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  • Comparing Performance of Hierarchical Identity-Based Signature Schemes

    Peixin CHEN  Yilun WU  Jinshu SU  Xiaofeng WANG  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E99-D No:12

    The key escrow problem and high computational cost are the two major problems that hinder the wider adoption of hierarchical identity-based signature (HIBS) scheme. HIBS schemes with either escrow-free (EF) or online/offline (OO) model have been proved secure in our previous work. However, there is no much EF or OO scheme that has been evaluated experimentally. In this letter, several EF/OO HIBS schemes are considered. We study the algorithmic complexity of the schemes both theoretically and experimentally. Scheme performance and practicability of EF and OO models are discussed.

  • Adaptive Sidelobe Cancellation Technique for Atmospheric Radars Containing Arrays with Nonuniform Gain


    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:12

    The design and performance evaluation is presented of a partially adaptive array that suppresses clutter from low elevation angles in atmospheric radar observations. The norm-constrained and directionally constrained minimization of power (NC-DCMP) algorithm has been widely used to suppress clutter in atmospheric radars, because it can limit the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss to a designated amount, which is the most important design factor for atmospheric radars. To suppress clutter from low elevation angles, adding supplemental antennas that have high response to the incoming directions of clutter has been considered to be more efficient than to divide uniformly the high-gain main array. However, the proper handling of the gain differences of main and sub-arrays has not been well studied. We performed numerical simulations to show that using the proper gain weighting, the sub-array configuration has better clutter suppression capability per unit SNR loss than the uniformly divided arrays of the same size. The method developed is also applied to an actual observation dataset from the MU radar at Shigaraki, Japan. The properly gain-weighted NC-DCMP algorithm suppresses the ground clutter sufficiently with an average SNR loss of about 1 dB less than that of the uniform-gain configuration.

  • Blind Identification of Multichannel Systems Based on Sparse Bayesian Learning

    Kai ZHANG  Hongyi YU  Yunpeng HU  Zhixiang SHEN  Siyu TAO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:12

    Reliable wireless communication often requires accurate knowledge of the underlying multipath channels. Numerous measurement campaigns have shown that physical multipath channels tend to exhibit a sparse structure. Conventional blind channel identification (BCI) strategies such as the least squares, which are known to be optimal under the assumption of rich multipath channels, are ill-suited to exploiting the inherent sparse nature of multipath channels. Recently, l1-norm regularized least-squares-type approaches have been proposed to address this problem with a single parameter governing all coefficients, which is equivalent to maximum a posteriori probability estimation with a Laplacian prior for the channel coefficients. Since Laplace prior is not conjugate to the Gaussian likelihood, no closed form of Bayesian inference is possible. Following a different approach, this paper deals with blind channel identification of a single-input multiple-output (SIMO) system based on sparse Bayesian learning (SBL). The inherent sparse nature of wireless multipath channels is exploited by incorporating a transformative cross relation formulation into a general Bayesian framework, in which the filter coefficients are governed by independent scalar parameters. A fast iterative Bayesian inference method is then applied to the proposed model for obtaining sparse solutions, which completely eliminates the need for computationally costly parameter fine tuning, which is necessary in the l1-norm regularization method. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the superior effectiveness of the proposed channel estimation algorithm over the conventional least squares (LS) scheme as well as the l1-norm regularization method. It is shown that the proposed algorithm exhibits superior estimation performance compared to both LS and l1-norm regularization methods.

  • Non-Native Text-to-Speech Preserving Speaker Individuality Based on Partial Correction of Prosodic and Phonetic Characteristics

    Yuji OSHIMA  Shinnosuke TAKAMICHI  Tomoki TODA  Graham NEUBIG  Sakriani SAKTI  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-D No:12

    This paper presents a novel non-native speech synthesis technique that preserves the individuality of a non-native speaker. Cross-lingual speech synthesis based on voice conversion or Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based speech synthesis is a technique to synthesize foreign language speech using a target speaker's natural speech uttered in his/her mother tongue. Although the technique holds promise to improve a wide variety of applications, it tends to cause degradation of target speaker's individuality in synthetic speech compared to intra-lingual speech synthesis. This paper proposes a new approach to speech synthesis that preserves speaker individuality by using non-native speech spoken by the target speaker. Although the use of non-native speech makes it possible to preserve the speaker individuality in the synthesized target speech, naturalness is significantly degraded as the synthesized speech waveform is directly affected by unnatural prosody and pronunciation often caused by differences in the linguistic systems of the source and target languages. To improve naturalness while preserving speaker individuality, we propose (1) a prosody correction method based on model adaptation, and (2) a phonetic correction method based on spectrum replacement for unvoiced consonants. The experimental results using English speech uttered by native Japanese speakers demonstrate that (1) the proposed methods are capable of significantly improving naturalness while preserving the speaker individuality in synthetic speech, and (2) the proposed methods also improve intelligibility as confirmed by a dictation test.

  • Fully Parallelized LZW Decompression for CUDA-Enabled GPUs

    Shunji FUNASAKA  Koji NAKANO  Yasuaki ITO  

    PAPER-GPU computing

    E99-D No:12

    The main contribution of this paper is to present a work-optimal parallel algorithm for LZW decompression and to implement it in a CUDA-enabled GPU. Since sequential LZW decompression creates a dictionary table by reading codes in a compressed file one by one, it is not easy to parallelize it. We first present a work-optimal parallel LZW decompression algorithm on the CREW-PRAM (Concurrent-Read Exclusive-Write Parallel Random Access Machine), which is a standard theoretical parallel computing model with a shared memory. We then go on to present an efficient implementation of this parallel algorithm on a GPU. The experimental results show that our GPU implementation performs LZW decompression in 1.15 milliseconds for a gray scale TIFF image with 4096×3072 pixels stored in the global memory of GeForce GTX 980. On the other hand, sequential LZW decompression for the same image stored in the main memory of Intel Core i7 CPU takes 50.1 milliseconds. Thus, our parallel LZW decompression on the global memory of the GPU is 43.6 times faster than a sequential LZW decompression on the main memory of the CPU for this image. To show the applicability of our GPU implementation for LZW decompression, we evaluated the SSD-GPU data loading time for three scenarios. The experimental results show that the scenario using our LZW decompression on the GPU is faster than the others.

  • A Feasibility Study of DSP-Enabled Cancellation of Random Phase Noise Caused by Optical Coherent Transceivers in Next-Generation Optical Access Systems

    Sang-Yuep KIM  Jun-ichi KANI  Hideaki KIMURA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E99-B No:12

    This paper presents a scheme that digitally cancels the unwanted phase components generated by the transmitter's laser and the receiver's local oscillator laser; such components place a substantial limit on the performance of coherent transceivers monolithically integrated with lasers in a photonic integrated circuit (PIC). Our cancellation proposal adopts the orthogonal polarization approach to provide a reference that is uncorrelated with the data signal. We elaborate on the principle of our proposal and its digital signal processing (DSP) algorithm. Experiments on a VCSEL with a linewidth of approximately 300MHz verify that our proposal can overcome the inherent phase noise limitations indicated by simulations and experiments. Our cancellation algorithm in conjunction with CMA-based polarization control is demonstrated and evaluated to confirm the feasibility of our proposal. The achievement of greatly relaxed laser linewidth will offer a significant benefit in offsetting the technical and cost requirements of coherent transceiver PICs with lasers. Therefore, our cancellation proposal is an enabling technology for the successful deployment of future coherent-based passive optical network (PON) systems.

  • Linear Programming Decoding of Binary Linear Codes for Symbol-Pair Read Channel

    Shunsuke HORII  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory and Techniques

    E99-A No:12

    In this study, we develop a new algorithm for decoding binary linear codes for symbol-pair read channels. The symbol-pair read channel was recently introduced by Cassuto and Blaum to model channels with higher write resolutions than read resolutions. The proposed decoding algorithm is based on linear programming (LP). For LDPC codes, the proposed algorithm runs in time polynomial in the codeword length. It is proved that the proposed LP decoder has the maximum-likelihood (ML) certificate property, i.e., the output of the decoder is guaranteed to be the ML codeword when it is integral. We also introduce the fractional pair distance dfp of the code, which is a lower bound on the minimum pair distance. It is proved that the proposed LP decoder corrects up to ⌈dfp/2⌉-1 errors.

  • Algebraic Decoding of BCH Codes over Symbol-Pair Read Channels: Cases of Two-Pair and Three-Pair Error Correction

    Makoto TAKITA  Masanori HIROTOMO  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Coding Theory and Techniques

    E99-A No:12

    In this paper, we discuss an algebraic decoding of BCH codes over symbol-pair read channels. The channels output overlapping pairs of symbols in storage applications. The pair distance and pair error are used in the channels. We define a polynomial that represents the positions of the pair errors as the error-locator polynomials and a polynomial that represents the positions of the pairs of a received pair vector in conflict as conflict-locator polynomial. In this paper, we propose algebraic methods for correcting two-pair and three-pair errors for BCH codes. First, we show the relation between the error-locator polynomials and the conflict-locator polynomial. Second, we show the relation among these polynomials and the syndromes. Finally, we provide how to correct the pair errors by solving equations including the relational expression by algebraic methods.

  • RFS: An LSM-Tree-Based File System for Enhanced Microdata Performance

    Lixin WANG  Yutong LU  Wei ZHANG  Yan LEI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E99-D No:12

    File system workloads are increasing write-heavy. The growing capacity of RAM in modern nodes allows many reads to be satisfied from memory while writes must be persisted to disk. Today's sophisticated local file systems like Ext4, XFS and Btrfs optimize for reads but suffer from workloads dominated by microdata (including metadata and tiny files). In this paper we present an LSM-tree-based file system, RFS, which aims to take advantages of the write optimization of LSM-tree to provide enhanced microdata performance, while offering matching performance for large files. RFS incrementally partitions the namespace into several metadata columns on a per-directory basis, preserving disk locality for directories and reducing the write amplification of LSM-trees. A write-ordered log-structured layout is used to store small files efficiently, rather than embedding the contents of small files into inodes. We also propose an optimization of global bloom filters for efficient point lookups. Experiments show our library version of RFS can handle microwrite-intensive workloads 2-10 times faster than existing solutions such as Ext4, Btrfs and XFS.

  • An Efficient Algorithm of Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Multi-Objective Task Assignment

    Nannan QIAO  Jiali YOU  Yiqiang SHENG  Jinlin WANG  Haojiang DENG  

    PAPER-Distributed system

    E99-D No:12

    In this paper, a discrete particle swarm optimization method is proposed to solve the multi-objective task assignment problem in distributed environment. The objectives of optimization include the makespan for task execution and the budget caused by resource occupation. A two-stage approach is designed as follows. In the first stage, several artificial particles are added into the initialized swarm to guide the search direction. In the second stage, we redefine the operators of the discrete PSO to implement addition, subtraction and multiplication. Besides, a fuzzy-cost-based elite selection is used to improve the computational efficiency. Evaluation shows that the proposed algorithm achieves Pareto improvement in comparison to the state-of-the-art algorithms.

  • Logic-Path-and-Clock-Path-Aware At-Speed Scan Test Generation

    Fuqiang LI  Xiaoqing WEN  Kohei MIYASE  Stefan HOLST  Seiji KAJIHARA  


    E99-A No:12

    Excessive IR-drop in capture mode during at-speed scan testing may cause timing errors for defect-free circuits, resulting in undue test yield loss. Previous solutions for achieving capture-power-safety adjust the switching activity around logic paths, especially long sensitized paths, in order to reduce the impact of IR-drop. However, those solutions ignore the impact of IR-drop on clock paths, namely test clock stretch; as a result, they cannot accurately achieve capture-power-safety. This paper proposes a novel scheme, called LP-CP-aware ATPG, for generating high-quality capture-power-safe at-speed scan test vectors by taking into consideration the switching activity around both logic and clock paths. This scheme features (1) LP-CP-aware path classification for characterizing long sensitized paths by considering the IR-drop impact on both logic and clock paths; (2) LP-CP-aware X-restoration for obtaining more effective X-bits by backtracing from both logic and clock paths; (3) LP-CP-aware X-filling for using different strategies according to the positions of X-bits in test cubes. Experimental results on large benchmark circuits demonstrate the advantages of LP-CP-aware ATPG, which can more accurately achieve capture-power-safety without significant test vector count inflation and test quality loss.

  • Enhancing Entropy Throttling: New Classes of Injection Control in Interconnection Networks

    Takashi YOKOTA  Kanemitsu OOTSU  Takeshi OHKAWA  

    PAPER-Interconnection network

    E99-D No:12

    State-of-the-art parallel computers, which are growing in parallelism, require a lot of things in their interconnection networks. Although wide spectrum of efforts in research and development for effective and practical interconnection networks are reported, the problem is still open. One of the largest issues is congestion control that intends to maximize the network performance in terms of throughput and latency. Throttling, or injection limitation, is one of the center ideas of congestion control. We have proposed a new class of throttling method, Entropy Throttling, whose foundation is entropy concept of packets. The throttling method is successful in part, however, its potentials are not sufficiently discussed. This paper aims at exploiting capabilities of the Entropy Throttling method via comprehensive evaluation. Major contributions of this paper are to introduce two ideas of hysteresis function and guard time and also to clarify wide performance characteristics in steady and unsteady communication situations. By introducing the new ideas, we extend the Entropy throttling method. The extended methods improve communication performance at most 3.17 times in the best case and 1.47 times in average compared with non-throttling cases in collective communication, while the method can sustain steady communication performance.

  • A Bipartite Graph-Based Ranking Approach to Query Subtopics Diversification Focused on Word Embedding Features

    Md Zia ULLAH  Masaki AONO  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E99-D No:12

    Web search queries are usually vague, ambiguous, or tend to have multiple intents. Users have different search intents while issuing the same query. Understanding the intents through mining subtopics underlying a query has gained much interest in recent years. Query suggestions provided by search engines hold some intents of the original query, however, suggested queries are often noisy and contain a group of alternative queries with similar meaning. Therefore, identifying the subtopics covering possible intents behind a query is a formidable task. Moreover, both the query and subtopics are short in length, it is challenging to estimate the similarity between a pair of short texts and rank them accordingly. In this paper, we propose a method for mining and ranking subtopics where we introduce multiple semantic and content-aware features, a bipartite graph-based ranking (BGR) method, and a similarity function for short texts. Given a query, we aggregate the suggested queries from search engines as candidate subtopics and estimate the relevance of them with the given query based on word embedding and content-aware features by modeling a bipartite graph. To estimate the similarity between two short texts, we propose a Jensen-Shannon divergence based similarity function through the probability distributions of the terms in the top retrieved documents from a search engine. A diversified ranked list of subtopics covering possible intents of a query is assembled by balancing the relevance and novelty. We experimented and evaluated our method on the NTCIR-10 INTENT-2 and NTCIR-12 IMINE-2 subtopic mining test collections. Our proposed method outperforms the baselines, known related methods, and the official participants of the INTENT-2 and IMINE-2 competitions.

  • A Bayesian Approach to Image Recognition Based on Separable Lattice Hidden Markov Models

    Kei SAWADA  Akira TAMAMORI  Kei HASHIMOTO  Yoshihiko NANKAKU  Keiichi TOKUDA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:12

    This paper proposes a Bayesian approach to image recognition based on separable lattice hidden Markov models (SL-HMMs). The geometric variations of the object to be recognized, e.g., size, location, and rotation, are an essential problem in image recognition. SL-HMMs, which have been proposed to reduce the effect of geometric variations, can perform elastic matching both horizontally and vertically. This makes it possible to model not only invariances to the size and location of the object but also nonlinear warping in both dimensions. The maximum likelihood (ML) method has been used in training SL-HMMs. However, in some image recognition tasks, it is difficult to acquire sufficient training data, and the ML method suffers from the over-fitting problem when there is insufficient training data. This study aims to accurately estimate SL-HMMs using the maximum a posteriori (MAP) and variational Bayesian (VB) methods. The MAP and VB methods can utilize prior distributions representing useful prior information, and the VB method is expected to obtain high generalization ability by marginalization of model parameters. Furthermore, to overcome the local maximum problem in the MAP and VB methods, the deterministic annealing expectation maximization algorithm is applied for training SL-HMMs. Face recognition experiments performed on the XM2VTS database indicated that the proposed method offers significantly improved image recognition performance. Additionally, comparative experiment results showed that the proposed method was more robust to geometric variations than convolutional neural networks.

  • Hardware-Trojans Rank: Quantitative Evaluation of Security Threats at Gate-Level Netlists by Pattern Matching

    Masaru OYA  Noritaka YAMASHITA  Toshihiko OKAMURA  Yukiyasu TSUNOO  Masao YANAGISAWA  Nozomu TOGAWA  


    E99-A No:12

    Since digital ICs are often designed and fabricated by third parties at any phases today, we must eliminate risks that malicious attackers may implement Hardware Trojans (HTs) on them. In particular, they can easily insert HTs during design phase. This paper proposes an HT rank which is a new quantitative analysis criterion against HTs at gate-level netlists. We have carefully analyzed all the gate-level netlists in Trust-HUB benchmark suite and found out several Trojan net features in them. Then we design the three types of Trojan points: feature point, count point, and location point. By assigning these points to every net and summing up them, we have the maximum Trojan point in a gate-level netlist. This point gives our HT rank. The HT rank can be calculated just by net features and we do not perform any logic simulation nor random test. When all the gate-level netlists in Trust-HUB, ISCAS85, ISCAS89 and ITC99 benchmark suites as well as several OpenCores designs, HT-free and HT-inserted AES netlists are ranked by our HT rank, we can completely distinguish HT-inserted ones (which HT rank is ten or more) from HT-free ones (which HT rank is nine or less). The HT rank is the world-first quantitative criterion which distinguishes HT-inserted netlists from HT-free ones in all the gate-level netlists in Trust-HUB, ISCAS85, ISCAS89, and ITC99.

  • A Fast Mask Manufacturability and Process Variation Aware OPC Algorithm with Exploiting a Novel Intensity Estimation Model

    Ahmed AWAD  Atsushi TAKAHASHI  Chikaaki KODAMA  


    E99-A No:12

    With being pushed into sub-16nm regime, advanced technology nodes printing in optical micro-lithography relies heavily on aggressive Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) in the foreseeable future. Although acceptable pattern fidelity is utilized under process variations, mask design time and mask manufacturability form crucial parameters whose tackling in the OPC recipe is highly demanded by the industry. In this paper, we propose an intensity based OPC algorithm to find a highly manufacturable mask solution for a target pattern with acceptable pattern fidelity under process variations within a short computation time. This is achieved through utilizing a fast intensity estimation model in which intensity is numerically correlated with local mask density and kernel type to estimate the intensity in a short time and with acceptable estimation accuracy. This estimated intensity is used to guide feature shifting, alignment, and concatenation following linearly interpolated variational intensity error model to achieve high mask manufacturability with preserving acceptable pattern fidelity under process variations. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm on the public benchmarks.

  • Time Delay Estimation via Co-Prime Aliased Sparse FFT

    Bei ZHAO  Chen CHENG  Zhenguo MA  Feng YU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E99-A No:12

    Cross correlation is a general way to estimate time delay of arrival (TDOA), with a computational complexity of O(n log n) using fast Fourier transform. However, since only one spike is required for time delay estimation, complexity can be further reduced. Guided by Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), this paper presents a new approach called Co-prime Aliased Sparse FFT (CASFFT) in O(n1-1/d log n) multiplications and O(mn) additions, where m is smooth factor and d is stage number. By adjusting these parameters, it can achieve a balance between runtime and noise robustness. Furthermore, it has clear advantage in parallelism and runtime for a large range of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions. The accuracy and feasibility of this algorithm is analyzed in theory and verified by experiment.

  • Efficient Multiplication Based on Dickson Bases over Any Finite Fields

    Sun-Mi PARK  Ku-Young CHANG  Dowon HONG  Changho SEO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E99-A No:11

    We propose subquadratic space complexity multipliers for any finite field $mathbb{F}_{q^n}$ over the base field $mathbb{F}_q$ using the Dickson basis, where q is a prime power. It is shown that a field multiplication in $mathbb{F}_{q^n}$ based on the Dickson basis results in computations of Toeplitz matrix vector products (TMVPs). Therefore, an efficient computation of a TMVP yields an efficient multiplier. In order to derive efficient $mathbb{F}_{q^n}$ multipliers, we develop computational schemes for a TMVP over $mathbb{F}_{q}$. As a result, the $mathbb{F}_{2^n}$ multipliers, as special cases of the proposed $mathbb{F}_{q^n}$ multipliers, have lower time complexities as well as space complexities compared with existing results. For example, in the case that n is a power of 3, the proposed $mathbb{F}_{2^n}$ multiplier for an irreducible Dickson trinomial has about 14% reduced space complexity and lower time complexity compared with the best known results.

  • Development of Zinc Oxide Spatial Light Modulator for High-Yield Speckle Modulation Open Access

    Naoya TATE  Tadashi KAWAZOE  Shunsuke NAKASHIMA  Wataru NOMURA  Motoichi OHTSU  


    E99-C No:11

    In order to realize high-yield speckle modulation, we developed a novel spatial light modulator using zinc oxide single crystal doped with nitrogen ions. The distribution of dopants was optimized to induce characteristic optical functions by applying an annealing method developed by us. The device is driven by a current in the in-plane direction, which induces magnetic fields. These fields strongly interact with the doped material, and the spatial distribution of the refractive index is correspondingly modulated via external control. Using this device, we experimentally demonstrated speckle modulation, and we discuss the quantitative superiority of our approach.

  • Design of a Compact Sound Localization Device on a Stand-Alone FPGA-Based Platform

    Mauricio KUGLER  Teemu TOSSAVAINEN  Susumu KUROYANAGI  Akira IWATA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E99-D No:11

    Sound localization systems are widely studied and have several potential applications, including hearing aid devices, surveillance and robotics. However, few proposed solutions target portable systems, such as wearable devices, which require a small unnoticeable platform, or unmanned aerial vehicles, in which weight and low power consumption are critical aspects. The main objective of this research is to achieve real-time sound localization capability in a small, self-contained device, without having to rely on large shaped platforms or complex microphone arrays. The proposed device has two surface-mount microphones spaced only 20 mm apart. Such reduced dimensions present challenges for the implementation, as differences in level and spectra become negligible, and only time-difference of arrival (TDoA) can be used as a localization cue. Three main issues have to be addressed in order to accomplish these objectives. To achieve real-time processing, the TDoA is calculated using zero-crossing spikes applied to the hardware-friendly Jeffers model. In order to make up for the reduction in resolution due to the small dimensions, the signal is upsampled several-fold within the system. Finally, a coherence-based spectral masking is used to select only frequency components with relevant TDoA information. The proposed system was implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based platform, due to the large amount of concurrent and independent tasks, which can be efficiently parallelized in reconfigurable hardware devices. Experimental results with white-noise and environmental sounds show high accuracies for both anechoic and reverberant conditions.
