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  • Minimum Covering Run Expression of Document Images Based on Matching of Bipartite Graph

    Supoj CHINVEERAPHAN  Ken'ichi DOUNIWA  Makoto SATO  


    E76-D No:4

    An efficient technique for expressing document image is required as part of a unified approach to document image processing. This paper presents a new method, Minimum Covering Run (MCR), for expressing binary images. The name being adapted from horizontal or vertical run representation. The proposed technique uses some horizontal and vertical runs together to represent binary images in which the total number of representative runs is minimized. Considering the characteristic of above run types precisely, it is shown that horizontal and vertical runs of any binary image could be thought of as partite sets of a bipartite graph. Consequently, the MCR expression that corresponds to the construction of one of the most interesting problems in graphs; i.e., maximum matching, is analogously found by using an algorithm which solves this problem in a corresponding graph. The most efficient algorithm takes at most O(n5/2) computations for solving the problem where n is the sum of cardinalities of both partite sets. However, some patterns in images like tables or line drowings, generally, have a large number of runs representing them which results in a long processing time. Therefore, we provide the Rectangular Segment Analysis (RSA) as a pre-processing to define runs representing such patterns beforehand. We also show that horizontal and vertical covering parts of the proposed expression are able to represent stroke components of characters in document images. As an implementation, an efficient algorithm including arrangement for run data structure of the MCR expression is presented. The experimental results show the possibility of stroke extraction of characters in document images. As an application, some patterns such as tables can be extracted from document images.

  • Optical Cable Network Operation in Subscriber Loops

    Norio KASHIMA  Toshinao KOKUBUN  Masaharu SAO  Yoshikazu YAMAMOTO  


    E76-B No:4

    We propose an integrated smart cable operation system and its architecture for the future cable network. In the proposed architecture, an application programs and various modules are loosely coupled using a cable operation system platform. We anticipate the task flows for the future optical cable network operation in order to realize the proposed system and architecture. Each task flow is broken down into "atomic tasks." The task flow can be changed easily by combining these atomic tasks. We use an object-oriented design for designing the cable operation system platform. As a first step towards the construction of the proposed system a pre-prototype system was constructed and the results are shown.

  • Improvement of Fatigue Behavior of the Spliced Portion on Hermetically Carbon-Coated Fibers

    Isamu FUJITA  Masahiro HAMADA  Haruhiko AIKAWA  Hiroki ISHIKAWA  Keiji OSAKA  Yasuo ASANO  


    E76-B No:4

    Improvement of fatigue behavior of a fusion spliced portion on a carbon-coated fiber is achieved by recoating carbon using a thermal-CVD process with a CO2 laser as a local heat source. The fatigue parameters, so-called n-values, of 121 and 94 are obtained on the non-spliced portion and the spliced portion, respectively. Assuming a life time prediction model, these high values have been proved to have an advantage in a long-term reliability and to be sufficient in a practical submarine cable use.

  • Facial Caricaturing Based on Visual Illusion--A Mechanism to Evaluate Caricature in PICASSO System--

    Kazuhito MURAKAMI  Hiroyasu KOSHIMIZU  Akira NAKAYAMA  Teruo FUKUMURA  


    E76-D No:4

    In the PICASSO, a system for the facial caricature generation, as the basic mechanisms to extract the individuality features of faces and to deform the features have been already introduced, it is expected to realize an autonomous mechanism to evaluate facial caricatures. The evaluation should be based on the framework of human visual cognition. In the PICASSO, some visual illusions such as the Wundt-Fick illusion and the Ponzo illusion for example, are applied to evaluate the shapes of the facial parts such as eyebrows, nose, mouth and face contour, in the deformation process. In many cases, as well-deformed caricatures are evaluated to be successful, it is confirmed that the utilization of the visual illusion is effective to evaluate the results of caricatures. In this paper, some experimental results are presented together with the definition of the evaluation measures and the further subjects.

  • Efficient and Secure Multiparty Generation of Digital Signatures Based on Discrete Logarithms

    Manuel CERECEDO  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  Hideki IMAI  


    E76-A No:4

    In this paper, we discuss secure protocols for shared computation of algorithms associated with digital signature schemes based on discrete logarithms. Generic solutions to the problem of cooperatively computing arbitraty functions, though formally provable according to strict security notions, are inefficient in terms of communication--bits and rounds of interaction--; practical protocols for shared computation of particular functions, on the other hand, are often shown secure according to weaker notions of security. We propose efficient secure protocols to share the generation of keys and signatures in the digital signature schemes introduced by Schnorr (1989) and ElGamal (1985). The protocols are built on a protocol for non-interactive verifiable secret sharing (Feldman, 1987) and a novel construction for non-interactively multiplying secretly shared values. Together with the non-interactive protocols for shared generation of RSA signatures introduced by Desmedt and Frankel (1991), the results presented here show that practical signature schemes can be efficiently shared.

  • A Method of Designing IIR Digital Filters by means of Interpolation Taking Account of Transition Band Characteristics

    Yoshiro SUHARA  Tosiro KOGA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E76-A No:4

    The authors recently proposed a design method of stable IIR digital filters based on the interpolation by rational characteristic functions of filters, for a set of values of these characteristic function and, in addition, their higher derivatives prescribed at a number of frequency. This method can be further extended so that, despite usage of a less number of interpolation points, almost the same filter characteristics as one obtained by the former method can be realized. This paper presents an improved design method for making the transfer function meet strict magnitude specifications. The method proposed in this paper is especially efficient for designing a filter whose characteristics is specified not only in the passband but also in the transition band with relatively narrow bandwidth.

  • Precise Linewidth Measurement Using a Scanning Electron Probe

    Fumio MIZUNO  Satoru YAMADA  Akihiro MIURA  Kenji TAKAMOTO  Tadashi OHTAKA  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    Practical linewidth measurement accuracy better than 0.02 µm 3 sigma that meets the production requirement for devices with sub-half micron features, was achieved in a field emission scanning electron-beam metrology system (Hitachi S-7000). In order to establish high accuracy linewidth measurement, it was found in the study that reduction of electron-beam diameter and precise control of operating conditions are significantly effective. For the purpose of reducing electron-beam diameter, a novel electron optical system was adopted to minimize the chromatic aberration which defines electron-beam profile. As a result the electron beam diameter was reduced from 20 nm to 16 nm. In order to reduce measurement uncertainties associated with actual operating conditions, a field emission electron gun geometry and an objective lens current monitor were investigated. Then the measurement uncertainties due to operating conditions was reduced from 0.016 µm to 0.004 µm.

  • A Current-Mode Circuit of a Chaotic Neuron Model

    Nobuo KANOU  Yoshihiko HORIO  Kazuyuki AIHARA  Shogo NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:4

    A model of a single neuron with chaotic dynamics is implemented with current-mode circuit design technique. The existence of chaotic dynamics in the circuit is demonstrated by simulation with SPICE3. The proposed circuit is suitable for implementing a chaotic neural network composed of such neuron models on a VLSI chip.

  • Resonant Mode of Surface Wave in Goubau Line

    Ken-ichi SAKINA  Jiro CHIBA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E76-C No:4

    It is shown from a computer analysis that there exists a resonant mode of a surface wave which propagates along Goubau line, and that the attenuation of such a mode is very low. The approximate formula for obtaining the resonant frequency is also given.

  • Analysis/Synthesis of Speech Using the Short-Time Fourier Transform and a Time-Varying ARMA Process

    Andreas SPANIAS  Philipos LOIZOU  Gim LIM  Ye CHEN  Gen HU  


    E76-A No:4

    A speech analysis/synthesis system that relies on a time-varying Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) process and the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) is proposed. The narrowband components in speech are represented in the frequency domain by a set of harmonic components, while the broadband random components are represented by a time-varying ARMA process. The time-varying ARMA model has a dual function, namely, it creates a spectral envelope that fits accurately the harmonic STFT components, and provides for the spectral representation of the broadband components of speech. The proposed model essentially combines the features of waveform coders by employing the STFT and the features of traditional vocoders by incorporating an appropriately shaped noise sequence.

  • Quarter Micron KrF Excimer Laser Lithography

    Masaru SASAGO  Masayuki ENDO  Yoshiyuki TANI  Satoshi KOBAYASHI  Taichi KOIZUMI  Takahiro MATSUO  Kazuhiro YAMASHITA  Noboru NOMURA  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    This paper describes the potential of KrF excimer laser lithography for the development and production of 64 M and 256 Mbit DRAMs on the basis of our recent developed results. Quarter micron KrF excimer laser lithography has been developed. A new chemically amplified positive resist realizes high stability and process compatibility for 0.25 micron line and space patterns and 0.35 micron contact hole patterns. This developed resist is characterized as the increase of dissolution characteristics in exposed areas, and hence means the high resolution is obtained. A multiple interference effect was greatly reduced by using our over coat film or anti-reflective coating. This over coat film has no intermixing to the resist and it is simultaneously removed when the resist is developed. This anti-reflective coating has low etch selectivity to the resist, and hence the over coat film is etched away when etching the substrate. The two major results indicate that the KrF excimer laser lithography is promising for the development of 256 MDRAMs.

  • Relaxation-Based Circuit Simulation Techniques in the Frequency Domain

    Hiroaki MAKINO  Hideki ASAI  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E76-A No:4

    This paper describes the novel relaxation-based algorithm for the harmonic analysis of nonlinear circuits. First, we present Iterated Spectrum Analysis based on harmonic balance method, where the harmonic balance method is applied to every node independently. As a result, we can avoid dealing with large scale Jacobian matrices and reduce the total simulation time, compared with the conventional method based on Galerkin's procedure or the harmonic balance method. Next, we define the frequency domain latency. Furthermore, we refer to the possibility for exploitation of three types of latency, i.e., relaxation iteration latency, frequency domain latency and Newton iteration latency. And we propose the multirate-sampling technique based on the consideration of the frequency domain latency. Finally, we apply the present technique to the simple analog circuit simulation and verify its availability for the harmonic analysis.

  • Reconstruction of Polyhedra by a Mechanical Theorem Proving Method

    Kyun KOH  Koichiro DEGUCHI  Iwao MORISHITA  


    E76-D No:4

    In this paper we propose a new application of Wu's mechanical theorem proving method to reconstruct polyhedra in 3-D space from their projection image. First we set up three groups of equations. The first group is of the geometric relations expressing that vertices are on a plane segment, on a line segment, and forming angle in 3-D space. The second is of those relations on image plane. And the rest is of the relations between the vertices in 3-D space and their correspondence on image plane. Next, we classify all the groups of equations into two sets, a set of hypotheses and a conjecture. We apply this method to seven cases of models. Then, we apply Wu's method to prove that the hypotheses follow the conjecture and obtain pseudodivided remainders of the conjectures, which represent relations of angles or lengths between 3-D space and their projected image. By this method we obtained new geometrical relations for seven cases of models. We also show that, in the region in image plane where corresponding spatial measures cannot reconstructed, leading coefficients of hypotheses polynomials approach to zero. If the vertex of an image angle is in such regions, we cannot calculate its spatial angle by direct manipulation of the hypothesis polynomials and the conjecture polynomial. But we show that by stability analysis of the pseudodivided remainder the spatial angles can be calculated even in those regions.

  • Diagnosis of Computer Systems by Stochastic Petri Nets Part (Theory)

    Gerald S. SHEDLER  Satoshi MORIGUCHI  


    E76-A No:4

    This paper focuses on methodology underlying the application to fault tolerant computer systems with "no down communication" capability of stochastic Petri nets with general firing times. Based on a formal specification of the stochastic Petri net, we provide criteria for the marking process to be a regenerative process in continuous time with finite cycle-length moments. These results lead to strongly consistent point estimates and asymptotic confidence intervals for limiting system availability indices. We also show how the building blocks of stochastic Petri nets with general firing times facilitate the modeling of non-deterministic transition firing and illustrate the use of "interrupter input places" for graphical representation of transition interruptions.

  • High-Speed SOI Bipolar Transistors Using Bonding and Thinning Techniques

    Manabu KOJIMA  Atsushi FUKURODA  Tetsu FUKANO  Naoshi HIGAKI  Tatsuya YAMAZAKI  Toshihiro SUGII  Yoshihiro ARIMOTO  Takashi ITO  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    We propose a high-speed SOI bipolar transistor fabricated using bonding and thinning techniques. It is important to replace SOI area except for devices with thick SiO2 to reduce parasitic capacitance. A thin SOI film with a thin buried layer helps meet this requirement. We formed a 1-µm-thick SOI film with a 0.7-µm-thick buried layer by ion implantation before wafer bonding pulse-field-assisted bonding and selective polishing. Devices were completely isolated by thick SiO2 using a thin SOI film and the LOCOS process. We fabricated epitaxial base transistors (EBTs) on bonded SOI. Our transistors had a cutoff frequency of 32 GHz.

  • A Waveform Relaxation Method Applicable to the Simulation of ECL Circuits with Gate Level Partitioning

    Vijaya Gopal BANDI  Hideki ASAI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:4

    This paper describes a novel but simple method of implementing waveform relaxation technique for bipolar circuits involving ECL gates. This method performs gate level partitioning of ECL circuits not only during the cutoff state of the input transistor but also when the input transistor is in its active state. Partitioning at all times has become possible due to the favorable property of input and output stages of ECL gates. It is shown that this method is faster than direct method even when the circuits containing only few gates is simulated. Further, it is shown that the present method is applicable to the case where the interconnections between the ECL gates is treated as lossy transmission lines.

  • A Novel Electron Beam Resist System Convertible into Silicate Glass

    Toshio ITO  Miwa SAKATA  Maki KOSUGE  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    A glass precursor resist (GPR) is designed on the basis of an idea of conversion of organosilicon polymer to an inorganic substance by lithographic procedure. Developed chemical amplification resist system is composed of poly (di-t-butoxysiloxane) and a photoacid generator. It has a high sensitivity of 1.6 µC/cm2, a resolution of 0.2 µm and an extremely high O2-RIE durability compared with bottom resist. Exposed film changed into silicate glass, and it was confirmed by IR spectra.

  • Optimal Constraint Graph Generation Algorithm for Layout Compaction Using Enhanced Plane-Sweep Method

    Toru AWASHIMA  Masao SATO  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  


    E76-A No:4

    This paper presents an optimal constraint graph generation algorithm for graph-based one-dimensional layout compaction. The first published algorithm for this problem was the shadow-propagation algorithm. However, without sophisticated implementation of a shadow-front, complexity of the algorithm could fall into O(n2), where n is the number of layout objects. Although our algorithm, called the enhanced plane-sweep based graph generation algorithm, is an extension of the shadow-propagation algorithm, such a drawback is resolved by introducing an enhanced plane-sweep technique. The algorithm maintains multiple shadow-fronts simultaneously by storing them in a work-list called previous-boundary. Since a balanced search tree is selected for implementation of the worklist, total complexity of the algorithm is O(n log n) which is optimal. Experimental results show that the enhanced plane-sweep based graph generation algorithm runs in almost linear time with respect to the number of layout objects and is faster than the perpendicular plane-sweep algorithm which is also optimal in terms of time complexity.

  • The Analysis of Waveguiding Effects on the Minimum Transferable Linewidth of an Ultrafine X-Ray Mask

    Masaki TAKAKUWA  Kazuhito FURUYA  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    The minimum transferable linewidth by X-ray is derived using waveguide analysis. The minimum width is determined by the refractive index of the absorber and does not depend on the X-ray wavelength. Therefore there is an optimum mask aperture size which provides the minimum linewidth. By using Au as the absorber, 8 nm linewidth is attainable.

  • Coded Morphology for Labelled Pictures

    Atsushi IMIYA  Kiyoshi WADA  Toshihiro NAKAMURA  


    E76-D No:4

    Mathematical morphology clarified geometrical properties of shape analysis algorithms for binary pictures. Results of labelling, distance transform, and adjacent numbering are, however, coded pictures. For full descriptions of shape analysis algorithms in the framework of mathematical morphology, it is necessary to extend morphological operations to code-labelled pictorial data. Nevertheless, extensions of morphology to code-labelled pictures have never discussed though the theory of gray morphology is well studied by several authors. Hence, this paper proposes a theory of the coded morphology which is based on the binary scaling of labels of pixels. The method uses n-layered binary sub-pictures for the processing of a picture with 2n labels. By introducing morphological operations for the coded point sets, we express some coding functions in the manner of the mathematical morphology. We also derive multidimensional array registers and gates which store and process coded pictures and morphological operations to them by proposing basic gates which compute parallelly logical operations for elements of Boolean layered arrays. These gates and registers are suitable for the implementation of the shape analysis processors on the three-dimensional VLSI and ULSI.
