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  • Detecting Contours in Image Sequences

    Kenji NAGAO  Masaki SOHMA  Katsura KAWAKAMI  Shigeru ANDO  


    E76-D No:10

    This paper describes a new algorithm for finding the contours of a moving object in an image sequence. A distinctive feature of this algorithm is its complete bottom-up strategy from image data to a consistent contour description. In our algorithm, an input image sequence is immediately converted to a complete set of quasi logical spatio-temporal measures on each pixel, which provide constraints on varying brightness. Then, candidate regions in which to localize the contour are bounded based on consistent grouping among neighboring measures. This reduces drastically the ambiguity of contour location. Finally, Some mid-level constraints on spatial and temporal smoothness of moving boundaries are invoked, and they are combined with these low-level measures in the candidate regions. This is performed efficiently by the regularization over the restricted trajectory of the moving boundary in the candidate regions. Since any quantity is dimensionless, the results are not affected by varying conditions of camera and objects. We examine the efficiency of this algorithm through several experiments on real NTSC motion pictures with dynamic background and natulal textures.

  • Test Generation for Sequential Circits Using Partitioned Image Computation

    Hoyong CHOI  Hironori MAEDA  Takashi KOHARA  Nagisa ISHIURA  Isao SHIRAKAWA  Akira MOTOHARA  


    E76-A No:10

    This letter presents an algorithm named SPM which generates test patterns for single stuck-at faults in synchronous sequential circuits based on a product machine traversal method. The new idea presented in this letter is partitioned image computation combined with a mixed breadth-first/depth-first search. Image computation is carried out in partitioned manner by substituting constant logical values to some input variables. This brings about significant reduction in storage requirement during image computation. A test generator based on SPM achieved 100% fault efficiency for the ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits with not more than 32 flip-flops.

  • A Parallel Scheduling of Multi-Step Diakoptics for Three Dimensional Finite Differece Method

    Kazuhiro MOTEGI  Shigeyoshi WATANABE  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Self-Validation

    E76-A No:10

    Many simulators in several fields use the finite difference method and they must solve the large sparse linear equations related. Particularly, if we use the direct solution method because of the convergency problem, it is necessary to adopt a method that can reduce the CPU time greatly. The Multi-Step Diakoptics (MSD) method is proposed as a parallel computation method with a direct solution which is based on Diakoptics, that is, a tearing-based parallel computation method for the sparse linear equations. We have applied the MSD algorithm for one, two and three dimensional finite difference methods. We require a parallel schedule that automatically partitions the desired object's region for study, assigns the processor elements to the partitioned regions according to the MSD method, and controls communications among the processor elements. This paper describes a parallel scheduling that was extended from a one dimensional case to a three dimensional case for the MSD method, and the evaluation of the algorithm using a massively parallel computer with distribuled memory(AP1000).

  • An Integrated Voice and Data Transmission System with Idle Signal Multiple Access--Static Analysis--

    Gang WU  Kaiji MUKUMOTO  Akira FUKUDA  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E76-B No:9

    Corresponding to the development of B-ISDN, integrated services for data, voice, etc. are imperatively required for the so called third generation wireless communication networks. In this paper, I-ISMA (Idle Signal Multiple Access for Integrated services) is proposed to transmit integrated voice and data traffic from dispersed terminals to a base station. In the system, data packets and the first packets of talkspurts of conversational speeches are transmitted using ISMA protocol over a shared channel while subsequent packets of talkspurts are sent with time reservation technique. The channel capacity of I-ISMA is evaluated and compared with that of PRMA. The region in which I-ISMA has larger capacity than PRMA is figured out. Generally speaking, I-ISMA has larger capacity than PRMA when the duration for transmitting and detecting an idle signal is not too long and the channel is not too congested by the reserved voice transmissions. When we concern real time voice transmission, delay is one of the most important performance measures. Only is a qualitative discussion on delay performance given here. The quantitative evaluation is obtained by the dynamic analysis in our succeeding paper.

  • Performance Analysis of Fiber-Optic Millimeter-Wave Band Radio Subscriber Loop

    Hiroshi HARADA  Hee-Jin LEE  Shozo KOMAKI  Norihiko MORINAGA  

    PAPER-System and Network Matters

    E76-B No:9

    This paper proposes a new subscriber distribution method called FTTA (Fiber To The Area), which uses millimeter-wave radio band to connect subscribers with base station and optical fiber to connect base station with control station in order to obtain broad-band transmission. Usually two main causes of signal degradation, i.e., rainfall attenuation on radio channel and intermodulation distortion on optical channel are considered in this system. Taking into considerations of these two factors, we analyze the available capacity of FTTA system for various 22nQAM modulation levels. The analysis clarifies that there exists an optimum modulation level that can maxize the available capacity, and AGC circuit in the base station is useful to compensate the rainfall attenuation. It is shown that 18.0Gbps is available under the optimum modulation method of the 64QAM with AGC and 12.0Gbps under the 16QAM without AGC when 20 carriers are used.

  • A Fast Automatic Fingerprint Identification Method Based on a Weighted-Mean of Binary Image

    Yu HE  Ryuji KOHNO  Hideki IMAI  


    E76-A No:9

    This paper first proposes a fast fingerprint identification method based on a weighted-mean of binary image, and further investigates optimization of the weights. The proposed method uses less computer memory than the conventional pattern matching method, and takes less computation time than both the feature extraction method and the pattern matching method. It is particularly effective on the fingerprints with a small angle of inclination. In order to improve the identification precision of the proposed basic method, three schemes of modifying the proposed basic method are also proposed. The performance of the proposed basic method and its modified schemes is evaluated by theoretical analysis and computer experiment using the fingerprint images recorded from a fingerprint read-in device. The numerical results showed that the proposed method using the modified schemes can improve both the true acceptance rate and the false rejection rate with less memory and complexity in comparison with the conventional pattern matching method and the feature extraction method.

  • Single b-Bit Byte Error Correcting and Double Bit Error Detecting Codes for High-Speed Memory Systems

    Eiji FUJIWARA  Mitsuru HAMADA  


    E76-A No:9

    This paper proposes new design methods for single b-bit (b2) byte error correcting and double bit error detecting code, called SbEC-DED code, suitable for high-speed memory systems using byte organized RAM chips. This new type of byte error control code is practical from the viewpoint of having less redundancy and stronger error control capability than the existing ones. A code design method using elements from a coset of subfield under addition gives the practical SbEC-DED code with 64 information bits and 4-bit byte length which has the same check-bit length, 12 bits, as that of the Hamming single byte error correcting code. This also has very high error detection capabilities of random double byte errors and of random triple bit errors.

  • A New Neural Network Algorithm with the Orthogonal Optimized Parameters to Solve the Optimal Problems

    Dao Heng YU  Jiyou JIA  Shinsaku MORI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:9

    In this paper, a definitce relation between the TSP's optimal solution and the attracting region in the parameters space of TSP's energy function is discovered. An many attracting region relating to the global optimal solution for TSP is founded. Then a neural network algorithm with the optimized parameters by using Orthogonal Array Table Method is proposed and used to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) for 30, 31 and 300 cities and Map-coloring Problem (MCP). These results are very satisfactory.

  • A Method of Managing Perfectly-Balanced Trees for Solving Quickly the Nearest Point Problems

    Hisashi SUZUKI  Suguru ARIMOTO  


    E76-A No:9

    Let U denote a set comprising elements called "keys." The goal of the nearest point problem is to search quickly for a key among some keys x1 , xn that is the nearest to a reference key x under a partial order relation defined as (x, y) (x, z) for x, y, zU if d(x, y)d(x, z) given a wide-sense distance measure d. This article proposes a method of rearranging x1 , xn into a binary perfectly-balanced tree for solving quickly the nearest point problems. Further, computational performances of the proposed method are evaluated experimentally.

  • Novel Channel Structures for High Frequency InP-Based HTEFs

    Takatomo ENOKI  Kunihiro ARAI  Tatsushi AKAZAKI  Yasunobu ISHII  


    E76-C No:9

    We discuss delay times derived from the current gain cutoff frequency of a heterostructure field effect transistor and describe three types of novel channel structures for millimeter-wave InP-based HFETs. The first structure discussed is a lattice-matched InGaAs HEMT with high state-of-the art performance. The second structure is an InAs-inserted InGaAs HEMT which harnesses the superior transport properties of InAs. Fabricated devices show high electron mobility of 12,800 cm2/Vs and high transconductance over 1.4 S/mm for a 0.6-µm-gate length. The effective saturation velocity in the device derived from the current gain cutoff frequency in 3.0107 cm/s. The third one is an InGaAs/InP double-channel HFET that utilizes the superior transport properties of InP at a high electric field. Fabricated double-channel devices show kink-free characteristics, high carrier density of 4.51012 cm-2 and high transconductance of 1.3 S/mm for a 0.6-µm-gate length. The estimated effective saturation velocity in these devices is 4.2107 cm/s. Also included is a discussion of the current gain cutoff frequency of ultra-short channel devices.

  • Some Ideas of Modulation Systems for Quantum Communications

    Masao OSAKI  Masao NAKAGAWA  


    E76-A No:9

    A coherent communication system using squeezed light is one of candidates for a realization of super-reliable systems. In order to design such a system, it is essential to understand and to analyze modulators mathematically. However, quantum noise of squeezed light has a colored spectrum which changes with respect to phase of a local laser. Therefore the optimization of the relationship between signal and quantum noise spectrums is required at a modulator to obtain the ultimate performance of the communication system. In this paper, some ideas of modulators for squeezed light are proposed and their spectrum transformations are given. After the brief summary of squeezed quantum noise, a new concept which originates from the restriction of the local laser phase is applied to it. This concept makes a problem originated from a colored quantum noise spectrum more serious. It results in the optimization problem for the relationship between the quantum noise spectrum and signal power spectrum. The solution of this problem is also given under the restriction of local laser phase. As a result, a general design theory for coherent communication system using the squeezed light is given.

  • A Fiber-Optic Passive Double Star Network for Microcellular Radio Communication Systems Applications

    Kiyomi KUMOZAKI  

    PAPER-System and Network Matters

    E76-B No:9

    Fiber-optic passive double star (PDS) network is described as an access network for microcellular radio communication systems. The intrinsic characteristics of the PDS network, reduction in the optical fiber count and flexible access capability, are examined. A unit cell structure is introduced which enables the PDS network to be effectively incorporated into the access portion of microcellular radio communication systems. The reduced total fiber length in the unit cell structure based on the PDS network is discussed in comparison with the conventional architecture. Calculations show that there is an optimum splitting ratio that minimizes the total fiber length. When the microcell radius and service area radius are 100m and 10km, respectively, the total fiber length of the PDS network is reduced to only about 9% of that of the conventional single star (SS) network for a splitting ratio of 34. Resource sharing and handover between microcells in a unit cell are performed by using the dynamic channel allocation function of the PDS system. Substantial performance improvement for loaded traffic can be obtained by resource sharing. When the splitting ratio is 32, the available traffic of a base station (BS) increases from 0.9 [erl/BS] to 3.4 [erl/BS] by adopting dynamic channel allocation for the lost call probability of 0.01.

  • Compaction of Test Sets for Combinational Circuits Based on Symbolic Fault Simulation

    Hiroyuki HIGUCHI  Nagisa ISHIURA  Shuzo YAJIMA  


    E76-D No:9

    Since the time required for testing logic circuits is proportional to the number of test vectors, the size of test sets as well as test generation time is one of the most important factors to be considered in test generation. The size of test sets becomes an essential issue, especially for scan designed circuits, because of the need to shift a test vector serially into the scan path. In this paper, we propose new methods of generating compact test sets to detect al the irredundant single stuck-at faults in combinational circuits. The proposed algorithms calculate a test function for each fault which corresponds to the set of all test vectors for the fault and generate a compact test set by analyzing the test functions. The analysis is based on finding a test vector which detects the largest number of remaining faults. Since our methods select a test vector among all the test vectors, represented by a test function, for a target fault, smaller test sets can be generated, in general, than that by conventional test set compaction methods. The experimental results show that the size of test sets generated by our method is about one-third as large as that without compaction.

  • Some Properties of Partial Autocorrelation of Binary M-Sequences

    Satoshi UEHARA  Kyoki IMAMURA  


    E76-A No:9

    The value distribution of the partial autocorrelation of periodic sequences is important for the evaluation of the sequence performances when sequences of long period are used. But it is difficult to find the exact value distribution of the autocorrelation in general. Therefore we derived some properties of the partial autocorrelation for binary m-sequences which may be used to find the exact value distribution.

  • Effects of Air Gaps on Butt-Joints between Isotropic and Anisotropic Planar Waveguides

    Masashi HOTTA  Masahiro GESHIRO  Katsuaki KANOH  Haruo KANETAKE  


    E76-C No:8

    Power transmission properties are investigated for a butt-joint which contains an air gap between an isotropic planar waveguide and an anisotropic one whose optical axis is lying in the plane defined by the propagation axis and the normal of the waveguide surface. New transmission coefficients are introduced for estimating the optical-power which is launched out into the gap from the incoming waveguide. Wave propagation through the gap is analyzed on the basis of the BPM concept. And the power transmitted across the interface between the gap and the outgoing waveguide is evaluated by means of the overlap integral of the field profiles. The effects of the air gap and the refractive index of filling liquid as well as axial displacement and angular misalignment are discussed on the basis of numerical results.

  • Dependence of CMOS/SIMOX Inverter Delay Time on Gate Overlap Capacitance

    Takakuni DOUSEKI  Kazuo AOYAMA  Yasuhisa OMURA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E76-C No:8

    This paper describes the dependence of the delay time of a CMOS/SIMOX inverter on the gate-overlap capacitance. An analytical delay-time equation for the CMOS/SIMOX inverter, which includes the gate-overlap capacitance, is derived. This equation shows that the feed-forward effect dominates the characteristics of inverters with a small fanout. The validity of the delay-time equation is confirmed by the comparison to experimental measurements of 0.4-µm CMOS/SIMOX devices. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis shows that it is very important to reduce the gate-drain overlap capacitance for fabricating high-speed scaled-down CMOS/SIMOX devices.

  • Possibility of Phonon-Assistance on Electronic Transport and the Cooper Pairing in Oxide Superconductors

    Ryozo AOKI  Hironaru MURAKAMI  Tetsuro NAKAMURA  


    E76-C No:8

    The Cooper pairing interaction in high Tc oxide superconductor is discussed in terms of an empirical expression; TcDexp[1/g], gcωo which was derived in our previous investigation. The dual character of this expression consisting of the phonon Debye temperature D and electronic excitation ωo in the mid-infrared region can be interpreted on the basis of the phonon-assisted mechanism on carrier conduction and the electronic excitation. A tunneling spectrum here presented shows certain evidence of the phonon contribution. The characteristics of the long range superconductive proximity phenomena recently reported are also may be interpreted by this mechanism.

  • Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum over Measured Indoor Radio Channels

    Mitchell CHASE  Kaveh PAHLAVAN  


    E76-B No:8

    Indoor radio communications is an important component of the emerging personal communication systems service. It is also the basis for wireless local area networks. The indoor radio channel is characterized by fading multipaths as well as noise. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), with its inherent resistance to multipath interference is an attractive technique for this environment. To allow multiple users within the limited bandwidths available, code division multiple access is needed. This paper analyzes the performance of a DSSS scheme employing random orthogonal codes over fading multipath indoor radio channels using actual channel measurements from five different locations. A RAKE receiver is used to study the effects of power control, code length and receiver structure. The average probability of error as a function of signal-to-noise ratio or as a function of the number of simultaneous transmitters is used as the performance criteria.

  • An Adaptive FIR Filtering Using Acoustic Charge Transport Device with Bypass Digital Filter

    Kazuhiro MIYAZU  Douglas JONES  

    LETTER-Adaptive Signal Processing

    E76-A No:8

    An adaptive signal processing using Acoustic Charge Transport device, which has great potential for processing very wide band signals in real time, is investigated. It shows that adaptive system for signals of bandwidth from dc up to 500 MHz can be implemented in real time.

  • Meaning of Maximum and Mean-Square Cross-Correlation as a Performance Measure for CDMA Code Families and Their Influence on System Capacity

    Kari H. A. KÄRKKÄINEN  


    E76-B No:8

    It is concluded from numerical examples for the well-known linear PN sequence families of a large range of periods that the mean-square cross-correlation value between sequences is the dominating parameter to the average signal-to-noise power ratio performance of an asynchronous direct-sequence (DS) code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system. The performance parameters derived by Pursley and Sarwate are used for numerical evaluation and the validity of conclusion is supported by reviewing the other related works. The mean-square periodic cross-correlation takes the equal value p (code period) for the known CDMA code families. The equal mean-square cross-correlation performance results from the basic results of coding theory.
