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  • A Symmetrical Side Wall (SSW)-DSA Cell and the Channel Erasing Scheme for a 64 Mbit Flash Memory

    Ken-ichi OYAMA  Noriaki KODAMA  Hiroki SHIRAI  Kenji SAITOH  Yosiaki S. HISAMUNE  Takeshi OKAZAWA  


    E75-C No:11

    A 0.4 µm stacked gate cell for a 64 Mbit flash memory has been developed which has the Symmetrical Side Wall Diffusion Self Aligned (SSW-DSA) structure. Using the proposed SSW-DSA cell with p+ pockets at both the drain and the source, and adequate punchthrough resistance to scale the gate length down to sub-half-micron has been obtained. It is also demonstrated that the channel erasing scheme applying negative bias to the gate, which is adopted for the SSW-DSA cell, shows lower trapped charges after Write/Erase (W/E) cycles evaluated by a charge pumping technique, and results in better endurance an retention characteristics than conventional erasing schemes.

  • Application of Al Technology to the Telecommunications User Support Software

    Hikaru YAGI  Masanobu FUJIOKA  Yasushi WAKAHARA  


    E75-B No:10

    In this paper, the software structure for telecommunication user support are discussed, and it is proposed to apply knowledge processing technology to the software. Capabilities of telecommunications networks are becoming quite complicated, and the number of service items and parameters which have to be selected and memorized will become too large for telecommunications end users to make full use of the network capabilities. As such, more effort should be focused on assisting telecommunications end users to use the network and providing user friendly human interfaces of the network. However, this kind of software has additional type of requirements other than those for protocol handling software and call control software, and the realization of such support software has not yet been fully studied. To realize such support software, this paper stressed the realization of the user-system interface. Especially identified in this paper are meaning-based interpretation of user inputs to permit the handling of synonyms and multivocations, and a method to access the database in the support system without consideration of its data schema. To satisfy these objectives, this paper has proposed that the application data should be represented in both a character string and a meaning representation, and that the thesauruses should have the attribute-value relation. In line with these studies, an experimental system called CAPRIS (CAlling PRocedure Instruction System) was developed. It is used to assist the calling party in a telecommunications network to find an appropriate contact point depending on the purpose of the communication. Implementation of CAPRIS is completed and it was confirmed that all the functions described in this paper were actually realized. Some functional experiments were performed on CAPRIS, and the system was concluded to realize satisfactory user-friendliness.

  • Computer-Aided Analysis of GaAs MESFETs with p-Buffer Layer on the Semi-Insulating Substrate

    Kazushige HORIO  Naohisa OKUMURA  


    E75-C No:10

    GaAs MESFETs with a p-buffer layer (or a buried p-layer) are important devices for high-speed GaAs ICs. To study what conditions are required as a good substrate for ICs, we have investigated, by two-dimensional simulation, small-signal parameters and drain-current transients of GaAs MESFETs with a p-buffer layer on the semi-insulating substrate. It is shown that the introduction of a p-buffer layer is effective to improve the transconductance and the cuttoff frequeycy. These parameters are not degrade even if the p-layer doping is increased and a neurtral p-region exists. It is also shown that drain-current drifts and hysteresis in I-V curves can occur in a case with a p-buffer layer, too. It is concluded that the introduction of a relatively highly-doped p-layer on a substrate with low acceptor and electron trap (EL2) densities is effective to realize the stable and high performance of GaAs MESFETs.

  • Applications of Boolean Unification to Combinational Logic Synthesis

    Yuji KUKIMOTO  Masahiro FUJITA  


    E75-A No:10

    Boolean unification is an algorithm to obtain the general solution of a given Boolean equation. Since a general solution provides a way to represent a complete don't care set, Boolean unification can be a powerful technique when applied to logic synthesis. In this paper we present various applications of Boolean unification to combinational logic synthesis. Three topics of combinational logic synthesis: redesign, multi-level logic minimization and minimization of Boolean relations are discussed. All these problems can be uniformly formalized as Boolean equations. Experimental results are also reported.

  • A Conflict Detection Support Method for Telecommunication Service Descriptions

    Yoshio HARADA  Yutaka HIRAKAWA  Toyofumi TAKENAKA  Nobuyoshi TERASHIMA  


    E75-B No:10

    A conflict detection support method for combining additional telecommunication services with existing services is proposed. In this method, telecommunication services are described by the STR (State Transition Rule) method which specifies a set of state transition rules. Though conflict detection in the past depended on manual analysis by the designer, with this method, conflict candidates are mechanically narrowed down and indicated to the designer. All conflicts between five actual telecommunication service descriptions are detected in an experiment using a system developed in line with the proposed method.

  • Simplification to Enhance Comprehensibility of Communications Software Descriptions Written in a Procedural Language

    Yasushi WAKAHARA  Atsushi ITO  Eiji UTSUNOMIYA  Fumio NITTA  


    E75-B No:10

    The purpose of this paper is to propose a technique to simplify the communications software descriptions written in a procedural language in order to enhance their comprehensibility. Although such a technique was not much studied and discussed in the past, this technique is important to realize high productivity and high quality of the communications software by reducing the complexity of the software description. This paper firstly systematically presents various simplification methods with their principles for the descriptions of the communications software from the viewpoints of their layout, syntactical structures etc. Then, it describes a simplification support system based on these principles for the software specifications written in SDL. Lastly, this paper demonstrates the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed simplification technique by analyzing the evaluation results of the simplification system.

  • A Test Case Generation Method for Black Box Testing of Concurrent Programs

    Noriyasu ARAKAWA  Terunao SONEOKA  

    PAPER-Communication Software

    E75-B No:10

    This paper proposes a test case generation method for testing concurrent programs as a black box. Typical applications are system testing for switching systems and inter-operability testing for OSI products. We adopt a two-step approach: first generate the control flow graph which represents global behaviors of a given concurrent program, and then apply conventional test case generation methods for the control flow graph. To generate a control flow graph without state space explosion, the black-box equivalence between system behaviors is introduced. The proposed algorithm generates a minimal control flow graph which consists of representatives of equivalence classes. Two practical techniques for the second step are discussed for a case study using a commercial digital PBX. The results show the feasibility of the proposed method.

  • A Method of Composing Communication Protocols with Priority Service

    Masahiro HIGUCHI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  


    E75-B No:10

    Many practical communication protocols provide priority service as well as ordinary service. In such a protocol, the protocol machines can initiate a priority service at most of the states. This characteristic leads an extreme increment of the number of state transitions on the protocol machines and causes state space explosion in verification of safety property of the protocol. This paper describes a method of constructing a communication protocol from composition of a subprotocol for ordinary service and that for priority service. This paper also presents a sufficient condition for a composed protocol to inherit safety property from the subprotocols. By using the composition method and the sufficient condition, the decision problem for safety property of the composed protocol can be reduced to those of the subprotocols. An experimental result of verification of a part of OSI session protocol is also described. The result shows that the method can reduce the computation time for verifying safety property to about 3% against the naive way.

  • A 34.8 GHz 1/4 Static Frequency Divider Using AlGaAs/GaAs HBTs

    Yoshiki YAMAUCHI  Osaake NAKAJIMA  Koichi NAGATA  Hiroshi ITO  Tadao ISHIBASHI  


    E75-C No:10

    A one-by-four static frequency divider using AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) was designed to operate at a bias condition that gave a maximum cutoff frequency fT and a maximum oscillation freqency fmax. The fT and fmax applied to the divider were 68 GHz and 56 GHz, respectively. As a result of the tests, the circuit operated up to 34.8 GHz at a power supply voltage of 9 V and power dissipation of 495 mW. A low minimum input signal power level of 0 dBm was also achieved.

  • Algorithms for Multiplexers Assignment after Scheduling and Allocation Steps

    Hiroshi SEKIGAWA  Kiyoshi OGURI  Ryo NOMURA  Yukihiro NAKAMURA  


    E75-A No:10

    In recent VLSI design of digital data paths, significantly more area is occupied by interconnect elements than by functional units and registers. Nevertheless, until recently most work in data path synthesis has been concentrated on trying to reduce the area of functional units and registers, without paying much attention to the interconnect area. Lately, research that addresses reducing the area of interconnection and of functional units and registers is increasing, but in them, most algorithms for assigning interconnect elements are not efficient enough to optimize the interconnect area. In most current research, algorithms for interconnect element assignment are used to calculate the cost functions during the scheduling and/or allocation steps. This makes it impossible to use efficient optimization algorithms that may consume long time. This paper presents some new algorithms used to assign interconnect elements in data paths. The algorithms minimize the number of multiplexer inputs after the scheduling and operator/register allocations have been made. The algorithms have two characteristics. First, we use a branch and bound method for small problems. We confirmed that exact solutions in practical time can be obtained with this method for rather large problems, when the solutions are restricted to a one-level multiplexer model. Second, we use a certain heuristic method for larger problems. The algorithms have been implemented in C on an Apollo Domain Series 10000.

  • A Cryogenic HEMT Pseudorandom Number Generator

    Yoshimi ASADA  Yasuhiro NAKASHA  Norio HIDAKA  Takashi MIMURA  Masayuki ABE  


    E75-C No:10

    We developed a 32-bit pseudorandom number generator (RNG) operating at liquid nitrogen temperature based on HEMT ICs. It generates maximum-length-sequence codes whose primitive polynomial is X47+X42+1 with the period of 247-1 clock cycle. We designed and fabricated three kinds of cryogenic HEMT IC for this system: A 1306-gate controller IC, a 3319-gate pseudorandom number generator (RNG) IC, and a buffer IC containing a 4-kb RAM and 514 gates. We used 0.6-µm gate-length Se-doped GaAlAs/GaAs HEMTs. Interconnects were Al for the first layer and Au/Pt/Ti for the second layer with a SiON insulator between them. The HEMT ICs have direct-coupled FET logic (DCFL) gates internally and emitter-coupled logic (ECL) compatible input-putput buffers. The unloaded basic delay of the DCFL gate was 17 ps/gate with a power consumption of 1.4 mW/gate at liquid nitrogen temperature. We used an automatic cryogenic wafer probe we developed and an IC tester for function tests, and used a high-speed performance measuring system we also developed with a bandwidth of more than 20 GHz for high-speed performance tests. Power dissipations were 3.8 W for the controller IC, 4.5 W for the RNG IC, and 3.0 W for the buffer IC. The RNG IC, the largest of the three HEMT ICs, had a maximum operating clock rate of 1.6 GHz at liquid nitrogen temperature. We submerged a specially developed zirconium ceramic printed circuit board carrying the HEMT ICs in a closed-cycle cooling system. The HEMT ICs were flip-chip-packaged on the board with bumps containing indium as the principal component. We confirmed that the RNG system operates at liquid nitrogen temperature and measured a minimum system clock period of 1.49 ns.

  • A High-Speed Special Purpose Processor for Underground Object Detection

    Hiroshi MIYANAGA  Hironori YAMAUCHI  Yuji NAGASHIMA  Tsutomu HOSAKA  

    PAPER-Application Specific Processors

    E75-C No:10

    Most communication cables are laid underground. In order to make construction and maintenance works easier, systems to detect buried objects have already been developed using the electromagnetic pulse radar technique. However, existing detection systems are not really practical due to their rather limited processing speed. To achieve sufficient processing speed, two dedicated custom FFT LSI's are designed and realized with 0.8 µm-CMOS technology. The two chips have an equivalent processing capacity of 200 MOPS. An efficietn hardware algorithm for address generation and 2 word parallel processing are introduced. In addition, an enhanced system organization is developed together with an improved pattern recognition scheme and aperture synthesis hardware. The new processor executes a FFT/parameter extraction operation in 4 seconds and aperture synthesis in 1 second. This speed meets the design target, and a real time detection system for underground objects becomes possible.

  • Object-Oriented Switching Software Technology

    Katsumi MARUYAMA  


    E75-B No:10

    Public switching systems are intensively realtime and multi-processing, very large, long-lived, and frequently modified. Programs that control switching systems are therefore required not only to have run-time efficiency but also to be easy to maintain and extend. This paper proposes a Concurrent Object Model and an Object-Oriented Switching Program Structure. The Concurrent Object Model ensures simple and efficient real-time multi-processing. This model allows logical switching components to be implemented as "objects" in software, and the structure of the program coincides with the structure of the logical model. The program structure proposed here uses distributed call processing, which allows building-block-structured switching systems. A prototype switching program proved the effectiveness of this approach and showed that the static and dynamic overheads are within the capacity of present VLSI technology.

  • PROSPEX: A Graphical LOTOS Simulator for Protocol Specifications with N Nodes



    E75-B No:10

    In LOTOS, requirements for a distributed system are described as a service definition. On the protocol level, each node (protocol entity) must exchange some data values and synchronization messages to provide a service described in a service definition. The tuple of the specifications of all nodes in the system which provide the service is called as a protocol specification. In order to develop the communication programs satisfying a given service definition, it is very important to develop the correct protocol specification. For this purpose, the simulation of protocol specifications is useful and it is desirable that the designer can observe how a protocol specification is executed in parallel and how synchronization messages are exchanged among the nodes. Therefore, we have developed a new tool named PROSPEX. For a given pair of a service definition and a protocol specification, it executes the protocol specification in parallel and shows its execution process graphically on X Window System. If the protocol specification executes an event sequence which does not satisfy the service definition, then PROSPEX informs it to the designer. In this paper, the design and usefulness of PROSPEX are described.

  • Isolation Characteristics in GaAs ICs on Semi-Insulating Substrate

    Kazuyuki INOKUCHI  Yuko SEKINO-ITOH  Yoshiaki SANO  


    E75-C No:10

    Isolation characteristics, which are important factors in designing GaAs ICs, are investigated focusing on leak current between circuit elements on a semi-insulating substrate and on the sidegating effect that results from leak current between MESFETs. We have found that the large leak current comes from the projecting edge, located outside the channel, of the gate electrode and that this leak current is the main cause of the sidegating effect. By taking into account quantitatively evaluated isolation characteristics, we can improve LSI design rules to reproducible and reliable operation.

  • An Acyclic Expansion-Based Protocol Verification for Communications Software

    Hironori SAITO  Yoshiaki KAKUDA  Toru HASEGAWA  Tohru KIKUNO  


    E75-B No:10

    This paper presents a protocol verification method which verifies that the behaviors of a protocol meet requirements. In this method, a protocol specification is expressed as Extended Finite State Machines (EFSM's) that can handle variables, and requirements are expressed using a branching-time temporal logic for a concise and unambiguous description. Using the acyclic expansion algorithm extended such that it can deal with EFSM's, the verification method first generates a state transition graph consisting of executable transitions for each process. Then a branching-time temporal logic formula representing a requirement is evaluated on one of the generated graphs which is relevant to the requirement. An executable state transition graph for each process is much smaller than a global state transition graph which has been used in the conventional verification techniques to represent the behaviors of the whole protocol system consisting of all processes. The computation for generating the graphs is also reduced to much extent for a large complex protocol. As a result, the presented method achieves efficient verification for requirements regarding a state of a process, transmission and reception of messages by a process, varibales of a process and sequences that interact among processes. The validity of the method is illustrated in the paper by the verification of a path-updating protocol for requirements such as process state reachability or fair termination among processes.

  • Time and Frequency Domain Design of Approximately Linear Phase IIR Digital Filters

    Marco A. Amaral HENRIQUES  Takashi YAHAGI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E75-A No:10

    In most of the methods proposed so far to design approximately linear phase IIR digital filters (IIR DFs), the design takes place only in the time or in the frequency domain. However, when both magnitude and phase responses are considered, IIR DFs with better frequency responses can be obtained if their characteristics in both domains are taken into account. This paper proposes a design method for approximately linear phase IIR DFs, which is based on parameter estimation techniques in the time domain followed by a nonlinear optimization algorithm in the frequency domain. Several examples are presented, illustrating the proposed method.

  • Functional Design of a Special Purpose Processor Based on High Level Specification Description

    Hironobu KITABATAKE  Katsuhiko SHIRAI  


    E75-A No:10

    A design system for a special purpose processor executing algorithms described by high level language is discussed. The system can generate an optimized architecture for the processor and also supply a specialized high level language compiler for the processor. A new optimization procedure is introduced to find effective functional blocks that can contribute to the improvement of performance. Functional blocks are found by simulation of the frequently appearing patterns of execution in the algorithm and used to yield a useful combined instruction.

  • Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Heavy-Ion Induced CMOS Latchup

    Hideyuki IWATA  Mitsuo YASUHIRA  Shinji ODANAKA  Takashi OHZONE  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E75-C No:10

    This paper presents the dynamics of heavy-ion induced latchup turn-on behavior in CMOS structures using a three-dimensional and transient device simulation. The three-dimensional effects of parasitic devices in a CMOS structure during latchup turn-on are discussed in detail when a heavy-ion strikes the CMOS structure. For different incident types, the dynamics of latchup turn-on behaviors are also simulated. Moreover, latchup immunities of the CMOS structure obtained by two- and three-dimensional calculations are compared for the different incident types. This result suggests that the rough relation between latchup immunity and heavy-ion incident energy can be estimated using a two-dimensional simulation.

  • A New Array Architecture for 16 Mb DRAMs with Special Page Mode

    Masaki TSUKUDE  Tsukasa OISHI  Kazutami ARIMOTO  Hideto HIDAKA  Kazuyasu FUJISHIMA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E75-C No:10

    An improved array architecture to realize fast access, low power dissipation, and wide operating margin, for the 16 Mbit DRAM is proposed. A high speed access is obtained by the fully embedded sense drive scheme for the RAS access time (tRAC), and the special page mode with the hierarchical I/O data bus lines and multi-purpose-register (MPR) for the column address access time (tCAA). A low power dissipation and wide operating margin are obtained by the improved twisted-bit-line (TBL) architecture with double dummy canceling. The 16 Mb DRAM using these architectures has 38 ns tRAC, 14 ns tCAA and 75 mA power dissipation at the typical condition.
