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  • Corrected Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent for Top-k SVM

    Yoshihiro HIROHASHI  Tsuyoshi KATO  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E103-D No:11

    Currently, the top-k error ratio is one of the primary methods to measure the accuracy of multi-category classification. Top-k multiclass SVM was designed to minimize the empirical risk based on the top-k error ratio. Two SDCA-based algorithms exist for learning the top-k SVM, both of which have several desirable properties for achieving optimization. However, both algorithms suffer from a serious disadvantage, that is, they cannot attain the optimal convergence in most cases owing to their theoretical imperfections. As demonstrated through numerical simulations, if the modified SDCA algorithm is employed, optimal convergence is always achieved, in contrast to the failure of the two existing SDCA-based algorithms. Finally, our analytical results are presented to clarify the significance of these existing algorithms.

  • Fabrication and Strain Vector Characteristics of Multicore Fiber Based FBG

    Zhao SUN  Shunge DENG  Xin MA  Haimei LUO  Xinwan LI  


    E103-B No:11

    Through novel rotation writing method of Bragg grating in multicore fiber, its strain vector characteristics are analyzed. The relation between the rotation angle and the strain curvature sensitivity is obtained. Reconstruction of strain vector is verified.

  • Proposal and Verification of Auto Calibration Technique for Bias Control Circuit Connecting to Built-In Optical Power Monitor in Imperfect IQ-Modulator

    Hiroto KAWAKAMI  Shoichiro KUWAHARA  Yoshiaki KISAKA  


    E103-B No:11

    We show that imperfection in an IQ-modulator degrades the accuracy of the auto bias control (ABC) circuit connected to the modulator's complementary port. Theoretical analyses show that the IQ-modulator constructed by a nested Mach-Zehnder modulator with a low extinction ratio can distort a constellation of modulated light observed at the complementary port. We propose an auto calibration technique for the ABC circuit that can effectively suppress this degradation. Experimental results using 32-Gbaud, 16-QAM signals showed the measured Q-factor improved by 0.5dB with our proposed technique.

  • FF-Control Point Insertion (FF-CPI) to Overcome the Degradation of Fault Detection under Multi-Cycle Test for POST

    Hanan T. Al-AWADHI  Tomoki AONO  Senling WANG  Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Hiroyuki IWATA  Yoichi MAEDA  Jun MATSUSHIMA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E103-D No:11

    Multi-cycle Test looks promising a way to reduce the test application time of POST (Power-on Self-Test) for achieving a targeted high fault coverage specified by ISO26262 for testing automotive devices. In this paper, we first analyze the mechanism of Stuck-at Fault Detection Degradation problem in multi-cycle test. Based on the result of our analysis we propose a novel solution named FF-Control Point Insertion technique (FF-CPI) to achieve the reduction of scan-in patterns by multi-cycle test. The FF-CPI technique modifies the captured values of scan Flip-Flops (FFs) during capture operation by directly reversing the value of partial FFs or loading random vectors. The FF-CPI technique enhances the number of detectable stuck-at faults under the capture patterns. The experimental results of ISCAS89 and ITC99 benchmarks validated the effectiveness of FF-CPI technique in scan-in pattern reduction for POST.

  • Testing Homogeneity for Normal Mixture Models: Variational Bayes Approach

    Natsuki KARIYA  Sumio WATANABE  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E103-A No:11

    The test of homogeneity for normal mixtures has been used in various fields, but its theoretical understanding is limited because the parameter set for the null hypothesis corresponds to singular points in the parameter space. In this paper, we shed a light on this issue from a new perspective, variational Bayes, and offer a theory for testing homogeneity based on it. Conventional theory has not reveal the stochastic behavior of the variational free energy, which is necessary for constructing a hypothesis test, has remained unknown. We clarify it for the first time and construct a new test base on it. Numerical experiments show the validity of our results.

  • Dynamic Image Adjustment Method and Evaluation for Glassless 3D Viewing Systems

    Takayuki NAKATA  Isao NISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E103-D No:11

    In this paper, we propose an accurate calibration method for glassless stereoscopic systems. The method uses a lenticular lens on a general display. Glassless stereoscopic displays are currently used in many fields; however, accurately adjusting their physical display position is difficult because an accuracy of several microns or one hundredth of a degree is required, particularly given their larger display area. The proposed method enables a dynamic adjustment of the positions of images on the display to match various physical conditions in three-dimensional (3D) displays. In particular, compared with existing approaches, this avoids degradation of the image quality due to the image location on the screen while improving the image quality by local mapping. Moreover, it is shown to decrease the calibration time by performing simultaneous processing for each local area. As a result of the calibration, the offset jitter representing the crosstalk reduces from 14.946 to 8.645 mm. It is shown that high-quality 3D videos can be generated. Finally, we construct a stereoscopic viewing system using a high-resolution display and lenticular lens and produce high-quality 3D images with automatic calibration.

  • Study on Silicon-Based Polarization Converter Using Asymmetric Slot Waveguide

    Zejun ZHANG  Yasuhide TSUJI  Masashi EGUCHI  Chun-ping CHEN  


    E103-C No:11

    A compact optical polarization converter (PC) based on slot waveguide has been proposed in this study. Utilizing the high refractive index contrast between a Si waveguide and SiO2 cladding on the silicon-on-insulator platform, the light beam can be strongly confined in a slot waveguide structure. The proposed PC consists of a square waveguide and an L-shape cover waveguide. Since the overall structure is symmetrically distributed along the axis rotated 45-degree from the horizontal direction, the optical axis of this PC lies in the direction with equi-angle from two orthogonally polarized modes of the input and output ends, which leads to a high polarization conversion efficiency (PCE). 3D FDTD simulation results illustrate that a TE-to-TM mode conversion is achieved with a device length of 8.2 µm, and the PCE exceeds 99.8%. The structural tolerance and wavelength dependence of the PC have also been discussed in detail.

  • Design and Performance Analysis of a Skin-Stretcher Device for Urging Head Rotation

    Takahide ITO  Yuichi NAKAMURA  Kazuaki KONDO  Espen KNOOP  Jonathan ROSSITER  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E103-D No:11

    This paper introduces a novel skin-stretcher device for gently urging head rotation. The device pulls and/or pushes the skin on the user's neck by using servo motors. The user is induced to rotate his/her head based on the sensation caused by the local stretching of skin. This mechanism informs the user when and how much the head rotation is requested; however it does not force head rotation, i.e., it allows the user to ignore the stimuli and to maintain voluntary movements. We implemented a prototype device and analyzed the performance of the skin stretcher as a human-in-the-loop system. Experimental results define its fundamental characteristics, such as input-output gain, settling time, and other dynamic behaviors. Features are analyzed, for example, input-output gain is stable within the same installation condition, but various between users.

  • Impact of Sampling and Quantization on Kramers-Kronig Relation-Based Direct Detection Open Access

    Takaha FUJITA  Kentaro TOBA  Kariyawasam Indipalage Amila SAMPATH  Joji MAEDA  


    E103-B No:11

    Impact of sampling frequency and the number of quantization bit of analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) in a direct detection lightwave system using Kramers-Kronig (KK) relation, which has been attracting attention in recent years, are numerically investigated. We studied the effect of spectral broadening caused by nonlinear operations (logarithm, square root) of the KK algorithm when the frequency gap (shift frequency) between the modulated signal and the optical tone is varied. We found that reception performances depend on both the ADC bandwidth and the relative positions of the optical tone and the spectrum. Spectral broadening caused by the logarithm operation of the KK algorithm is found to be the dominant factor of signal distortion in an ADC bandwidth limited system. We studied the effect of the number of quantization bit on the error vector magnitude (EVM) of KK relation based reception in a carrier-to-signal power ratio (CSPR) adjustable transmission system. We found that performances of KK relation based receiver can be improved by increasing the number of quantization bits. For minimum-phase-condition satisfied KK receiver, the required number of quantization bit was found to be 5 bits or more for detection of QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM-modulated signal after 20-km transmission.

  • Ultra-Low Crosstalk Multi-Core Fiber with Standard 125-μm Cladding Diameter for 10,000km-Class Long-Haul Transmission Open Access

    Yuto SAGAE  Takashi MATSUI  Taiji SAKAMOTO  Kazuhide NAKAJIMA  


    E103-B No:11

    We propose an ultra-low inter-core crosstalk (XT) multi-core fiber (MCF) with standard 125-μm cladding. We show the fiber design and fabrication results of an MCF housing four cores with W-shaped index profile; it offers XT of less than -67dB/km over the whole C+L band. This enables us to realize 10,000-km transmission with negligible XT penalty. We also observe a low-loss of 0.17dB/km (average) at a wavelength of 1.55μm and other optical properties compatible with ITU-T G.654.B fiber. We also elucidate its good micro-bend resistance in terms of both the loss and XT to confirm its applicability to high-density optical fiber cables. Finally, we show that the fabricated MCF is feasible along with long-distance transmission by confirming that the XT noise performance corresponds to transmission distances of 10,000km or more.

  • Algorithms for Distributed Server Allocation Problem

    Takaaki SAWA  Fujun HE  Akio KAWABATA  Eiji OKI  


    E103-B No:11

    This paper proposes two algorithms, namely Server-User Matching (SUM) algorithm and Extended Server-User Matching (ESUM) algorithm, for the distributed server allocation problem. The server allocation problem is to determine the matching between servers and users to minimize the maximum delay, which is the maximum time to complete user synchronization. We analyze the computational time complexity. We prove that the SUM algorithm obtains the optimal solutions in polynomial time for the special case that all server-server delay values are the same and constant. We provide the upper and lower bounds when the SUM algorithm is applied to the general server allocation problem. We show that the ESUM algorithm is a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm that can attain the optimal solution for the server allocation problem parameterized by the number of servers. Numerical results show that the computation time of ESUM follows the analyzed complexity while the ESUM algorithm outperforms the approach of integer linear programming solved by our examined solver.

  • On the Calculation of the G-MGF for Two-Ray Fading Model with Its Applications in Communications

    Jinu GONG  Hoojin LEE  Rumin YANG  Joonhyuk KANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E103-A No:11

    Two-ray (TR) fading model is one of the fading models to represent a worst-case fading scenario. We derive the exact closed-form expressions of the generalized moment generating function (G-MGF) for the TR fading model, which enables us to analyze the numerous types of wireless communication applications. Among them, we carry out several analytical results for the TR fading model, including the exact ergodic capacity along with asymptotic expressions and energy detection performance. Finally, we provide numerical results to validate our evaluations.

  • Flex-LIONS: A Silicon Photonic Bandwidth-Reconfigurable Optical Switch Fabric Open Access

    Roberto PROIETTI  Xian XIAO  Marjan FARIBORZ  Pouya FOTOUHI  Yu ZHANG  S. J. Ben YOO  


    E103-B No:11

    This paper summarizes our recent studies on architecture, photonic integration, system validation and networking performance analysis of a flexible low-latency interconnect optical network switch (Flex-LIONS) for datacenter and high-performance computing (HPC) applications. Flex-LIONS leverages the all-to-all wavelength routing property in arrayed waveguide grating routers (AWGRs) combined with microring resonator (MRR)-based add/drop filtering and multi-wavelength spatial switching to enable topology and bandwidth reconfigurability to adapt the interconnection to different traffic profiles. By exploiting the multiple free spectral ranges of AWGRs, it is also possible to provide reconfiguration while maintaining minimum-diameter all-to-all interconnectivity. We report experimental results on the design, fabrication, and system testing of 8×8 silicon photonic (SiPh) Flex-LIONS chips demonstrating error-free all-to-all communication and reconfiguration exploiting different free spectral ranges (FSR0 and FSR1, respectively). After reconfiguration in FSR1, the bandwidth between the selected pair of nodes is increased from 50Gb/s to 125Gb/s while an all interconnectivity at 25Gb/s is maintained using FSR0. Finally, we investigate the use of Flex-LIONS in two different networking scenarios. First, networking simulations for a 256-node datacenter inter-rack communication scenario show the potential latency and energy benefits when using Flex-LIONS for optical reconfiguration based on different traffic profiles (a legacy fat-tree architecture is used for comparison). Second, we demonstrate the benefits of leveraging two FSRs in an 8-node 64-core computing system to provide reconfiguration for the hotspot nodes while maintaining minimum-diameter all-to-all interconnectivity.

  • Generation of Checkered Pattern Images by Iterative Calculation Using Prewitt Filter with Expanded Window Size

    Toru HIRAOKA  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E103-D No:11

    We propose a nonphotorealistic rendering method for generating checkered pattern images from photographic images. The proposed method is executed by iterative calculation using a Prewitt filter with an expanded window size and can automatically generate checkered patterns according to changes in edges and shade of photographic images. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, an experiment was conducted using various photographic images. An additional experiment was conducted to visually confirm the checkered pattern images generated by changing the iteration number, window size, and parameter to emphasize the checkered patterns.

  • Dual-Carrier 1-Tb/s Transmission Over Field-Deployed G.654.E Fiber Link Using Real-Time Transponder Open Access

    Fukutaro HAMAOKA  Takeo SASAI  Kohei SAITO  Takayuki KOBAYASHI  Asuka MATSUSHITA  Masanori NAKAMURA  Hiroki TANIGUCHI  Shoichiro KUWAHARA  Hiroki KAWAHARA  Takeshi SEKI  Josuke OZAKI  Yoshihiro OGISO  Hideki MAEDA  Yoshiaki KISAKA  Masahito TOMIZAWA  


    E103-B No:11

    We demonstrated 1-Tb/s-class transmissions of field-deployed large-core low-loss fiber links, which is compliant with ITU-T G.654.E, using our newly developed real-time transponder consisting of a state-of-the-art 16-nm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) based digital signal processing application-specific integrated circuit (DSP-ASIC) and an indium phosphide (InP) based high-bandwidth coherent driver modulator (HB-CDM). In this field experiment, we have achieved record transmission distances of 1122km for net data-rate 1-Tb/s transmission with dual polarization-division multiplexed (PDM) 32 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals, and of 336.6 km for net data-rate 1.2-Tb/s transmission with dual PDM-64QAM signals. This is the first demonstration of applying hybrid erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) and backward-distributed Raman amplifier were applied to terrestrial G.654.E fiber links. We also confirmed the stability of signal performance over field fiber transmission in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) condition. The Q-factor fluctuations respectively were only less than or equal to 0.052dB and 0.07dB for PDM-32QAM and PDM-64QAM signals within continuous measurements for 60 minutes.

  • Reach Extension of 10G-EPON Upstream Transmission Using Distributed Raman Amplification and SOA

    Ryo IGARASHI  Masamichi FUJIWARA  Takuya KANAI  Hiro SUZUKI  Jun-ichi KANI  Jun TERADA  


    E103-B No:11

    Effective user accommodation will be more and more important in passive optical networks (PONs) in the next decade since the number of subscribers has been leveling off as well and it is becoming more difficult for network operators to keep sufficient numbers of maintenance workers. Drastically reducing the number of small-scale communication buildings while keeping the number of accommodated users is one of the most attractive solutions to meet this situation. To achieve this, we propose two types of long-reach repeater-free upstream transmission configurations for PON systems; (i) one utilizes a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) as a pre-amplifier and (ii) the other utilizes distributed Raman amplification (DRA) in addition to the SOA. Our simulations assuming 10G-EPON specifications and transmission experiments on a 10G-EPON prototype confirm that configuration (i) can add a 17km trunk fiber to a normal PON system with 10km access reach and 1 : 64 split (total 27km reach), while configuration (ii) can further expand the trunk fiber distance to 37km (total 47km reach). Network operators can select these configurations depending on their service areas.

  • OFR-Net: Optical Flow Refinement with a Pyramid Dense Residual Network

    Liping ZHANG  Zongqing LU  Qingmin LIAO  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E103-A No:11

    This paper proposes a new and effective convolutional neural network model termed OFR-Net for optical flow refinement. The OFR-Net exploits the spatial correlation between images and optical flow fields. It adopts a pyramidal codec structure with residual connections, dense connections and skip connections within and between the encoder and decoder, to comprehensively fuse features of different scales, locally and globally. We also introduce a warp loss to restrict large displacement refinement errors. A series of experiments on the FlyingChairs and MPI Sintel datasets show that the OFR-Net can effectively refine the optical flow predicted by various methods.

  • Example Phrase Adaptation Method for Customized, Example-Based Dialog System Using User Data and Distributed Word Representations

    Norihide KITAOKA  Eichi SETO  Ryota NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E103-D No:11

    We have developed an adaptation method which allows the customization of example-based dialog systems for individual users by applying “plus” and “minus” operations to the distributed representations obtained using the word2vec method. After retrieving user-related profile information from the Web, named entity extraction is applied to the retrieval results. Words with a high term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) score are then adopted as user related words. Next, we calculate the similarity between the distrubuted representations of selected user-related words and nouns in the existing example phrases, using word2vec embedding. We then generate phrases adapted to the user by substituting user-related words for highly similar words in the original example phrases. Word2vec also has a special property which allows the arithmetic operations “plus” and “minus” to be applied to distributed word representations. By applying these operations to words used in the original phrases, we are able to determine which user-related words can be used to replace the original words. The user-related words are then substituted to create customized example phrases. We evaluated the naturalness of the generated phrases and found that the system could generate natural phrases.

  • Available Spectral Space in C-Band Expansion Remaining After Optical Quantization Based on Intensity-to-Lambda Conversion Open Access



    E103-B No:11

    A high degree of freedom in spectral domain allows us to accommodate additional optical signal processing for wavelength division multiplexing in photonic analog-to-digital conversion. We experimentally verified a spectral compression to save a necessary bandwidth for soliton self-frequency shift based optical quantization through the cascade of the four-wave mixing based and the sum-frequency generation based spectral compression. This approach can realize 0.03 nm individual bandwidth correspond to save up to more than 85 percent of bandwidth for 7-bit optical quantization in C-band.

  • Concatenated LDPC/Trellis Codes: Surpassing the Symmetric Information Rate of Channels with Synchronization Errors

    Ryo SHIBATA  Gou HOSOYA  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E103-A No:11

    We propose a coding/decoding strategy that surpasses the symmetric information rate of a binary insertion/deletion (ID) channel and approaches the Markov capacity of the channel. The proposed codes comprise inner trellis codes and outer irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. The trellis codes are designed to mimic the transition probabilities of a Markov input process that achieves a high information rate, whereas the LDPC codes are designed to maximize an iterative decoding threshold in the superchannel (concatenation of the ID channels and trellis codes).
