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[Keyword] SIL(368hit)


  • Diagnosis of Signaling and Power Noise Using In-Place Waveform Capturing for 3D Chip Stacking Open Access

    Satoshi TAKAYA  Hiroaki IKEDA  Makoto NAGATA  


    E97-C No:6

    A three dimensional (3D) chip stack featuring a 4096-bit wide I/O demonstrator incorporates an in-place waveform capturer on an intermediate interposer within the stack. The capturer includes probing channels on paths of signaling as well as in power delivery and collects analog waveforms for diagnosing circuits within 3D integration. The collection of in-place waveforms on vertical channels with through silicon vias (TSVs) are demonstrated among 128 vertical I/O channels distributed in 8 banks in a 9.9mm × 9.9mm die area. The analog waveforms confirm a full 1.2-V swing of signaling at the maximum data transmission bandwidth of 100GByte/sec with sufficiently small deviations of signal skews and slews among the vertical channels. In addition, it is also experimentally confirmed that the signal swing can be reduced to 0.75V for error free data transfer at 100GByte/sec, achieving the energy efficiency of 0.21pJ/bit.

  • Single-Grain Si Thin-Film Transistors for Monolithic 3D-ICs and Flexible Electronics Open Access



    E97-C No:4

    We review our recent achievements in monolithic 3D-ICs and flexible electronics based on single-grain Si TFTs that are fabricated inside a single-grain with a low-temperature process. Based on pulsed-laser crystallization and submicron sized cavities made in the substrate, amorphous-Si precursor film was converted into poly-Si having grains that are formed on predetermined positions. Using the method called µ-Czochralski process and LPCVD a-Si precursor film, two layers of the SG Si TFT layers with the grains having a diameter of 6µm were vertically stacked with a maximum process temperature of 550°C. Mobility for electrons and holes were 600cm2/Vs and 200cm2/Vs, respectively. As a demonstration of monolithic 3D-ICs, the two SG-TFT layers were successfully implemented into CMOS inverter, 3D 6T-SRAM and single-grain lateral PIN photo-diode with in-pixel amplifier. The SG Si TFTs were applied to flexible electronics. In this case, the a-Si precursor was prepared by doctor-blade coating of liquid-Si based on pure cyclopentasilane (CPS) on a polyimide (PI) substrate with maximum process temperature of 350°C. The µ-Czochralski process provided location-controlled Si grains with a diameter of 3µm and mobilities of 460 and 121cm2/Vs for electrons and holes, respectively, were obtained. The devices on PI were transferred to a plastic foil which can operate with a bending diameter of 6mm. Those results indicate that the SG TFTs are attractive for their use in both monolithic 3D-ICs and flexible electronics.

  • Randomness Leakage in the KEM/DEM Framework

    Hitoshi NAMIKI  Keisuke TANAKA  Kenji YASUNAGA  

    PAPER-Public Key Based Cryptography

    E97-A No:1

    Recently, there have been many studies on constructing cryptographic primitives that are secure even if some secret information leaks. In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing public-key encryption schemes that are resilient to leaking the randomness used in the encryption algorithm. In particular, we consider the case in which public-key encryption schemes are constructed from the KEM/DEM framework, and the leakage of randomness in the encryption algorithms of KEM and DEM occurs independently. For this purpose, we define a new security notion for KEM. Then we provide a generic construction of a public-key encryption scheme that is resilient to randomness leakage from any KEM scheme satisfying this security. Also we construct a KEM scheme that satisfies the security from hash proof systems.

  • A Remark on “ Efficient Revocable ID-Based Encryption with a Public Channel”

    Jae Hong SEO  Keita EMURA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E96-A No:11

    In 2001, Boneh and Franklin realized the first Identity-Based Encryption (IBE), and at the same time they proposed a simple way to revoke users from the system. Later, Boldyreva et al. pointed out that Boneh-Franklin's revocation method is not scalable well and they proposed the first IBE scheme with efficient revocation. Recently, Tseng and Tsai [Computer Journal, Vol.55 No.4, page 475-486, 2012] claimed that Boldyreva et al.'s scheme requires a secure channel between each user and the key generation center in the key update phase, and proposed a new revocable IBE (RIBE) with a public channel by extending the Boneh-Franklin scheme. In this paper, we revisit Tseng and Tsai's result; we first point out that secure channels (except for the initial key setup) are not mandatory in the definition of RIBE scheme formalized by Boldyreva et al. Next, we show that Boldyreva et al.'s scheme does not require any secure channels (except for the initial key setup), which is different from what Tseng and Tsai claimed and so invalidates their contribution of the first RIBE with a public channel. Moreover, we point out that there are simple techniques to remove secure channels from the Boneh-Franklin RIBE. Interestingly, we show that the secure-channel-free Boneh-Franklin RIBE scheme is secure against decryption key exposure, whereas the Tseng-Tsai RIBE scheme is vulnerable to this attack.

  • Experimental Analysis of Arc Waveform Affected by Holder Temperature Change at Slowly Separation of Silver-Tin Dioxide Contacts

    Yoshiki KAYANO  Kazuaki MIYANAGA  Hiroshi INOUE  


    E96-C No:9

    Arc discharge at breaking electrical contact is considered as a main source of not only degradation of the electrical property but also an undesired electromagnetic (EM) noise. In order to clarify the effect of holder temperature on the bridge and arc-duration, opening-waveforms at slowly separating silver-tin dioxide contact with different holder temperature are measured and discussed experimentally in this paper. Firstly, as opening-waveforms, the contact voltage, the contact current and the movement of moving contact related to the gap length are measured simultaneously. Secondly, the relationship between temperature of the holder and duration of the arc was quantified experimentally. It was revealed that as the initial temperature of the holder becomes higher, arc-duration becomes slightly longer. More importantly, the holder temperature dependencies of percentage of each-phase (metallic and gaseous-phases) are different with different closed-current.

  • On-Chip Detection of Process Shift and Process Spread for Post-Silicon Diagnosis and Model-Hardware Correlation

    A.K.M. Mahfuzul ISLAM  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E96-D No:9

    This paper proposes the use of on-chip monitor circuits to detect process shift and process spread for post-silicon diagnosis and model-hardware correlation. The amounts of shift and spread allow test engineers to decide the correct test strategy. Monitor structures suitable for detection of process shift and process spread are discussed. Test chips targeting a nominal process corner as well as 4 other corners of “slow-slow”, “fast-fast”, “slow-fast” and “fast-slow” are fabricated in a 65nm process. The monitor structures correctly detects the location of each chip in the process space. The outputs of the monitor structures are further analyzed and decomposed into the process variations in threshold voltage and gate length for model-hardware correlation. Path delay predictions match closely with the silicon values using the extracted parameter shifts. On-chip monitors capable of detecting process shift and process spread are helpful for performance prediction of digital and analog circuits, adaptive delay testing and post-silicon statistical analysis.

  • Selecting Effective and Discriminative Spatio-Temporal Interest Points for Recognizing Human Action

    Hongbo ZHANG  Shaozi LI  Songzhi SU  Shu-Yuan CHEN  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E96-D No:8

    Many successful methods for recognizing human action are spatio-temporal interest point (STIP) based methods. Given a test video sequence, for a matching-based method using a voting mechanism, each test STIP casts a vote for each action class based on its mutual information with respect to the respective class, which is measured in terms of class likelihood probability. Therefore, two issues should be addressed to improve the accuracy of action recognition. First, effective STIPs in the training set must be selected as references for accurately estimating probability. Second, discriminative STIPs in the test set must be selected for voting. This work uses ε-nearest neighbors as effective STIPs for estimating the class probability and uses a variance filter for selecting discriminative STIPs. Experimental results verify that the proposed method is more accurate than existing action recognition methods.

  • Integrated Photonic Platforms for Telecommunications: InP and Si Open Access

    Christopher R. DOERR  


    E96-C No:7

    There is a relentless push for cost and size reduction in optical transmitters and receivers for fiber-optic links. Monolithically integrated optical chips in InP and Si may be a way to leap ahead of this trend. We discuss uses of integration technology to accomplish various telecommunications functions.

  • Characterization of Silicon Mach-Zehnder Modulator in 20-Gbps NRZ-BPSK Transmission

    Kazuhiro GOI  Kenji ODA  Hiroyuki KUSAKA  Akira OKA  Yoshihiro TERADA  Kensuke OGAWA  Tsung-Yang LIOW  Xiaoguang TU  Guo-Qiang LO  Dim-Lee KWONG  


    E96-C No:7

    20-Gbps non return-to-zero (NRZ) – binary phase shift keying (BPSK) using the silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator is demonstrated and characterized. Measurement of a constellation diagram confirms successful modulation of 20-Gbps BPSK with the silicon modulator. Transmission performance is characterized in the measurement of bit-error-rate in accumulated dispersion range from -347 ps/nm to +334 ps/nm using SMF and a dispersion compensating fiber module. Optical signal-to-noise ratio required for bit-error-rate of 10-3 is 10.1 dB at back-to-back condition. It is 1.2-dB difference from simulated value. Obtained dispersion tolerance less than 2-dB power penalty for bit-error-rate of 10-3 is -220 ps/nm to +230 ps/nm. The symmetric dispersion tolerance indicates chirp-free modulation. Frequency chirp inherent in the modulation mechanism of the silicon MZM is also discussed with the simulation. The effect caused by the frequency chirp is limited to 3% shift in the chromatic dispersion range of 2 dB power penalty for BER 10-3. The effect inherent in the silicon modulation mechanism is confirmed to be very limited and not to cause any significant degradation in the transmission performance.

  • Construction and Counting of 1-Resilient Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions on pq Variables

    Jiao DU  Qiaoyan WEN  Jie ZHANG  Shanqi PANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E96-A No:7

    In this letter, a property of the characteristic matrix of the Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions (RSBFs) is characterized, and a sufficient and necessary condition for RSBFs being 1st correlation-immune (1-CI for simplicity) is obtained. This property is applied to construct resilient RSBFs of order 1 (1-resilient for simplicity) on pq variables, where p and q are both prime consistently in this letter. The results show that construction and counting of 1-resilient RSBFs on pq variables are equivalent to solving an equation system and counting the solutions. At last, the counting of all 1-resilient RSBFs on pq variables is also proposed.

  • A Resilient Forest-Based Application Level Multicast for Real-Time Streaming

    Kazuya TAKAHASHI  Tatsuya MORI  Yusuke HIROTA  Hideki TODE  Koso MURAKAMI  


    E96-B No:7

    In recent years, real-time streaming has become widespread as a major service on the Internet. However, real-time streaming has a strict playback deadline. Application level multicasts using multiple distribution trees, which are known as forests, are an effective approach for reducing delay and jitter. However, the failure or departure of nodes during forest-based multicast transfer can severely affect the performance of other nodes. Thus, the multimedia data quality is degraded until the distribution trees are repaired. This means that increasing the speed of recovery from isolation is very important, especially in real-time streaming services. In this paper, we propose three methods for resolving this problem. The first method is a random-based proactive method that achieves rapid recovery from isolation and gives efficient “Randomized Forwarding” via cooperation among distribution trees. Each node forwards the data it receives to child nodes in its tree, and then, the node randomly transferring it to other trees with a predetermined probability. The second method is a reactive method, which provides a reliable isolation recovery method with low overheads. In this method, an isolated node requests “Continuous Forwarding” from other nodes if it detects a problem with a parent node. Forwarding to the nearest nodes in the IP network ensures that this method is efficient. The third method is a hybrid method that combines these two methods to achieve further performance improvements. We evaluated the performances of these proposed methods using computer simulations. The simulation results demonstrated that our proposed methods delivered isolation recovery and that the hybrid method was the most suitable for real-time streaming.

  • X-Ray Photoemission Study of SiO2/Si/Si0.55Ge0.45/Si Heterostructures

    Akio OHTA  Katsunori MAKIHARA  Seiichi MIYAZAKI  Masao SAKURABA  Junichi MUROTA  


    E96-C No:5

    An SiO2/Si-cap/Si0.55Ge0.45 heterostructure was fabricated on p-type Si(100) and strained silicon on insulator (SOI) substrates by low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) and subsequent thermal oxidation in an O2 + H2 gas mixture. Chemical bonding features and valence band offsets in the heterostructures were evaluated by using high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements and thinning the stack layers with a wet chemical solution.

  • Plasmonic Terahertz Wave Detectors Based on Silicon Field-Effect Transistors

    Min Woo RYU  Sung-Ho KIM  Hee Cheol HWANG  Kibog PARK  Kyung Rok KIM  


    E96-C No:5

    In this paper, we present the validity and potential capacity of a modeling and simulation environment for the nonresonant plasmonic terahertz (THz) detector based on the silicon (Si) field-effect transistor (FET) with a technology computer-aided design (TCAD) platform. The nonresonant and “overdamped” plasma-wave behaviors have been modeled by introducing a quasi-plasma electron charge box as a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the channel region only around the source side of Si FETs. Based on the coupled nonresonant plasma-wave physics and continuity equation on the TCAD platform, the alternate-current (AC) signal as an incoming THz wave radiation successfully induced a direct-current (DC) drain-to-source output voltage as a detection signal in a sub-THz frequency regime under the asymmetric boundary conditions with a external capacitance between the gate and drain. The average propagation length and density of a quasi-plasma have been confirmed as around 100 nm and 11019/cm3, respectively, through the transient simulation of Si FETs with the modulated 2DEG at 0.7 THz. We investigated the incoming radiation frequency dependencies on the characteristics of the plasmonic THz detector operating in sub-THz nonresonant regime by using the quasi-plasma modeling on TCAD platform. The simulated dependences of the photoresponse with quasi-plasma 2DEG modeling on the structural parameters such as gate length and dielectric thickness confirmed the operation principle of the nonresonant plasmonic THz detector in the Si FET structure. The proposed methodologies provide the physical design platform for developing novel plasmonic THz detectors operating in the nonresonant detection mode.

  • Photoexcited Carrier Transfer in a NiSi-Nanodots/Si-Quantum-Dots Hybrid Floating Gate in MOS Structures

    Mitsuhisa IKEDA  Katsunori MAKIHARA  Seiichi MIYAZAKI  


    E96-C No:5

    We have fabricated MOS capacitors with a hybrid floating gate (FG) consisting of Ni silicide nanodots (NiSi-NDs) and silicon-quantum-dots (Si-QDs) and studied electron transfer characteristics in the hybrid FG structures induced by the irradiation of 1310 nm light. The flat-band voltage shift due to the charging of the hybrid FG under light irradiation was lower than that in the dark. The observed optical response can be attributed to the shift of the charge centroid in the hybrid FG caused by the photoexcitation of electrons in NiSi-NDs and their transfer to Si-QDs. The photoexcited electron transfer from the NiSi-NDs to the Si-QDs in response to pulsed gate voltages was also evaluated from the increase in transient current caused by the light irradiation. The amount of transferred charge is likely to increase in proportion to pulse gate voltage.

  • Fabrication of β-FeSi2 Films on Si(111) Using Solid-Phase Growth Reaction from Fe and FeSi Sources

    Katsuaki MOMIYAMA  Kensaku KANOMATA  Shigeru KUBOTA  Fumihiko HIROSE  


    E96-C No:5

    We investigated solid-phase growth reactions for the fabrication of β-FeSi2 films from Fe and FeSi sources by reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). To enhance the interdiffusion of Fe and Si for the growth of β-FeSi2, the use of FeSi instead of pure Fe as the source for the initial deposition was examined. The RHEED observation during the solid phase reaction indicated that the growth temperature was markedly decreased to 390 K using the FeSi source. We discuss the reaction mechanism of the solid phase growth of β-FeSi2 from Fe and FeSi sources in this paper.

  • TSV Geometrical Variations and Optimization Metric with Repeaters for 3D IC

    Hung Viet NGUYEN  Myunghwan RYU  Youngmin KIM  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E95-C No:12

    This paper evaluates the impact of Through-Silicon Via (TSV) on the performance and power consumption of 3D circuitry. The physical and electrical model of TSV which considers the coupling effects with adjacent TSVs is exploited in our investigation. Simulation results show that the overall performance of 3D IC infused with TSV can be improved noticeably. The frequency of the ring oscillator in 4-tier stacking layout soars up to two times compared with one in 2D planar. Furthermore, TSV process variations are examined by Monte Carlo simulations to figure out the geometrical factor having more impact in manufacturing. An in-depth research on repeater associated with TSV offers a metric to compute the optimization of 3D systems integration in terms of performance and energy dissipation. By such optimization metric with 45 nm MOSFET used in our circuit layout, it is found that the optimal number of tiers in both performance and power consumption approaches 4 since the substantial TSV-TSV coupling effect in the worst case of interference is expected in 3D IC.

  • 3D Reconstruction with Globally-Optimized Point Selection

    Norimichi UKITA  Kazuki MATSUDA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E95-D No:12

    This paper proposes a method for reconstructing accurate 3D surface points. To this end, robust and dense reconstruction with Shape-from-Silhouettes (SfS) and accurate multiview stereo are integrated. Unlike gradual shape shrinking and/or bruteforce large space search by existing space carving approaches, our method obtains 3D points by SfS and stereo independently, and then selects correct ones from them. The point selection is achieved in accordance with spatial consistency and smoothness of 3D point coordinates and normals. The globally optimized points are selected by graph-cuts. Experimental results with several subjects containing complex shapes demonstrate that our method outperforms existing approaches and our previous method.

  • Transaction Ordering in Network-on-Chips for Post-Silicon Validation

    Amir Masoud GHAREHBAGHI  Masahiro FUJITA  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis, Test and Verification

    E95-A No:12

    In this paper, we have addressed the problem of ordering transactions in network-on-chips (NoCs) for post-silicon validation. The main idea is to extract the order of the transactions from the local partial orders in each NoC tile based on a set of “happened-before” rules, assuming transactions do not have a timestamp. The assumption is based on the fact that implementation and usage of a global time as timestamp in such systems may not be practical or efficient. When a new transaction is received in a tile, we send special messages to the neighboring tiles to inform them regarding the new transaction. The process of sending those special messages continues recursively in all the tiles that receive them until another such special message is detected. This way, we relate local orders of different tiles with each other. We show that our method can reconstruct the correct transaction orders when communication delays are deterministic. We have shown the effectiveness of our method by correctly ordering the transaction in NoCs with mesh and torus topologies with different sizes from 5*5 to 9*9. Also, we have implemented the proposed method in hardware to show its feasibility.

  • A Body Bias Clustering Method for Low Test-Cost Post-Silicon Tuning

    Shuta KIMURA  Masanori HASHIMOTO  Takao ONOYE  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis, Test and Verification

    E95-A No:12

    Post-silicon tuning is attracting a lot of attention for coping with increasing process variation. However, its tuning cost via testing is still a crucial problem. In this paper, we propose tuning-friendly body bias clustering with multiple bias voltages. The proposed method provides a small set of compensation levels so that the speed and leakage current vary monotonically according to the level. Thanks to this monotonic leveling and limitation of the number of levels, the test-cost of post-silicon tuning is significantly reduced. During the body bias clustering, the proposed method explicitly estimates and minimizes the average leakage after the post-silicon tuning. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method reduces the average leakage by 25.3 to 51.9% compared to non clustering case. In a test case of four clusters, the number of necessary tests is reduced by 83% compared to the conventional exhaustive test approach. We reveal that two bias voltages are sufficient when only a small number of compensation levels are allowed for test-cost reduction. We also give an implication on how to synthesize a circuit to which post-silicon tuning will be applied.

  • Performance of Spatial and Temporal Error Concealment Method for 3D DWT Video Coding in Packet Loss Channel

    Hirokazu TANAKA  Sunmi KIM  Takahiro OGAWA  Miki HASEYAMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E95-A No:11

    A new spatial and temporal error concealment method for three-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (3D DWT) video coding is analyzed. 3D DWT video coding employing dispersive grouping (DG) and two-step error concealment is an efficient method in a packet loss channel [20],[21]. In the two-step error concealment method, the interpolations are only spatially applied however, higher efficiency of the interpolation can be expected by utilizing spatial and temporal similarities. In this paper, we propose an enhanced spatial and temporal error concealment method in order to achieve higher error concealment (EC) performance in packet loss networks. In the temporal error concealment method, structural similarity (SSIM) index is employed for inter group of pictures (GOP) EC and minimum mean square error (MMSE) is used for intra GOP EC. Experimental results show that the proposed method can obtain remarkable performance compared with the conventional methods.
