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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E105-A No.8  (Publication Date:2022/08/01)

    Regular Section
  • Rate-Encoding A/D Converter Based on Spiking Neuron Model with Rectangular Wave Threshold Signal

    Yusuke MATSUOKA  Hiroyuki KAWASAKI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems


    This paper proposes and characterizes an A/D converter (ADC) based on a spiking neuron model with a rectangular threshold signal. The neuron repeats an integrate-and-fire process and outputs a superstable spike sequence. The dynamics of this system are closely related to those of rate-encoding ADCs. We propose an ADC system based on the spiking neuron model. We derive a theoretical parameter region in a limited time interval of the digital output sequence. We analyze the conversion characteristics in this region and verify that they retain the monotonic increase and rate encoding of an ADC.

  • Convergence Acceleration via Chebyshev Step: Plausible Interpretation of Deep-Unfolded Gradient Descent

    Satoshi TAKABE  Tadashi WADAYAMA  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization


    Deep unfolding is a promising deep-learning technique, whose network architecture is based on expanding the recursive structure of existing iterative algorithms. Although deep unfolding realizes convergence acceleration, its theoretical aspects have not been revealed yet. This study details the theoretical analysis of the convergence acceleration in deep-unfolded gradient descent (DUGD) whose trainable parameters are step sizes. We propose a plausible interpretation of the learned step-size parameters in DUGD by introducing the principle of Chebyshev steps derived from Chebyshev polynomials. The use of Chebyshev steps in gradient descent (GD) enables us to bound the spectral radius of a matrix governing the convergence speed of GD, leading to a tight upper bound on the convergence rate. Numerical results show that Chebyshev steps numerically explain the learned step-size parameters in DUGD well.

  • How to Extend CTRT for AES-256 and AES-192

    SeongHan SHIN  Shota YAMADA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Yusuke ISHIDA  Atsushi KUNII  Junichi OKETANI  Shimpei KUNII  Kiyoshi TOMOMURA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security


    AONT (All-or-Nothing Transform) is a kind of (n, n)-threshold secret sharing scheme that distributes a message m into a set of n shares such that the message m can be reconstructed if and only if n shares are collected. At CRYPTO 2000, Desai proposed a simple and faster AONT based on the CTR mode of encryption (called CTRT) and proved its security in the ideal cipher model. Though AES-128, whose key length k = 128 and block length l = 128, can be used in CTRT as a block cipher, AES-256 and AES-192 cannot be used due to its intrinsic restriction of kl. In this paper, we propose an extended CTRT (for short, XCTRT) suitable for AES-256. By thoroughly evaluating all the tricky cases, we prove that XCTRT is secure in the ideal cipher model under the same CTRT security definition. Also, we discuss the security result of XCTRT in concrete parameter settings. For more flexibility of key length, we propose a variant of XCTRT dealing with l<k ≤ 2l by slightly modifying the construction of the last block. After showing implementation details and performance evaluation of CTRT, XCTRT, and the variant, we can say that our XCTRT and its variant have high-speed encoding and decoding performance and are quite practical enough to be deployed in real-world applications.

  • On Cryptographic Parameters of Permutation Polynomials of the form xrh(x(2n-1)/d)

    Jaeseong JEONG  Chang Heon KIM  Namhun KOO  Soonhak KWON  Sumin LEE  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security


    The differential uniformity, the boomerang uniformity, and the extended Walsh spectrum etc are important parameters to evaluate the security of S (substitution)-box. In this paper, we introduce efficient formulas to compute these cryptographic parameters of permutation polynomials of the form xrh(x(2n-1)/d) over a finite field of q=2n elements, where r is a positive integer and d is a positive divisor of 2n-1. The computational cost of those formulas is proportional to d. We investigate differentially 4-uniform permutation polynomials of the form xrh(x(2n-1)/3) and compute the boomerang spectrum and the extended Walsh spectrum of them using the suggested formulas when 6≤n≤12 is even, where d=3 is the smallest nontrivial d for even n. We also investigate the differential uniformity of some permutation polynomials introduced in some recent papers for the case d=2n/2+1.

  • Convolutional Neural Networks Based Dictionary Pair Learning for Visual Tracking

    Chenchen MENG  Jun WANG  Chengzhi DENG  Yuanyun WANG  Shengqian WANG  



    Feature representation is a key component of most visual tracking algorithms. It is difficult to deal with complex appearance changes with low-level hand-crafted features due to weak representation capacities of such features. In this paper, we propose a novel tracking algorithm through combining a joint dictionary pair learning with convolutional neural networks (CNN). We utilize CNN model that is trained on ImageNet-Vid to extract target features. The CNN includes three convolutional layers and two fully connected layers. A dictionary pair learning follows the second fully connected layer. The joint dictionary pair is learned upon extracted deep features by the trained CNN model. The temporal variations of target appearances are learned in the dictionary learning. We use the learned dictionaries to encode target candidates. A linear combination of atoms in the learned dictionary is used to represent target candidates. Extensive experimental evaluations on OTB2015 demonstrate the superior performances against SOTA trackers.

  • Ray Tracing Acceleration using Rank Minimization for Radio Map Simulation

    Norisato SUGA  Ryohei SASAKI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing


    In this letter, a ray tracing (RT) acceleration method based on rank minimization is proposed. RT is a general tool used to simulate wireless communication environments. However, the simulation is time consuming because of the large number of ray calculations. This letter focuses on radio map interpolation as an acceleration approach. In the conventional methods cannot appropriately estimate short-span variation caused by multipath fading. To overcome the shortage of the conventional methods, we adopt rank minimization based interpolation. A computational simulation using commercial RT software revealed that the interpolation accuracy of the proposed method was higher than those of other radio map interpolation methods and that RT simulation can be accelerated approximate five times faster with the missing rate of 0.8.

  • Faster Final Exponentiation on the KSS18 Curve

    Shi Ping CAI  Zhi HU  Chang An ZHAO  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security


    The final exponentiation affects the efficiency of pairing computations especially on pairing-friendly curves with high embedding degree. We propose an efficient method for computing the hard part of the final exponentiation on the KSS18 curve at the 192-bit security level. Implementations indicate that the computation of the final exponentiation is 8.74% faster than the previously fastest result.

  • New Constructions of Quadriphase Periodic Almost-Complementary Pairs

    Tao YU  Yang YANG  Hua MENG  Yong WANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory


    Almost-complementary pairs (ACPs) are sequence pairs whose autocorrelations sum up to zero at all but one non-zero time-shifts. Periodic ACPs (P-ACPs) display almost similar correlation properties to that of the periodic complementary pairs (PCPs). In this letter, we propose systematic constructions of quadriphase P-ACPs (QP-ACPs) from aperiodic (periodic) complementary pairs and almost perfect binary (quadriphase) sequences. The proposed construction gives QP-ACPs of new lengths which are not covered in the literature.

  • Multi Feature Fusion Attention Learning for Clothing-Changing Person Re-Identification

    Liwei WANG  Yanduo ZHANG  Tao LU  Wenhua FANG  Yu WANG  



    Person re-identification (Re-ID) aims to match the same pedestrain identity images across different camera views. Because pedestrians will change clothes frequently for a relatively long time, while many current methods rely heavily on color appearance information or only focus on the person biometric features, these methods make the performance dropped apparently when it is applied to Clohting-Changing. To relieve this dilemma, we proposed a novel Multi Feature Fusion Attention Network (MFFAN), which learns the fine-grained local features. Then we introduced a Clothing Adaptive Attention (CAA) module, which can integrate multiple granularity features to guide model to learn pedestrain's biometric feature. Meanwhile, in order to fully verify the performance of our method on clothing-changing Re-ID problem, we designed a Clothing Generation Network (CGN), which can generate multiple pictures of the same identity wearing different clothes. Finally, experimental results show that our method exceeds the current best method by over 5% and 6% on the VCcloth and PRCC datasets respectively.

  • Spectral Reflectance Reconstruction Based on BP Neural Network and the Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm

    Lu ZHANG  Chengqun WANG  Mengyuan FANG  Weiqiang XU  

    LETTER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering


    To solve the problem of metamerism in the color reproduction process, various spectral reflectance reconstruction methods combined with neural network have been proposed in recent years. However, these methods are generally sensitive to initial values and can easily converge to local optimal solutions, especially on small data sets. In this paper, we propose a spectral reflectance reconstruction algorithm based on the Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) and an improved Sparrow Search Algorithm (SSA). In this algorithm, to solve the problem that BPNN is sensitive to initial values, we propose to use SSA to initialize BPNN, and we use the sine chaotic mapping to further improve the stability of the algorithm. In the experiment, we tested the proposed algorithm on the X-Rite ColorChecker Classic Mini Chart which contains 24 colors, the results show that the proposed algorithm has significantly better performance compared to other algorithms and moreover it can meet the needs of spectral reflectance reconstruction on small data sets. Code is avaible at