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  • Design of Highly Parallel Linear Digital System for ULSI Processors

    Masami NAKAJIMA  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  

    PAPER-Multiple-Valued Architectures and Systems

    E76-C No:7

    To realize next-generation high performance ULSI processors, it is a very important issue to reduce the critical delay path which is determined by a cascade chain of basic gates. To design highly parallel digital operation circuits such as an adder and a multiplier, it is difficult to find the optimal code assignment in the non-linear digital system. On the other hand, the use of the linear concept in the digital system seems to be very attractive because analytical methods can be utilized. To meet the requirement, we propose a new design method of highly parallel linear digital circuits for unary operations using the concept of a cycle and a tree. In the linear digital circuit design, the analytical method can be developed using a representation matrix, so that the search procedure for optimal locally computable circuits becomes very simple. The evaluations demonstrate the usefulness of the circuit design algorithm.

  • A Practical Functional Test Using Flowchart for Production Testing of Microprocessor Based Sequence Controllers

    Masaki HASHIZUME  Takeomi TAMESADA  Eiji TASAKA  Toshihiro KAYAHARA  Tomohisa YAMAZOE  


    E76-D No:7

    In this letter, a practical functional test method is proposed for production tests of microprocessor based sequence controllers. In our method, a controller under test is determined as a faulty one if the outputs defined in the process flowchart can not be provided from the circuit.

  • Improved Forward Test Generation of Sequential Circuits Using Variable-Length Time Frames

    Yuzo TAKAMATSU  Taijiro OGAWA  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  


    E76-D No:7

    In our recent work, a forward test generation method for sequential circuits by using a single time frame was proposed. In order to improve the effectiveness of the method, we introduced an extended mode which can handle the two time frames for a hard-to-test fault and a state escaping phase which can detect a sequence of unsuitable states for test generation. The experimental results show that the improved method is effective in generating higher coverage tests with a small number of tests.

  • 88 Optical Matrix Switch Using Silica-Based Planar Lightwave Circuits

    Masayuki OKUNO  Akio SUGITA  Tohru MATSUNAGA  Masao KAWACHI  Yasuji OHMORI  Katsumi KATOH  


    E76-C No:7

    A strictly nonblocking 88 matrix switch was designed and fabricated using silica-based planar lightwave circuits (PLC) on a silicon substrate. The average insertion loss was 11 dB in the TE mode and 11.3 dB in the TM mode. The average switch element extinction ratio was 16.7 dB in the TE mode and 17.7 dB in the TM mode. The accumulated crosstalk was estimated to be 7.4 dB in the TE mode and 7.6 dB in the TM mode. The driving power of the phase shifter required for switching was about 0.5 W and the polarization dependence of the switching power was 4%. The switching response time was 1.3 msec. The wavelength range with a switch extinction ratio of over 15 dB was 1.31 µm30 nm.

  • Overlapped Partitioning Algorithm for the Solution of LSEs with Fixed Size Processor Array

    Ben CHEN  Mahoki ONODA  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E76-A No:6

    In this paper we present an Overlapped Block Gauss-Seidel (OBGS) algorithm for the solution of large scale LSEs (Linear System of Equations) based on array architecture which we have already proposed. Better partitioning for processor array usually requires (1) balanced block size, and (2) minimum coupling between blocks for better convergence. These conditions can well be satisfied by overlapping some variables in computation algorithm. The mathematical implication of overlapped partitioning is discussed at first, and some examples show the effectiveness of OBGS algorithm. Conclusion points out that the convergence properties can well be improved by proper choice of overlapped variables. An efficient algorithm is given for choosing block and variables in order to realize above conditions.

  • Circuit Emulation Technique in ATM Networks

    Changhwan OH  Masayuki MURATA  Hideo MIYAHARA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E76-B No:6

    A circuit emulation technique in the ATM network becomes necessary to guarantee user requirements similar to QOS grade offered by STM network where small bit error rates and constant delay times are offered. The Head-Of-Line method or other priority control schemes may be considered to provide such service in the ATM network, while it is known to give too inferior quality to non-circuit emulation service traffic. In this paper, we propose a new method called a periodical bandwidth allocation method for the circuit emulation technique. The cells of circuit emulation service traffic are transmitted periodically in our proposal. A periodical interval is determined from both the length of limit delay time of circuit emulation traffic in each switching node and the number of cell arrivals during the limit delay time. To evaluate our method, we consider three kinds of arrival patterns (the best case, the moderate case, and the worst case) for the circuit emulation traffic and a two-state MMPP for modeling the non-circuit emulation traffic. We show performance results in terms of the cell loss probability and the mean delay time in our proposal through analytic and simulation approaches.

  • Fault Analysis on (K+1)-Valued PLA Structure Logic Circuits

    Hui Min WANG  Chung Len LEE  Jwu E CHEN  

    PAPER-Fault Analysis, Testing and Verification

    E76-A No:6

    This paper presents a general form and a set of basic gates to implement (K+1)-valued PLA structure logic circuits. A complete fault analysis on the proposed circuit has been done and it is shown that all fanout stem faults can be collapsed to branch faults. A procedure for fault collapsing is derived. For any function implemented in the (K+1)-valued circuit, the number of remaining faults is smaller than that of the 2-valued circuit after the collapsing, where the value of K is dependent on the number of outputs and the assignment of the OR plane of the 2-valued logic circuit.

  • Focused Ion Beam Trimming Techniques for MMIC Circuit Optimization

    Takahide ISHIKAWA  Makio KOMARU  Kazuhiko ITOH  Katsuya KOSAKI  Yasuo MITSUI  Mutsuyuki OTSUBO  Shigeru MITSUI  


    E76-C No:6

    Focused Ion Beam (FIB) trimming techniques for circuit optimization for GaAs MMICs by adjusting the parameters of IC components such as resistors, capacitors, microstrip lines, and FETs have been developed. The adjustment is performed by etching of the components and depositing of metal films for micro-strip lines. This technology turned out to be in need of only half a day to optimize the circuit pattern without any further wafer processes, while a conventional method that is comprised of revising mask pattern and following several cycles of wafer process has needed 0.5-1.0 year requiring huge amount of development cost. This technology has been successfully applied to optimization of an X-band low dissipation current single stage MMIC amplifier, and has shown its great feasibility for shortening the turn around time.

  • A High Speed, Switched-Capacitor Analog-to-Digital Converter Using Unity-Gain Buffers

    Satomi OGAWA  Kenzo WATANABE  

    PAPER-Methods and Circuits for Signal Processing

    E76-A No:6

    A cyclic analog-to-digital (A/D) converter is developed which accomplishes an n-b conversion in n/2 clock cycles. The architecture consists of two 1-b quantizers connected in a loop. A CMOS design of the 1-b quantizer is given to evaluate the performance of the A/D converter when implemented using presently available process. Spice simulations and error analyses show that a resolution higher than 10-b and a sampling rate up to 1.4 Msps are attainable with a 3-µm CMOS process. A prototype converter breadboarded using discrete components has confirmed the principles of operation and error analyses. The device count and the power consumption are small compared to those of a successive-approximation A/D converter. A chip area required for the CMOS implementation is also small because only four unit capacitors are involved. Therefore, the architecture proposed herein is most suited for high accuracy, medium speed A/D conversion.

  • AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor ICs for Optical Transmission Systems

    Nobuo NAGANO  Tetsuyuki SUZAKI  Masaaki SODA  Kensuke KASAHARA  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E76-C No:6

    AlGaAs/GaAs HBT ICs for high bit-rate optical transmission systems, such as preamplifier, D-F/F, differential amplifier, and laser driver, have been newly developed using the hetero guard-ring fully self-aligned HBT (HGFST) fabrication process. In this process, the emitter mesa is ECR-RIBE dry etched using a thick emitter-metal system of WSi and Ti-Pt-Au as etching mask, and a hetero guard-ring composed of a depleted AlGaAs layer is fabricated on p GaAs extrinsic base regions. This process results in highly uniform HBT characteristics. The preamplifier IC exhibits a DC to 18.5-GHz transimpedance bandwidth with a transimpedance gain of 49 dBΩ. The rise time and fall time for the D-F/F IC are 30 and 23 ps, respectively. The laser driver IC has a 40-mAp-p output current swing. The differential amplifier exhibits a DC to 12.1-GHz bandwidth with a 14.2-dB power gain.

  • Improvement of Performances of SC Sigma-Delta Modulators

    Kenichi SUGITANI  Fumio UENO  Takahiro INOUE  Takeru YAMASHITA  Satoshi NAGATA  

    PAPER-Methods and Circuits for Signal Processing

    E76-A No:6

    Oversampled analog-to-digital (A/D) converters based on sigma-delta (ΣΔ) modulation are attractive for VLSI implementation because they are especially tolertant of circuit nonidealities and component mismatch. Oversampled ΣΔ modulator has some points which must be improved. Some of these problems are based on the small input signal and the integrator leak. In this paper,ΣΔ A/D converter having a dither circuit to improve the linearity and the compensation technique of the integer leak are presented. By the simulation, the most suitable dither to improve the linearity of the modulator is obtained as follows: the amplitude is 1/150 of input signal maximum amplitude, the frequency is 4-times of the signal-band. Using the compensation circuit of the integrator leak, 72 dB of dynamic range is obtained when op-amp gain is 30 dB.

  • Placement, Routing, and Compaction Algorithms for Analog Circuits

    Imbaby I. MAHMOUD  Toru AWASHIMA  Koji ASAKURA  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-Algorithms for VLSI Design

    E76-A No:6

    The performance of analog circuits is strongly influenced by their layout. Performance specifications are usually translated into physical constraints such as symmetry, common orientation, and distance constraints among certain components. Automatic digital layout tools can be adopted and modified to deal with the imposed performance constraints on the analog layout. The selection and modifications of algorithms to handle the analog constraints became the area of research in analog layout systems. The existing systems are characterized by the use of stochastic optimization techniques based placement, grid based or channel routers, and lack of compaction. In this paper, algorithms for analog circuit placement, routing, and compaction are presented. The proposed algorithms consider the analog oriented constraints, which are important from an analog layout point of view, and reduce the computation cost. The placement algorithm is based on a force directed method and consists of two main phases, each of which includes a tuning procedure. In the first phase, we solve a set of simultaneous linear equations, based upon the attractive forces. These attractive forces represent the interconnection topology of given blocks and some specified constraints. Symmetry constraint is considered throughout the tuning procedure. In the second phase, block overlap resulting from the first phase is resolved iteratively, where each iteration is followed by the symmetry tuning procedure. Routing is performed using a line expansion based gridless router. Routing constraints are taken into account and several routing priorities are imposed on the nets. The compactor part employs a constraint graph based algorithm while considering the analog symmetry constraints. The algorithms are implemented and integrated within an analog layout design system. An experimental result for an OP AMP provided by MCNC benchmark is shown to demonstrate the performance of the algorithms.

  • Design and Analysis of OTA Switched Current Mirrors

    Takahiro INOUE  Oinyun PAN  Fumio UENO  Yoshito OHUCHI  

    PAPER-Methods and Circuits for Signal Processing

    E76-A No:6

    Switched-current (SI) is a current-mode analog sampled-data signal processing technique realizable in standard digital CMOS technologies. In this paper, new switched-current (SI) mirrors using OTAs (operational transconductance amplifiers) are proposed. These circuits are less sensitive to clock-feedthrough noise than conventional SI mirrors by virtue of linear I-V/V-I transformations. In addition, the current gain of the proposed mirror is electronically tunable. Not only inverting mirrors but also noninverting mirrors can be realized by this method.

  • Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Basic Equation of Nonlinear Resistive Circuits Containing Ideal Diodes to Have a Unique Solution

    Tetsuo NISHI  Yuji KAWANE  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Circuits and Neural Nets

    E76-A No:6

    This paper deals with the uniqueness of a solution of the basic equation obtained from the analysis of resistive circuits including ideal diodes. The equation in consideration is of the type of (A-)X=b, where A is a constant matrix, b a constant vector, X an unknown vector satisfying X 0, and a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements take the value 0 or 1 arbitrarily. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the equation to have a unique solution X 0 for an arbitrary vector b are shown. Some numerical examples are given for the illustration of the result.

  • Global Unfolding of Chua's Circuit

    Leon O. CHUA  

    PAPER-Chaos and Related Topics

    E76-A No:5

    By adding a linear resistor in series with the inductor in Chua's circuit, we obtain a circuit whose state equation is topologically conjugate (i.e., equivalent) to a 21-parameter family C of continuous odd-symmetric piecewise-linear equations in R3. In particular, except for a subset of measure zero, every system or vector field belonging to the family C, can be mapped via an explicit non-singular linear transformation into this circuit, which is uniquely determined by 7 parameters. Since no circuit with less than 7 parameters has this property, this augmented circuit is called an unfolding of Chua's circuit--it is analogous to that of "unfolding a vector field" in a small neighborhood of a singular point. Our unfolding, however, is global since it applies to the entire state space R3. The significance of the unfolded Chua's Circuit is that the qualitative dynamics of every autonomous 3rd-order chaotic circuit, system, and differential equation, containing one odd-symmetric 3-segment piecewise-linear function can be mapped into this circuit, thereby making their separate analysis unnecessary. This immense power of unification reduces the investigation of the many heretofore unrelated publications on chaotic circuits and systems to the analysis of only one canonical circuit. This unified approach is illustrated by many examples selected from a zoo of more than 30 strange attractors extracted from the literature. In addition, a gallery of 18 strange attractors in full color is included to demonstrate the immensely rich and complex dynamics of this simplest among all chaotic circuits.

  • BiCMOS Circuit Techniques for 3.3 V Microprocessors

    Fumio MURABAYASHI  Tatsumi YAMAUCHI  Masahiro IWAMURA  Takashi HOTTA  Tetsuo NAKANO  Yutaka KOBAYASHI  


    E76-C No:5

    With increases in frequency and density of RISC microprocessors due to rapid advances in architecture, circuit and fine device technologies, power consumption becomes a bigger concern. Supply voltage should be reduced from 5 V to 3.3 V. In this paper, several novel circuits using 0.5µm BiCMOS technology are proposed. These can be applied to a superscalar RISC microprocessor at 3.3 V power supply or below. High speed and low power consumption characteristics are achieved in a floating-point data path, an integer data path and a TLB by using the proposed circuits. The three concepts behind the proposed high speed circuit techniques at low voltage are summarized as follows. There are a number of heavy load paths in a microprocessor, and these become critical paths under low voltage conditions. To achieve high speed characteristics under heavy load conditions without increasing circuit area, low voltage swing operation of a circuit is effective. By exploiting the high conductance of a bipolar transistor, instead of using an MOS transistor, low swing operation can be got. This first concept is applied to a single-ended common-base sense circuit with low swing data lines in the register file of a floating and an integer data path. Both multi-series transistor connections and voltage drops by Vth of MOS transistors and Vbe of bipolar transistors also degrade the speed performance of a circuit. Then the second concept employed is a wired-OR logic circuit technique using bipolar transistors which is applied to a comparator in the TLB instead of multi-series transistor connections of CMOS circuits. The third concept to overcome the voltage drops by Vth and Vbe is addition of a pull up PMOS to both the path logic adder and the BiNMOS logic gate to ensure the circuits have full swing operation.

  • A 10-b 300-MHz Interpolated-Parallel A/D Converter

    Hiroshi KIMURA  Akira MATSUZAWA  Takashi NAKAMURA  Shigeki SAWADA  


    E76-C No:5

    This paper describes a monolithic 10-b A/D converter that realized a maximum conversion frequency of 300 MHz. Through the development of the interpolated-parallel scheme, the severe requirement for the transistor Vbe matching can be alleviated drastically, which improves differential nonlinearity (DNL) significantly to within 0.4 LSB. Furthermore, an extremely small input capacitance of 8 pF can be attained, which translates into better dynamic performance such as SNR of 56 dB and THD of 59 dB for an input frequency of 10 MHz. Additionally, the folded differential logic circuit has been developed to reduce the number of elements, power dissipation, and die area drastically. Consequently, the A/D converter has been implemented as a 9.0 4.2-mm2 chip integrating 36K elements, which consumes 4.0 W using a 1.0-µm-rule, 25-GHz ft, double-polysilicon self-aligned bipolar technology.

  • Process and Device Technologies of CMOS Devices for Low-Voltage Operation

    Masakazu KAKUMU  


    E76-C No:5

    Process and device technologies of CMOS devices for low-voltage operation are described. First, optimum power-supply voltage for CMOS devices is examined in detail from the viewpoints of circuit performance, device reliability and power dissipation. As a result, it is confirmed that power-supply voltage can be reduced without any speed loss of the CMOS device. Based upon theoretical understanding, the author suggests that lowering threshold voltage and reduction of junction capacitance are indispensable for CMOS devices with low-voltage supply, in order to improve the circuit performance, as expected from MOS device scaling. Process and device technologies such as Silicon On Insulator (SOI) device, low-temperature operation and CMOS Shallow Junction Well FET (CMOS-SJET) structure are reviewed for reduction of the threshold voltage and junction capacitance which lead to high-seed operation of the COMS device at low-voltage.

  • Optical Multiplex Computing Based on Set-Valued Logic and Its Application to Parallel Sorting Networks

    Shuichi MAEDA  Takafumi AOKI  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Optical Logic

    E76-D No:5

    A new computer architecture using multiwavelength optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs) is proposed to attack the problems caused by interconnection complexity. Multiwavelength-OEIC architecures, where various wavelengths are employed as information carriers, provide the wavelength as an extra dimension of freedom for parallel processing, so that we can perform several independent computations in parallel in a single optical module using the wavelength space. This multiplex computing" enables us to reduce the wiring area required by a network and improve their complexity. In this paper, we discuss the efficient multiplexing of Batcher's bitonic sorting networks, highly parallel computing architectures that require global interconnections inherently. A systematic multiplexing of interconnection topology is presented using a binary representation of the connectivities of interconnection paths. It is shown that the wiring area can be reduced by a factor of 1/r2 using r kinds of wavelength components.

  • BiCMOS Circuit Performance at Low Supply Voltage

    Yutaka KOBAYASHI  


    E76-C No:5

    BiCMOS circuit performance at low supply voltages is discussed. The basic advantages of BiCMOS circuits are briefly reviewed, and then actual advantages of the BiCMOS gate and the BiCMOS sense circuits, which are typical BiCMOS circuits, are explained. Their advantages at low supply voltages are also discussed. BiCMOS gates, BiCMOS sense circuits, and combined circuits that include a BiCMOS sense circuit are two or three times faster than CMOS circuits down to a supply voltage of 2 V. BiCMOS circuits have high performance even at low supply voltages such as 2 V.
