduces agents, which exchange encrypted information, and secure computation to ensure that agents can select the languages and translation services without destroying privacy. Our contribution is to introduce a multi-agent system with secure computation that can protect the privacy of users in multilingual communication. To our best knowledge, it is the first attempt to introduce multi-agent systems and secure computing to this area. The key idea is to model interactions among agents who deal with user's sensitive data, and to distribute calculation tasks to three different types of agents, together with data encryption, so no agent is able to access or recover participants' score.

  • On Irreducibility of the Stream Version of Asymmetric Binary Systems

    Hiroshi FUJISAKI  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E103-A No:5

    The interval in ℕ composed of finite states of the stream version of asymmetric binary systems (ABS) is irreducible if it admits an irreducible finite-state Markov chain. We say that the stream version of ABS is irreducible if its interval is irreducible. Duda gave a necessary condition for the interval to be irreducible. For a probability vector (p,1-p), we assume that p is irrational. Then, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the interval to be irreducible. The obtained conditions imply that, for a sufficiently small ε, if p∈(1/2,1/2+ε), then the stream version of ABS could not be practically irreducible.

  • A Retrieval Method for 3D CAD Assembly Models Using 3D Radon Transform and Spherical Harmonic Transform

    Kaoru KATAYAMA  Takashi HIRASHIMA  


    E103-D No:5

    We present a retrieval method for 3D CAD assemblies consisted of multiple components. The proposed method distinguishes not only shapes of 3D CAD assemblies but also layouts of their components. Similarity between two assemblies is computed from feature quantities of the components constituting the assemblies. In order to make the similarity robust to translation and rotation of an assembly in 3D space, we use the 3D Radon transform and the spherical harmonic transform. We show that this method has better retrieval precision and efficiency than targets for comparison by experimental evaluation.

  • Enhanced Secure Transmission for Indoor Visible Light Communications

    Sheng-Hong LIN  Jin-Yuan WANG  Ying XU  Jianxin DAI  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E103-D No:5

    This letter investigates the secure transmission improvement scheme for indoor visible light communications (VLC) by using the protected zone. Firstly, the system model is established. For the input signal, the non-negativity and the dimmable average optical intensity constraint are considered. Based on the system model, the secrecy capacity for VLC without considering the protected zone is obtained. After that, the protected zone is determined, and the construction of the protected zone is also provided. Finally, the secrecy capacity for VLC with the protected zone is derived. Numerical results show that the secure performance of VLC improves dramatically by employing the protected zone.

  • Data Hiding in Computer-Generated Stained Glass Images and Its Applications to Information Protection

    Shi-Chei HUNG  Da-Chun WU  Wen-Hsiang TSAI  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E103-D No:4

    The two issues of art image creation and data hiding are integrated into one and solved by a single approach in this study. An automatic method for generating a new type of computer art, called stained glass image, which imitates the stained-glass window picture, is proposed. The method is based on the use of a tree structure for region growing to construct the art image. Also proposed is a data hiding method which utilizes a general feature of the tree structure, namely, number of tree nodes, to encode the data to be embedded. The method can be modified for uses in three information protection applications, namely, covert communication, watermarking, and image authentication. Besides the artistic stego-image content which may distract the hacker's attention to the hidden data, data security is also considered by randomizing both the input data and the seed locations for region growing, yielding a stego-image which is robust against the hacker's attacks. Good experimental results proving the feasibility of the proposed methods are also included.

  • A True Random Number Generator Method Embedded in Wireless Communication Systems

    Toshinori SUZUKI  Masahiro KAMINAGA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:4

    To increase the number of wireless devices such as mobile or IoT terminals, cryptosystems are essential for secure communications. In this regard, random number generation is crucial because the appropriate function of cryptosystems relies on it to work properly. This paper proposes a true random number generator (TRNG) method capable of working in wireless communication systems. By embedding a TRNG in such systems, no additional analog circuits are required and working conditions can be limited as long as wireless communication systems are functioning properly, making TRNG method cost-effective. We also present some theoretical background and considerations. We next conduct experimental verification, which strongly supports the viability of the proposed method.

  • Effective Area Enlarged Photonic Crystal Fiber with Quasi-Uniform Air-Hole Structure for High Power Transmission

    Takashi MATSUI  Kyozo TSUJIKAWA  Takehisa OKUDA  Nobutomo HANZAWA  Yuto SAGAE  Kazuhide NAKAJIMA  Yasuyuki FUJIYA  Kazuyuki SHIRAKI  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications

    E103-B No:4

    We investigate the potential of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) to realize high quality and high-power transmission. We utilize the PCF with a quasi-uniform air-hole structure, and numerically clarify that the quasi-uniform PCF can realize the effective area (Aeff) of about 500µm2 with bending loss comparable with that of a conventional single-mode fiber for telecom use by considering the quasi single-mode transmission. We then apply the quasi-uniform PCF to kW-class high-power beam delivery for the single-mode laser processing. The cross-sectional design of the PCF with the high-power delivery potential of more than 300kW·m is numerically and experimentally revealed. A 10kW single-mode beam at 1070nm is successfully delivered over a 30m-long optical fiber cable containing a fabricated PCF with single-mode class beam quality of M2 =1.7 for the first time.

  • Latch-Up Immune Bi-Direction ESD Protection Clamp for Push-Pull RF Power Amplifier

    Yibo JIANG  Hui BI  Wei ZHAO  Chen SHI  Xiaolei WANG  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E103-C No:4

    For the RF power amplifier, its exposed input and output are susceptible to damage from Electrostatic (ESD) damage. The bi-direction protection is required at the input in push-pull operating mode. In this paper, considering the process compatibility to the power amplifier, cascaded Grounded-gate NMOS (ggNMOS) and Polysilicon diodes (PDIO) are stacked together to form an ESD clamp with forward and reverse protection. Through Transmission line pulse (TLP) and CV measurements, the clamp is demonstrated as latch-up immune and low parasitic capacitance bi-direction ESD protection, with 18.67/17.34V holding voltage (Vhold), 4.6/3.2kV ESD protection voltage (VESD), 0.401/0.415pF parasitic capacitance (CESD) on forward and reverse direction, respectively.

  • Theoretical Estimation of Lunar Soil Reflection Coefficients in Radiofrequency Communication Bands

    Francisco J. GARCIA-DE-QUIROS  Gianmarco RADICE  José A. CARRASCO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:3

    When considering the deployment of a radio communications network, the study of multipath interference and its impact on the quality of signal reception is of the outmost importance in order to meet the necessary performance requirements. This work considers specifically the case of the lunar surface as the mission scenario for a community of autonomous mobile exploration robots, which communicate through a radiofrequency network to accomplish their mission. In this application, the low height of the mobile robots makes the influence of multipath interference effects on the performance of the radio communication channel relevant. However, no specific information about lunar soil reflection coefficients characteristics is available for radiofrequency communication bands. This work reviews the literature on the electrical parameter of Lunar soil. From this base, the reflection coefficients are estimated for the assumed radio profile in different communications frequency bands. Finally, the results obtained are discussed.

  • On Performance of Deep Learning for Harmonic Spur Cancellation in OFDM Systems

    Ziming HE  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E103-A No:2

    In this letter, the performance of a state-of-the-art deep learning (DL) algorithm in [5] is analyzed and evaluated for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) receivers, in the presence of harmonic spur interference. Moreover, a novel spur cancellation receiver structure and algorithm are proposed to enhance the traditional OFDM receivers, and serve as a performance benchmark for the DL algorithm. It is found that the DL algorithm outperforms the traditional algorithm and is much more robust to spur carrier frequency offset.

  • Distributed Subgradient Method for Constrained Convex Optimization with Quantized and Event-Triggered Communication

    Naoki HAYASHI  Kazuyuki ISHIKAWA  Shigemasa TAKAI  


    E103-A No:2

    In this paper, we propose a distributed subgradient-based method over quantized and event-triggered communication networks for constrained convex optimization. In the proposed method, each agent sends the quantized state to the neighbor agents only at its trigger times through the dynamic encoding and decoding scheme. After the quantized and event-triggered information exchanges, each agent locally updates its state by a consensus-based subgradient algorithm. We show a sufficient condition for convergence under summability conditions of a diminishing step-size.

  • Resource and Network Management Framework for a Large-Scale Satellite Communications System Open Access

    Yuma ABE  Masaki OGURA  Hiroyuki TSUJI  Amane MIURA  Shuichi ADACHI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E103-A No:2

    Satellite communications (SATCOM) systems play important roles in wireless communication systems. In the future, they will be required to accommodate rapidly increasing communication requests from various types of users. Therefore, we propose a framework for efficient resource management in large-scale SATCOM systems that integrate multiple satellites. Such systems contain hundreds of thousands of communication satellites, user terminals, and gateway stations; thus, our proposed framework enables simpler and more reliable communication between users and satellites. To manage and control this system efficiently, we formulate an optimization problem that designs the network structure and allocates communication resources for a large-scale SATCOM system. In this mixed integer programming problem, we allow the cost function to be a combination of various factors so that SATCOM operators can design the network according to their individual management strategies. These factors include the total allocated bandwidth to users, the number of satellites and gateway stations to be used, and the number of total satellite handovers. Our numerical simulations show that the proposed management strategy outperforms a conventional strategy in which a user can connect to only one specific satellite determined in advance. Furthermore, we determine the effect of the number of satellites in the system on overall system performance.

  • Distributed Observer over Delayed Sensor Networks for Systems with Unknown Inputs



    E103-A No:2

    In this paper, we consider the design problem of an unknown-input observer for distributed network systems under the existence of communication delays. In the proposed method, each node estimates all states and calculates inputs from its own estimate. It is assumed that the controller of each node is given by an observer-based controller. When calculating each node, the input values of the other nodes cannot be utilized. Therefore, each node calculates alternative inputs instead of the unknown inputs of the other nodes. The alternative inputs are generated by own estimate based on the feedback controller of the other nodes given by the assumption. Each node utilizes these values instead of the unknown inputs when calculating the estimation and delay compensation. The stability of the estimation error of the proposed observer is proven by a Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional. The stability condition is given by a linear matrix inequality (LMI). Finally, the result of a numerical simulation is shown to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Proposal of Instantaneous Power-Line Frequency Synchronized Superimposed Chart for Communications Quality Evaluation of broadband PLC System Open Access

    Kenji KITA  Hiroshi GOTOH  Hiroyasu ISHIKAWA  Hideyuki SHINONAGA  


    E103-B No:1

    Power line communications (PLC) is a communication technology that uses a power-line as a transmission medium. Previous studies have shown that connecting an AC adapter such as a mobile phone charger to the power-line affects signal quality. Therefore, in this paper, the authors analyze the influence of chargers on inter-computer communications using packet capture to evaluate communications quality. The analysis results indicate the occurrence of a short duration in which packets are not detected once in a half period of the power-line supply: named communication forbidden time. For visualizing the communication forbidden time and for evaluating the communications quality of the inter-computer communications using PLC, the authors propose an instantaneous power-line frequency synchronized superimposed chart and its plotting algorithm. Further, in order to analyze accurately, the position of the communication forbidden time can be changed by altering the initial burst signal plotting position. The difference in the chart, which occurs when the plotting start position changes, is also discussed. We show analysis examples using the chart for a test bed data assumed an ideal environment, and show the effectiveness of the chart for analyzing PLC inter-computer communications.

  • Visible Light V2V Communication and Ranging System Prototypes Using Spread Spectrum Techniques Open Access

    Akira John SUZUKI  Masahiro YAMAMOTO  Kiyoshi MIZUI  


    E103-A No:1

    There is currently much interest in the development of Optic Wireless and Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems in the ITS field. Research in VLC and boomerang systems in particular often remain at a theoretical or computer-simulated level. This paper reports the 3-stage development of a boomerang prototype communication and ranging system using visible light V2V communication via LEDs and photodiodes, with direct-sequence spread spectrum techniques. The system uses simple and widely available components aiming for a low-cost frugal innovation approach. Results show that while we have to improve the prototype distance measurement unit due to a margin of error, simultaneous communication and ranging is possible with our newly designed prototype. The benefits of further research and development of boomerang technology prototypes are confirmed.

  • Efficient Supergraph Search Using Graph Coding

    Shun IMAI  Akihiro INOKUCHI  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E103-D No:1

    This paper proposes a method for searching for graphs in the database which are contained as subgraphs by a given query. In the proposed method, the search index does not require any knowledge of the query set or the frequent subgraph patterns. In conventional techniques, enumerating and selecting frequent subgraph patterns is computationally expensive, and the distribution of the query set must be known in advance. Subsequent changes to the query set require the frequent patterns to be selected again and the index to be reconstructed. The proposed method overcomes these difficulties through graph coding, using a tree structured index that contains infrequent subgraph patterns in the shallow part of the tree. By traversing this code tree, we are able to rapidly determine whether multiple graphs in the database contain subgraphs that match the query, producing a powerful pruning or filtering effect. Furthermore, the filtering and verification steps of the graph search can be conducted concurrently, rather than requiring separate algorithms. As the proposed method does not require the frequent subgraph patterns and the query set, it is significantly faster than previous techniques; this independence from the query set also means that there is no need to reconstruct the search index when the query set changes. A series of experiments using a real-world dataset demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method, achieving a search speed several orders of magnitude faster than the previous best.

  • Blind Detection Algorithm Based on Spectrum Sharing and Coexistence for Machine-to-Machine Communication

    Yun ZHANG  Bingrui LI  Shujuan YU  Meisheng ZHAO  

    PAPER-Analog Signal Processing

    E103-A No:1

    In this paper, we propose a new scheme which uses blind detection algorithm for recovering the conventional user signal in a system which the sporadic machine-to-machine (M2M) communication share the same spectrum with the conventional user. Compressive sensing techniques are used to estimate the M2M devices signals. Based on the Hopfield neural network (HNN), the blind detection algorithm is used to recover the conventional user signal. The simulation results show that the conventional user signal can be effectively restored under an unknown channel. Compared with the existing methods, such as using the training sequence to estimate the channel in advance, the blind detection algorithm used in this paper with no need for identifying the channel, and can directly detect the transmitted signal blindly.

  • Free Space Optical Turbo Coded Communication System with Hybrid PPM-OOK Signaling

    Ran SUN  Hiromasa HABUCHI  Yusuke KOZAWA  


    E103-A No:1

    For high transmission efficiency, good modulation schemes are expected. This paper focuses on the enhancement of the modulation scheme of free space optical turbo coded system. A free space optical turbo coded system using a new signaling scheme called hybrid PPM-OOK signaling (HPOS) is proposed and investigated. The theoretical formula of the bit error rate of the uncoded HPOS system is derived. The effective information rate performances (i.e. channel capacity) of the proposed HPOS turbo coded system are evaluated through computer simulation in free space optical channel, with weak, moderate, strong scintillation. The performance of the proposed HPOS turbo coded system is compared with those of the conventional OOK (On-Off Keying) turbo coded system and BPPM (Binary Pulse Position Modulation) turbo coded system. As results, the proposed HPOS turbo coded system shows the same tolerance capability to background noise and atmospheric turbulence as the conventional BPPM turbo coded system, and it has 1.5 times larger capacity.

  • An FPGA-Based Change-Point Detection for 10Gbps Packet Stream Open Access


    PAPER-Computer System

    E102-D No:12

    In statistical analysis and data mining, change-point detection that identifies the change-points which are times when the probability distribution of time series changes has been used for various purposes, such as anomaly detections on network traffic and transaction data. However, computation cost of a conventional AR (Auto-Regression) model based approach is too high and infeasible for online. In this paper, an AR model based online change-point detection algorithm, called ChangeFinder, is implemented on an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) based NIC (Network Interface Card). The proposed system computes the change-point score from time series data received from 10GbE (10Gbit Ethernet). More specifically, it computes the change-point score at the 10GbE NIC in advance of host applications. It can find change-points on single or multiple streams using a context memory. This paper aims to reduce the host workload and improve change-point detection performance by offloading ChangeFinder algorithm from host to the NIC. As evaluations, change-point detection in the FPGA NIC is compared with a baseline software implementation and those enhanced by two network optimization techniques using DPDK and Netfilter in terms of throughput. The result demonstrates 16.8x improvement in change-point detection throughput compared to the baseline software implementation. It is corresponding to the 10GbE line rate. Performance and area overheads when supporting multiple streams are also evaluated.

  • Frequency Efficient Subcarrier Spacing in Multicarrier Backscatter Sensors System Open Access

    Jin MITSUGI  Yuki SATO  Yuusuke KAWAKITA  Haruhisa ICHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:12

    Backscatter wireless communications offer advantages such as batteryless operations, small form factor, and radio regulatory exemption sensors. The major challenge ahead of backscatter wireless communications is synchronized multicarrier data collection, which can be realized by rejecting mutual harmonics among backscatters. This paper analyzes the mutual interferences of digitally modulated multicarrier backscatter to find interferences from higher frequency subcarriers to lower frequency subcarriers, which do not take place in analog modulated multicarrier backscatters, is harmful for densely populated subcarriers. This reverse interference distorts the harmonics replica, deteriorating the performance of the existing method, which rejects mutual interference among subcarriers by 5dB processing gain. To solve this problem, this paper analyzes the relationship between subcarrier spacing and reverse interference, and reveals that an alternate channel spacing, with channel separation twice the bandwidth of a subcarrier, can provide reasonably dense subcarrier allocation and can alleviate reverse interference. The idea is examined with prototype sensors in a wired experiment and in an indoor propagation experiment. The results reveal that with alternate channel spacing, the reverse interference practically becomes negligible, and the existing interference rejection method achieves the original processing gain of 5dB with one hundredth packet error rate reduction.
